--- /dev/null
+## SimuPBI_circle_func: function that launches the phase-contrast simulation of a single wire, of a material defined by the user.
+# In this file, I detailed all the input and output arguments, followed by one or several examples (one line beginning with a %)
+## Author: Loriane Weber <loriane.weber@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
+## Created: 2016-02-11
+## Example of use :
+## SimuPBI_unknown_1D('star', 2, [0 0.1 0.5], 26, 2.7, 300, 180, 1, 1, '/users/lweber/Matlab/SimulationsPBI/mu_star.edf', '/users/lweber/Matlab/SimulationsPBI/delta_star.edf', '', 'gaussian', 35)
+## Please note that dir_out, noise_type, noise_amount are optional arguments.
+############### INPUT parameters ###############
+######### Parameter related to the computation - and names of the result #########
+## vers does not exist anymore; the projections are calculated using the Radon transform
+## oversamp: is a number that defines the oversampling of the projections in the real domain.
+## use the number 2 or 4 only
+%oversamp = 2
+%oversamp = 4
+## basename_output: is a string that contains the basename of the resulting files.
+## use a string, of your choice.
+%basename_output = 'Test'
+######### Parameter related to the physics #########
+## dist is a vector, which contains the propagation distances, expressed in meters.
+## use a vector, beggining and ending with a square bracket; the distances should be separated by a space. Use a point as decimal mark.
+% dist = [0 0.01 0.1 0.20 0.50]
+## energy refers to the energy of the incoming X-ray beam, expressed in keV.
+## use a float (if decimal, the decimal mark should be a point).
+# in the following example, the energy is set to 19 keV and 17.5 keV.
+% energy = 19
+% energy = 17.5
+## ps refers to the physical pixel size of the detector, expressed in microns.
+## use a float (if decimal, the decimal mark should be a point).
+# in the following example, the pixel size is set to 1 um and 3.5 um.
+% ps = 1
+% ps= 3.5
+## nbproj refers to the number of (equally-angled) projections simulated.
+## use an integer
+## range_angle refers to the angular range of the tomography (either 180 or 360 degrees).
+## use 180 or 360.
+% range_angle = 180
+% range_angle = 360
+## model_ctf refers to the Contrast Transfer Function propagation model. use 1 if you want to simulate propagation with the CTF model, or 0 otherwise.
+## should be equal to 0 or 1
+% model_ctf = 1
+% model_ctf = 0
+## model_Fresnel refers to the Fresnel propagation model. Use 1 if you want to simulate propagation with the fresnel model, or 0 otherwise.
+## should be equal to 0 or 1
+% model_Fresnel = 1
+% model_Fresnel = 0
+############# Parameters related to the circle #############
+## attenuation map (in cm^-1)
+## Refractive index decrement map (delta)
+############# OPTIONAL Parameters
+## dir_out is a string referring to the output directory
+## By default, the output directory is the working directory. default value is ''.
+% dir_out='/mntdirect/_users/lweber/Matlab/SimulationsPBI/Results_Circle'
+## Noise-related part
+## Noise addition to the simulated data?
+## Use noise='gaussian' (addition of gaussian noise) or noise='poisson' ( generation of Poisson noise) or '' (no noise is added).
+% default value is '' (no noise)
+## Amount of noise
+## If 'gaussian' (additive noise), please specify the Peak-to-peak Signe-to-noise ratio (PPSNR, in dB)
+% noise_amount=40;
+%default value is 35 dB
+## if 'poisson', please specify the amount of noise
+% default value is 5%.
+%noise=0; % O (no noise) or 1 (noise)
+%PPSNR=24; % noise, in dB
+############### End of INPUT parameters ###############
+############### OUTPUT parameters ###############
+## None, files are directly save in the output directory (variable out_dir)
+############### End of OUTPUT parameters ###############