--- /dev/null
+# used by make.sh and make-install.sh (that replace All.sh)
+#allow user to choose the generation dir
+#allow user to choose to generate the doc or not
+#allow user to choose whether if wants to use GDCM1 or GDCM2
+#allow user to choose where he wants to get the sources from : CVS / HTML
+generationdir=<name of the Generation Directory>
+docGeneration=<Boolean For Doc Generation> : ON / OFF
+cvsUserName=<user Name For CVS>
+installPrefix=<installPrefix> : /usr/local or $generationdir/creatools_install
+buildType=<buildType> : Release / Debug
+gdcmVersion=<GDCM Version> : GDCM1 / GDCM2
+sourcesFrom=<where do you want to get them from> : CVS / HTML
+# USER! : Forget the following lines (i.e. : Hands Off!)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+#allow debugger to choose the startpoint
+# start_point : used at debug time : start point of the script
+# ex : if everything is OK, but bbtkGEditor,
+# cvs upate bbtkGEditor manually, and use :
+# start_point=10
+# in order not to 'cvs checkout' everything, nor recompile everything.
+ creasource=crea
+ bbtksource=bbtk
+ creamaracassource=creaMaracasVisu
+ creaenvironmentsource=creaEnvironment
+ creabrukersource=creaBruker
+ creaimagesource=creaImageIO
+ creacontourssource=creaContours
+ crearigidregistrationssource=creaRigidRegistration
+ bbtkgeditorsource=bbtkGEditor
+ creatoolssource=creaTools
+ creadll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaBin
+ bbtkdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin
+ creamaracasdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creamaracasBin
+ creaenvironmentdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaenvironmentBin
+ creabrukerdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creabrukerBin
+ creaimagedll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaimageBin
+ creacontourdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creacontoursBin
+ crearigidregistrationdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/crearigidregistrationBin
+ bbtkgeditordll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkgeditorBin
+ creatoolsdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creatoolsBin