--- /dev/null
+if [ $# = 0 ]
+echo "Use it as :"
+echo "sh make-install.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <BooleanForDocGeneration> <userNameForCVS> <installPrefix> <buildType> <GDCM Version>"
+echo "with 'installPrefix' : /usr/local or <directory where you want to generate>/creatools_install"
+echo "with 'GDCM Version' : GDCM1 / GDCM2"
+echo " "
+echo "ex : sh make-install.sh /tmp/gendir OFF jpr /tmp/gendir/creatools_install Debug GDCM2"
+exit 0
+echo $#
+echo "----------"
+echo $0
+echo $1
+echo $2
+echo $3
+echo $4
+echo $5
+echo $6
+echo "----------"
+if [ $# != 6 ]
+echo "sh make-install.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <BooleanForDocGeneration> <userNameForCVS> <installPrefix> <buildType> <GDCM Version>"
+echo "with 'installPrefix' : /usr/local or <directory where you want to generate>/creatools_install"
+echo " "
+echo "ex : sh make-install.sh /tmp/gendir OFF jpr /tmp/gendir/creatools_install Debug GDCM2"
+exit 0
+# @echo off
+#allow user to choose the generation dir
+#allow user to choose to generate the doc or not
+echo scriptDir
+echo $scriptDir
+# /// \TODO check if directories exist.
+# /// \ exit 0 if they don't (message: run install.sh first!")
+#mkdir $generationdir
+#mkdir $generationdir/creatools_source
+#mkdir $generationdir/creatools_bin
+ creasource=crea
+ bbtksource=bbtk
+ creamaracassource=creaMaracasVisu
+ creaenvironmentsource=creaEnvironment
+ creabrukersource=creaBruker
+ creaimagesource=creaImageIO
+ creacontourssource=creaContours
+ crearigidregistrationssource=creaRigidRegistration
+ bbtkgeditorsource=bbtkGEditor
+ creatoolssource=creaTools
+cd $generationdir
+# start_point : used at debug time : start point of the script
+# ex : if everything is OK, but bbtkGEditor,
+# cvs upate bbtkGEditor manually,and use :
+# start_point=10
+# in order not to cvs co everything, nor recompile everything.
+cd $scriptDir
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 2 : CREA
+if [ $start_point -le 2 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creasource $generationdir
+ creadll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 3 : BBTK
+if [ $start_point -le 3 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $bbtksource $generationdir
+ bbtkdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 4 : creaMaracasVisu
+if [ $start_point -le 4 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaMaracasVisu
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creamaracassource $generationdir
+ creamaracasdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creamaracasBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 5 : creaEnvironment
+if [ $start_point -le 5 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaEnvironment
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir
+ creaenvironmentdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaenvironmentBin
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$creaenvironmentdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 6 : creaBruker
+if [ $start_point -le 6 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaBruker
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creabrukersource $generationdir
+ echo generationdir
+ creabrukerdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creabrukerBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 7 : creaImageIO
+if [ $start_point -le 7 ]
+ # the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaImageIO
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creaimagesource $generationdir
+ creaimagedll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaimageBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 8 : creaContour
+if [ $start_point -le 8 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaContours
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creacontourssource $generationdir
+# creacontourdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creacontoursBin
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$creacontoursdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 9 : creaRigidRegistration
+if [ $start_point -le 9 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir
+# crearigidregistrationdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/crearigidregistrationBin
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$crearigidregistrationdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 10 : bbtkGEditor
+if [ $start_point -le 10 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# bbtkGEditor
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir
+# bbtkgeditordll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkgeditorBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 11 : creaTools
+if [ $start_point -le 11 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaTools
+ sh compilemod.sh $buildType $creatoolssource $generationdir
+# creatoolsdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creatoolsBin
+sudo rm $CREATOOLS_INSTALL_DIR/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo touch $CREATOOLS_INSTALL_DIR/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo chmod 666 $CREATOOLS_INSTALL_DIR/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo touch $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo chmod 666 $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo echo export PATH='$'PATH:$installPrefix/bin >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$installPrefix/lib/creatools >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+sudo echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$installPrefix/lib64/creatools >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+# modify .bashrc
+# - remove line 'sh $installPrefix/creatools_install/share/creatools_base_party_libraries_config.sh' if any (with accurate value for ???)
+sed -i -e '/.*creatools_base_library_config.*/ d' ~/.bashrc
+# - add line 'sh $installPrefix/creatools_install/share/creatools_base_libraries_config.sh' (with accurate value for ???)
+echo source $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh >> ~/.bashrc
+# shutdown /s
+# exit /b