+2004-11-25 Benoit Regrain <Benoit.Regrain@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
+ * vtk/vtkGdcmReader.cxx : compilation bug fix for the vtk part
2004-11-25 Benoit Regrain <Benoit.Regrain@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
* src/gdcmDocument.cxx : fix bug... test if the fp is opened to use it
* src/gdcmPixelConvert.cxx : calculate the image size when while the grab of
#include <vtkPointData.h>
#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
-vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGdcmReader, "$Revision: 1.54 $");
+vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGdcmReader, "$Revision: 1.55 $");
if( file.GetHeader()->HasLUT() && AllowLookupTable )
- size = file.GetImageDataSizeRaw();
+ size = file.GetImageDataSize();
source = (unsigned char*) file.GetImageDataRaw();
unsigned char *lut = (unsigned char*) file.GetLutRGBA();