#include <iostream>
- //====== LIFECYCLE ========
- ConceptInstantHandler::ConceptInstantHandler(std::string name,int mode,int positionInReproduction)
- {
- this->name=name;
- this->mode=mode;
- this->positionInReproduction=positionInReproduction;
- this->increaseValue=1;
- this->decreaseValue=1;
- this->actualIndex=0;
- this->scaleTime=0;
- //timeReproduction=intervalTimer*maximumValue
- this->timeReproduction=100;
- this->actualTime=0;
- this->initialTime=0;
- }
- ConceptInstantHandler::~ConceptInstantHandler()
- {
- name.clear();
- }
- //====== OPERATIONS =======
- /*
- * change the actual index by increasing
- * the index until the maximum by the increaseValue
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::nextIndex()
- {
- //just plus plus
- if(mode==PLUS_PLUS)
- actualIndex+=increaseValue;
- //time scale
- else
- {
- time_t seconds=time(NULL);
- if(initialTime==0)
- initialTime=seconds*1000;
- int time=seconds*1000;
- actualTime=time-initialTime;
- actualIndex=(int)actualTime*scaleTime;
- }
+ //====== LIFECYCLE ========
+ ConceptInstantHandler::ConceptInstantHandler(std::string name,int mode,int positionInReproduction)
+ {
+ this->name=name;
+ this->mode=mode;
+ this->positionInReproduction=positionInReproduction;
+ this->increaseValue=1;
+ this->decreaseValue=1;
+ this->actualIndex=0;
+ this->scaleTime=0;
+ //timeReproduction=intervalTimer*maximumValue
+ this->timeReproduction=100;
+ this->actualTime=0;
+ this->initialTime=0;
+ }
+ ConceptInstantHandler::~ConceptInstantHandler()
+ {
+ name.clear();
+ }
+ //====== OPERATIONS =======
+ /*
+ * change the actual index by increasing
+ * the index until the maximum by the increaseValue
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::nextIndex()
+ {
+ //just plus plus
+ if(mode==PLUS_PLUS)
+ actualIndex+=increaseValue;
+ //time scale
+ else
+ {
+ time_t seconds=time(NULL);
+ if(initialTime==0)
+ initialTime=seconds*1000;
+ int time=seconds*1000;
+ actualTime=time-initialTime;
+ actualIndex=(int)actualTime*scaleTime;
+ }
- if(actualIndex>=maximumIndex)
- actualIndex=maximumIndex-1;
- }
- /*
- * change the actual index by decreasing
- * the index until zero by the decreaseValue
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::previousIndex()
- {
- //just plus plus
- if(mode==PLUS_PLUS)
- actualIndex-=decreaseValue;
- else
- actualIndex=(int)actualTime*scaleTime;
- if(actualIndex<0)
- actualIndex=0;
- }
- //====== INQUIRY =========
- /*
- * @return name
- */
- std::string ConceptInstantHandler::getName()
- {
- return this->name;
- }
- /*
- * @return PositionInReproduction
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getPosition()
- {
- return this->positionInReproduction;
- }
- /*
- * @return mode
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getMode()
- {
- return this->mode;
- }
- /*
- * @return increaseValue
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getIncreaseValue()
- {
- return this->increaseValue;
- }
- /*
- * @return decreaseValue
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getDecreaseValue()
- {
- return this->decreaseValue;
- }
- /*
- * @return indexInInstant
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getIndexInInstant()
- {
- return this->indexInInstant;
- }
- /*
- * @return actualIndex
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::geActualIndex()
- {
- return actualIndex;
- }
- /*
- * @return maximumIndex
- */
- int ConceptInstantHandler::getMaximumIndex()
- {
- return maximumIndex;
- }
- /*
- * @return timeReproduction
- */
- double ConceptInstantHandler::getTimeReproduction()
- {
- return timeReproduction;
- }
- /*
- * @return scaleTime
- */
- double ConceptInstantHandler::getScale()
- {
- return scaleTime;
- }
- /*
- * if the actual index is not the maximum index
- */
- bool ConceptInstantHandler::hasNextIndex()
- {
- if(actualIndex<maximumIndex-1)
- return true;
- else return false;
- }
- /*
- * if the actual index is not zero
- */
- bool ConceptInstantHandler::hasPreviousIndex()
- {
- if(actualIndex>0)
- return true;
- else return false;
- }
- /*
- * Get initial time
- */
- double ConceptInstantHandler::getInitialTime()
- {
- return this->initialTime;
- }
+ if(actualIndex>=maximumIndex)
