// ----------------------------------------------------------
# Here loads hola.mhd
+# -------------------
include vtk/boxes/bbLoadHola
new LoadHola reader
# uncomment next lines to have a file selector
-#new FileSelector openFileDialog
-#new ImageReader reader
-# connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# --------------------------------------------
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+new ImageReader reader
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# uncomment next lines to use Gimmick
+# -----------------------------------
+load creaImageIO
+new Gimmick reader
+# uncomment next lines to Read a MHD file (and nothing else !)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+new MetaImageReader reader
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (only if file name order is meaningfull)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// To read all the files, as a bbitk::ImagePointer
+new ImageSeriesReader reader
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+set fd.Recursive false
+// list of files as input
+#print "Files found in $ds.Out$\n
+connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (if the directory contains a 'XCoherent" Serie)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+// order the files, computes an accurate ZSpacing
+new GetXCoherentInfoGdcmReader reader
+connect fd.Out reader.In
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (with DICOMDirReader)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+include itk/boxes/bbDICOMDirReader
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+new DICOMDirReader reader
+ connect ds.Out reader.In
+// We need that to set Sliders sizes
#Get image dimensions, ...
new ImageProperties mc
new Div div2
connect gveZ.Out div2.In1
set div2.In2 2
// Graphical organization
// ----------------------
set mainSplit.WinHeight 1000
set mainSplit.WinWidth 1400
set mainSplit.WinTitle "Processing / Viewing example (demoFiltering1.bbs) "
new LayoutSplit splitUp
set splitUp.Proportion 38
connect splitUp.Widget mainSplit.Widget1
new LayoutLine toolLayout
set toolLayout.Orientation H
connect toolLayout.Widget splitUp.Widget1
new LayoutLine sliderLayout
set sliderLayout.Orientation V
connect sliderLayout.Widget toolLayout.Widget1
set sliceSlider.Title "Slice"
set sliceSlider.ReactiveOnTrack true
connect sliceSlider.Widget sliderLayout.Widget1
new Slider lowerThresholdSlider
set lowerThresholdSlider.Title "LowerThreshold"
set lowerThresholdSlider.Max 200
set lowerThresholdSlider.In 10
set lowerThresholdSlider.ChangeResolution 1
connect lowerThresholdSlider.Widget sliderLayout.Widget2
new Slider upperThresholdSlider
set upperThresholdSlider.Title "UpperThreshold"
set upperThresholdSlider.Max 500
set upperThresholdSlider.In 150
- set upperThresholdSlider.ChangeResolution 1
+ set upperThresholdSlider.ChangeResolution 1
connect upperThresholdSlider.Widget sliderLayout.Widget3
new Slider smoothSlider
set smoothSlider.In 3
set smoothSlider.ChangeResolution 1
connect smoothSlider.Widget sliderLayout.Widget4
new LayoutLine buttonLayout
- set buttonLayout.Orientation H
+ set buttonLayout.Orientation H
connect buttonLayout.Widget toolLayout.Widget2
- new ColourSelectorButton colourThreshold
- set colourThreshold.In "1 0 0"
+ new ColourSelectorButton colourThreshold
+ set colourThreshold.In "1 0 0"
connect colourThreshold.Widget buttonLayout.Widget1
new ColourSelectorButton colourSmooth
set colourSmooth.In "1 1 0"
- connect colourSmooth.Widget buttonLayout.Widget2
+ connect colourSmooth.Widget buttonLayout.Widget2
new CommandButton refresh
set refresh.Label "Refresh (to be used once at start time)"
connect refresh.Widget buttonLayout.Widget3
new LayoutLine layout2D
set layout2D.Orientation H
connect layout2D.Widget splitUp.Widget2
new Viewer2D viewer2DImageOriginal
connect viewer2DImageOriginal.Widget layout2D.Widget1
- new Viewer2D viewer2DImageSegmented
+ new Viewer2D viewer2DImageSegmented
connect viewer2DImageSegmented.Widget layout2D.Widget2
- new Viewer2D viewer2DImageSmooth
- connect viewer2DImageSmooth.Widget layout2D.Widget3
