-Program: vv
-Language: C++
-Author : Pierre Seroul (pierre.seroul@gmail.com)
+ Program: vv
+ Language: C++
+ Author : Pierre Seroul (pierre.seroul@gmail.com)
-Copyright (C) 2008
-Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
-CREATIS-LRMN http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
+ Copyright (C) 2008
+ Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
+ CREATIS-LRMN http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ =========================================================================*/
#include "vvSlicer.h"
-#include "vvImage.h"
#include "vvImage.h"
#include "vvSlicerManagerCommand.h"
#include "vvGlyphSource.h"
- mImage = NULL;
- mCurrentTSlice = 0;
- mCurrent[0] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCurrent[1] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCurrent[2] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCursor[0] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCursor[1] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCursor[2] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mCursor[3] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
- mSubSampling = 5;
- mScale = 1;
- mVFLog = 0;
- std::string text = "F1 = sagital; F2 = coronal; F3 = axial\n";
- text += "F5 = horizontal flip; F6 = vertical flip\n\n";
- text += "0,1,2,3,4,5 : preset windowing\n";
- text += "6,7,8,9 : preset colormap\n";
- text += "r : reset view\n";
- text += "l : reload image\n";
- text += "f : fly to mouse position\n";
- text += "g : go to cross hair position\n\n";
- text += "Up,down : change slice\n";
- text += "Left,right : change tenporal slice\n\n";
- text += "Scrollbar (or w/x) : zoom in/out\n";
- text += "left button : synchronize all views\n";
- text += "middle button : grab image\n";
- text += "right button : change windowing\n";
- crossCursor = vtkCursor2D::New();
- crossCursor->AllOff();
- crossCursor->AxesOn();
- crossCursor->SetTranslationMode(1);
- crossCursor->SetRadius(2);
- pdm = vtkPolyDataMapper2D::New();
- pdm->SetInput(crossCursor->GetOutput());
- pdmA = vtkActor2D::New();
- pdmA->SetMapper(pdm);
- pdmA->GetProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
- pdmA->SetVisibility(0);
- pdmA->SetPickable(0);
- ca = vtkCornerAnnotation::New();
- ca->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
- ca->SetVisibility(1);
- mFileName = "";
- mVF = NULL;
- mOverlay = NULL;
- mFusion = NULL;
- mLandmarks = NULL;
- legend = vtkSmartPointer<vtkScalarBarActor>::New();
- //legend->SetTitle("test!");
- legend->SetPosition(0.82,0.18);
- legend->SetWidth(0.1);
- legend->SetVisibility(0);
- legend->SetLabelFormat("%.1f");
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(legend);
- this->WindowLevel->Delete();
- this->WindowLevel = vvImageMapToWLColors::New();
- this->InstallPipeline();
+ mImage = NULL;
+ mCurrentTSlice = 0;
+ mCurrent[0] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCurrent[1] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCurrent[2] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCursor[0] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCursor[1] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCursor[2] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mCursor[3] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
+ mSubSampling = 5;
+ mScale = 1;
+ mVFLog = 0;
+ std::string text = "F1 = sagital; F2 = coronal; F3 = axial\n";
+ text += "F5 = horizontal flip; F6 = vertical flip\n\n";
+ text += "0,1,2,3,4,5 : preset windowing\n";
+ text += "6,7,8,9 : preset colormap\n";
+ text += "r : reset view\n";
+ text += "l : reload image\n";
+ text += "f : fly to mouse position\n";
+ text += "g : go to cross hair position\n\n";
+ text += "Up,down : change slice\n";
+ text += "Left,right : change tenporal slice\n\n";
+ text += "Scrollbar (or w/x) : zoom in/out\n";
+ text += "left button : synchronize all views\n";
+ text += "middle button : grab image\n";
+ text += "right button : change windowing\n";
+ crossCursor = vtkCursor2D::New();
+ crossCursor->AllOff();
+ crossCursor->AxesOn();
+ crossCursor->SetTranslationMode(1);
+ crossCursor->SetRadius(2);
+ pdm = vtkPolyDataMapper2D::New();
+ pdm->SetInput(crossCursor->GetOutput());
+ pdmA = vtkActor2D::New();
+ pdmA->SetMapper(pdm);
+ pdmA->GetProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
+ pdmA->SetVisibility(0);
+ pdmA->SetPickable(0);
+ ca = vtkCornerAnnotation::New();
+ ca->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
+ ca->SetVisibility(1);
+ mFileName = "";
+ mVF = NULL;
+ mOverlay = NULL;
+ mFusion = NULL;
+ mLandmarks = NULL;
+ legend = vtkSmartPointer<vtkScalarBarActor>::New();
+ //legend->SetTitle("test!");
+ legend->SetPosition(0.82,0.18);
+ legend->SetWidth(0.1);
+ legend->SetVisibility(0);
+ legend->SetLabelFormat("%.1f");
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(legend);
+ this->WindowLevel->Delete();
+ this->WindowLevel = vvImageMapToWLColors::New();
+ this->InstallPipeline();
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors* vvSlicer::GetOverlayMapper() {
- return mOverlayMapper.GetPointer();
+ return mOverlayMapper.GetPointer();
vtkImageActor* vvSlicer::GetOverlayActor() {
- return mOverlayActor.GetPointer();
+ return mOverlayActor.GetPointer();
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors* vvSlicer::GetFusionMapper() {
- return mFusionMapper.GetPointer();
+ return mFusionMapper.GetPointer();
vtkImageActor* vvSlicer::GetFusionActor() {
- return mFusionActor.GetPointer();
+ return mFusionActor.GetPointer();
vtkActor* vvSlicer::GetVFActor() {
- return mVFActor.GetPointer();
+ return mVFActor.GetPointer();
vtkCornerAnnotation* vvSlicer::GetAnnotation() {
- return ca.GetPointer();
+ return ca.GetPointer();
void vvSlicer::AddContour(vvMesh::Pointer contour,bool propagate)
- mSurfaceCutActors.push_back(new vvMeshActor());
- if (propagate)
- mSurfaceCutActors.back()->Init(contour,mCurrentTSlice,mVF);
- else
- mSurfaceCutActors.back()->Init(contour,mCurrentTSlice);
- mSurfaceCutActors.back()->SetSlicingOrientation(SliceOrientation);
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mSurfaceCutActors.back()->GetActor());
+ mSurfaceCutActors.push_back(new vvMeshActor());
+ if (propagate)
+ mSurfaceCutActors.back()->Init(contour,mCurrentTSlice,mVF);
+ else
+ mSurfaceCutActors.back()->Init(contour,mCurrentTSlice);
+ mSurfaceCutActors.back()->SetSlicingOrientation(SliceOrientation);
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mSurfaceCutActors.back()->GetActor());
- SetContourSlice();
+ SetContourSlice();
void vvSlicer::ToggleContourSuperposition()
- for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
- i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
- (*i)->ToggleSuperposition();
+ for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
+ i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
+ (*i)->ToggleSuperposition();
void vvSlicer::SetCursorColor(int r,int g, int b)
- pdmA->GetProperty()->SetColor(r,g,b);
+ pdmA->GetProperty()->SetColor(r,g,b);
void vvSlicer::SetCursorVisibility(bool s)
- pdmA->SetVisibility(s);
+ pdmA->SetVisibility(s);
bool vvSlicer::GetCursorVisibility()
- return pdmA->GetVisibility();
+ return pdmA->GetVisibility();
- for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
- i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
- delete (*i);
+ for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
+ i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
+ delete (*i);
void vvSlicer::SetCurrentPosition(double x, double y, double z, int t)
- mCurrent[0] = x;
- mCurrent[1] = y;
- mCurrent[2] = z;
- mCurrentTSlice = t;
+ mCurrent[0] = x;
+ mCurrent[1] = y;
+ mCurrent[2] = z;
+ mCurrentTSlice = t;
void vvSlicer::SetImage(vvImage::Pointer image)
- if (image->GetVTKImages().size())
