--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+// clitk
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+namespace clitk {
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Convert a mesh composed of a list of 2D contours, into a 3D binray
+ image.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ template <class ImageType>
+ class ITK_EXPORT MeshToBinaryImageFilter: public itk::ImageSource<ImageType>
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Standard class typedefs. */
+ typedef itk::ImageSource<ImageType> Superclass;
+ typedef MeshToBinaryImageFilter Self;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
+ /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
+ itkNewMacro(Self);
+ /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
+ itkTypeMacro(MeshToBinaryImageFilter, Superclass);
+ /** ImageDimension constants */
+ itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, ImageType::ImageDimension);
+ typedef itk::Image<float, ImageDimension> FloatImageType;
+ /** Some convenient typedefs. */
+ typedef typename ImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointer;
+ typedef typename ImageType::Pointer ImagePointer;
+ typedef typename ImageType::RegionType RegionType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::PixelType PixelType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::SpacingType SpacingType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::SizeType SizeType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::PointType PointType;
+ typedef itk::Image<PixelType, ImageDimension-1> SliceType;
+ /** Input : initial image and object */
+ itkSetMacro(Mesh, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>);
+ itkGetConstMacro(Mesh, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>);
+ itkSetMacro(LikeImage, ImagePointer);
+ itkGetConstMacro(LikeImage, ImagePointer);
+ protected:
+ MeshToBinaryImageFilter();
+ virtual ~MeshToBinaryImageFilter() {}
+ virtual void GenerateOutputInformation();
+ virtual void GenerateData();
+ ImagePointer m_LikeImage;
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> m_Mesh;
+ private:
+ MeshToBinaryImageFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ }; // end class
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // end namespace clitk
+#include "clitkMeshToBinaryImageFilter.txx"
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+#include <vtkPolyDataToImageStencil.h>
+#include <vtkLinearExtrusionFilter.h>
+#include <vtkImageStencil.h>
+#include <vtkMetaImageWriter.h>
+#include "itkVTKImageImport.h"
+#include "vtkImageExport.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+template <class ImageType>
+template <class ImageType>
+ ImagePointer output = this->GetOutput(0);
+ // Set the region to output
+ typename ImageType::RegionType m_Region = m_LikeImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
+ typename ImageType::SizeType size = m_Region.GetSize();
+ size[0]++;
+ size[1]++;
+ size[2]++;
+ m_Region.SetSize(size);
+ output->SetLargestPossibleRegion(m_Region);
+ output->SetRequestedRegion(m_Region);
+ output->SetBufferedRegion(m_Region);
+ output->SetRegions(m_Region);
+ output->Allocate();
+template <class ImageType>
+ // GO
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> binary_image=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData>::New();
+ binary_image->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
+ // Set spacing
+ PointType samp_origin = m_LikeImage->GetOrigin();
+ SpacingType spacing=m_LikeImage->GetSpacing();
+ double * spacing2 = new double[3];
+ spacing2[0] = spacing[0];
+ spacing2[1] = spacing[1];
+ spacing2[2] = spacing[2];
+ binary_image->SetSpacing(spacing2);
+ // Set origin
+ /// Put the origin on a voxel to avoid small skips
+ binary_image->SetOrigin(samp_origin[0], samp_origin[1], samp_origin[2]);
+ // Compute image bounds
+ binary_image->SetExtent(0,m_LikeImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[0],
+ 0,m_LikeImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[1],
+ 0,m_LikeImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[2]
+ );
+ // Allocate data
+ binary_image->AllocateScalars();
+ memset(binary_image->GetScalarPointer(),0,
+ binary_image->GetDimensions()[0]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[1]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[2]*sizeof(unsigned char));
+ // Image stencil
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil> sts=vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil>::New();
+ //The following line is extremely important
+ //
+ sts->SetTolerance(0);
+ sts->SetInformationInput(binary_image);
+ // Extrusion
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter> extrude=vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter>::New();
+ extrude->SetInput(m_Mesh);
+ // We extrude in the -slice_spacing direction to respect the FOCAL convention
+ extrude->SetVector(0, 0, -m_LikeImage->GetSpacing()[2]);
+ sts->SetInput(extrude->GetOutput());
+ // Stencil
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil> stencil=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil>::New();
+ stencil->SetStencil(sts->GetOutput());
+ stencil->SetInput(binary_image);
+ // Convert VTK to ITK
+ vtkImageExport * m_Exporter = vtkImageExport::New();
+ typedef itk::VTKImageImport< ImageType > ImporterFilterType;
+ typename ImporterFilterType::Pointer m_Importer = ImporterFilterType::New();
+ m_Importer->SetUpdateInformationCallback( m_Exporter->GetUpdateInformationCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetPipelineModifiedCallback( m_Exporter->GetPipelineModifiedCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetWholeExtentCallback( m_Exporter->GetWholeExtentCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetSpacingCallback( m_Exporter->GetSpacingCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetOriginCallback( m_Exporter->GetOriginCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetScalarTypeCallback( m_Exporter->GetScalarTypeCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetNumberOfComponentsCallback( m_Exporter->GetNumberOfComponentsCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetPropagateUpdateExtentCallback( m_Exporter->GetPropagateUpdateExtentCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetUpdateDataCallback( m_Exporter->GetUpdateDataCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetDataExtentCallback( m_Exporter->GetDataExtentCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetBufferPointerCallback( m_Exporter->GetBufferPointerCallback());
+ m_Importer->SetCallbackUserData( m_Exporter->GetCallbackUserData());
+ m_Exporter->SetInput( stencil->GetOutput() );
+ m_Importer->Update();
+ writeImage<ImageType>(m_Importer->GetOutput(), "f.mhd");
+ this->SetNthOutput(0, m_Importer->GetOutput());
+ return;
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
ComputeCentroids(const ImageType * image,
typename ImageType::PixelType BG,
std::vector<typename ImageType::PointType> & centroids);
+ template<class ImageType>
+ void
+ ComputeCentroids2(const ImageType * image,
+ typename ImageType::PixelType BG,
+ std::vector<typename ImageType::PointType> & centroids);
typedef std::map<int, PointType2D> MapPoint2DType;
typedef std::vector<PointType3D> VectorPoint3DType;
+ typedef std::vector<PointType2D> VectorPoint2DType;
static void Convert2DTo3D(const PointType2D & p2D,
const ImageType * image,
const int slice,
PointType3D & p3D);
- static void Convert2DTo3DList(const MapPoint2DType & map,
+ static void Convert2DMapTo3DList(const MapPoint2DType & map,
const ImageType * image,
VectorPoint3DType & list);
+ static void Convert2DListTo3DList(const VectorPoint2DType & p,
+ int slice,
+ const ImageType * image,
+ VectorPoint3DType & list);
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
// clitk
#include "clitkSetBackgroundImageFilter.h"
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ImageType>
+ void
+ ComputeCentroids2(const ImageType * image,
+ typename ImageType::PixelType BG,
+ std::vector<typename ImageType::PointType> & centroids)
+ {
+ typedef long LabelType;
+ static const unsigned int Dim = ImageType::ImageDimension;
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject< LabelType, Dim > LabelObjectType;
+ typedef itk::LabelMap< LabelObjectType > LabelMapType;
+ typedef itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter<ImageType, LabelMapType> ImageToMapFilterType;
+ typename ImageToMapFilterType::Pointer imageToLabelFilter = ImageToMapFilterType::New();
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter<LabelMapType, ImageType> ShapeFilterType;
+ typename ShapeFilterType::Pointer statFilter = ShapeFilterType::New();
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetBackgroundValue(BG);
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetInput(image);
+ statFilter->SetInput(imageToLabelFilter->GetOutput());
+ statFilter->Update();
+ typename LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap = statFilter->GetOutput();
+ centroids.clear();
+ typename ImageType::PointType dummy;
+ centroids.push_back(dummy); // label 0 -> no centroid, use dummy point
+ for(uint i=1; i<labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects()+1; i++) {
+ centroids.push_back(labelMap->GetLabelObject(i)->GetCentroid());
+ }
+ for(uint i=1; i<labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects()+1; i++) {
+ DD(labelMap->GetLabelObject(i)->GetBinaryPrincipalAxes());
+ DD(labelMap->GetLabelObject(i)->GetBinaryFlatness());
+ DD(labelMap->GetLabelObject(i)->GetRoundness ());
+ // search for the point on the boundary alog PA
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class ImageType>
template<class ImageType>
- PointsUtils<ImageType>::Convert2DTo3DList(const MapPoint2DType & map,
+ PointsUtils<ImageType>::Convert2DMapTo3DList(const MapPoint2DType & map,
const ImageType * image,
VectorPoint3DType & list)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ImageType>
+ void
+ PointsUtils<ImageType>::Convert2DListTo3DList(const VectorPoint2DType & p2D,
+ int slice,
+ const ImageType * image,
+ VectorPoint3DType & list)
+ {
+ for(uint i=0; i<p2D.size(); i++) {
+ PointType3D p;
+ Convert2DTo3D(p2D[i], image, slice, p);
+ list.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class ImageType>
// Convert 2D points in slice into 3D points
- clitk::PointsUtils<ImageType>::Convert2DTo3DList(position2D, input, A);
+ clitk::PointsUtils<ImageType>::Convert2DMapTo3DList(position2D, input, A);
// Create additional point just right to the previous ones, on the
// given lineDirection, in order to create a horizontal/vertical line.