+ actualIndex=maximumIndex-1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * change the actual index by decreasing
+ * the index until zero by the decreaseValue
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::previousIndex()
+ {
+ //just plus plus
+ if(mode==PLUS_PLUS)
+ actualIndex-=decreaseValue;
+ else
+ actualIndex=(int)actualTime*scaleTime;
+ if(actualIndex<0)
+ actualIndex=0;
+ }
+ //====== INQUIRY =========
+ /*
+ * @return name
+ */
+ std::string ConceptInstantHandler::getName()
+ {
+ return this->name;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return PositionInReproduction
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getPosition()
+ {
+ return this->positionInReproduction;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return mode
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getMode()
+ {
+ return this->mode;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return increaseValue
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getIncreaseValue()
+ {
+ return this->increaseValue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return decreaseValue
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getDecreaseValue()
+ {
+ return this->decreaseValue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return indexInInstant
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getIndexInInstant()
+ {
+ return this->indexInInstant;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return actualIndex
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::geActualIndex()
+ {
+ return actualIndex;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return maximumIndex
+ */
+ int ConceptInstantHandler::getMaximumIndex()
+ {
+ return maximumIndex;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return timeReproduction
+ */
+ double ConceptInstantHandler::getTimeReproduction()
+ {
+ return timeReproduction;
+ }
+ /*
+ * @return scaleTime
+ */
+ double ConceptInstantHandler::getScale()
+ {
+ return scaleTime;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if the actual index is not the maximum index
+ */
+ bool ConceptInstantHandler::hasNextIndex()
+ {
+ if(actualIndex<maximumIndex-1)
+ return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if the actual index is not zero
+ */
+ bool ConceptInstantHandler::hasPreviousIndex()
+ {
+ if(actualIndex>0)
+ return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get initial time
+ */
+ double ConceptInstantHandler::getInitialTime()
+ {
+ return this->initialTime;
+ }
- //====== ACCESS ==========
- /*
- * Sets the name of the concept
- * @param name, new name
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setName(std::string name)
- {
- this->name=name;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the position of the concept
- * @param position, position
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setPosition(int position)
- {
- this->positionInReproduction=position;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the mode of the concept
- * @param mode, new mode= REAL_TIME or
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setMode(int mode)
- {
- if(this->mode==PLUS_PLUS)
- {
- time_t seconds=time(NULL);
- int time=seconds*1000;
- actualTime=actualIndex/scaleTime;
- initialTime=time-actualTime;
- }
- this->mode=mode;
- }
- /*
- * Set Increase of the instant
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setIncreaseValue(int increaseValue)
- {
- this->increaseValue=increaseValue;
- }
+ //====== ACCESS ==========
+ /*
+ * Sets the name of the concept
+ * @param name, new name
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setName(std::string name)
+ {
+ this->name=name;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sets the position of the concept
+ * @param position, position
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setPosition(int position)
+ {
+ this->positionInReproduction=position;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sets the mode of the concept
+ * @param mode, new mode= REAL_TIME or
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setMode(int mode)
+ {
+ if(this->mode==PLUS_PLUS)
+ {
+ time_t seconds=time(NULL);