+ if (image->GetVTKImages().size())
- mImage = image;
- this->Superclass::SetInput(image->GetVTKImages()[0]);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- mCurrentTSlice = 0;
- ca->SetText(0,mFileName.c_str());
+ mImage = image;
+ this->Superclass::SetInput(image->GetVTKImages()[0]);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ mCurrentTSlice = 0;
+ ca->SetText(0,mFileName.c_str());
void vvSlicer::SetOverlay(vvImage::Pointer overlay)
- if (overlay->GetVTKImages().size())
+ if (overlay->GetVTKImages().size())
- mOverlay = overlay;
+ mOverlay = overlay;
- if (!mOverlayMapper)
- mOverlayMapper = vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors::New();
- mOverlayMapper->SetInput(overlay->GetVTKImages()[0]);
+ if (!mOverlayMapper)
+ mOverlayMapper = vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors::New();
+ mOverlayMapper->SetInput(overlay->GetVTKImages()[0]);
- if (!mOverlayActor)
+ if (!mOverlayActor)
- mOverlayActor = vtkImageActor::New();
- mOverlayActor->SetInput(mOverlayMapper->GetOutput());
- mOverlayActor->SetPickable(0);
- mOverlayActor->SetVisibility(false);
- mOverlayActor->SetOpacity(0.5);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ mOverlayActor = vtkImageActor::New();
+ mOverlayActor->SetInput(mOverlayMapper->GetOutput());
+ mOverlayActor->SetPickable(0);
+ mOverlayActor->SetVisibility(false);
+ mOverlayActor->SetOpacity(0.5);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- //stupid but necessary : the Overlay need to be rendered before fusion
- if (mFusionActor)
+ //stupid but necessary : the Overlay need to be rendered before fusion
+ if (mFusionActor)
- this->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor(mFusionActor);
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mOverlayActor);
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mFusionActor);
+ this->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor(mFusionActor);
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mOverlayActor);
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mFusionActor);
- else
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mOverlayActor);
+ else
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mOverlayActor);
- //Synchronize slice
- SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
+ //Synchronize slice
+ SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
void vvSlicer::SetFusion(vvImage::Pointer fusion)
- if (fusion->GetVTKImages().size())
+ if (fusion->GetVTKImages().size())
- mFusion = fusion;
+ mFusion = fusion;
- if (!mFusionMapper)
- mFusionMapper = vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors::New();
- mFusionMapper->SetInput(fusion->GetVTKImages()[0]);
+ if (!mFusionMapper)
+ mFusionMapper = vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors::New();
+ mFusionMapper->SetInput(fusion->GetVTKImages()[0]);
- if (!mFusionActor)
+ if (!mFusionActor)
- mFusionActor = vtkImageActor::New();
- mFusionActor->SetInput(mFusionMapper->GetOutput());
- mFusionActor->SetPickable(0);
- mFusionActor->SetVisibility(false);
- mFusionActor->SetOpacity(0.7);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mFusionActor);
+ mFusionActor = vtkImageActor::New();
+ mFusionActor->SetInput(mFusionMapper->GetOutput());
+ mFusionActor->SetPickable(0);
+ mFusionActor->SetVisibility(false);
+ mFusionActor->SetOpacity(0.7);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mFusionActor);
- //Synchronize slice
- SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
+ //Synchronize slice
+ SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
void vvSlicer::SetActorVisibility(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index ,bool vis)
- if (actor_type == "vector")
+ if (actor_type == "vector")
- this->mVFActor->SetVisibility(vis);
+ this->mVFActor->SetVisibility(vis);
- if (actor_type == "overlay")
+ if (actor_type == "overlay")
- this->mOverlayActor->SetVisibility(vis);
+ this->mOverlayActor->SetVisibility(vis);
- if (actor_type == "fusion")
+ if (actor_type == "fusion")
- this->mFusionActor->SetVisibility(vis);
+ this->mFusionActor->SetVisibility(vis);
- if (actor_type == "contour")
- this->mSurfaceCutActors[overlay_index]->GetActor()->SetVisibility(vis);
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ if (actor_type == "contour")
+ this->mSurfaceCutActors[overlay_index]->GetActor()->SetVisibility(vis);
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
void vvSlicer::SetVF(vvImage::Pointer vf)
- if (vf->GetVTKImages().size())
+ if (vf->GetVTKImages().size())
- mVF = vf;
+ mVF = vf;
- if (!mAAFilter)
+ if (!mAAFilter)
- mAAFilter=vtkAssignAttribute::New();
- mVOIFilter = vtkExtractVOI::New();
- mVOIFilter->SetSampleRate(mSubSampling,mSubSampling,mSubSampling);
+ mAAFilter=vtkAssignAttribute::New();
+ mVOIFilter = vtkExtractVOI::New();
+ mVOIFilter->SetSampleRate(mSubSampling,mSubSampling,mSubSampling);
- mVOIFilter->SetInput(vf->GetVTKImages()[0]);
- mAAFilter->SetInput(mVOIFilter->GetOutput());
- ///This tells VTK to use the scalar (pixel) data of the image to draw the little arrows
- mAAFilter->Assign(vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS, vtkDataSetAttributes::VECTORS, vtkAssignAttribute::POINT_DATA);
- if (!mArrow)
- mArrow = vvGlyphSource::New();
- mArrow->SetGlyphTypeToSpecificArrow();
- mArrow->SetScale(mScale);
- mArrow->FilledOff();
- // Glyph the gradient vector (with arrows)
- if (!mGlyphFilter)
- mGlyphFilter = vvGlyph2D::New();
- mGlyphFilter->SetInput(mAAFilter->GetOutput());
- mGlyphFilter->SetSource(mArrow->GetOutput());
- mGlyphFilter->ScalingOn();
- mGlyphFilter->SetScaleModeToScaleByVector();
- mGlyphFilter->OrientOn();
- mGlyphFilter->SetVectorModeToUseVector();
- mGlyphFilter->SetColorModeToColorByVector();
- if (!mVFMapper)
- mVFMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
- //mVFMapper->SetInputConnection(mGlyphFilter->GetOutputPort());
- mVFMapper->SetInput(mGlyphFilter->GetOutput());
- mVFMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
- if (!mVFActor)
- mVFActor = vtkActor::New();
- mVFActor->SetMapper(mVFMapper);
- mVFActor->SetPickable(0);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mVFActor);
- //Synchronize slice
- SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
+ mVOIFilter->SetInput(vf->GetVTKImages()[0]);
+ mAAFilter->SetInput(mVOIFilter->GetOutput());
+ ///This tells VTK to use the scalar (pixel) data of the image to draw the little arrows
+ mAAFilter->Assign(vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS, vtkDataSetAttributes::VECTORS, vtkAssignAttribute::POINT_DATA);
+ if (!mArrow)
+ mArrow = vvGlyphSource::New();
+ mArrow->SetGlyphTypeToSpecificArrow();
+ mArrow->SetScale(mScale);
+ mArrow->FilledOff();
+ // Glyph the gradient vector (with arrows)
+ if (!mGlyphFilter)
+ mGlyphFilter = vvGlyph2D::New();
+ mGlyphFilter->SetInput(mAAFilter->GetOutput());
+ mGlyphFilter->SetSource(mArrow->GetOutput());
+ mGlyphFilter->ScalingOn();
+ mGlyphFilter->SetScaleModeToScaleByVector();
+ mGlyphFilter->OrientOn();
+ mGlyphFilter->SetVectorModeToUseVector();
+ mGlyphFilter->SetColorModeToColorByVector();
+ if (!mVFMapper)
+ mVFMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ //mVFMapper->SetInputConnection(mGlyphFilter->GetOutputPort());
+ mVFMapper->SetInput(mGlyphFilter->GetOutput());
+ mVFMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
+ if (!mVFActor)
+ mVFActor = vtkActor::New();
+ mVFActor->SetMapper(mVFMapper);
+ mVFActor->SetPickable(0);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mVFActor);
+ //Synchronize slice
+ SetTSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
void vvSlicer::SetLandmarks(vvLandmarks* landmarks)
- mLandmarks = landmarks;
- if (landmarks)
+ mLandmarks = landmarks;
+ if (landmarks)
- if (!mCross)
- mCross = vtkCursor3D::New();