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
itkSetMacro(UseASingleObjectConnectedComponentBySliceFlag, bool);
+ itkGetConstMacro(CCLSelectionFlag, bool);
+ itkSetMacro(CCLSelectionFlag, bool);
+ itkBooleanMacro(CCLSelectionFlag);
+ itkGetConstMacro(CCLSelectionDimension, int);
+ itkSetMacro(CCLSelectionDimension, int);
+ itkGetConstMacro(CCLSelectionDirection, int);
+ itkSetMacro(CCLSelectionDirection, int);
+ itkGetConstMacro(CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlag, bool);
+ itkSetMacro(CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlag, bool);
+ itkBooleanMacro(CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlag);
virtual ~SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter() {}
int m_Direction;
bool m_IgnoreEmptySliceObjectFlag;
bool m_UseASingleObjectConnectedComponentBySliceFlag;
+ bool m_CCLSelectionFlag;
+ int m_CCLSelectionDimension;
+ int m_CCLSelectionDirection;
+ bool m_CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlag;
SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
// clitk
#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+ CCLSelectionFlagOn();
+ SetCCLSelectionDimension(0);
+ SetCCLSelectionDirection(1);
+ CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlagOff();
mObjectSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(mObjectSlices[i], 0, 1, 1, 1, true);
+ // Select a single according to a position if more than one CCL
+ if (GetCCLSelectionFlag()) {
+ // if several CCL, choose the most extrema according a direction,
+ // if not -> should we consider this slice ?
+ if (nb<2) {
+ if (GetCCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlag()) {
+ mObjectSlices[i] = SetBackground<SliceType, SliceType>(mObjectSlices[i], mObjectSlices[i],
+ 1, this->GetBackgroundValue(),
+ true);
+ }
+ }
+ int dim = GetCCLSelectionDimension();
+ int direction = GetCCLSelectionDirection();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::PointType> centroids;
+ ComputeCentroids<SliceType>(mObjectSlices[i], this->GetBackgroundValue(), centroids);
+ uint index=1;
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids.size(); j++) {
+ if (direction == 1) {
+ if (centroids[j][dim] > centroids[index][dim]) index = j;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (centroids[j][dim] < centroids[index][dim]) index = j;
+ }
+ }
+ for(uint v=1; v<centroids.size(); v++) {
+ if (v != index) {
+ mObjectSlices[i] = SetBackground<SliceType, SliceType>(mObjectSlices[i], mObjectSlices[i],
+ (char)v, this->GetBackgroundValue(),
+ true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Relative position
typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter<SliceType> RelPosFilterType;
typename RelPosFilterType::Pointer relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New();
mInputSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(mInputSlices[i], 0, 1, 1, 1, true);
+ /*
+ // Select unique CC according to the most in a given direction
+ if (GetUniqueConnectedComponentBySliceAccordingToADirection()) {
+ int nb;
+ mInputSlices[i] = LabelizeAndCountNumberOfObjects<SliceType>(mInputSlices[i], 0, true, 1, nb);
+ std::vector<typename ImageType::PointType> & centroids;
+ ComputeCentroids
+ }
+ */
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
-#ifndef __itkVTKImageToImageFilter_h\r
-#define __itkVTKImageToImageFilter_h\r
-#include "itkVTKImageImport.h"\r
-#include "vtkImageExport.h"\r
-#include "vtkImageData.h"\r
-#ifndef vtkFloatingPointType\r
-#define vtkFloatingPointType float\r
-namespace itk\r
-/** \class VTKImageToImageFilter\r
- * \brief Converts a VTK image into an ITK image and plugs a\r
- * vtk data pipeline to an ITK datapipeline.\r
- *\r
- * This class puts together an itkVTKImageImporter and a vtkImageExporter.\r
- * It takes care of the details related to the connection of ITK and VTK\r
- * pipelines. The User will perceive this filter as an adaptor to which\r
- * a vtkImage can be plugged as input and an itk::Image is produced as\r
- * output.\r
- *\r
- * \ingroup ImageFilters\r
- */\r
-template <class TOutputImage >\r
-class ITK_EXPORT VTKImageToImageFilter : public ProcessObject\r
- /** Standard class typedefs. */\r
- typedef VTKImageToImageFilter Self;\r
- typedef ProcessObject Superclass;\r
- typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;\r
- typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;\r
- /** Method for creation through the object factory. */\r
- itkNewMacro(Self);\r
- /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */\r
- itkTypeMacro(VTKImageToImageFilter, ProcessObject);\r
- /** Some typedefs. */\r
- typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType;\r
- typedef typename OutputImageType::ConstPointer OutputImagePointer;\r
- typedef VTKImageImport< OutputImageType > ImporterFilterType;\r
- typedef typename ImporterFilterType::Pointer ImporterFilterPointer;\r
- /** Get the output in the form of a vtkImage.\r
- This call is delegated to the internal vtkImageImporter filter */\r
- const OutputImageType * GetOutput() const;\r
- /** Set the input in the form of a vtkImageData */\r
- void SetInput( vtkImageData * );\r
- /** Return the internal VTK image exporter filter.\r
- This is intended to facilitate users the access\r
- to methods in the exporter */\r
- vtkImageExport * GetExporter() const;\r
- /** Return the internal ITK image importer filter.\r
- This is intended to facilitate users the access\r
- to methods in the importer */\r
- ImporterFilterType * GetImporter() const;\r
- /** This call delegate the update to the importer */\r
- void Update();\r
- VTKImageToImageFilter();\r
- virtual ~VTKImageToImageFilter();\r
- VTKImageToImageFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented\r
- void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented\r
- ImporterFilterPointer m_Importer;\r
- vtkImageExport * m_Exporter;\r
-} // end namespace itk\r
-#include "itkVTKImageToImageFilter.txx"\r
+#ifndef __itkVTKImageToImageFilter_h
+#define __itkVTKImageToImageFilter_h
+#include "itkVTKImageImport.h"
+#include "vtkImageExport.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#ifndef vtkFloatingPointType
+#define vtkFloatingPointType float
+namespace itk
+/** \class VTKImageToImageFilter
+ * \brief Converts a VTK image into an ITK image and plugs a
+ * vtk data pipeline to an ITK datapipeline.
+ *
+ * This class puts together an itkVTKImageImporter and a vtkImageExporter.
+ * It takes care of the details related to the connection of ITK and VTK
+ * pipelines. The User will perceive this filter as an adaptor to which
+ * a vtkImage can be plugged as input and an itk::Image is produced as
+ * output.
+ *
+ * \ingroup ImageFilters
+ */
+template <class TOutputImage >
+class ITK_EXPORT VTKImageToImageFilter : public ProcessObject
+ /** Standard class typedefs. */
+ typedef VTKImageToImageFilter Self;
+ typedef ProcessObject Superclass;
+ typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
+ typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
+ /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
+ itkNewMacro(Self);
+ /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
+ itkTypeMacro(VTKImageToImageFilter, ProcessObject);
+ /** Some typedefs. */
+ typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType;
+ typedef typename OutputImageType::ConstPointer OutputImagePointer;
+ typedef VTKImageImport< OutputImageType > ImporterFilterType;
+ typedef typename ImporterFilterType::Pointer ImporterFilterPointer;
+ /** Get the output in the form of a vtkImage.
+ This call is delegated to the internal vtkImageImporter filter */
+ // const
+ OutputImageType * GetOutput() const;
+ /** Set the input in the form of a vtkImageData */
+ void SetInput( vtkImageData * );
+ /** Return the internal VTK image exporter filter.
+ This is intended to facilitate users the access
+ to methods in the exporter */
+ vtkImageExport * GetExporter() const;
+ /** Return the internal ITK image importer filter.
+ This is intended to facilitate users the access
+ to methods in the importer */
+ ImporterFilterType * GetImporter() const;
+ /** This call delegate the update to the importer */
+ void Update();
+ VTKImageToImageFilter();
+ virtual ~VTKImageToImageFilter();
+ VTKImageToImageFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ ImporterFilterPointer m_Importer;
+ vtkImageExport * m_Exporter;
+} // end namespace itk
+#include "itkVTKImageToImageFilter.txx"
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
#ifndef _itkVTKImageToImageFilter_txx
#define _itkVTKImageToImageFilter_txx
#include "itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h"
* Get an itk::Image as output
template <class TOutputImage>
-const typename VTKImageToImageFilter<TOutputImage>::OutputImageType *
+typename VTKImageToImageFilter<TOutputImage>::OutputImageType *
::GetOutput() const
--- /dev/null
+* GIT emacs command
+C-x v d
+.gitignore -> contains ignored files
+commit (local)
+push (repository)
+* Test in temp
+git clone clitk3
+need itk4 (git) ?
