-Program: bbtk
-Module: $RCSfile$
-Language: C++
-Date: $Date$
-Version: $Revision$
+ Program: bbtk
+ Module: $RCSfile$
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date$
+ Version: $Revision$
+ =========================================================================*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
-* Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
-* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
-* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
-* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-* http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
-* or in the file LICENSE.txt.
-* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-* liability.
-* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
+ * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
+ * or in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+ * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-* \file
-* \brief Class bbtk::WxInterfaceEditorGraphicBBS .
+ * \file
+ * \brief Class bbtk::WxInterfaceEditorGraphicBBS .
+ */
#include "bbtkwxGUIEditorGraphicBBS.h"
#include "creaWx.h"
#include <InterpreterBBS.h>
-namespace bbtk
- //=========================================================================
- wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS(wxFrame *parent)
- : wxFrame(parent, -1, _T("bbtkGEditor"),wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1200,800))
- {
- _frameAUIMgr = new wxAuiManager(this);
- /*std::string datadir( crea::System::GetExecutablePath() );
- std::string datadir (".");
- cout<<"RaC //------------------"<<endl;
- cout<<"RaC //TODO wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS constructor.Initialize datadir with crea::System::GetExecutablePath() ."<<endl;
- cout<<"RaC //------------------"<<endl;
- #ifdef LINUX // assume this is OSX
- datadir=datadir+"/../share/creaContours";
- #endif // MACOSX
+namespace bbtk {
+wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS(wxFrame *parent) :
+ wxFrame(parent, -1, _T("bbtkGEditor"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(
+ 1200, 800)) {
+ _frameAUIMgr = new wxAuiManager(this);
+ /*std::string datadir( crea::System::GetExecutablePath() );
+ std::string datadir (".");
+ cout<<"RaC //------------------"<<endl;
+ cout<<"RaC //TODO wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS constructor.Initialize datadir with crea::System::GetExecutablePath() ."<<endl;
+ cout<<"RaC //------------------"<<endl;
+ #ifdef LINUX // assume this is OSX
+ datadir=datadir+"/../share/creaContours";
+ #endif // MACOSX
+ #ifdef MACOSX // assume this is OSX
+ datadir=datadir+"/../../../../share/creaContours";
+ #endif // MACOSX
+ _dataDir = datadir;*/
+ initMenu();
+ initToolbar();
+ initTabPanelsManager();
+ initPackageBrowser();
+ initHelpHTMLBrowser();
+ CreateStatusBar();
+ _frameAUIMgr->Update();
+ _actualPkgBrowserBoxName = "";
+ _actualPkgBrowserPkgName = "";
+ refreshGUIControls();
+wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::~wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS() {
+ printf("EED %p ~wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS()\n", this);
+ //EED02JUIN2010 delete _tabsMgr;
+ _frameAUIMgr->UnInit();
+ // FCY memory leaks
+ delete _frameAUIMgr;
+ delete _notebook;
+ delete _tabsMgr;
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initToolbar() {
+ wxBitmap bmp_new(new_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_open(open_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_save(save_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_run(run_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_delete(delete_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_centerview(centerview_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_box(box_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_executablebox(executablebox_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_complexbox(complexbox_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_complexinputport(complexinputport_xpm);
+ wxBitmap bmp_complexoutputport(complexoutputport_xpm);
+ wxToolBar *toolbar = new wxToolBar(this, wxID_ANY);
+ //Adds a tool btn to the toolbar
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_NEW, _T("New"), bmp_new, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("New tab"), _T("Create a new panel tab"));
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_OPEN, _T("Open diagram"), bmp_open, wxNullBitmap,
+ wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("Open a diagram"), _T("Open a diagram"));
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM, _T("Save Diagram"), bmp_save,
+ wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("Saves the current diagram"),
+ _T("Saves the current diagram")); //DFCH
+ //toolbar->AddTool(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM,_T("Save Diagram As"),bmp_save, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Saves the current diagram"), _T("Saves the current diagram")); //DFCH
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_RUN, _T("Run"), bmp_run, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("Execute actual diagram"), _T("Execute actual diagram"));
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_DELETEALL, _T("Delete all"), bmp_delete, wxNullBitmap,
+ wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("Delete all boxes"), _T("Delete all boxes"));
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_CENTERVIEW, _T("Center view"), bmp_centerview,
+ wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("Center view"), _T("Center view"));
+ toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTNBOX, _T("New Box"), bmp_box, wxNullBitmap,
+ wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("New Box"), _T("Nex Box"));
+ toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTEXECUTABLEBOX, _T("Select as executable Box"),
+ bmp_executablebox, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("Select as executable Box"), _T("Select as executable Box"));
+ toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX, _T("Complex box"), complexbox_xpm,
+ wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, _T("Complex box"), _T("Complex box"));
+ toolbar->SetToggle(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX, true);
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT, _T("Add input to Complex box"),
+ bmp_complexinputport, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("Add input to Complex box"), _T("Add input to Complex box"));
+ toolbar->AddTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT, _T("Add output to Complex box"),
+ bmp_complexoutputport, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("Add output Complex box"), _T("Add output Complex box"));
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT, false);
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT, false);
+ toolbar->SetMargins(2, 2);
+ toolbar->Realize();
+ SetToolBar(toolbar);
+ // connect command event handlers
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenDiagram));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram)); //DFCH
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram)); //DFCH
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExecuteActualDiagram));
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnDeleteAllBoxesActualDiagram));
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCenterViewActualDiagram));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnBox));
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnComplexBox));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxInput));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxOutput));
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initHelpHTMLBrowser() {
+ //RegenerateAll();
+ _helpHtmlBrowser = new WxGUIHtmlBrowser(this, wxSize(200, 0));
+ _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_helpHtmlBrowser, wxAuiPaneInfo().Right().MinSize(
+ 200, 200));
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initMenu() {
+ // Create File menu and its items
+ wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu();
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_NEW, _T("New diagram"), _T("New"));
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM, _T("Save Diagram"), _T("Save Diagram")); //DFCH
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM, _T("Save Diagram As"),
+ _T("Save Diagram As")); //DFCH
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_OPEN_BBS, _T("Open BBS"), _T("Open BBS"));
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS, _T("Save BBS"), _T("Save BBS"));
+ fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX, _T("Save complex box"),
+ _T("Save complex box"));
+ fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit"), _T("Exit"));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram)); //DFCH
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenBBS));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualBBS));
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualComplexBox));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExit));
+ // Create Help menu and its items
+ wxMenu *editMenu = new wxMenu;
+ _T("Copy selected to complex box"),
+ _T("Creates a new complex box diagram with selected boxes"));
+ Connect(
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCopySelectedToComplexDiagram));
+ // Create Help menu and its items
+ wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
+ helpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About..."), _T("About"));
+ helpMenu->Append(ID_HELP_BBEDITOR, _T("&Help..."), _T("Help"));
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor));
+ // Create Tool menu
+ wxMenu *menuTools = new wxMenu;
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreatePackage,
+ _T("Create &package") );
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateBlackBox,
+ _T("Create &blackbox") );
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_PlugPackage, _T("Plug package") );
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_EditConfig, _T("&Edit bbtk config") );
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc,
+ _T("Show &HTML documentation") );
+ menuTools->Append(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateIndex, _T("&Generate index") );
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreatePackage, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackage));
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateBlackBox, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox));
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_PlugPackage, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage));
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_EditConfig, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig));
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc));
+ Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateIndex, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex));
+ // Append the created menu to the menu bar
+ wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
+ menuBar->Append(fileMenu, _T("&File") );
+ menuBar->Append(editMenu, _T("&Edit") );
+ menuBar->Append(menuTools, _T("&Tool") );
+ menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help") );
+ // Attach this menu bar to the frame
+ SetMenuBar(menuBar);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initTabPanelsManager() {
+ _notebook = new wxAuiNotebook(this, wxID_NOTEBOOK, wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxDefaultSize, wxAUI_NB_TOP | wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE
+ _tabsMgr = new wxTabPanelsManager(this);
+ _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_notebook, wxAuiPaneInfo().CenterPane());
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initPackageBrowser() {
+ _pkgBrowser = new WxGUIPackageBrowser2(this);
+ _pkgBrowser->IncludeAll();
+ _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_pkgBrowser,
+ wxAuiPaneInfo().Left().MinSize(200, 200).CloseButton(false));
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::DoRegeneratePackageDoc(const std::string& pack) {
+ std::string mess("Regenerating doc for package '");
+ if (pack != "-a") {
+ mess += pack + "'";
+ } else {
+ mess = "Regenerating doc for all packages";
+ }
+ mess += " ... please wait";
+ SetStatusText(std2wx(mess));
+ std::string command;
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ command = "\"";
+ command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
+ command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
+ command += "bbRegeneratePackageDoc";
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ command += "\"";
- #ifdef MACOSX // assume this is OSX
- datadir=datadir+"/../../../../share/creaContours";
- #endif // MACOSX
+ command += " " + pack + " -q";
+ bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ if (!system(command.c_str())) {
+ SetStatusText(_T("Done !"));
+ /*
+ wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate package '")
+ +std2wx(pack)+_T("' doc"),
+ */
+ } else {
+ SetStatusText(_T("Done !"));
+ wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
+ err += bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
+ wxMessageBox(err, _T("Regenerate package doc"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::DoRegenerateBoxesLists() {
+ SetStatusText(_T("Regenerating boxes lists ... please wait"));
+ std::string command;
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ command = "\"";
+ command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
+ command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
+ command += "bbRegenerateBoxesLists";
- _dataDir = datadir;*/
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ command += "\"";
+ command += " -q";
- initMenu();
- initToolbar();
- initTabPanelsManager();
- initPackageBrowser();
- initHelpHTMLBrowser();
+ bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
- CreateStatusBar();
- _frameAUIMgr->Update();
- _actualPkgBrowserBoxName="";
- _actualPkgBrowserPkgName="";
- refreshGUIControls();
+ if (!system(command.c_str())) {
+ SetStatusText(_T("Done !"));
+ /*
+ wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate boxes lists"),
+ */
+ } else {
+ SetStatusText(_T("Done !"));
+ wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
+ err += bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
+ wxMessageBox(err, _T("Regenerate boxes lists"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::RegenerateAll() {
+ DoRegeneratePackageDoc("-a");
+ DoRegenerateBoxesLists();
- //=========================================================================
- wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::~wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS()
- {
- printf ("EED %p ~wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS()\n" , this );
-//EED02JUIN2010 delete _tabsMgr;
+wxAuiNotebook* wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::getAuiNotebook() {
+ return _notebook;
- _frameAUIMgr->UnInit();
- // FCY memory leaks
- delete _frameAUIMgr;
- delete _notebook;
- delete _tabsMgr;
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName,
+ std::string boxName) {
+ if (_actualPkgBrowserPkgName != packageName || _actualPkgBrowserBoxName
+ != boxName) {
+ _actualPkgBrowserPkgName = packageName;
+ _actualPkgBrowserBoxName = boxName;
+ BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->getBlackBoxDescriptor(
+ packageName, boxName);
+ _pkgBrowser->WxGUIBlackBoxListUserOnSelected(descriptor.get());
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initToolbar()
- {
- wxBitmap bmp_new(new_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_open(open_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_save(save_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_run(run_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_delete(delete_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_centerview(centerview_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_box(box_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_executablebox(executablebox_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_complexbox(complexbox_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_complexinputport(complexinputport_xpm);
- wxBitmap bmp_complexoutputport(complexoutputport_xpm);
- wxToolBar *toolbar = new wxToolBar(this, wxID_ANY);
- //Adds a tool btn to the toolbar
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_NEW,_T("New"),bmp_new, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("New tab"), _T("Create a new panel tab"));
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_OPEN,_T("Open diagram"),bmp_open, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Open a diagram"), _T("Open a diagram"));
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM,_T("Save Diagram"),bmp_save, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Saves the current diagram"), _T("Saves the current diagram")); //DFCH
- //toolbar->AddTool(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM,_T("Save Diagram As"),bmp_save, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Saves the current diagram"), _T("Saves the current diagram")); //DFCH
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_RUN,_T("Run"),bmp_run, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Execute actual diagram"), _T("Execute actual diagram"));
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_DELETEALL,_T("Delete all"),bmp_delete, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Delete all boxes"), _T("Delete all boxes"));
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_CENTERVIEW,_T("Center view"),bmp_centerview, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Center view"), _T("Center view"));
- toolbar->AddSeparator();
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTNBOX,_T("New Box"),bmp_box, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("New Box"), _T("Nex Box"));
- toolbar->AddSeparator();
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTEXECUTABLEBOX,_T("Select as executable Box"),bmp_executablebox, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Select as executable Box"), _T("Select as executable Box"));
- toolbar->AddSeparator();
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX,_T("Complex box"),complexbox_xpm, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Complex box"), _T("Complex box"));
- toolbar->SetToggle(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX,true);
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT,_T("Add input to Complex box"),bmp_complexinputport, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Add input to Complex box"), _T("Add input to Complex box"));
- toolbar->AddTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT,_T("Add output to Complex box"),bmp_complexoutputport, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,_T("Add output Complex box"), _T("Add output Complex box"));
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT,false);
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT,false);
- toolbar->SetMargins( 2, 2 );
- toolbar->Realize();
- SetToolBar(toolbar);
- // connect command event handlers
- Connect(ID_NEW,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab));
- Connect(ID_OPEN,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenDiagram));
- Connect(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram)); //DFCH
- Connect(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram)); //DFCH
- Connect(ID_RUN,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExecuteActualDiagram));
- Connect(ID_DELETEALL,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnDeleteAllBoxesActualDiagram));
- Connect(ID_CENTERVIEW,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCenterViewActualDiagram));
- Connect(ID_BTNBOX,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnBox));
- Connect(ID_BTEXECUTABLEBOX,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox));
- Connect(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnComplexBox));
- Connect(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxInput));
- Connect(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxOutput));
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initHelpHTMLBrowser()
- {
- //RegenerateAll();
- _helpHtmlBrowser = new WxGUIHtmlBrowser(this,wxSize(200,0));
- _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_helpHtmlBrowser,wxAuiPaneInfo().Right().MinSize(200,200));
- }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::editBlackBox(GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel) {
+ wxBlackBoxEditionDialog* dialog =
+ new wxBlackBoxEditionDialog(this, bbmodel);
+ dialog->Show();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initMenu()
- {
- // Create File menu and its items
- wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu();
- fileMenu->Append(ID_NEW, _T("New diagram"), _T("New"));
- fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM, _T("Save Diagram"), _T("Save Diagram")); //DFCH
- fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM, _T("Save Diagram As"), _T("Save Diagram As")); //DFCH
- fileMenu->Append(ID_OPEN_BBS, _T("Open BBS"), _T("Open BBS"));
- fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS, _T("Save BBS"), _T("Save BBS"));
- fileMenu->Append(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX, _T("Save complex box"), _T("Save complex box"));
- fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit"), _T("Exit"));
- Connect(ID_NEW,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab));
- Connect(ID_SAVE_DIAGRAM,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram)); //DFCH
- Connect(ID_SAVE_AS_DIAGRAM,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram));
- Connect(ID_OPEN_BBS,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenBBS));
- Connect(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualBBS));
- Connect(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualComplexBox));
- Connect(wxID_EXIT,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExit));
- // Create Help menu and its items
- wxMenu *editMenu = new wxMenu;
- editMenu->Append(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM, _T("Copy selected to complex box"), _T("Creates a new complex box diagram with selected boxes"));
- Connect(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCopySelectedToComplexDiagram));
- // Create Help menu and its items
- wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
- helpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About..."), _T("About"));
- helpMenu->Append(ID_HELP_BBEDITOR, _T("&Help..."), _T("Help"));
- Connect(ID_HELP_BBEDITOR,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor));
- // Create Tool menu
- wxMenu *menuTools = new wxMenu;
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreatePackage, _T("Create &package") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateBlackBox, _T("Create &blackbox") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_PlugPackage, _T("Plug package") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_EditConfig, _T("&Edit bbtk config") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc, _T("Show &HTML documentation") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateIndex, _T("&Generate index") );
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreatePackage,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackage));
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateBlackBox,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox));
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_PlugPackage,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage));
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_EditConfig,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig));
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc));
- Connect(ID_bbEditor_Tool_Menu_CreateIndex,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,wxCommandEventHandler(wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex));
- // Append the created menu to the menu bar
- wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
- menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _T("&File") );
- menuBar->Append( editMenu, _T("&Edit") );
- menuBar->Append( menuTools, _T("&Tool") );
- menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _T("&Help") );
- // Attach this menu bar to the frame
- SetMenuBar(menuBar);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initTabPanelsManager()
- {
- _notebook = new wxAuiNotebook(this,wxID_NOTEBOOK,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxAUI_NB_TOP|wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE|wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB|wxAUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH|wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON);
- _tabsMgr = new wxTabPanelsManager(this);
- _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_notebook,wxAuiPaneInfo().CenterPane());
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus) {
+ SetStatusText(crea::std2wx(textStatus));
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::initPackageBrowser()
- {
- _pkgBrowser = new WxGUIPackageBrowser2(this);
- _pkgBrowser->IncludeAll();
- _frameAUIMgr->AddPane(_pkgBrowser,wxAuiPaneInfo().Left().MinSize(200,200).CloseButton(false));
- }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeScript(std::string script) {
+ std::string separator =
+ ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
+ std::string dir = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_default_temp_dir();
+ std::string filename = dir + separator + "tmp_bbtk.bbs";
- //================================================================
+ ofstream tempFile;
+ tempFile.open(filename.c_str());
+ tempFile << script;
+ tempFile.close();
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::DoRegeneratePackageDoc( const std::string& pack )
- {
- std::string mess("Regenerating doc for package '");
- if (pack!="-a"){
- mess += pack + "'";
- }
- else
- {
- mess = "Regenerating doc for all packages";
- }
- mess += " ... please wait";
- SetStatusText( std2wx(mess) );
- std::string command;
- #if defined(WIN32)
- command = "\"";
- #endif
- command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
- command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
- command += "bbRegeneratePackageDoc";
- #if defined(WIN32)
- command += "\"";
- #endif
- command += " " + pack + " -q";
- bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
- if ( ! system ( command.c_str() ) )
- {
- SetStatusText( _T("Done !"));
- /*
- wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate package '")
- +std2wx(pack)+_T("' doc"),
- */
- }
- else
- {
- SetStatusText( _T("Done !"));
- wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
- err += bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
- wxMessageBox(err,_T("Regenerate package doc"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
- }
- }
+ std::string command = "";
- //================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::DoRegenerateBoxesLists()
- {