- mCross->SetFocalPoint(0.0,0.0,0.0);
- mCross->SetModelBounds(-10,10,-10,10,-10,10);
- mCross->AllOff();
- mCross->AxesOn();
- if (!mLandGlyph)
- mLandGlyph = vtkGlyph3D::New();
- mLandGlyph->SetSource(mCross->GetOutput());
- mLandGlyph->SetInput(landmarks->GetOutput());
- //mLandGlyph->SetIndexModeToScalar();
- mLandGlyph->SetRange(0,1);
- mLandGlyph->ScalingOff();
- mLandGlyph->SetColorModeToColorByScalar();
- if (!mClipBox)
- mClipBox = vtkBox::New();
- if (!mLandClipper)
- mLandClipper = vtkClipPolyData::New();
- mLandClipper->InsideOutOn();
- mLandClipper->SetInput(mLandGlyph->GetOutput());
- mLandClipper->SetClipFunction(mClipBox);
- if (!mLandMapper)
- mLandMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
- mLandMapper->SetInputConnection(mLandClipper->GetOutputPort());
- //mLandMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff();
- if (!mLandActor)
- mLandActor = vtkActor::New();
- mLandActor->SetMapper(mLandMapper);
- mLandActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
- mLandActor->SetPickable(0);
- mLandActor->SetVisibility(true);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mLandActor);
+ if (!mCross)
+ mCross = vtkCursor3D::New();
+ mCross->SetFocalPoint(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ mCross->SetModelBounds(-10,10,-10,10,-10,10);
+ mCross->AllOff();
+ mCross->AxesOn();
+ if (!mLandGlyph)
+ mLandGlyph = vtkGlyph3D::New();
+ mLandGlyph->SetSource(mCross->GetOutput());
+ mLandGlyph->SetInput(landmarks->GetOutput());
+ //mLandGlyph->SetIndexModeToScalar();
+ mLandGlyph->SetRange(0,1);
+ mLandGlyph->ScalingOff();
+ mLandGlyph->SetColorModeToColorByScalar();
+ if (!mClipBox)
+ mClipBox = vtkBox::New();
+ if (!mLandClipper)
+ mLandClipper = vtkClipPolyData::New();
+ mLandClipper->InsideOutOn();
+ mLandClipper->SetInput(mLandGlyph->GetOutput());
+ mLandClipper->SetClipFunction(mClipBox);
+ if (!mLandMapper)
+ mLandMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ mLandMapper->SetInputConnection(mLandClipper->GetOutputPort());
+ //mLandMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff();
+ if (!mLandActor)
+ mLandActor = vtkActor::New();
+ mLandActor->SetMapper(mLandMapper);
+ mLandActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(255,10,212);
+ mLandActor->SetPickable(0);
+ mLandActor->SetVisibility(true);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(mLandActor);
//FIXME: this function leaks memory, we should fix it someday :)
void vvSlicer::RemoveActor(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index)
- if (actor_type == "vector")
+ if (actor_type == "vector")
- Renderer->RemoveActor(mVFActor);
- mGlyphFilter=NULL;
- mVF = NULL;
- mArrow = NULL;
- mAAFilter=NULL;
- mVOIFilter = NULL;
- mVFMapper = NULL;
- mVFActor = NULL;
+ Renderer->RemoveActor(mVFActor);
+ mGlyphFilter=NULL;
+ mVF = NULL;
+ mArrow = NULL;
+ mAAFilter=NULL;
+ mVOIFilter = NULL;
+ mVFMapper = NULL;
+ mVFActor = NULL;
- if (actor_type == "overlay")
+ if (actor_type == "overlay")
- Renderer->RemoveActor(mOverlayActor);
- mOverlay = NULL;
- mOverlayActor = NULL;
- mOverlayMapper = NULL;
+ Renderer->RemoveActor(mOverlayActor);
+ mOverlay = NULL;
+ mOverlayActor = NULL;
+ mOverlayMapper = NULL;
- if (actor_type == "fusion")
+ if (actor_type == "fusion")
- Renderer->RemoveActor(mFusionActor);
- mFusion = NULL;
- mFusionActor = NULL;
- mFusionMapper = NULL;
+ Renderer->RemoveActor(mFusionActor);
+ mFusion = NULL;
+ mFusionActor = NULL;
+ mFusionMapper = NULL;
- if (actor_type == "contour")
+ if (actor_type == "contour")
- Renderer->RemoveActor(this->mSurfaceCutActors[overlay_index]->GetActor());
- mSurfaceCutActors.erase(mSurfaceCutActors.begin()+overlay_index);
+ Renderer->RemoveActor(this->mSurfaceCutActors[overlay_index]->GetActor());
+ mSurfaceCutActors.erase(mSurfaceCutActors.begin()+overlay_index);
void vvSlicer::SetVFSubSampling(int sub)
- if (mVOIFilter)
+ if (mVOIFilter)
- mVOIFilter->SetSampleRate(mSubSampling,mSubSampling,mSubSampling);
- mSubSampling = sub;
+ mVOIFilter->SetSampleRate(mSubSampling,mSubSampling,mSubSampling);
+ mSubSampling = sub;
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
- Render();
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ Render();
void vvSlicer::SetVFScale(int scale)
- mScale = scale;
- if (mArrow)
- mArrow->SetScale(mScale);
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
- Render();
+ mScale = scale;
+ if (mArrow)
+ mArrow->SetScale(mScale);
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ Render();
void vvSlicer::SetVFLog(int log)
- mVFLog = log;
- if (mGlyphFilter)
+ mVFLog = log;
+ if (mGlyphFilter)
- mGlyphFilter->SetUseLog(mVFLog);
- mGlyphFilter->Modified();
+ mGlyphFilter->SetUseLog(mVFLog);
+ mGlyphFilter->Modified();
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
- Render();
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ Render();
void vvSlicer::SetTSlice(int t)
- if (t < 0)
- t = 0;
- else if ((unsigned int)t >= mImage->GetVTKImages().size())
- t = mImage->GetVTKImages().size() -1;
- mCurrentTSlice = t;
- this->SetInput(mImage->GetVTKImages()[t]);
- if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
+ if (t < 0)
+ t = 0;
+ else if ((unsigned int)t >= mImage->GetVTKImages().size())
+ t = mImage->GetVTKImages().size() -1;
+ mCurrentTSlice = t;
+ this->SetInput(mImage->GetVTKImages()[t]);
+ if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
- if (mVF->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
- mVOIFilter->SetInput(mVF->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
+ if (mVF->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
+ mVOIFilter->SetInput(mVF->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
- if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
+ if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
- if (mOverlay->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
- mOverlayMapper->SetInput(mOverlay->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
+ if (mOverlay->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
+ mOverlayMapper->SetInput(mOverlay->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
- if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
+ if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
- if (mFusion->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
- mFusionMapper->SetInput(mFusion->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
+ if (mFusion->GetVTKImages().size() > (unsigned int)mCurrentTSlice)
+ mFusionMapper->SetInput(mFusion->GetVTKImages()[mCurrentTSlice]);
- if (mSurfaceCutActors.size() > 0)
- for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
- i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
- (*i)->SetTimeSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ if (mSurfaceCutActors.size() > 0)
+ for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
+ i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
+ (*i)->SetTimeSlice(mCurrentTSlice);
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
int vvSlicer::GetTSlice()
- return mCurrentTSlice;
+ return mCurrentTSlice;
void vvSlicer::SetSliceOrientation(int orientation)
- //if 2D image, force to watch in Axial View
- int extent[6];
- this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent(extent);
- if (extent[5]-extent[4] <= 2)
- orientation=2;
- if (orientation < vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ ||
- orientation > vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY)
+ //if 2D image, force to watch in Axial View
+ int extent[6];
+ this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent(extent);
+ if (extent[5]-extent[4] <= 2)
+ orientation=2;
+ if (orientation < vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ ||
+ orientation > vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY)
