Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmUtil.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/01/11 00:24:44 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.89 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/01/15 00:52:36 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.90 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#ifdef __APPLE__
-// Returns an iterator containing the primary (built-in) Ethernet interface. The caller is responsible for
-// releasing the iterator after the caller is done with it.
+// Returns an iterator containing the primary (built-in) Ethernet interface.
+// The caller is responsible for releasing the iterator after the caller is
+// done with it.
static kern_return_t FindEthernetInterfaces(io_iterator_t *matchingServices)
- kern_return_t kernResult;
- mach_port_t masterPort;
- CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict;
- CFMutableDictionaryRef propertyMatchDict;
- // Retrieve the Mach port used to initiate communication with I/O Kit
- kernResult = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
- {
- printf("IOMasterPort returned %d\n", kernResult);
- return kernResult;
- }
- // Ethernet interfaces are instances of class kIOEthernetInterfaceClass.
- // IOServiceMatching is a convenience function to create a dictionary with the key kIOProviderClassKey and
- // the specified value.
- matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOEthernetInterfaceClass);
- // Note that another option here would be:
- // matchingDict = IOBSDMatching("en0");
- if (NULL == matchingDict)
- {
- printf("IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n");
- }
- else {
- // Each IONetworkInterface object has a Boolean property with the key kIOPrimaryInterface. Only the
- // primary (built-in) interface has this property set to TRUE.
- // IOServiceGetMatchingServices uses the default matching criteria defined by IOService. This considers
- // only the following properties plus any family-specific matching in this order of precedence
- // (see IOService::passiveMatch):
- //
- // kIOProviderClassKey (IOServiceMatching)
- // kIONameMatchKey (IOServiceNameMatching)
- // kIOPropertyMatchKey
- // kIOPathMatchKey
- // kIOMatchedServiceCountKey
- // family-specific matching
- // kIOBSDNameKey (IOBSDNameMatching)
- // kIOLocationMatchKey
- // The IONetworkingFamily does not define any family-specific matching. This means that in
- // order to have IOServiceGetMatchingServices consider the kIOPrimaryInterface property, we must
- // add that property to a separate dictionary and then add that to our matching dictionary
- // specifying kIOPropertyMatchKey.
- propertyMatchDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- if (NULL == propertyMatchDict)
- {
- printf("CFDictionaryCreateMutable returned a NULL dictionary.\n");
- }
- else {
- // Set the value in the dictionary of the property with the given key, or add the key
- // to the dictionary if it doesn't exist. This call retains the value object passed in.
- CFDictionarySetValue(propertyMatchDict, CFSTR(kIOPrimaryInterface), kCFBooleanTrue);
- // Now add the dictionary containing the matching value for kIOPrimaryInterface to our main
- // matching dictionary. This call will retain propertyMatchDict, so we can release our reference
- // on propertyMatchDict after adding it to matchingDict.
- CFDictionarySetValue(matchingDict, CFSTR(kIOPropertyMatchKey), propertyMatchDict);
- CFRelease(propertyMatchDict);
- }
- }
- // IOServiceGetMatchingServices retains the returned iterator, so release the iterator when we're done with it.
- // IOServiceGetMatchingServices also consumes a reference on the matching dictionary so we don't need to release
- // the dictionary explicitly.
- kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort, matchingDict, matchingServices);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
- {
- printf("IOServiceGetMatchingServices returned %d\n", kernResult);
- }
- return kernResult;
+ kern_return_t kernResult;
+ mach_port_t masterPort;
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict;
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef propertyMatchDict;
+ // Retrieve the Mach port used to initiate communication with I/O Kit
+ kernResult = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
+ {
+ printf("IOMasterPort returned %d\n", kernResult);
+ return kernResult;
+ }
+ // Ethernet interfaces are instances of class kIOEthernetInterfaceClass.
+ // IOServiceMatching is a convenience function to create a dictionary
+ // with the key kIOProviderClassKey and
+ // the specified value.
+ matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOEthernetInterfaceClass);
+ // Note that another option here would be:
+ // matchingDict = IOBSDMatching("en0");
+ if (NULL == matchingDict)
+ {
+ printf("IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Each IONetworkInterface object has a Boolean property with the
+ // key kIOPrimaryInterface. Only the
+ // primary (built-in) interface has this property set to TRUE.