- SetStatusText( _T("Regenerating boxes lists ... please wait") );
- std::string command;
- #if defined(WIN32)
- command = "\"";
- #endif
- command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
- command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
- command += "bbRegenerateBoxesLists";
- #if defined(WIN32)
- command += "\"";
- #endif
- command += " -q";
- bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
- if ( ! system ( command.c_str() ) )
- {
- SetStatusText( _T("Done !"));
- /*
- wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate boxes lists"),
- */
- }
- else
- {
- SetStatusText( _T("Done !"));
- wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
- err += bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
- wxMessageBox(err,_T("Regenerate boxes lists"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
- }
- }
- //================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::RegenerateAll()
- {
- DoRegeneratePackageDoc("-a");
- DoRegenerateBoxesLists();
- }
- //================================================================
- wxAuiNotebook* wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::getAuiNotebook()
- {
- return _notebook;
- }
- //================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName, std::string boxName)
- {
- if(_actualPkgBrowserPkgName != packageName || _actualPkgBrowserBoxName != boxName )
- {
- _actualPkgBrowserPkgName = packageName;
- _actualPkgBrowserBoxName = boxName;
- BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->getBlackBoxDescriptor(packageName, boxName);
- _pkgBrowser->WxGUIBlackBoxListUserOnSelected(descriptor.get());
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::editBlackBox(GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel)
- {
- wxBlackBoxEditionDialog* dialog = new wxBlackBoxEditionDialog(this,bbmodel);
- dialog->Show();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus)
- {
- SetStatusText(crea::std2wx(textStatus));
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeScript(std::string script)
- {
- std::string separator = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator ();
- std::string dir = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_default_temp_dir();
- std::string filename = dir + separator + "tmp_bbtk.bbs";
- ofstream tempFile;
- tempFile.open(filename.c_str());
- tempFile << script;
- tempFile.close();
- std::string command = "";
#ifdef WIN32
- command += "start /b ";
+ command += "start /b ";
-// command += "\""+ crea::System::GetExecutablePath();
-//#ifdef MACOSX
-// command += separator + "../../../bbi.app/Contents/MacOS";
- command += "bbi ";
- command += "\""+filename + "\"";
- #ifndef WIN32
- command += " & ";
- #endif
- printf ("RaC wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeScript %s \n" , command.c_str() );
- system( command.c_str() );
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
+ // command += "\""+ crea::System::GetExecutablePath();
+ //#ifdef MACOSX
+ // command += separator + "../../../bbi.app/Contents/MacOS";
+ //#endif
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- _tabsMgr->addNewTab();
- refreshGUIControls();
- }
+ command += "bbi ";
+ command += "\"" + filename + "\"";
- //=========================================================================
+#ifndef WIN32
+ command += " & ";
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExecuteActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- std::string script1 = _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS(true);
- cout<<endl<<"RaC wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeActualDiagram SCRIPT"<<endl<<endl;
- cout<<script1<<endl;
+ printf("RaC wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeScript %s \n", command.c_str());
+ system(command.c_str());
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateNewTab(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ _tabsMgr->addNewTab();
+ refreshGUIControls();
- std::string script2 = _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS(false);
- executeScript(script2);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExecuteActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ std::string script1 = _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS(true);
+ cout << endl << "RaC wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::executeActualDiagram SCRIPT"
+ << endl << endl;
+ cout << script1 << endl;
+ std::string script2 = _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS(false);
+ executeScript(script2);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenBBS(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxFileDialog * openFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxT("Open BBS"),
+ wxEmptyString, wxT("NewBBS"), wxT("*.bbs"), wxOPEN);
+ if (openFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = openFileDialog->GetPath();
+ _tabsMgr->addNewTab(openFileDialog->GetFilename());
+ bbtk::InterpreterBBS::Pointer I = bbtk::InterpreterBBS::New(
+ this->_tabsMgr->getActualTabPanel()->getSceneManager(),
+ _pkgBrowser->GetFactory());
+ // We tell the interpreter to throw exceptions on error
+ I->SetThrow(true);
+ // Interpret the file supposed to define a box called 'Processing'
+ I->InterpretFile((const char*) (fileName.mb_str()));
+ }
+ refreshGUIControls();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualBBS(std::string filename) {
+ ofstream file;
+ //EED file.open(fileName.c_str());
+ file.open(filename.c_str());
+ std::string content = "";
+ // writing file header
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBS BlackBox Script\n";
+ content += "# - ";
+ content += filename;
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "\n";
+ content += _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS();
+ file << content;
+ file.close();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualBBS(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,
+ wxT("Save actual BBS"), wxEmptyString, wxT("NewBBS"),
+ wxT("*.bbs"), wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT);
+ if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath();
+ SaveActualBBS((const char*) (fileName.mb_str()));
+ }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::AskComplexBoxConfiguration() {
+ std::string cbName = _tabsMgr->GetCbName();
+ std::string paName = _tabsMgr->GetCbPackageName();
+ wxTextEntryDialog *cbNameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,
+ wxT("Complex Box name"));
+ wxTextEntryDialog *paNameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,
+ wxT("Package name"));
+ cbNameDialog->SetValue(wxString(cbName.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+ paNameDialog->SetValue(wxString(paName.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+ if (cbNameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString complexboxname = cbNameDialog->GetValue();
+ cbName = (const char*) (complexboxname.mb_str());
+ }
+ if (paNameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString packagename = paNameDialog->GetValue();
+ paName = (const char*) (packagename.mb_str());
+ }
+ _tabsMgr->SetCbName(cbName);
+ _tabsMgr->SetCbPackageName(paName);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualComplexBox(std::string filename) {
+ ofstream file;
+ file.open(filename.c_str());
+ std::string content = "";
+ // writing file header
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBS BlackBox Script (Complex Box)\n";
+ content += "# - ";
+ content += filename;
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "\n";
+ content += _tabsMgr->getActualComplexBoxBBS();
+ file << content;
+ file.close();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualComplexBox(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,
+ wxT("Save Complex Box BBS"), wxEmptyString,
+ _T("ComplexBoxName"), wxT("*.bbs"), wxSAVE
+ if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath();
+ SaveActualComplexBox((const char*) (fileName.mb_str()));
+ }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualDiagram(std::string filename) {
+ ofstream file;
+ file.open(filename.c_str());
+ std::string content = "";
+ // writing file header
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBG BlackBox Diagram file\n";
+ content += "# - ";
+ content += filename;
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "APP_START\n";
+ _tabsMgr->saveActualDiagram(content, filename); //DFCH
+ content += "APP_END\n";
+ file << content;
+ file.close();
+//The following method allows to save the current diagram asking the filename
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveCurrentDiagramAs() {
+ wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,
+ wxT("Save current diagram"), wxEmptyString, wxT("NewDiagram"),
+ wxT("*.bbg"), wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT);
+ if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ _tabsMgr->SetNameTabPanel(saveFileDialog->GetFilename());
+ wxString pathfileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath();
+ std::string pathfilename = (const char*) (pathfileName.mb_str());
+ std::string pathfilenamebbs = pathfilename;
+ pathfilenamebbs[pathfilenamebbs.length() - 1] = 's';
+ if (_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox() == false) {
+ SaveActualDiagram(pathfilename);
+ SaveActualBBS(pathfilenamebbs);
+ } else {
+ AskComplexBoxConfiguration();
+ SaveActualDiagram(pathfilename);
+ SaveActualComplexBox(pathfilenamebbs);
+ } //if isActualDiagramComplexBox
+ } // if saveFileDialog
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ std::string pathfilename = _tabsMgr->GetCurrentTabPanelPath();
+ if (pathfilename.empty()) {
+ SaveCurrentDiagramAs();
+ } else {
+ std::string pathfilenamebbs = pathfilename;
+ pathfilenamebbs[pathfilenamebbs.length() - 1] = 's';
+ if (_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox() == false) {
+ SaveActualDiagram(pathfilename);
+ SaveActualBBS(pathfilenamebbs);
+ } else {
+ AskComplexBoxConfiguration();
+ SaveActualDiagram(pathfilename);
+ SaveActualComplexBox(pathfilenamebbs);
+ } //if isActualDiagramComplexBox
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ SaveCurrentDiagramAs();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::refreshGUIControls() {
+ wxToolBar* toolbar = GetToolBar();
+ if (_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox()) {
+ toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX, true);
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT, true);
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT, true);
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenBBS(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxFileDialog * openFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,wxT("Open BBS"),wxEmptyString,wxT("NewBBS"),wxT("*.bbs"),wxOPEN);
- if (openFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = openFileDialog->GetPath( );
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX, true);
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS, false);
+ } else {
+ toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX, false);
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT, false);
+ toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT, false);
- _tabsMgr->addNewTab( openFileDialog->GetFilename() );
- bbtk::InterpreterBBS::Pointer I = bbtk::InterpreterBBS::New( this->_tabsMgr->getActualTabPanel()->getSceneManager() , _pkgBrowser->GetFactory());
- // We tell the interpreter to throw exceptions on error
- I->SetThrow(true);
- // Interpret the file supposed to define a box called 'Processing'
- I->InterpretFile( (const char*) (fileName.mb_str()) );
- }
- refreshGUIControls();
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX, false);
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS, true);
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualBBS(std::string filename)
- {
- ofstream file;
-//EED file.open(fileName.c_str());
- file.open( filename.c_str() );
- std::string content="";
- // writing file header
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBS BlackBox Script\n";
- content += "# - ";
- content += filename;
- content += "\n";
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "\n";
- content += _tabsMgr->getActualDiagramBBS();
- file << content;
- file.close();
+ if (_tabsMgr->getNumActualSelectedObjects() > 0) {
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM, true);
+ } else {
+ ///TODO Fix the possibility to say from the SceneManager to the GUI to refresh the options
+ GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM, true);
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualBBS(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,wxT("Save actual BBS"),wxEmptyString,wxT("NewBBS"),wxT("*.bbs"),wxSAVE|wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT);
- if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath( );
- SaveActualBBS( (const char*) (fileName.mb_str()) );
- }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnDeleteAllBoxesActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL,
+ wxT("Are you sure to delete all boxes of the diagram?"),
+ wxT("Delete all boxes"), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT
+ if (dial->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
+ _tabsMgr->deleteAllBoxesActualDiagram();
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::AskComplexBoxConfiguration()
- {
- std::string cbName = _tabsMgr->GetCbName();
- std::string paName = _tabsMgr->GetCbPackageName();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCenterViewActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ _tabsMgr->centerViewActualDiagram();
- wxTextEntryDialog *cbNameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,wxT("Complex Box name"));
- wxTextEntryDialog *paNameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,wxT("Package name"));
- cbNameDialog->SetValue( wxString(cbName.c_str(),wxConvUTF8) );
- paNameDialog->SetValue( wxString(paName.c_str(),wxConvUTF8) );
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxFileDialog * openFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxT("Open diagram"),
+ wxEmptyString, wxT(""), wxT("*.bbg"), wxOPEN | wxFILE_MUST_EXIST);
+ if (openFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = openFileDialog->GetPath();
+ ifstream inputStream;
+ std::string fName = (const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
+ inputStream.open(fName.c_str());
+ _tabsMgr->addNewTab(openFileDialog->GetFilename());
- if (cbNameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString complexboxname = cbNameDialog->GetValue();
- cbName=(const char*) (complexboxname.mb_str());
- }
- if (paNameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString packagename = paNameDialog->GetValue();
- paName=(const char*) (packagename.mb_str());
- }
+ _tabsMgr->loadDiagram(inputStream, fName);
- _tabsMgr->SetCbName(cbName);
- _tabsMgr->SetCbPackageName(paName);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualComplexBox(std::string filename)
- {
- ofstream file;
- file.open( filename.c_str() );
- std::string content="";
- // writing file header
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBS BlackBox Script (Complex Box)\n";
- content += "# - ";
- content += filename;
- content += "\n";
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "\n";
- content += _tabsMgr->getActualComplexBoxBBS();
- file << content;
- file.close();
+ inputStream.close();
+ refreshGUIControls();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualComplexBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this ,wxT("Save Complex Box BBS") ,wxEmptyString, _T("ComplexBoxName") ,wxT("*.bbs"), wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT);
- if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath();
- SaveActualComplexBox( (const char*) (fileName.mb_str()) );
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveActualDiagram(std::string filename)
- {
- ofstream file;
- file.open( filename.c_str() );
- std::string content="";
- // writing file header
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBG BlackBox Diagram file\n";
- content += "# - ";
- content += filename;
- content += "\n";
- content += "# ----------------------------------\n";
- content += "\n";
- content += "APP_START\n";
- _tabsMgr->saveActualDiagram(content, filename); //DFCH
- content += "APP_END\n";
- file << content;
- file.close();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //The following method allows to save the current diagram asking the filename
- //DFCH
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::SaveCurrentDiagramAs( )
- {
- wxFileDialog * saveFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,wxT("Save current diagram"),wxEmptyString,wxT("NewDiagram"),wxT("*.bbg"),wxSAVE|wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT);
- if (saveFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- _tabsMgr->SetNameTabPanel( saveFileDialog->GetFilename() );
- wxString pathfileName = saveFileDialog->GetPath();
- std::string pathfilename = (const char*) (pathfileName.mb_str());
- std::string pathfilenamebbs = pathfilename;
- pathfilenamebbs[pathfilenamebbs.length()-1]='s';
- if (_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox()==false)
- {
- SaveActualDiagram( pathfilename );
- SaveActualBBS(pathfilenamebbs);
- } else {
- AskComplexBoxConfiguration();
- SaveActualDiagram( pathfilename );
- SaveActualComplexBox(pathfilenamebbs);
- } //if isActualDiagramComplexBox
- } // if saveFileDialog
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //DFCH
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- std::string pathfilename = _tabsMgr->GetCurrentTabPanelPath();
- if( pathfilename.empty() )
- {
- SaveCurrentDiagramAs();
- }
- else
- {
- std::string pathfilenamebbs = pathfilename;
- pathfilenamebbs[pathfilenamebbs.length()-1]='s';
- if (_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox()==false)
- {
- SaveActualDiagram( pathfilename );
- SaveActualBBS(pathfilenamebbs);
- } else {
- AskComplexBoxConfiguration();
- SaveActualDiagram( pathfilename );
- SaveActualComplexBox(pathfilenamebbs);
- } //if isActualDiagramComplexBox
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //DFCH
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveAsActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- SaveCurrentDiagramAs();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::refreshGUIControls()
- {
- wxToolBar* toolbar = GetToolBar();
- if(_tabsMgr->isActualDiagramComplexBox())
- {
- toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX,true);
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT,true);
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT,true);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX,true);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS,false);
- }
- else
- {
- toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX,false);
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXINPUT,false);
- toolbar->EnableTool(ID_ADDCOMPLEXBOXOUTPUT,false);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_COMPLEXBOX,false);
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(0)->Enable(ID_SAVE_AS_BBS,true);
- }
- if(_tabsMgr->getNumActualSelectedObjects()>0)
- {
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM,true);
- }
- else
- {
- ///TODO Fix the possibility to say from the SceneManager to the GUI to refresh the options
- GetMenuBar()->GetMenu(1)->Enable(ID_COPY_TO_COMPLEXDIAGRAM,true);
- }
- }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnBox(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ BlackBoxDescriptor *bbDes = _pkgBrowser->GetActualSelected();
+ if (bbDes != NULL) {
+ std::string typeName = bbDes->GetTypeName();
+ std::string packageName = bbDes->GetPackage()->GetName();
- //=========================================================================
+ wxGEditorTabPanel *pnl = this->_tabsMgr->getActualTabPanel();
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnDeleteAllBoxesActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("Are you sure to delete all boxes of the diagram?"), wxT("Delete all boxes"), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION);
- if(dial->ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
- {
- _tabsMgr->deleteAllBoxesActualDiagram();
- }
- }
+ if (pnl != NULL) {
+ wxVtkSceneManager *scn = pnl->getSceneManager();
+ scn->createGBlackBox(50, 50, packageName, typeName);
+ scn->refresh();
+ } // if pnl
+ }// if bbDes
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCenterViewActualDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- _tabsMgr->centerViewActualDiagram();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnOpenDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxFileDialog * openFileDialog = new wxFileDialog(this,wxT("Open diagram"),wxEmptyString,wxT(""),wxT("*.bbg"),wxOPEN|wxFILE_MUST_EXIST);
- if (openFileDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = openFileDialog->GetPath();
- ifstream inputStream;
- std::string fName=(const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
- inputStream.open( fName.c_str() );
- _tabsMgr->addNewTab( openFileDialog->GetFilename() );
- _tabsMgr->loadDiagram(inputStream, fName);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ //DFCH
+ wxGEditorTabPanel *pnl = this->_tabsMgr->getActualTabPanel();
- inputStream.close();
- }
- refreshGUIControls();
+ if (pnl != NULL) {
+ wxVtkSceneManager *scn = pnl->getSceneManager();
+ if( scn->MakeBoxExecutable() )
+ std::cout<<"DFCH: wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox...successful"<<std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout<<"DFCH: wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox...Error!!"<<std::endl;
+ //DFCH
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- BlackBoxDescriptor *bbDes = _pkgBrowser->GetActualSelected();
- if (bbDes!=NULL)
- {
- std::string typeName = bbDes->GetTypeName();
- std::string packageName = bbDes->GetPackage()->GetName();
- wxGEditorTabPanel *pnl = this->_tabsMgr->getActualTabPanel();
- if (pnl!=NULL)
- {
- wxVtkSceneManager *scn = pnl->getSceneManager();
- scn->createGBlackBox(50,50,packageName, typeName);
- scn->refresh();
- } // if pnl
- }// if bbDes
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnComplexBox(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxToolBar* toolbar = GetToolBar();
+ bool temp = toolbar->GetToolState(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX);
+ if (temp) {
+ _tabsMgr->setActualDiagramComplexBox(true);
+ } else {
+ _tabsMgr->setActualDiagramComplexBox(false);
+ refreshGUIControls();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnExecutableBox .... not implemented ...\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnClickBtnComplexBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxToolBar* toolbar = GetToolBar();
- bool temp = toolbar->GetToolState(ID_BTNCOMPLEXBOX);
- if(temp)
- {
- _tabsMgr->setActualDiagramComplexBox(true);
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxInput(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxTextEntryDialog *nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,
+ wxT("Name of input port"));
+ if (nameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = nameDialog->GetValue();
+ if (!fileName.IsEmpty()) {
+ std::string portName = (const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
+ _tabsMgr->addActualDiagramComplexInputPort(portName);
- else
- {
- _tabsMgr->setActualDiagramComplexBox(false);
- }
- refreshGUIControls();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxInput(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxTextEntryDialog *nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,wxT("Name of input port"));
- if (nameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = nameDialog->GetValue();
- if(!fileName.IsEmpty())
- {
- std::string portName=(const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
- _tabsMgr->addActualDiagramComplexInputPort(portName);
- }
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxOutput(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- wxTextEntryDialog *nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,wxT("Name of output port"));
- if (nameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- wxString fileName = nameDialog->GetValue();
- if(!fileName.IsEmpty())
- {
- std::string portName=(const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
- _tabsMgr->addActualDiagramComplexOutputPort(portName);
- }
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnAddComplexBoxOutput(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ wxTextEntryDialog *nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,
+ wxT("Name of output port"));
+ if (nameDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ wxString fileName = nameDialog->GetValue();
+ if (!fileName.IsEmpty()) {
+ std::string portName = (const char*) (fileName.mb_str());
+ _tabsMgr->addActualDiagramComplexOutputPort(portName);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCopySelectedToComplexDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- _tabsMgr->copySelectedBBoxesToComplexDiagram();
- }
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor ....not implemented..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackage(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackag ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex ... not implemented ..\n");
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- Close(true);
- }
- //=========================================================================
-} // EO namespace bbtk
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCopySelectedToComplexDiagram(
+ wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ _tabsMgr->copySelectedBBoxesToComplexDiagram();
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnHelpBBeditor ....not implemented..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackage(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreatePackag ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf(
+ "EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateBlackBox ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnPlugPackage ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnEditConfig ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnShowHTMLDoc ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnCreateIndex ... not implemented ..\n");
+void wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ Close(true);
+} // EO namespace bbtk
// EOF
-Program: bbtk
-Module: $RCSfile$
-Language: C++
-Date: $Date$
-Version: $Revision$
+ Program: bbtk
+ Module: $RCSfile$
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date$
+ Version: $Revision$
+ =========================================================================*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
-* Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
-* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
-* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
-* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-* http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
-* or in the file LICENSE.txt.
-* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-* liability.
-* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
+ * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
+ * or in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+ * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-* \file
-* \brief Class bbtk::wxVtkSceneManager .
+ * \file
+ * \brief Class bbtk::wxVtkSceneManager .
+ */
#include "wxVtkSceneManager.h"
- #include <vtkPolygon.h>
- #include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
-namespace bbtk
- //=========================================================================
- wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager(wxGEditorTabPanel *parent, wxVtk3DBaseView *baseView,int idManager)
- {
- _cbName = "ComplexBoxName";
- _cbPackageName = "PackageName";
- _Author = "Author ??";
- _Category = "<VOID>";
- _Description = "Description ??";
- _parent = parent;
- _numBoxes = 0;
- _idManager = idManager;
- _baseView = baseView;
- _startDragging = false;
- _isComplexBox = false;
- if( _baseView!=NULL )
- {
- printf ("RaC-EED 21-06-2010 %p wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager If you comment this line, the drag and drop functionnality is not initialized.\n" , this );
+#include <vtkPolygon.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+namespace bbtk {
+wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager(wxGEditorTabPanel *parent,
+ wxVtk3DBaseView *baseView, int idManager) {
+ _cbName = "ComplexBoxName";
+ _cbPackageName = "PackageName";
+ _Author = "Author ??";
+ _Category = "<VOID>";
+ _Description = "Description ??";
+ _parent = parent;
+ _numBoxes = 0;
+ _idManager = idManager;
+ _baseView = baseView;
+ _startDragging = false;
+ _isComplexBox = false;
+ if (_baseView != NULL) {
+ //EED02JUIN2010
+ printf(
+ "RaC-EED 21-06-2010 %p wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager If you comment this line, the drag and drop functionnality is not initialized.\n",
+ this);
#ifdef __APPLE__
- _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget((wxDropTarget*)parent);
+ _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget((wxDropTarget*)parent);
- configureBaseView();
- _worldState=NOTHING_HAPPENS;
- registerController(this);
- }
- _idConnectionInCreation = -1;
- _contLastId = 0;
+ configureBaseView();
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ registerController(this);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::disconnectDrop()
- {
- printf ("EED %p ~wxVtkSceneManager::disconnectDrop()\n" , this );
-//EED02JUIN2010 _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget(NULL);
-// _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget( new tmpClasswxTextDropTarget() );
- }
- //=========================================================================
- wxVtkSceneManager::~wxVtkSceneManager()
- {
- //FCY memory leaks
- printf ("EED %p ~wxVtkSceneManager()\n" , this );
- disconnectDrop();
- delete _baseView;
+ _idConnectionInCreation = -1;
+ _contLastId = 0;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::disconnectDrop() {
+ printf("EED %p ~wxVtkSceneManager::disconnectDrop()\n", this);
+ //EED02JUIN2010 _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget(NULL);
+ // _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget( new tmpClasswxTextDropTarget() );
+wxVtkSceneManager::~wxVtkSceneManager() {
+ //FCY memory leaks
+ printf("EED %p ~wxVtkSceneManager()\n", this);
+ disconnectDrop();
+ delete _baseView;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView() {
+ printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView 0\n");
+ vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D *interactorstylebaseview =
+ vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D::New();
+ _baseView->SetInteractorStyleBaseView(interactorstylebaseview);
+ // Important to activate the 2D interaction system
+ wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *iren =
+ _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
+ interactorstylebaseview->SetInteractor(iren);
+ iren->SetInteractorStyle(interactorstylebaseview);
+ interactorstylebaseview->SetwxVtkBaseView(_baseView);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->ParallelProjectionOn();
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera(-100, 100, -100, 100, 800, 1100);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->SetBackground(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GradientBackgroundOn();
+ _baseView->Refresh();
+ // Actos Port_Text
+ _textActor = vtkTextActor3D::New();
+ _textActor->SetPosition(-9999, -9999, 900);
+ _textActor->SetInput("<void>");
+ _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetFontSize(60);
+ _textActor->GetTextProperty()->BoldOn();
+ _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(PORTTEXT_NH_R, PORTTEXT_NH_G,
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor(_textActor);
+ // Actor Fill_Port_Text
+ //------------
+ double xInic = 0;
+ double yInic = 0;
+ double zInic = 900;
+ vtkPolygon *aPolygon = vtkPolygon::New();
+ _fillObjectActor = vtkActor::New();
+ _pts = vtkPoints::New();
+ double w = 100, h = 10, b = h / 15, t = 3;
+ _pts->SetNumberOfPoints(21);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(0, xInic + w * 0.33 - t / 2, yInic, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(1, xInic + w * 0.33, yInic - t, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(2, xInic + w * 0.33 + t / 2, yInic, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(3, xInic + w * 0.33 + t / 2, yInic, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(4, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(5, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(6, xInic + w - b * 2, yInic + b * 1, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(7, xInic + w - b * 1, yInic + b * 2, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(8, xInic + w - b * 0, yInic + b * 4, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(9, xInic + w - b * 0, yInic + h - b * 4, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(10, xInic + w - b * 1, yInic + h - b * 2, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(11, xInic + w - b * 2, yInic + h - b * 1, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(12, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + h - b * 0, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(13, xInic + b * 4, yInic + h - b * 0, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(14, xInic + b * 2, yInic + h - b * 1, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(15, xInic + b * 1, yInic + h - b * 2, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(16, xInic + b * 0, yInic + h - b * 4, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(17, xInic + b * 0, yInic + b * 4, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(18, xInic + b * 1, yInic + b * 2, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(19, xInic + b * 2, yInic + b * 1, zInic);
+ _pts->InsertPoint(20, xInic + b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic);
+ aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(21);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
+ aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i, i);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView()
- {
-printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView 0\n");
- vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D *interactorstylebaseview = vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D::New();
- _baseView->SetInteractorStyleBaseView(interactorstylebaseview);
- // Important to activate the 2D interaction system
- wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *iren = _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
- interactorstylebaseview->SetInteractor ( iren );
- iren->SetInteractorStyle(interactorstylebaseview);
- interactorstylebaseview->SetwxVtkBaseView(_baseView);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->ParallelProjectionOn();
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera(-100,100,-100,100,800,1100);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->SetBackground(0.9,0.9,0.9);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GradientBackgroundOn();
- _baseView->Refresh();
- // Actos Port_Text
- _textActor = vtkTextActor3D::New();
- _textActor->SetPosition( -9999 , -9999 , 900 );
- _textActor->SetInput( "<void>" );
- _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetFontSize(60);
- _textActor->GetTextProperty()->BoldOn();
- _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(PORTTEXT_NH_R,PORTTEXT_NH_G,PORTTEXT_NH_B);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _textActor );
- // Actor Fill_Port_Text
- //------------
- double xInic = 0;
- double yInic = 0;
- double zInic = 900;
- vtkPolygon *aPolygon = vtkPolygon::New();
- _fillObjectActor = vtkActor::New();
- _pts = vtkPoints::New();
- double w=100,h=10,b=h/15,t=3;
- _pts->SetNumberOfPoints(21);
- _pts->InsertPoint(0, xInic+w*0.33-t/2 , yInic , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(1, xInic+w*0.33 , yInic-t , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(2, xInic+w*0.33+t/2 , yInic , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(3, xInic+w*0.33+t/2 , yInic , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(4, xInic+w-b*4 , yInic+b*0 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint( 5, xInic+w-b*4 , yInic+b*0 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint( 6, xInic+w-b*2 , yInic+b*1 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint( 7, xInic+w-b*1 , yInic+b*2 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint( 8, xInic+w-b*0 , yInic+b*4 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint( 9, xInic+w-b*0 , yInic+h-b*4 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(10, xInic+w-b*1 , yInic+h-b*2 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(11, xInic+w-b*2 , yInic+h-b*1 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(12, xInic+w-b*4 , yInic+h-b*0 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(13, xInic+b*4 , yInic+h-b*0 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(14, xInic+b*2 , yInic+h-b*1 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(15, xInic+b*1 , yInic+h-b*2 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(16, xInic+b*0 , yInic+h-b*4 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(17, xInic+b*0 , yInic+b*4 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(18, xInic+b*1 , yInic+b*2 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(19, xInic+b*2 , yInic+b*1 , zInic );
- _pts->InsertPoint(20, xInic+b*4 , yInic+b*0 , zInic );
- aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(21);
- for (int i=0;i<21; i++)
- {
- aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i, i);
- }
- vtkUnstructuredGrid *aPolygonGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
- aPolygonGrid->Allocate(1, 1);
- aPolygonGrid->InsertNextCell(aPolygon->GetCellType(), aPolygon->GetPointIds());
- aPolygonGrid->SetPoints(_pts);
- _aPolygonMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
- _aPolygonMapper->SetInput(aPolygonGrid);
- _fillObjectActor->SetMapper(_aPolygonMapper);
- _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(PORTFILL_NH_R,PORTFILL_NH_G,PORTFILL_NH_B);
- _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0);
- _aPolygonMapper->Modified();
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _fillObjectActor );
-printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView 1\n");
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid *aPolygonGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+ aPolygonGrid->Allocate(1, 1);
+ aPolygonGrid->InsertNextCell(aPolygon->GetCellType(),
+ aPolygon->GetPointIds());
+ aPolygonGrid->SetPoints(_pts);
+ _aPolygonMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
+ _aPolygonMapper->SetInput(aPolygonGrid);
+ _fillObjectActor->SetMapper(_aPolygonMapper);
+ _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(PORTFILL_NH_R, PORTFILL_NH_G,
+ _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0);
+ _aPolygonMapper->Modified();
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor(_fillObjectActor);
+ printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView 1\n");
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::generateANewNameForABox() {
+ std::stringstream boxname;
+ if (_numBoxes < 10) {
+ boxname << "Box0" << _numBoxes;
+ } else {
+ boxname << "Box" << _numBoxes;
+ _numBoxes++;
+ return boxname.str();
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::generateANewNameForABox()
- {
- std::stringstream boxname;
- if(_numBoxes<10)
- {
- boxname << "Box0" << _numBoxes;
- }else{
- boxname << "Box" << _numBoxes;
- }
- _numBoxes++;
- return boxname.str();
- }
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::findANewNameForABox() {
+ std::string boxname = generateANewNameForABox();
- //=========================================================================
+ while (boxExist(boxname) == true) {
+ boxname = generateANewNameForABox();
+ } // while
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::findANewNameForABox()
- {
- std::string boxname=generateANewNameForABox();
+ return boxname;
- while (boxExist(boxname)==true)
- {
- boxname=generateANewNameForABox();
- } // while
+void wxVtkSceneManager::configGBlackBox(int idBox, double xIn, double yIn,
+ double zIn, std::string name, bool boxExecutable, double xEn,
+ double yEn, double zEn) {
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox];
+ GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ bbmod->setBBTKName(name);
+ bbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ bbmod->setFinalPoint(xEn, yEn, zEn);
+ bbmod->setExecutable(boxExecutable);
- return boxname;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::configGBlackBox(int idBox, double xIn, double yIn, double zIn, std::string name, bool boxExecutable,double xEn,double yEn,double zEn)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox];
- GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- bbmod->setBBTKName(name);
- bbmod->setInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- bbmod->setFinalPoint(xEn,yEn,zEn);
- bbmod->setExecutable(boxExecutable);
+ bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- }
- //=========================================================================
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox(int x, int y, std::string packageName,
+ std::string boxType) {
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ //EED int windowWidth = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
+ int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox(int x, int y, std::string packageName, std::string boxType)
- {
- _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
-//EED int windowWidth = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
- int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
+ int type = GBLACKBOX;
- int type = GBLACKBOX;
+ //Create the MVC Objects
- //Create the MVC Objects
+ GBlackBoxModel
+ *model =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(
+ type);
+ vtkGObjectView *view =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
+ GObjectController* controller =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
- GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*)GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type);
- vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
- GObjectController* controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
+ BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->getBlackBoxDescriptor(
+ packageName, boxType);
- BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->getBlackBoxDescriptor(packageName, boxType);
+ //Prepares the initial model
+ //The coordinates obtained are the following. Top-Left:x=0,y=0 Bottom-Right:x=width,y=height
- //Prepares the initial model
- //The coordinates obtained are the following. Top-Left:x=0,y=0 Bottom-Right:x=width,y=height
+ double xx = x;
+ double yy = windowHeight - y;
- double xx = x;
- double yy = windowHeight-y;
+ //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
+ double zz = 900;
+ _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz);
+ model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz);
- //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
- double zz = 900;
- _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx,yy,zz);
- model->setInicPoint(xx,yy,zz);
+ std::stringstream stream;
- std::stringstream stream;
+ std::string newBoxName;
+ newBoxName = findANewNameForABox();
- std::string newBoxName;
- newBoxName = findANewNameForABox();
+ stream << newBoxName;
+ std::string arraystring = stream.str();
- stream << newBoxName;
+ model->setBBTKName(arraystring);
+ model->setBBTKType(boxType);
+ model->setBBTKPackage(packageName);
- std::string arraystring = stream.str();
+ model->addObserver(view);
+ model->addObserver(this);
- model->setBBTKName(arraystring);
- model->setBBTKType(boxType);
- model->setBBTKPackage(packageName);
+ //Iterate and create the input ports
+ std::map<std::string, BlackBoxInputDescriptor*> descriptorInMap =
+ descriptor->GetInputDescriptorMap();
+ std::map<std::string, BlackBoxInputDescriptor*>::iterator itInput;
- model->addObserver(view);
- model->addObserver(this);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (itInput = descriptorInMap.begin(); itInput != descriptorInMap.end(); ++itInput) {
+ BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc = itInput->second;
+ createGInputPort(GINPUTPORT, i, model, desc);
+ i++;
+ }
- //Iterate and create the input ports
- std::map<std::string, BlackBoxInputDescriptor*> descriptorInMap = descriptor->GetInputDescriptorMap();
- std::map<std::string, BlackBoxInputDescriptor*>::iterator itInput;
+ //Iterate and create the output ports
+ std::map<std::string, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor*> descriptorOutMap =
+ descriptor->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
+ std::map<std::string, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor*>::iterator itOutput;
+ i = 0;
+ for (itOutput = descriptorOutMap.begin(); itOutput
+ != descriptorOutMap.end(); ++itOutput) {
+ BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc = itOutput->second;
+ createGOutputPort(GOUTPUTPORT, i, model, desc);
+ i++;
+ }
- int i=0;
- for(itInput = descriptorInMap.begin(); itInput != descriptorInMap.end(); ++itInput)
- {
- BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc = itInput->second;
- createGInputPort(GINPUTPORT,i,model,desc);
- i++;
- }
+ //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
+ //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
+ view->setModel(model);
+ view->setBaseView(_baseView);
+ view->initVtkObjects();
- //Iterate and create the output ports
- std::map<std::string, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor*> descriptorOutMap = descriptor->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
- std::map<std::string, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor*>::iterator itOutput;
+ //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
+ controller->setModelAndView(model, view);
- i=0;
- for(itOutput = descriptorOutMap.begin();itOutput != descriptorOutMap.end(); ++itOutput)
- {
- BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc = itOutput->second;
- createGOutputPort(GOUTPUTPORT,i,model,desc);
- i++;
- }
+ //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
+ model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ int newId = addObjectController(controller);
- //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
- //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
- view->setModel(model);
- view->setBaseView(_baseView);
- view->initVtkObjects();
+ return newId;
- //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
- controller->setModelAndView(model,view);
- //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
- model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- int newId = addObjectController(controller);
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxInputPort(std::string inputName) {
+ //EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
+ int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
- return newId;
- }
+ //Create the MVC Objects
- //=========================================================================
+ GComplexBoxPortModel
+ *model =
+ (GComplexBoxPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(
+ type);
+ vtkGObjectView *view =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
+ GObjectController* controller =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxInputPort(std::string inputName)
- {
-//EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
- int windowHeight=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
+ //Prepares the initial model
+ double xx = 5;
+ double yy = windowHeight - 5;
- //Create the MVC Objects
+ //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
+ double zz = 900;
+ printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxInputPort 900-450\n");
- GComplexBoxPortModel *model = (GComplexBoxPortModel*)GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type);
- vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
- GObjectController* controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
+ _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz);
+ model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz);
- //Prepares the initial model
+ model->setBBTKName(inputName);
+ model->setBBTKType("ComplexInputPort");
+ model->setComplexPortType(type);
- double xx = 5;
- double yy = windowHeight-5;
+ model->addObserver(view);
+ model->addObserver(this);
- //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
- double zz = 900;
-printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxInputPort 900-450\n");
+ //create the output port
+ GPortController* portController = createGPort(GOUTPUTPORT, inputName,
+ "ComplexInputPort", 0, model);
+ model->addOutputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel());
- _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx,yy,zz);
- model->setInicPoint(xx,yy,zz);
+ //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
+ //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
+ view->setModel(model);
+ view->setBaseView(_baseView);
+ view->initVtkObjects();
- model->setBBTKName(inputName);
- model->setBBTKType("ComplexInputPort");
- model->setComplexPortType(type);