- vtkErrorMacro("Error - invalid slice orientation " << orientation);
- return;
+ vtkErrorMacro("Error - invalid slice orientation " << orientation);
+ return;
- this->SliceOrientation = orientation;
+ this->SliceOrientation = orientation;
- // Update the viewer
- int *range = this->GetSliceRange();
- if (range)
- this->Slice = static_cast<int>((range[0] + range[1]) * 0.5);
+ // Update the viewer
+ int *range = this->GetSliceRange();
+ if (range)
+ this->Slice = static_cast<int>((range[0] + range[1]) * 0.5);
- this->UpdateOrientation();
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->UpdateOrientation();
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- if (this->Renderer && this->GetInput())
+ if (this->Renderer && this->GetInput())
- double scale = this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelScale();
- this->Renderer->ResetCamera();
- this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(scale);
+ double scale = this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelScale();
+ this->Renderer->ResetCamera();
+ this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(scale);
- SetContourSlice();
+ SetContourSlice();
void vvSlicer::UpdateDisplayExtent()
- vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
- if (!input || !this->ImageActor)
+ vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
+ if (!input || !this->ImageActor)
- return;
+ return;
- input->UpdateInformation();
- int *w_ext = input->GetWholeExtent();
+ input->UpdateInformation();
+ int *w_ext = input->GetWholeExtent();
- switch (this->SliceOrientation)
+ switch (this->SliceOrientation)
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
- this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
- w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice);
- if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int vfExtent[6];
- ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,vfExtent);
- mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
- mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(1,1,0);
- mVFMapper->Update();
- // put the vector field between the image and the camera
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
- mVFActor->SetPosition(0,0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[5]+2);
- else
- mVFActor->SetPosition(0,0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[4]-2);
- }
- if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int overExtent[6];
- ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,overExtent);
- mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,0,1);
- else
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1);
- }
- if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int fusExtent[6];
- ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,fusExtent);
- mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,0,1.5);
- else
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1.5);
- }
- if (mLandActor)
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
+ this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
+ w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice);
+ if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int vfExtent[6];
+ ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,vfExtent);
+ mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
+ mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(1,1,0);
+ mVFMapper->Update();
+ // put the vector field between the image and the camera
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(0,0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[5]+2);
+ else
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(0,0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[4]-2);
+ }
+ if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int overExtent[6];
+ ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,overExtent);
+ mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,0,1);
+ else
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1);
+ }
+ if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int fusExtent[6];
+ ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], w_ext[2], w_ext[3], this->Slice, this->Slice,fusExtent);
+ mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,0,1.5);
+ else
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1.5);
+ }
+ if (mLandActor)
+ {
+ if (mClipBox)
- if (mClipBox)
- {
- double bounds [6];
- bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0];
- bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1];
- bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2];
- bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3];
- bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4]-(0.9/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2]);
- bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5]+(0.9/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2]);
- mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
- UpdateLandmarks();
- }
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
- mLandActor->SetPosition(0,0,1.5);
- else
- mLandActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1.5);
+ double bounds [6];
+ bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0];
+ bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1];
+ bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2];
+ bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3];
+ bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4]-(0.9/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2]);
+ bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5]+(0.9/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2]);
+ mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
+ UpdateLandmarks();
- break;
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[2] > this->Slice)
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(0,0,1.5);
+ else
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(0,0,-1.5);
+ }
+ break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
- this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
- w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5]);
- if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int vfExtent[6];
- ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],vfExtent);
- mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
- mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(1,0,1);
- mVFMapper->Update();
- // put the vector field between the image aSpacingnd the camera
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
- mVFActor->SetPosition(0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[3]+2,0);
- else
- mVFActor->SetPosition(0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[2]-2,0);
- }
- if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int overExtent[6];
- ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],overExtent);
- mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,1,0);
- else
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,-1,0);
- }
- if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int fusExtent[6];
- ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],fusExtent);
- mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,1.5,0);
- else
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,-1.5,0);
- }
- if (mLandActor)
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
+ this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
+ w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5]);
+ if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int vfExtent[6];
+ ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],vfExtent);
+ mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
+ mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(1,0,1);
+ mVFMapper->Update();
+ // put the vector field between the image aSpacingnd the camera