+ // IOServiceGetMatchingServices uses the default matching criteria
+ // defined by IOService. This considers
+ // only the following properties plus any family-specific matching
+ // in this order of precedence
+ // (see IOService::passiveMatch):
+ //
+ // kIOProviderClassKey (IOServiceMatching)
+ // kIONameMatchKey (IOServiceNameMatching)
+ // kIOPropertyMatchKey
+ // kIOPathMatchKey
+ // kIOMatchedServiceCountKey
+ // family-specific matching
+ // kIOBSDNameKey (IOBSDNameMatching)
+ // kIOLocationMatchKey
+ // The IONetworkingFamily does not define any family-specific
+ // matching. This means that in order to have
+ // IOServiceGetMatchingServices consider the kIOPrimaryInterface
+ // property, we must add that property to a separate dictionary and
+ // then add that to our matching dictionary specifying
+ // kIOPropertyMatchKey.
+ propertyMatchDict =
+ CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ if (NULL == propertyMatchDict)
+ {
+ printf("CFDictionaryCreateMutable returned a NULL dictionary.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set the value in the dictionary of the property with the given
+ // key, or add the key to the dictionary if it doesn't exist.
+ // This call retains the value object passed in.
+ CFDictionarySetValue(propertyMatchDict, CFSTR(kIOPrimaryInterface),
+ kCFBooleanTrue);
+ // Now add the dictionary containing the matching value for
+ // kIOPrimaryInterface to our main matching dictionary. This call
+ // will retain propertyMatchDict, so we can release our reference
+ // on propertyMatchDict after adding it to matchingDict.
+ CFDictionarySetValue(matchingDict, CFSTR(kIOPropertyMatchKey),
+ propertyMatchDict);
+ CFRelease(propertyMatchDict);
+ }
+ }
+ // IOServiceGetMatchingServices retains the returned iterator, so release
+ // the iterator when we're done with it.
+ // IOServiceGetMatchingServices also consumes a reference on the matching
+ // dictionary so we don't need to release the dictionary explicitly.
+ kernResult =
+ IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort, matchingDict, matchingServices);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
+ {
+ printf("IOServiceGetMatchingServices returned %d\n", kernResult);
+ }
+ return kernResult;
-// Given an iterator across a set of Ethernet interfaces, return the MAC address of the last one.
+// Given an iterator across a set of Ethernet interfaces, return the MAC
+// address of the last one.
// If no interfaces are found the MAC address is set to an empty string.
// In this sample the iterator should contain just the primary interface.
-static kern_return_t GetMACAddress_MAC(io_iterator_t intfIterator, UInt8 *MACAddress)
+static kern_return_t GetMACAddress_MAC(io_iterator_t intfIterator,
+ UInt8 *MACAddress)
- io_object_t intfService;
- io_object_t controllerService;
- kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE;
- // Initialize the returned address
- bzero(MACAddress, kIOEthernetAddressSize);
- // IOIteratorNext retains the returned object, so release it when we're done with it.
- while ( (intfService = IOIteratorNext(intfIterator)))
- {
- CFTypeRef MACAddressAsCFData;
- // IONetworkControllers can't be found directly by the IOServiceGetMatchingServices call,
- // since they are hardware nubs and do not participate in driver matching. In other words,
- // registerService() is never called on them. So we've found the IONetworkInterface and will
- // get its parent controller by asking for it specifically.
- // IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry retains the returned object, so release it when we're done with it.
- kernResult = IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry( intfService,
- kIOServicePlane,
- &controllerService );
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
- {
- printf("IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
- }
- else {
- // Retrieve the MAC address property from the I/O Registry in the form of a CFData
- MACAddressAsCFData = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( controllerService,
- CFSTR(kIOMACAddress),
- kCFAllocatorDefault,
- 0);
- if (MACAddressAsCFData)
- {
- CFShow(MACAddressAsCFData); // for display purposes only; output goes to stderr
- // Get the raw bytes of the MAC address from the CFData
- CFDataGetBytes(MACAddressAsCFData, CFRangeMake(0, kIOEthernetAddressSize), MACAddress);
- CFRelease(MACAddressAsCFData);
- }
- // Done with the parent Ethernet controller object so we release it.
- (void) IOObjectRelease(controllerService);
- }
- // Done with the Ethernet interface object so we release it.
