+// --------------------------
+// TODO : Check if is works! (was in packages/wxvtk/bbs/old)
include wxvtk/boxes/bbDoubleSlicer
load wx
load std
set buttonsBar.Orientation 0
- set openButton.Label "Open"
+ set openButton.Label "Open"
set paramButton.Label "Parameters"
- set saveButton.Label "Save"
+ set saveButton.Label "Save"
new FileSelector openFileDialog
connect openButton.BoxChange openFileDialog.BoxExecute
connect openButton.BoxChange viewer.RefreshSlicer1
set openFileDialog.OpenSave "Open"
new MetaImageReader reader
-# set reader.Filename "/home/guigues/coding/Sofa/bbtk/data/thorax.hdr"
connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
connect reader.Out viewer.In1
connect imageOut.Out viewer.In2
connect imageOut.Out writer.In
- input AlgorithmOutput imageOut.In "Plug here the output of your algorithm"
- output AlgorithmInput reader.Out "Plug this output to the input of your algorithm"
- input ParametersWidget paramWindow.Widget1 "Connect here your parameter tuning widget"
+ input AlgorithmOutput imageOut.In "Plug here the output of your algorithm"
+ output AlgorithmInput reader.Out "Plug this output to the input of your algorithm"
+ input ParametersWidget paramWindow.Widget1 "Connect here your parameter tuning widget"
- input ParametersWindowWidth paramWindow.WinWidth "The width of the parameters window"
+ input ParametersWindowWidth paramWindow.WinWidth "The width of the parameters window"
input ParametersWindowHeight paramWindow.WinHeight "The height of the parameters window"
- input WinTitle mainWindow.WinTitle "Title of the main window"
+ input WinTitle mainWindow.WinTitle "Title of the main window"
input Refresh viewer.BoxProcessModeSlicer2 "Set to 'Reactive' to have automatic refresh when image or parameters change"