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[3]+2,0);
+ else
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(0,ImageActor->GetBounds()[2]-2,0);
+ }
+ if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int overExtent[6];
+ ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],overExtent);
+ mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,1,0);
+ else
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(0,-1,0);
+ }
+ if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int fusExtent[6];
+ ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(w_ext[0], w_ext[1], this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[4], w_ext[5],fusExtent);
+ mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,1.5,0);
+ else
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(0,-1.5,0);
+ }
+ if (mLandActor)
+ {
+ if (mClipBox)
- if (mClipBox)
- {
- double bounds [6];
- bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0];
- bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1];
- bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2]-(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1]);
- bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3]+(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1]);
- bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4];
- bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5];
- mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
- UpdateLandmarks();
- }
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
- mLandActor->SetPosition(0,1.5,0);
- else
- mLandActor->SetPosition(0,-1.5,0);
+ double bounds [6];
+ bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0];
+ bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1];
+ bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2]-(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1]);
+ bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3]+(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1]);
+ bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4];
+ bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5];
+ mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
+ UpdateLandmarks();
- break;
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[1] > this->Slice)
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(0,1.5,0);
+ else
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(0,-1.5,0);
+ }
+ break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
- this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
- this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5]);
- if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int vfExtent[6];
- ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],vfExtent);
- mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
- mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(0,1,1);
- mVFMapper->Update();
- // put the vector field between the image and the camera
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
- mVFActor->SetPosition(ImageActor->GetBounds()[1]+2,0,0);
- else
- mVFActor->SetPosition(ImageActor->GetBounds()[0]-2,0,0);
- }
- if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int overExtent[6];
- ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],overExtent);
- mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(1,0,0);
- else
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(-1,0,0);
- }
- if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
- {
- int fusExtent[6];
- ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],fusExtent);
- mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(1.5,0,0);
- else
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(-1.5,0,0);
- }
- if (mLandActor)
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
+ this->ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent(
+ this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5]);
+ if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int vfExtent[6];
+ ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],vfExtent);
+ mVOIFilter->SetVOI(vfExtent);
+ mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(0,1,1);
+ mVFMapper->Update();
+ // put the vector field between the image and the camera
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(ImageActor->GetBounds()[1]+2,0,0);
+ else
+ mVFActor->SetPosition(ImageActor->GetBounds()[0]-2,0,0);
+ }
+ if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int overExtent[6];
+ ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],overExtent);
+ mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent(overExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(1,0,0);
+ else
+ mOverlayActor->SetPosition(-1,0,0);
+ }
+ if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility())
+ {
+ int fusExtent[6];
+ ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(this->Slice, this->Slice, w_ext[2], w_ext[3], w_ext[4], w_ext[5],fusExtent);
+ mFusionActor->SetDisplayExtent(fusExtent);
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(1.5,0,0);
+ else
+ mFusionActor->SetPosition(-1.5,0,0);
+ }
+ if (mLandActor)
+ {
+ if (mClipBox)
- if (mClipBox)
- {
- double bounds [6];
- bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0]-(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0]);
- bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1]+(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0]);
- bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2];
- bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3];
- bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4];
- bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5];
- mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
- UpdateLandmarks();
- }
- if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
- mLandActor->SetPosition(1.5,0,0);
- else
- mLandActor->SetPosition(-1.5,0,0);
+ double bounds [6];
+ bounds[0] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[0]-(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0]);
+ bounds[1] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[1]+(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0]);
+ bounds[2] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[2];
+ bounds[3] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[3];
+ bounds[4] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[4];
+ bounds[5] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[5];
+ mClipBox->SetBounds(bounds);
+ UpdateLandmarks();
- break;
+ if (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[0] > this->Slice)
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(1.5,0,0);
+ else
+ mLandActor->SetPosition(-1.5,0,0);
+ }
+ break;
- // Figure out the correct clipping range
+ // Figure out the correct clipping range
- if (this->Renderer)
+ if (this->Renderer)
- if (this->InteractorStyle &&
- this->InteractorStyle->GetAutoAdjustCameraClippingRange())
+ if (this->InteractorStyle &&
+ this->InteractorStyle->GetAutoAdjustCameraClippingRange())
- this->Renderer->ResetCameraClippingRange();
+ this->Renderer->ResetCameraClippingRange();
- else
+ else
- vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera();
- if (cam)
+ vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera();
+ if (cam)
- double bounds[6];
- this->ImageActor->GetBounds(bounds);
- double spos = (double)bounds[this->SliceOrientation * 2];
- double cpos = (double)cam->GetPosition()[this->SliceOrientation];
- double range = fabs(spos - cpos);
- double *spacing = input->GetSpacing();
- double avg_spacing =
- ((double)spacing[0] + (double)spacing[1] + (double)spacing[2]) / 3.0;
- cam->SetClippingRange(
- range - avg_spacing * 3.0, range + avg_spacing * 3.0);
+ double bounds[6];
+ this->ImageActor->GetBounds(bounds);
+ double spos = (double)bounds[this->SliceOrientation * 2];
