#File clitkBinarizeImage.ggo
-Package "clitkBinarizeImage"
+package "clitkBinarizeImage"
version "1.0"
purpose ""
option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes
option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes
-option "lower" l "Lower intensity (default=min)" double no
-option "upper" u "Upper intensity (default=max)" double no
-option "fg" - "Foreground (FG) value" double no default="1"
-option "bg" - "Background (BG) value" double no default="0"
-option "setBG" - "No FG, keep values from input" flag off
-option "setFG" - "No BG, keep values from input" flag off
+option "lower" l "Lower intensity (default=min), fg is greater than this value" double no
+option "upper" u "Upper intensity (default=max), fg is lower than this value" double no
+option "fg" - "Foreground (FG) or 'inside' value" double no default="1"
+option "bg" - "Background (BG) or 'ouside' value" double no default="0"
+option "useFG" - "Use FG value (if not keep values from input)" flag off
+option "useBG" - "Use BG value (if not keep values from input)" flag off
+// itk include
+#include "itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h"
#include "itkMaskImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkMaskNegatedImageFilter.h"
namespace clitk
// Reading input
typename InputImageType::Pointer input = this->template GetInput<InputImageType>(0);
+ // Check option
+ if (!mArgsInfo.useFG_flag && !mArgsInfo.useBG_flag) {
+ // Do nothing !!
+ std::cerr << "Warning : FG and BG are not used ! Do nothing." << std::endl;
+ this->template SetNextOutput<InputImageType>(input);
+ return;
+ }
// Main filter
typedef typename InputImageType::PixelType PixelType;
typedef itk::Image<int, InputImageType::ImageDimension> OutputImageType;
typename BinaryThresholdImageFilterType::Pointer thresholdFilter=BinaryThresholdImageFilterType::New();
- if (mArgsInfo.setFG_flag) {
- double fg = mArgsInfo.fg_arg;
- mArgsInfo.fg_arg = mArgsInfo.bg_arg;
- mArgsInfo.bg_arg = fg;
- }
+ /* if (mArgsInfo.useFG_flag && !mArgsInfo.useBG_flag) {
+ DD("inverse");
+ // double fg = mArgsInfo.fg_arg;
+ //mArgsInfo.fg_arg = mArgsInfo.bg_arg;
+ // mArgsInfo.bg_arg = fg;
+ // bool lo = mArgsInfo.lower_given;
+ //mArgsInfo.lower_given = mArgsInfo.upper_given;
+ //mArgsInfo.upper_given = lo;
+ }*/
- if(mArgsInfo.lower_given) thresholdFilter->SetLowerThreshold(static_cast<PixelType>(mArgsInfo.lower_arg));
- if(mArgsInfo.upper_given) thresholdFilter->SetUpperThreshold(static_cast<PixelType>(mArgsInfo.upper_arg));
+ if (mArgsInfo.lower_given) thresholdFilter->SetLowerThreshold(static_cast<PixelType>(mArgsInfo.lower_arg));
+ if (mArgsInfo.upper_given) thresholdFilter->SetUpperThreshold(static_cast<PixelType>(mArgsInfo.upper_arg));
+ DD(mArgsInfo.useFG_flag);
+ DD(mArgsInfo.useBG_flag);
// If no BG or no FG : new image, copy input with MaskImageFilter
// If setFG -> FG BG have been changed
- if (0) {
- if (mArgsInfo.setBG_flag || mArgsInfo.setFG_flag) {
- DD("set BG!!!!");
- //if ()
- typedef itk::MaskImageFilter<InputImageType,OutputImageType> maskFilterType;
- typename maskFilterType::Pointer maskFilter = maskFilterType::New();
- maskFilter->SetInput1(input);
- maskFilter->SetInput2(thresholdFilter->GetOutput());
- maskFilter->Update();
- typename InputImageType::Pointer outputImage = maskFilter->GetOutput();
- // Write/Save results
- this->template SetNextOutput<InputImageType>(outputImage);
- }
- }
- else {
+ if (mArgsInfo.useBG_flag && mArgsInfo.useFG_flag) {
typename OutputImageType::Pointer outputImage = thresholdFilter->GetOutput();
// Write/Save results
this->template SetNextOutput<OutputImageType>(outputImage);
+ else {
+ typename InputImageType::Pointer outputImage;
+ if (mArgsInfo.useBG_flag) {
+ DD("use BG");
+ typedef itk::MaskImageFilter<InputImageType,OutputImageType> maskFilterType;
+ typename maskFilterType::Pointer maskFilter = maskFilterType::New();
+ maskFilter->SetInput1(input);
+ maskFilter->SetInput2(thresholdFilter->GetOutput());
+ maskFilter->Update();
+ maskFilter->SetOutsideValue(mArgsInfo.bg_arg);
+ outputImage = maskFilter->GetOutput();
+ }
+ else {
+ DD("use FG");
+ typedef itk::MaskNegatedImageFilter<InputImageType,OutputImageType> maskFilterType;
+ typename maskFilterType::Pointer maskFilter = maskFilterType::New();
+ maskFilter->SetInput1(input);
+ maskFilter->SetInput2(thresholdFilter->GetOutput());
+ maskFilter->SetOutsideValue(mArgsInfo.fg_arg);
+ maskFilter->Update();
+ outputImage = maskFilter->GetOutput();
+ }
+ // Write/Save results
+ this->template SetNextOutput<InputImageType>(outputImage);
+ }