Program: clitk
+ Module: $RCSfile: clitkSignalMeanPositionFilter.cxx,v $
Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2010/02/10 14:55:00 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
mAugmentationDelay = args_info.delay_arg;
mIsAdaptiveMethod = false;
mWindowLength = -1;
+ mValidationWithRealPhase = false;
+ mUseLearnedDeltaPhase = false;
if (args_info.eta_given) {
mEta = args_info.eta_arg;
mEtaIsSet = true;
mIsAdaptiveMethod = true;
mWindowLength = args_info.L_arg;
+ if (args_info.phase_given) {
+ mValidationWithRealPhase = true;
+ mInputPhaseFilename = args_info.phase_arg;
+ mInputPhase.Read(mInputPhaseFilename);
+ }
+ mNumberOfIsoPhase = args_info.nbiso_arg;
+ if (args_info.delta_given) {
+ mUseLearnedDeltaPhase = true;
+ mLearnIsoPhaseDelta.Read(args_info.delta_arg);
+ mNumberOfIsoPhase = mLearnIsoPhaseDelta.size();
+ }
+ // DEBUG
+ if (args_info.phase_given) {
+ std::cout << "PLEASE DO NO USE THIS OPTION --phase YET ..." << std::endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (args_info.delta_given) {
+ std::cout << "PLEASE DO NO USE THIS OPTION --delta YET ..." << std::endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
void clitk::SignalMeanPositionFilter::Update() {
- // DEBUG
-// int e = 5;
-// clitk::Signal temp;
-// temp.resize(mInput.size()*e);
-// for(unsigned int i=0; i<temp.size(); i++) {
-// int index = lrint(floor((double)i/e));
-// double res = (double)i/e - index;
-// // DD(index);
-// //DD(res);
-// temp[i] = mInput[index] + res*(mInput[index+1]-mInput[index])/e;
-// }
-// mInput.resize(temp.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<mInput.size(); i++) mInput[i] = mInput[i]+(double)i/(double)mInput.size();
- srand ( time(0) );
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<mInput.size(); i++) {
- mInput[i] = (0.8+((double)rand()/ (double)RAND_MAX)*0.4) * mInput[i];
- }
- {
- std::ofstream os;
- openFileForWriting(os, "input.dat");
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<mInput.size(); i++) os << mInput[i] << std::endl;
- os.close();
- }
// Compute augmented space
if (mVerbose) {
std::cout << "Computing augmented space with delay = " << mAugmentationDelay
<< ", number of samples is " << mInput.size()-mAugmentationDelay
<< std::endl;
- ComputeAugmentedSpace(mInput, mAugmentedInputX, mAugmentedInputY, mAugmentationDelay);
+ mInput.ComputeAugmentedSpace(mAugmentedInputX, mAugmentedInputY, mAugmentationDelay);
// Output augmented state
if (mOutputAugmentedFilenameIsSet) {
std::ofstream os;
openFileForWriting(os, mOutputAugmentedFilename);
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<(unsigned int)mWindowLength; i++) {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<(unsigned int)mAugmentedInputX.size(); i++) {
os << mAugmentedInputX[i] << " " << mAugmentedInputY[i] << std::endl;
// Initial starting ellipse
Ellipse An; // starting point
if (!mEtaIsSet) mEta = -1;
+ DD(mWindowLength);
+ if (mWindowLength == -1) {
+ mWindowLength = mAugmentedInputY.size();
+ }
An.InitialiseEllipseFitting(mEta, mWindowLength, mAugmentedInputX, mAugmentedInputY);
mEta = An.GetEta();
if (mVerbose) {
// Fitting method
if (mIsAdaptiveMethod) {
- //FitEllipse(An);
else FitEllipse(An);
if (mOutputFilenameIsSet) {
std::ofstream os;
openFileForWriting(os, mOutputFilename);
- os << AnInitial.ComputeCenter()[0] << " " << AnInitial.ComputeCenter()[1] << " "
- << AnInitial.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[0] << " " << AnInitial.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[1] << " "
- << AnInitial.ComputeAngleInRad();
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++) os << AnInitial[i] << " " ;
- os << std::endl;
- os << An.ComputeCenter()[0] << " " << An.ComputeCenter()[1] << " "
