Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: PrintFile.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/06/29 16:00:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.42 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/07/05 12:57:36 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.43 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#include <iostream>
-void ShowLutData(gdcm::File *e1);
+void ShowLutData(gdcm::File *f);
-void ShowLutData(gdcm::File *e1)
+void ShowLutData(gdcm::File *f)
// Nothing is written yet to get LUT Data user friendly
// The following is to be moved into a PixelReadConvert method
// Let here, waiting for a clever idea on the way to do it.
- gdcm::SeqEntry *modLutSeq = e1->GetSeqEntry(0x0028,0x3000);
+ gdcm::SeqEntry *modLutSeq = f->GetSeqEntry(0x0028,0x3000);
if ( modLutSeq !=0 )
gdcm::SQItem *sqi= modLutSeq->GetFirstSQItem();
gdcm::BinEntry *b = sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0028,0x3006);
if ( b != 0 )
- int BitsAllocated = e1->GetBitsAllocated();
+ int BitsAllocated = f->GetBitsAllocated();
if ( BitsAllocated <= 8 )
int mult;
" \n PrintFile : \n",
" Display the header of a ACR-NEMA/PAPYRUS/DICOM File",
- " usage: PrintFile filein=fileName [level=n] [noshadow] [noseq] [debug] ",
+ " usage: PrintFile filein=fileName [level=n] [noshadowseq][noshadow][noseq][debug] ",
" level = 0,1,2 : depending on the amount of details user wants to see",
- " noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number)",
- " noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences ",
- " debug : user wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
- " showlut : user wants to display the Palette Color (as an int array)",
+ " noshadowseq: user doesn't want to load Private Sequences",
+ " noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number)",
+ " noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences ",
+ " debug : user wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
+ " showlut :user wants to display the Palette Color (as an int array)",
// Initialize Arguments Manager
gdcm::ArgMgr *am= new gdcm::ArgMgr(argc, argv);
- if (argc == 1)
+ if (argc == 1 || am->ArgMgrDefined("usage") )
am->ArgMgrUsage(usage); // Display 'usage'
delete am;
char *fileName = am->ArgMgrWantString("filein",usage);
- int loadMode;
+ int loadMode = 0x00000000;
if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadowseq") )
- loadMode = NO_SHADOWSEQ;
- else if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadow") && am->ArgMgrDefined("noseq") )
- loadMode = NO_SEQ | NO_SHADOW;
- else if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadow") )
- loadMode = NO_SHADOW;
- else if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noseq") )
- loadMode = NO_SEQ;
- else
- loadMode = 0;
+ loadMode |= NO_SHADOWSEQ;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadow") )
+ loadMode |= NO_SHADOW;
+ if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noseq") )
+ loadMode |= NO_SEQ;
+ }
int level = am->ArgMgrGetInt("level", 2);
// any kind of gdcm-Parsable *document*
// not only gdcm::File (as opposed to gdcm::DicomDir)
- gdcm::File *e1 = new gdcm::File();
- e1->SetLoadMode(loadMode);
+ gdcm::File *f = new gdcm::File();
+ f->SetLoadMode(loadMode);
- bool res = e1->Load( fileName );
+ bool res = f->Load( fileName );
if ( !res )
- delete e1;
+ delete f;
return 0;
- gdcm::FileHelper *f1 = new gdcm::FileHelper(e1);
- f1->SetPrintLevel( level );
+ gdcm::FileHelper *fh = new gdcm::FileHelper(f);
+ fh->SetPrintLevel( level );
- f1->Print();
+ fh->Print();
std::cout << "\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout <<std::endl;
- std::cout <<" dataSize " << f1->GetImageDataSize() << std::endl;
