Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: testBruker2Dicom.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2009/06/19 15:51:44 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+ Date: $Date: 2009/12/14 14:08:08 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
" \n testBruker2Dicom : \n ",
- " - explores the given directory, at the 3 levels, ",
+ " - explores the given directory (holding a FULL Bruker exam), at the 3 levels,",
" - fills an equivalent Directory with the MHD files or the DICOM files ",
" usage: testBruker2Dicom dirin=rootDirectoryName ",
" dirout=outputDirectoryName ",
" D : user wants to export as DICOM ",
" M : user wants to export as MHD ",
" debug : developper wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
+ " ",
+ " REMARK : ",
+ " If you were supplied an *incomplete* Bruker exam ",
+ " (e.g. only the '2' serie) put it a 'root' directory, ",
+ " and run this test using this 'root' directory as 'dirin' ",
// ------------ Initialize Arguments Manager ----------------
// ----- Check output directory name -----
std::string strDirNameOut(OutputDirName);
bool res=CreateDirectory(strDirNameOut);
if (!res) {
if (verbose)
std::cout << " Subject : [" << subject << "]" << std::endl;
- canOpen =br_subject.LoadFile(subject);
+ bool subjectFound;
+ canOpen =br_subject.LoadFile(subject);
if (!canOpen)
- std::cout << "Hopeless! no 'subject' found" << std::endl;
- throw ( BrukerHopelessException ("Hopeless! no 'subject' found in root input directory "));
- //exit(0); /// \TODO throw an exception !
+ //std::cout << "Hopeless! no 'subject' found" << std::endl;
+ //throw ( BrukerHopelessException ("Hopeless! no 'subject' found in root input directory "));
+ std::cout << "Not too much hope! no 'subject' found (Desperate try will be performed -default values- )" << std::endl;
+ subjectFound = false;
- br_subject.FillMap();
+ br_subject.FillMap();
+ subjectFound = true;
// get info for 'Study Description'
- BrukerFieldData b_name=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_name_string");
- subject_name = b_name.GetStringValue()[0];
- strPatientName = subject_name;
- cleanString(subject_name);
+ if (subjectFound)
+ {
+ BrukerFieldData b_name=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_name_string");
+ subject_name = b_name.GetStringValue()[0];
+ strPatientName = subject_name;
+ cleanString(subject_name);
+ }
+ else
+ subject_name ="defaultPatName";
// creation directory : 'nom du patient'
std::string tempStringPatDir(OutputDirName);
throw ( BrukerHopelessException ("Patient directory creation failure "));
- BrukerFieldData b_entry=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_entry");
- std::string subject_entry = b_entry.GetStringValue()[0];
- //cleanString(subject_entry);
- subject_entry = subject_entry.substr(11, subject_entry.size()-11);
+ std::string subject_entry;
+ std::string subject_position;
+ std::string subject_date;
+ std::string subject_study_name;
- BrukerFieldData b_position=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_position");
- std::string subject_position = b_position.GetStringValue()[0];
- //cleanString(subject_position);
- subject_position = subject_position.substr(9, subject_position.size()-9);
+ if (subjectFound)
+ {
+ BrukerFieldData b_entry=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_entry");
+ subject_entry = b_entry.GetStringValue()[0];
+ //cleanString(subject_entry);
+ subject_entry = subject_entry.substr(11, subject_entry.size()-11);
+ BrukerFieldData b_position=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_position");
+ subject_position = b_position.GetStringValue()[0];
+ //cleanString(subject_position);
+ subject_position = subject_position.substr(9, subject_position.size()-9);
- BrukerFieldData b_date=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_date");
- std::string subject_date = b_date.GetStringValue()[0];
- strStudyTimeDate = subject_date;
- cleanString(subject_date);
+ BrukerFieldData b_date=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_date");
+ subject_date = b_date.GetStringValue()[0];
+ strStudyTimeDate = subject_date;
+ cleanString(subject_date);
- BrukerFieldData b_study_name=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_study_name");
- std::string subject_study_name = b_study_name.GetStringValue()[0];
- subject_study_name = subject_study_name.substr(1, subject_study_name.size()-2);
- cleanString(subject_study_name);
+ BrukerFieldData b_study_name=br_subject.GetFieldData("SUBJECT_study_name");
+ subject_study_name = b_study_name.GetStringValue()[0];
+ subject_study_name = subject_study_name.substr(1, subject_study_name.size()-2);
+ cleanString(subject_study_name);
+ }
+ else // Desperate trick when file 'subject' is missing
+ {
+ subject_entry = "HeadFirst"; // Why not?
+ subject_position = "Supine"; // Why not?
+ strStudyTimeDate = "06_06_06_6_June_1666"; // Why not?
+ subject_date = "6_June_1666"; // Why not?
+ subject_study_name = "defStudyName"; // Why not?
+ }
// subject_name is already in 'Patient Name'
strStudyDescr = /*subject_name + "." + */ subject_study_name + "." + subject_entry + "." + subject_position + "." + subject_date;
strStudyUID = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::CreateUniqueUID();
serieNumber = 0;
instanceNumber = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Iterate to ALL the objets(files/directories) found in the input directory
// (this is level ZERO)
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap " << std::endl;
std::string acqp_scan_name;
std::string acqp_method;
std::string acqp_protocol_location;
BrukerFieldData b_protocol_location=br_acqp.GetFieldData("ACQ_protocol_location");
acqp_protocol_location = b_protocol_location.GetStringValue()[0];
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 1" << std::endl;
BrukerFieldData b_scan_name=br_acqp.GetFieldData("ACQ_scan_name");
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 11" << std::endl;
acqp_scan_name = b_scan_name.GetStringValue()[0];
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 12 [" << acqp_scan_name << "]" << std::endl;
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 2" << std::endl;
+ BrukerFieldData b_method=br_acqp.GetFieldData("ACQ_method");
+ b_method.PrintSelf();
+ acqp_method = b_method.GetStringValue()[0];
- BrukerFieldData b_method=br_acqp.GetFieldData("ACQ_method");
- acqp_method = b_method.GetStringValue()[0];
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 3" << std::endl;
BrukerFieldData b_list_size = br_acqp.GetFieldData("ACQ_O1_list_size");
- //b_list_size.PrintSelf(); //JP
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 4" << std::endl;
+ //b_list_size.PrintSelf(); //JP
nbSlices = b_list_size.GetIntValue()[0];
+//std::cout << "out of br_acqp.FillMap 5" << std::endl;
strSerieDescr = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::GetName(*it)
/* + "." + acqp_protocol_location */ // always the same (in each acquisition)
+ "." + acqp_scan_name
} // end of : for (GDCM_NAME_SPACE::DirListType::iterator it
// =====================================================================
void Bruker2Dicom::DealWithNiveau1(std::string level1Directory, std::string currentOutputDirName) {
7 1
try {
- DealWithNiveau2(*it,outputDirName );
+ DealWithNiveau2(*it, outputDirName);
catch (BrukerHopelessException &e)