Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: TestPrintAllDocument.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/02/02 10:41:10 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/06/02 09:38:53 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#include "gdcmSQItem.h"
#include "gdcmValEntry.h"
+#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip> // for std::ios::left, ...
//Generated file:
#include "gdcmDataImages.h"
int TestPrintAllDocument(int, char *[])
+ //std::ostringstream s;
int i = 0;
+ int swapC;
+ std::string pixelType, photomInterp;
+ int l;
+ l = strlen("PALETTE COLOR ");
while( gdcmDataImages[i] != 0 )
std::string filename = GDCM_DATA_ROOT;
gdcm::File *e1= new gdcm::File( filename );
+ // just to be able to grep the display result, for some usefull info
+ //s.setf(std::ios::left);
+ //s << std::setw(60-filename.length()) << " ";
+ //std::cout << s.str() << gdcmDataImages[i];
+ std::cout << gdcmDataImages[i];
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<60-strlen(gdcmDataImages[i]); j++)
+ std::cout << " ";
- // just to be able to grep the display result, for some usefull info
- std::cout << filename
- << " TransferSyntaxName= [" << e1->GetTransferSyntaxName()
- << "] SwapCode = " << e1->GetSwapCode()
- << " PhotometricInterpretation="
- << e1->GetEntryValue(0x0028,0x0004)
- << " pixelType=" << e1->GetPixelType()
- << " SamplesPerPixel=" << e1->GetSamplesPerPixel()
- << " PlanarConfiguration=" << e1->GetPlanarConfiguration();
+ pixelType = e1->GetPixelType();
+ std::cout << " pixelType=" << pixelType;
+ if (pixelType == "8U" || pixelType == "8S" )
+ std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << " Smpl.P.Pix.=" << e1->GetSamplesPerPixel()
+ << " Plan.Config.=" << e1->GetPlanarConfiguration();
+ photomInterp = e1->GetEntryValue(0x0028,0x0004);
+ std::cout << " Photom.Interp.=" << photomInterp;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<l-photomInterp.length(); j++)
+ std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << " TransferSyntaxName= [" << e1->GetTransferSyntaxName() << "]" ;
+ swapC = e1->GetSwapCode();
+ if (swapC != 1234)
+ std::cout << " SwapCode = " << e1->GetSwapCode();
if ( e1->CheckIfEntryExist(0x0088,0x0200) )
- std::cout << " Icon Image Sequence";
+ std::cout << " Icon Image Sequence";
std::cout << std::endl;