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkExtractMediastinum clitkExtractMediastinum.cxx ${clitkExtractMediastinum_GGO_C})
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clitkExtractMediastinum clitkCommon clitkSegmentationGgoLib ${ITK_LIBRARIES})
- # WRAP_GGO(clitkExtractLymphStations_GGO_C clitkExtractLymphStations.ggo)
- # ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkExtractLymphStations clitkExtractLymphStations.cxx clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.cxx ${clitkExtractLymphStations_GGO_C})
- # TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clitkExtractLymphStations clitkSegmentationGgoLib clitkCommon ${ITK_LIBRARIES} ITKStatistics)
+ WRAP_GGO(clitkExtractLymphStations_GGO_C clitkExtractLymphStations.ggo)
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkExtractLymphStations clitkExtractLymphStations.cxx clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.cxx ${clitkExtractLymphStations_GGO_C})
+ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clitkExtractLymphStations clitkSegmentationGgoLib clitkCommon ITKIO ITKStatistics vtkHybrid)
WRAP_GGO(clitkMorphoMath_GGO_C clitkMorphoMath.ggo)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkMorphoMath clitkMorphoMath.cxx ${clitkMorphoMath_GGO_C})
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkFillImageRegion clitkFillImageRegion.cxx clitkFillImageRegionGenericFilter.cxx ${clitkFillImageRegion_GGO_C})
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clitkFillImageRegion clitkCommon ${ITK_LIBRARIES})
+ WRAP_GGO(clitkTestFilter_GGO_C clitkTestFilter.ggo)
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(clitkTestFilter clitkTestFilter.cxx ${clitkTestFilter_GGO_C})
+ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clitkTestFilter clitkSegmentationGgoLib clitkCommon vtkHybrid ITKIO)
# ADD_EXECUTABLE(ScalarImageMarkovRandomField1 ScalarImageMarkovRandomField1.cxx)
--- /dev/null
+// vtk
+#include <vtkAppendPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkPolyDataWriter.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+// clitk
+#include "clitkMeshToBinaryImageFilter.h"
+// itk
+#include <itkImageDuplicator.h>
+template<class PointType>
+class comparePointsX {
+ bool operator() (PointType i, PointType j) { return (i[0]<j[0]); }
+template<class PairType>
+class comparePointsWithAngle {
+ bool operator() (PairType i, PairType j) { return (i.second < j.second); }
+template<int Dim>
+void HypercubeCorners(std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim> > & out) {
+ std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim-1> > previous;
+ HypercubeCorners<Dim-1>(previous);
+ out.resize(previous.size()*2);
+ for(uint i=0; i<out.size(); i++) {
+ itk::Point<double, Dim> p;
+ if (i<previous.size()) p[0] = 0;
+ else p[0] = 1;
+ for(int j=0; j<Dim-1; j++)
+ {
+ p[j+1] = previous[i%previous.size()][j];
+ }
+ out[i] = p;
+ }
+void HypercubeCorners<1>(std::vector<itk::Point<double, 1> > & out) {
+ out.resize(2);
+ out[0][0] = 0;
+ out[1][0] = 1;
+template<class ImageType>
+void ComputeImageBoundariesCoordinates(typename ImageType::Pointer image,
+ std::vector<typename ImageType::PointType> & bounds)
+ // Get image max/min coordinates
+ const uint dim=ImageType::ImageDimension;
+ typedef typename ImageType::PointType PointType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::IndexType IndexType;
+ PointType min_c, max_c;
+ IndexType min_i, max_i;
+ min_i = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex();
+ for(uint i=0; i<dim; i++) max_i[i] = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i] + min_i[i];
+ image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(min_i, min_c);
+ image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(max_i, max_c);
+ // Get corners coordinates
+ HypercubeCorners<ImageType::ImageDimension>(bounds);
+ for(uint i=0; i<bounds.size(); i++) {
+ for(uint j=0; j<dim; j++) {
+ if (bounds[i][j] == 0) bounds[i][j] = min_c[j];
+ if (bounds[i][j] == 1) bounds[i][j] = max_c[j];
+ }
+ }
+template <class ImageType>
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "CommonCarotidArtery", 0.7);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicTrunk", 0.7);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicVein", 0.3);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "Aorta", 0.7);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryRight", 0.5);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryLeft", 0.8);
+template <class ImageType>
+ // Apex of the chest or Sternum & Carina.
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Inf/Sup limits with Sternum and TopOfAorticArch/CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVein");
+ /* Rod says: "For the inferior border, unlike in Atlas – UM, there
+ is now a difference between 2R and 2L. 2R stops at the
+ intersection of the caudal margin of the innominate vein with the
+ trachea. 2L extends less inferiorly to the superior border of the
+ aortic arch." */
+ /* Get TopOfAorticArch and CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVein
+ - TopOfAorticArch -> can be obtain from Aorta -> most sup part.
+ - CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVein -> must inf part of BrachicephalicVein
+ */
+ MaskImagePointer Aorta = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Aorta");
+ MaskImagePointType p = Aorta->GetOrigin(); // initialise to avoid warning
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<MaskImageType>(Aorta, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p);
+ double TopOfAorticArchZ=p[2];
+ GetAFDB()->SetDouble("TopOfAorticArchZ", TopOfAorticArchZ);
+ MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicVein = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("BrachioCephalicVein");
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicVein, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, true, p);
+ double CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVeinZ=p[2];
+ GetAFDB()->SetDouble("CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVeinZ", CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVeinZ);
+ // First, cut on the most inferior part. Add one slice because this
+ // inf slice should not be included.
+ double inf = std::min(CaudalMarginOfLeftBrachiocephalicVeinZ, TopOfAorticArchZ) + m_Working_Support->GetSpacing()[2];
+ // Get Sternum and search for the upper position
+ MaskImagePointer Sternum = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Sternum");
+ // Search most sup point
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<MaskImageType>(Sternum, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p);
+ double m_SternumZ = p[2];
+ // +Sternum->GetSpacing()[2]; // One more slice, because it is below this point // NOT HERE ?? WHY DIFFERENT FROM 3A ??
+ //* Crop support :
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, 2,
+ inf, m_SternumZ, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ /* Rod says: "The anterior border, as with the Atlas – UM, is
+ posterior to the vessels (right subclavian vein, left
+ brachiocephalic vein, right brachiocephalic vein, left subclavian
+ artery, left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk).
+ These vessels are not included in the nodal station. The anterior
+ border is drawn to the midpoint of the vessel and an imaginary
+ line joins the middle of these vessels. Between the vessels,
+ station 2 is in contact with station 3a." */
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with CommonCarotidArtery");
+ // Get CommonCarotidArtery
+ MaskImagePointer CommonCarotidArtery = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("CommonCarotidArtery");
+ // Remove Ant to CommonCarotidArtery
+ typedef SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter<MaskImageType> SliceRelPosFilterType;
+ typename SliceRelPosFilterType::Pointer sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_Working_Support);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(CommonCarotidArtery);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "CommonCarotidArtery"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AddOrientationTypeString("NotAntTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IntermediateSpacingFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UniqueConnectedComponentBySliceOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UseASingleObjectConnectedComponentBySliceFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AutoCropFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IgnoreEmptySliceObjectFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->RemoveObjectFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_Working_Support = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Remove Ant to H line from the Ant most part of the
+ // CommonCarotidArtery until we reach the first slice of
+ // BrachioCephalicTrunk
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with CommonCarotidArtery, H line");
+ // First, find the first slice of BrachioCephalicTrunk
+ MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicTrunk = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("BrachioCephalicTrunk");
+ MaskImagePointType p = BrachioCephalicTrunk->GetOrigin(); // initialise to avoid warning
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicTrunk, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p);
+ double TopOfBrachioCephalicTrunkZ=p[2] + BrachioCephalicTrunk->GetSpacing()[2]; // Add one slice
+ // Remove CommonCarotidArtery below this point
+ CommonCarotidArtery = clitk::CropImageBelow<MaskImageType>(CommonCarotidArtery, 2, TopOfBrachioCephalicTrunkZ, true, GetBackgroundValue());
+ // Find most Ant points
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> ccaAntPositionA;
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> ccaAntPositionB;
+ clitk::SliceBySliceBuildLineSegmentAccordingToExtremaPosition<MaskImageType>(CommonCarotidArtery,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 2,
+ 1, true, // Ant
+ 0, // Horizontal line
+ -3, // margin
+ ccaAntPositionA,
+ ccaAntPositionB);
+ // Cut ant to this line
+ clitk::SliceBySliceSetBackgroundFromLineSeparation<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ ccaAntPositionA,
+ ccaAntPositionB,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 1, 10);
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Ant limit with the BrachioCephalicTrunk
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with BrachioCephalicTrunk line");
+ // Remove Ant to BrachioCephalicTrunk
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, BrachioCephalicTrunk, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicTrunk"), "NotAntTo", false, 2, true, false);
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Ant limit with the BrachioCephalicTrunk H line
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with BrachioCephalicTrunk, Horizontal line");
+ // Find most Ant points
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> bctAntPositionA;
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> bctAntPositionB;
+ clitk::SliceBySliceBuildLineSegmentAccordingToExtremaPosition<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicTrunk,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 2,
+ 1, true, // Ant
+ 0, // Horizontal line
+ -1, // margin
+ bctAntPositionA,
+ bctAntPositionB);
+ // Cut ant to this line
+ clitk::SliceBySliceSetBackgroundFromLineSeparation<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ bctAntPositionA,
+ bctAntPositionB,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 1, 10);
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Ant limit with the BrachioCephalicVein
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with BrachioCephalicVein");
+ // Remove Ant to BrachioCephalicVein
+ MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicVein = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("BrachioCephalicVein");
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, BrachioCephalicVein, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicVein"), "NotAntTo", false, 2, true, false);
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ /* Rod says: "The anterior border, as with the Atlas – UM, is
+ posterior to the vessels (right subclavian vein, left
+ brachiocephalic vein, right brachiocephalic vein, left subclavian
+ artery, left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk).
