// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
- double spc[6];
+ double spc[3];
int dim[3];
int outputformat = VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="VTK_BIT") outputformat = VTK_BIT; // 1
else if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="VTK_CHAR") outputformat = VTK_CHAR; // 2
else if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="MET_CHAR") outputformat = VTK_CHAR; // 2
else if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="MET_FLOAT") outputformat = VTK_FLOAT; // 10
else if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="VTK_DOUBLE") outputformat = VTK_DOUBLE; // 11
else if (bbGetInputOutputFormat()=="MET_DOUBLE") outputformat = VTK_DOUBLE; // 11
spc[0] = bbGetInputSpacing()[0];
spc[1] = bbGetInputSpacing()[1];
spc[2] = bbGetInputSpacing()[2];
dim[0] = bbGetInputDimensions()[0];
dim[1] = bbGetInputDimensions()[1];
dim[2] = bbGetInputDimensions()[2];
+ if ((dim[0]<=0)||(dim[1]<=0)||(dim[2]<=0))
+ {
+ dim[0]=1;
+ dim[1]=1;
+ dim[2]=1;
+ }
+ if ((spc[0]<=0)||(spc[1]<=0)||(spc[2]<=0))
+ {
+ spc[0]=1;
+ spc[1]=1;
+ spc[2]=1;
+ }
+ //EED 2017-12-7
+ if (imageoutput!=NULL)
+ {
+ imageoutput->Delete();
+ }
+ imageoutput = vtkImageData::New();
- imageoutput->SetScalarType( outputformat );
imageoutput->SetSpacing( spc );
imageoutput->SetDimensions( dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] );
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ imageoutput->SetScalarType( outputformat );
+ imageoutput->AllocateScalars( outputformat,1 );
int i,j,k;
long sizeBlock;
for (i=0; i<dim[0]; i++)
imageoutput->SetScalarComponentFromDouble(i,0,0, 0, bbGetInputInitialValue() );
memcpy( imageoutput->GetScalarPointer(0,0,k) ,imageoutput->GetScalarPointer() , sizeBlock );
} // for k
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ // ..
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ // ..
//To get the slice of image out of the selected volume
- if (_imageReslicer==NULL){
+ if (_imageReslicer==NULL)
+ {
_imageReslicer = vtkImageReslice::New();
_transform = vtkTransform::New();
_matrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
- }
+ } // if
_imageReslicer->SetInterpolationMode( bbGetInputInterpolation() );
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
_imageReslicer->SetInput( bbGetInputIn() );
+ _imageReslicer->SetInputData( bbGetInputIn() );
//fill out the information with the created vectors and using the spacing of the image
// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
- if ((bbGetInputImageFix()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImageMove()!=NULL) )
- {
- if ( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType()==bbGetInputImageMove()->GetScalarType() )
- {
- // Creating Image
- int dim[3];
- int ext[6];
+ if (bbGetInputActive()==true)
+ {
+ if ( (bbGetInputImageFix()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImageMove()!=NULL) )
+ {
+ if ( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType()==bbGetInputImageMove()->GetScalarType() )
+ {
+ // Creating Image
+ int dim[3];
+ int ext[6];
- bbGetInputImageFix()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
- dim[0]= ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- dim[1]= ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- dim[2]= ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ bbGetInputImageFix()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ bbGetInputImageFix()->GetExtent(ext);
+ dim[0]= ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ dim[1]= ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ dim[2]= ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- if (bbGetInputType()==0)
+ if (bbGetInputType()==0)
+ {
+ _imageoutput = vtkImageData::New();
+ _imageoutput->Initialize();
+ _imageoutput->SetSpacing( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetSpacing() );
+ _imageoutput->SetDimensions( dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] );
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ _imageoutput->SetScalarType( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType() );
