-The following comments are intended for core gdcm developpers.
-* Compiling gdcm:
- - Checkout the sources to an arbitrary directory noted GDCM (e.g. ~/cvs/gdcm).
- - Checkout the test images to an arbitrary directory noted GDCMDATA
- (e.g. ~/cvs/gdcm/gdcmData).
- - Optionally create a temporary installation directory GDCMINSTALL e.g.
- mkdir /tmp/gdcminstall
- - Create a target directory GDCMBIN e.g.
- mkdir /tmp/gdcmbin
- - Configure cmake from GDCMBIN:
- ccmake GDCM
- * Toggle and adjust the required options and parameters, mainly
- -- GDCM_DATA_ROOT should be set to GDCMDATA
- -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (equivalent of --prefix of the autotools)
- should be set to GDCMINSTALL
- -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Debug or Release
- -- GDCM_VTK When this option is on VTK_DIR might require manual
- configuration
- -- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (when working with gcc of course) should be set to
- -g -O0 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wunused-variable -Wunused-parameter
- -Wunused-function -Wunused -Wno-system-headers -Wno-deprecated
- -Woverloaded-virtual
- (this is to avoid spurious problems with overloading)
- * Configure cmake: hit c
- * Generate the makefiles (or dsw): hit g
- - Compile gdcm
- make
- - Run the tests manually (optional):
- Caveat: if you run the tests before installing, you NEED to positionate
- the environment variable GDCM_DICT_PATH to GDCM/Dicts e.g.
- export GDCM_DICT_PATH=~/cvs/gdcm/Dicts
- Assuming your cwd is GDCMBIN, three modes are then available:
- -- 1/ acces to a by number:
- ./Test/gdcmCxxTests
- -- 2/ acces to a test by it's name, by passing it as argument to
- gdcmCxxTests e.g.
- ./Test/gdcmCxxTests hashtest
- -- 3/ launch all the full test suite (again we assume cwd is GDCMBIN):
- ctest
- This is equivalent to "make test".
- Note: ctest supports the argument filtering with regexp and
- the verbose mode e.g.
- ctest -R print -V
- proposes the tests containing "print" in their name and
- makes a verbose output. For other options refer to the
- documentation at http://www.cmake.org.
-* Sending the result to kitware's dashboard (optional)
- ctest -D Experimental
- The results should appear in
- http://public.kitware.com/dashboard.php?name=public
- under the name of your machine (uname), but for ease of use you can
- change the SITE variable in your CMakeCache.txt to something more
- accurate such as: GDCM-my_machine_name. The entry will then be within
- the "Experimental Builds" entry.
-* Install gdcm (as specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)
- make install
- Note: the dictionaries used by gdcm are now located in
- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX + /share/ (i.e. GDCMINSTALL + /share/ if you
- followed the above instructions).
-* Python related section.
- Depending on the cmake flags you used in order to compile gdcm could
- be wrapped in two ways:
- - the first python wrappers of gdcm uses Swig (http://www.swig.org). These
- are the one generated when using autogen.sh --enable-python.
- The entry point here is the file gdcmPython/gdcm.i which uses the
- Swig syntax. As the last lines of this file (the ones starting
- with the %include directive) only some classes are wrapped for python.
- In theory only the library interface (basically the classes gdcmHeader
- and gdcmFile) should be wrapped, but the time being some additional
- classes are added (just to make sure those classes are Swig compatible:
- swig is here used as some link checker!?).
- Since gdcm is written in C++, Swig will produce two different outputs:
- -- some C based low level wrapper (see gdcmPython/gdcm_wrap.c)
- -- some Python based object oriented so called "shadow classes" (see
- file gdcmPython/gdcm.py)
- We also added the file gdcmPython/__init__.py which is the one that
- actually gets loaded when one uses the gdcmPython Python package.
- The file __init__.py loads the Swig generated shadow classes (gdcm.py)
- but will only re-export the interface of gdcm which corresponds to
- the lines :
- gdcmHeader = gdcm.gdcmHeader
- gdcmDictSet = gdcm.gdcmDictSet
- gdcmFile = gdcm.gdcmFile
- [etc.]
- Hence this whole Swig wrapping process is quite odd since we shall
- wrap more classes (%include in swig.i) that eventually get exported to
- the final user by gdcmPython/__init__.py.
- - the second python wrappers uses the vtk (http://public.kitware.com/VTK/)
- native wrappers i.e. the binary vtkWrapPython. But it should be noticed
- that the purpose is here a bit different than the one of the Swig
- generated Python wrappers. When using vtkWrapPython the goal is to
- wrap a single vtk class namely vtkGdcmReader as defined in files
- vtk/vtkGdcmReader.h and vtk/vtkGdcmReader.cxx (and of course those
- files are hand made vtk oriented wrappers of gdcm).