- (void) IOObjectRelease(intfService);
- }
- return kernResult;
+ io_object_t intfService;
+ io_object_t controllerService;
+ kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE;
+ // Initialize the returned address
+ bzero(MACAddress, kIOEthernetAddressSize);
+ // IOIteratorNext retains the returned object, so release it when we're
+ // done with it.
+ while ( (intfService = IOIteratorNext(intfIterator)))
+ {
+ CFTypeRef MACAddressAsCFData;
+ // IONetworkControllers can't be found directly by the
+ // IOServiceGetMatchingServices call, since they are hardware nubs
+ // and do not participate in driver matching. In other words,
+ // registerService() is never called on them. So we've found the
+ // IONetworkInterface and will
+ // get its parent controller by asking for it specifically.
+ // IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry retains the returned object, so
+ // release it when we're done with it.
+ kernResult = IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry( intfService,
+ kIOServicePlane,
+ &controllerService );
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
+ {
+ printf("IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Retrieve the MAC address property from the I/O Registry in the
+ // form of a CFData
+ MACAddressAsCFData =
+ IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( controllerService,
+ CFSTR(kIOMACAddress),
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ 0);
+ if (MACAddressAsCFData)
+ {
+ // for display purposes only; output goes to stderr
+ //CFShow(MACAddressAsCFData);
+ // Get the raw bytes of the MAC address from the CFData
+ CFDataGetBytes(MACAddressAsCFData,
+ CFRangeMake(0, kIOEthernetAddressSize),
+ MACAddress);
+ CFRelease(MACAddressAsCFData);
+ }
+ // Done with the parent Ethernet controller object so we release it.
+ (void) IOObjectRelease(controllerService);
+ }
+ // Done with the Ethernet interface object so we release it.
+ (void) IOObjectRelease(intfService);
+ }
+ return kernResult;
#ifdef _WIN32
WSADATA WinsockData;
- if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WinsockData) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "This program requires Winsock 2.x!\n");
- return -1;
+ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WinsockData) != 0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "This program requires Winsock 2.x!" << std::endl;
+ return -1;
- HINSTANCE m_hInst;
- pSnmpExtensionInit m_Init;
- pSnmpExtensionInitEx m_InitEx;
- pSnmpExtensionQuery m_Query;
- pSnmpExtensionTrap m_Trap;
HANDLE PollForTrapEvent;
AsnObjectIdentifier SupportedView;
- UINT OID_ifEntryType[] = {
- 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3
- };
- UINT OID_ifEntryNum[] = {
- 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1
- };
- UINT OID_ipMACEntAddr[] = {
- 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6
- }; //, 1 ,6 };
- AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifMACEntAddr =
- { sizeof(OID_ipMACEntAddr) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ipMACEntAddr };
+ UINT OID_ifEntryType[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 };
+ UINT OID_ifEntryNum[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 };
+ UINT OID_ipMACEntAddr[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6 };
+ AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifMACEntAddr = {
+ sizeof(OID_ipMACEntAddr) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ipMACEntAddr };
AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifEntryType = {
- sizeof(OID_ifEntryType) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryType
- };
+ sizeof(OID_ifEntryType) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryType };
AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifEntryNum = {
- sizeof(OID_ifEntryNum) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryNum
- };
+ sizeof(OID_ifEntryNum) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryNum };
RFC1157VarBindList varBindList;
RFC1157VarBind varBind[2];
AsnInteger errorStatus;
AsnInteger errorIndex;
- AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_NULL = {
- 0, 0
- };
+ AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_NULL = { 0, 0 };
int ret;
int dtmp;
