exit 1
+ # Find the number of primaries for this job (the same for all line and different of 0)
+ # Get the number of primaries from edep and square_edep to determine the std.
+ nbPrimary=0
+ for i in $(seq 2 $nblines); do
+ #Get the line
+ file2=`sed -n "${i}p" < ${IN2}`
+ edep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f3 -d' ')
+ stdEdep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f4 -d' ')
+ sqEdep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f5 -d' ')
+ nbPrimary=$(python <<EOP
+if ($edep2 == 0 or $sqEdep2 == 0):
+ print(0)
+ temp=pow($edep2,2)*(pow($stdEdep2,2)-1)/(pow($stdEdep2*$edep2,2)-$sqEdep2)
+ print(int(round(temp)))
+ )
+ if [ $nbPrimary -ne 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ dose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f6 -d' ')
+ stdDose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f7 -d' ')
+ sqDose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f8 -d' ')
+ nbPrimary=$(python <<EOP
+if ($dose2 == 0 or $sqDose2 == 0):
+ print(0)
+ temp=pow($dose2,2)*(pow($stdDose2,2)-1)/(pow($stdDose2*$dose2,2)-$sqDose2)
+ print(int(round(temp)))
+ )
+ if [ $nbPrimary -ne 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
#Copy the 1st line in output
line1=`sed -n "1p" < ${RESULT}`
echo "${line1}" >> ${TMP}
file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${sqEdep3} '{$5=r}1')
+ # Get the number of primaries from edep and square_edep to determine the std.
+ # Sum the number of primaries with the latter ones
+ nbPrimaryEdep1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f4 -d' ')
+ nbPrimaryEdep3=$(python <<EOP
+ )
+ nbPrimaryEdep3=${nbPrimaryEdep3/#./0.}
+ file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${nbPrimaryEdep3} '{$4=r}1')
# sum dose: get the 2 values, sum them and replace it in the file3
dose1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f6 -d' ')
dose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f6 -d' ')
file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${sqDose3} '{$8=r}1')
+ # Get the number of primaries from dose and square_dose to determine the std.
+ # Sum the number of primaries with the latter ones
+ nbPrimaryDose1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f7 -d' ')
+ stdDose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f7 -d' ')
+ nbPrimaryDose3=$(python <<EOP
+ )
+ nbPrimaryDose3=${nbPrimaryDose3/#./0.}
+ file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${nbPrimaryDose3} '{$7=r}1')
# sum n_hits: get the 2 values, sum them and replace it in the file3
hit1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f9 -d' ')
hit2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f9 -d' ')
mv -f ${TMP} ${RESULT}
+function copyFirstPartialResult {
+ IN1=$2
+ TMP="$(mktemp)"
+ # check if all 2 text files have the same number of lines
+ nblines=`cat ${IN1} | wc -l`
+ nb3=`cat ${RESULT} | wc -l`
+ if [ $nblines -ne $nb3 ]; then
+ echo "Files does not have the same size"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Find the number of primaries for this job (the same for all line and different of 0)
+ # Get the number of primaries from edep and square_edep to determine the std.
+ nbPrimary=0
+ for i in $(seq 2 $nblines); do
+ #Get the line
+ file2=`sed -n "${i}p" < ${IN1}`
+ edep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f3 -d' ')
+ stdEdep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f4 -d' ')
+ sqEdep2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f5 -d' ')
+ nbPrimary=$(python <<EOP
+if ($edep2 == 0 or $sqEdep2 == 0):
+ print(0)
+ temp=pow($edep2,2)*(pow($stdEdep2,2)-1)/(pow($stdEdep2*$edep2,2)-$sqEdep2)
+ print(int(round(temp)))
+ )
+ if [ $nbPrimary -ne 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ dose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f6 -d' ')
+ stdDose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f7 -d' ')
+ sqDose2=$(echo ${file2} | cut -f8 -d' ')
+ nbPrimary=$(python <<EOP
+if ($dose2 == 0 or $sqDose2 == 0):
+ print(0)
+ temp=pow($dose2,2)*(pow($stdDose2,2)-1)/(pow($stdDose2*$dose2,2)-$sqDose2)
+ print(int(round(temp)))
+ )
+ if [ $nbPrimary -ne 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ #Copy the 1st line in output
+ line1=`sed -n "1p" < ${RESULT}`
+ echo "${line1}" >> ${TMP}
+ # for all lines (except the 1st), split according tab
+ # write the number of primaries
+ for i in $(seq 2 $nblines); do
+ #Get the lines
+ file3=`sed -n "${i}p" < ${RESULT}`
+ file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${nbPrimary} '{$4=r}1')
+ file3=$(echo $file3 |awk -v r=${nbPrimary} '{$7=r}1')
+ #Write the output
+ echo "${file3}" >> ${TMP}
+ done
+ mv -f ${TMP} ${RESULT}
function divideUncertaintyResult {
- value=$4
# Divide uncertainty and replace it in the file3
edep1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f3 -d' ')
+ nbPrimaryEdep1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f4 -d' ')
sqEdep1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f5 -d' ')
stdEdep3=$(python <<EOP
import math
-temp=math.sqrt(($sqEdep1/$value-pow($edep1/$value, 2))/($value-1))/$edep1/$value
+if ($edep1 == 0 or $sqEdep1 == 0):
+ print(1.0)
+ temp=math.sqrt(($sqEdep1/$nbPrimaryEdep1-pow($edep1/$nbPrimaryEdep1, 2))/($nbPrimaryEdep1-1))/($edep1/$nbPrimaryEdep1)
+ print(temp)
# Divide uncertainty and replace it in the file3
dose1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f6 -d' ')
+ nbPrimaryDose1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f7 -d' ')
sqDose1=$(echo ${file1} | cut -f8 -d' ')
stdDose3=$(python <<EOP
import math
-temp=math.sqrt(($sqDose1/$value-pow($dose1/$value, 2))/($value-1))/$dose1/$value
+if ($edep1 == 0 or $sqEdep1 == 0):
+ print(1.0)
+ temp=math.sqrt(($sqDose1/$nbPrimaryDose1-pow($dose1/$nbPrimaryDose1, 2))/($nbPrimaryDose1-1))/($dose1/$nbPrimaryDose1)
+ print(temp)