+ These vessels are not included in the nodal station. The anterior
+ border is drawn to the midpoint of the vessel and an imaginary
+ line joins the middle of these vessels. Between the vessels,
+ station 2 is in contact with station 3a." */
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Ant limits with vessels centroids");
+ /* Here, we consider the vessels form a kind of anterior barrier. We
+ link all vessels centroids and remove what is post to it.
+ - select the list of structure
+ vessel1 = BrachioCephalicTrunk
+ vessel2 = BrachioCephalicVein (warning several CCL, keep most at Right)
+ vessel3 = CommonCarotidArtery
+ vessel4 = SubclavianArtery
+ other = Thyroid
+ other = Aorta
+ - crop images as needed
+ - slice by slice, choose the CCL and extract centroids
+ - slice by slice, sort according to polar angle wrt Trachea centroid.
+ - slice by slice, link centroids and close contour
+ - remove outside this contour
+ - merge with support
+ */
+ // Read structures
+ MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicTrunk = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("BrachioCephalicTrunk");
+ MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicVein = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("BrachioCephalicVein");
+ MaskImagePointer CommonCarotidArtery = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("CommonCarotidArtery");
+ MaskImagePointer SubclavianArtery = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("SubclavianArtery");
+ MaskImagePointer Thyroid = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Thyroid");
+ MaskImagePointer Aorta = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Aorta");
+ MaskImagePointer Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Trachea");
+ // Resize all structures like support
+ BrachioCephalicTrunk =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicTrunk, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ CommonCarotidArtery =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(CommonCarotidArtery, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ SubclavianArtery =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(SubclavianArtery, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ Thyroid =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(Thyroid, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ Aorta =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(Aorta, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ BrachioCephalicVein =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicVein, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ Trachea =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(Trachea, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ // Extract slices
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicTrunk, 2, slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_BrachioCephalicVein;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(BrachioCephalicVein, 2, slices_BrachioCephalicVein);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_CommonCarotidArtery;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(CommonCarotidArtery, 2, slices_CommonCarotidArtery);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_SubclavianArtery;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(SubclavianArtery, 2, slices_SubclavianArtery);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_Thyroid;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(Thyroid, 2, slices_Thyroid);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_Aorta;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(Aorta, 2, slices_Aorta);
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointer> slices_Trachea;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(Trachea, 2, slices_Trachea);
+ uint n= slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk.size();
+ // Get the boundaries of one slice
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> bounds;
+ ComputeImageBoundariesCoordinates<MaskSliceType>(slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk[0], bounds);
+ // For all slices, for all structures, find the centroid and build the contour
+ // List of 3D points (for debug)
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> p3D;
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData> append = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData>::New();
+ for(uint i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ // Labelize the slices
+ slices_CommonCarotidArtery[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_CommonCarotidArtery[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ slices_SubclavianArtery[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_SubclavianArtery[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ slices_Thyroid[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_Thyroid[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ slices_Aorta[i] = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_Aorta[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1);
+ // Search centroids
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> points2D;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids1;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids2;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids3;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids4;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids5;
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids6;
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_CommonCarotidArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids1);
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_SubclavianArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids2);
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_BrachioCephalicTrunk[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids3);
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_Thyroid[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids4);
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_Aorta[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids5);
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids6);
+ // BrachioCephalicVein -> when it is separated into two CCL, we
+ // only consider the most at Right one
+ if (centroids6.size() > 2) {
+ if (centroids6[1][0] < centroids6[2][0]) centroids6.erase(centroids6.begin()+2);
+ else centroids6.erase(centroids6.begin()+1);
+ }
+ // BrachioCephalicVein -> when SubclavianArtery has 2 CCL
+ // (BrachioCephalicTrunk is divided) -> forget BrachioCephalicVein
+ if ((centroids3.size() ==1) && (centroids2.size() > 2)) {
+ centroids6.clear();
+ }
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids1.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids1[j]);
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids2.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids2[j]);
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids3.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids3[j]);
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids4.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids4[j]);
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids5.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids5[j]);
+ for(uint j=1; j<centroids6.size(); j++) points2D.push_back(centroids6[j]);
+ // Sort by angle according to trachea centroid and vertical line,
+ // in polar coordinates :
+ //
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> centroids_trachea;
+ ComputeCentroids<MaskSliceType>(slices_Trachea[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids_trachea);
+ typedef std::pair<MaskSlicePointType, double> PointAngleType;
+ std::vector<PointAngleType> angles;
+ for(uint j=0; j<points2D.size(); j++) {
+ //double r = centroids_trachea[1].EuclideanDistanceTo(points2D[j]);
+ double x = (points2D[j][0]-centroids_trachea[1][0]); // X : Right to Left
+ double y = (centroids_trachea[1][1]-points2D[j][1]); // Y : Post to Ant
+ double angle = 0;
+ if (x>0) angle = atan(y/x);
+ if ((x<0) && (y>=0)) angle = atan(y/x)+M_PI;
+ if ((x<0) && (y<0)) angle = atan(y/x)-M_PI;
+ if (x==0) {
+ if (y>0) angle = M_PI/2.0;
+ if (y<0) angle = -M_PI/2.0;
+ if (y==0) angle = 0;
+ }
+ angle = clitk::rad2deg(angle);
+ // Angle is [-180;180] wrt the X axis. We change the X axis to
+ // be the vertical line, because we want to sort from Right to
+ // Left from Post to Ant.
+ if (angle>0)
+ angle = (270-angle);
+ if (angle<0) {
+ angle = -angle-90;
+ if (angle<0) angle = 360-angle;
+ }
+ PointAngleType a;
+ a.first = points2D[j];
+ a.second = angle;
+ angles.push_back(a);
+ }
+ // Do nothing if less than 2 points --> n
+ if (points2D.size() < 3) { //continue;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Sort points2D according to polar angles
+ std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(), comparePointsWithAngle<PointAngleType>());
+ for(uint j=0; j<angles.size(); j++) {
+ points2D[j] = angles[j].first;
+ }
+ // DDV(points2D, points2D.size());
+ /* When vessels are far away, we try to replace the line segment
+ with a curved line that join the two vessels but stay
+ approximately at the same distance from the trachea centroids
+ than the vessels.
+ For that:
+ - let a and c be two successive vessels centroids
+ - id distance(a,c) < threshold, next point
+ - compute mid position between two successive points -
+ compute dist to trachea centroid for the 3 pts - if middle too
+ low, add one point
+ */
+ std::vector<MaskSlicePointType> toadd;
+ uint index = 0;
+ double dmax = 5;
+ while (index<points2D.size()-1) {
+ MaskSlicePointType a = points2D[index];
+ MaskSlicePointType c = points2D[index+1];
+ double dac = a.EuclideanDistanceTo(c);
+ if (dac>dmax) {
+ MaskSlicePointType b;
+ b[0] = a[0]+(c[0]-a[0])/2.0;
+ b[1] = a[1]+(c[1]-a[1])/2.0;
+ // Compute distance to trachea centroid
+ MaskSlicePointType m = centroids_trachea[1];
+ double da = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(a);
+ double db = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(b);
+ //double dc = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(c);
+ // Mean distance, find point on the line from trachea centroid
+ // to b
+ double alpha = (da+db)/2.0;
+ MaskSlicePointType v;
+ double n = sqrt( pow(b[0]-m[0], 2) + pow(b[1]-m[1], 2));
+ v[0] = (b[0]-m[0])/n;
+ v[1] = (b[1]-m[1])/n;
+ MaskSlicePointType r;
+ r[0] = m[0]+alpha*v[0];
+ r[1] = m[1]+alpha*v[1];
+ points2D.insert(points2D.begin()+index+1, r);
+ }
+ else {
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ // DDV(points2D, points2D.size());
+ // Add some points to close the contour
+ // - H line towards Right
+ MaskSlicePointType p = points2D[0];
+ p[0] = bounds[0][0];
+ points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p);
+ // - corner Right/Post
+ p = bounds[0];
+ points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p);
+ // - H line towards Left
+ p = points2D.back();
+ p[0] = bounds[2][0];
+ points2D.push_back(p);
+ // - corner Right/Post
+ p = bounds[2];
+ points2D.push_back(p);
+ // Close contour with the first point
+ points2D.push_back(points2D[0]);
+ // DDV(points2D, points2D.size());
+ // Build 3D points from the 2D points
+ std::vector<ImagePointType> points3D;
+ clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DListTo3DList(points2D, i, m_Working_Support, points3D);
+ for(uint x=0; x<points3D.size(); x++) p3D.push_back(points3D[x]);
+ // Build the mesh from the contour's points
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh = Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(points3D);
+ append->AddInput(mesh);
+ }
+ // DEBUG: write points3D
+ clitk::WriteListOfLandmarks<MaskImageType>(p3D, "vessels-centroids.txt");
+ // Build the final 3D mesh form the list 2D mesh
+ append->Update();
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh = append->GetOutput();
+ // Debug, write the mesh
+ /*
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter> w = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter>::New();
+ w->SetInput(mesh);
+ w->SetFileName("bidon.vtk");
+ w->Write();
+ */
+ // Compute a single binary 3D image from the list of contours
+ clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter<MaskImageType>::Pointer filter =
+ clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter<MaskImageType>::New();
+ filter->SetMesh(mesh);
+ filter->SetLikeImage(m_Working_Support);
+ filter->Update();
+ MaskImagePointer binarizedContour = filter->GetOutput();
+ // Inverse binary mask if needed. We test a point that we know must be in FG. If it is not, inverse
+ ImagePointType p = p3D[2]; // This is the first centroid of the first slice
+ p[1] += 50; // 50 mm Post from this point must be kept
+ ImageIndexType index;
+ binarizedContour->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(p, index);
+ bool isInside = (binarizedContour->GetPixel(index) != GetBackgroundValue());
+ // remove from support
+ typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<MaskImageType> BoolFilterType;
+ typename BoolFilterType::Pointer boolFilter = BoolFilterType::New();
+ boolFilter->InPlaceOn();
+ boolFilter->SetInput1(m_Working_Support);
+ boolFilter->SetInput2(binarizedContour);
+ boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue1(GetBackgroundValue());
+ boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue2(GetBackgroundValue());
+ if (isInside)
+ boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::And);
+ else
+ boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::AndNot);
+ boolFilter->Update();
+ m_Working_Support = boolFilter->GetOutput();
+ // End
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Post limits with post wall of Trachea");
+ // Get Trachea
+ MaskImagePointer Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Trachea");
+ // Resize like the current support (to have the same number of slices)
+ Trachea = clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(Trachea, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ // Find extrema post positions
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> tracheaPostPositionsA;
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> tracheaPostPositionsB;
+ clitk::SliceBySliceBuildLineSegmentAccordingToExtremaPosition<MaskImageType>(Trachea,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 2,
+ 1, false, // Post
+ 0, // Horizontal line
+ 1,
+ tracheaPostPositionsA,
+ tracheaPostPositionsB);
+ // Cut post to this line
+ clitk::SliceBySliceSetBackgroundFromLineSeparation<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ tracheaPostPositionsA,
+ tracheaPostPositionsB,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 1, -10);
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+// Build a vtk mesh from a list of slice number/closed-contours
+template <class ImageType>
+Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(const std::vector<ImagePointType> & points)
+ // create a contour, polydata.
