+++ /dev/null
- Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/
- - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
- ======================================================================-====*/
-// clitk
-#include "clitkFilterBase.h"
-#include "clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.h"
-namespace clitk {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- Try to extract the some Mediastinal Vessels in a thorax CT.
- Need a set of Anatomical Features (AFDB)
- */
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class TImageType>
- class ITK_EXPORT ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter:
- public virtual clitk::FilterBase,
- public clitk::FilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement,
- public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, itk::Image<uchar, 3> >
- {
- public:
- /** Standard class typedefs. */
- typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, itk::Image<uchar, 3> > Superclass;
- typedef ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter Self;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
- /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
- itkNewMacro(Self);
- /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
- itkTypeMacro(ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter, ImageToImageFilter);
- /** Some convenient typedefs. */
- typedef TImageType ImageType;
- typedef typename ImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointer;
- typedef typename ImageType::Pointer ImagePointer;
- typedef typename ImageType::RegionType ImageRegionType;
- typedef typename ImageType::PixelType ImagePixelType;
- typedef typename ImageType::SizeType ImageSizeType;
- typedef typename ImageType::IndexType ImageIndexType;
- typedef typename ImageType::PointType ImagePointType;
- typedef uchar MaskImagePixelType;
- typedef itk::Image<MaskImagePixelType, 3> MaskImageType;
- typedef typename MaskImageType::Pointer MaskImagePointer;
- typedef typename MaskImageType::RegionType MaskImageRegionType;
- typedef typename MaskImageType::SizeType MaskImageSizeType;
- typedef typename MaskImageType::IndexType MaskImageIndexType;
- typedef typename MaskImageType::PointType MaskImagePointType;
- typedef itk::Image<MaskImagePixelType, 2> MaskSliceType;
- typedef typename MaskSliceType::Pointer MaskSlicePointer;
- typedef typename MaskSliceType::PointType MaskSlicePointType;
- typedef long LabelType;
- /** ImageDimension constants */
- itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, ImageType::ImageDimension);
- itkGetConstMacro(BackgroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkSetMacro(BackgroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkGetConstMacro(ForegroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkSetMacro(ForegroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkGetConstMacro(TemporaryForegroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkSetMacro(TemporaryForegroundValue, MaskImagePixelType);
- itkGetConstMacro(ThresholdHigh, ImagePixelType);
- itkSetMacro(ThresholdHigh, ImagePixelType);
- itkGetConstMacro(ThresholdLow, ImagePixelType);
- itkSetMacro(ThresholdLow, ImagePixelType);
- itkGetConstMacro(ErosionRadius, int);
- itkSetMacro(ErosionRadius, int);
- itkGetConstMacro(DilatationRadius, int);
- itkSetMacro(DilatationRadius, int);
- itkGetConstMacro(MaxDistancePostToCarina, double);
- itkSetMacro(MaxDistancePostToCarina, double);
- itkGetConstMacro(MaxDistanceAntToCarina, double);
- itkSetMacro(MaxDistanceAntToCarina, double);
- itkGetConstMacro(MaxDistanceLeftToCarina, double);
- itkSetMacro(MaxDistanceLeftToCarina, double);
- itkGetConstMacro(MaxDistanceRightToCarina, double);
- itkSetMacro(MaxDistanceRightToCarina, double);
- itkSetMacro(DebugFlag, bool);
- itkGetConstMacro(DebugFlag, bool);
- itkBooleanMacro(DebugFlag);
- itkSetMacro(VerboseTrackingFlag, bool);
- itkGetConstMacro(VerboseTrackingFlag, bool);
- itkBooleanMacro(VerboseTrackingFlag);
- itkSetMacro(SoughtVesselSeedName, std::string);
- itkGetConstMacro(SoughtVesselSeedName, std::string);
- itkSetMacro(SoughtVesselName, std::string);
- itkGetConstMacro(SoughtVesselName, std::string);
- itkSetMacro(OutputFilename, std::string);
- itkGetConstMacro(OutputFilename, std::string);
- itkSetMacro(MaxNumberOfFoundBifurcation, int);
- itkGetConstMacro(MaxNumberOfFoundBifurcation, int);
- itkSetMacro(FinalOpeningRadius, int);
- itkGetConstMacro(FinalOpeningRadius, int);
- protected:
- ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter();
- virtual ~ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter() {}
- virtual void GenerateOutputInformation();
- virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
- virtual void GenerateData();
- bool m_DebugFlag;
- bool m_VerboseTrackingFlag;
- ImagePointer m_Input;
- MaskImagePointer m_Working_Support;
- MaskImagePointer m_Mediastinum;
- MaskImagePointer m_Mask;
- MaskImagePixelType m_BackgroundValue;
- MaskImagePixelType m_ForegroundValue;
- MaskImagePixelType m_TemporaryForegroundValue;
- ImagePixelType m_ThresholdHigh;
- ImagePixelType m_ThresholdLow;
- int m_ErosionRadius;
- int m_DilatationRadius;
- double m_MaxDistancePostToCarina;