+ int time=seconds*1000;
+ actualTime=actualIndex/scaleTime;
+ initialTime=time-actualTime;
+ }
+ this->mode=mode;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set Increase of the instant
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setIncreaseValue(int increaseValue)
+ {
+ this->increaseValue=increaseValue;
+ }
- /*
- * Set decrease of the instant
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setDecreaseValue(int decreaseValue)
- {
- this->decreaseValue=decreaseValue;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the index of the concept in the instant
- * @param indexInInstant
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setIndexInInstant(int indexInInstant)
- {
- this->indexInInstant=indexInInstant;
- }
- /*
- * Sets sets the maximum value
- * @param maximumIndex
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setMaximumIndex(int maximumIndex)
- {
- this->maximumIndex=maximumIndex;
- scaleTime=(maximumIndex-1)/timeReproduction;
- }
+ /*
+ * Set decrease of the instant
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setDecreaseValue(int decreaseValue)
+ {
+ this->decreaseValue=decreaseValue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sets the index of the concept in the instant
+ * @param indexInInstant
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setIndexInInstant(int indexInInstant)
+ {
+ this->indexInInstant=indexInInstant;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sets sets the maximum value
+ * @param maximumIndex
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setMaximumIndex(int maximumIndex)
+ {
+ this->maximumIndex=maximumIndex;
+ scaleTime=(maximumIndex-1)/timeReproduction;
+ }
- /*
- * set the actualIndex
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setActualIndex(int index)
- {
- if(index<=maximumIndex-1)
- actualIndex=index;
- //TODO else thow exception of out of bounds
- }
- /*
- * set the timeReproduction
- * @param timeReproduction
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setTimeReproduction(double time)
- {
- this->timeReproduction=(this->maximumIndex-1)*time;
- scaleTime=(maximumIndex-1)/timeReproduction;
- }
- /*
- * set the scaleTime
- * @param scale
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setScale(double scale)
- {
- this->scaleTime=scale;
- }
- /*
- * set the actualTime
- * @param actualTime
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setActualTime(double actualTime)
- {
- this->actualTime=actualTime;
- }
- /*
- * reset the initial time
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::resetInitialTime()
- {
- this->initialTime=0;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the initial time
- */
- void ConceptInstantHandler::setInitialTime(double time)
- {
- this->initialTime=time;
- }
+ /*
+ * set the actualIndex
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setActualIndex(int index)
+ {
+ if(index<=maximumIndex-1)
+ actualIndex=index;
+ //TODO else thow exception of out of bounds
+ }
+ /*
+ * set the timeReproduction
+ * @param timeReproduction
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setTimeReproduction(double time)
+ {
+ this->timeReproduction=(this->maximumIndex-1)*time;
+ scaleTime=(maximumIndex-1)/timeReproduction;
+ }
+ /*
+ * set the scaleTime
+ * @param scale
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setScale(double scale)
+ {
+ this->scaleTime=scale;
+ }
+ /*
+ * set the actualTime
+ * @param actualTime
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setActualTime(double actualTime)
+ {
+ this->actualTime=actualTime;
+ }
+ /*
+ * reset the initial time
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::resetInitialTime()
+ {
+ this->initialTime=0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sets the initial time
+ */
+ void ConceptInstantHandler::setInitialTime(double time)
+ {
+ this->initialTime=time;
+ }
Program: ConceptInstantHandler
Module: $RCSfile: ConceptInstantHandler.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/24 10:23:53 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+ Date: $Date: 2010/02/08 15:24:05 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
Objective: Wrapper fo the concepts that subscribe to the instant handler