int i = 0, j = 0;
BOOL found = FALSE;
- m_Init = NULL;
- m_InitEx = NULL;
- m_Query = NULL;
- m_Trap = NULL;
- /* Load the SNMP dll and get the addresses of the functions
- necessary */
- m_hInst = LoadLibrary("inetmib1.dll");
- m_hInst = NULL;
- return -1;
+ // Load the SNMP dll and get the addresses of the functions necessary
+ HINSTANCE m_hInst = LoadLibrary("inetmib1.dll");
+ {
+ m_hInst = NULL;
+ return -1;
- m_Init =
+ pSnmpExtensionInit m_Init =
(pSnmpExtensionInit) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionInit");
- m_InitEx =
- (pSnmpExtensionInitEx) GetProcAddress(m_hInst,
- "SnmpExtensionInitEx");
- m_Query =
- (pSnmpExtensionQuery) GetProcAddress(m_hInst,
- "SnmpExtensionQuery");
- m_Trap =
+ pSnmpExtensionInitEx m_InitEx =
+ (pSnmpExtensionInitEx) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionInitEx");
+ pSnmpExtensionQuery m_Query =
+ (pSnmpExtensionQuery) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionQuery");
+ pSnmpExtensionTrap m_Trap =
(pSnmpExtensionTrap) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionTrap");
m_Init(GetTickCount(), &PollForTrapEvent, &SupportedView);
varBind[0].name = MIB_NULL;
varBind[1].name = MIB_NULL;
- /* Copy in the OID to find the number of entries in the
- Inteface table */
- varBindList.len = 1; /* Only retrieving one item */
+ // Copy in the OID to find the number of entries in the
+ // Inteface table
+ varBindList.len = 1; // Only retrieving one item
SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryNum);
- ret =
- m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus,
- &errorIndex);
- printf("# of adapters in this system : %i\n",
- varBind[0].value.asnValue.number); varBindList.len = 2;
+ ret = m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus,
+ &errorIndex);
+// printf("# of adapters in this system : %i\n",
+// varBind[0].value.asnValue.number); varBindList.len = 2;
- /* Copy in the OID of ifType, the type of interface */
+ // Copy in the OID of ifType, the type of interface
SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryType);
- /* Copy in the OID of ifPhysAddress, the address */
+ // Copy in the OID of ifPhysAddress, the address
SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[1].name, &MIB_ifMACEntAddr);
- do {
- /* Submit the query. Responses will be loaded into varBindList.
- We can expect this call to succeed a # of times corresponding
- to the # of adapters reported to be in the system */
- ret =
- m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus,
- &errorIndex); if (!ret) ret = 1;
- else
- /* Confirm that the proper type has been returned */
- ret =
- SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryType,
- MIB_ifEntryType.idLength); if (!ret) {
- j++;
- dtmp = varBind[0].value.asnValue.number;
- printf("Interface #%i type : %i\n", j, dtmp);
- /* Type 6 describes ethernet interfaces */
- if (dtmp == 6) {
- /* Confirm that we have an address here */
- ret =
- SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[1].name, &MIB_ifMACEntAddr,
- MIB_ifMACEntAddr.idLength);
- if ((!ret)
- && (varBind[1] != NULL)) {
- if (
- (varBind[1][0] ==
- 0x44)
- && (varBind[1][1] ==
- 0x45)
- && (varBind[1][2] ==
- 0x53)
- && (varBind[1][3] ==
- 0x54)
- && (varBind[1][4] ==
- 0x00)) {
- /* Ignore all dial-up networking adapters */
- printf("Interface #%i is a DUN adapter\n", j);
- continue;
- }
- if (
- (varBind[1][0] ==
- 0x00)
- && (varBind[1][1] ==
- 0x00)
- && (varBind[1][2] ==
- 0x00)
- && (varBind[1][3] ==
- 0x00)
- && (varBind[1][4] ==
- 0x00)
- && (varBind[1][5] ==
- 0x00)) {
- /* Ignore NULL addresses returned by other network
- interfaces */
- printf("Interface #%i is a NULL address\n", j);
- continue;
- }
- //sprintf((char*)addr, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
- // varBind[1][0],
- // varBind[1][1],
- // varBind[1][2],
- // varBind[1][3],
- // varBind[1][4],
- // varBind[1][5]);
- memcpy( addr, varBind[1], 6);
- //printf("MAC Address of interface #%i: %s\n", j, addr);
- }
- }
- }
- } while (!ret); /* Stop only on an error. An error will occur
- when we go exhaust the list of interfaces to
- be examined */
- //getch();
- /* Free the bindings */
+ do
+ {
+ // Submit the query. Responses will be loaded into varBindList.