- double m_MaxDistanceAntToCarina;
- double m_MaxDistanceLeftToCarina;
- double m_MaxDistanceRightToCarina;
- int m_MaxNumberOfFoundBifurcation;
- int m_FinalOpeningRadius;
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> m_slice_recon;
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> m_slice_recon2;
- // Resulting structures
- MaskImageType::Pointer m_SoughtVessel;
- std::string m_SoughtVesselSeedName;
- std::string m_SoughtVesselName;
- std::string m_OutputFilename;
- void CropInputImage();
- void TrackBifurcationFromPoint(MaskImagePointer & recon,
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> & slices_recon,
- MaskImagePointType point3D,
- MaskImagePointType pointMaxSlice,
- LabelType newLabel,
- std::vector<MaskImagePointType> & bif);
- void TrackVesselsFromPoint(MaskImagePointer & recon,
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> & slices_recon,
- MaskImagePointType point3D,
- MaskImagePointType pointMaxSlice,
- LabelType newLabel);
- private:
- ExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
- void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
- }; // end class
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // end namespace clitk
-#include "clitkExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter.txx"
+++ /dev/null
- Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/
- - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
- ======================================================================-====*/
-// clitk
-#include "clitkCommon.h"
-#include "clitkExtractMediastinalVesselsFilter.h"
-#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
-#include "clitkReconstructWithConditionalGrayscaleDilateImageFilter.h"
-// itk
-#include <itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkMinimumMaximumImageCalculator.h>
-template<class T> struct index_cmp {
- index_cmp(const T varr) : arr(varr) {}
- bool operator()(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
- { return arr[a] < arr[b]; }
- const T arr;
-template <class TImageType>
- clitk::FilterBase(),
- clitk::FilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement(),
- itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, MaskImageType>()
- this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1);
- SetBackgroundValue(0);
- SetForegroundValue(1);
- SetThresholdHigh(140);
- SetThresholdLow(55);
- SetErosionRadius(2);
- SetDilatationRadius(9);
- SetMaxDistancePostToCarina(10);
- SetMaxDistanceAntToCarina(40);
- SetMaxDistanceLeftToCarina(35);
- SetMaxDistanceRightToCarina(35);
- SetSoughtVesselSeedName("NoSeedNameGiven");
- SetFinalOpeningRadius(1);
- VerboseTrackingFlagOff();
-template <class TImageType>
-GenerateOutputInformation() {
- // Get inputs
- LoadAFDB();
- m_Input = dynamic_cast<ImageType*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Crop the initial image superiorly and inferiorly.
- // TODO : add options for x cm above/below
- CropInputImage();
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Binarize the image. Need two thresholds, one high to select
- // structures (CCL) that are almost not connected (after erosion),
- // and one low thresholds to select the real contours. Will be
- // reconstructed later.
- StartNewStep("Binarize with high threshold = "+toString(GetThresholdHigh()));
- typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter<ImageType, MaskImageType> BinarizeFilterType;
- typename BinarizeFilterType::Pointer binarizeFilter = BinarizeFilterType::New();
- binarizeFilter->SetInput(m_Input);
- binarizeFilter->SetLowerThreshold(GetThresholdHigh());
- binarizeFilter->SetInsideValue(GetForegroundValue());
- binarizeFilter->SetOutsideValue(GetBackgroundValue());
- binarizeFilter->Update();
- m_Mask = binarizeFilter->GetOutput();
- StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Mask);
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- StartNewStep("Binarize with low threshold = "+toString(GetThresholdLow()));
- binarizeFilter = BinarizeFilterType::New();
- binarizeFilter->SetInput(m_Input);
- binarizeFilter->SetLowerThreshold(GetThresholdLow());
- binarizeFilter->SetInsideValue(GetForegroundValue());
- binarizeFilter->SetOutsideValue(GetBackgroundValue());
- binarizeFilter->Update();
- MaskImagePointer m_Mask2 = binarizeFilter->GetOutput();
- StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Mask2);
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract slices
- StartNewStep("Detect objects : erosion, then slice by slice reconstruction");
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_mask;
- clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(m_Mask, 2, slices_mask);
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_mask2;
- clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(m_Mask2, 2, slices_mask2);
- int radius = GetErosionRadius();
- // List of working slices (debug only)
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> debug_eroded;
- // std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> debug_labeled;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Loop Slice by Slice in order to break connectivity between
- // CCL. Erode and reconstruct all labels at the same time without
- // merging them.
