Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFile.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2004/09/29 17:33:17 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.132 $
+ Date: $Date: 2004/09/30 12:51:55 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.133 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
bool signedPixel = Header->IsSignedPixelData();
-// ENDIANITY SECTION: re-arange bytes inside the integer
- if ( numberBitsAllocated != 8 )
- {
- SwapZone( destination, Header->GetSwapCode(), ImageDataSize,
- numberBitsAllocated );
- }
- // to avoid pb with some xmedcon breakers images
- if ( ( numberBitsAllocated == 16 )
- && ( numberBitsStored < numberBitsAllocated )
- && ( ! signedPixel ) )
- {
- int l = (int)(ImageDataSize / (numberBitsAllocated/8));
- uint16_t *deb = (uint16_t *)destination;
- for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
- {
- if( *deb == 0xffff )
- {
- *deb = 0;
- }
- deb++;
- }
- }
+ ConvertReorderEndianity( (uint8_t*) destination,
+ ImageDataSize,
+ numberBitsStored,
+ numberBitsAllocated,
+ signedPixel );
-// re arange bits inside the bytes
- if ( numberBitsStored != numberBitsAllocated )
- {
- int l = (int)(ImageDataSize / (numberBitsAllocated/8));
- if ( numberBitsAllocated == 16 )
- {
- uint16_t mask = 0xffff;
- mask = mask >> ( numberBitsAllocated - numberBitsStored );
- uint16_t *deb = (uint16_t *)destination;
- for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
- {
- *deb = (*deb >> (numberBitsStored - highBitPosition - 1)) & mask;
- deb++;
- }
- }
- else if ( numberBitsAllocated == 32 )
- {
- uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff;
- mask = mask >> ( numberBitsAllocated - numberBitsStored );
- uint32_t *deb = (uint32_t *)destination;
- for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
- {
- *deb = (*deb >> (numberBitsStored - highBitPosition - 1)) & mask;
- deb++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dbg.Verbose(0, "gdcmFile::GetImageDataIntoVector: weird image");
- return 0;
- }
- }
+ ConvertReArrangeBits( (uint8_t*) destination,
+ ImageDataSize,
+ numberBitsStored,
+ numberBitsAllocated,
+ highBitPosition );
FILE* DebugFile;
// PhotometricInterpretation=PALETTE COLOR
// and heuristic has to be found :-(
- int planConf = Header->GetPlanarConfiguration(); // 0028,0006
+ int planConf = Header->GetPlanarConfiguration();
- // Whatever Planar Configuration is,
- // "PALETTE COLOR " implies that we deal with the palette.
- if ( Header->IsPaletteColor() )
+ // Planar configuration = 2 ==> 1 gray Plane + 3 LUT
+ // ...and...
+ // whatever the Planar Configuration might be, "PALETTE COLOR "
+ // implies that we deal with the palette.
+ if ( ( planConf == 2 ) || Header->IsPaletteColor() )
- planConf = 2;
+ return ImageDataSize;
- switch ( planConf )
- {
- case 0:
- // Pixels are already RGB
- break;
- case 1:
- if ( Header->IsYBRFull() )
- {
- // Warning : YBR_FULL_422 acts as RGB
- // : we need to make RGB Pixels from Planes Y,cB,cR
- // to see the tricks about YBR_FULL, YBR_FULL_422,
- // YBR_PARTIAL_422, YBR_ICT, YBR_RCT have a look at :
- //
- // and be *very* affraid
- //
- int l = Header->GetXSize() * Header->GetYSize();
- int nbFrames = Header->GetZSize();
- uint8_t* newDest = new uint8_t[ImageDataSize];
- uint8_t* x = newDest;
- uint8_t* a = (uint8_t*)destination;
- uint8_t* b = a + l;
- uint8_t* c = b + l;
- double R,G,B;
- /// \todo : Replace by the 'well known' integer computation
- /// counterpart
- /// see
- /// for code optimisation
- for (int i = 0; i < nbFrames; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
- {
- R = 1.164 *(*a-16) + 1.596 *(*c -128) + 0.5;
- G = 1.164 *(*a-16) - 0.813 *(*c -128) - 0.392 *(*b -128) + 0.5;
- B = 1.164 *(*a-16) + 2.017 *(*b -128) + 0.5;
- if (R < 0.0) R = 0.0;
- if (G < 0.0) G = 0.0;
- if (B < 0.0) B = 0.0;
- if (R > 255.0) R = 255.0;
- if (G > 255.0) G = 255.0;
- if (B > 255.0) B = 255.0;
- *(x++) = (uint8_t)R;
- *(x++) = (uint8_t)G;
- *(x++) = (uint8_t)B;
- a++; b++; c++;
- }
- }
- memmove(destination, newDest, ImageDataSize);
- delete[] newDest;
- }
- else
- {
- // need to make RGB Pixels from R,G,B Planes
- // (all the Frames at a time)
- int l = Header->GetXSize() * Header->GetYSize() * Header->GetZSize();
+ // When planConf is 0, pixels are allready in RGB
- uint8_t *newDest = new uint8_t[ImageDataSize];
- uint8_t *x = newDest;
- uint8_t *a = (uint8_t *)destination;
- uint8_t *b = a + l;
- uint8_t *c = b + l;
- for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
- {
- *(x++) = *(a++);
- *(x++) = *(b++);
- *(x++) = *(c++);
- }
- memmove(destination, newDest, ImageDataSize);
- delete[] newDest;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // Palettes were found
- // Let the user deal with them !