+ double cpos = (double)cam->GetPosition()[this->SliceOrientation];
+ double range = fabs(spos - cpos);
+ double *spacing = input->GetSpacing();
+ double avg_spacing =
+ ((double)spacing[0] + (double)spacing[1] + (double)spacing[2]) / 3.0;
+ cam->SetClippingRange(
+ range - avg_spacing * 3.0, range + avg_spacing * 3.0);
void vvSlicer::ComputeVFDisplayedExtent(int x1,int x2,int y1,int y2,int z1,int z2,int vfExtent[6])
- vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
- vfExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[0];
- vfExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[0];
- vfExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[1];
- vfExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[1];
- vfExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[2];
- vfExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mVF->GetSpacing()[2];
- ClipDisplayedExtent(vfExtent,mVOIFilter->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
+ vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
+ vfExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[0];
+ vfExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[0];
+ vfExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[1];
+ vfExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[1];
+ vfExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[2];
+ vfExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mVF->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mVF->GetSpacing()[2];
+ ClipDisplayedExtent(vfExtent,mVOIFilter->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
void vvSlicer::ComputeOverlayDisplayedExtent(int x1,int x2,int y1,int y2,int z1,int z2,int overExtent[6])
- vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
- overExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[0];
- overExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[0];
- overExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[1];
- overExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[1];
- overExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[2];
- overExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mOverlay->GetSpacing()[2];
- ClipDisplayedExtent(overExtent, mOverlayMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
+ vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
+ overExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[0];
+ overExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[0];
+ overExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[1];
+ overExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[1];
+ overExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[2];
+ overExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mOverlay->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mOverlay->GetSpacing()[2];
+ ClipDisplayedExtent(overExtent, mOverlayMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
void vvSlicer::ComputeFusionDisplayedExtent(int x1,int x2,int y1,int y2,int z1,int z2,int fusExtent[6])
- vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
- fusExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[0];
- fusExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[0]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[0];
- fusExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[1];
- fusExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[1]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[1];
- fusExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[2];
- fusExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[2]) /
- mFusion->GetSpacing()[2];
- ClipDisplayedExtent(fusExtent, mFusionMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
+ vtkImageData* image=this->GetInput();
+ fusExtent[0] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x1*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[0];
+ fusExtent[1] = (( image->GetOrigin()[0] + x2*image->GetSpacing()[0] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[0]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[0];
+ fusExtent[2] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y1*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[1];
+ fusExtent[3] = (( image->GetOrigin()[1] + y2*image->GetSpacing()[1] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[1]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[1];
+ fusExtent[4] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z1*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[2];
+ fusExtent[5] = (( image->GetOrigin()[2] + z2*image->GetSpacing()[2] ) - mFusion->GetOrigin()[2]) /
+ mFusion->GetSpacing()[2];
+ ClipDisplayedExtent(fusExtent, mFusionMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
void vvSlicer::ClipDisplayedExtent(int extent[6], int refExtent[6])
- bool out = false;
- int maxBound = 6;
+ bool out = false;
+ int maxBound = 6;
- //2D overlay on 3D image specific case
- if (refExtent[4] == refExtent[5])
+ //2D overlay on 3D image specific case
+ if (refExtent[4] == refExtent[5])
- maxBound = 4;
- extent[4] = refExtent[4];
- extent[5] = refExtent[5];
+ maxBound = 4;
+ extent[4] = refExtent[4];
+ extent[5] = refExtent[5];
- for (int i = 0; i < maxBound; i = i+2)
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxBound; i = i+2)
- //if we are totally outside the image
- if ( extent[i] > refExtent[i+1] || extent[i+1] < refExtent[i] )
+ //if we are totally outside the image
+ if ( extent[i] > refExtent[i+1] || extent[i+1] < refExtent[i] )
- out = true;
- break;
+ out = true;
+ break;
- //crop to the limit of the image
- extent[i] = (extent[i] > refExtent[i]) ? extent[i] : refExtent[i];
- extent[i] = (extent[i] < refExtent[i+1]) ? extent[i] : refExtent[i+1];
- extent[i+1] = (extent[i+1] > refExtent[i]) ? extent[i+1] : refExtent[i];
- extent[i+1] = (extent[i+1] < refExtent[i+1]) ? extent[i+1] : refExtent[i+1];
+ //crop to the limit of the image
+ extent[i] = (extent[i] > refExtent[i]) ? extent[i] : refExtent[i];
+ extent[i] = (extent[i] < refExtent[i+1]) ? extent[i] : refExtent[i+1];
+ extent[i+1] = (extent[i+1] > refExtent[i]) ? extent[i+1] : refExtent[i];
+ extent[i+1] = (extent[i+1] < refExtent[i+1]) ? extent[i+1] : refExtent[i+1];
- if (out)
- for (int i = 0; i < maxBound; i = i+2)
- {
- extent[i] = refExtent[i];
- extent[i+1] = refExtent[i];
- }
+ if (out)
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxBound; i = i+2)
+ {
+ extent[i] = refExtent[i];
+ extent[i+1] = refExtent[i];
+ }
void vvSlicer::UpdateOrientation()
- // Set the camera position
- vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
- if (cam)
+ // Set the camera position
+ vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
+ if (cam)
- switch (this->SliceOrientation)
+ switch (this->SliceOrientation)
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
- cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
- cam->SetPosition(0,0,-1); // -1 if medical ?
- cam->SetViewUp(0,-1,0);
- break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
- cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
- cam->SetPosition(0,-1,0); // 1 if medical ?
- cam->SetViewUp(0,0,1);
- break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
- cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
- cam->SetPosition(-1,0,0); // -1 if medical ?
- cam->SetViewUp(0,0,1);
- break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
+ cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
+ cam->SetPosition(0,0,-1); // -1 if medical ?
+ cam->SetViewUp(0,-1,0);
+ break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
+ cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
+ cam->SetPosition(0,-1,0); // 1 if medical ?
+ cam->SetViewUp(0,0,1);
+ break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
+ cam->SetFocalPoint(0,0,0);
+ cam->SetPosition(-1,0,0); // -1 if medical ?