- for(uint i=0; i<slices_mask.size(); i++) {
- /*// Erosion kernel
- typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement<MaskSliceType::PixelType,2> KernelType;
- KernelType structuringElement;
- structuringElement.SetRadius(radius);
- structuringElement.CreateStructuringElement();
- */
- // Erosion -> we break the connectivity between structure
- MaskSliceType::SizeType r;
- r[0] = r[1] = radius;
- MaskSlicePointer eroded = clitk::Opening<MaskSliceType>(slices_mask[i],
- r,
- GetBackgroundValue(),
- GetForegroundValue());
- /*
- //typedef itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType, KernelType> ErodeFilterType;
- typedef itk::BinaryMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType, KernelType> ErodeFilterType;
- typename ErodeFilterType::Pointer eroder = ErodeFilterType::New();
- eroder->SetInput(slices_mask[i]);
- eroder->SetBackgroundValue(GetBackgroundValue());
- eroder->SetForegroundValue(GetForegroundValue());
- //eroder->SetBoundaryToForeground(true); // ?? for BinaryErodeImageFilter
- eroder->SetKernel(structuringElement);
- eroder->Update();
- MaskSlicePointer eroded = eroder->GetOutput();
- */
- // Keep slice for debug
- debug_eroded.push_back(eroded);
- // Labelize (CCL)
- MaskSlicePointer labeled =
- clitk::Labelize<MaskSliceType>(eroded, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); // Fully connected !
- // debug_labeled.push_back(labeled);
- // Make Reconstruction filter : dilation all labels at the same
- // time, prevent to merge them.
- typedef clitk::ReconstructWithConditionalGrayscaleDilateImageFilter<MaskSliceType> ReconstructFilterType;
- typename ReconstructFilterType::Pointer reconstructor = ReconstructFilterType::New();
- reconstructor->SetInput(labeled);
- reconstructor->SetIterationNumber(radius+GetDilatationRadius());
- reconstructor->Update();
- MaskSlicePointer s = reconstructor->GetOutput();
- // Remove Initial BG of the second tresholded image
- s = clitk::SetBackground<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType>(s, slices_mask2[i],
- GetBackgroundValue(), GetBackgroundValue(), true);
- m_slice_recon.push_back(s);
- } // end loop
- // Build 3D images from the slice by slice processing
- MaskImageType::Pointer eroded = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_eroded, m_Mask, 2);
- writeImage<MaskImageType>(eroded, "erode.mhd");
- //MaskImageType::Pointer l = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_labeled, m_Mask, 2);
- MaskImageType::Pointer r = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(m_slice_recon, m_Mask, 2);
- writeImage<MaskImageType>(r, "recon1.mhd");
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Track the SoughtVessel from the given first point
- // superiorly. This is done by TrackBifurcationFromPoint
- MaskImagePointType SoughtVesselSeedPoint;
- GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D(m_SoughtVesselSeedName, SoughtVesselSeedPoint);
- MaskImagePointType MaxSlicePoint;
- if (GetAFDB()->TagExist(m_SoughtVesselSeedName+"Max")) {
- GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D(m_SoughtVesselSeedName+"Max", MaxSlicePoint);
- }
- else {
- MaxSlicePoint = SoughtVesselSeedPoint;
- MaxSlicePoint[2] += 1000;
- }
- // Find the label with the maximum value to set the result
- typedef itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator<MaskImageType> MinMaxFilterType;
- MinMaxFilterType::Pointer ff = MinMaxFilterType::New();
- ff->SetImage(r);
- ff->ComputeMaximum();
- LabelType newLabel = ff->GetMaximum()+1;
- // the following bifurcations point will the centroids of the
- // components obtain when (hopefully!) the SoughtVessel
- // split into CommonArtery and SubclavianArtery.
- std::vector<MaskImagePointType> bifurcations;
- // TrackBifurcationFromPoint(r, m_slice_recon, SoughtVesselSeedPoint,
- // MaxSlicePoint, newLabel, bifurcations);
- TrackVesselsFromPoint(r, m_slice_recon, SoughtVesselSeedPoint,
- MaxSlicePoint, newLabel);
- // Build the final 3D image from the previous slice by slice processing
- m_SoughtVessel = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(m_slice_recon, m_Mask, 2);
- // writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, "recon2.mhd");
- // Set binary image, (remove other labels).