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
+ mesh->Allocate(); //for cell structures
+ mesh->SetPoints(vtkPoints::New());
+ vtkIdType ids[2];
+ int point_number = points.size();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
+ mesh->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(points[i][0],points[i][1],points[i][2]);
+ ids[0]=i;
+ ids[1]=(ids[0]+1)%point_number; //0-1,1-2,...,n-1-0
+ mesh->GetLines()->InsertNextCell(2,ids);
+ }
+ // Return
+ return mesh;
+template <class ImageType>
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Left/Right limits with Aorta");
+ MaskImagePointer Aorta = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Aorta");
+ // DD(GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicVein"));
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, Aorta, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "Aorta"),
+ "RightTo", false, 2, true, false);
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Left/Right limits with SubclavianArtery (Right)");
+ // SliceBySliceRelativePosition + select CCL most at Right
+ MaskImagePointer SubclavianArtery = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("SubclavianArtery");
+ typedef SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter<MaskImageType> SliceRelPosFilterType;
+ typename SliceRelPosFilterType::Pointer sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_Working_Support);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(SubclavianArtery);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryRight"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AddOrientationTypeString("NotRightTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IntermediateSpacingFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UniqueConnectedComponentBySliceOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UseASingleObjectConnectedComponentBySliceFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->CCLSelectionFlagOn(); // select one CCL by slice
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCCLSelectionDimension(0); // select according to X (0) axis
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCCLSelectionDirection(-1); // select most at Right
+ sliceRelPosFilter->CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlagOn(); // ignore if only one CCL
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AutoCropFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IgnoreEmptySliceObjectFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->RemoveObjectFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_Working_Support = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Left/Right limits with SubclavianArtery (Left)");
+ // SliceBySliceRelativePosition + select CCL most at Right
+ sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_Working_Support);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(SubclavianArtery);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryLeft"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AddOrientationTypeString("NotLeftTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IntermediateSpacingFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UniqueConnectedComponentBySliceOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->UseASingleObjectConnectedComponentBySliceFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->CCLSelectionFlagOn(); // select one CCL by slice
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCCLSelectionDimension(0); // select according to X (0) axis
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCCLSelectionDirection(+1); // select most at Left
+ sliceRelPosFilter->CCLSelectionIgnoreSingleCCLFlagOff(); // do not ignore if only one CCL
+ sliceRelPosFilter->AutoCropFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->IgnoreEmptySliceObjectFlagOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->RemoveObjectFlagOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_Working_Support = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ Remove_Structures("2RL", "BrachioCephalicVein");
+ Remove_Structures("2RL", "CommonCarotidArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("2RL", "SubclavianArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("2RL", "Thyroid");
+ Remove_Structures("2RL", "Aorta");
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("[Station 2RL] Separate 2R/2L according to Trachea");
+ /*Rod says:
+ "For station 2 there is a shift, dividing 2R from 2L, from midline
+ to the left paratracheal border."
+ Algo:
+ - Consider Trachea SliceBySlice
+ - find extrema at Left
+ - add margins towards Right
+ - remove what is at Left of this line
+ */
+ // Get Trachea
+ MaskImagePointer Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Trachea");
+ // Resize like the current support (to have the same number of slices)
+ Trachea = clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(Trachea, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ // Find extrema post positions
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> tracheaLeftPositionsA;
+ std::vector<MaskImagePointType> tracheaLeftPositionsB;
+ clitk::SliceBySliceBuildLineSegmentAccordingToExtremaPosition<MaskImageType>(Trachea,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 2,
+ 0, false, // Left
+ 1, // Vertical line
+ 1, // margins
+ tracheaLeftPositionsA,
+ tracheaLeftPositionsB);
+ // Copy support for R and L
+ typedef itk::ImageDuplicator<MaskImageType> DuplicatorType;
+ DuplicatorType::Pointer duplicator = DuplicatorType::New();
+ duplicator->SetInputImage(m_Working_Support);
+ duplicator->Update();
+ MaskImageType::Pointer m_Working_Support2 = duplicator->GetOutput();
+ // Cut post to this line for Right part
+ clitk::SliceBySliceSetBackgroundFromLineSeparation<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ tracheaLeftPositionsA,
+ tracheaLeftPositionsB,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 0, -10);
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, "R.mhd");
+ // Cut post to this line for Left part
+ clitk::SliceBySliceSetBackgroundFromLineSeparation<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support2,
+ tracheaLeftPositionsA,
+ tracheaLeftPositionsB,
+ GetBackgroundValue(), 0, +10);
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support2, "L.mhd");
+ // END
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support;
+ m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support2;
- Program: vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B
-#include <itkBinaryDilateImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkMirrorPadImageFilter.h>
template <class ImageType>
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "Sternum", 0.5);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "SubclavianArtery", 0.5);
MaskImagePointer Sternum = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("Sternum");
m_Working_Support =
clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, Sternum, 2,
- 0.5, "PostTo",
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "Sternum"), "PostTo",
+ false, 3, true, false);
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_ListOfStations["3A"] = m_Working_Support;
+template <class ImageType>
+ StartNewStep("[Station 3A] Post limits with SubclavianArtery");
+ // Get Sternum, keep posterior part.
+ MaskImagePointer SubclavianArtery = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("SubclavianArtery");
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, SubclavianArtery, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "SubclavianArtery"), "AntTo",
false, 3, true, false);
m_ListOfStations["3A"] = m_Working_Support;
- Program: vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B
-#include <itkBinaryDilateImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkMirrorPadImageFilter.h>
template <class ImageType>
StartNewStep("[Station 3P] Remove some structures.");
- Remove_Structures("Aorta");
- Remove_Structures("VertebralBody");
- Remove_Structures("SubclavianArtery");
- Remove_Structures("Esophagus");
- Remove_Structures("Azygousvein");
- Remove_Structures("Thyroid");
- Remove_Structures("VertebralArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "Aorta");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "VertebralBody");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "SubclavianArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "Esophagus");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "Azygousvein");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "Thyroid");
+ Remove_Structures("3P", "VertebralArtery");
m_ListOfStations["3P"] = m_Working_Support;
- Program: vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B
template <class TImageType>
- Program: vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B
template <class TImageType>
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("Bronchi", 0.1);
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein", 0.3);
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein", 0.2);
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightPulmonaryArtery", 0.3);
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftPulmonaryArtery", 0.5);
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("SVC", 0.2);
-template <class TImageType>
-SetFuzzyThresholdForS7(std::string tag, double value)
- m_FuzzyThresholdForS7[tag] = value;
-template <class TImageType>
-GetFuzzyThresholdForS7(std::string tag)
- if (m_FuzzyThresholdForS7.find(tag) != m_FuzzyThresholdForS7.end()) {
- return m_FuzzyThresholdForS7[tag];
- }
- else {
- clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options "+tag+" in the m_FuzzyThresholdForS7 list");
- }
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "Bronchi", 0.1);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein", 0.3);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein", 0.2);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightPulmonaryArtery", 0.3);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftPulmonaryArtery", 0.5);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "SVC", 0.2);
m_Working_Support =
clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, m_LeftBronchus, 2,
- GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("Bronchi"), "RightTo",
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "Bronchi"), "RightTo",
false, 3, false);
StartNewStep("[Station7] Limits with bronchus : LeftTo the right bronchus");
m_Working_Support =
clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, m_RightBronchus, 2,
- GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("Bronchi"), "LeftTo",
+ GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "Bronchi"), "LeftTo",
false, 3, false);
- sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein"));
- sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein"));
- sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightPulmonaryArtery"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightPulmonaryArtery"));
- sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftPulmonaryArtery"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftPulmonaryArtery"));
- sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS7("SVC"));
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("7", "SVC"));
StartNewStep("[Station7] remove some structures");
- Remove_Structures("AzygousVein");
- Remove_Structures("Aorta");
- Remove_Structures("Esophagus");
- Remove_Structures("RightPulmonaryArtery");
- Remove_Structures("LeftPulmonaryArtery");
- Remove_Structures("LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein");
- Remove_Structures("PulmonaryTrunk");
- Remove_Structures("VertebralBody");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "AzygousVein");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "Aorta");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "Esophagus");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "RightPulmonaryArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "LeftPulmonaryArtery");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "PulmonaryTrunk");
+ Remove_Structures("7", "VertebralBody");
// END
- Program: vv
- Authors belong to:
- - University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
- - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
- It is distributed under dual licence
- - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- - CeCILL-B
#include <itkBinaryDilateImageFilter.h>
#include <itkMirrorPadImageFilter.h>
p[0] = 5; p[1] = 10; p[2] = 1;
- SetFuzzyThresholdForS8(0.5);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold("8", "Esophagus", 0.5);
// Convert 2D points in slice into 3D points
std::vector<MaskImagePointType> vertebralAntPositions;
- clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DTo3DList(vertebralAntPositionBySlice,
- VertebralBody,
- vertebralAntPositions);
+ clitk::PointsUtils<MaskImageType>::Convert2DMapTo3DList(vertebralAntPositionBySlice,
+ VertebralBody,
+ vertebralAntPositions);
// DEBUG : write list of points
- relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThresholdForS8());
+ relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold("8", "Esophagus"));
relPosFilter->RemoveObjectFlagOff(); // Do not exclude here because it is dilated
relPosFilter->CombineWithOrFlagOff(); // NO !
