bool modelCDMApplication::SetCustomLibrary(const std::string& library_name, const bool& toInclude)
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> correspondence;
+ std::vector<modelCDMLibrary*> libraries;
+ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* p = this;
+ while(p != NULL && dynamic_cast<modelCDMProject*>(p) == NULL)
+ p = p->GetParent();
+ if(p != NULL && dynamic_cast<modelCDMProject*>(p)->GetLib() != NULL)
+ libraries = dynamic_cast<modelCDMProject*>(p)->GetLib()->GetLibraries();
+ for (int i = 0; i < libraries.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ correspondence[libraries[i]->GetNameLibrary()] = libraries[i]->GetName();
+ }
+ if (correspondence.find(library_name) != correspondence.end())
+ {
+ if (this->HasCMakeLists())
+ {
+ std::string resCMfile = "";
+ std::string CMfile = CDMUtilities::readFile(this->CMakeLists->GetPath().c_str());
+ bool found = false;
+ //find included libraries
+ std::cout << "searching..." << CMfile << std::endl;
+ boost::regex expression("^\\h*SET([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\(([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\$\\{EXE_NAME\\}_LINK_LIBRARIES(([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)+([\\$\\{\\}\\w\\d]+|\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"))*([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\)");
+ std::string::const_iterator start, end;
+ start = CMfile.begin();
+ end = CMfile.end();
+ boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
+ boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;
+ if(boost::regex_search(start, end, what, expression, flags))
+ {
+ std::cout << what.str() << std::endl;
+ resCMfile += what.prefix().str();
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*SET([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\(([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\$\\{EXE_NAME\\}_LINK_LIBRARIES");
+ std::string::const_iterator start1, end1;
+ start1 = what[0].first;
+ end1 = what[0].second;
+ boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what1;
+ if(boost::regex_search(start1, end1, what1, expression, flags))
+ {
+ resCMfile += what1.prefix().str() + what1.str();
+ //check if already exists
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*"+library_name);
+ std::string::const_iterator start2, end2;
+ start2 = what1[0].second;
+ end2 = what[0].second;
+ boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what2, temp2;
+ while(boost::regex_search(start2, end2, what2, expression, flags))
+ {
+ resCMfile += what2.prefix().str();
+ found = true;
+ if (!toInclude)
+ {
+ resCMfile += "#";
+ }
+ resCMfile += what2.str();
+ temp2 = what2;
+ start2 = what2[0].second;
+ }
+ if(found)
+ resCMfile += temp2.suffix().str();
+ //check if is commented
+ else
+ {
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*#+\\h*"+library_name);
+ start2 = what1[0].second;
+ end2 = what[0].second;
+ while(boost::regex_search(start2, end2, what2, expression, flags))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ resCMfile += what2.prefix().str();
+ if(toInclude)
+ {
+ std::string dete = what2[0].str();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dete.size(); ++i) {
+ if (dete[i] != '#')
+ resCMfile.push_back(dete[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ temp2 = what2;
+ start2 = what2[0].second;
+ }
+ if(found)
+ resCMfile += temp2.suffix().str();
+ //add at the beggining of instruction
+ else
+ {
+ if(toInclude)
+ resCMfile += "\n" + library_name;
+ resCMfile += what1.suffix().str();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resCMfile += what.suffix().str();
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ //find included folders
+ CMfile = resCMfile;
+ resCMfile = "";
+ found = false;
+ std::cout << "searching..." << CMfile << std::endl;
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\(([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*([\\.\\/\\$\\{\\}\\w\\d]+|\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")??(([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)+([\\.\\/\\$\\{\\}\\w\\d]+|\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"))*([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\)");
+ start = CMfile.begin();
+ end = CMfile.end();
+ if(boost::regex_search(start, end, what, expression, flags))
+ {
+ resCMfile += what.prefix().str();
+ std::cout << what.str() << std::endl;
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES([\\s]|#[^\\n]*\\n)*\\(");
+ std::string::const_iterator start1, end1;
+ start1 = what[0].first;
+ end1 = what[0].second;
+ boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what1;
+ if(boost::regex_search(start1, end1, what1, expression, flags))
+ {
+ resCMfile += what1.prefix().str() + what1.str();
+ std::cout << what1.str() << std::endl;
+ //search if dir is already included
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*\\.\\.\\/\\.\\.\\/lib\\/"+correspondence[library_name]);
+ std::string::const_iterator start2, end2;
+ start2 = what1[0].second;
+ end2 = what[0].second;
+ boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what2, temp2;
+ while(boost::regex_search(start2, end2, what2, expression, flags))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ resCMfile += what2.prefix().str();
+ if(!toInclude)
+ resCMfile += "#";
+ resCMfile += what2.str();
+ temp2 = what2;
+ start2 = what2[0].second;
+ }
+ if(found)
+ resCMfile += temp2.suffix().str();
+ //search if dir is commented
+ else
+ {
+ expression = boost::regex("^\\h*#+\\h*\\.\\.\\/\\.\\.\\/lib\\/"+correspondence[library_name]);
+ start2 = what1[0].second;
+ end2 = what[0].second;
+ while(boost::regex_search(start2, end2, what2, expression, flags))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ resCMfile += what2.prefix().str();
+ if(toInclude)
+ {
+ std::string dete = what2[0].str();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dete.size(); ++i) {
+ if (dete[i] != '#')
+ resCMfile.push_back(dete[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ temp2 = what2;
+ start2 = what2[0].second;
+ }
+ if(found)
+ resCMfile += temp2.suffix().str();
+ //add at the beggining of instruction
+ else
+ {
+ if(toInclude)
+ resCMfile += "\n../../lib/" + correspondence[library_name];
+ resCMfile += what1.suffix().str();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resCMfile += what.suffix().str();
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ return CDMUtilities::writeFile(this->CMakeLists->GetPath().c_str(), resCMfile);
+ }
+ }
return false;