- m_SoughtVessel =
- clitk::Binarize<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, newLabel, newLabel,
- GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue());
- // writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, "afterbinarize.mhd");
- m_SoughtVessel = clitk::AutoCrop<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, GetBackgroundValue());
- // writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, "afterautocrop.mhd");
- // Clean the image : Opening (not in Z direction)
- typename MaskImageType::SizeType rad;
- rad[0] = rad[1] = GetFinalOpeningRadius();
- rad[2] = 0;
- m_SoughtVessel = clitk::Opening<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, rad,
- GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue());
- // writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel, "afteropen.mhd");
- // Clean the image : keep main CCL slice by slice
- m_SoughtVessel = clitk::SliceBySliceKeepMainCCL<MaskImageType>(m_SoughtVessel,
- GetBackgroundValue(),
- GetForegroundValue());
-template <class TImageType>
-GenerateInputRequestedRegion() {
- //DD("GenerateInputRequestedRegion (nothing?)");
-template <class TImageType>
-GenerateData() {
- // Save in the AFDB (not write on the disk here)
- GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename(GetSoughtVesselName(), GetOutputFilename());
- WriteAFDB();
- // Final Step -> graft output
- this->GraftNthOutput(0, m_SoughtVessel);
-template <class TImageType>
-CropInputImage() {
- StartNewStep("Crop the input image: SI,AP limits with carina and crop with mediastinum");
- /*
- Need : Trachea, Carina (roi not point),
- */
- // Get Trachea and Carina
- MaskImagePointer Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("Trachea");
- // Compute Carina position
- double m_CarinaZ;
- MaskImagePointer Carina = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Carina");
- std::vector<MaskImagePointType> centroids;
- clitk::ComputeCentroids<MaskImageType>(Carina, GetBackgroundValue(), centroids);
- m_CarinaZ = centroids[1][2];
- // add one slice to include carina
- m_CarinaZ += Carina->GetSpacing()[2];
- // We dont need Carina structure from now
- Carina->Delete();
- GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("CarinaPoint", centroids[1]);
- // Crop Inf, remove below Carina
- m_Input =
- clitk::CropImageRemoveLowerThan<ImageType>(m_Input, 2, m_CarinaZ, false, GetBackgroundValue());
- // // Get seed, crop around
- // MaskImagePointType SoughtVesselSeedPoint;
- // GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D(m_SoughtVesselSeedName, SoughtVesselSeedPoint);
- // Crop post
- double m_CarinaY = centroids[1][1];
- m_Input = clitk::CropImageRemoveGreaterThan<ImageType>(m_Input, 1,
- m_CarinaY+GetMaxDistancePostToCarina(),
- false, GetBackgroundValue());
- // Crop ant
- m_Input = clitk::CropImageRemoveLowerThan<ImageType>(m_Input, 1,
- m_CarinaY-GetMaxDistanceAntToCarina(),
- false, GetBackgroundValue());
- // Crop Right
- double m_CarinaX = centroids[1][0];
- m_Input = clitk::CropImageRemoveLowerThan<ImageType>(m_Input, 0,
- m_CarinaX-GetMaxDistanceRightToCarina(),
- false, GetBackgroundValue());
- // Crop Left
- m_Input = clitk::CropImageRemoveGreaterThan<ImageType>(m_Input, 0,
- m_CarinaX+GetMaxDistanceLeftToCarina(),
- false, GetBackgroundValue());
- /*
- // AutoCrop with Mediastinum, generaly only allow to remove few slices (superiorly)
- m_Mediastinum = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Mediastinum");
- // Resize like input (sup to carina)
- m_Mediastinum = clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(m_Mediastinum, m_Input, GetBackgroundValue());
- // Auto crop
- m_Mediastinum = clitk::AutoCrop<MaskImageType>(m_Mediastinum, GetBackgroundValue());
- // Resize input
- m_Input = clitk::ResizeImageLike<ImageType>(m_Input, m_Mediastinum, GetBackgroundValue());
- */
- // writeImage<ImageType>(m_Input, "crop.mhd");
- // End
- StopCurrentStep<ImageType>(m_Input);
-template <class TImageType>
-TrackBifurcationFromPoint(MaskImagePointer & recon,
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> & slices_recon,
- MaskImagePointType point3D,
- MaskImagePointType pointMaxSlice,
- LabelType newLabel,
- std::vector<MaskImagePointType> & bifurcations) {
- StartNewStep("Track the SoughtVessel from the seed point");
- // Find first slice index
- MaskImageIndexType index;
- recon->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(point3D, index);
- int numberOfBifurcation = 0;
- typedef typename MaskSliceType::PointType SlicePointType;
- SlicePointType previousCenter;
- // Max slice
- MaskImageIndexType indexMaxSlice;
- recon->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(pointMaxSlice, indexMaxSlice);
- uint maxSlice = indexMaxSlice[2];
- // Get current label at the point3D of interest
- uint currentSlice=index[2];
- bool found = false;
- LabelType previous_slice_label=recon->GetPixel(index);
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "TrackBifurcationFromPoint " << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t point3D = " << point3D << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t pointMaxSlice = " << pointMaxSlice << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t newLabel = " << newLabel << std::endl;
- }
- // DD(slices_recon.size());
- do {
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "currentSlice = " << currentSlice << std::endl;
- }
- // Consider current reconstructed slice
- MaskSlicePointer s = slices_recon[currentSlice];
- MaskSlicePointer previous;
- if (currentSlice == index[2]) previous = s;
- else {
- previous = slices_recon[currentSlice-1];
- }
- // Get centroids of the labels in the current slice
- static const unsigned int Dim = MaskSliceType::ImageDimension;
- typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject< LabelType, Dim > LabelObjectType;
- typedef itk::LabelMap< LabelObjectType > LabelMapType;
- typedef itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter<MaskSliceType, LabelMapType> ImageToMapFilterType;
- typename ImageToMapFilterType::Pointer imageToLabelFilter = ImageToMapFilterType::New();
- typedef itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter<LabelMapType, MaskSliceType> ShapeFilterType;
- typename ShapeFilterType::Pointer statFilter = ShapeFilterType::New();
- imageToLabelFilter->SetBackgroundValue(GetBackgroundValue());
- imageToLabelFilter->SetInput(s);
- statFilter->SetInput(imageToLabelFilter->GetOutput());
- // statFilter->SetComputeFeretDiameter( true );
- statFilter->ComputePerimeterOn(); // To be able to get proper Roundness value
- statFilter->Update();
- typename LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap = statFilter->GetOutput();
- // Look what centroid inside the previous largest one
- std::vector<SlicePointType> centroids;
- std::vector<LabelType> centroids_label;
- std::vector<double> labels_size;
- for(uint c=0; c<labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects(); c++) {
- int label = labelMap->GetLabels()[c];
- // DD(label);
- SlicePointType center = labelMap->GetLabelObject(label)->GetCentroid();
- // DD(center);
- // Get label into previous slice
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType centerIndex;
- previous->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(center, centerIndex);
- LabelType labelInPreviousSlice = previous->GetPixel(centerIndex);
- // if this current centroid was in the current label, add it to bifurcations
- if (labelInPreviousSlice == previous_slice_label) {
- centroids.push_back(center);
- centroids_label.push_back(label);
- labels_size.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(label)->GetPhysicalSize());
- //DD(labels_size.back());
- //DD(labelMap->GetLabelObject(label)->GetRoundness());
- // previousCenter = centroids.back();
- }
- }
- // -------------------------
- // If no centroid were found
- if (centroids.size() == 0) {
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "no centroid" << std::endl;
- }
- // Last attempt to find -> check if previous centroid is inside a CCL
- // if in s -> get value, getcentroid add.