+ //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
+ controller->setModelAndView(model, view);
- model->addObserver(view);
- model->addObserver(this);
+ //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
+ model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- //create the output port
- GPortController* portController = createGPort(GOUTPUTPORT,inputName,"ComplexInputPort",0,model);
- model->addOutputPort((GPortModel*)portController->getModel());
+ int newId = addObjectController(controller);
+ return newId;
- //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
- //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
- view->setModel(model);
- view->setBaseView(_baseView);
- view->initVtkObjects();
- //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
- controller->setModelAndView(model,view);
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxOutputPort(std::string outputName) {
+ //EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
+ int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
- //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
- model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- int newId = addObjectController(controller);
- return newId;
- }
+ //Create the MVC Objects
- //=========================================================================
+ GComplexBoxPortModel
+ *model =
+ (GComplexBoxPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(
+ type);
+ vtkGObjectView *view =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
+ GObjectController *controller =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxOutputPort(std::string outputName)
- {
-//EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0];
- int windowHeight=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1];
+ //Prepares the initial model
+ double xx = 5;
+ double yy = windowHeight - 5;
- //Create the MVC Objects
+ //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
+ double zz = 900;
- GComplexBoxPortModel *model = (GComplexBoxPortModel*)GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type);
- vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
- GObjectController *controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
+ printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxOutputPort 900-450\n");
- //Prepares the initial model
+ _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz);
+ model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz);
- double xx = 5;
- double yy = windowHeight-5;
+ model->setBBTKName(outputName);
+ model->setBBTKType("ComplexOutputPort");
+ model->setComplexPortType(type);
- //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection
- double zz = 900;
+ model->addObserver(view);
+ model->addObserver(this);
-printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxOutputPort 900-450\n");
+ //create the output port
+ GPortController* portController = createGPort(GINPUTPORT, outputName,
+ "ComplexInputPort", 0, model);
+ model->addInputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel());
- _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx,yy,zz);
- model->setInicPoint(xx,yy,zz);
+ //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
+ //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
+ view->setModel(model);
+ view->setBaseView(_baseView);
+ view->initVtkObjects();
- model->setBBTKName(outputName);
- model->setBBTKType("ComplexOutputPort");
- model->setComplexPortType(type);
+ //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
+ controller->setModelAndView(model, view);
- model->addObserver(view);
- model->addObserver(this);
+ //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
+ model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- //create the output port
- GPortController* portController = createGPort(GINPUTPORT,outputName,"ComplexInputPort",0,model);
- model->addInputPort((GPortModel*)portController->getModel());
+ int newId = addObjectController(controller);
+ return newId;
- //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
- //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
- view->setModel(model);
- view->setBaseView(_baseView);
- view->initVtkObjects();
- //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
- controller->setModelAndView(model,view);
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGInputPort(int portType, int posinBox,
+ GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc) {
+ GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType, desc->GetName(),
+ desc->GetTypeName(), posinBox, blackBox);
+ blackBox->addInputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel());
+ return portController->getId();
- //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model
- model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- int newId = addObjectController(controller);
- return newId;
- }
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGOutputPort(int portType, int posinBox,
+ GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc) {
+ GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType, desc->GetName(),
+ desc->GetTypeName(), posinBox, blackBox);
+ blackBox->addOutputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel());
+ return portController->getId();
- //=========================================================================
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGInputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc)
- {
- GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType,desc->GetName(),desc->GetTypeName(),posinBox,blackBox);
- blackBox->addInputPort((GPortModel*)portController->getModel());
- return portController->getId();
- }
+GPortController* wxVtkSceneManager::createGPort(int portType,
+ std::string bbtkName, std::string bbtkType, int posInBox,
+ GBoxModel *blackBox) {
+ int type = GPORT;
- //=========================================================================
+ //Create the MVC Objects
+ GPortModel
+ *model =
+ (GPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(
+ type);
+ vtkGObjectView *view =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
+ GObjectController* controller =
+ GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGOutputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc)
- {
- GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType,desc->GetName(),desc->GetTypeName(),posinBox,blackBox);
- blackBox->addOutputPort((GPortModel*)portController->getModel());
- return portController->getId();
- }
+ model->registerInBox(blackBox, portType, posInBox);
- //=========================================================================
+ model->setBBTKType(bbtkType);
+ model->setBBTKName(bbtkName);
- GPortController* wxVtkSceneManager::createGPort(int portType,std::string bbtkName, std::string bbtkType, int posInBox,GBoxModel *blackBox)
- {
- int type = GPORT;
+ model->addObserver(view);
+ model->addObserver(this);
- //Create the MVC Objects
- GPortModel *model = (GPortModel*)GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type);
- vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type);
- GObjectController* controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type);
+ //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
+ //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
+ view->setModel(model);
+ view->setBaseView(_baseView);
+ view->initVtkObjects();
- model->registerInBox(blackBox,portType, posInBox);
+ //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
+ controller->setModelAndView(model, view);
- model->setBBTKType(bbtkType);
- model->setBBTKName(bbtkName);
+ model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- model->addObserver(view);
- model->addObserver(this);
+ addObjectController(controller);
- //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model.
- //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view)
- view->setModel(model);
- view->setBaseView(_baseView);
- view->initVtkObjects();
+ return (GPortController*) controller;
- //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view
- controller->setModelAndView(model,view);
- model->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+int wxVtkSceneManager::createGConnector(GPortModel* startPort) {
+ int type = GCONNECTOR;
- addObjectController(controller);
+ manualConnectorContourController* manContourControl =
+ new manualConnectorContourController();
+ manualConnectorContourView* manContourView =
+ new manualConnectorContourView();
+ manualContourModel* manContourModel = new manualContourModel();
- return (GPortController*)controller;
- }
+ GConnectorController* connectorcontroller = new GConnectorController();
+ GConnectorModel* connectorModel = new GConnectorModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView* connectorView = new vtkGConnectorView();
+ connectorModel->setGObjectType(type);
- //=========================================================================
+ manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false);
+ connectorModel->setStartPort(startPort);
- int wxVtkSceneManager::createGConnector(GPortModel* startPort)
- {
- int type = GCONNECTOR;
+ manContourView->SetModel(manContourModel);
+ manContourView->SetWxVtkBaseView(_baseView);
+ manContourView->SetRange(0.5);
+ manContourView->SetZ(900);
- manualConnectorContourController* manContourControl = new manualConnectorContourController();
- manualConnectorContourView* manContourView = new manualConnectorContourView();
- manualContourModel* manContourModel = new manualContourModel();
+ manContourView->SetColorNormalContour(0, 0, 1);
+ manContourView->SetColorEditContour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ manContourView->SetColorSelectContour(1, 0.8, 0);
+ manContourView->SetWidthLine(1);
+ manContourView->SetShowText(false);
- GConnectorController* connectorcontroller = new GConnectorController();
- GConnectorModel* connectorModel = new GConnectorModel();
- vtkGConnectorView* connectorView = new vtkGConnectorView();
- connectorModel->setGObjectType(type);
+ manContourControl->SetModelView(manContourModel, manContourView);
- manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false);
- connectorModel->setStartPort(startPort);
+ manContourControl->CreateNewManualContour();
- manContourView->SetModel( manContourModel );
- manContourView->SetWxVtkBaseView( _baseView );
- manContourView->SetRange( 0.5 );
- manContourView->SetZ( 900 );
+ manContourView->RefreshContour();
- manContourView->SetColorNormalContour(0, 0, 1);
- manContourView->SetColorEditContour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- manContourView->SetColorSelectContour(1, 0.8, 0);
- manContourView->SetWidthLine(1);
- manContourView->SetShowText(false);
+ double x, y, z;
+ connectorModel->getInicPoint(x, y, z);
- manContourControl->SetModelView( manContourModel , manContourView );
+ manContourControl->SetState(1);
+ manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false);
- manContourControl->CreateNewManualContour();
+ manContourModel->AddPoint(x, y, z);
+ manContourView->AddPoint();
- manContourView->RefreshContour();
+ manContourModel->AddPoint(x, y, z);
+ manContourView->AddPoint();
+ int bak = manContourControl->GetNumberOfPointsManualContour() - 1;
+ manContourControl->_bakIdPoint = bak;
+ manContourView->Refresh();
- double x,y,z;
- connectorModel->getInicPoint(x,y,z);
+ manContourControl->SetMoving(false);
- manContourControl->SetState(1);
- manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false);
+ connectorcontroller->setModelAndView(connectorModel, connectorView);
- manContourModel->AddPoint(x,y,z);
- manContourView->AddPoint();
+ int newId = addObjectController(connectorcontroller);
- manContourModel->AddPoint(x,y,z);
- manContourView->AddPoint();
+ connectorcontroller->setManualContourController(manContourControl);
+ connectorModel->setManualContourModel(manContourModel);
+ connectorView->setManualContourView(manContourView);
+ connectorView->setModel(connectorModel);
+ connectorView->setBaseView(_baseView);
- int bak= manContourControl->GetNumberOfPointsManualContour() - 1;
- manContourControl->_bakIdPoint=bak;
- manContourView->Refresh();
+ connectorModel->addObserver(connectorView);
+ connectorModel->addObserver(this);
- manContourControl->SetMoving( false );
+ return newId;
- connectorcontroller->setModelAndView(connectorModel,connectorView);
- int newId = addObjectController(connectorcontroller);
+void wxVtkSceneManager::registerController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param) {
+ vtkInteractorStyleBaseView
+ * baseViewControlManager =
+ (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*) _baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView();
+ baseViewControlManager->AddInteractorStyleMaracas(param);
- connectorcontroller->setManualContourController(manContourControl);
- connectorModel->setManualContourModel(manContourModel);
- connectorView->setManualContourView(manContourView);
- connectorView->setModel(connectorModel);
- connectorView->setBaseView(_baseView);
+void wxVtkSceneManager::unregisterController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param) {
+ vtkInteractorStyleBaseView
+ * baseViewControlManager =
+ (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*) _baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView();
+ baseViewControlManager->RemoveInteractorStyleMaracas(param);
- connectorModel->addObserver(connectorView);
- connectorModel->addObserver(this);
- return newId;
- }
+vtkRenderer* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderer() {
+ return _baseView->GetRenderer();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::registerController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param)
- {
- vtkInteractorStyleBaseView* baseViewControlManager = (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*)_baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView();
- baseViewControlManager->AddInteractorStyleMaracas( param );
- }
+vtkRenderWindow* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderWindow() {
+ return _baseView->GetRenWin();
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::unregisterController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param)
- {
- vtkInteractorStyleBaseView* baseViewControlManager = (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*)_baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView();
- baseViewControlManager->RemoveInteractorStyleMaracas( param );
+int wxVtkSceneManager::GetIndexInSelected(int idControler) {
+ int index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
+ if (_selectedObjects[i] == idControler) {
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ return index;
- //=========================================================================
+void wxVtkSceneManager::update(int idController, int command) {
- vtkRenderer* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderer()
- {
- return _baseView->GetRenderer();
- }
- //=========================================================================
+ if (command != NO_COMMAND) {
+ if (command == ADD_TO_SELECTED) {
+ //EEDBorrame GObjectController* cont = _controllers[idController];
- vtkRenderWindow* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderWindow()
- {
- return _baseView->GetRenWin();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- int wxVtkSceneManager::GetIndexInSelected(int idControler)
- {
- int index=-1;
- for (int i=0; i<(int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
- if(_selectedObjects[i]==idControler)
- {
- index=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::update(int idController,int command)
- {
- if(command != NO_COMMAND)
- {
- if(command == ADD_TO_SELECTED)
- {
-//EEDBorrame GObjectController* cont = _controllers[idController];
- if (GetIndexInSelected(idController)==-1)
- {
- _selectedObjects.push_back(idController);
- }
+ if (GetIndexInSelected(idController) == -1) {
+ _selectedObjects.push_back(idController);
+ }
-// bool foundID=false;
-// for (int i=0; i<(int)_selectedObjects.size() && foundID==false; i++)
-// {
-// if(_selectedObjects[i]==idController)
-// {
-// foundID = true;
-// }
-// }
-// if(!foundID)
-// {
-// _selectedObjects.push_back(idController);
-// }
- }else if(command == REMOVE_FROM_SELECTED)
- {
- int index=GetIndexInSelected(idController);
- if (index>=0)
- {
- _selectedObjects.erase( _selectedObjects.begin()+index );
- }
- }
- else if(command == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- GObjectController* cont = _controllers[idController];
- GPortModel* startOutputPort = (GPortModel*)cont->getModel();
- // The last one is the controller of the connector
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
- for(it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType() == GPORT )
- {
- GPortModel* port = (GPortModel*)cont->getModel();
- if(port->getPortType()==GINPUTPORT)
- {
- cont->SetActive(true);
- }
- else
- {
- cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
- cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- cont->SetActive(false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
+ //EEDBorrame
+ // bool foundID=false;
+ // for (int i=0; i<(int)_selectedObjects.size() && foundID==false; i++)
+ // {
+ // if(_selectedObjects[i]==idController)
+ // {
+ // foundID = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if(!foundID)
+ // {
+ // _selectedObjects.push_back(idController);
+ // }
+ } else if (command == REMOVE_FROM_SELECTED) {
+ int index = GetIndexInSelected(idController);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ _selectedObjects.erase(_selectedObjects.begin() + index);
+ }
+ } else if (command == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) {
+ GObjectController* cont = _controllers[idController];
+ GPortModel* startOutputPort = (GPortModel*) cont->getModel();
+ // The last one is the controller of the connector
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GPORT) {
+ GPortModel* port = (GPortModel*) cont->getModel();
+ if (port->getPortType() == GINPUTPORT) {
+ cont->SetActive(true);
+ } else {
+ } else {
+ cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
+ cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ cont->SetActive(false);
- _selectedObjects.clear();
- _idConnectionInCreation=createGConnector(startOutputPort);
- else if(command == FIN_CREATION_CONTOUR && _worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
- //int id = _controllers.size()-1;
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[_idConnectionInCreation];
- GConnectorModel *modelContour = (GConnectorModel*)cont->getModel();
- GObjectController *finPort = _controllers[idController];
- if(finPort->getGObjectType() == GPORT)
- {
- GPortModel* modelPort = (GPortModel*)finPort->getModel();
- modelContour->setEndPort(modelPort);
- }
- manualConnectorContourController* manCont = ((GConnectorController*)cont)->getManualContourController();
- manualConnectorContourView* connView = (manualConnectorContourView*)manCont->GetManualViewBaseContour();
- connView->Refresh();
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
+ _selectedObjects.clear();
+ _idConnectionInCreation = createGConnector(startOutputPort);
+ } else if (command == FIN_CREATION_CONTOUR && _worldState
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ //int id = _controllers.size()-1;
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[_idConnectionInCreation];
+ GConnectorModel *modelContour = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel();
+ GObjectController *finPort = _controllers[idController];
+ if (finPort->getGObjectType() == GPORT) {
+ GPortModel* modelPort = (GPortModel*) finPort->getModel();
+ modelContour->setEndPort(modelPort);
+ }
- for(it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
- if(cont->getView()!=NULL)
- {
- cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
- cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- }
- cont->SetActive(true);
+ manualConnectorContourController
+ * manCont =
+ ((GConnectorController*) cont)->getManualContourController();
+ manualConnectorContourView
+ * connView =
+ (manualConnectorContourView*) manCont->GetManualViewBaseContour();
+ connView->Refresh();
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
+ if (cont->getView() != NULL) {
+ cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
+ cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ cont->SetActive(true);
- //=========================================================================
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnMouseMove()
- {
- int X,Y;
- bool okStatusMessage = false;
- bool okPortMessage = false;
- wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
- wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
- wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X,Y);
- if(_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<(int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
- int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
- if(_startDragging)
- {
- cont->getView()->setStartDragging(true);
- }
- cont->getView()->moveObject(X,Y);
- cont->getView()->setState(DRAG);
- cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnMouseMove() {
+ int X, Y;
+ bool okStatusMessage = false;
+ bool okPortMessage = false;
+ wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
+ wxVTKiren
+ = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
+ wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X, Y);
+ if (_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
+ int id = _selectedObjects[i];
+ GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
+ if (_startDragging) {
+ cont->getView()->setStartDragging(true);
+ cont->getView()->moveObject(X, Y);
+ cont->getView()->setState(DRAG);
+ cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ }
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- if(desc->getGObjectType()==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- vtkGConnectorView* vconn = (vtkGConnectorView*)desc->getView();
- vconn->updateStartEndPoints();
- }
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ if (desc->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) {
+ vtkGConnectorView* vconn = (vtkGConnectorView*) desc->getView();
+ vconn->updateStartEndPoints();
+ }
- _startDragging=false;
+ _startDragging = false;
+ } else if (_worldState == NOTHING_HAPPENS || _worldState
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ double px, py, pz;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ int type = desc->getGObjectType();
+ int state = desc->getView()->getState();
