\item {\bf\emph{vtk}} : the basic images and surfaces processing and vizualization package, based on the \vtk library.
\item {\bf\emph{wxvtk}} : widget boxes based on the \vtk library (2D and 3D vizualization and
- \item {\bf\emph{itkvtk}} : special boxes (adaptors) to convert \itk structures into \vtk structures and conversally.
%\item {\bf\emph{creaImageIO}} : Provides hight level widgets to read images, including DICOM.
\item {\bf\emph{toolsbbtk}} : Tools for bbtk administration and package development..
\subsection{Online Help}
% ==============================================
-Various levels or help are supllid by \bbStudions.
+Various levels or help are suplied by \bbStudions.
% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Command line help}
You'll get a text help, in the 'Message' part :
-Black Box <std::Add>
+Black Box <std::Add>S
Adds its inputs
By : laurent.guigues@creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Categories : atomic box;math;
'In1' <Double> [] : First number to add
'In2' <Double> [] : Second number to add
* Outputs :
- 'BoxChange' <bbtk::Void> [signal] : Signals modifications of the box
+ 'BoxChange' <bbtk::VoidS> [signal] : Signals modifications of the box
'Out' <Double> [] : Result
\item {\bf\emph{vtk}} : the basic images and surfaces processing and vizualization package, based on the \vtk library.
\item {\bf\emph{wxvtk}} : widget boxes based on the \vtk library (2D and 3D vizualization and
- \item {\bf\emph{itkvtk}} : special boxes (adaptors) to convert \itk structures into \vtk structures and conversally.
%\item {\bf\emph{creaImageIO}} : Provides hight level widgets to read images, including DICOM.
\item {\bf\emph{toolsbbtk}} : Tools for bbtk administration and package development, such as :
\item{MakePackageDoc} For creating the html documentation of a package. The doc is generated at the 'canonical' location. Works both for a build tree or an installed toolkit.
- \item {\bf\emph{{List by category}}.
-% ==========================================
-\subsection{Creating and executing black boxes}
-% ==========================================
+ \item {\bf\emph{List by category}}.
+ A given box may belong to more than one \texttt{category}.\\
+ You have to consider categories like keywords to index black boxes.\\
+ Some of them are mutually exclusive.
+ A black box may be :
+ \begin {itemize}
+ \item{atomic box / complex box}\\
+ Whether it's written is C++ or it's an assembly of several black boxes (atomic or complex).\\
+ Any box is either atomic ou complex.
+ \item{example / demo / application}\\
+ Theese ones are always complex black boxes.
+ \begin {itemize}
+ \item{example}\\
+ It's just a (simple) example on how to use a given feature.
+ \item{demo}\\
+ It can be a 'good looking' (a.k.a 'sexy') example on some sophisticated work.
+ \item{application}\\
+ It's a Final application, end user intended (e.g. Subscale a huge volume, Crop a DICOM image, etc)
+ \end {itemize}
+ \item{widget}\\
+ Piece of graphical interface (based on \texttt{wxWidgets})
+ \item{Dicom}\\
+ Dicom medical image related box.
+ \item{viewer}\\
+ \item{read/write}
+ \item{mesh}
+ \item{3D Object creator}
+ \item{math}
+ \item{misc}
+ \end {itemize}
+ \end {itemize}
% ==============================================
\subsection{The Menu}
% ==============================================
+% ==========================================
+\section{bbs scripting}
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{Using an already existing}
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{Creating and executing black boxes}
+% ==========================================
You'll get as well the same information in the 'Help' Part, in html format (see figure : \ref{HelpAdd}) :