- // DD(currentSlice);
- //DD("Last change to find");
- //DD(previous_slice_label);
- //DD(newLabel);
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType previousCenterIndex;
- s->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(previousCenter, previousCenterIndex);
- //DD(previousCenter);
- LabelType labelInSlice = s->GetPixel(previousCenterIndex);
- //DD(labelInSlice);
- if (labelInSlice != GetBackgroundValue()) {
- centroids.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(labelInSlice)->GetCentroid());
- centroids_label.push_back(labelInSlice);
- labels_size.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(labelInSlice)->GetPhysicalSize());
- }
- }
- // Some centroid were found
- // If several centroids, we found a bifurcation
- if (centroids.size() > 1) {
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "Centroid" << centroids.size() << std::endl;
- }
- // int n = centroids.size();
- // Debug point
- std::vector<ImagePointType> d;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DListTo3DList(centroids, currentSlice, m_Mask, d);
- // DDV(d, d.size());
- /*
- // try one or all centroids
- std::vector<
- for(uint a<=0; a<nb++; a++) {
- DD(a);
- // Create the list of candidates
- std::vector<int> c;
- if (a==nb) { for(uint x=0; x<nb; x++) c.push_back(x); }
- else c.push_back(a);
- DD(a.size());
- // Test size
- double size=0.0;
- for(uint x=0; x<c.size(); c++) { size += labels_size[c[x]]; }
- DD(size);
- */
- // new potential bifurcation found
- numberOfBifurcation++;
- // If the number of bifurcation is greater than the required one, we stop
- if (numberOfBifurcation > GetMaxNumberOfFoundBifurcation()) {
- found = true;
- //DD("max bif reach");
- for(uint c=0; c<centroids.size(); c++) {
- ImagePointType bif;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(centroids[c], m_Mask, currentSlice, bif);
- bifurcations.push_back(bif);
- }
- }
- // Else we continue along the main (largest) connected component
- else {
- int indexOfLargest = 0;
- for(uint b=0; b<centroids.size(); b++) {
- if (labels_size[b] > labels_size[indexOfLargest]) {
- indexOfLargest = b;
- }
- }
- //DD(indexOfLargest);
- //DD(labels_size[indexOfLargest]);
- SlicePointType c = centroids[indexOfLargest];
- LabelType l = centroids_label[indexOfLargest];
- //DD(l);
- //DD(c);
- centroids.clear();
- centroids.push_back(c);
- centroids_label.clear();
- centroids_label.push_back(l);
- }
- }
- /* ==> here all centroid are considered as ok.*/
- // if only one centroids, we change the current image with the current label
- if (centroids.size() == 1) {
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "Centroid" << centroids.size() << std::endl;
- }
- //DD(centroids_label[0]);
- s = clitk::SetBackground<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType>(s, s, centroids_label[0], newLabel, true);
- slices_recon[currentSlice] = s;
- previous_slice_label = newLabel;
- // It can happend that several CCL share this same label. To
- // prevent this case, we only consider the one that contains
- // the centroid.
- MaskSlicePointer temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(s, newLabel, newLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue());
- // writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "bin-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- temp = clitk::Labelize<MaskSliceType>(temp, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "label-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType centroids_index;
- temp->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(centroids[0], centroids_index);
- typename MaskSliceType::PixelType v = temp->GetPixel(centroids_index);
- // It can happend that the centroid is inside the BG, so we keep
- // the largest CCL (the first);
- if (v == GetBackgroundValue()) {
- // DD(currentSlice);
- // DD("inside BG");
- // DD(centroids[0]);
- v = 1; // largest one
- }
- //DD(v);
- temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(temp, v, v, GetBackgroundValue(), newLabel);
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "relabel-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- s = temp;
- slices_recon[currentSlice] = s;
- // I need to recompute the centroid if we have removed some
- // connected component.
