--- /dev/null
+#Doesn't work
+SET(QT_DIR C:/Qt/2009.03/qt)
+SET(QT_UIC3_EXECUTABLE ${QT_DIR}/bin/uic3.exe)
+#Doesn't work
+#For Microsoft Visual Studio 2003
+#Open a command window and execute C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat
+#go to installation directory of qt C:\Qt\<version>\qt and execute configure -platform win32-msvc2003
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+include vtk/boxes/bbLoadHola
+load vtk
+load wxvtk
+load creaMaracasVisu
+load std
+load wx
+//new LoadHola image
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+ set openFileDialog.Wildcard "(*.mhd)|*.mhd"
+new MetaImageReader image
+ connect openFileDialog.Out image.In
+new ImagePlanes planes
+connect image.Out planes.In
+#new Viewer3D viewer
+#connect planes.PlaneX viewer.Obs1
+#connect planes.PlaneY viewer.Obs2
+#connect planes.PlaneZ viewer.Obs3
+#connect planes.Plane3Pts viewer.Obs4
+#set viewer.WinTitle "Show N Points"
+#set viewer.WinWidth 350
+#set viewer.WinHeight 400
+new ViewerNV viewernv
+ #set viewernv.nTypeView "6 1 2 0"
+ set viewernv.nTypeView "6"
+ connect image.Out viewernv.In
+new ShowNPoints showpoints
+ connect image.Out showpoints.Image
+ connect showpoints.lstPointsX planes.PointsX
+ connect showpoints.lstPointsY planes.PointsY
+ connect showpoints.lstPointsZ planes.PointsZ
+ #set planes.PointsX "10 10 50"
+ #set planes.PointsY "10 50 20"
+ #set planes.PointsZ "10 10 30"
+ connect viewernv.BoxChange showpoints.BoxExecute
+ connect viewernv.Point showpoints.In
+ connect viewernv.Renderer1 showpoints.Renderer
+ set showpoints.Radio 1
+new ImageActor imgactor
+ connect planes.Image3Pts imgactor.In
+ connect viewernv.Renderer1 imgactor.Renderer
+ connect planes.Transform3Pts imgactor.Transform
+new Viewer2D view2d
+new CommandButton execplanes
+ set execplanes.Label "Refresh planes"
+ connect execplanes.BoxChange planes.BoxExecute
+ connect execplanes.BoxChange view2d.BoxExecute
+ connect execplanes.BoxChange imgactor.BoxExecute
+ #connect execplanes.BoxChange viewer.BoxExecute
+new LayoutLine layoutline0
+connect showpoints.Widget layoutline0.Widget1
+connect execplanes.Widget layoutline0.Widget2
+new LayoutLine layoutline1
+connect viewernv.Widget layoutline1.Widget1
+new LayoutSplit mainSplit
+set mainSplit.Orientation H
+set mainSplit.Proportion 10
+connect layoutline0.Widget mainSplit.Widget1
+connect layoutline1.Widget mainSplit.Widget2
+exec mainSplit
+connect planes.Image3Pts view2d.In
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+load vtk
+load wxvtk
+load creaMaracasVisu
+load std
+load wx
+load creaImageIO
+new Gimmick gimm0
+ set gimm0.BoxProcessMode "Reactive"
+new Gimmick gimm1
+ set gimm1.BoxProcessMode "Reactive"
+new ViewerNV view0
+ connect gimm0.BoxChange view0.BoxExecute
+ set view0.nTypeView "6"
+ connect gimm0.Out view0.In
+new ViewerNV view1
+ connect gimm0.BoxChange view1.BoxExecute
+ set view1.nTypeView "-1"
+ connect gimm0.Out view1.In
+new ViewerNV view2
+ connect gimm1.BoxChange view2.BoxExecute
+ set view2.nTypeView "-1"
+ connect gimm1.Out view2.In
+new VolumeRendering volrend
+ connect view0.BoxChange volrend.BoxExecute
+ connect view0.Renderer1 volrend.Renderer
+new IRMViewer irmview
+ connect view0.BoxChange irmview.BoxExecute
+ connect view0.Renderer1 irmview.Renderer
+new CommandButton commandbutton0
+ connect commandbutton0.BoxChange gimm0.BoxExecute
+ set commandbutton0.Label "Load image1"
+new CommandButton commandbutton1
+ connect commandbutton1.BoxChange gimm1.BoxExecute
+ set commandbutton1.Label "Load image2"
+new LayoutLine layoutline0
+ set layoutline0.Orientation V
+ connect commandbutton0.Widget layoutline0.Widget1
+ connect commandbutton1.Widget layoutline0.Widget2
+ connect irmview.Widget layoutline0.Widget3
+ connect volrend.Widget layoutline0.Widget4
+new LayoutSplit layoutline1
+ set layoutline1.Orientation H
+ connect view0.Widget layoutline1.Widget1
+ new LayoutLine layoutLine1o1
+ connect view1.Widget layoutLine1o1.Widget1
+ connect view2.Widget layoutLine1o1.Widget2
+ connect layoutLine1o1.Widget layoutline1.Widget2
+new LayoutSplit mainLayoutSplit
+ set mainLayoutSplit.Orientation H
+ connect layoutline0.Widget mainLayoutSplit.Widget1
+ connect layoutline1.Widget mainLayoutSplit.Widget2
+new ViewerNV viewimage0
+ set viewimage0.nTypeView "6 0 1 2"
+ connect gimm0.Out viewimage0.In
+ connect gimm0.BoxChange viewimage0.BoxExecute
+new ViewerNV viewimage1
+ set viewimage1.nTypeView "6 0 1 2"
+ connect gimm1.Out viewimage1.In
+ connect gimm1.BoxChange viewimage1.BoxExecute
+new LayoutTab mainLayoutTab
+ connect mainLayoutSplit.Widget mainLayoutTab.Widget1
+ connect viewimage0.Widget mainLayoutTab.Widget2
+ connect viewimage1.Widget mainLayoutTab.Widget3
+exec mainLayoutTab
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include "bbvtkImageCastToUShort.h"
+#include "bbvtkPackage.h"
+namespace bbvtk
+void ImageCastToUShort::Process()
+// Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