StartNewStep("[Station8] remove some structures");
- Remove_Structures("Aorta");
- Remove_Structures("Esophagus");
+ Remove_Structures("8", "Aorta");
+ Remove_Structures("8", "Esophagus");
// END
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
// clitk
#include "clitkExtractLymphStations_ggo.h"
option "station" - "Force to compute station even if already exist in the DB" string no multiple
section "Options for Station 8"
-option "maxAntSpine" - "Distance max to anterior part of the spine in mm" double no default="10"
-option "esophagusDilatationForAnt" - "Dilatation of esophagus, in mm, for 'anterior' limits (default=15,2,1)" double no multiple
+option "maxAntSpine" - "Distance max to anterior part of the spine in mm" double no default="10"
+option "esophagusDilatationForAnt" - "Dilatation of esophagus, in mm, for 'anterior' limits (default=15,2,1)" double no multiple
option "esophagusDilatationForRight" - "Dilatation of esophagus, in mm, for 'right' limits (default=5,10,1)" double no multiple
-option "fuzzyThresholdForS8" - "Threshold for 'Post' to dilated Esophagus" double default="0.5" no
-option "injectedThresholdForS8" - "Threshold injected areas in the ct" double default="150" no
+option "tS8_Esophagus" - "Threshold for 'Post' to dilated Esophagus" double default="0.5" no
+option "injectedThresholdForS8" - "Threshold injected areas in the ct" double default="150" no
section "Options for Station 7"
-option "tS7_Bronchi" - "Threshold for Left/Right bronchi" double default="0.1" no
-option "tS7_LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein" - "Threshold for LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein" double default="0.3" no
+option "tS7_Bronchi" - "Threshold for Left/Right bronchi" double default="0.1" no
+option "tS7_LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein" - "Threshold for LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein" double default="0.3" no
option "tS7_RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein" - "Threshold for RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein" double default="0.2" no
-option "tS7_RightPulmonaryArtery" - "Threshold for RightPulmonaryArtery" double default="0.3" no
-option "tS7_LeftPulmonaryArtery" - "Threshold for LeftPulmonaryArtery (NOT USEFUL YET)" double default="0.5" no
-option "tS7_SVC" - "Threshold for SVC" double default="0.2" no
\ No newline at end of file
+option "tS7_RightPulmonaryArtery" - "Threshold for RightPulmonaryArtery" double default="0.3" no
+option "tS7_LeftPulmonaryArtery" - "Threshold for LeftPulmonaryArtery (NOT USEFUL YET)" double default="0.5" no
+option "tS7_SVC" - "Threshold for SVC" double default="0.2" no
+section "Options for Station 3A"
+option "tS3A_Sternum" - "Threshold for Post to Sternum" double default="0.5" no
+option "tS3A_SubclavianArtery" - "Threshold for Ant to SubclavianArtery" double default="0.2" no
+section "Options for Station 2RL"
+option "tS2RL_CommonCarotidArtery" - "Threshold for NotAntTo to CommonCarotidArtery" double default="0.7" no
+option "tS2RL_BrachioCephalicTrunk" - "Threshold for NotAntTo to BrachioCephalicTrunk" double default="0.7" no
+option "tS2RL_BrachioCephalicVein" - "Threshold for NotAntTo to BrachioCephalicVein" double default="0.3" no
+option "tS2RL_Aorta" - "Threshold for RightTo to Aorta" double default="0.7" no
+option "tS2RL_SubclavianArteryRight" - "Threshold for NotLeft to SubclavianArteryRight" double default="0.5" no
+option "tS2RL_SubclavianArteryLeft" - "Threshold for NotRight to SubclavianArteryLeft" double default="0.8" no
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
#include "clitkFilterBase.h"
#include "clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.h"
+// vtk
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
namespace clitk {
typedef itk::Image<MaskImagePixelType, 2> MaskSliceType;
typedef typename MaskSliceType::Pointer MaskSlicePointer;
+ typedef typename MaskSliceType::PointType MaskSlicePointType;
/** ImageDimension constants */
itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, ImageType::ImageDimension);
itkGetConstMacro(EsophagusDiltationForAnt, MaskImagePointType);
itkSetMacro(EsophagusDiltationForRight, MaskImagePointType);
itkGetConstMacro(EsophagusDiltationForRight, MaskImagePointType);
- itkSetMacro(FuzzyThresholdForS8, double);
- itkGetConstMacro(FuzzyThresholdForS8, double);
itkSetMacro(InjectedThresholdForS8, double);
itkGetConstMacro(InjectedThresholdForS8, double);
// Station 7
- void SetFuzzyThresholdForS7(std::string tag, double value);
- double GetFuzzyThresholdForS7(std::string tag);
// All stations
bool GetComputeStation(std::string s);
void AddComputeStation(std::string station) ;
+ void SetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag, double value);
+ double GetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag);
std::map<std::string, bool> m_ComputeStationMap;
bool CheckForStation(std::string station);
- void Remove_Structures(std::string s);
+ void Remove_Structures(std::string station, std::string s);
+ // Global parameters
+ typedef std::map<std::string, double> FuzzyThresholdByStructureType;
+ std::map<std::string, FuzzyThresholdByStructureType> m_FuzzyThreshold;
// Station 8
double m_DistanceMaxToAnteriorPartOfTheSpine;
double m_DiaphragmInferiorLimit;
double m_CarinaZ;
double m_OriginOfRightMiddleLobeBronchusZ;
- double m_FuzzyThresholdForS8;
double m_InjectedThresholdForS8;
MaskImagePointer m_Esophagus;
MaskImagePointType m_EsophagusDiltationForAnt;
void ExtractStation_3P_LR_sup_Limits_2();
void ExtractStation_3P_LR_inf_Limits();
+ // Station 2RL
+ void ExtractStation_2RL();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_SetDefaultValues();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_SI_Limits();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_Ant_Limits();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_Ant_Limits2();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_Post_Limits();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_LR_Limits();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_Remove_Structures();
+ void ExtractStation_2RL_SeparateRL();
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(const std::vector<ImagePointType> & points);
// Station 3A
void ExtractStation_3A();
void ExtractStation_3A_SetDefaultValues();
void ExtractStation_3A_SI_Limits();
void ExtractStation_3A_Ant_Limits();
+ void ExtractStation_3A_Post_Limits();
// Station 7
void ExtractStation_7();
void ExtractStation_7_Posterior_Limits();
void ExtractStation_7_Remove_Structures();
MaskImagePointer m_Working_Trachea;
- std::map<std::string, double> m_FuzzyThresholdForS7;
MaskImagePointer m_LeftBronchus;
MaskImagePointer m_RightBronchus;
typedef std::vector<MaskImageType::PointType> ListOfPointsType;
#include "clitkExtractLymphStationsFilter.txx"
#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_8.txx"
#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_3P.txx"
+#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_2RL.txx"
#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_3A.txx"
#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_7.txx"
#include "clitkExtractLymphStation_4RL.txx"
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+// clitk
+#include "clitkFilterBase.h"
+#include "clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.h"
+namespace clitk {
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*
+ Try to extract the LymphStations part of a thorax CT.