- clitk::ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(s, GetBackgroundValue(), centroids);
- previousCenter = centroids[1];
- }
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "End iteration c=" << centroids.size() << std::endl;
- }
- if (centroids.size() == 0) {
- // DD("ZERO");
- found = true;
- }
- if (currentSlice == slices_recon.size()-1) {
- // DD("end of slices");
- found = true;
- }
- if (currentSlice == maxSlice) {
- // DD("end max slice");
- found = true;
- }
- // iterate
- ++currentSlice;
- } while (!found);
- // End
- StopCurrentStep();
-template <class TImageType>
-TrackVesselsFromPoint(MaskImagePointer & recon,
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> & slices,
- MaskImagePointType seedPoint,
- MaskImagePointType pointMaxSlice,
- LabelType newLabel) {
- StartNewStep("Track the SoughtVessel from the seed point");
- // Find first slice index
- MaskImageIndexType seedIndex;
- recon->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(seedPoint, seedIndex);
- // int numberOfBifurcation = 0;
- typedef typename MaskSliceType::PointType SlicePointType;
- SlicePointType previousCentroid;
- previousCentroid[0] = seedPoint[0];
- previousCentroid[1] = seedPoint[1];
- // Max slice
- MaskImageIndexType indexMaxSlice;
- recon->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(pointMaxSlice, indexMaxSlice);
- uint maxSlice = std::min((uint)indexMaxSlice[2], (uint)slices.size());
- // DD(maxSlice);
- // Get current label at the seedPoint of interest
- uint currentSlice=seedIndex[2];
- bool found = false;
- // LabelType previous_slice_label=recon->GetPixel(seedIndex);
- // Currrent label map variable
- typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject< LabelType, 2> LabelObjectType;
- typedef itk::LabelMap< LabelObjectType > LabelMapType;
- typename LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap;
- std::vector<typename LabelObjectType::Pointer> shapeObjectsList;
- std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> shapeObjectsSliceList; // keep slice, useful for 'union'
- typename LabelObjectType::Pointer previousShapeObject;
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "TrackBifurcationFromPoint " << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t seedPoint = " << seedPoint << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t pointMaxSlice = " << pointMaxSlice << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\t newLabel = " << newLabel << std::endl;
- }
- do {
- // Debug
- //std::cout << std::endl;
- //DD(currentSlice);
- ImagePointType c;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(previousCentroid, m_Mask, currentSlice-1, c);
- //DD(c);
- if (GetVerboseTrackingFlag()) {
- std::cout << "Loop slice = " << currentSlice << " c = " << c << std::endl;
- }
- // Consider current reconstructed slice
- MaskSlicePointer s = slices[currentSlice];
- MaskSlicePointer previous;
- shapeObjectsList.clear();
- shapeObjectsSliceList.clear();
- // Get shape of all labels in the current slice (it is already labelized)
- // Normal -> same CCL with different label
- // PB -> sometimes same label in different CCL ! car growing
- //ADD les deux l+s ? mais avec max entre chaque ccl number (bof)
- /*
- for each label in s -> map avec label in l; if different -> change
- */
- MaskSlicePointer ll = clitk::Labelize<MaskSliceType>(s, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
- // writeImage<MaskSliceType>(s, "slice-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(ll, "slice-label-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- typedef itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<MaskSliceType> IteratorType;
- IteratorType its(s, s->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
- IteratorType itl(ll, ll->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
- std::map<LabelType, LabelType> labelInL;
- std::map<LabelType, std::map<LabelType, LabelType> > labelToChange;
- its.GoToBegin();
- itl.GoToBegin();
- int currentLabel = newLabel+10;
- while (!its.IsAtEnd()) {
- LabelType labs = its.Get();
- if (labs != GetBackgroundValue()) {
- LabelType labl = itl.Get();
- if (labelInL.find(labs) == labelInL.end()) { // Not found in map, first time
- // DD("first");
- labelInL[labs] = labl;
- //DD(labs);
- //DD(labl);
- }
- else {
- if (labelInL[labs] != labl) { // I found a labs with a different labl. Store it.
