option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes
option "scalar" s "Scalar value" double no
-option "operation" t "Type of operation : \n With another image : 0=add*, 1=multiply, 2=divide,\n 3=max, 4=min, 5=absdiff, 6=squareddiff, 7=difference*, 8=relativ diff\n; For 'scalar' : 0=add*, 1=multiply*, 2=inverse,\n 3=max, 4=min 5=absval 6=squareval\n 7=log 8=exp 9=sqrt 10=EPID 11=divide* 12=normalize (divide by max) 13=-ln(I/IO)**; \n* operations supported with vector fields as inputs. \n** for fluence image, if pixel value == 0, consider value=0.5" int default="0" no
+option "operation" t "Type of operation : \n With another image : 0=add*, 1=multiply, 2=divide,\n 3=max, 4=min, 5=absdiff, 6=squareddiff, 7=difference*, 8=relativ diff\n; For 'scalar' : 0=add*, 1=multiply*, 2=inverse,\n 3=max, 4=min 5=absval 6=squareval\n 7=ln 8=exp 9=sqrt 10=EPID 11=divide* 12=normalize (divide by max) 13=-ln(I/IO)**; \n* operations supported with vector fields as inputs. \n** for fluence image, if pixel value == 0, consider value=0.5" int default="0" no
option "pixelValue" - "Default value for NaN/Inf" double default="0.0" no
option "setFloatOutput" f "Set output to float pixel type" flag off