+ // We can expect this call to succeed a # of times corresponding
+ // to the # of adapters reported to be in the system
+ ret = m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus,
+ &errorIndex);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Confirm that the proper type has been returned
+ ret = SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryType,
+ MIB_ifEntryType.idLength);
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ j++;
+ dtmp = varBind[0].value.asnValue.number;
+ printf("Interface #%i type : %i\n", j, dtmp);
+ // Type 6 describes ethernet interfaces
+ if (dtmp == 6)
+ {
+ // Confirm that we have an address here
+ ret = SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[1].name, &MIB_ifMACEntAddr,
+ MIB_ifMACEntAddr.idLength);
+ if ( !ret && varBind[1] != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( (varBind[1][0] == 0x44)
+ && (varBind[1][1] == 0x45)
+ && (varBind[1][2] == 0x53)
+ && (varBind[1][3] == 0x54)
+ && (varBind[1][4] == 0x00) )
+ {
+ // Ignore all dial-up networking adapters
+ printf("Interface #%i is a DUN adapter\n", j);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( (varBind[1][0] == 0x00)
+ && (varBind[1][1] == 0x00)
+ && (varBind[1][2] == 0x00)
+ && (varBind[1][3] == 0x00)
+ && (varBind[1][4] == 0x00)
+ && (varBind[1][5] == 0x00) )
+ {
+ // Ignore NULL addresses returned by other network
+ // interfaces
+ printf("Interface #%i is a NULL address\n", j);
+ continue;
+ }
+ memcpy( addr, varBind[1], 6);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!ret);
+ // Free the bindings
return 0;
#endif //_WIN32
-/* implementation for Linux */
+// implementation for Linux
#ifdef __linux__
struct ifreq ifr;
struct ifreq *IFR;
int ok = 0;
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (s==-1) {
+ if (s == -1)
+ {
return -1;
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc);
IFR = ifc.ifc_req;
- for (i = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); --i >= 0; IFR++) {
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, IFR->ifr_name);
- if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0) {
- if (! (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
- if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) == 0) {
- ok = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ for (i = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); --i >= 0; IFR++)
+ {
+ strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, IFR->ifr_name);
+ if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0)
+ {
+ if (! (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK))
+ {
+ if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) == 0)
+ {
+ ok = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (ok) {
- bcopy( ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, addr, 6);
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ bcopy( ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, addr, 6);
- else {
- return -1;
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
return 0;
-/* implementation for FreeBSD */
+// implementation for FreeBSD
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifaphead;
int rtnerr;
int alen;
rtnerr = getifaddrs(&ifaphead);
- if (rtnerr) {
+ if (rtnerr)
+ {
return -1;
- for (ifap = ifaphead; ifap; ifap = ifap->ifa_next) {
- if (ifap->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
- sdl = (const struct sockaddr_dl *) ifap->ifa_addr;
- ap = ((caddr_t)((sdl)->sdl_data + (sdl)->sdl_nlen));
- alen = sdl->sdl_alen;
- if (ap && alen > 0) {
- int i;
+ for (ifap = ifaphead; ifap; ifap = ifap->ifa_next)
+ {
+ if (ifap->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK)
+ {
+ sdl = (const struct sockaddr_dl *) ifap->ifa_addr;
+ ap = ((caddr_t)((sdl)->sdl_data + (sdl)->sdl_nlen));
+ alen = sdl->sdl_alen;
+ if (ap && alen > 0)
+ {
+ //int i;
- //printf ("%s:", ifap->ifa_name);
- //for (i = 0; i < alen; i++, ap++)
- {
- //printf("%c%02x", i > 0 ? ':' : ' ', 0xff&*ap);
- }
- bcopy( ap, addr, 6);
- //putchar('\n');
- }
- }
+ //printf ("%s:", ifap->ifa_name);
+ //for (i = 0; i < alen; i++, ap++)
+ {
+ //printf("%c%02x", i > 0 ? ':' : ' ', 0xff&*ap);
+ }
+ bcopy( ap, addr, 6);
+ //putchar('\n');
+ }
+ }
return 0;
#endif //FreeBSD
-/* implementation for HP-UX */
+// implementation for HP-UX
#ifdef __HP_aCC
+ const char LAN_DEV0[] = "/dev/lan0";
-#define LAN_DEV0 "/dev/lan0"
- int fd;
- struct fis iocnt_block;
- int i;
- char net_buf[sizeof(LAN_DEV0)+1];
- char *p;
- (void)sprintf(net_buf, "%s", LAN_DEV0);
- p = net_buf + strlen(net_buf) - 1;
- /*
- * Get 802.3 address from card by opening the driver and interrogating it.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, (*p)++) {
- if ((fd = open (net_buf, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
- iocnt_block.reqtype = LOCAL_ADDRESS;
- ioctl (fd, NETSTAT, &iocnt_block);
- close (fd);
- if (iocnt_block.vtype == 6)
- break;
- }
- }
+ int fd;
+ struct fis iocnt_block;
+ char net_buf[sizeof(LAN_DEV0)+1];
- if (fd == -1 || iocnt_block.vtype != 6) {
- return -1;
- }
+ (void)sprintf(net_buf, "%s", LAN_DEV0);
+ char *p = net_buf + strlen(net_buf) - 1;
- bcopy( &iocnt_block.value.s[0], addr, 6);
- return 0;
+ //
+ // Get 802.3 address from card by opening the driver and interrogating it.