- std::cout <<" dataSizeRaw " << f1->GetImageDataRawSize() << std::endl;
+ std::cout <<" dataSize " << fh->GetImageDataSize() << std::endl;
+ std::cout <<" dataSizeRaw " << fh->GetImageDataRawSize() << std::endl;
int nX,nY,nZ,sPP,planarConfig;
std::string pixelType;
- nX=e1->GetXSize();
- nY=e1->GetYSize();
- nZ=e1->GetZSize();
+ nX=f->GetXSize();
+ nY=f->GetYSize();
+ nZ=f->GetZSize();
std::cout << " DIMX=" << nX << " DIMY=" << nY << " DIMZ=" << nZ << std::endl;
- pixelType = e1->GetPixelType();
- sPP = e1->GetSamplesPerPixel();
- planarConfig = e1->GetPlanarConfiguration();
+ pixelType = f->GetPixelType();
+ sPP = f->GetSamplesPerPixel();
+ planarConfig = f->GetPlanarConfiguration();
std::cout << " pixelType= [" << pixelType
<< "] SamplesPerPixel= [" << sPP
<< "] PlanarConfiguration= [" << planarConfig
<< "] "<< std::endl
<< " PhotometricInterpretation= ["
- << e1->GetEntryValue(0x0028,0x0004)
+ << f->GetEntryValue(0x0028,0x0004)
<< "] "<< std::endl;
- int numberOfScalarComponents=e1->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
+ int numberOfScalarComponents=f->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
std::cout << " NumberOfScalarComponents = " << numberOfScalarComponents
- << " LUT = " << (e1->HasLUT() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
+ << " LUT = " << (f->HasLUT() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
<< std::endl;
- if ( e1->GetEntryValue(0x0002,0x0010) == gdcm::GDCM_NOTLOADED )
+ if ( f->GetEntryValue(0x0002,0x0010) == gdcm::GDCM_NOTLOADED )
std::cout << "Transfer Syntax not loaded. " << std::endl
<< "Better you increase MAX_SIZE_LOAD_ELEMENT_VALUE"
return 0;
- std::string transferSyntaxName = e1->GetTransferSyntaxName();
+ std::string transferSyntaxName = f->GetTransferSyntaxName();
std::cout << " TransferSyntaxName= [" << transferSyntaxName << "]"
<< std::endl;
- std::cout << " SwapCode= " << e1->GetSwapCode() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " SwapCode= " << f->GetSwapCode() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "\n\n" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "X spacing " << f->GetXSpacing() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "Y spacing " << f->GetYSpacing() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "Z spacing " << f->GetZSpacing() << std::endl;
// Display the LUT as an int array (for debugging purpose)
- if ( e1->HasLUT() && showlut )
+ if ( f->HasLUT() && showlut )
- uint8_t* lutrgba = f1->GetLutRGBA();
+ uint8_t* lutrgba = fh->GetLutRGBA();
if ( lutrgba == 0 )
std::cout << "Lut RGBA (Palette Color) not built " << std::endl;
// Nothing is written yet to get LUT Data user friendly
// The following is to be moved into a PixelRedaConvert method
- gdcm::SeqEntry *modLutSeq = e1->GetSeqEntry(0x0028,0x3000);
+ gdcm::SeqEntry *modLutSeq = f->GetSeqEntry(0x0028,0x3000);
if ( modLutSeq !=0 )
gdcm::SQItem *sqi= modLutSeq->GetFirstSQItem();
- if ( f1->GetLutItemSize() == 8 )
+ if ( fh->GetLutItemSize() == 8 )
- for (int i=0;i<f1->GetLutItemNumber();i++)
+ for (int i=0;i<fh->GetLutItemNumber();i++)
std::cout << i << " : \t"
<< (int)(lutrgba[i*4]) << " "
<< (int)(lutrgba[i*4+1]) << " "
else // LutItemSize assumed to be = 16
uint16_t* lutrgba16 = (uint16_t*)lutrgba;
- for (int i=0;i<f1->GetLutItemNumber();i++)
+ for (int i=0;i<fh->GetLutItemNumber();i++)
std::cout << i << " : \t"
<< (int)(lutrgba16[i*4]) << " "
<< (int)(lutrgba16[i*4+1]) << " "
else if (showlut)
std::cout << "Try LUT Data "<< std::endl;
- ShowLutData(e1);
+ ShowLutData(f);
- if (e1->IsReadable())
+ if (f->IsReadable())
std::cout <<std::endl<<fileName<<" is Readable"<<std::endl;
std::cout <<std::endl<<fileName<<" is NOT Readable"<<std::endl;
- delete e1;
- delete f1;
+ delete f;
+ delete fh;
return 0;