+ desc->getModel()->getCenter(px, py, pz);
+ if (state == HIGHLIGHTED) {
+ okStatusMessage = true;
+ updateStatusBar(desc->getStatusText());
+ if (type == GBLACKBOX) {
+ GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel();
+ _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(mod->getBBTKPackage(),
+ mod->getBBTKType());
+ } // if GBLACKBOX
+ if (type == GPORT) {
+ // PortText
+ okPortMessage = true;
+ py = py + 5;
+ _textActor->SetInput(desc->getStatusText().c_str());
+ _textActor->SetScale(0.1);
+ _textActor->SetPosition(px - 25, py + 1, pz + 2);
+ // FillPortText
+ px = px - 33;
+ py = py;
+ _fillObjectActor->SetScale(1);
+ _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.50);
+ _fillObjectActor->SetPosition(px, py, 1);
+ _aPolygonMapper->Modified();
+ } // if GPORT
+ } // for controllers it
- else if(_worldState == NOTHING_HAPPENS || _worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- double px, py, pz;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- int type = desc->getGObjectType();
- int state = desc->getView()->getState();
- desc->getModel()->getCenter(px,py,pz);
- if(state == HIGHLIGHTED){
- okStatusMessage = true;
- updateStatusBar(desc->getStatusText());
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*)desc->getModel();
- _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(mod->getBBTKPackage(),mod->getBBTKType());
- } // if GBLACKBOX
- if(type==GPORT)
- {
- // PortText
- okPortMessage = true;
- py=py+5;
- _textActor->SetInput( desc->getStatusText().c_str() );
- _textActor->SetScale(0.1);
- _textActor->SetPosition( px-25 ,py+1 , pz+2 );
- // FillPortText
- px=px-33;
- py=py;
- _fillObjectActor->SetScale(1);
- _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.50);
- _fillObjectActor->SetPosition(px,py,1);
- _aPolygonMapper->Modified();
- } // if GPORT
- } // for controllers it
- }
- }
- if (okStatusMessage==false)
- {
- updateStatusBar("");
- }
+ }
+ if (okStatusMessage == false) {
+ updateStatusBar("");
+ }
- if (okPortMessage==false)
- {
- _textActor->SetScale(0.0001);
- _fillObjectActor->SetScale(0.0001);
- }
- return true;
+ if (okPortMessage == false) {
+ _textActor->SetScale(0.0001);
+ _fillObjectActor->SetScale(0.0001);
+ return true;
- //=========================================================================
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonDown()
- {
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonDown() {
- if(_worldState==INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- bool isOverPort=false;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() && isOverPort==false; ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- if(desc->getGObjectType()==GPORT)
- {
- GPortModel *portmod = (GPortModel*)desc->getModel();
- vtkGObjectView *portView = desc->getView();
- if(portmod->getPortType()==GINPUTPORT && portView->getState()==HIGHLIGHTED)
- {
- isOverPort=true;
- } // if
+ if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) {
+ bool isOverPort = false;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() && isOverPort
+ == false; ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ if (desc->getGObjectType() == GPORT) {
+ GPortModel *portmod = (GPortModel*) desc->getModel();
+ vtkGObjectView *portView = desc->getView();
+ if (portmod->getPortType() == GINPUTPORT
+ && portView->getState() == HIGHLIGHTED) {
+ isOverPort = true;
} // if
- } // for
- if(isOverPort==false)
- {
- CancelConnection();
- UnSelectBlackBoxes();
- } // isOverPort
+ } // if
+ } // for
- } else { //_worldState
+ if (isOverPort == false) {
+ CancelConnection();
+ UnSelectBlackBoxes();
+ } // isOverPort
- _worldState = DRAG_OBJECTS;
- _startDragging = true;
+ } else { //_worldState
- int shiftkey = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetShiftKey();
- int ctrlkey = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetControlKey();
- ctrlkey = ctrlkey + shiftkey;
+ _worldState = DRAG_OBJECTS;
+ _startDragging = true;
- GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse();
+ int shiftkey =
+ _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetShiftKey();
+ int ctrlkey =
+ _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetControlKey();
+ ctrlkey = ctrlkey + shiftkey;
+ GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse();
- if (GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse()!=NULL)
- {
- int state=cont->getView()->getState() ;
- if( (ctrlkey==0) && (state==HIGHLIGHTED) )
- {
- UnSelectBlackBoxes();
- }
+ if (GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse() != NULL) {
+ int state = cont->getView()->getState();
+ if ((ctrlkey == 0) && (state == HIGHLIGHTED)) {
+ UnSelectBlackBoxes();
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
- int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getView()->setState(DRAG);
- cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- } // for
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
+ int id = _selectedObjects[i];
+ GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getView()->setState(DRAG);
+ cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ } // for
- } // if _selectedObjects.size
+ } // if _selectedObjects.size
- return true;
+ return true;
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonUp() {
+ if (_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS) {
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
+ int id = _selectedObjects[i];
+ GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getView()->setState(SELECTED);
+ cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ }
+ return true;
- //=========================================================================
+void wxVtkSceneManager::CancelConnection() {
+ if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) {
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ //int lastId = _controllers.size()-1;
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonUp()
- {
- if(_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS)
- {
- _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ GConnectorController *connector =
+ (GConnectorController*) _controllers[_idConnectionInCreation];
+ connector->removeFromScene();
+ unregisterController(connector);
+ _controllers.erase(_idConnectionInCreation);
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ desc->SetActive(true);
+ desc->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
+ desc->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ } // for
+ }// if
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnRightButtonUp() {
+ if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) {
+ CancelConnection();
+ }
+ UnSelectBlackBoxes();
+ return true;
+GObjectController *wxVtkSceneManager::GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse() {
+ GObjectController *result = NULL;
+ int X, Y;
+ wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
+ wxVTKiren
+ = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
+ wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X, Y);
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ int type = cont->getGObjectType();
+ if (cont->getView()->isPointInside(X, Y) == true) {
+ if (type == GBLACKBOX) {
+ result = cont;
+ } // if type
+ } // if isPointInside
+ } // for it
+ return result;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::UnSelectBlackBoxes() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
+ int id = _selectedObjects[i];
+ GObjectController* control = _controllers[id];
+ control->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
+ }// for _selectedObjects
+ _selectedObjects.clear();
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftDClick() {
+ GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse();
+ if (cont != NULL) {
+ UnSelectBlackBoxes();
+ _parent->editBlackBox((GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel());
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
+ /*EED Borrame
+ int X,Y;
+ wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
+ wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
+ wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X,Y);
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ bool clickOnObject = false;
+ for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() && clickOnObject==false; ++it)
+ {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ int type = cont->getGObjectType();
+ if(cont->getView()->isPointInside(X,Y))
+ {
+ if(type==GBLACKBOX)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i< (int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int id = _selectedObjects[i];
+ GObjectController* control = _controllers[id];
+ control->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
+ }
+ _selectedObjects.clear();
+ GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
+ _parent->editBlackBox(bbmodel);
+ }
+ clickOnObject = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(clickOnObject==false)
+ {
+ //_parent->editDiagramParameters(this);
+ }
+ */
+ return true;
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnChar() {
+ char keyCode = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()-> GetKeyCode();
+ // KeyCode 127 : Delete Key
+ // KeyCode 8 : Backspace Key
+ if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 127) {
+ if (_selectedObjects.size() > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) {
int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getView()->setState(SELECTED);
- cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ it = _controllers.find(id);
+ if (it != _controllers.end()) {
+ deleteObject(id);
+ }
+ _selectedObjects.clear();
- return true;
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::CancelConnection()
- {
- if(_worldState==INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- _worldState=NOTHING_HAPPENS;
- //int lastId = _controllers.size()-1;
- GConnectorController *connector = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[_idConnectionInCreation];
- connector->removeFromScene();
- unregisterController(connector);
- _controllers.erase(_idConnectionInCreation);
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- desc->SetActive(true);
- desc->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
- desc->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- } // for
- }// if
- }
+ return true;
- //=========================================================================
+void wxVtkSceneManager::AddControlerToBeRemove(
+ std::vector<int> *controllersToRemove, int id) {
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnRightButtonUp()
- {
- if(_worldState==INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR)
- {
- CancelConnection();
+ int i;
+ bool ok = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) controllersToRemove->size(); i++) {
+ if (id == (*controllersToRemove)[i]) {
+ ok = false;
- UnSelectBlackBoxes();
- return true;
- //=========================================================================
+ if (ok == true) {
+ controllersToRemove->push_back(id);
+ }
- GObjectController *wxVtkSceneManager::GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse()
- {
- GObjectController *result=NULL;
- int X,Y;
- wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
- wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
- wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X,Y);
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() ; ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- int type = cont->getGObjectType();
+void wxVtkSceneManager::deleteObject(int id) {
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ std::vector<int> controllersToRemove;
- if( cont->getView()->isPointInside(X,Y)==true )
- {
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- result=cont;
- } // if type
- } // if isPointInside
- } // for it
- return result;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::UnSelectBlackBoxes()
- {
- for (int i=0; i< (int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
- int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- GObjectController* control = _controllers[id];
- control->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
- }// for _selectedObjects
- _selectedObjects.clear();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftDClick()
- {
- GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse();
- if (cont!=NULL)
- {
- UnSelectBlackBoxes();
- _parent->editBlackBox( (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel() );
- }
+ if (control->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX || control->getGObjectType()
+ == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT || control->getGObjectType()
+ GBoxModel *bbmod = (GBoxModel*) control->getModel();
+ std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = bbmod->getInputPorts();
-/*EED Borrame
+ bool boxConnected = false;
- int X,Y;
- wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren;
- wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor();
- wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X,Y);
+ // Add box input controllers to be removed
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) inputs.size(); i++) {
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,
+ inputs[i]->getObjectId());
+ if (inputs[i]->isConnected()) {
+ boxConnected = true;
+ }
+ }
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ std::vector<GPortModel*> outputs = bbmod->getOutputPorts();
- bool clickOnObject = false;
+ // Add box output controllers to be removed
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) outputs.size(); i++) {
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,
+ outputs[i]->getObjectId());
+ if (outputs[i]->isConnected()) {
+ boxConnected = true;
+ }
+ }
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() && clickOnObject==false; ++it)
- {
+ // Add connection controllers to be removed
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
GObjectController *cont = it->second;
int type = cont->getGObjectType();
- if(cont->getView()->isPointInside(X,Y))
- {
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- for (int i=0; i< (int)_selectedObjects.size(); i++)
- {
- int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- GObjectController* control = _controllers[id];
- control->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS);
- }
- _selectedObjects.clear();
- GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- _parent->editBlackBox(bbmodel);
+ if (type == GCONNECTOR) {
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel();
+ if (conMod->getStartPort() != NULL
+ && conMod->getStartPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId()
+ == bbmod->getObjectId()) {
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,
+ conMod->getObjectId());
+ }
+ if (conMod->getEndPort() != NULL
+ && conMod->getEndPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId()
+ == bbmod->getObjectId()) {
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,
+ conMod->getObjectId());
- clickOnObject = true;
- if(clickOnObject==false)
- {
- //_parent->editDiagramParameters(this);
- }
- return true;
+ // Add box controller to be removed
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, bbmod->getObjectId());
+ } else if (control->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) {
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel();
+ AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, conMod->getObjectId());
- //=========================================================================
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnChar()
- {
- char keyCode = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()-> GetKeyCode();
- // KeyCode 127 : Delete Key
- // KeyCode 8 : Backspace Key
- if(keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 127)
- {
- if(_selectedObjects.size()>0)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<(int)_selectedObjects.size();i++)
- {
- int id = _selectedObjects[i];
- std::map<int,GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- it = _controllers.find(id);
- if (it!=_controllers.end())
- {
- deleteObject(id);
- }
- }
- _selectedObjects.clear();
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) controllersToRemove.size(); i++) {
+ int key = controllersToRemove[i];
+ it = _controllers.find(key);
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[key];
+ if (cont != NULL) {
+ cont->removeFromScene();
+ unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) cont);
+ _controllers.erase(it);
+ }//if
+ }// for
+void wxVtkSceneManager::displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName,
+ std::string boxName) {
+ _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(packageName, boxName);
+void wxVtkSceneManager::updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus) {
+ _parent->updateStatusBar(textStatus);
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::LineNumber(bool withLineNumber, int &value) {
+ std::string result = "";
+ if (withLineNumber == true) {
+ value++;
+ stringstream StrStream;
+ StrStream << value;
+ std::string strValue = StrStream.str();
+ if (value < 10) {
+ result += " ";
+ } else if (value < 100) {
+ result += " ";
+ result += strValue + ": ";
+ }
+ return result;
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::MakeBoxExecutable() {
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*> selected = getSelectedObjects();
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it = selected.end();
+ it--;
+ GObjectController* lastSelected = it->second;
+ //GObjectController* lastSelected = selected[selected.size()-1];
+ if( lastSelected )
+ {
+ vtkGObjectView* view = (vtkGObjectView*) lastSelected->getView();
+ GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel = (GBlackBoxModel*) lastSelected->getModel();
+ view->setState(HIGHLIGHTED);
+ if (bbmodel->isExecutable()) {
+ bbmodel->setExecutable(false);
+ } else {
+ bbmodel->setExecutable(true);
+ }
+ bbmodel->notifyObservers(lastSelected->getId());
return true;
+ else
+ return( false );
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::AddControlerToBeRemove(std::vector<int> *controllersToRemove, int id)
- {
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::getDiagramBBS(bool wln) {
+ bool existsExec = false;
- int i;
- bool ok=true;
- for(i=0 ; i < (int)controllersToRemove->size() ; i++ )
- {
- if (id == (*controllersToRemove)[i] )
- {
- ok=false;
- }
- }
+ std::vector<std::string> packages;
+ std::vector<int> boxes;
+ std::vector<int> connections;
+ std::vector<int> execBoxes;
- if (ok==true)
- {
- controllersToRemove->push_back( id );
- }
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- }
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ int type = desc->getGObjectType();
- //=========================================================================
+ if (type == GBLACKBOX) {
+ GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel();
- void wxVtkSceneManager::deleteObject(int id)
- {
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- std::vector<int> controllersToRemove;
- if(control->getGObjectType()==GBLACKBOX || control->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT || control->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT)
- {
- GBoxModel *bbmod = (GBoxModel*)control->getModel();
- std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = bbmod->getInputPorts();
- bool boxConnected = false;
- // Add box input controllers to be removed
- for(int i = 0;i< (int)inputs.size();i++)
- {
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, inputs[i]->getObjectId() );
- if(inputs[i]->isConnected())
- {
- boxConnected = true;
+ std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage();
+ bool existsPkg = false;
+ for (int t = 0; t < (int) packages.size() && existsPkg == false; t++) {
+ if (packages[t] == pkg) {
+ existsPkg = true;
- std::vector<GPortModel*> outputs = bbmod->getOutputPorts();
- // Add box output controllers to be removed
- for(int i = 0;i<(int)outputs.size();i++)
- {
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, outputs[i]->getObjectId() );
- if(outputs[i]->isConnected())
- {
- boxConnected = true;
- }
+ if (!existsPkg) {
+ packages.push_back(pkg);
- // Add connection controllers to be removed
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- int type = cont->getGObjectType();
- if(type==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)cont->getModel();
- if(conMod->getStartPort()!=NULL && conMod->getStartPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId() == bbmod->getObjectId())
- {
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, conMod->getObjectId() );
- }
- if(conMod->getEndPort()!=NULL && conMod->getEndPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId() == bbmod->getObjectId())
- {
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, conMod->getObjectId() );
- }
- }
+ boxes.push_back(it->first);
+ if (mod->isExecutable()) {
+ execBoxes.push_back(it->first);
+ existsExec = true;
- // Add box controller to be removed
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, bbmod->getObjectId() );
- }
- else if(control->getGObjectType()==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)control->getModel();
- AddControlerToBeRemove( &controllersToRemove, conMod->getObjectId() );
+ } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) {
+ connections.push_back(it->first);
- std::map<int,GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(int i = 0;i<(int)controllersToRemove.size();i++)
- {
- int key = controllersToRemove[i];
- it = _controllers.find( key );
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[ key ];
- if(cont!=NULL)
- {
- cont->removeFromScene();
- unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*)cont);
- _controllers.erase(it);
- }//if
- }// for
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName, std::string boxName)
- {
- _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(packageName,boxName);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus)
- {
- _parent->updateStatusBar(textStatus);
- }
+ int lnNmbr = 0;
+ std::string script = "";
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "# BBTK GEditor Script\n";
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "# ----------------------\n";
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "\n";
+ if (existsExec) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "include std\n"; // EED
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "include itkvtk\n"; // EED
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) packages.size(); i++) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "include ";