+ Inputs :
+ - Patient label image
+ - Lungs label image
+ - Bones label image
+ */
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <class TImageType>
+ class ITK_EXPORT ExtractLymphStationsFilter:
+ public virtual clitk::FilterBase,
+ public clitk::FilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement,
+ public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, itk::Image<uchar, 3> >
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Standard class typedefs. */
+ typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, itk::Image<uchar, 3> > Superclass;
+ typedef ExtractLymphStationsFilter Self;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
+ /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
+ itkNewMacro(Self);
+ /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
+ itkTypeMacro(ExtractLymphStationsFilter, InPlaceImageFilter);
+ /** Some convenient typedefs. */
+ typedef TImageType ImageType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointer;
+ typedef typename ImageType::Pointer ImagePointer;
+ typedef typename ImageType::RegionType ImageRegionType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::PixelType ImagePixelType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::SizeType ImageSizeType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::IndexType ImageIndexType;
+ typedef typename ImageType::PointType ImagePointType;
+ typedef uchar MaskImagePixelType;
+ typedef itk::Image<MaskImagePixelType, 3> MaskImageType;
+ typedef typename MaskImageType::Pointer MaskImagePointer;
+ /** Connect inputs */
+ // void SetInput(const TImageType * image);
+ /** ImageDimension constants */
+ itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, TImageType::ImageDimension);
+ itkGetConstMacro(BackgroundValue, ImagePixelType);
+ itkGetConstMacro(ForegroundValue, ImagePixelType);
+ itkSetMacro(BackgroundValue, ImagePixelType);
+ itkSetMacro(ForegroundValue, ImagePixelType);
+ itkSetMacro(FuzzyThreshold, double);
+ itkGetConstMacro(FuzzyThreshold, double);
+ protected:
+ ExtractLymphStationsFilter();
+ virtual ~ExtractLymphStationsFilter() {}
+ virtual void GenerateOutputInformation();
+ virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+ virtual void GenerateData();
+ MaskImagePointer m_mediastinum;
+ MaskImagePointer m_trachea;
+ MaskImagePointer m_working_mediastinum;
+ MaskImagePointer m_working_trachea;
+ MaskImagePointer m_output;
+ ImagePixelType m_BackgroundValue;
+ ImagePixelType m_ForegroundValue;
+ double m_CarinaZPositionInMM;
+ bool m_CarinaZPositionInMMIsSet;
+ double m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM;
+ double m_IntermediateSpacing;
+ double m_FuzzyThreshold;
+ private:
+ ExtractLymphStationsFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+ }; // end class
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // end namespace clitk
+#include "clitkExtractLymphStationsFilter.txx"
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+// clitk
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+#include "clitkExtractLymphStationsFilter.h"
+#include "clitkAddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+#include "clitkAutoCropFilter.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+#include "clitkSliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter.h"
+// itk
+#include <itkStatisticsLabelMapFilter.h>
+#include <itkLabelImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter.h>
+#include <itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
+#include <itkImageSliceIteratorWithIndex.h>
+#include <itkBinaryThinningImageFilter.h>
+// itk ENST
+#include "RelativePositionPropImageFilter.h"
+template <class TImageType>
+ clitk::FilterBase(),
+ clitk::FilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement(),
+ itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, MaskImageType>()
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1);
+ SetBackgroundValue(0);
+ SetForegroundValue(1);
+ SetFuzzyThreshold(0.5);
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateOutputInformation() {
+ // Superclass::GenerateOutputInformation();
+ // Get input
+ LoadAFDB();
+ m_mediastinum = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("mediastinum");
+ m_trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("trachea");
+ ImagePointType carina;
+ GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("carina", carina);
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM = carina[2];
+ DD(m_CarinaZPositionInMM);
+ ImagePointType mlb;
+ GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("middleLobeBronchus", mlb);
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM = mlb[2];
+ DD(m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Superior limit = carina
+ // Inferior limit = origin right middle lobe bronchus
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup mediastinum limits with carina/bronchus");
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_mediastinum, 2,
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM,
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum);
+ m_output = m_working_mediastinum;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Superior limit = carina
+ // Inferior limit = origin right middle lobe bronchus
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup trachea limits with carina/bronchus");
+ m_working_trachea =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_trachea, 2,
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM,
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Separate trachea in two CCL
+ StartNewStep("Separate trachea under carina");
+ // Labelize and consider two main labels
+ m_working_trachea = Labelize<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, 0, true, 1);
+ // Carina position must at the first slice that separate the two main bronchus (not superiorly)
+ // Check that upper slice is composed of at least two labels
+ typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex<MaskImageType> SliceIteratorType;
+ SliceIteratorType iter(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ iter.SetFirstDirection(0);
+ iter.SetSecondDirection(1);
+ iter.GoToReverseBegin(); // Start from the end (because image is IS not SI)
+ int maxLabel=0;
+ while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfSlice()) {
+ while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfLine()) {
+ // DD(iter.GetIndex());
+ if (iter.Get() > maxLabel) maxLabel = iter.Get();
+ --iter;
+ }
+ iter.PreviousLine();
+ }
+ if (maxLabel < 2) {
+ clitkExceptionMacro("First slice form Carina does not seems to seperate the two main bronchus. Abort");
+ }
+ // Compute centroid of both parts to identify the left from the right bronchus
+ typedef long LabelType;
+ static const unsigned int Dim = ImageType::ImageDimension;
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject< LabelType, Dim > LabelObjectType;
+ typedef itk::LabelMap< LabelObjectType > LabelMapType;
+ typedef itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter<MaskImageType, LabelMapType> ImageToMapFilterType;
+ typename ImageToMapFilterType::Pointer imageToLabelFilter = ImageToMapFilterType::New();
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter<LabelMapType, MaskImageType> ShapeFilterType;
+ typename ShapeFilterType::Pointer statFilter = ShapeFilterType::New();
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetBackgroundValue(GetBackgroundValue());
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetInput(m_working_trachea);
+ statFilter->SetInput(imageToLabelFilter->GetOutput());
+ statFilter->Update();
+ typename LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap = statFilter->GetOutput();
+ ImagePointType C1 = labelMap->GetLabelObject(1)->GetCentroid();
+ ImagePointType C2 = labelMap->GetLabelObject(2)->GetCentroid();
+ ImagePixelType leftLabel;
+ ImagePixelType rightLabel;
+ if (C1[0] < C2[0]) { leftLabel = 1; rightLabel = 2; }
+ else { leftLabel = 2; rightLabel = 1; }
+ DD(leftLabel);
+ DD(rightLabel);
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Left limits with bronchus (slice by slice)");
+ // Select LeftLabel (set one label to Backgroundvalue)
+ MaskImagePointer leftBronchus =
+ SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea,
+ rightLabel, GetBackgroundValue());
+ MaskImagePointer rightBronchus =
+ SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea,
+ leftLabel, GetBackgroundValue());
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(leftBronchus, "left.mhd");
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(rightBronchus, "right.mhd");
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ leftBronchus, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold(), "RightTo",
+ true, 4);
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ rightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "LeftTo",
+ true, 4);
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ leftBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "AntTo",
+ true, 4, true); // NOT
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ rightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "AntTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ leftBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "PostTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_working_mediastinum =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_mediastinum,
+ rightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "PostTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_output = m_working_mediastinum;
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_output);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Posterior limits");
+ // Left Bronchus slices
+ typedef clitk::ExtractSliceFilter<MaskImageType> ExtractSliceFilterType;
+ typedef typename ExtractSliceFilterType::SliceType SliceType;
+ typename ExtractSliceFilterType::Pointer
+ extractSliceFilter = ExtractSliceFilterType::New();
+ extractSliceFilter->SetInput(leftBronchus);
+ extractSliceFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ extractSliceFilter->Update();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::Pointer> leftBronchusSlices;
+ extractSliceFilter->GetOutputSlices(leftBronchusSlices);
+ // Right Bronchus slices
+ extractSliceFilter = ExtractSliceFilterType::New();
+ extractSliceFilter->SetInput(rightBronchus);
+ extractSliceFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ extractSliceFilter->Update();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::Pointer> rightBronchusSlices ;
+ extractSliceFilter->GetOutputSlices(rightBronchusSlices);
+ assert(leftBronchusSlices.size() == rightBronchusSlices.size());
+ std::vector<MaskImageType::PointType> leftPoints;
+ std::vector<MaskImageType::PointType> rightPoints;
+ for(uint i=0; i<leftBronchusSlices.size(); i++) {
+ // Keep main CCL
+ leftBronchusSlices[i] = Labelize<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i], 0, true, 10);
+ leftBronchusSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ GetForegroundValue(), 1, 1, true);
+ rightBronchusSlices[i] = Labelize<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i], 0, true, 10);
+ rightBronchusSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ GetForegroundValue(), 1, 1, true);
+ double distance_max_from_center_point = 15;
+ // ------- Find point in left Bronchus -------
+ // find right most point in left = rightMost
+ SliceType::PointType a;
+ SliceType::PointType rightMost =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 0, false, a, 0);
+ // find post most point in left, not far away from rightMost
+ SliceType::PointType p =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 1, false, rightMost,
+ distance_max_from_center_point);
+ MaskImageType::PointType pp;
+ pp[0] = p[0]; pp[1] = p[1];
+ pp[2] = i*leftBronchus->GetSpacing()[2] + leftBronchus->GetOrigin()[2];
+ leftPoints.push_back(pp);
+ // ------- Find point in right Bronchus -------
+ // find left most point in right = leftMost
+ SliceType::PointType leftMost =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 0, true, a, 0);
+ // find post most point in left, not far away from leftMost
+ p = clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 1, false, leftMost,
+ distance_max_from_center_point);
+ pp[0] = p[0]; pp[1] = p[1];
+ pp[2] = i*rightBronchus->GetSpacing()[2] + rightBronchus->GetOrigin()[2];
+ rightPoints.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ // DEBUG
+ std::ofstream osl;
+ openFileForWriting(osl, "left.txt");
+ osl << "LANDMARKS1" << std::endl;
+ std::ofstream osr;
+ openFileForWriting(osr, "right.txt");
+ osr << "LANDMARKS1" << std::endl;
+ for(uint i=0; i<leftBronchusSlices.size(); i++) {
+ osl << i << " " << leftPoints[i][0] << " " << leftPoints[i][1]
+ << " " << leftPoints[i][2] << " 0 0 " << std::endl;
+ osr << i << " " << rightPoints[i][0] << " " << rightPoints[i][1]
+ << " " << rightPoints[i][2] << " 0 0 " << std::endl;
+ }
+ osl.close();
+ osr.close();
+ // Now uses these points to limit, slice by slice
+ //
+ /*
+ Assuming the points are (Ax,Ay) (Bx,By) and (Cx,Cy), you need to compute:
+ (Bx - Ax) * (Cy - Ay) - (By - Ay) * (Cx - Ax)
+ This will equal zero if the point C is on the line formed by points A and B, and will have a different sign depending on the side. Which side this is depends on the orientation of your (x,y) coordinates, but you can plug test values for A,B and C into this formula to determine whether negative values are to the left or to the right.