- << An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[0] << " " << An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[1] << " "
- << An.ComputeAngleInRad();
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++) os << An[i] << " ";
- os << std::endl;
- os.close();
+ std::vector<double> phase;
+ ComputeIsoPhase(mListOfEllipses, phase, mCycles);
+ //int currentCycle = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<mListOfEllipses.size(); i++) {
+ clitk::Ellipse & An = *mListOfEllipses[i];
+ int time = i+mAugmentationDelay+mWindowLength;
+ os << time << " " // current 'time' in input
+ << mInput[time] << " " // current value in input
+ << An.ComputeCenter()[0] << " " << An.ComputeCenter()[1] << " "
+ << An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[0] << " " << An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[1] << " "
+ << An.ComputeAngleInRad() << " "
+ << rad2deg(An.ComputeAngleInRad()) << " _Phase_ "
+ << mIsoPhaseIndex[i] << " " ;
+ /*
+ if (mUseLearnedDeltaPhase) {
+ os << mIsoPhaseDelta[mIsoPhaseIndex[i]] << " " << phase[i] << " ";
+ }
+ */
- openFileForWriting(os, "centers.dat");
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<mCenters.size(); i++) {
- os << mCenters[i][0] << " " << mCenters[i][1] << std::endl;
+ os << " _Ellipse_ ";
+ for(int j=0; j<6; j++) os << An[j] << " ";
+ os << std::endl;
if (mOutputResidualFilenameIsSet) {
-void clitk::SignalMeanPositionFilter::ComputeAugmentedSpace(const clitk::Signal & input,
- clitk::Signal & outputX,
- clitk::Signal & outputY,
- unsigned int delay) {
- if (input.size() <= delay) {
- std::cerr << "Error in signal length is " << input.size()
- << " while delay is " << delay << " : too short. Abort." << std::endl;
- exit(0);
- }
- outputX.resize(input.size()-delay);
- outputY.resize(input.size()-delay);
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<outputX.size(); i++) {
- outputX[i] = input[i+delay];
- outputY[i] = input[i];
- }
void clitk::SignalMeanPositionFilter::FitEllipse(clitk::Ellipse & An) {
int n = 0;
void clitk::SignalMeanPositionFilter::AdaptiveFitEllipse(clitk::Ellipse & An) {
- for(unsigned int t=0; t<(unsigned int)args_info.t_arg; t++) {
- DD(t);
+ // Compute the total number of iteration :
+ // = nb of inputs minus the delay, minus the windowL, minus the first one
+ int maxN = std::min((unsigned int)args_info.t_arg,
+ mInput.size()-mWindowLength-mAugmentationDelay);
+ for(int t=0; t<maxN; t++) {
An.UpdateSMatrix(t, mWindowLength, mAugmentedInputX, mAugmentedInputY);
- mCenters.push_back(An.ComputeCenter());
+ clitk::Ellipse * B = new clitk::Ellipse(An);
+ mListOfEllipses.push_back(B);
+void clitk::SignalMeanPositionFilter::ComputeIsoPhase(std::vector<clitk::Ellipse*> & l,
+ std::vector<double> & phase,
+ std::vector<int> & cycles) {
+ double refphaseangle=0;
+ double previousangle=0;
+ phase.resize(mListOfEllipses.size());
+ // DD(mListOfEllipses.size());
+ mIsoPhaseIndex.resize(mListOfEllipses.size());
+ // mIsoPhaseDelta.resize(mNumberOfIsoPhase);
+ // mIsoPhaseDeltaNb.resize(mNumberOfIsoPhase);
+ mIsoPhaseRefAngle.resize(mNumberOfIsoPhase);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<mListOfEllipses.size(); i++) {
+ clitk::Ellipse & An = *mListOfEllipses[i];
+ // Current time accordint to initial input signal
+ // int time = i+mAugmentationDelay+mWindowLength; // not use yet
+ // Compute current signed angle
+ Vector2d x1(An.ComputeCenter());
+ double a = mListOfEllipses[0]->ComputeSemiAxeLengths()[0];
+ double theta = mListOfEllipses[0]->ComputeAngleInRad();
+ Vector2d x2; x2[0] = x1[0]+a * cos(theta); x2[1] = x1[1]+a * sin(theta);
+ Vector2d x3(x1);
+ Vector2d x4; x4[0] = mAugmentedInputX[i+mWindowLength]; x4[1] = mAugmentedInputY[i+mWindowLength];
+ Vector2d A(x2-x1);
+ Vector2d B(x4-x3);