- Authot: Monica Maria Lozano Romero
+ Author: Monica Maria Lozano Romero
Copyright: (c) 2007
-* @param
-* @return
+* @param
+* @return
#if defined(_WIN32)
- #ifdef creaEnvironment_BUILD_SHARED
- #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS __declspec( dllexport )
- #else
- #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS
- #endif
+ #ifdef creaEnvironment_BUILD_SHARED
+ #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS __declspec( dllexport )
+ #else
+ #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS
+ #endif
- #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS
+ #define creaEnvironment_EXPORTS
class creaEnvironment_EXPORTS ConceptInstantHandler
- {
- public:
- //===== CONSTANTS ========
- /*
- * if the concept is being reproduced in real time
- */
- const static int REAL_TIME=1;
- /*
- * if the concept is being reproduced by doing
- * plus plus to its indexes
- */
- const static int PLUS_PLUS=2;
- //====== LIFECYCLE ========
- ConceptInstantHandler(std::string name,int mode,int positionInReproduction);
- ~ConceptInstantHandler();
- //====== OPERATIONS =======
- /*
- * change the actual index by increasing
- * the index until the maximum by the increaseValue
- */
- void nextIndex();
- /*
- * change the actual index by decreasing
- * the index until zero by the decreaseValue
- */
- void previousIndex();
- //====== INQUIRY =========
- /*
- * @return name
- */
- std::string getName();
- /*
- * @return PositionInReproduction
- */
- int getPosition();
- /*
- * @return mode
- */
- int getMode();
- /*
- * @return increaseValue
- */
- int getIncreaseValue();
- /*
- * @return decreaseValue
- */
- int getDecreaseValue();
- /*
- * @return indexInInstant
- */
- int getIndexInInstant();
- /*
- * @return actualIndex
- */
- int geActualIndex();
- /*
- * @return maximumIndex
- */
- int getMaximumIndex();
- /*
- * @return timeReproduction
- */
- double getTimeReproduction();
- /*
- * @return scaleTime
- */
- double getScale();
- /*
- * if the actual index is not the maximum index
- */
- bool hasNextIndex();
- /*
- * if the actual index is not zero
- */
- bool hasPreviousIndex();
- /*
- * Get initial time
- */
- double getInitialTime();
- //====== ACCESS ==========
- /*
- * Sets the name of the concept
- * @param name, new name
- */
- void setName(std::string name);
- /*
- * Sets the position of the concept
- * @param position
- */
- void setPosition(int position);
- /*
- * Sets the mode of the concept
- * @param mode, new mode= REAL_TIME or
- */
- void setMode(int mode);
- /*
- * Set Increase of the concept
- * @param increaseValue
- */
- void setIncreaseValue(int increaseValue);
- /*
- * Set decrease of the concept
- * @param decreaseValue
- */
- void setDecreaseValue(int decreaseValue);
- /*
- * Sets the index of the concept in the instant
- * @param indexInInstant
- */
- void setIndexInInstant(int indexInInstant);
- /*
- * Sets sets the maximum value
- * @param maximumIndex
- */
- void setMaximumIndex(int maximumIndex);
- /*
- * set the actualIndex
- * @param index
- */
- void setActualIndex(int index);
- /*
- * set the timeReproduction
- * @param time
- */
- void setTimeReproduction(double time);
- /*
- * set the scaleTime
- * @param scale
- */
- void setScale(double scale);
- /*
- * set the actualTime
- * @param actualTime
- */
- void setActualTime(double actualTime);
- /*
- * reset the initial time
- */
- void resetInitialTime();
- /*
- * Sets the initial time
- */
- void setInitialTime(double time);
- private:
- //======= ATTRIBUTES=======
- /*
- * Name of the concept
- */
- std::string name;
- /*
- * Mode of changing the instant
- */
- int mode;
- /*
- * position in the reproduction
- */
- int positionInReproduction;
- /*
- * Increment for an instant
- * for default is 1
- */
- int increaseValue;
- /*
- * Decrease for an instant
- * for default is 1
- */
- int decreaseValue;
- /*
- * index in Instant
- */
- int indexInInstant;
- /*
- * index that it is
- */
- int actualIndex;
- /*
- * maximum index that can have in the instant
- */
- int maximumIndex;
- /*
- * Time in miliseconds of the reproduction
- */
- double timeReproduction;
- /*
- * Scale use for calculate the index
