We know the following are missing; don't loose time looking for them ...<br>
We know they could be helpfull. We shall add them some day.<br>
Any contribution is welcome.
- <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet JPEG-LS and JPEG2000 encoded files.
- <LI> Allow user to tell <TT>gdcm::Document</TT> constructor he just wants
- to load a given list of <TT>DocEntries</TT> (to save CPU time and RAM
- space)
- <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he doesn't want to write down
+<LI> Decoders
+ <UL>
+ <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet JPEG-LS and JPEG2000 encoded files.
+ <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet MPEG encoded files.
+ </UL>
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Allow user to tell <TT>gdcm::Document</TT> constructor he just wants
+ to load a given list of <TT>DocEntries</TT>
+ (to save CPU time and RAM space)
+ <LI> Allow 'frame by frame' reading (should be helpfull for huge multiframe
+ <LI> Expose Read/Decompression mechanisms to allow user getting
+ information from <tt>DICOMDIR</TT> <br> -or from his own Data Base-
+ and reading his images without parsing
+ the header, one more time.
+ </UL>
+ <LI>Writer
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he doesn't want to write down
<TT>SeqEntry</TT> (if any)
- <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he doesn't want to write down
+ <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he doesn't want to write down
<TT>Shadow groups</TT> (if any)
- <LI> <TT>Icon Image</TT> management (Read and Write)
- <LI> <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> full management (not limited to
+ <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer which compression mode he wants<br>
+ (Right now, no one is available)
+ </UL>
+<LI>Reader / Writer
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Full <TT>Icon Image</TT> management (Read and Write)
+ <LI> Full <TT>Overlays</TT> management (Read and Write) <br>
+ both for '<TT>ACR-NEMA</TT> style' (using groups <TT>0x6000</TT>
+ and nexts) and '<TT>DICOM V3</TT> style' (using Sequences)
+ </UL>
+ <UL>
+ <LI> <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> full management (not limited to
- <LI> Allow user to add an Entry to the default entry list, before
+ <LI> Allow user to add an entry (belonging to the file header Dicom
+ entries)to the default entry list, before
making a <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> from a root directory
- <LI> 16-bits-LUT full Management
- <LI> User friendly management of <TT>Rescale Slope</TT> and
+ <LI> Allow user to add an entry of his owns (for instance an <TT>Icon</TT>
+ to each image, or to each Serie.
+ </UL>
+<LI> SerieHelper
+ <UL>
+ <LI> An accurate <TT>SerieHelper</TT> <br>
+ Right now <TT>SerieHelper</TT> only works on 'bona fide Series', and
+ breaks on wrongly forged Series.<br>
+ We are still looking for any heuristics...
+ <LI> A <TT>SerieHelper</TT> that would use the <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> (if any)
+ instead of parsing all the files within the Root Directory
+ </UL>
+<LI> Other
+ <UL>
+ <LI> 16-bits-LUT full Management
+ <LI> User friendly management of <TT>Rescale Slope</TT> and
<TT>Rescale Intercept</TT>
- <LI> Allow parsing the <TT>Shadow groups</TT> against a user supplied
+ <LI> Allow parsing the <TT>Shadow groups</TT> against a user supplied
private <TT>Dicom Dictionary</TT> (pfff!...)
- <LI> An accurate <TT>SerieHelper</TT>
- <LI> A <TT>SerieHelper</TT> that would use the <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> (if any)
- instead of parsing all the files within the Root Directory
+ </UL>
<HR size="1"><ADDRESS style="align: right;"></ADDRESS>
<LI>Both <TT>vtkgdcmViewer</TT> and <TT>vtkgdcmViewer2</TT>
are available to allow easy displaying of single/multiframe
GreyLevel/RGB/PaletteColor images
- <LI> <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> anonymiser (<TT>Load</TT> and <TT>Noload</TT> mode) <LI> User is now allowed to tell <TT>gdcm::Document</TT> constructor
+ <LI> <TT>DICOMDIR</TT> anonymiser (<TT>Load</TT> and <TT>Noload</TT> mode)
+ <LI> User is now allowed to tell <TT>gdcm::Document</TT> constructor
he doesn't want to deal with <TT>SeqEntry</TT>
(every time it's possible) <br> and/or he doesn't
want to deal with <TT>Shadow groups</TT> (every time it's
instead of : <br>
- gdcm::File *f = new gdcm::File(fileName);</TT>
- <br>
+ gdcm::File *f = new gdcm::File(fileName);</TT> <br>
+ (old style still available)
+ <LI> User is now allowed to tell <TT>gdcm::DicomDir</TT> constructor
+ he doesn't want to deal with <TT>SeqEntry</TT>
+ (every time it's possible) <br> and/or he doesn't
+ want to deal with <TT>Shadow groups</TT> (every time it's
+ possible)<br>
+ use : <br><TT>
+ gdcm::DicomDir *dcmdir = new gdcm::DicomDir( );<br>
+ dcmdir->SetParseDir(true);<br>
+ dcmdir->SetLoadMode(NO_SEQ | NO_SHADOW);<br>
+ dcmdir->Load(dirName);<br>
+ </TT>
+ instead of : <br>
+ <TT>
+ gdcm::DicomDir *dcmdir = new gdcm::DicomDir(dirName, true);</TT><br>
+ (old style still available)
high values = dark) and <TT>MONOCHROME2</TT> (low values = dark,
high values = bright) is now taken into account.<br>
It's no longer up to the user to change the pixels value
- <LI> Writing a 'True Dicom' image after reading an ACR-NEMA image
+ <LI> Writing a 'True Dicom' image after reading an <TT>ACR-NEMA</TT> image
does not request any longer from the user to build up
- 'manually' the Meta Elements group (0002)
- <LI> Old '24 Bits' ACR-NEMA are now correctly re-written in DICOM mode.
- <LI> Element 0x0000 of <TT>Shadow groups</TT> is always forced to be a
- <TT>ValEntry</TT> and its VR is forced to <TT>UL</TT>
+ 'manually' the Meta Elements group (<TT>Ox0002</TT>)
+ <LI> Old '24 Bits' <TT>ACR-NEMA</TT> are now correctly re-written
+ in <TT>DICOM V3</TT> mode.
+ <LI> Element <TT>0x0000</TT> of <TT>Shadow groups</TT> is always forced to be a
+ <TT>ValEntry</TT> and its <TT>VR</TT> is forced to <TT>UL</TT>