- if (labelToChange[labs].find(labl) == labelToChange[labs].end()) { // if not already found
- //DD("found");
- //DD(labs);
- //DD(labl);
- //DD(labelInL[labs]);
- //DD(currentLabel);
- labelToChange[labs][labl] = currentLabel;
- ++currentLabel;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ++its;
- ++itl;
- }
- its.GoToBegin();
- itl.GoToBegin();
- while (!its.IsAtEnd()) {
- LabelType labs = its.Get();
- if (labs != GetBackgroundValue()) { // if not BG
- LabelType labl = itl.Get();
- if (labelToChange[labs].find(labl) != labelToChange[labs].end()) { // if some labs can change their label
- its.Set(labelToChange[labs][labl]); // change with the label for <labs-labl>
- }
- }
- ++its;
- ++itl;
- } // end while
- // writeImage<MaskSliceType>(s, "slice-final"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- labelMap = clitk::ComputeLabelMap<MaskSliceType, LabelType>(s, GetBackgroundValue(), true);
- // DD(labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects());
- // If this is the first slice, get the object that contains the seed
- if (currentSlice == seedIndex[2]) {
- // DD("First slice");
- LabelType l = recon->GetPixel(seedIndex);
- // DD(l);
- shapeObjectsList.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(l));
- shapeObjectsSliceList.push_back(s);
- previous = s;
- previousCentroid = shapeObjectsList[0]->GetCentroid();
- previousShapeObject = shapeObjectsList[0];
- }
- else {
- previous = slices[currentSlice-1];
- // Loop on labels to check if centroid is on the previous contour
- for(uint c=0; c<labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects(); c++) {
- // Get the current label number
- int label = labelMap->GetLabels()[c];
- //DD(label);
- // Get the centroids
- SlicePointType centroid = labelMap->GetLabelObject(label)->GetCentroid();
- // Convert centroid into index in previous slice (same coordinate)
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType centroidIndex;
- previous->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(centroid, centroidIndex);
- LabelType labelInPreviousSlice = previous->GetPixel(centroidIndex);
- // if this current centroid was in the current label, we keep it
- //DD(labelInPreviousSlice);
- if (labelInPreviousSlice == newLabel) {
- shapeObjectsList.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(label));
- shapeObjectsSliceList.push_back(s);
- }
- }
- }
- // Potentially the previous centroid could be inside another
- // labels, we consider i
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType previousCentroidIndex;
- s->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(previousCentroid, previousCentroidIndex);
- LabelType l = s->GetPixel(previousCentroidIndex);
- //DD(l);
- if (l != 0) { // if is not the background label
- int index = -1;
- for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- if (shapeObjectsList[c]->GetLabel() == l) {
- index = c;
- }
- }
- if (index == -1) {
- //DD("not inside");
- shapeObjectsList.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(l));
- shapeObjectsSliceList.push_back(s);
- }
- else {
- // DD("already inside");
- }
- }
- // for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- // std::cout << c << " " << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetLabel() << " "
- // << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetCentroid() << std::endl;
- // }
- // If several candidates, add one more with the union of all candidates
- MaskSlicePointer temp;
- if (shapeObjectsList.size() > 1) {
- //DD("add union");
- // Copy the slice
- temp = clitk::Clone<MaskSliceType>(s);
- // change label to a single label
- LabelType l = newLabel+1;
- for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- LabelType ll = shapeObjectsList[c]->GetLabel();
- temp = clitk::SetBackground<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType>(temp, temp, ll, l, true);
- }
- // Compute Label object properties
- labelMap = clitk::ComputeLabelMap<MaskSliceType, LabelType>(temp, GetBackgroundValue(), true);
- shapeObjectsList.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(l));
- shapeObjectsSliceList.push_back(temp);
- }
- /*
- for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- std::cout << c << " " << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetLabel() << " "
- << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetCentroid() << std::endl;
- }
- */
- for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- ImagePointType cc;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(shapeObjectsList[c]->GetCentroid(), m_Mask, currentSlice, cc);
- // std::cout << c << " " << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetLabel() << " "
- // // << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetCentroid() << " "
- // << cc << " "
- // << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetPhysicalSize() << " "
- // << shapeObjectsList[c]->GetRoundness() << std::endl;
- }
- if (shapeObjectsList.size() == 0) {
- found = true;
- }
- else {
- // Heuristic to select the good one. For each candidate, we consider the size
- std::vector<double> sizes;
- std::vector<double> roundness;
- std::vector<size_t> index_sizes;
- std::vector<size_t> index_roundness;
- double previousSize = previousShapeObject->GetPhysicalSize();
- //DD(previousSize);
- for(uint c=0; c<shapeObjectsList.size(); c++) {
- double s = shapeObjectsList[c]->GetPhysicalSize();
- sizes.push_back(fabs(previousSize-s)/previousSize);
- roundness.push_back(fabs(1.0-shapeObjectsList[c]->GetRoundness()));
- index_sizes.push_back(c);
- index_roundness.push_back(c);
- }
- //DDV(sizes, sizes.size());
- //DDV(roundness, roundness.size());
- // DDV(index_sizes, index_sizes.size());
- // DDV(index_roundness, index_roundness.size());
- sort(index_sizes.begin(), index_sizes.end(), index_cmp<std::vector<double>&>(sizes));
- sort(index_roundness.begin(), index_roundness.end(), index_cmp<std::vector<double>&>(roundness));
- //DDV(index_sizes, index_sizes.size());
- // DDV(index_roundness, index_roundness.size());
- int best = index_sizes[0];
- // if (currentSlice == seedIndex[2]) { // first contour => idiot, first = single contour
- // best = index_roundness[0]; // best is more round
- // }
- LabelType label = shapeObjectsList[best]->GetLabel();
- // DD(label);
- s = shapeObjectsSliceList[best];
- s = clitk::SetBackground<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType>(s, s, label, newLabel, true);
- // HERE
- // It can happend that several CCL share this same label. To
- // prevent this case, we only consider the one that contains
- // the centroid.