+ cam->SetViewUp(0,0,1);
+ break;
void vvSlicer::SetOpacity(double s)
- this->GetImageActor()->SetOpacity(s);
+ this->GetImageActor()->SetOpacity(s);
void vvSlicer::SetRenderWindow(int orientation, vtkRenderWindow * rw)
- this->Superclass::SetRenderWindow(rw);
- this->SetupInteractor(rw->GetInteractor());
- ca->SetImageActor(this->GetImageActor());
- ca->SetWindowLevel(this->GetWindowLevel());
- ca->SetText(2, "<slice>");
- ca->SetText(3, "<window>\n<level>");
- double bounds[6];
- double max = 65000;
- bounds[0] = -max;
- bounds[1] = max;
- bounds[2] = -max;
- bounds[3] = max;
- bounds[4] = -max;
- bounds[5] = max;
- crossCursor->SetModelBounds(bounds);
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(pdmA);
- this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(ca);
- this->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera();
- //this is just a mapping between the labeling of the orientations presented to the user and
- //the one used by vtk
- SetSliceOrientation(2-(orientation%3));
- ResetCamera();
+ this->Superclass::SetRenderWindow(rw);
+ this->SetupInteractor(rw->GetInteractor());
+ ca->SetImageActor(this->GetImageActor());
+ ca->SetWindowLevel(this->GetWindowLevel());
+ ca->SetText(2, "<slice>");
+ ca->SetText(3, "<window>\n<level>");
+ double bounds[6];
+ double max = 65000;
+ bounds[0] = -max;
+ bounds[1] = max;
+ bounds[2] = -max;
+ bounds[3] = max;
+ bounds[4] = -max;
+ bounds[5] = max;
+ crossCursor->SetModelBounds(bounds);
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(pdmA);
+ this->GetRenderer()->AddActor(ca);
+ this->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera();
+ //this is just a mapping between the labeling of the orientations presented to the user and
+ //the one used by vtk
+ SetSliceOrientation(2-(orientation%3));
+ ResetCamera();
void vvSlicer::ResetCamera()
- if (this->GetInput())
+ if (this->GetInput())
- double* input_bounds=this->GetInput()->GetBounds();
- double bmax=input_bounds[1]-input_bounds[0];
- if (bmax < input_bounds[3]-input_bounds[2]) bmax=input_bounds[3]-input_bounds[2];
- if (bmax < input_bounds[5]-input_bounds[4]) bmax=input_bounds[5]-input_bounds[4];
- this->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera();
- this->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(bmax/2);
+ double* input_bounds=this->GetInput()->GetBounds();
+ double bmax=input_bounds[1]-input_bounds[0];
+ if (bmax < input_bounds[3]-input_bounds[2]) bmax=input_bounds[3]-input_bounds[2];
+ if (bmax < input_bounds[5]-input_bounds[4]) bmax=input_bounds[5]-input_bounds[4];
+ this->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera();
+ this->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(bmax/2);
void vvSlicer::SetDisplayMode(bool i)
- this->GetImageActor()->SetVisibility(i);
- this->GetAnnotation()->SetVisibility(i);
- this->GetRenderer()->SetDraw(i);
- if (mLandActor)
- mLandActor->SetVisibility(i);
- pdmA->SetVisibility(i);
- if (i)
- UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->GetImageActor()->SetVisibility(i);
+ this->GetAnnotation()->SetVisibility(i);
+ this->GetRenderer()->SetDraw(i);
+ if (mLandActor)
+ mLandActor->SetVisibility(i);
+ pdmA->SetVisibility(i);
+ if (i)
+ UpdateDisplayExtent();
void vvSlicer::FlipHorizontalView()
- vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
- if (cam)
+ vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
+ if (cam)
- double *position = cam->GetPosition();
- switch (this->SliceOrientation)
+ double *position = cam->GetPosition();
+ switch (this->SliceOrientation)
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
- cam->SetPosition(position[0],position[1],-position[2]);
- break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XY:
+ cam->SetPosition(position[0],position[1],-position[2]);
+ break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
- cam->SetPosition(position[0],-position[1],position[2]);
- break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_XZ:
+ cam->SetPosition(position[0],-position[1],position[2]);
+ break;
- case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
- cam->SetPosition(-position[0],position[1],position[2]);
- break;
+ case vtkImageViewer2::SLICE_ORIENTATION_YZ:
+ cam->SetPosition(-position[0],position[1],position[2]);
+ break;
- this->Renderer->ResetCameraClippingRange();
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->Renderer->ResetCameraClippingRange();
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
void vvSlicer::FlipVerticalView()
- vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
- if (cam)
+ vtkCamera *cam = this->Renderer ? this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
+ if (cam)
- FlipHorizontalView();
- double *viewup = cam->GetViewUp();
- cam->SetViewUp(-viewup[0],-viewup[1],-viewup[2]);
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ FlipHorizontalView();
+ double *viewup = cam->GetViewUp();
+ cam->SetViewUp(-viewup[0],-viewup[1],-viewup[2]);
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
void vvSlicer::SetColorWindow(double window)
- vtkLookupTable* LUT = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
- if ( LUT )
+ vtkLookupTable* LUT = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
+ if ( LUT )
- double level = this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLevel();
- LUT->SetTableRange(level-fabs(window)/4,level+fabs(window)/4);
- LUT->Build();
+ double level = this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLevel();
+ LUT->SetTableRange(level-fabs(window)/4,level+fabs(window)/4);
+ LUT->Build();
- this->vtkImageViewer2::SetColorWindow(window);
+ this->vtkImageViewer2::SetColorWindow(window);
void vvSlicer::SetColorLevel(double level)
- vtkLookupTable* LUT = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
- if ( LUT )
+ vtkLookupTable* LUT = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
+ if ( LUT )
- double window = this->GetWindowLevel()->GetWindow();
- LUT->SetTableRange(level-fabs(window)/4,level+fabs(window)/4);
- LUT->Build();
+ double window = this->GetWindowLevel()->GetWindow();
+ LUT->SetTableRange(level-fabs(window)/4,level+fabs(window)/4);
+ LUT->Build();
- this->vtkImageViewer2::SetColorLevel(level);
+ this->vtkImageViewer2::SetColorLevel(level);
void vvSlicer::Render()
- if (this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable() && !this->mOverlay && !this->mFusion)
+ if (this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable() && !this->mOverlay && !this->mFusion)
- legend->SetLookupTable(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
- legend->SetVisibility(1);
+ legend->SetLookupTable(this->GetWindowLevel()->GetLookupTable());
+ legend->SetVisibility(1);
- else legend->SetVisibility(0);
+ else legend->SetVisibility(0);
- if (ca->GetVisibility())
+ if (ca->GetVisibility())
- std::string worldPos = "";
- std::stringstream world1;
- std::stringstream world2;
- std::stringstream world3;
- world1 << (int)mCurrent[0];
- world2 << (int)mCurrent[1];
- world3 << (int)mCurrent[2];
- double X = (mCurrent[0] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[0])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0];
- double Y = (mCurrent[1] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[1])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1];
- double Z = (mCurrent[2] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[2])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2];
- if (pdmA->GetVisibility())
+ std::string worldPos = "";
+ std::stringstream world1;
+ std::stringstream world2;
+ std::stringstream world3;
+ world1 << (int)mCurrent[0];
+ world2 << (int)mCurrent[1];
+ world3 << (int)mCurrent[2];
+ double X = (mCurrent[0] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[0])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0];
+ double Y = (mCurrent[1] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[1])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1];
