+Thu Aug 25 16:59:49 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmBinEntry.cxx
+ Now Print displays the BinEntry Content (if it's printable, and loaded)
+ Usefull for a lot od Implicit VR 'Bin'Entry (if we knew there VR, they wouldn't
+ be Bin ...)
+ Appreciate the difference having a look at PrintFile result for
+ gdcmData/SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-FileSeq0.dcm.
+Thu Aug 25 16:55:47 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmUtil.cxx
+ Add methods to check the 'printability' of a bin area
+Thu Aug 25 15:45:40 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmBinEntry.cxx
+ According to Mathieu's suggestion, Print now display FL BinEntries in a human
+ readable form
+Thu Aug 25 15:12:43 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmDocEntry.cxx
+ According to Mathieu's suggestion, *all* the elements 0x000
+ are now named 'Group Length' (even if they belong to a Shadow Group')
+Wed Aug 24 14:09:13 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmDocEntry.cxx,h, gdcmDocEntrySet.cxx,h
+ Removal of QD patch for Private Sequence + Immplicit VR.
+ Add a clean solution (Backtracking if an Item Starter is found
+ out of any SQItem)
+Tue Aug 23 14:57:49 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmDocument.cxx
+ Brutal patch, waiting till we find a clever way to guess
+ if a doc entry is a Sequence,
+ - when it's odd number
+ - and the file is Implicit VR Transfert Syntax
+It solves temporarily some Philips Medical Systems image problems
+Mon Aug 22 18:17:54 200 by jpr
+ gdcmUtil.cxx
+ Save a *few* microseconds at run time : inline method Util::GetVersion()
+ ;-)
+Tue Aug 23 14:58:49 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmSeqEntry.cxx, gdcmDocEntry.cxx
+ Improve 'Print' methods
+Sat Aug 20 11:10:24 2005by jpr
+ TestWriteSimple.cxx
+ Use new style FileHelper contructor
+Sat Aug 20 11:04:50 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmFileHelper.cxx
+ FileHelper::Initialize() doesn't call GrabInformationFromFile(),
+ in order not to do the job twice when using new style FileHelper Constructor.
+Fri Aug 19 18:31:07 2005 by malaterre
+ gdcmCommon.h
+ ENH: Provide a GetVersion function, apparently need for python
+Fri Aug 19 15:12:15 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmFileHelper.cxx
+ Initialize UserFunction pointer to 0, even for 'deprecated' form
+ of constructor.
+Sat Jul 30 20:27:00 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmFileHelper.cxx, gdcmPixelReadConvertor.cxx
+ User is now allowed to pass a Pointer to a function of his own
+ to allow modification of pixel order (i.e. : Mirror, TopDown, )
+ to gdcm::FileHeleper, using SetUserFunction(userSuppliedFunction)
+ described as : void userSuppliedFunction(uint8_t *im, gdcm::File *f);
+ NB : the "uint8_t *" type of first param is just for prototyping.
+ User will Cast it according what he founds with f->GetPixelType()
+ See ctkgdcmSerieViewer for an example
+Sat Jul 30 20:13:24 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmSerieHelper.cxx
+ Add SerieHelper::IsCoherent() method to allow checking that the files with same
+ Serie UID have the same sizes and pixel type.
+Fri Jul 29 17:07:16 2005 by jpr
+ gdcmSerieHelper.cxx
+ User may now use
+ SetSortOrderToDirect() or SetSortOrderToReverse()
+ to choose the ways the File* will be sorted.
Thu Jul 21 06:55:50 2005 by jpr
AnonymizeDicomDir.cxx, AnomymizeNoLoad.cxx, PrintFile.cxx, PrintDicomDir.cxx
Unify user interface