error "unknown file type"
+function merge_dispatcher_uncertainty {
+ local indent=" ** "
+ local outputfile="${1:?"provide output filename"}"
+ local partialoutputfiles="$(find "${rundir}" -mindepth 2 -type f -name "${outputfile}")"
+ local nboutputfiles="$(echo "${partialoutputfiles}" | wc -l)"
+ if test ${nboutputdirs} -ne ${nboutputfiles}
+ then
+ warning "missing files"
+ return
+ fi
+ local firstpartialoutputfile="$(echo "${partialoutputfiles}" | head -n 1)"
+ local firstpartialoutputextension="${firstpartialoutputfile##*.}"
+ if [[ "${firstpartialoutputfile}" == *Uncertainty* ]]
+ then
+ if test "${firstpartialoutputextension}" == "mhd"
+ then
+ echo "${indent}Uncertainty file found: ${firstpartialoutputfile}"
+ ## search for sum
+ local mergedfile="${outputdir}/$(basename "${firstpartialoutputfile}")"
+ summed_merged_file=${mergedfile//-Uncertainty/}
+ if [ ! -f ${summed_merged_file} ];
+ then
+ warning "${summed_merged_file} does not exist. Error, no uncertainty computed"
+ return;
+ fi
+ echo "${indent}${summed_merged_file} found"
+ ## search for Squared
+ squared_merged_file=${mergedfile//-Uncertainty/-Squared}
+ if [ ! -f ${squared_merged_file} ];
+ then
+ warning "${squared_merged_file} does not exist. Error, no uncertainty computed"
+ return;
+ fi
+ echo "${indent}${squared_merged_file} found"
+ ## search for NumberOfEvent
+ totalEvents=0;
+ for outputfile in $(find "${rundir}" -regextype 'posix-extended' -type f -regex "${rundir}/output.*\.(hdr|mhd|root|txt)" | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF; }' | sort | uniq)
+ do
+ #echo $outputfile
+ if grep -q 'NumberOfEvent' "${outputdir}/${outputfile}"
+ then
+ totalEvents="$(grep "NumberOfEvents" "${outputdir}/${outputfile}" | cut -d' ' -f4)"
+ echo "${indent}Find the NumberOfEvent in $outputfile: ${totalEvents}"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test ${totalEvents} -gt 0
+ then
+ uncerImageMerger="clitkImageUncertainty"
+ test -x "./clitkImageUncertainty" && uncerImageMerger="./clitkImageUncertainty"
+ ${uncerImageMerger} -i ${summed_merged_file} -s ${squared_merged_file} -o ${mergedfile} -n ${totalEvents}
+ else
+ warning "${totalEvents} not positive. A at least one stat file (SimulationStatisticActor) must be provided. Error, no uncertainty computed"
+ return;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
echo "!!!! this is $0 v0.3k !!!!"
rundir="${1?"provide run dir"}"
outputdir="$(basename "${outputdir}")"
echo "output dir is ${outputdir}"
test -d "${outputdir}" && rm -r "${outputdir}"
mkdir "${outputdir}"
merge_dispatcher "${outputfile}"
+echo ""
+echo "Merging done. Special case for statistical uncertainty"
+for outputfile in $(find "${outputdir}" -regextype 'posix-extended' -type f -regex "${outputdir}/output.*\.(hdr|mhd|root|txt)" | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF; }' | sort | uniq)
+ merge_dispatcher_uncertainty "${outputfile}"
if [ -f "${rundir}/params.txt" ]
echo "copying params file"