Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDocument.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2007/12/05 16:36:21 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.376 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/01/02 10:48:52 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.377 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
SwapCode = 1234;
Filetype = ExplicitVR;
CurrentOffsetPosition = 0;
+ OffsetOfPreviousParseDES =0;
// Load will set it to true if sucessfull
Group0002Parsed = false;
IsDocumentAlreadyLoaded = false;
// Recursive call.
// Loading is done during parsing
+ OffsetOfPreviousParseDES = beg;
ParseDES( this, beg, lgt, false); // delim_mode is first defaulted to false
if ( IsEmpty() )
///\todo FIXME : On 64 bits processors, tellg gives unexpected results after a while ?
- /// Probabely a bug in gdcm code somwhere (some memory erased ?)
+ /// Probabely a bug in gdcm code somewhere (some memory erased ?)
// Uncomment to track the bug
if( Debug::GetDebugFlag() )
std::cout << std::dec <<"(long)(Fp->tellg()) " << (long)(Fp->tellg()) // in Debug mode
<< std::hex << " 0x(" <<(long)(Fp->tellg()) << ")" << std::endl;
- */
// if ( !delim_mode && ((long)(Fp->tellg())-offset) >= l_max) // Once per DocEntry
if ( !delim_mode ) // 'and then' doesn't exist in C++ :-(
if ( !first && newDocEntry->IsItemStarter() )
// Debug message within the method !
- newDocEntry = Backtrack(newDocEntry);
+ newDocEntry = Backtrack(newDocEntry, set);
dlm_mod = false;
+ // avoid infinite loop when Bad assumption was made on illegal 'unknown length' UN //JPRx
+ if (offsetStartCurrentSQItem <= OffsetOfPreviousParseDES)
+ {
+ gdcmWarningMacro("Bad assumption was made on illegal 'unknown length' UN!");
+ gdcmWarningMacro("OffsetOfPreviousParseDES " << std::hex << OffsetOfPreviousParseDES
+ << " offsetStartCurrentSQItem " << offsetStartCurrentSQItem);
+ /// \todo when "Bad assumption (SQ) on illegal 'unknown length' UN", Backtrack again + try OB
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OffsetOfPreviousParseDES = offsetStartCurrentSQItem;
+ }
// fill up the current SQItem, starting at the beginning of fff0,e000
Fp->seekg(offsetStartCurrentSQItem, std::ios::beg); // Once per SQItem
ParseDES(itemSQ, offsetStartCurrentSQItem, l+8, dlm_mod);
offsetStartCurrentSQItem = Fp->tellg(); // Once per SQItem
* Item Starter. We then backtrack to do the job.
* @param docEntry Item Starter that warned us
-DocEntry *Document::Backtrack(DocEntry *docEntry)
+DocEntry *Document::Backtrack(DocEntry *docEntry, DocEntrySet *set)
// delete the Item Starter, built erroneously out of any Sequence
// it's not yet in the HTable/chained list
gdcmDebugMacro( "Backtrack :" << std::hex << group
<< "|" << elem
<< " at offset 0x(" <<offset << ")" );
- RemoveEntry( PreviousDocEntry );
+ set->RemoveEntry( PreviousDocEntry );
// forge the Seq Entry
DocEntry *newEntry = NewSeqEntry(group, elem);
// Move back to the beginning of the Sequence
Fp->seekg(offset, std::ios::beg); // Only for Shadow Implicit VR SQ
- return newEntry;
+ return newEntry; // It will added where it has to be!
//if ( !CheckDocEntryVR(vr) ) // avoid useless function call
if ( !Global::GetVR()->IsValidVR(vr) )
- {
-// std::cout << "================================================================Unknown VR"
- << std::hex << "0x("
- << (unsigned int)vr[0] << "|" << (unsigned int)vr[1]
- << ")" << "for : " << CurrentGroup
- << " at offset : 0x(" << positionOnEntry << ")"
- << std::endl;
- gdcmWarningMacro( "Unknown VR " << std::hex << "0x("
- << (unsigned int)vr[0] << "|" << (unsigned int)vr[1]
- << ")"
- << " at offset : 0x(" << CurrentOffsetPosition-4<< ") for group " << CurrentGroup
- );
+ {
+ gdcmWarningMacro( "Unknown VR " << vr.GetHexaRepresentation()
+ << " at offset : 0x(" << CurrentOffsetPosition-4
+ << ") for group " << std::hex << CurrentGroup );
//Fp->seekg(positionOnEntry, std::ios::beg); //JPRx
//Fp->seekg((long)-2, std::ios::cur);// only for unrecognized VR (?!?)
//see :MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceExplicitVR.dcm
if ( foundLength % 2)
- gdcmWarningMacro( "Warning : Tag with uneven length " << foundLength
- << " in x(" << std::hex << gr << "," << elem <<")");
+ gdcmWarningMacro( "Warning : Tag (" << std::hex << gr << "|" << elem << ") with uneven length "
+ << std::dec << foundLength << " 0x(" << std::hex << foundLength << ") "
+ //<< " at offset x(" << offset << ")"
+ );
//////// Fix for some naughty General Electric images.
// Allthough not recent many such GE corrupted images are still present
// on Creatis hard disks. Hence this fix shall remain when such images
else if ( CurrentElem == 0x0001)
- realVR = "UL"; // Private Group Length To Eng
+ realVR = "UL"; // Private Group Length To End
else // check the private dictionary for shadow elements when Implicit VR!
int offset = Fp->tellg();//Only when heuristic for Explicit/Implicit was wrong
gdcmWarningMacro("Entry (" << newEntry->GetKey() << ") at x("
- << offset << ") should be Explicit VR");
+ << std::hex << offset << ") should be Explicit VR");