--- /dev/null
+# Functions #
+function info {
+ local D=`date`
+ echo [ INFO - $D ] $*
+function warning {
+ local D=`date`
+ echo [ WARN - $D ] $*
+function error {
+ local D=`date`
+ echo [ ERROR - $D ] $* >&2
+function downloadLFN {
+ local LFN=$1
+ local LOCAL=${PWD}/`basename ${LFN}`
+ info "getting file size and computing sendReceiveTimeout"
+ size=`lfc-ls -l ${LFN} | awk -F' ' '{print $5}'`
+ sendReceiveTimeout=`echo $[${size}/150/1024]`
+ if [ "$sendReceiveTimeout" = "" ] || [ $sendReceiveTimeout -le 900 ]; then echo "sendReceiveTimeout empty or too small, setting it to 900s"; sendReceiveTimeout=900; else echo "sendReceiveTimeout is $sendReceiveTimeout"; fi;
+ info "Removing file ${LOCAL} in case it is already here"
+ \rm -f ${LOCAL}
+ info "Checking if the file is on local SE ${VO_BIOMED_DEFAULT_SE}"
+ local closeSURL=`lcg-lr lfn:${LFN} | grep ${VO_BIOMED_DEFAULT_SE}`
+ if [ "${closeSURL}" != "" ]
+ then
+ info "It is. Trying to download the file from there"
+ LINE="lcg-cp -v --connect-timeout 10 --sendreceive-timeout $sendReceiveTimeout --bdii-timeout 10 --srm-timeout 30 ${closeSURL} file:${LOCAL}"
+ info ${LINE}
+ ${LINE} &> lcg-log
+ if [ $? = 0 ]
+ then
+ info "lcg-cp worked fine"
+ lcg_source=`cat lcg-log | awk -F"://" '/Trying SURL srm/ {print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}'|awk -F":" '{print $1}'`;
+ lcg_destination=`hostname`;
+ lcg_time=`cat lcg-log | awk '/Transfer took/ {print $3$4}'`;
+ info "DownloadCommand=lcg-cp Source=$lcg_source Destination=$lcg_destination Size=$size Time=$lcg_time";
+ return 0
+ else
+ error "It failed, falling back on regular lcg-cp"
+ fi
+ else
+ info "It's not, falling back on regular lcg-cp"
+ fi
+info "Downloading file ${LFN}..."
+LINE="lcg-cp -v --connect-timeout 10 --sendreceive-timeout $sendReceiveTimeout --bdii-timeout 10 --srm-timeout 30 lfn:${LFN} file:${LOCAL}"
+info ${LINE}
+${LINE} &> lcg-log
+if [ $? = 0 ]
+ info "lcg-cp worked fine"
+ lcg_source=`cat lcg-log | awk -F"://" '/Trying SURL srm/ {print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}'|awk -F":" '{print $1}'`;
+ lcg_destination=`hostname`;
+ lcg_time=`cat lcg-log | awk '/Transfer took/ {print $3$4}'`;
+ info "DownloadCommand=lcg-cp Source=$lcg_source Destination=$lcg_destination Size=$size Time=$lcg_time";
+ error "lcg-cp failed"
+ error "`cat lcg-log`"
+ return 1
+\rm lcg-log
+# Arguments parsing #
+COMM_LINE=`echo "${@:2:$(($#-2))}"`
+# Command-line construction #
+#echo "COMM line is $COMM_LINE"
+#remove flags starting with --
+#BOUTIQUES_ARGS="$(echo ${COMM_LINE} | sed 's/[--][[:alpha:]]*/,/g')"
+BOUTIQUES_ARGS="$(echo ${COMM_LINE} | sed 's/ , /, /g')"
+#remove leading ,,
+#BOUTIQUES_ARGS="$(echo ${BOUTIQUES_ARGS} | sed 's/^,, //g')"
+BOUTIQUES_COMMAND_LINE="octave --silent --eval \"SimuPBI_circle_func(${BOUTIQUES_ARGS})\""
+echo "Boutiques COMM line is $BOUTIQUES_COMMAND_LINE"
+#WARNING Cheating here : we know that outputs are written in dirOut
+# Command-line execution #
+cat << DOCKERJOB > .dockerjob.sh
+#!/bin/bash -l
+cd /CreaPhase
+mkdir $DIROUT
+chmod 755 .dockerjob.sh
+#.dockerjob.sh script needs to be found in the workdir, ten we need to cd to /CreaPhase to be able to execute SimuPBI_circle_func
+docker run --rm -v $PWD:/gasw-dir -v $PWD/$DIROUT:/CreaPhase/$DIROUT -v $PWD/../cache:$PWD/../cache -w /gasw-dir -u `id -u`:`id -g` camarasu/creaphase ./.dockerjob.sh
+if [ $? != 0 ]
+ echo "CreaPhase execution failed!"