- * of the concept according to the time of reproduction
- * defined in timeReproduction
- * scaleTime=maximumIndex/timeReproduction
- */
- double scaleTime;
- /*
- * actual time of the reproduction
- * is in miliseconds
- */
- double actualTime;
- /*
- * Initial time
- * is in miliseconds
- */
- double initialTime;
- //====== PRIVATE METHODS=========
- };
+ //===== CONSTANTS ========
+ /*
+ * if the concept is being reproduced in real time
+ */
+ const static int REAL_TIME=1;
+ /*
+ * if the concept is being reproduced by doing
+ * plus plus to its indexes
+ */
+ const static int PLUS_PLUS=2;
+ //====== LIFECYCLE ========
+ ConceptInstantHandler(std::string name,int mode,int positionInReproduction);
+ ~ConceptInstantHandler();
+ //====== OPERATIONS =======
+ /*
+ * change the actual index by increasing
+ * the index until the maximum by the increaseValue
+ */
+ void nextIndex();
+ /*
+ * change the actual index by decreasing
+ * the index until zero by the decreaseValue
+ */
+ void previousIndex();
+ //====== INQUIRY =========
+ /*
+ * @return name
+ */
+ std::string getName();
+ /*
+ * @return PositionInReproduction
+ */
+ int getPosition();
+ /*
+ * @return mode
+ */
+ int getMode();
+ /*
+ * @return increaseValue
+ */
+ int getIncreaseValue();
+ /*
+ * @return decreaseValue
+ */
+ int getDecreaseValue();
+ /*
+ * @return indexInInstant
+ */
+ int getIndexInInstant();
+ /*
+ * @return actualIndex
+ int geActualIndex();
+ /*
+ * @return maximumIndex
+ */
+ int getMaximumIndex();
+ /*
+ * @return timeReproduction
+ */
+ double getTimeReproduction();
+ /*
+ * @return scaleTime
+ */
+ double getScale();
+ /*
+ * if the actual index is not the maximum index
+ */
+ bool hasNextIndex();
+ /*
+ * if the actual index is not zero
+ */
+ bool hasPreviousIndex();
+ /*
+ * Get initial time
+ */
+ double getInitialTime();
+ //====== ACCESS ==========
+ /*
+ * Sets the name of the concept
+ * @param name, new name
+ */
+ void setName(std::string name);
+ /*
+ * Sets the position of the concept
+ * @param position
+ */
+ void setPosition(int position);
+ /*
+ * Sets the mode of the concept
+ * @param mode, new mode= REAL_TIME or
+ */
+ void setMode(int mode);
+ /*
+ * Set Increase of the concept
+ * @param increaseValue
+ */
+ void setIncreaseValue(int increaseValue);
+ /*
+ * Set decrease of the concept
+ * @param decreaseValue
+ */
+ void setDecreaseValue(int decreaseValue);
+ /*
+ * Sets the index of the concept in the instant
+ * @param indexInInstant
+ */
+ void setIndexInInstant(int indexInInstant);
+ /*
+ * Sets sets the maximum value
+ * @param maximumIndex
+ */
+ void setMaximumIndex(int maximumIndex);
+ /*
+ * set the actualIndex
+ * @param index
+ */
+ void setActualIndex(int index);
+ /*
+ * set the timeReproduction
+ * @param time
+ */
+ void setTimeReproduction(double time);
+ /*
+ * set the scaleTime
+ * @param scale
+ */
+ void setScale(double scale);
+ /*
+ * set the actualTime
+ * @param actualTime
+ */
+ void setActualTime(double actualTime);
+ /*
+ * reset the initial time
+ */
+ void resetInitialTime();
+ /*
+ * Sets the initial time
+ */
+ void setInitialTime(double time);
+ private:
+ //======= ATTRIBUTES=======
+ /*
+ * Name of the concept
+ */
+ std::string name;
+ /*
+ * Mode of changing the instant
+ */
+ int mode;
+ /*
+ * position in the reproduction
+ */
+ int positionInReproduction;
+ /*
+ * Increment for an instant
+ * for default is 1
+ */
+ int increaseValue;
+ /*
+ * Decrease for an instant
+ * for default is 1
+ */
+ int decreaseValue;
+ /*
+ * index in Instant
+ */
+ int indexInInstant;
+ /*
+ * index that it is
+ */
+ int actualIndex;
+ /*
+ * maximum index that can have in the instant
+ */
+ int maximumIndex;
+ /*
+ * Time in miliseconds of the reproduction
+ */
+ double timeReproduction;
+ /*
+ * Scale use for calculate the index
+ * of the concept according to the time of reproduction
+ * defined in timeReproduction
+ * scaleTime=maximumIndex/timeReproduction
+ */
+ double scaleTime;
+ /*
+ * actual time of the reproduction
+ * is in miliseconds
+ */
+ double actualTime;
+ /*
+ * Initial time
+ * is in miliseconds
+ */
+ double initialTime;
+ //====== PRIVATE METHODS=========
+ };