- Those wrappers are the one generated when using
- autogen.sh --enable-python --enable-vtk
- - In order to understand the difference between both wrappers you should
- compare both demo scripts gdcmPython/demo/vtkGdcmDemo.py and
- gdcmPython/demo/vtkGdcmReader.py. The first one only uses the
- Swig wrapped classes ("from gdcmPython import gdcmHeader') as opposed
- to vtkGdcmReader.py which also uses vtkWrapPython wrapped classes
- ("from gdcmPython.vtkgdcmPython import *").
-gdcm coding style and religious/agnostic beliefs (proposition)
-* Introduction:
- The following coding style intends to ease the work of developpers
- themselves but also of users who will study, maintain, fix, and extend
- the code. Any bread crumbs that you can drop in the way of explanatory
- names and comments will go a long way towards helping other readers and
- developers.
- Keep in mind that to a large extent the structure of code directly
- expresses its implementation.
-* Language:
- - C++ (for the kernel) and Python (for the wrappers).
- - all the names (variables, members, methods, functions) and comments
- should be based on English. Documentation, guides, web site and other
- informations should be in English.
- Make sure you use correct (basic) English and complete, grammatically
- correct sentences for comments and documentation.
-* General layout:
- - Each line of code should take no more than 79 characters. Break the code
- across multiple lines as necessary.
- - Methods and functions should keep a reasonable number of lines when
- possible (a typical editor displays 50 lines). Avoid code duplication.
- Always prefer creating a new method or function to duplication.
- A high indentation level generally suggests the need for a new
- method or function.
- - All the code should be properly indented. The appropriate indentation
- level is three spaces for each level of indentation. DO NOT USE TABS.
- Set up your editor to insert spaces. Using tabs may look good in your
- editor but will wreak havoc in others, or in external tools (e.g. side
- by side diffs).
- - The declaration of variables within classes, methods, and functions
- should be one declaration per line. Provide them with default values
- and don't rely on compilers for default initialization.
-* Naming conventions:
- - Generalities:
- In general, names are constructued by using case change to indicate
- separate words, as in ImageDataSize (standing for "image data size").
- Underscores are not used. Variable names are chosen carefully with the
- intention to convey the meaning behind the code. Names are generally
- spelled out; use of abbreviations is discouraged.
- [Note: abbreviation are allowable when in common use, and should be in
- uppercase as in LUT or RGBA.]
- While this does result in long names, it self-documents the code.
- - Naming Files:
- Files should have the same name as the class, with a "gdcm" prepended.
- Header files are named .h, while implementation files are named either
- .cxx or .txx, depending on whether they are implementations of templated
- classes. For example, the class gdcm::Document is declared and defined
- in the files gdcmDocument.h and gdcmDocument.cxx.
- - Naming Class Data Members, Methods, and Functions:
- Class data members are named beginning with a capital letter as in
- GroupPixel.
- Global functions and class methods, either static or class members, are
- named beginning with a capital letter, as in GetImageDataSize().
- - Naming Local Variables:
- Local variables begin in lowercase. There is more flexibility in the
- naming of local variables although they still should convey some
- semantics.
-* Classes:
- - Don't use the inline keyword when defining an inline function
- within a class definition.
- - Do not repeat the virtual keyword when overriding virtual base methods
- in declaration of subclasses:
- class A
- {
- virtual void foo(...);
- };
- class B: public A
- {
- void foo(...); // and not: virtual void foo(...);
- };
- - The public, protected, private declarations should be at the
- same indent level as the class. Use
- class A
- {
- private:
- void foo(...);
- public:
- void bar(...);
- };
- - Method and functions devoided of arguments should not use the void
- notation. Use
- SomeType Header::GetPixelData()
- and not
- SomeType Header::GetPixelData(void).
-* Use of braces:
- - Braces must be used to delimit the scope of an if, for, while, switch, or
- other control structure. Braces are placed on a line by themselves, and
- at the same indentation level as the control structure to which they
- belong:
- for (i=0; * i<3; i++)
- {
- ...
- }
- or when using an if:
- if ( condition )
- {
- ...
- }
- else if ( other condition )
- {
- ...
- }
- else
- {
- ....
- }
- You can choose to use braces on a line with a code block when
- the block consists of a single line:
- if ( condition ) { foo=1; }
- else if ( condition2 ) { foo=3; }
- else { return; }
- or
- for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {x[i]=0.0;}
- Methods and functions should follow the same usage of braces:
- void File::ParsePixelData()
- {
- ...
- }
-* Special layout:
- - Avoid code mixed with comments on a single line. Instead, prepend the
- logical blocks of code with the concerned comments.
- - Use parantheses around conditions e.g. with an if statement:
- if ( someLocalVariable == 2 ) { ... }
- - Add spaces around parantheses, or braces. Use
- if ( someLocalVariable == 2 ) { ClassMenber += 1; }
- and not
- if (someLocalVariable == 2) {ClassMenber += 1;}
- - Add spaces around each side of the assignement operator, and
- around binary operators used in boolean expression. Use
- someLocalVariable = ClassMember * 2;
- if ( someLocalVariable == 2 || ClassMember == 2 ) ...