+ exit 1
+tar -czvf result.tgz $DIROUT
+echo "Execution of CreaPhase completed."
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <executable name="CreaPhase.sh">
+ <access type="LFN" cached="true"/>
+ <retrycount value="1"/>
+ <value value="[BIN_DIR]/CreaPhase.sh"/>
+ <executor value="LOCAL"/>
+ <input name="results-directory" option="no1">
+ </input>
+ <input name="vers" option="no2">
+ </input>
+ <input name="oversamp" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="basename" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="dist" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="energy" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="pixelSize" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="nbProj" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="rangeAngle" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="modelCtf" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="modelFresnel" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="muMat" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="deltaMat" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="Rcircle" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="imageSize" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="circleCenter" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="dirOut" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="noiseType" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <input name="noiseAmount" option=",">
+ </input>
+ <output name="resultTarball" option="no20">
+ <template value="$dir1/$na1/result.tgz"/>
+ <access type="LFN"/>
+ </output>
+ </executable>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<workflow name="CreaPhase" version="0.1">
+ <description>Propagation-based phase contrast images generation</description>
+ <interface>
+ <source name="results-directory" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>results-directory</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Directory</font></b>): Directory where the results will be stored.
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="vers" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>vers</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): are the projections calculated analytically or using the Radon transform? use the strings 'Radon' OR 'Analytical'
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="oversamp" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>oversamp</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Oversampling of the projections : use 2 or 4
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="basename" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>basename</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Basename of the result file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="dist" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>dist</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Distances of propagation (in m), e.g. 0 0.01 0.1 0.20 0.50
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="energy" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>energy</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Energy of the incoming X-ray beam (in keV)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="pixelSize" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>pixelSize</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Pixel size of the detector (in um)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="nbProj" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>nbProj</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Number of projections (e.g., 360)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="rangeAngle" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>rangeAngle</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Range of the tomography : 180 or 360 degrees
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="modelCtf" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>modelCtf</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Which model do you want to use for the propagation? use 1 or 0
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="modelFresnel" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>modelFresnel</font></b> (<b><font color=green>Number</font></b>): Which model do you want to use for the propagation? use 1 or 0
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="muMat" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>muMat</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Material of the circle (e.g., PET at 19 keV)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="deltaMat" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>deltaMat</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Material of the circle (e.g., PET at 19 keV)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="Rcircle" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>Rcircle</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): radius of the circle
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="imageSize" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>imageSize</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Size of the image (square)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="circleCenter" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>circleCenter</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): 2D coordinates of the circle center (e.g., 200 250)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="noiseType" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>noiseType</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): Use noise='gaussian' (addition of gaussian noise) or noise='poisson' ( generation of Poisson noise) Put '<b>no</b>' to ignore this optional input.