+ script += packages[i];
+ script += "\n";
+ }
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "\n";
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::LineNumber(bool withLineNumber, int &value)
- {
- std::string result="";
- if (withLineNumber==true)
- {
- value++;
- stringstream StrStream;
- StrStream << value;
- std::string strValue=StrStream.str();
- if (value<10)
- {
- result+=" ";
- }else if (value<100)
- {
- result+=" ";
- }
- result+=strValue+": ";
- }
- return result;
- }
- //=========================================================================
+ //ups2
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::getDiagramBBS(bool wln)
- {
- bool existsExec=false;
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "author \"";
+ script += _Author;
+ script += "\"\n";
- std::vector<std::string> packages;
- std::vector<int> boxes;
- std::vector<int> connections;
- std::vector<int> execBoxes;
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "description \"";
+ script += _Description;
+ script += "\"\n";
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "category \"";
+ script += _Category;
+ script += "\"\n";
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- int type = desc->getGObjectType();
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*)desc->getModel();
- std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage();
- bool existsPkg = false;
- for(int t = 0;t< (int)packages.size() && existsPkg == false;t++)
- {
- if(packages[t]==pkg)
- {
- existsPkg=true;
- }
- }
- if(!existsPkg)
- {
- packages.push_back(pkg);
- }
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "\n";
+ // script+="include std\n"; // JPR
- boxes.push_back(it->first);
- if(mod->isExecutable())
- {
- execBoxes.push_back(it->first);
- existsExec=true;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) boxes.size(); i++) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "new ";
+ int id = boxes[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel();
+ script += model->getBBTKType();
+ script += " ";
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += "\n";
+ std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = model->getInputPorts();
+ for (int j = 0; j < (int) inputs.size(); j++) {
+ GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j];
+ if (inputPort->isValueSet()) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += " set ";
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += inputPort->getBBTKName();
+ script += " ";
+ script += inputPort->getValue();
+ script += "\n";
- else if(type==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- connections.push_back(it->first);
- }
- }
- int lnNmbr=0;
- std::string script = "";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr)+"# BBTK GEditor Script\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr)+"# ----------------------\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr)+"\n";
- if(existsExec)
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr)+"include std\n"; // EED
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr)+"include itkvtk\n"; // EED
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i< (int)packages.size();i++)
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="include ";
- script+=packages[i];
- script+="\n";
- }
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="author \"";
- script+=_Author;
- script+="\"\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="description \"";
- script+=_Description;
- script+="\"\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="category \"";
- script+=_Category;
- script+="\"\n";
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="\n";
- // script+="include std\n"; // JPR
- for(i = 0; i < (int)boxes.size();i++)
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="new ";
- int id = boxes[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*)control->getModel();
- script+=model->getBBTKType();
- script+=" ";
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+="\n";
- std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = model->getInputPorts();
- for(int j = 0; j < (int)inputs.size();j++)
- {
- GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j];
- if(inputPort->isValueSet())
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+=" set ";
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=inputPort->getBBTKName();
- script+=" ";
- script+=inputPort->getValue();
- script+="\n";
- }
- }
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="\n";
- }
+ }
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="\n";
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "\n";
- for(i = 0; i<(int)connections.size();i++)
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="connect ";
- int id = connections[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*)control->getModel();
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "connect ";
+ int id = connections[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel();
- //Start Connection info
- GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort();
- script+=start->getParentBox()->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=start->getBBTKName();
+ //Start Connection info
+ GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort();
+ script += start->getParentBox()->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += start->getBBTKName();
- script+=" ";
+ script += " ";
- //End Connection info
- GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort();
- script+=end->getParentBox()->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=end->getBBTKName();
+ //End Connection info
+ GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort();
+ script += end->getParentBox()->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += end->getBBTKName();
- script+="\n";
- }
+ script += "\n";
+ }
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="\n";
- for(i = 0; i<(int)execBoxes.size();i++)
- {
- script+=LineNumber(wln,lnNmbr);
- script+="exec ";
- int id = execBoxes[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*)control->getModel();
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+="\n";
- }
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) execBoxes.size(); i++) {
+ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr);
+ script += "exec ";
+ int id = execBoxes[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel();
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += "\n";
- return script;
- //=========================================================================
+ return script;
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::saveComplexBoxBBS()
- {
- std::vector<std::string> packages;
- std::vector<int> boxes;
- std::vector<int> connections;
- std::vector<int> execBoxes;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::saveComplexBoxBBS() {
+ std::vector<std::string> packages;
+ std::vector<int> boxes;
+ std::vector<int> connections;
+ std::vector<int> execBoxes;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *desc = it->second;
- int type = desc->getGObjectType();
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*)desc->getModel();
- std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage();
- bool existsPkg = false;
- for(int t = 0;t<(int)packages.size() && existsPkg == false;t++)
- {
- if(packages[t]==pkg)
- {
- existsPkg=true;
- }
- }
- if(!existsPkg)
- {
- packages.push_back(pkg);
- }
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *desc = it->second;
+ int type = desc->getGObjectType();
+ if (type == GBLACKBOX) {
+ GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel();
- boxes.push_back(it->first);
- if(mod->isExecutable())
- {
- execBoxes.push_back(it->first);
+ std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage();
+ bool existsPkg = false;
+ for (int t = 0; t < (int) packages.size() && existsPkg == false; t++) {
+ if (packages[t] == pkg) {
+ existsPkg = true;
- else if(type==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- connections.push_back(it->first);
+ if (!existsPkg) {
+ packages.push_back(pkg);
- }
- std::string script = "";
- script+="include std\n"; // EED
- script+="include itkvtk\n"; // EED
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i<(int)packages.size();i++)
- {
- script+="include ";
- script+=packages[i];
- script+="\n";
+ boxes.push_back(it->first);
+ if (mod->isExecutable()) {
+ execBoxes.push_back(it->first);
+ }
+ } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) {
+ connections.push_back(it->first);
- script+="\n";
- // Definition of a complex box
- script+="define ";
- script+=_cbName+" "+_cbPackageName;
- script+="\n";
- script+="\n";
+ }
- script+="author \"";
- script+=_Author;
- script+="\"\n";
+ std::string script = "";
- script+="description \"";
- script+=_Description;
- script+="\"\n";
- script+="\n";
+ script += "include std\n"; // EED
+ script += "include itkvtk\n"; // EED
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) packages.size(); i++) {
+ script += "include ";
+ script += packages[i];
+ script += "\n";
+ }
+ script += "\n";
+ // Definition of a complex box
+ script += "define ";
+ script += _cbName + " " + _cbPackageName;
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "author \"";
+ script += _Author;
+ script += "\"\n";
+ script += "description \"";
+ script += _Description;
+ script += "\"\n";
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "category \"";
+ script += _Category;
+ script += "\"\n";
+ script += "\n";
+ // Create boxes
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) boxes.size(); i++) {
+ script += "new ";
+ int id = boxes[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel();
+ script += model->getBBTKType();
+ script += " ";
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += "\n";
+ std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = model->getInputPorts();
+ for (int j = 0; j < (int) inputs.size(); j++) {
+ GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j];
+ if (inputPort->isValueSet()) {
+ script += " set ";
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += inputPort->getBBTKName();
+ script += " ";
+ script += inputPort->getValue();
+ script += "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ script += "\n";
- script+="category \"";
- script+=_Category;
- script+="\"\n";
- script+="\n";
+ }
+ // Create connections in the script. If the connection is made with a complex port, it is created the input or output
- // Create boxes
- for(i = 0; i<(int)boxes.size();i++)
- {
- script+="new ";
- int id = boxes[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*)control->getModel();
- script+=model->getBBTKType();
- script+=" ";
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+="\n";
- std::vector<GPortModel*> inputs = model->getInputPorts();
- for(int j = 0; j<(int)inputs.size();j++)
- {
- GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j];
- if(inputPort->isValueSet())
- {
- script+=" set ";
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=inputPort->getBBTKName();
- script+=" ";
- script+=inputPort->getValue();
- script+="\n";
- }
- }
- script+="\n";
+ std::string complexInputs = "";
+ std::string complexOutputs = "";
+ script += "\n";
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) {
+ int id = connections[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel();
- // Create connections in the script. If the connection is made with a complex port, it is created the input or output
+ //Connection info
+ GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort();
+ GBoxModel *startBox = start->getParentBox();
- std::string complexInputs="";
- std::string complexOutputs="";
- script+="\n";
+ GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort();
+ GBoxModel *endBox = end->getParentBox();
- for(i = 0; i<(int)connections.size();i++)
- {
- int id = connections[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*)control->getModel();
+ if (startBox->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) {
+ complexInputs += "input ";
+ complexInputs += startBox->getBBTKName();
- //Connection info
- GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort();
- GBoxModel *startBox =start->getParentBox();
+ complexInputs += " ";
+ complexInputs += endBox->getBBTKName();
+ complexInputs += ".";
+ complexInputs += end->getBBTKName();
- GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort();
- GBoxModel *endBox =end->getParentBox();
+ complexInputs += " ";
+ complexInputs += "\" \"";
- if(startBox->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT)
- {
- complexInputs+="input ";
- complexInputs+=startBox->getBBTKName();
+ complexInputs += "\n";
+ } else if (endBox->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT) {
+ complexOutputs += "output ";
+ complexOutputs += endBox->getBBTKName();
- complexInputs+=" ";
- complexInputs+=endBox->getBBTKName();
- complexInputs+=".";
- complexInputs+=end->getBBTKName();
+ complexOutputs += " ";
+ complexOutputs += startBox->getBBTKName();
+ complexOutputs += ".";
+ complexOutputs += start->getBBTKName();
- complexInputs+=" ";
- complexInputs+="\" \"";
+ complexOutputs += " ";
+ complexOutputs += "\" \"";
- complexInputs+="\n";
- }
- else if(endBox->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT)
- {
- complexOutputs+="output ";
- complexOutputs+=endBox->getBBTKName();
+ complexOutputs += "\n";
+ } else {
+ script += "connect ";
+ script += startBox->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += start->getBBTKName();
- complexOutputs+=" ";
- complexOutputs+=startBox->getBBTKName();
- complexOutputs+=".";
- complexOutputs+=start->getBBTKName();
+ script += " ";
- complexOutputs+=" ";
- complexOutputs+="\" \"";
+ //End Connection info
+ script += endBox->getBBTKName();
+ script += ".";
+ script += end->getBBTKName();
- complexOutputs+="\n";
- }
- else
- {
- script+="connect ";
- script+=startBox->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=start->getBBTKName();
- script+=" ";
+ script += "\n";
+ }
+ }
- //End Connection info
- script+=endBox->getBBTKName();
- script+=".";
- script+=end->getBBTKName();
+ script += "\n";
- script+="\n";
- }
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) execBoxes.size(); i++) {
+ script += "exec ";
+ int id = execBoxes[i];
+ GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
+ GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel();
- script+="\n";
+ script += model->getBBTKName();
+ script += "\n";
+ }
- for(i = 0; i<(int)execBoxes.size();i++)
- {
- script+="exec ";
- int id = execBoxes[i];
- GObjectController *control = _controllers[id];
- GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*)control->getModel();
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "# Complex input ports\n";
+ script += complexInputs;
- script+=model->getBBTKName();
- script+="\n";
- }
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "# Complex output ports\n";
+ script += complexOutputs;
- script+="\n";
- script+="# Complex input ports\n";
- script+=complexInputs;
+ script += "\n";
+ script += "endefine";
+ script += "\n";
- script+="\n";
- script+="# Complex output ports\n";
- script+=complexOutputs;
+ return script;
- script+="\n";
- script+="endefine";
- script+="\n";
- return script;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::deleteAllBoxes() {
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ cont->removeFromScene();
+ unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) cont);
+ _selectedObjects.clear();
+ _controllers.clear();
+ refreshScene();
+void wxVtkSceneManager::refresh() {
+ _baseView->Refresh();
+void wxVtkSceneManager::refreshScene() {
+ _baseView->RefreshView();
+void wxVtkSceneManager::centerView() {
+ double temp[3];
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetFocalPoint(temp);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, temp[2]);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(temp);
+ _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetPosition(0, 0, temp[2]);
+ _baseView->RefreshView();
+void wxVtkSceneManager::saveDiagram(std::string &content) {
+ char buffer[50];
+ content += "CATEGORY:";
+ content += GetCategory();
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "DESCRIPTION:";
+ content += GetDescription();
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "AUTHOR:";
+ content += GetAuthor();
+ content += "\n";
+ //Print info IF COMPLEX BOX
+ content += "COMPLEXBOX:";
+ if (_isComplexBox) {
+ content += "TRUE\n";
+ //ups1
+ content += "COMPLEXBOXNAME:";
+ content += GetCbName();
+ content += "\n";
+ content += "PACKAGENAME:";
+ content += GetCbPackageName();
+ content += "\n";
+ //Print info complex input ports
+ std::vector<int> inputs = getComplexInputPorts();
+ int insize = inputs.size();
+ content += "COMPLEXINPUTS:";
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", insize);
+ content += buffer;
+ content += "\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < insize; i++) {
+ int id = inputs[i];
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getModel()->save(content);
+ }
- //=========================================================================
+ //Print info complex output ports
+ std::vector<int> outputs = getComplexOutputPorts();
+ int outsize = outputs.size();
+ content += "COMPLEXOUTPUTS:";
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", outsize);
+ content += buffer;
+ content += "\n";
- void wxVtkSceneManager::deleteAllBoxes()
- {
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- cont->removeFromScene();
- unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*)cont);
+ for (int i = 0; i < outsize; i++) {
+ int id = outputs[i];
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getModel()->save(content);
- _selectedObjects.clear();
- _controllers.clear();
- refreshScene();
+ } // _isComplexBox
+ else {
+ content += "FALSE\n";
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::refresh()
- {
- _baseView->Refresh();
+ //Print boxes
+ std::vector<int> boxes = getBlackBoxes();
+ int bsize = boxes.size();
+ content += "BOXES:";
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", bsize);
+ content += buffer;
+ content += "\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < bsize; i++) {
+ int id = boxes[i];
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getModel()->save(content);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::refreshScene()
- {
- _baseView->RefreshView();
+ //Print connections
+ std::vector<int> connections = getConnections();
+ int csize = connections.size();
+ content += "CONNECTIONS:";
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", csize);
+ content += buffer;
+ content += "\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < csize; i++) {
+ int id = connections[i];
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
+ cont->getModel()->save(content);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::centerView()
- {
- double temp[3];
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetFocalPoint(temp);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(0,0,temp[2]);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(temp);
- _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetPosition(0,0,temp[2]);
- _baseView->RefreshView();
- }
+void wxVtkSceneManager::loadDiagram(ifstream &inputStream) {
- //=========================================================================
+ std::string version = "<void>";
+ std::string line = "";
+ char delims[] = ":";
+ char *result = NULL;
+ getline(inputStream, line);
- void wxVtkSceneManager::saveDiagram(std::string &content)
- {
- char buffer [50];
- content+="CATEGORY:";
- content+=GetCategory();
- content+="\n";
- content+="DESCRIPTION:";
- content+=GetDescription();
- content+="\n";
- content+="AUTHOR:";
- content+=GetAuthor();
- content+="\n";
- //Print info IF COMPLEX BOX
- content+="COMPLEXBOX:";
- if(_isComplexBox)
- {
- content+="TRUE\n";
- content+="COMPLEXBOXNAME:";
- content+=GetCbName();
- content+="\n";
- content+="PACKAGENAME:";
- content+=GetCbPackageName();
- content+="\n";
- //Print info complex input ports
- std::vector<int> inputs = getComplexInputPorts();
- int insize = inputs.size();
- content+="COMPLEXINPUTS:";
- sprintf (buffer, "%d", insize);
- content+=buffer;
- content+="\n";
- for(int i = 0;i<insize;i++)
- {
- int id = inputs[i];
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getModel()->save(content);
+ bool start = false;
+ while (!inputStream.eof()) {
+ if (line == "" || line[0] == '#') {
+ getline(inputStream, line);
+ if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.0 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") {
+ version = line.substr(18, 3);
- //Print info complex output ports
- std::vector<int> outputs = getComplexOutputPorts();
- int outsize = outputs.size();
- content+="COMPLEXOUTPUTS:";
- sprintf (buffer, "%d", outsize);
- content+=buffer;
- content+="\n";
- for(int i = 0;i<outsize;i++)
- {
- int id = outputs[i];
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getModel()->save(content);
+ if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.1 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") {
+ version = line.substr(18, 3);
- } // _isComplexBox
- else
- {
- content+="FALSE\n";
- }
- //Print boxes
- std::vector<int> boxes = getBlackBoxes();
- int bsize = boxes.size();
- content+="BOXES:";
- sprintf (buffer, "%d", bsize);
- content+=buffer;
- content+="\n";
- for(int i = 0;i<bsize;i++)
- {
- int id = boxes[i];
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getModel()->save(content);
- }
- //Print connections
- std::vector<int> connections = getConnections();
- int csize = connections.size();
- content+="CONNECTIONS:";
- sprintf (buffer, "%d", csize);
- content+=buffer;
- content+="\n";
- for(int i = 0;i<csize;i++)
- {
- int id = connections[i];
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id];
- cont->getModel()->save(content);
+ if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") {
+ version = line.substr(18, 3);
+ }
+ } else if (line == "APP_START") {
+ start = true;
+ break;
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::loadDiagram(ifstream &inputStream)
- {
+ printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::loadDiagram version=%s\n", version.c_str());
+ if (start) {
+ if ((version != "1.0") && (version != "1.1")) {
+ getline(inputStream, line);//CATEGORY:<category of the box>
+ char categoryTmp[30];
+ strcpy(categoryTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(categoryTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ SetCategory(result);