+ //
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, (*p)++)
+ {
+ if ((fd = open (net_buf, O_RDONLY)) != -1)
+ {
+ iocnt_block.reqtype = LOCAL_ADDRESS;
+ ioctl (fd, NETSTAT, &iocnt_block);
+ close (fd);
+ if (iocnt_block.vtype == 6) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fd == -1 || iocnt_block.vtype != 6)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
-#endif /* HPUX */
+ bcopy( &iocnt_block.value.s[0], addr, 6);
+ return 0;
+#endif // HP-UX
/* implementation for AIX */
#ifdef _AIX
+ int size = getkerninfo(KINFO_NDD, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (size <= 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ struct kinfo_ndd *nddp = (struct kinfo_ndd *)malloc(size);
+ if (!nddp)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (getkerninfo(KINFO_NDD, nddp, &size, 0) < 0)
+ {
+ free(nddp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bcopy(nddp->ndd_addr, addr, 6);
+ free(nddp);
- int size;
- struct kinfo_ndd *nddp;
- size = getkerninfo(KINFO_NDD, 0, 0, 0);
- if (size <= 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- nddp = (struct kinfo_ndd *)malloc(size);
- if (!nddp) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (getkerninfo(KINFO_NDD, nddp, &size, 0) < 0) {
- free(nddp);
- return -1;
- }
- bcopy(nddp->ndd_addr, addr, 6);
- free(nddp);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
#endif //_AIX
#ifdef __APPLE__
- kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS; // on PowerPC this is an int (4 bytes)
- * error number layout as follows (see mach/error.h and IOKit/IOReturn.h):
- *
- * hi lo
- * | system(6) | subsystem(12) | code(14) |
- */
- io_iterator_t intfIterator;
- UInt8 MACAddress[ kIOEthernetAddressSize ];
+ io_iterator_t intfIterator;
+ UInt8 MACAddress[ kIOEthernetAddressSize ];
- kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
- {
- printf("FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
- }
- else {
- kernResult = GetMACAddress_MAC(intfIterator, MACAddress);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
- {
- printf("GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
- }
- }
- (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator); // Release the iterator.
- memcpy(addr, MACAddress, kIOEthernetAddressSize);
- return kernResult;
+ kern_return_t kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
+ {
+ printf("FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kernResult = GetMACAddress_MAC(intfIterator, MACAddress);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult)
+ {
+ printf("GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
+ }
+ }
+ (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator); // Release the iterator.
+ memcpy(addr, MACAddress, kIOEthernetAddressSize);
+ return kernResult;
#endif //APPLE
/* Not implemented platforms */
// and for windows version
// and for the FreeBSD version
// and for MacOSX version
- long stat;
u_char addr[6];
std::string macaddr;
- stat = GetMacAddrSys( addr);
+ long stat = GetMacAddrSys(addr);
if (0 == stat)
//printf( "MAC address = ");
- for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
- {
- //printf("%2.2x", addr[i]);
- macaddr += Format("%2.2x", addr[i]);
- }
- // printf( "\n");
+ for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
+ {
+ //printf("%2.2x", addr[i]);
+ macaddr += Format("%2.2x", addr[i]);
+ }
+ // printf( "\n");
return macaddr;
std::string Util::GetIPAddress()
- // This is a rip from
+ // This is a rip from
+ //
// SUSv2 guarantees that `Host names are limited to 255 bytes'.
// POSIX 1003.1-2001 guarantees that `Host names (not including the
WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,0);
int err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested,&WSAData);
- if (err != 0) {
- /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
- /* WinSock DLL. */
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ // Tell the user that we could not find a usable
+ // WinSock DLL.
return "";