+ double Z = (mCurrent[2] - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[2])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2];
+ if (pdmA->GetVisibility())
- double x = mCursor[0];
- double y = mCursor[1];
- double z = mCursor[2];
- double xCursor = (x - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[0])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0];
- double yCursor = (y - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[1])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1];
- double zCursor = (z - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[2])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2];
- if (xCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[0] &&
- xCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[1]+1 &&
- yCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[2] &&
- yCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[3]+1 &&
- zCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[4] &&
- zCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[5]+1 )
+ double x = mCursor[0];
+ double y = mCursor[1];
+ double z = mCursor[2];
+ double xCursor = (x - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[0])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[0];
+ double yCursor = (y - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[1])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[1];
+ double zCursor = (z - this->GetInput()->GetOrigin()[2])/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[2];
+ if (xCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[0] &&
+ xCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[1]+1 &&
+ yCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[2] &&
+ yCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[3]+1 &&
+ zCursor >= this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[4] &&
+ zCursor < this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent()[5]+1 )
- vtkRenderer * renderer = this->Renderer;
- renderer->WorldToView(x,y,z);
- renderer->ViewToNormalizedViewport(x,y,z);
- renderer->NormalizedViewportToViewport(x,y);
- renderer->ViewportToNormalizedDisplay(x,y);
- renderer->NormalizedDisplayToDisplay(x,y);
- crossCursor->SetFocalPoint(x,y,z);
+ vtkRenderer * renderer = this->Renderer;
+ renderer->WorldToView(x,y,z);
+ renderer->ViewToNormalizedViewport(x,y,z);
+ renderer->NormalizedViewportToViewport(x,y);
+ renderer->ViewportToNormalizedDisplay(x,y);
+ renderer->NormalizedDisplayToDisplay(x,y);
+ crossCursor->SetFocalPoint(x,y,z);
- else
- crossCursor->SetFocalPoint(-1,-1,z);
+ else
+ crossCursor->SetFocalPoint(-1,-1,z);
- if (X >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[0] &&
- X <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[1] &&
- Y >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[2] &&
- Y <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[3] &&
- Z >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[4] &&
- Z <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[5])
+ if (X >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[0] &&
+ X <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[1] &&
+ Y >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[2] &&
+ Y <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[3] &&
+ Z >= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[4] &&
+ Z <= this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()[5])
- std::stringstream pixel1;
- std::stringstream pixel2;
- std::stringstream pixel3;
- std::stringstream temps;
- pixel1 << (int)X;
- pixel2 << (int)Y;
- pixel3 << (int)Z;
- temps << mCurrentTSlice;
- double value = this->GetInput()->GetScalarComponentAsDouble(
- (int)X,
- (int)Y,
- (int)Z,0);
- std::stringstream val;
- val << value;
- worldPos += "data value : " + val.str();
- worldPos += "\n mm : " + world1.str() + " " + world2.str() + " " + world3.str() + " " + temps.str();
- worldPos += "\n pixel : " + pixel1.str() + " " + pixel2.str() + " " + pixel3.str() + " " + temps.str();
+ std::stringstream pixel1;
+ std::stringstream pixel2;
+ std::stringstream pixel3;
+ std::stringstream temps;
+ pixel1 << (int)X;
+ pixel2 << (int)Y;
+ pixel3 << (int)Z;
+ temps << mCurrentTSlice;
+ double value = this->GetInput()->GetScalarComponentAsDouble(
+ (int)X,
+ (int)Y,
+ (int)Z,0);
+ std::stringstream val;
+ val << value;
+ worldPos += "data value : " + val.str();
+ worldPos += "\n mm : " + world1.str() + " " + world2.str() + " " + world3.str() + " " + temps.str();
+ worldPos += "\n pixel : " + pixel1.str() + " " + pixel2.str() + " " + pixel3.str() + " " + temps.str();
- ca->SetText(1,worldPos.c_str());
+ ca->SetText(1,worldPos.c_str());
- if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
+ if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
- mOverlayMapper->SetWindow(this->GetColorWindow());
- mOverlayMapper->SetLevel(this->GetColorLevel());
- mOverlayMapper->Update();
+ mOverlayMapper->SetWindow(this->GetColorWindow());
+ mOverlayMapper->SetLevel(this->GetColorLevel());
+ mOverlayMapper->Update();
- if (mLandMapper)
- UpdateLandmarks();
- //this->Superclass::Render();
- this->GetRenderWindow()->Render();
+ if (mLandMapper)
+ UpdateLandmarks();
+ //this->Superclass::Render();
+ this->GetRenderWindow()->Render();
void vvSlicer::UpdateCursorPosition()
- if (this->GetImageActor()->GetVisibility())
+ if (this->GetImageActor()->GetVisibility())
- pdmA->SetVisibility(true);
- mCursor[0] = mCurrent[0];
- mCursor[1] = mCurrent[1];
- mCursor[2] = mCurrent[2];
- mCursor[3] = mCurrentTSlice;
+ pdmA->SetVisibility(true);
+ mCursor[0] = mCurrent[0];
+ mCursor[1] = mCurrent[1];
+ mCursor[2] = mCurrent[2];
+ mCursor[3] = mCurrentTSlice;
void vvSlicer::UpdateLandmarks()
- vtkPolyData *pd = static_cast<vtkPolyData*>(mLandClipper->GetInput());
- if (pd->GetPoints())
+ vtkPolyData *pd = static_cast<vtkPolyData*>(mLandClipper->GetInput());
+ if (pd->GetPoints())
- mLandGlyph->SetRange(0,1);
- mLandGlyph->Modified();
- mLandGlyph->Update();
+ mLandGlyph->SetRange(0,1);
+ mLandGlyph->Modified();
+ mLandGlyph->Update();
- mClipBox->Modified();
- mLandClipper->Update();
- mLandMapper->Update();
+ mClipBox->Modified();
+ mLandClipper->Update();
+ mLandMapper->Update();
void vvSlicer::SetSlice(int slice)
- int *range = this->GetSliceRange();
- if (range)
+ int *range = this->GetSliceRange();
+ if (range)
- if (slice < range[0])
+ if (slice < range[0])
- slice = range[0];
+ slice = range[0];
- else if (slice > range[1])
+ else if (slice > range[1])
- slice = range[1];
+ slice = range[1];
- if (this->Slice == slice)
+ if (this->Slice == slice)
- return;
+ return;
- this->Slice = slice;
- SetContourSlice();
- this->Modified();
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
- this->Render();
+ this->Slice = slice;
+ SetContourSlice();
+ this->Modified();
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->Render();
void vvSlicer::SetContourSlice()
- if (mSurfaceCutActors.size() > 0)
- for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
- i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
- (*i)->SetCutSlice((this->Slice)*this->GetImage()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]+
- this->GetImage()->GetOrigin()[this->SliceOrientation]);
+ if (mSurfaceCutActors.size() > 0)
+ for (std::vector<vvMeshActor*>::iterator i=mSurfaceCutActors.begin();
+ i!=mSurfaceCutActors.end();i++)
+ (*i)->SetCutSlice((this->Slice)*this->GetImage()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]+
+ this->GetImage()->GetOrigin()[this->SliceOrientation]);
void vvSlicer::ForceUpdateDisplayExtent()
- this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
+ this->UpdateDisplayExtent();
int* vvSlicer::GetDisplayExtent()
- return this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent();
+ return this->GetImageActor()->GetDisplayExtent();
void vvSlicer::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
- this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+ this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);