+ getline(inputStream, line);//DESCRIPTION:<description of the box>
+ char descriptionTmp[1024];
+ strcpy(descriptionTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(descriptionTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ SetDescription(result);
+ getline(inputStream, line);//AUTHOR:<author>
+ char authorTmp[255];
+ strcpy(authorTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(authorTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ SetAuthor(result);
+ }
- std::string version="<void>";
- std::string line="";
- char delims[] = ":";
- char *result = NULL;
- getline(inputStream,line);
- bool start = false;
- while ( !inputStream.eof() )
- {
- if(line=="" || line[0]=='#')
- {
- getline(inputStream,line);
- if (line=="# - BBTKGEditor v 1.0 BBG BlackBox Diagram file")
- {
- version=line.substr(18,3);
- }
- if (line=="# - BBTKGEditor v 1.1 BBG BlackBox Diagram file")
- {
- version=line.substr(18,3);
- }
- if (line=="# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBG BlackBox Diagram file")
- {
- version=line.substr(18,3);
- }
- }
- else if(line=="APP_START")
- {
- start = true;
- break;
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_BOX:TRUE|FALSE
+ char complexTmp[30];
+ strcpy(complexTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(complexTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::string isComplexBox(result);
+ if (isComplexBox == "TRUE") {
+ _isComplexBox = true;
+ if ((version != "1.0") && (version != "1.1")) {
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXNAME:<name of the complex box>
+ char complexboxnameTmp[255];
+ strcpy(complexboxnameTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(complexboxnameTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ SetCbName(result);
+ getline(inputStream, line);//PACKAGENAME:<name of the package of the box>
+ char packagenameTmp[255];
+ strcpy(packagenameTmp, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(packagenameTmp, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ SetCbPackageName(result);
- }
- printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::loadDiagram version=%s\n",version.c_str());
- if(start)
- {
- if ((version!="1.0") && (version!="1.1"))
- {
- getline(inputStream,line);//CATEGORY:<category of the box>
- char categoryTmp[30];
- strcpy( categoryTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( categoryTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- SetCategory(result);
- getline(inputStream,line);//DESCRIPTION:<description of the box>
- char descriptionTmp[1024];
- strcpy( descriptionTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( descriptionTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- SetDescription(result);
- getline(inputStream,line);//AUTHOR:<author>
- char authorTmp[255];
- strcpy( authorTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( authorTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- SetAuthor(result);
- }
+ //-----------------------
+ //-----------------------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXINPUTS:num
+ char inputs[30];
+ strcpy(inputs, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(inputs, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEX_BOX:TRUE|FALSE
- char complexTmp[30];
- strcpy( complexTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( complexTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::string isComplexBox(result);
- if(isComplexBox=="TRUE")
- {
- _isComplexBox=true;
- if ((version!="1.0") && (version!="1.1"))
- {
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEXNAME:<name of the complex box>
- char complexboxnameTmp[255];
- strcpy( complexboxnameTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( complexboxnameTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- SetCbName(result);
- getline(inputStream,line);//PACKAGENAME:<name of the package of the box>
- char packagenameTmp[255];
- strcpy( packagenameTmp, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( packagenameTmp, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- SetCbPackageName(result);
- }
- //-----------------------
- //-----------------------
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEXINPUTS:num
- char inputs[30];
- strcpy( inputs, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( inputs, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- int numInputs;
- std::istringstream inps(result);
- inps >> numInputs;
- for(int i = 0;i<numInputs;i++)
- {
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEX_PORT
- getline(inputStream,line);//name
- std::string inputPortName(line);
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
- char coord[80];
- strcpy( coord, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( coord, delims );//xInic
- std::string xInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//yInic
- std::string yInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//zInic
- std::string zInic(result);
- double xIn, yIn, zIn;
- std::istringstream xSt(xInic);
- xSt >> xIn;
- std::istringstream ySt(yInic);
- ySt >> yIn;
- std::istringstream zSt(zInic);
- zSt >> zIn;
- getline(inputStream,line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT
- configGComBoxInputOutputPort(true, inputPortName,xIn,yIn,zIn);
- } // for input complex box
- //-----------------------
- //-----------------------
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEXOUTPUTS:num
- char outputs[30];
- strcpy( outputs, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( outputs, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- int numOutputs;
- std::istringstream outps(result);
- outps >> numOutputs;
- for(int i = 0;i<numOutputs;i++)
- {
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//COMPLEX_PORT
- getline(inputStream,line);//name
- std::string outputPortName(line);
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
- char coord[80];
- strcpy( coord, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( coord, delims );//xInic
- std::string xInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//yInic
- std::string yInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//zInic
- std::string zInic(result);
- double xIn, yIn, zIn;
- std::istringstream xSt(xInic);
- xSt >> xIn;
- std::istringstream ySt(yInic);
- ySt >> yIn;
- std::istringstream zSt(zInic);
- zSt >> zIn;
- getline(inputStream,line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT
- configGComBoxInputOutputPort(false, outputPortName,xIn,yIn,zIn);
- } // for output complex box
- } // complex box
+ int numInputs;
+ std::istringstream inps(result);
+ inps >> numInputs;
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//BOXES:num
- char boxes[9];
- strcpy( boxes, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( boxes, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- int numBoxes;
- std::istringstream is(result);
- is >> numBoxes;
- for(int i = 0;i<numBoxes;i++)
- {
+ for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
- getline(inputStream,line);//BOX
- getline(inputStream,line);//package:type:name
- char box[150];
- strcpy( box, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( box, delims );//package
- std::string package(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//type
- std::string type(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//name
- std::string name(result);
- getline(inputStream,line);//ISEXEC:TRUE|FALSE
- char exec[15];
- strcpy( exec, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( exec, delims );//ISEXEC
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//TRUE|FALSE
- std::string isExec(result);
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_PORT
+ getline(inputStream, line);//name
+ std::string inputPortName(line);
- getline(inputStream,line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
+ getline(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
char coord[80];
- strcpy( coord, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( coord, delims );//xInic
+ strcpy(coord, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic
std::string xInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//yInic
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic
std::string yInic(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//zInic
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic
std::string zInic(result);
double xIn, yIn, zIn;
std::istringstream zSt(zInic);
zSt >> zIn;
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//xEnd:yEnd:zEnd
- strcpy( coord, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( coord, delims );//xEnd
- std::string xEnd(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//yEnd
- std::string yEnd(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//zEnd
- std::string zEnd(result);
- double xEn, yEn, zEn;
- std::istringstream xEt(xEnd);
- xEt >> xEn;
- std::istringstream yEt(yEnd);
- yEt >> yEn;
- std::istringstream zEt(zEnd);
- zEt >> zEn;
- bool boxExecutable=false;
- if(isExec=="TRUE")
- {
- boxExecutable= true;
- }
+ getline(inputStream, line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT
- int idBox = createGBlackBox(xIn,yIn,package,type);
- configGBlackBox(idBox, xIn,yIn,zIn,name, boxExecutable,xEn,yEn,zEn);
+ configGComBoxInputOutputPort(true, inputPortName, xIn, yIn, zIn);
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox];
- GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
+ } // for input complex box
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//PORT o FIN_BOX
- std::string port=line.substr(0,4);
- while(port=="PORT")
- {
- getline(inputStream,line);//name:value
- char poort[150];
- strcpy( poort, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( poort, delims );//name
- std::string name(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );//value
- std::string value(result);
- bbmod->setValueToInput(name,value);
- getline(inputStream,line);//PORT o FIN_BOX
- port=line.substr(0,4);
- } // while
-//EED bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- } // for boxes
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//CONNECTIONS:num
- char conns[30];
- strcpy( conns, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( conns, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- int numConns;
- std::istringstream isCons(result);
- isCons >> numConns;
- for(int i = 0;i<numConns;i++)
- {
- //----------
- getline(inputStream,line);//CONNECTION
- getline(inputStream,line);//Startbox.PortName:EndBox.PortName
- char connec[200];
- strcpy( connec, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( connec, delims );
- std::string nameStartBox(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::string nameStartPort(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::string nameEndBox(result);
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::string nameEndPort(result);
- int idCon = configGConnetion(nameStartBox, nameStartPort, nameEndBox, nameEndPort);
- if (version!="1.0")
- {
- //Readding control points of the manualContour
- //ups1
- GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[idCon];
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)tempp->getModel();
- vtkGConnectorView *conView= (vtkGConnectorView*)tempp->getView();
- getline(inputStream,line); //NumberOfControlPoints:##
- strcpy( conns, line.c_str() );
- result = strtok( conns, delims );
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- int numberOfControlPoints;
- std::istringstream isCons(result);
- isCons >> numberOfControlPoints;
- for (int ii=0;ii<numberOfControlPoints;ii++)
- {
- getline(inputStream,line); //XX:YY:ZZ
- char connec[200];
- strcpy( connec, line.c_str() );
- double px,py,pz;
- result = strtok( connec, delims );
- std::istringstream isPointX(result);
- isPointX >> px;
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::istringstream isPointY(result);
- isPointY >> py;
- result = strtok( NULL, delims );
- std::istringstream isPointZ(result);
- isPointZ >> pz;
- conMod->getManualContourModel()->InsertPoint_id(ii+1,px,py,pz);
- conView->getManualContourView()->AddPoint();
- }
- }// version !=1.0
- } // for numConns
+ //-----------------------
+ //-----------------------
- } // start
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXOUTPUTS:num
+ char outputs[30];
+ strcpy(outputs, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(outputs, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
- refresh();
- }
- //=========================================================================
+ int numOutputs;
+ std::istringstream outps(result);
+ outps >> numOutputs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_PORT
+ getline(inputStream, line);//name
+ std::string outputPortName(line);
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
+ char coord[80];
+ strcpy(coord, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic
+ std::string xInic(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic
+ std::string yInic(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic
+ std::string zInic(result);
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::configGComBoxInputOutputPort(bool inputoutput, std::string portName, double xIn, double yIn,double zIn)
- {
- int idPort;
- if (inputoutput==true)
- {
- idPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(portName);
- } else {
- idPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(portName);
- }
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idPort];
- GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- }
- //=========================================================================
+ double xIn, yIn, zIn;
+ std::istringstream xSt(xInic);
+ xSt >> xIn;
+ std::istringstream ySt(yInic);
+ ySt >> yIn;
+ std::istringstream zSt(zInic);
+ zSt >> zIn;
+ getline(inputStream, line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT
- //=========================================================================
- GBoxModel* wxVtkSceneManager::findGBox(std::string boxname)
- {
- int j;
- int idB;
- GBoxModel *bMod;
- GBoxModel *boxModel = NULL;
- std::vector<int> lstB = getBlackBoxes();
- for(j = 0;j<(int)lstB.size();j++)
- {
- idB = lstB[j];
- bMod = (GBoxModel*)_controllers[idB]->getModel();
- if(_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName()==boxname)
- {
- boxModel = bMod;
- }
- } // for
+ configGComBoxInputOutputPort(false, outputPortName, xIn, yIn,
+ zIn);
- if((_isComplexBox) && (boxModel==NULL))
- {
- std::vector<int> lstInputs = getComplexInputPorts();
- for(j = 0;j<(int)lstInputs.size();j++)
- {
- idB = lstInputs[j];
- bMod = (GBoxModel*)_controllers[idB]->getModel();
- if(_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName()==boxname)
- {
- boxModel = bMod;
- }
- } // for
- std::vector<int> lstOutputs = getComplexOutputPorts();
- for(j = 0;j<(int)lstOutputs.size();j++)
- {
- int idB = lstOutputs[j];
- bMod = (GBoxModel*)_controllers[idB]->getModel();
- if(_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName()==boxname)
- {
- boxModel = bMod;
- }
- } // for
+ } // for output complex box
} // complex box
- return boxModel;
- }
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//BOXES:num
+ char boxes[9];
+ strcpy(boxes, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(boxes, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
- //=========================================================================
+ int numBoxes;
+ std::istringstream is(result);
+ is >> numBoxes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) {
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//BOX
+ getline(inputStream, line);//package:type:name
+ char box[150];
+ strcpy(box, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(box, delims);//package
+ std::string package(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//type
+ std::string type(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//name
+ std::string name(result);
+ getline(inputStream, line);//ISEXEC:TRUE|FALSE
+ char exec[15];
+ strcpy(exec, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(exec, delims);//ISEXEC
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//TRUE|FALSE
+ std::string isExec(result);
- int wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion(std::string nameStartBox, std::string nameStartPort, std::string
- nameEndBox, std::string nameEndPort)
- {
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic
+ char coord[80];
+ strcpy(coord, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic
+ std::string xInic(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic
+ std::string yInic(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic
+ std::string zInic(result);
+ double xIn, yIn, zIn;
+ std::istringstream xSt(xInic);
+ xSt >> xIn;
+ std::istringstream ySt(yInic);
+ ySt >> yIn;
+ std::istringstream zSt(zInic);
+ zSt >> zIn;
- GBoxModel *boxModel;
- GPortModel *startP = NULL;
- GPortModel *endP = NULL;
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//xEnd:yEnd:zEnd
+ strcpy(coord, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(coord, delims);//xEnd
+ std::string xEnd(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yEnd
+ std::string yEnd(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zEnd
+ std::string zEnd(result);
+ double xEn, yEn, zEn;
+ std::istringstream xEt(xEnd);
+ xEt >> xEn;
+ std::istringstream yEt(yEnd);
+ yEt >> yEn;
+ std::istringstream zEt(zEnd);
+ zEt >> zEn;
+ bool boxExecutable = false;
+ if (isExec == "TRUE") {
+ boxExecutable = true;
+ }
- boxModel= findGBox(nameStartBox);
- if (boxModel!=NULL)
- {
- startP = boxModel->getOutputPort(nameStartPort);
- }
+ int idBox = createGBlackBox(xIn, yIn, package, type);
+ configGBlackBox(idBox, xIn, yIn, zIn, name, boxExecutable, xEn,
+ yEn, zEn);
- boxModel= findGBox(nameEndBox);
- if (boxModel!=NULL)
- {
- endP = boxModel->getInputPort(nameEndPort);
- }
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox];
+ GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
- int idCon = createGConnector(startP);
- _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
- GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[idCon];
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//PORT o FIN_BOX
+ std::string port = line.substr(0, 4);
+ while (port == "PORT") {
+ getline(inputStream, line);//name:value
+ char poort[150];
+ strcpy(poort, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(poort, delims);//name
+ std::string name(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);//value
+ std::string value(result);
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)tempp->getModel();
- vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*)tempp->getView();
- tempp->endContourCreation();
- conMod->setEndPort(endP);
- conView->updateStartEndPoints();
- return idCon;
- }
+ bbmod->setValueToInput(name, value);
- //=========================================================================
+ getline(inputStream, line);//PORT o FIN_BOX
+ port = line.substr(0, 4);
+ } // while
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::boxExist(std::string boxname)
- {
- bool ok=false;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getModel()->getBBTKName()==boxname)
- {
- ok=true;
- }
- }
- return ok;
- }
+ //EED bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ } // for boxes
- //=========================================================================
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//CONNECTIONS:num
+ char conns[30];
+ strcpy(conns, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(conns, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
- std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getBlackBoxes()
- {
- std::vector<int> vect;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- vect.push_back(cont->getId());
- }
- }
- return vect;
- }
+ int numConns;
+ std::istringstream isCons(result);
+ isCons >> numConns;
- //=========================================================================
+ for (int i = 0; i < numConns; i++) {
+ //----------
+ getline(inputStream, line);//CONNECTION
+ getline(inputStream, line);//Startbox.PortName:EndBox.PortName
+ char connec[200];
+ strcpy(connec, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(connec, delims);
+ std::string nameStartBox(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::string nameStartPort(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::string nameEndBox(result);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::string nameEndPort(result);
+ int idCon = configGConnetion(nameStartBox, nameStartPort,
+ nameEndBox, nameEndPort);
+ if (version != "1.0") {
+ //Readding control points of the manualContour
+ //ups1
+ GConnectorController *tempp =
+ (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon];
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView *conView =
+ (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView();
+ getline(inputStream, line); //NumberOfControlPoints:##
+ strcpy(conns, line.c_str());
+ result = strtok(conns, delims);
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ int numberOfControlPoints;
+ std::istringstream isCons(result);
+ isCons >> numberOfControlPoints;
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < numberOfControlPoints; ii++) {
+ getline(inputStream, line); //XX:YY:ZZ
+ char connec[200];
+ strcpy(connec, line.c_str());
+ double px, py, pz;
+ result = strtok(connec, delims);
+ std::istringstream isPointX(result);
+ isPointX >> px;
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::istringstream isPointY(result);
+ isPointY >> py;
+ result = strtok(NULL, delims);
+ std::istringstream isPointZ(result);
+ isPointZ >> pz;
+ conMod->getManualContourModel()->InsertPoint_id(ii + 1, px,
+ py, pz);
+ conView->getManualContourView()->AddPoint();
+ }
+ }// version !=1.0
- std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexInputPorts()
- {
- std::vector<int> vect;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT)
- {
- vect.push_back(cont->getId());
- }
- }
- return vect;
- }
+ } // for numConns
- //=========================================================================
+ } // start
- std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexOutputPorts()
- {
- std::vector<int> vect;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT)
- {
- vect.push_back(cont->getId());
- }
- }
- return vect;
- }
+ refresh();
- //=========================================================================
- std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getConnections()
- {