+ _imageoutput->AllocateScalars();
+ _imageoutput->AllocateScalars(bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType() , 1);
+ }
+ if (bbGetInputType()==1)
+ {
+ _imageoutput=bbGetInputImageFix();
+ }
+ // Duplicating Fix Image
+ long sizeimage = dim[0]*dim[1]*dim[2]*bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarSize();
+ memcpy( _imageoutput->GetScalarPointer() , bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarPointer() , sizeimage);
+ // Copy the Move Image
+ int j,k;
+ int px,py,pz;
+//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ bbGetInputImageMove()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ bbGetInputImageMove()->GetExtent(ext);
+ int dimMoveX = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ int dimMoveY = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ int dimMoveZ = ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+ int spxM=0; // start px MoveImage
+ int sizeXM=0; // sizeX MoveImage
+ px=bbGetInputOrigin()[0];
+ spxM=0;
+ if (px<=0)
+ {
+ spxM=px*(-1);
+ px=0;
+ }
+ sizeXM = dimMoveX-spxM;
+ if (px+sizeXM>=dim[0]) sizeXM=dim[0]-px;
+ sizeXM=sizeXM*bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarSize();
+ for (k=0; k<dimMoveZ; k++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<dimMoveY; j++)
+ {
+ py=j+bbGetInputOrigin()[1];
+ pz=k+bbGetInputOrigin()[2];
+ if ( (py<dim[1]) && (pz<dim[2]) &&
+ (py>=0) && (pz>=0) &&
+ (sizeXM>0) )
- memcpy( _imageoutput->GetScalarPointer(px,py,pz) , bbGetInputImageMove()->GetScalarPointer(spxM,j,k) , sizeXM );
+ _imageoutput = vtkImageData::New();
+ _imageoutput->Initialize();
+ _imageoutput->SetScalarType( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType() );
+ _imageoutput->SetSpacing( bbGetInputImageFix()->GetSpacing() );
+ _imageoutput->SetDimensions( dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] );
+ _imageoutput->AllocateScalars();
+ // Duplicating Fix Image
+ long sizeimage = dim[0]*dim[1]*dim[2]*bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarSize();
+ memcpy( _imageoutput->GetScalarPointer() , bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarPointer() , sizeimage);
+ }
+ if (bbGetInputType()==1)
+ {
+ _imageoutput=bbGetInputImageFix();
- } // for j
- } // for k
- _imageoutput->Modified();
- } // If Image Fixe Move the same GetScalarType
- else {
- printf ("ERROR: InversCrop both ImageFixe and ImageMove need the same format.\n");
- }
- } // If Image Fixe Move != NULL
- else {
- printf ("ERROR: InversCrop need ImageFixe and ImageMove to run.\n");
- }
- bbSetOutputOut(_imageoutput);
+ // Copy the Move Image
+ int j,k;
+ int px,py,pz;
+ bbGetInputImageMove()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ int dimMoveX = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ int dimMoveY = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ int dimMoveZ = ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+ int spxM = 0; // start px MoveImage
+ int sizeXM = 0; // sizeX MoveImage
+ px = bbGetInputOrigin()[0];
+ spxM = 0;
+ if (px<0)
+ {
+ spxM=px*(-1);
+ px=0;
+ }
+ sizeXM = dimMoveX-spxM;
+ if (px+sizeXM>=dim[0]) sizeXM=dim[0]-px;
+ sizeXM=sizeXM*bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarSize();
+ for (k=0; k<dimMoveZ; k++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<dimMoveY; j++)
+ {
+ py=j+bbGetInputOrigin()[1];
+ pz=k+bbGetInputOrigin()[2];
+ if ( (py<dim[1]) && (pz<dim[2]) &&
+ (py>=0) && (pz>=0) &&
+ (sizeXM>0) )
+ {
+ memcpy( _imageoutput->GetScalarPointer(px,py,pz) , bbGetInputImageMove()->GetScalarPointer(spxM,j,k) , sizeXM );
+ }
+ } // for j
+ } // for k
+ _imageoutput->Modified();
+ } // If Image Fixe Move the same GetScalarType
+ else {
+ printf ("ERROR: InversCrop both ImageFixe and ImageMove need the same format.\n");
+ printf (" type ImageFix:%d type ImageMove:%d\n", bbGetInputImageFix()->GetScalarType(), bbGetInputImageMove()->GetScalarType() );
+ }
+ } // If Image Fixe Move != NULL
+ else {
+ printf ("ERROR: InversCrop need ImageFixe and ImageMove to run.\n");
+ }
+ bbSetOutputOut(_imageoutput);
+ } // if Active