+ new Viewer2D viewer2DImageSmooth
+ connect viewer2DImageSmooth.Widget layout2D.Widget3
new LayoutSplit layout3D
set layout3D.Orientation H
set layout3D.Proportion 90
connect layout3D.Widget mainSplit.Widget2
new LayoutSplit layoutSurfaces
set layoutSurfaces.Orientation H
set layoutSurfaces.Proportion 50
connect layoutSurfaces.Widget layout3D.Widget1
new Viewer3D viewer3DSurfaceThreshold
connect viewer3DSurfaceThreshold.Widget layoutSurfaces.Widget1
new Viewer3D viewer3DSurfaceSmooth
- connect viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.Widget layoutSurfaces.Widget2
+ connect viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.Widget layoutSurfaces.Widget2
new LayoutLine vSliderLayout
connect vSliderLayout.Widget layout3D.Widget2
new Slider lowerOpacitySlider
set lowerOpacitySlider.Title "Opacity"
- set lowerOpacitySlider.Min 1
+ set lowerOpacitySlider.Min 1
set lowerOpacitySlider.Max 100
set lowerOpacitySlider.In 50
set lowerOpacitySlider.Orientation V
connect lowerOpacitySlider.Widget vSliderLayout.Widget1
new Slider upperOpacitySlider
set upperOpacitySlider.Title "UpperOpacity"
set upperOpacitySlider.Max 100
- set upperOpacitySlider.In 100
- set upperOpacitySlider.Orientation V
+ set upperOpacitySlider.In 100
+ set upperOpacitySlider.Orientation V
connect upperOpacitySlider.Widget vSliderLayout.Widget2
// End of Graphical organization
-// -----------------------------
+// -----------------------------
// Processing pipeline
set sliceSlider.ChangeResolution 1
// Images 2D
new BinaryThresholdImageFilter threshold
set threshold.InsideValue 255
set threshold.OutsideValue 0
connect upperThresholdSlider.Out threshold.UpperThreshold
- connect lowerThresholdSlider.Out threshold.LowerThreshold
+ connect lowerThresholdSlider.Out threshold.LowerThreshold
connect reader.Out threshold.In
connect threshold.Out viewer2DImageSegmented.In
connect sliceSlider.Out viewer2DImageSegmented.Slice
new ImageGaussianSmooth smooth
connect threshold.Out smooth.In
connect smoothSlider.Out smooth.StdDevX
connect smoothSlider.Out smooth.StdDevY
connect smoothSlider.Out smooth.StdDevZ
connect smooth.Out viewer2DImageSmooth.In
connect sliceSlider.Out viewer2DImageSmooth.Slice
// Planes
new ImagePlanes planes
connect planes.PlaneX viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.Obs1
connect planes.PlaneY viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.Obs2
connect planes.PlaneZ viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.Obs3
// Surfaces 3D
new IsoSurfaceExtractor isoextractorThreshold
connect threshold.Out isoextractorThreshold.In
set isoextractorThreshold.Opacity 1
set isoextractorThreshold.Isovalue 100
- connect colourThreshold.Out isoextractorThreshold.Colour
+ connect colourThreshold.Out isoextractorThreshold.Colour
connect isoextractorThreshold.Out viewer3DSurfaceThreshold.In1
new Div div3
connect lowerOpacitySlider.Out div3.In1
set div3.In2 100
connect smooth.Out isoextractorSmooth.In
connect div3.Out isoextractorSmooth.Opacity
set isoextractorSmooth.Isovalue 200
- connect colourSmooth.Out isoextractorSmooth.Colour
+ connect colourSmooth.Out isoextractorSmooth.Colour
connect isoextractorSmooth.Out viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.In2
-// Refresh issues
- new MultipleInputs multInForImageOriginal
- connect sliceSlider.BoxChange multInForImageOriginal.In1
+// Refresh issues
+new MultipleInputs multInForImageOriginal
+ connect sliceSlider.BoxChange multInForImageOriginal.In1
# connect refresh.BoxChange multInForImageOriginal.In2
connect upperThresholdSlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceThreshold.In4
new MultipleInputs multInForSurfaceSmooth
-# connect refresh.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In1
- connect lowerOpacitySlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In1
+# connect refresh.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In1
+ connect lowerOpacitySlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In1
connect colourSmooth.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In2