- std::vector<int> vect;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- vect.push_back(cont->getId());
- }
- }
- return vect;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::configGComBoxInputOutputPort(bool inputoutput,
+ std::string portName, double xIn, double yIn, double zIn) {
+ int idPort;
+ if (inputoutput == true) {
+ idPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(portName);
+ } else {
+ idPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(portName);
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idPort];
+ GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+GBoxModel* wxVtkSceneManager::findGBox(std::string boxname) {
+ int j;
+ int idB;
+ GBoxModel *bMod;
+ GBoxModel *boxModel = NULL;
+ std::vector<int> lstB = getBlackBoxes();
+ for (j = 0; j < (int) lstB.size(); j++) {
+ idB = lstB[j];
+ bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel();
+ if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) {
+ boxModel = bMod;
+ }
+ } // for
+ if ((_isComplexBox) && (boxModel == NULL)) {
+ std::vector<int> lstInputs = getComplexInputPorts();
+ for (j = 0; j < (int) lstInputs.size(); j++) {
+ idB = lstInputs[j];
+ bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel();
+ if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) {
+ boxModel = bMod;
+ }
+ } // for
- //=========================================================================
+ std::vector<int> lstOutputs = getComplexOutputPorts();
+ for (j = 0; j < (int) lstOutputs.size(); j++) {
+ int idB = lstOutputs[j];
+ bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel();
+ if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) {
+ boxModel = bMod;
+ }
+ } // for
- bool wxVtkSceneManager::isComplexBox()
- {
- return _isComplexBox;
- }
+ } // complex box
- //=========================================================================
+ return boxModel;
- void wxVtkSceneManager::setComplexBox(bool val)
- {
- _isComplexBox=val;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- int wxVtkSceneManager::addObjectController(GObjectController* objController)
- {
- //Register the controller of the new object
- registerController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) objController);
- //Add the object to the objects list
- int newId = _contLastId;//_controllers.size();
- objController->setId(newId);
- _controllers[newId] = objController;
- _contLastId++;
- return newId;
- }
+int wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion(std::string nameStartBox,
+ std::string nameStartPort, std::string nameEndBox,
+ std::string nameEndPort) {
- //=========================================================================
+ GBoxModel *boxModel;
+ GPortModel *startP = NULL;
+ GPortModel *endP = NULL;
- int wxVtkSceneManager::getNumSelectedObjects()
- {
- return _selectedObjects.size();
+ boxModel = findGBox(nameStartBox);
+ if (boxModel != NULL) {
+ startP = boxModel->getOutputPort(nameStartPort);
- //=========================================================================
- std::map<int,GObjectController*> wxVtkSceneManager::getSelectedObjects()
- {
- std::map<int,GObjectController*> mapSelected;
+ boxModel = findGBox(nameEndBox);
+ if (boxModel != NULL) {
+ endP = boxModel->getInputPort(nameEndPort);
+ }
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GBLACKBOX && cont->getView()->getState()==SELECTED)
- {
- mapSelected[cont->getId()]=cont;
- }
+ //ups2
+ int idCon = createGConnector(startP);
+ _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS;
+ GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon];
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView();
+ tempp->endContourCreation();
+ conMod->setEndPort(endP);
+ conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ return idCon;
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::boxExist(std::string boxname) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) {
+ ok = true;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
- for(it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
- if(cont->getGObjectType()==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- GConnectorModel* cmod = (GConnectorModel*)cont->getModel();
- GBoxModel* endPortParentBox = cmod->getEndPort()->getParentBox();
- GBoxModel* startPortParentBox = cmod->getStartPort()->getParentBox();
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator iterOBJ1 = mapSelected.find(startPortParentBox->getObjectId());
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator iterOBJ2 = mapSelected.find(endPortParentBox->getObjectId());
- if(iterOBJ1 != mapSelected.end() && iterOBJ2 != mapSelected.end())
- {
- int ID = cont->getId();
- mapSelected[ID]=cont;
- }
- }
+ }
+ return ok;
+std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getBlackBoxes() {
+ std::vector<int> vect;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX) {
+ vect.push_back(cont->getId());
+ }
+ }
+ return vect;
+std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexInputPorts() {
+ std::vector<int> vect;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) {
+ vect.push_back(cont->getId());
+ }
+ }
+ return vect;
+std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexOutputPorts() {
+ std::vector<int> vect;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT) {
+ vect.push_back(cont->getId());
+ }
+ }
+ return vect;
+std::vector<int> wxVtkSceneManager::getConnections() {
+ std::vector<int> vect;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) {
+ vect.push_back(cont->getId());
+ }
+ }
+ return vect;
+bool wxVtkSceneManager::isComplexBox() {
+ return _isComplexBox;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::setComplexBox(bool val) {
+ _isComplexBox = val;
+int wxVtkSceneManager::addObjectController(GObjectController* objController) {
+ //Register the controller of the new object
+ registerController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) objController);
+ //Add the object to the objects list
+ int newId = _contLastId;//_controllers.size();
+ objController->setId(newId);
+ _controllers[newId] = objController;
+ std::cout
+ << "DFCH: int wxVtkSceneManager::addObjectController(GObjectController* objController) ---- _contLastId = "
+ << _contLastId << std::endl;
+ _contLastId++;
+ return newId;
+int wxVtkSceneManager::getNumSelectedObjects() {
+ return _selectedObjects.size();
+std::map<int, GObjectController*> wxVtkSceneManager::getSelectedObjects() {
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*> mapSelected;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX && cont->getView()->getState()
+ == SELECTED) {
+ mapSelected[cont->getId()] = cont;
- return mapSelected;
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::addObjects(std::map<int,GObjectController*> objectsMap)
- {
- std::map<int,int> oldIdNewIdBoxes;
- std::vector<int> connections;
- std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
- for(it = objectsMap.begin(); it != objectsMap.end(); ++it)
- {
- GObjectController *cont = it->second;
- int type = cont->getGObjectType();
- if(type==GBLACKBOX)
- {
- // Copy black box
- double xInic, yInic,zInic;
- GBlackBoxModel* copyBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- copyBox->getInicPoint(xInic,yInic,zInic);
- int idBox = createGBlackBox(0,0,copyBox->getBBTKPackage(),copyBox->getBBTKType());
- int idcB = copyBox->getObjectId();
- oldIdNewIdBoxes[idcB]=idBox;
- cont = _controllers[idBox];
- GBlackBoxModel* newbox = (GBlackBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- newbox->setInicPoint(xInic,yInic,zInic);
- int num = newbox->getNumInputPorts();
- for(int j=0;j<num;j++)
- {
- newbox->setValueToInputPort(j,copyBox->getValueInputPort(j));
- }
- newbox->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- }
- else if(type==GCONNECTOR)
- {
- int idCon = cont->getId();
- connections.push_back(idCon);
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it2->second;
+ if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) {
+ GConnectorModel* cmod = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel();
+ GBoxModel* endPortParentBox = cmod->getEndPort()->getParentBox();
+ GBoxModel* startPortParentBox =
+ cmod->getStartPort()->getParentBox();
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator iterOBJ1 =
+ mapSelected.find(startPortParentBox->getObjectId());
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator iterOBJ2 =
+ mapSelected.find(endPortParentBox->getObjectId());
+ if (iterOBJ1 != mapSelected.end() && iterOBJ2 != mapSelected.end()) {
+ int ID = cont->getId();
+ mapSelected[ID] = cont;
- for(int i = 0 ;i<(int)connections.size();i++)
- {
- int objId = connections[i];
- GObjectController *cont = objectsMap[objId];
- GConnectorModel* connectModel = (GConnectorModel*)cont->getModel();
- GPortModel* startPort = connectModel->getStartPort();
- int startPortIndex = startPort->getPosInBox();
- GPortModel* endPort = connectModel->getEndPort();
- int endPortIndex = endPort->getPosInBox();
- GBlackBoxModel* startPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)startPort->getParentBox();
- GBlackBoxModel* endPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)endPort->getParentBox();
- int idNewStartBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[startPortParentBox->getObjectId()];
- int idNewEndBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[endPortParentBox->getObjectId()];
- GBlackBoxModel* newStartBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)_controllers[idNewStartBox]->getModel();
- GBlackBoxModel* newEndBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)_controllers[idNewEndBox]->getModel();
- GPortModel* newStartPort = newStartBox->getOutputPort(startPortIndex);
- GPortModel* newEndPort = newEndBox->getInputPort(endPortIndex);
- // Creates connection
- int idCon = createGConnector(newStartPort);
- GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[idCon];
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)tempp->getModel();
- vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*)tempp->getView();
- tempp->endContourCreation();
- conMod->setEndPort(newEndPort);
- conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ }
+ return mapSelected;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::addObjects(std::map<int, GObjectController*> objectsMap) {
+ std::map<int, int> oldIdNewIdBoxes;
+ std::vector<int> connections;
+ std::map<int, GObjectController*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = objectsMap.begin(); it != objectsMap.end(); ++it) {
+ GObjectController *cont = it->second;
+ int type = cont->getGObjectType();
+ if (type == GBLACKBOX) {
+ // Copy black box
+ double xInic, yInic, zInic;
+ GBlackBoxModel* copyBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ copyBox->getInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic);
+ int idBox = createGBlackBox(0, 0, copyBox->getBBTKPackage(),
+ copyBox->getBBTKType());
+ int idcB = copyBox->getObjectId();
+ oldIdNewIdBoxes[idcB] = idBox;
+ cont = _controllers[idBox];
+ GBlackBoxModel* newbox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ newbox->setInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic);
+ int num = newbox->getNumInputPorts();
+ for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
+ newbox->setValueToInputPort(j, copyBox->getValueInputPort(j));
+ }
+ newbox->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) {
+ int idCon = cont->getId();
+ connections.push_back(idCon);
- std::map<int, int>::iterator itIds;
- for(itIds = oldIdNewIdBoxes.begin(); itIds != oldIdNewIdBoxes.end(); ++itIds)
- {
- int idOld = itIds->first;
- int idNew = itIds->second;
- GBlackBoxModel* oldBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)objectsMap[idOld]->getModel();
- GBlackBoxModel* newBox = (GBlackBoxModel*)_controllers[idNew]->getModel();
- std::vector<int> oldInputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedInputs();
- std::vector<int> oldOutputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedOutputs();
- std::vector<int> newInputConnections = newBox->getConnectedInputs();
- std::vector<int> newOutputConnections = newBox->getConnectedOutputs();
- for(int k = 0; k<(int)oldInputConnections.size();k++)
- {
- bool exist=false;
-//EED int toCreate=-1;
- for(int l = 0; l<(int)newInputConnections.size() && !exist;l++)
- {
- if(oldInputConnections[k]==newInputConnections[l])
- {
- exist=true;
- }
- }
+ }
- if(exist==false)
- {
- //Create complex input
- int posInBox = oldInputConnections[k];
- GPortModel* inputPort = oldBox->getInputPort(posInBox);
- std::string inputPortName = inputPort->getBBTKName();
- int idInputPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(inputPortName);
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idInputPort];
- GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- double xIn,yIn,zIn;
- inputPort->getInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- yIn+=20;
- cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- GPortModel* inputPortEnd = newBox->getInputPort(posInBox);
- // Creates connection
- int idCon = createGConnector(cbmod->getOutputPort(0));
- GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[idCon];
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)tempp->getModel();
- vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*)tempp->getView();
- tempp->endContourCreation();
- conMod->setEndPort(inputPortEnd);
- conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) {
+ int objId = connections[i];
+ GObjectController *cont = objectsMap[objId];
+ GConnectorModel* connectModel = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel();
+ GPortModel* startPort = connectModel->getStartPort();
+ int startPortIndex = startPort->getPosInBox();
+ GPortModel* endPort = connectModel->getEndPort();
+ int endPortIndex = endPort->getPosInBox();
+ GBlackBoxModel* startPortParentBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) startPort->getParentBox();
+ GBlackBoxModel* endPortParentBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) endPort->getParentBox();
+ int idNewStartBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[startPortParentBox->getObjectId()];
+ int idNewEndBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[endPortParentBox->getObjectId()];
+ GBlackBoxModel* newStartBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewStartBox]->getModel();
+ GBlackBoxModel* newEndBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewEndBox]->getModel();
+ GPortModel* newStartPort = newStartBox->getOutputPort(startPortIndex);
+ GPortModel* newEndPort = newEndBox->getInputPort(endPortIndex);
+ // Creates connection
+ int idCon = createGConnector(newStartPort);
+ GConnectorController *tempp =
+ (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon];
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView();
+ tempp->endContourCreation();
+ conMod->setEndPort(newEndPort);
+ conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ }
+ std::map<int, int>::iterator itIds;
+ for (itIds = oldIdNewIdBoxes.begin(); itIds != oldIdNewIdBoxes.end(); ++itIds) {
+ int idOld = itIds->first;
+ int idNew = itIds->second;
+ GBlackBoxModel* oldBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) objectsMap[idOld]->getModel();
+ GBlackBoxModel* newBox =
+ (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNew]->getModel();
+ std::vector<int> oldInputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedInputs();
+ std::vector<int> oldOutputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedOutputs();
+ std::vector<int> newInputConnections = newBox->getConnectedInputs();
+ std::vector<int> newOutputConnections = newBox->getConnectedOutputs();
+ for (int k = 0; k < (int) oldInputConnections.size(); k++) {
+ bool exist = false;
+ //EED int toCreate=-1;
+ for (int l = 0; l < (int) newInputConnections.size() && !exist; l++) {
+ if (oldInputConnections[k] == newInputConnections[l]) {
+ exist = true;
+ if (exist == false) {
+ //Create complex input
+ int posInBox = oldInputConnections[k];
+ GPortModel* inputPort = oldBox->getInputPort(posInBox);
+ std::string inputPortName = inputPort->getBBTKName();
+ int idInputPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(inputPortName);
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idInputPort];
+ GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ double xIn, yIn, zIn;
+ inputPort->getInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ yIn += 20;
+ cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ GPortModel* inputPortEnd = newBox->getInputPort(posInBox);
+ // Creates connection
+ int idCon = createGConnector(cbmod->getOutputPort(0));
+ GConnectorController *tempp =
+ (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon];
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView *conView =
+ (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView();
+ tempp->endContourCreation();
+ conMod->setEndPort(inputPortEnd);
+ conView->updateStartEndPoints();
- for(int k = 0; k<(int)oldOutputConnections.size();k++)
- {
- bool exist=false;
-//EED int toCreate=-1;
- for(int l = 0; l<(int)newOutputConnections.size() && !exist;l++)
- {
- if(oldOutputConnections[k]==newOutputConnections[l])
- {
- exist=true;
- }
- }
+ }
- if(exist==false)
- {
- //Create complex output
- int posInBox = oldOutputConnections[k];
- GPortModel* outputPort = oldBox->getOutputPort(posInBox);
- std::string outputPortName = outputPort->getBBTKName();
- int idOutputPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(outputPortName);
- GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idOutputPort];
- GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*)cont->getModel();
- double xIn,yIn,zIn;
- outputPort->getInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- yIn-=20;
- cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn,yIn,zIn);
- cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
- GPortModel* outputPortEnd = newBox->getOutputPort(posInBox);
- // Creates connection
- int idCon = createGConnector(outputPortEnd);
- GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*)_controllers[idCon];
- GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*)tempp->getModel();
- vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*)tempp->getView();
- tempp->endContourCreation();
- conMod->setEndPort(cbmod->getInputPort(0));
- conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < (int) oldOutputConnections.size(); k++) {
+ bool exist = false;
+ //EED int toCreate=-1;
+ for (int l = 0; l < (int) newOutputConnections.size() && !exist; l++) {
+ if (oldOutputConnections[k] == newOutputConnections[l]) {
+ exist = true;
+ }
+ if (exist == false) {
+ //Create complex output
+ int posInBox = oldOutputConnections[k];
+ GPortModel* outputPort = oldBox->getOutputPort(posInBox);
+ std::string outputPortName = outputPort->getBBTKName();
+ int idOutputPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(outputPortName);
+ GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idOutputPort];
+ GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel();
+ double xIn, yIn, zIn;
+ outputPort->getInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ yIn -= 20;
+ cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn);
+ cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager);
+ GPortModel* outputPortEnd = newBox->getOutputPort(posInBox);
+ // Creates connection
+ int idCon = createGConnector(outputPortEnd);
+ GConnectorController *tempp =
+ (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon];
+ GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel();
+ vtkGConnectorView *conView =
+ (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView();
+ tempp->endContourCreation();
+ conMod->setEndPort(cbmod->getInputPort(0));
+ conView->updateStartEndPoints();
+ }
+void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbName(std::string cbName) {
+ _cbName = cbName;
+ if (_cbName == "") {
+ _cbName = "<complex box name>";
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbName() {
+ return _cbName;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbPackageName(std::string packagename) {
+ _cbPackageName = packagename;
+ if (_cbPackageName == "") {
+ _cbPackageName = "<package name of the complex box>";
+ }
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbPackageName() {
+ return _cbPackageName;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::SetAuthor(std::string author) {
+ _Author = author;
+ if (_Author == "") {
+ _Author = "<author of the box>";
+ }
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetAuthor() {
+ return _Author;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCategory(std::string category) {
+ _Category = category;
+ if (_Category == "") {
+ _Category = "<category of the box>";
+ }
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCategory() {
+ return _Category;
+void wxVtkSceneManager::SetDescription(std::string description) {
+ _Description = description;
+ if (_Description == "") {
+ _Description = "<description of the box>";
+ }
+std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetDescription() {
+ return _Description;
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbName(std::string cbName)
- {
- _cbName=cbName;
- if (_cbName=="")
- {
- _cbName="<complex box name>";
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbName()
- {
- return _cbName;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbPackageName(std::string packagename)
- {
- _cbPackageName=packagename;
- if (_cbPackageName=="")
- {
- _cbPackageName="<package name of the complex box>";
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbPackageName()
- {
- return _cbPackageName;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::SetAuthor(std::string author)
- {
- _Author=author;
- if (_Author=="")
- {
- _Author="<author of the box>";
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetAuthor()
- {
- return _Author;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCategory(std::string category)
- {
- _Category=category;
- if (_Category=="")
- {
- _Category="<category of the box>";
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCategory()
- {
- return _Category;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void wxVtkSceneManager::SetDescription(std::string description)
- {
- _Description=description;
- if (_Description=="")
- {
- _Description="<description of the box>";
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetDescription()
- {
- return _Description;
- }
- //=========================================================================
-} // EO namespace bbtk
+} // EO namespace bbtk
// EOF