--- /dev/null
+load vtk
+include util/boxes/bbPrependPackageDataPath
+define LoadHola
+ description "Loads the image 'hola.mhd'"
+ author "laurent.guigues at creatis.insa-lyon.fr"
+ category "image;misc"
+ new MetaImageReader reader
+ new PrependPackageDataPath ppdp
+ set ppdp.In "hola.mhd"
+ set ppdp.Package "util"
+ connect ppdp.Out reader.In
+ output Out reader.Out "The image"
+ output FileName ppdp.Out "The path to the image loaded"
--- /dev/null
+ObjectType = Image
+NDims = 3
+BinaryData = True
+BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
+ElementSpacing = 0.796875 0.796875 0.7
+DimSize = 112 131 192
+Position = 0 0 0
+ElementNumberOfChannels = 1
+ElementType = MET_USHORT
+ElementDataFile = hola.raw