- MaskSlicePointer temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(s, newLabel, newLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue());
- temp = clitk::Labelize<MaskSliceType>(temp, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType centroids_index;
- temp->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(shapeObjectsList[best]->GetCentroid(), centroids_index);
- typename MaskSliceType::PixelType v = temp->GetPixel(centroids_index);
- if (v == GetBackgroundValue()) {
- // DD(currentSlice);
- // DD("inside BG");
- //DD(centroids[0]);
- v = 1; // largest one
- }
- //DD(v);
- temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(temp, v, v, GetBackgroundValue(), newLabel);
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "relabel-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- s = temp;
- // end
- slices[currentSlice] = s;
- previousCentroid = shapeObjectsList[best]->GetCentroid();
- previousShapeObject = shapeObjectsList[best];
- }
- ++currentSlice;
- if (currentSlice == maxSlice) {
- // DD("end max slice");
- found = true;
- }
- } while (!found);
- /*
- // -------------------------
- // If no centroid were found
- if (shapeObjectsList.size() == 0) {
- // Last attempt to find -> check if previous centroid is inside a CCL
- // if in s -> get value, getcentroid add.
- DD(currentSlice);
- DD("Last change to find");
- DD(previous_slice_label);
- DD(newLabel);
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType previousCentroidIndex;
- s->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(previousCentroid, previousCentroidIndex);
- DD(previousCentroid);
- LabelType labelInSlice = s->GetPixel(previousCentroidIndex);
- DD(labelInSlice);
- if (labelInSlice != GetBackgroundValue()) {
- centroids.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(labelInSlice)->GetCentroid());
- centroids_label.push_back(labelInSlice);
- labels_size.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(labelInSlice)->GetPhysicalSize());
- }
- }
- // Some centroid were found
- // If several centroids, we found a bifurcation
- if (centroids.size() > 1) {
- // int n = centroids.size();
- // Debug point
- std::vector<ImagePointType> d;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DListTo3DList(centroids, currentSlice, m_Mask, d);
- DDV(d, d.size());
- // new potential bifurcation found
- numberOfBifurcation++;
- // If the number of bifurcation is greater than the required one, we stop
- if (numberOfBifurcation > GetMaxNumberOfFoundBifurcation()) {
- found = true;
- DD("max bif reach");
- for(uint c=0; c<centroids.size(); c++) {
- ImagePointType bif;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(centroids[c], m_Mask, currentSlice, bif);
- bifurcations.push_back(bif);
- }
- }
- // Else we continue along the main (largest) connected component
- else {
- int indexOfLargest = 0;
- for(uint b=0; b<centroids.size(); b++) {
- if (labels_size[b] > labels_size[indexOfLargest]) {
- indexOfLargest = b;
- }
- }
- DD(indexOfLargest);
- DD(labels_size[indexOfLargest]);
- SlicePointType c = centroids[indexOfLargest];
- LabelType l = centroids_label[indexOfLargest];
- DD(l);
- DD(c);
- centroids.clear();
- centroids.push_back(c);
- centroids_label.clear();
- centroids_label.push_back(l);
- }
- }
- */
- /* ==> here all centroid are considered as ok.*/
- /*
- // if only one centroids, we change the current image with the current label
- if (centroids.size() == 1) {
- DD(centroids_label[0]);
- s = clitk::SetBackground<MaskSliceType, MaskSliceType>(s, s, centroids_label[0], newLabel, true);
- slices[currentSlice] = s;
- previous_slice_label = newLabel;
- // It can happend that several CCL share this same label. To
- // prevent this case, we only consider the one that contains
- // the centroid.
- MaskSlicePointer temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(s, newLabel, newLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue());
- // writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "bin-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- temp = clitk::Labelize<MaskSliceType>(temp, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "label-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- typename MaskSliceType::IndexType centroids_index;
- temp->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(centroids[0], centroids_index);
- typename MaskSliceType::PixelType v = temp->GetPixel(centroids_index);
- // It can happend that the centroid is inside the BG, so we keep
- // the largest CCL (the first);
- if (v == GetBackgroundValue()) {
- DD(currentSlice);
- DD("inside BG");
- DD(centroids[0]);
- v = 1; // largest one
- }
- //DD(v);
- temp = clitk::Binarize<MaskSliceType>(temp, v, v, GetBackgroundValue(), newLabel);
- //writeImage<MaskSliceType>(temp, "relabel-"+toString(currentSlice)+".mhd");
- s = temp;
- slices[currentSlice] = s;
- // I need to recompute the centroid if we have removed some
- // connected component.
- clitk::ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(s, GetBackgroundValue(), centroids);
- previousCentroid = centroids[1];
- }
- if (centroids.size() == 0) {
- DD("ZERO");
- found = true;
- }
- if (currentSlice == slices.size()-1) {
- DD("end of slices");
- found = true;
- }
- if (currentSlice == maxSlice) {
- DD("end max slice");
- found = true;
- }
- // iterate
- ++currentSlice;
- } while (!found);
- */
- // End
- StopCurrentStep();