--- /dev/null
+#include "manualContourModelRotationTool.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualContourModelRotationTool * manualContourModelRotationTool :: Clone() // virtual
+ manualContourModelRotationTool * clone = new manualContourModelRotationTool();
+ CopyAttributesTo(clone);
+ return clone;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualContourModelRotationTool::CopyAttributesTo( manualContourModelRotationTool * cloneObject)
+ // Fathers object
+ manualContourModelRotationTool::CopyAttributesTo(cloneObject);
+int manualContourModelRotationTool::GetTypeModel() //virtual
+ return 8;
+void manualContourModelRotationTool::GetSpline_i_Point(int i, double *x, double *y, double *z) // virtal
+ int nps = GetNumberOfPointsSpline();
+ //Spline points of the circle
+ if(i<nps-2)
+ {
+ double angle = _deltaAngle*i;
+ *x = _radio*cos(angle) + _centerX;
+ *y = _radio*sin(angle) + _centerY;
+ *z = _centerZ;
+ }
+ //Spline points of the reference line
+ if(i==nps-2)
+ {
+ *x = _centerX;
+ *y = _centerY;
+ *z = _centerZ;
+ }
+ //Spline points of the movable line
+ if(i==nps-1)
+ {
+ manualPoint *mpA= GetManualPoint(2);
+ *x = mpA->GetX();
+ *y = mpA->GetY();
+ *z = _centerZ;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualContourModelRotationTool:: UpdateSpline()
+ manualPoint *mpA,*mpB,*mpC;
+ double difX,difY;
+ double x, y;
+ int np = GetSizeLstPoints( );
+ int nps = GetNumberOfPointsSpline();
+ _deltaAngle=(3.14159265*2)/(nps-1-2);
+ if (np==3)
+ {
+ mpA = GetManualPoint(0);
+ mpB = GetManualPoint(1);
+ mpC = GetManualPoint(2);
+ difX = mpA->GetX() - mpB->GetX();
+ difY = mpA->GetY() - mpB->GetY();
+ _radio = sqrt( difX*difX + difY*difY );
+ _centerX = mpA->GetX();
+ _centerY = mpA->GetY();
+ _centerZ = mpA->GetZ();
+ x= mpC->GetX() - mpA->GetX();
+ y= mpC->GetY() - mpA->GetY();
+ _angle= atan(y/x)*180/(3.14159265);
+ //cout << "Scale" <<_radio <<endl;
+ //cout << "Angle" <<_angle <<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _radio = -1;
+ _centerX = -1;
+ _centerY = -1;
+ _centerZ = -1;
+ _angle = -1;
+ }
+double manualContourModelRotationTool::getRadio()
+ return _radio;
+double manualContourModelRotationTool::getAngle()
+ return _angle;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef manualContourModelRotationTool_h
+#define manualContourModelRotationTool_h
+#include "manualContourModel.h"
+#include "manualContourModelCircle.h"
+#include "manualContourModelLine.h"
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT manualContourModelRotationTool : public manualContourModel
+ manualContourModelRotationTool();
+ virtual ~manualContourModelRotationTool();
+ virtual manualContourModelRotationTool *Clone();
+ void CopyAttributesTo( manualContourModelRotationTool *cloneObject);
+ virtual void GetSpline_i_Point(int i, double *x, double *y, double *z);
+ double getRadio();
+ double getAngle();
+ double _deltaAngle;
+ double _radio;
+ double _centerX;
+ double _centerY;
+ double _centerZ;
+ double _angle;
+ virtual int GetTypeModel();
+ virtual void UpdateSpline();
+#endif // manualContourModelCircle_h
--- /dev/null
+#include "manualRotationToolControler.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// _state = 0 // ..nothing..
+// _state = 5 // move point
+// _state = 6 // move all
+// _state = 7 // Empty mouse drag
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualRotationToolControler * manualRotationToolControler :: Clone() // virtual
+ manualRotationToolControler * clone = new manualRotationToolControler();
+ CopyAttributesTo(clone);
+ return clone;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::CopyAttributesTo( manualRotationToolControler * cloneObject)
+ // Fathers object
+ manualContourBaseControler::CopyAttributesTo(cloneObject);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::Configure() //virtual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::MouseClickLeft(int x, int y)
+ int z = GetZ();
+ if( IsEditable() )
+ { // move control point
+ if ( (GetState()==0) && (GetManualViewBaseContour()->GetIdPoint(x,y,z)!=-1 ) ){
+ bakIdPoint = GetManualViewBaseContour()->GetIdPoint(x,y,z);
+ SetState(5);
+ }
+ }// IsEditable
+ // move contour
+ if ((GetState()==0) && (GetManualViewBaseContour()->GetPosibleSelected()==true)) {
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->InitMove(x,y,z);
+ SetState(6);
+ }
+ // firstime create 3 control points and move one control point
+ int size=GetManualViewBaseContour()->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ if (GetState()==0) {
+ if (size==0){
+ AddPoint(x,y,z);
+ AddPoint(x,y,z);
+ bakIdPoint = GetManualViewBaseContour()->GetIdPoint(x,y,z);
+ AddPoint(x,y,z);
+ SetState(1);
+ }
+ }
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->Refresh();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::MouseMove(int x, int y) // virtual
+ int z=GetZ();
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->SelectPosibleContour(x,y,z);
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->SelectPosiblePoint(x,y,z);
+ if (GetState()==1){ SetPoint( bakIdPoint , x , y ,z); }
+ if (GetState()==5){ SetPoint( bakIdPoint , x , y ,z); }
+ if (GetState()==6){
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->MoveContour(x,y,z);