+// And print out the output value
+// void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
+// const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const
+// Where :
+// * NAME is the name of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
+// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
+ vtkImageData* img = bbGetInputIn();
+ cast->SetInput(img);
+ cast->SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedShort();
+ cast->Update();
+ bbSetOutputOut(cast->GetOutput() );
+void ImageCastToUShort::bbUserSetDefaultValues()
+// Here we initialize the input 'In' to 0
+ cast = NULL;
+ bbSetInputIn(0);
+void ImageCastToUShort::bbUserInitializeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+ cast = vtkImageCast::New();
+void ImageCastToUShort::bbUserFinalizeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+// EO namespace bbvtk
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __bbvtkImageCastToUShort_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbvtkImageCastToUShort_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbvtk_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#include "vtkImageCast.h"
+namespace bbvtk
+class bbvtk_EXPORT ImageCastToUShort
+ :
+ public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(ImageCastToUShort,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In,vtkImageData*);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out,vtkImageData*);
+ BBTK_PROCESS(Process);
+ void Process();
+ vtkImageCast* cast;
+BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Cast an Image to UShort");
+BBTK_INPUT(ImageCastToUShort,In,"First input",vtkImageData*,"");
+BBTK_OUTPUT(ImageCastToUShort,Out,"First output",vtkImageData*,"");
+// EO namespace bbvtk
+#endif // __bbvtkImageCastToUShort_h_INCLUDED__
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbvtkImagePlanes.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2009/07/02 07:17:33 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.29 $
+ Date: $Date: 2009/09/01 13:59:48 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.30 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //vtkCxxRevisionMacro(ImagePlanes::VtkCallbackType, "$Revision: 1.29 $");
+ //vtkCxxRevisionMacro(ImagePlanes::VtkCallbackType, "$Revision: 1.30 $");
if(pointsx.size()==pointsy.size() && pointsx.size()==pointsz.size()&&pointsx.size()>=3){
+ //Get the corresponding three points out of the vectors
double origin[3];
origin[0] = pointsx[0];
origin[1] = pointsy[0];
point2[1]= pointsy[2];
point2[2]= pointsz[2];
+ //With the three points we create the corresponding X, Y and Z vectors all orthogonal to each other
double* vect1= getNormal(makeVector(origin, point1));
double* vect2= getNormal(makeVector(origin, point2));
double* crossp = getCrossProduct(vect1, vect2);
factor = ext[0]<ext[3]? ext[3] : ext[0];
factor = factor<ext[5]? ext[5] : factor;
+ //for the plane widgets
vtkImagePlaneWidget* plane3pts = (vtkImagePlaneWidget*)bbGetOutputPlane3Pts();
double xSpacing, ySpacing, zSpacing;
+//To get the slice of image out of the selected volume
if (_imageReslicer==NULL){
_imageReslicer = vtkImageReslice::New();
_imageReslicer->SetInput( bbGetInputIn() );
- _imageReslicer->SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(newx[0],newx[1],newx[2],
- vect2[0],vect2[1],vect2[2],
- crossp[0],crossp[1],crossp[2]);
+ //fill out the information with the created vectors and using the spacing of the image
+ _imageReslicer->SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(newx[0]*xSpacing,newx[1]*xSpacing,newx[2]*xSpacing,
+ vect2[0]*ySpacing,vect2[1]*ySpacing,vect2[2]*ySpacing,
+ crossp[0]*zSpacing,crossp[1]*zSpacing,crossp[2]*zSpacing);
- _matrix->SetElement(0,0,newx[0]);
- _matrix->SetElement(1,0,newx[1]);
- _matrix->SetElement(2,0,newx[2]);
- _matrix->SetElement(0,1,vect2[0]);
- _matrix->SetElement(1,1,vect2[1]);
- _matrix->SetElement(2,1,vect2[2]);
- _matrix->SetElement(0,2,crossp[0]);
- _matrix->SetElement(1,2,crossp[1]);
- _matrix->SetElement(2,2,crossp[2]);
- _matrix->SetElement(0,3,origin[0]);
- _matrix->SetElement(1,3,origin[1]);
- _matrix->SetElement(2,3,origin[2]);
+ _matrix->SetElement(0,0,newx[0]*xSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(1,0,newx[1]*xSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(2,0,newx[2]*xSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(0,1,vect2[0]*ySpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(1,1,vect2[1]*ySpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(2,1,vect2[2]*ySpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(0,2,crossp[0]*zSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(1,2,crossp[1]*zSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(2,2,crossp[2]*zSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(0,3,origin[0]*xSpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(1,3,origin[1]*ySpacing);
+ _matrix->SetElement(2,3,origin[2]*zSpacing);
+ //set the transformation out to be used by other bbBoxes