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="noiseAmount" type="string">
+ <source-comment><b><font color=blue>noiseAmount</font></b> (<b><font color=green>String</font></b>): If 'gaussian' (additive noise), please specify the Peak-to-peak Signe-to-noise ratio (PPSNR, in dB)
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <constant name="dirOut" type="string" value="dirOut" cardinality="scalar" />
+ <sink name="resultTarball" type="uri" />
+ </interface>
+ <processors>
+ <processor name="append-date" >
+ <in name="dir" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <out name="result" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+ import java.text.DateFormat;
+ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+ import java.util.Date;
+DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:ss");
+String result = dir.toString()+"/"+(dateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+/*------------End of Beanshell------------*/
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="CreaPhase" >
+ <in name="dirOut" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="vers" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="dist" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="Rcircle" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="pixelSize" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="muMat" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="deltaMat" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="modelFresnel" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="rangeAngle" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="nbProj" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="oversamp" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="circleCenter" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="basename" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="modelCtf" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="noiseAmount" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="noiseType" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="imageSize" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="results-directory" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="energy" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="resultTarball" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <iterationstrategy>
+ <cross>
+ <port name="results-directory" />
+ <port name="vers" />
+ <port name="oversamp" />
+ <port name="basename" />
+ <port name="dist" />
+ <port name="energy" />
+ <port name="pixelSize" />
+ <port name="nbProj" />
+ <port name="rangeAngle" />
+ <port name="modelCtf" />
+ <port name="modelFresnel" />
+ <port name="muMat" />
+ <port name="deltaMat" />
+ <port name="Rcircle" />
+ <port name="imageSize" />
+ <port name="circleCenter" />
+ <port name="dirOut" />
+ <port name="noiseType" />
+ <port name="noiseAmount" />
+ </cross>
+ </iterationstrategy>
+ <gasw descriptor="[GASW_DIR]/CreaPhase.xml"/>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-brackets" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+//String toAppend="\\\"";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-brackets_2" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+//String toAppend="\\\"";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-simple-quotes" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+String toAppend="'";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-simple-quotes_2" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+String toAppend="'";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-simple-quotes_3" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+String toAppend="'";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-simple-quotes_4" >
+ <in name="inputString" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <out name="out" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+String toAppend="'";
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ </processors>
+ <links>
+ <link from="results-directory" to="append-date:dir" />
+ <link from="append-date:result" to="CreaPhase:results-directory" />
+ <link from="oversamp" to="CreaPhase:oversamp" />
+ <link from="energy" to="CreaPhase:energy" />
+ <link from="pixelSize" to="CreaPhase:pixelSize" />
+ <link from="nbProj" to="CreaPhase:nbProj" />
+ <link from="rangeAngle" to="CreaPhase:rangeAngle" />
+ <link from="modelCtf" to="CreaPhase:modelCtf" />
+ <link from="modelFresnel" to="CreaPhase:modelFresnel" />
+ <link from="muMat" to="CreaPhase:muMat" />
+ <link from="deltaMat" to="CreaPhase:deltaMat" />
+ <link from="Rcircle" to="CreaPhase:Rcircle" />
+ <link from="imageSize" to="CreaPhase:imageSize" />
+ <link from="noiseAmount" to="CreaPhase:noiseAmount" />
+ <link from="CreaPhase:resultTarball" to="resultTarball" />
+ <link from="dist" to="append-brackets:inputString" />
+ <link from="circleCenter" to="append-brackets_2:inputString" />
+ <link from="append-brackets_2:out" to="CreaPhase:circleCenter" />
+ <link from="append-brackets:out" to="CreaPhase:dist" />
+ <link from="vers" to="append-simple-quotes:inputString" />
+ <link from="append-simple-quotes:out" to="CreaPhase:vers" />
+ <link from="basename" to="append-simple-quotes_2:inputString" />
+ <link from="append-simple-quotes_2:out" to="CreaPhase:basename" />
+ <link from="append-simple-quotes_3:out" to="CreaPhase:dirOut" />
+ <link from="noiseType" to="append-simple-quotes_4:inputString" />
+ <link from="append-simple-quotes_4:out" to="CreaPhase:noiseType" />
+ <link from="dirOut" to="append-simple-quotes_3:inputString" />
+ </links>