- and not
- someLocalVariable=ClassMember*2;
- if ( someLocalVariable==2||ClassMember==2 ) ...
-* Miscelaneous:
- - Don't use underscores. Don't use tabs. Don't use control characters
- like ^M. Anyhow, cvs is configured to reject such commits.
- - Comments should be in C++ style ("// ...", two slashes, per line). Don't
- use C style comments ("/* ... */").
- - The last line of a file should terminate with "\n".
- - Returned arguments of methods and functions should not be wrapped with
- parantheses. Use
- return iter->second;
- but do not use
- return ( iter->second );
-* Debugging and Verbose modes:
- Never use std::cout. Instead use the gdcmDebug class through the
- global instance dbg. Example:
- #include "gdcmDebug.h"
- ...
- {
- dbg.Verbose(3, "Local function name: entering.");
- ...
- }
- will send the message to std::cout when dbg.Debug() is called
- in your main.
-* Documentation:
- The Doxygen open-source system is used to generate on-line documentation.
- Doxygen requires the embedding of simple comments in the code which is in
- turn extracted and formatted into documentation. See
- http://www.stack.nl/ dimitri/doxygen/
- for more information about Doxygen.
- - Documenting a class:
- Classes should be documented using the class and brief doxygen commands,
- followed by the detailed class description:
- /**
- * \class Header
- * \brief Header acts as container of Dicom elements of an image.
- *
- * Detailed description of the class is provided here
- * ...
- */
- The key here is that the comment starts with /**, each subsequent line has
- an aligned *, and the comment block terminates with a */.
- - Documenting class members and inline methods:
- All the members and the inline methods should be documented within
- the class declaration as shown in the following example:
- class Header
- {
- /// True when parsing was succefull. False otherwise.
- bool Readable = false;
- /// \brief The number of lines of the image as interpreted from
- /// the various elements encountered at header parsing.
- int NumberOfLines = -1;
- /// Predicate implemented as accessor around \ref Readable.
- bool IsReadable() { return Readable; }
- };
- - Documenting a Method:
- Methods should be documented using the following comment block style
- as shown in the following example:
- /**
- * \brief Within the Dicom Elements (parsed with the public and private
- * dictionaries), look for the element value representation of
- * a given tag.
- * @param group Group number of the searched tag.
- * @param element Element number of the searched tag.
- * @return Corresponding element value representation when it exists,
- * and the string "gdcm::Unfound" otherwise.
- */
- std::string Document::GetEntryByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element)
- {
- ...
- }
-* External includes and C style:
- - Only the C++ standard library and the STL includes should be used.
- When including don't use the .h extension (use #include <iostream>
- instead of #include <iostream.h>).
- - Don't use the C standard library. Don't include stdio.h, ctype.h...
- Don't use printf(), sprinf(), FILE*...
- - Don't use the NULL notation (either as macro, or as const int NULL=0).
- A pointer that doesn't refer to an object should simply be defined as
- DataPointer* MyDataPointer = 0;
-* Basic types:
- - Assume T is a given type. When declaring or defining with the
- "pointer to T" notation, the * character must be adjacent to
- the type and not the variable. That is use
- T* foo = 0;
- and not
- T *foo = 0;
- - Always define a typedef for a new type and be consistent in usage.
- Use
- typedef Header* HeaderPointer;
- HeaderPointer MyHeaderPointer;
- - One notorious counter example for non using C style inclusion concerns
- exact-width integers (since there seem to be no equivalent for C++).
- When using exact-width integers use the typedef names defined by
- the Basic ISO C99: 7.18 Integer types i.e.
- int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t (signed integers)
- and
- uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t (unsigned integers).
- Conversion table is then:
- unsigned char -> uint8_t;
- unsigned short -> uint16_t;
- unsigned int -> uint32_t;
- unsigned long -> uint32_t;
- unsigned long long -> uint64_t;
- (signed) char -> int8_t;
- short -> int16_t;
- int -> int32_t;
- long -> int32_t;
- long long -> int64_t;
- Hence do not use declarations like "unsigned int".
- With g++, accessing those typedef is achieved by the following
- #include <stdint.h>
-CVS policy
-* All the commits should be atomic. They must preserve the compilation
- in order to prevent checkouts with broken code.
-* All the commits must correspond to a stade of the code where ctest
- runs and has no failing subtest. Always run ctest before commiting.
- Note: * you can start ctest in verbose mode through the command
- ctest -V >& log
- * you can start a single test through ctest with
- ctest -R FailingTestName -V >& log
-Compiler flags policy:
- When working with gcc please use the flags specified in DEVELOPPER file
- (in order to avoid difficult overloading problems).
+The entry point is Doc/Website/Developpers.html