+ }
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->Refresh();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::DeleteActualMousePoint(int x, int y) // virtual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualRotationToolControler::InitRoi(int ww, int hh, double porcentage)
+ int zz;
+ manualPoint *mp;
+ if (GetManualContourModel()->GetSizeLstPoints() ==0)
+ {
+ zz = GetZ();
+ AddPoint(0,0,zz);
+ AddPoint(0,0,zz);
+ AddPoint(0,0,zz);
+ }
+ double pp1=porcentage;
+ double pp2=1-porcentage;
+ mp = GetManualContourModel()->GetManualPoint(2);
+ zz=(int)mp->GetZ();
+ mp->SetPoint(ww*pp1,hh*pp1,zz);
+ mp = GetManualContourModel()->GetManualPoint(1);
+ zz=(int)mp->GetZ();
+ cout << ww*pp2 <<hh*pp1 << zz<<endl;
+ mp->SetPoint(ww*pp2,hh*pp1,zz);
+ mp = GetManualContourModel()->GetManualPoint(0);
+ zz=(int)mp->GetZ();
+ cout << ww*pp2 <<hh*pp2 << zz<<endl;
+ mp->SetPoint(ww*pp2,hh*pp2,zz);
+ GetManualViewBaseContour() ->UpdateViewPoint(0);
+ GetManualViewBaseContour() ->UpdateViewPoint(1);
+ GetManualViewBaseContour() ->UpdateViewPoint(2);
+ SetState(0);
+ GetManualViewBaseContour()->Refresh();
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef manualRotationToolControler_h
+#define manualRotationToolControler_h
+#include "manualContourControler.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EED08
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT manualRotationToolControler: public manualContourControler
+ manualRotationToolControler();
+ virtual ~manualRotationToolControler();
+ virtual manualRotationToolControler * Clone();
+ void CopyAttributesTo( manualRotationToolControler *cloneObject );
+ virtual void MouseClickLeft(int x, int y);
+ virtual void MouseMove(int x, int y );
+ virtual void DeleteActualMousePoint(int x, int y);
+ void InitRoi(int ww, int hh, double porcentage);
+// void SetRoi(int x1, int y1,int x2, int y2);
+ virtual void Configure();
+ int bakIdPoint;
+#endif // manualNewRotationControler_h
--- /dev/null
+#include "manualViewRotationTool.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualViewRotationTool * manualViewRotationTool :: Clone()
+ manualViewRotationTool * clone = new manualViewRotationTool();
+ CopyAttributesTo(clone);
+ return clone;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewRotationTool::CopyAttributesTo( manualViewRotationTool * cloneObject)
+ manualViewBaseContour::CopyAttributesTo(cloneObject);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualViewRotationTool::GetType() // virtual
+ return 8;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewRotationTool::GetMinMax(double &minX,double &minY, double &maxX, double &maxY)
+ manualPoint *mpA,*mpB;
+ unsigned int np;
+ double radio;
+ double difX,difY;
+ np = GetNumberOfPoints( );
+ if (np==3)
+ {
+ mpA = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(0);
+ mpB = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(1);
+ difX = mpA->GetX() - mpB->GetX();
+ difY = mpA->GetY() - mpB->GetY();
+ radio = sqrt( difX*difX + difY*difY );
+ minX=mpA->GetX()-radio;
+ minY=mpA->GetY()-radio;
+ maxX=mpA->GetX()+radio;
+ maxY=mpA->GetY()+radio;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ minX=0;
+ maxX=0;
+ minY=0;
+ maxY=0;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewRotationTool::InitMove(int x, int y, int z) // virtual
+ manualPoint *mp;
+ double XX=x;
+ double YY=y;
+ double ZZ=z;
+ TransfromCoordViewWorld(XX,YY,ZZ);
+ if (_manContModel->GetSizeLstPoints()==3)
+ {
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(0);
+ _dp0[0]= mp->GetX() - XX;
+ _dp0[1]= mp->GetY() - YY;
+ _dp0[2]= mp->GetZ();
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(1);
+ _dp1[0]= mp->GetX() - XX;
+ _dp1[1]= mp->GetY() - YY;
+ _dp1[2]= mp->GetZ();
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(2);
+ _dp2[0]= mp->GetX() - XX;
+ _dp2[1]= mp->GetY() - YY;
+ _dp2[2]= mp->GetZ();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewRotationTool::MoveContour(int x, int y, int z) // virtual
+ manualPoint *mp;
+ double XX=x;
+ double YY=y;
+ double ZZ=z;
+ TransfromCoordViewWorld(XX,YY,ZZ);
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(0);
+ mp->SetPoint(_dp0[0]+XX,_dp0[1]+YY,_dp0[2]);
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(1);
+ mp->SetPoint(_dp1[0]+XX,_dp1[1]+YY,_dp0[2]);
+ mp = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(2);
+ mp->SetPoint(_dp2[0]+XX,_dp2[1]+YY,_dp0[2]);
+ UpdateViewPoint(0);
+ UpdateViewPoint(1);
+ UpdateViewPoint(2);
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef manualViewRotationTool_h
+#define manualViewRotationTool_h
+#include "manualViewLine.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT manualViewRotationTool: public manualViewContour
+ manualViewRotationTool();
+ virtual ~manualViewRotationTool();
+ virtual int GetType();
+ virtual manualViewRotationTool * Clone();
+ void CopyAttributesTo( manualViewRotationTool *cloneObject );
+ virtual void InitMove(int x, int y, int z);
+ virtual void MoveContour(int x, int y, int z);
+ void GetMinMax(double &minX,double &minY, double &maxX, double &maxY);
+ double _dp0[3];
+ double _dp1[3];
+ double _dp2[3];
+#endif // manualViewRotationTool_h