connect lowerThresholdSlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In3
- connect upperThresholdSlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In4
+ connect upperThresholdSlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In4
connect smoothSlider.BoxChange multInForSurfaceSmooth.In5
- connect multInForImageOriginal.BoxChange viewer2DImageOriginal.BoxExecute
+ connect multInForImageOriginal.BoxChange viewer2DImageOriginal.BoxExecute
connect multInForImageSegmented.BoxChange viewer2DImageSegmented.BoxExecute
connect multInForImageSmooth.BoxChange viewer2DImageSmooth.BoxExecute
- connect multInForSurfaceThreshold.BoxChange viewer3DSurfaceThreshold.BoxExecute
- connect multInForSurfaceSmooth.BoxChange viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.BoxExecute
+ connect multInForSurfaceThreshold.BoxChange viewer3DSurfaceThreshold.BoxExecute
+ connect multInForSurfaceSmooth.BoxChange viewer3DSurfaceSmooth.BoxExecute
include vtk
include wx
load itkvtk
+load gdcmvtk
include wxvtk/boxes/bbSimpleSlicer
new FileSelector openFileDialog
new ImageReader reader
- connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
# uncomment next lines to use Gimmick
// user choosen directory as input
connect ds.Out fd.In
set fd.Recursive false
-// list of files as imput
+// list of files as input
#print "Files found in $ds.Out$\n
-connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (if the directory contains a 'XCoherent" Serie)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+// order the files, computes an accurate ZSpacing
+new GetXCoherentInfoGdcmReader reader
+connect fd.Out reader.In
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (with DICOMDirReader)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+include itk/boxes/bbDICOMDirReader
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+new DICOMDirReader reader
+ connect ds.Out reader.In
// We need that to set Sliders sizes
connect gveZ.Out div2.In1
set div2.In2 2
// For X axis
new SimpleSlicer viewerUL
connect reader.Out viewerUL.In
//For 3D Viewer
new ImagePlanes planes
- connect reader.Out planes.In
+ connect reader.Out planes.In
new Viewer3D viewer
- connect planes.PlaneX viewer.Obs1
- connect planes.PlaneY viewer.Obs2
- connect planes.PlaneZ viewer.Obs3
+ connect planes.PlaneX viewer.Obs1
+ connect planes.PlaneY viewer.Obs2
+ connect planes.PlaneZ viewer.Obs3
+ connect viewer.Widget main.Widget4
- connect viewer.Widget main.Widget4
set main.WinTitle "demoViewing1"
exec main
exec viewerTD
include vtk
include wx
load itkvtk
+load gdcmvtk
new LayoutX4 main
new FileSelector openFileDialog
new ImageReader reader
- connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
# uncomment next lines to use Gimmick
// user choosen directory as input
connect ds.Out fd.In
set fd.Recursive false
-// list of files as imput
+// list of files as input
#print "Files found in $ds.Out$\n
-connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (if the directory contains a 'XCoherent" Serie)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+// order the files, computes an accurate ZSpacing
+new GetXCoherentInfoGdcmReader reader
+connect fd.Out reader.In
//set reader.XSpacing 23.4
//set reader.YSpacing 23.4
//For 3D Viewer
new ImagePlanes planes
- connect reader.Out planes.In
+ connect reader.Out planes.In
new Viewer3D viewer
- connect planes.PlaneX viewer.Obs1
- connect planes.PlaneY viewer.Obs2
- connect planes.PlaneZ viewer.Obs3
+ connect planes.PlaneX viewer.Obs1
+ connect planes.PlaneY viewer.Obs2
+ connect planes.PlaneZ viewer.Obs3
- connect viewer.Widget main.Widget4
+ connect viewer.Widget main.Widget4
// For X axis
// ----------
connect viewerUR.Widget upright.Widget1
# contains only one slice
set viewerUR.Slice 0
- connect planes.BoxChange viewerUR.BoxExecute
+ connect planes.BoxChange viewerUR.BoxExecute
print "===============planes.ImageY $planes.ImageY"
set viewerDL.Slice 0
connect planes.BoxChange viewerDL.BoxExecute
- print "===============planes.ImageZ $planes.ImageZ"
+ print "===============planes.ImageZ $planes.ImageZ"
set main.WinTitle "demoViewing3"
exec main