( (bbBoxProcessModeIsManual()==true)&&(bbLetRecursiveExecuteManualMode==true) )
- printf("EED BlackBox::bbRecursiveExecute bbProcess start %s \n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
+// printf("EED BlackBox::bbRecursiveExecute bbProcess start %s \n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
- printf("EED BlackBox::bbRecursiveExecute bbProcess end %s \n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
+// printf("EED BlackBox::bbRecursiveExecute bbProcess end %s \n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
} // Manual analysis
//EED ups if ((bbBoxProcessModeIsManual()==true) && (bbLetRecursiveExecuteManualMode==false))
BBTK_DESCRIPTION("No Description.");
- BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Type,"default (0) 0=Erase duplicated lines, 1=Redimention Vectors, 2=Insert intermediat points,3=Adition, 4=Substraction, 5=Multilication, 6=Division, 7=Connect mesh X1,Y1,Z1,idxs1,X2,X2,X2,idx2, 8=Order All vectors with the logic of In0 , 9=Invert Vectors, 10=Nearest Point in the vector. In3PointXYZ In0LstX In1LstY In2LstZ (Out0-index Out1-PointXYZ)",int,"");
+ BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Type,"default (0) 0=Erase duplicated lines, 1=Redimention Vectors, 2=Insert intermediat points,3=Adition k1, 4=Substraction k1, 5=Multilication k1, 6=Division k1, 7=Connect mesh X1,Y1,Z1,idxs1,X2,X2,X2,idx2, 8=Order All vectors with the logic of In0 , 9=Invert Vectors, 10=Nearest Point in the vector. In3PointXYZ In0LstX In1LstY In2LstZ (Out0-index Out1-PointXYZ)",int,"");
BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,k1,"default (0) nothing (Type0), k1=new size vectors (Type 1) , nothing (Type2), k1 = Addition const. (Type 3), k1 = Substraction const. (Type 4), k1 = Multiplication const. (Type 5) , k1 = Division const. (Type 6) , ",double,"");
BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In0,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In1,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
int bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat( std::string formatStr , vtkImageData* image )
- printf("EED bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat Start \n");
int outputformat = VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR;
if (formatStr=="SAME")
- printf("EED bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat 1 image=%p\n",image);
if (image!=NULL) outputformat = image->GetScalarType();
- printf("EED bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat 2 \n");
else if (formatStr=="VTK_BIT") outputformat = VTK_BIT; // 1
else if (formatStr=="VTK_CHAR") outputformat = VTK_CHAR; // 2
else if (formatStr=="MET_FLOAT") outputformat = VTK_FLOAT; // 10
else if (formatStr=="MET_DOUBLE") outputformat = VTK_DOUBLE; // 11
- printf("EED bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat outputformat=%d End\n", outputformat);
return outputformat;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
void SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess()
- printf("EED (%s) SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess Start \n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
int x,y,z;
int i,numPoints = bbGetInputPositionXYZ().size()/3;
int verif = (bbGetInputPositionXYZ().size()-1) % 3;
if (( numPoints>=1) && (verif==2) && (bbGetInputIn()!=NULL))
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 1 format=%s %p\n", bbGetInputOutputFormat().c_str() , bbGetInputIn() );
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 1.1 \n" );
//EED 2020-01-18
int outputformat = bbtkStaticLecture::GetTypeFormat( bbGetInputOutputFormat() , bbGetInputIn() );
// int outputformat=4;
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 2 \n" );
vtkImageData *imagedata = bbGetInputIn();
//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
// imagedata->SetExtent(imagedata->GetExtent());
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 3 Threshold= %f %f\n", bbGetInputThresholdMinMax()[0], bbGetInputThresholdMinMax()[1] );
thresh2->ThresholdBetween(bbGetInputThresholdMinMax()[0], bbGetInputThresholdMinMax()[1]);
connect2->RemoveAllSeeds ();
int maxX = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
int maxY = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
int maxZ = ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 4 numPoints=%d\n",numPoints );
for (i=0;i<numPoints;i++)
x = bbGetInputPositionXYZ()[i*3+0];
z = bbGetInputPositionXYZ()[i*3+2];
if ( (x>=0) || (x<maxX) || (y>=0) || (y<maxY) || (z>=0) || (z<maxZ) )
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 4.1 xyz=%d %d %d\n",x,y,z );
connect2->AddSeed( x,y,z );
} else {
printf("EED WARNNIG! In box: SegmentationConnectivity points list out of range \n");
} // if point inside image
} // for i
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 4.2 \n" );
connect2->SetOutputConnectedValue( bbGetInputValue() );
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 4.3 \n" );
cast4->SetOutputScalarType( outputformat );
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 4.5 \n" );
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 5 \n" );
- cast4->Update();
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess 6 \n" );
- bbSetOutputOut(cast4->GetOutput() );
+ cast4->Update();
+ bbSetOutputOut(cast4->GetOutput() );
} else {
printf("EED WARNNIG! In box: SegmentationConnectivity List of points are not coherent. \n");
bbSetOutputOut( NULL );
}// if numPoints verif
- printf("EED SegmentationConnectivity::DoProcess End \n" );
}// EO namespace bbvtk