- return ImageDataSize;
+ if ( planConf == 1 )
+ {
+ uint8_t* newDest = new uint8_t[ImageDataSize];
+ // Warning : YBR_FULL_422 acts as RGB
+ if ( Header->IsYBRFull() )
+ {
+ ConvertYcBcRPlanesToRGBPixels((uint8_t*)destination, newDest);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ConvertRGBPlanesToRGBPixels((uint8_t*)destination, newDest);
+ }
+ memmove(destination, newDest, ImageDataSize);
+ delete[] newDest;
// now, it's an RGB image
// Lets's write it in the Header
return ImageDataSize;
+ * \brief Re-arrange the bits within the bytes.
+ */
+void gdcmFile::ConvertReArrangeBits( uint8_t* pixelZone,
+ size_t imageDataSize,
+ int numberBitsStored,
+ int numberBitsAllocated,
+ int highBitPosition)
+ throw ( gdcmFormatError )
+ if ( numberBitsStored != numberBitsAllocated )
+ {
+ int l = (int)(imageDataSize / (numberBitsAllocated/8));
+ if ( numberBitsAllocated == 16 )
+ {
+ uint16_t mask = 0xffff;
+ mask = mask >> ( numberBitsAllocated - numberBitsStored );
+ uint16_t* deb = (uint16_t*)pixelZone;
+ for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
+ {
+ *deb = (*deb >> (numberBitsStored - highBitPosition - 1)) & mask;
+ deb++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( numberBitsAllocated == 32 )
+ {
+ uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff;
+ mask = mask >> ( numberBitsAllocated - numberBitsStored );
+ uint32_t* deb = (uint32_t*)pixelZone;
+ for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
+ {
+ *deb = (*deb >> (numberBitsStored - highBitPosition - 1)) & mask;
+ deb++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbg.Verbose(0, "gdcmFile::ConvertReArrangeBits: weird image");
+ throw gdcmFormatError( "gdcmFile::ConvertReArrangeBits()",
+ "weird image !?" );
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Deal with endianity i.e. re-arange bytes inside the integer
+ */
+void gdcmFile::ConvertReorderEndianity( uint8_t* pixelZone,
+ size_t imageDataSize,
+ int numberBitsStored,
+ int numberBitsAllocated,
+ bool signedPixel)
+ if ( numberBitsAllocated != 8 )
+ {
+ SwapZone( pixelZone, Header->GetSwapCode(), ImageDataSize,
+ numberBitsAllocated );
+ }
+ // Special kludge in order to deal with xmedcon broken images:
+ if ( ( numberBitsAllocated == 16 )
+ && ( numberBitsStored < numberBitsAllocated )
+ && ( ! signedPixel ) )
+ {
+ int l = (int)(ImageDataSize / (numberBitsAllocated/8));
+ uint16_t *deb = (uint16_t *)pixelZone;
+ for(int i = 0; i<l; i++)
+ {
+ if( *deb == 0xffff )
+ {
+ *deb = 0;
+ }
+ deb++;
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Convert (Y plane, cB plane, cR plane) to RGB pixels
+ * \warning Works on all the frames at a time
+ */
+void gdcmFile::ConvertYcBcRPlanesToRGBPixels(uint8_t* source,
+ uint8_t* destination)
+ // to see the tricks about YBR_FULL, YBR_FULL_422,
+ // YBR_PARTIAL_422, YBR_ICT, YBR_RCT have a look at :
+ //
+ // and be *very* affraid
+ //
+ int l = Header->GetXSize() * Header->GetYSize();
+ int nbFrames = Header->GetZSize();
+ uint8_t* a = source;
+ uint8_t* b = source + l;
+ uint8_t* c = source + l + l;
+ double R, G, B;
+ /// \todo : Replace by the 'well known' integer computation
+ /// counterpart. Refer to
+ ///
+ /// for code optimisation.
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbFrames; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
+ {
+ R = 1.164 *(*a-16) + 1.596 *(*c -128) + 0.5;
+ G = 1.164 *(*a-16) - 0.813 *(*c -128) - 0.392 *(*b -128) + 0.5;
+ B = 1.164 *(*a-16) + 2.017 *(*b -128) + 0.5;
+ if (R < 0.0) R = 0.0;
+ if (G < 0.0) G = 0.0;
+ if (B < 0.0) B = 0.0;
+ if (R > 255.0) R = 255.0;
+ if (G > 255.0) G = 255.0;
+ if (B > 255.0) B = 255.0;
+ *(destination++) = (uint8_t)R;
+ *(destination++) = (uint8_t)G;
+ *(destination++) = (uint8_t)B;
+ a++;
+ b++;
+ c++;
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Convert (Red plane, Green plane, Blue plane) to RGB pixels
+ * \warning Works on all the frames at a time
+ */
+void gdcmFile::ConvertRGBPlanesToRGBPixels(uint8_t* source,
+ uint8_t* destination)
+ int l = Header->GetXSize() * Header->GetYSize() * Header->GetZSize();
+ uint8_t* a = source;
+ uint8_t* b = source + l;
+ uint8_t* c = source + l + l;
+ for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
+ {
+ *(destination++) = *(a++);
+ *(destination++) = *(b++);
+ *(destination++) = *(c++);
+ }
* \brief Points the internal Pixel_Data pointer to the callers inData
* image representation, BUT WITHOUT COPYING THE DATA.