+ double signed_angle = atan2(B[1], B[0]) - atan2(A[1], A[0]);
+ // double signed_angle = atan2(B[1], B[0]) - atan2(0, 1);
+ if (signed_angle<0) signed_angle = 2*M_PI+signed_angle;
+ // http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/vectors/angleBetween/index.htm
+ // First time : set the angle
+ if (i==0) {
+ refphaseangle = signed_angle;
+ for(int a=0; a<mNumberOfIsoPhase; a++) {
+ if (a==0) mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] = signed_angle;
+ else mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] = (signed_angle
+ + (2*M_PI)*a/mNumberOfIsoPhase);
+ if (mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] > 2*M_PI) mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] -= 2*M_PI;
+ if (mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] < 0) mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a] = 2*M_PI-mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a];
+ // DD(rad2deg(mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a]));
+ // mIsoPhaseDelta[a] = 0.0;
+ // mIsoPhaseDeltaNb[a] = 0;
+ }
+ int a=0;
+ // DD(rad2deg(signed_angle));
+ while ((a<mNumberOfIsoPhase) && (signed_angle>=mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a])) { a++; }
+ // DD(a);
+ mIsoPhaseIndex[i] = a-1;
+ // DD(mIsoPhaseIndex[0]);
+ cycles.push_back(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ mIsoPhaseIndex[i] = mIsoPhaseIndex[i-1];
+ // Check if angle cross a ref angle
+ for(int a=0; a<mNumberOfIsoPhase; a++) {
+ std::cout << "a=" << rad2deg(signed_angle) << " p=" << rad2deg(previousangle)
+ << " ref=" << rad2deg(mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a]) << std::endl;
+ if (
+ (((signed_angle > mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a]) && (previousangle < mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a]))) ||
+ ((mIsoPhaseRefAngle[a]==0) && (signed_angle < previousangle)))
+ {
+ // if (mValidationWithRealPhase) {
+ // mIsoPhaseDelta[a] += mInputPhase[time];
+ // mIsoPhaseDeltaNb[a]++;
+ // }
+ mIsoPhaseIndex[i] = a;
+ // DD(a);
+ cycles.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // DD(mIsoPhaseIndex[i]);
+ }
+ previousangle = signed_angle;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (mValidationWithRealPhase) {
+ // Mean of all deltas
+ for(unsigned int a=0; a<mIsoPhaseDelta.size(); a++) {
+ if (mIsoPhaseDelta[a] == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Error : less than one cyle ?" << std::endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ mIsoPhaseDelta[a] /= mIsoPhaseDeltaNb[a];
+ DD(mIsoPhaseDelta[a]);
+ }
+ std::ofstream os;
+ openFileForWriting(os, "delta.sig");
+ for(unsigned int a=0; a<mIsoPhaseDelta.size(); a++) {
+ os << mIsoPhaseDelta[a] << std::endl;
+ }
+ os.close();
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if (mUseLearnedDeltaPhase) {
+ for(unsigned int a=0; a<mIsoPhaseDelta.size(); a++) {
+ mIsoPhaseDelta[a] = mLearnIsoPhaseDelta[a];
+ DD(mIsoPhaseDelta[a]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ int j=0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cycles.size(); i++) {
+ DD(cycles[i]);
+ int n;
+ if (i!=0) {
+ n=cycles[i]-cycles[i-1];
+ for(int index=0; index<n; index++) {
+ int indexOfPhase1 = mIsoPhaseIndex[cycles[i-1]];
+ int indexOfPhase2 = mIsoPhaseIndex[cycles[i]];
+ DD(indexOfPhase1);
+ DD(indexOfPhase2);
+ double ph1 = mIsoPhaseDelta[indexOfPhase1];
+ double ph2 = mIsoPhaseDelta[indexOfPhase2];
+ DD(ph1);
+ DD(ph2);
+ phase[j] = (ph1+(double)index*(ph2-ph1)/(double)n);
+ if (phase[j]>1.0) phase[j] = 1.0-phase[j];
+ DD(phase[j]);
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ else j+=cycles[0];
+ }
+ */
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cycles.size(); i++) {
+ DD(cycles[i]);
+ }