+ => to accelerate, start with formula, when change sign -> stop and fill
+ */
+ // typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex<MaskImageType> SliceIteratorType;
+ iter = SliceIteratorType(m_working_mediastinum, m_working_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ iter.SetFirstDirection(0);
+ iter.SetSecondDirection(1);
+ iter.GoToBegin();
+ int i=0;
+ MaskImageType::PointType A;
+ MaskImageType::PointType B;
+ MaskImageType::PointType C;
+ while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) {
+ A = leftPoints[i];
+ B = rightPoints[i];
+ C = A;
+ C[1] -= 10; // I know I must keep this point
+ double s = (B[0] - A[0]) * (C[1] - A[1]) - (B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]);
+ bool isPositive = s<0;
+ while (!iter.IsAtEndOfSlice()) {
+ while (!iter.IsAtEndOfLine()) {
+ // Very slow, I know ... but image should be very small
+ m_working_mediastinum->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(iter.GetIndex(), C);
+ double s = (B[0] - A[0]) * (C[1] - A[1]) - (B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]);
+ if (s == 0) iter.Set(2);
+ if (isPositive) {
+ if (s > 0) iter.Set(GetBackgroundValue());
+ }
+ else {
+ if (s < 0) iter.Set(GetBackgroundValue());
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ iter.NextLine();
+ }
+ iter.NextSlice();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ // StartNewStep("Anterior limits");
+ // Station 4R, Station 4L, the right pulmonary artery, and/or the
+ // left superior pulmonary vein
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ // ALSO SUBSTRACT ARTERY/VEIN (initially in the support)
+ // Set output image information (required)
+ MaskImagePointer outputImage = this->GetOutput(0);
+ outputImage->SetRegions(m_working_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ outputImage->SetOrigin(m_working_mediastinum->GetOrigin());
+ outputImage->SetRequestedRegion(m_working_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateInputRequestedRegion() {
+ DD("GenerateInputRequestedRegion");
+ // Call default
+ // Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+ // Following needed because output region can be greater than input (trachea)
+ //ImagePointer mediastinum = dynamic_cast<TImageType*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+ //ImagePointer trachea = dynamic_cast<TImageType*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+ DD("set reg");
+ m_mediastinum->SetRequestedRegion(m_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ m_trachea->SetRequestedRegion(m_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ DD("end");
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateData() {
+ DD("GenerateData");
+ // Final Step -> graft output (if SetNthOutput => redo)
+ this->GraftOutput(m_output);
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
// Default values
+ ExtractStation_2RL_SetDefaultValues();
+ // Extract Station2RL
+ StartNewStep("Station 2RL");
+ StartSubStep();
+ ExtractStation_2RL();
+ StopSubStep();
// Extract Station3A
StartNewStep("Station 3A");
- //
- // typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<MaskImageType> BFilter;
- //BFilter::Pointer merge = BFilter::New();
- // writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_Output, "ouput.mhd");
- //writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, "ws.mhd");
- /*merge->SetInput1(m_Station7);
- merge->SetInput2(m_Station4RL); // support
- merge->SetOperationType(BFilter::AndNot); CHANGE OPERATOR
- merge->SetForegroundValue(4);
- merge->Update();
- m_Output = merge->GetOutput();
- */
if (CheckForStation("3A")) {
+ ExtractStation_3A_Post_Limits();
// Store image filenames into AFDB
writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_ListOfStations["3A"], "seg/Station3A.mhd");
GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename("Station3A", "seg/Station3A.mhd");
+template <class TImageType>
+ if (CheckForStation("2RL")) {
+ ExtractStation_2RL_SI_Limits();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_Post_Limits();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_Ant_Limits2();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_Ant_Limits();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_LR_Limits();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_Remove_Structures();
+ ExtractStation_2RL_SeparateRL();
+ // Store image filenames into AFDB
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_ListOfStations["2R"], "seg/Station2R.mhd");
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_ListOfStations["2L"], "seg/Station2L.mhd");
+ GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename("Station2R", "seg/Station2R.mhd");
+ GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename("Station2L", "seg/Station2L.mhd");
+ WriteAFDB();
+ }
template <class TImageType>
template <class ImageType>
-Remove_Structures(std::string s)
+Remove_Structures(std::string station, std::string s)
try {
- StartNewStep("[Station7] Remove "+s);
+ StartNewStep("[Station"+station+"] Remove "+s);
MaskImagePointer Structure = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>(s);
clitk::AndNot<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support, Structure, GetBackgroundValue());
+template <class TImageType>
+SetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag, double value)
+ m_FuzzyThreshold[station][tag] = value;
+template <class TImageType>
+GetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag)
+ if (m_FuzzyThreshold.find(station) == m_FuzzyThreshold.end()) {
+ clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options for station "+station+" in the list (while searching for tag "+tag+").");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if (m_FuzzyThreshold[station].find(tag) == m_FuzzyThreshold[station].end()) {
+ clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options "+tag+" in the list of FuzzyThreshold for station "+station+".");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ return m_FuzzyThreshold[station][tag];
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+// clitk
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+#include "clitkExtractLymphStationsFilter.h"
+#include "clitkAddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+#include "clitkAutoCropFilter.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+#include "clitkSliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter.h"
+// itk
+#include <itkStatisticsLabelMapFilter.h>
+#include <itkLabelImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter.h>
+#include <itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
+#include <itkBinaryThinningImageFilter.h>
+// itk ENST
+#include "RelativePositionPropImageFilter.h"
+template <class TImageType>
+ clitk::FilterBase(),
+ clitk::FilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement(),
+ itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, MaskImageType>()
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1);
+ SetBackgroundValue(0);
+ SetForegroundValue(1);
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateOutputInformation() {
+ // Superclass::GenerateOutputInformation();
+ // Get input
+ LoadAFDB();
+ m_mediastinum = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("mediastinum");
+ m_trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("trachea");
+ ImagePointType carina;
+ GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("carina", carina);
+ DD(carina);
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM = carina[2];
+ DD(m_CarinaZPositionInMM);
+ ImagePointType mlb;
+ GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("middleLobeBronchus", mlb);
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM = mlb[2];
+ DD(m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Superior limit = carina
+ // Inferior limit = origin right middle lobe bronchus
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup mediastinum limits with carina/bronchus");
+ ImageRegionType region = m_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); DD(region);
+ ImageSizeType size = region.GetSize();
+ ImageIndexType index = region.GetIndex();
+ DD(m_CarinaZPositionInMM);
+ DD(m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM);
+ index[2] = floor((m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM - m_mediastinum->GetOrigin()[2]) / m_mediastinum->GetSpacing()[2]);
+ size[2] = 1+ceil((m_CarinaZPositionInMM-m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM) / m_mediastinum->GetSpacing()[2]); // +1 to
+ region.SetSize(size);
+ region.SetIndex(index);
+ DD(region);
+ typedef itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter<MaskImageType, MaskImageType> CropFilterType;
+ typename CropFilterType::Pointer cropFilter = CropFilterType::New();
+ cropFilter->SetInput(m_mediastinum);
+ cropFilter->SetRegionOfInterest(region);
+ cropFilter->Update();
+ m_working_image = cropFilter->GetOutput();
+ // Auto Crop (because following rel pos is faster)
+ m_working_image = clitk::AutoCrop<MaskImageType>(m_working_image, 0);
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_image);
+ m_output = m_working_image;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Separate trachea in two CCL
+ StartNewStep("Separate trachea under carina");
+ // DD(region);
+ ImageRegionType trachea_region = m_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
+ for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ index[i] = floor(((index[i]*m_mediastinum->GetSpacing()[i])+m_mediastinum->GetOrigin()[i]
+ -m_trachea->GetOrigin()[i])/m_trachea->GetSpacing()[i]);
+ // DD(index[i]);
+ size[i] = ceil((size[i]*m_mediastinum->GetSpacing()[i])/m_trachea->GetSpacing()[i]);
+ // DD(size[i]);
+ if (index[i] < 0) {
+ size[i] += index[i];
+ index[i] = 0;
+ }
+ if (size[i]+index[i] > (trachea_region.GetSize()[i] + trachea_region.GetIndex()[i])) {
+ size[i] = trachea_region.GetSize()[i] + trachea_region.GetIndex()[i] - index[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // DD(index);
+ // DD(size);
+ region.SetIndex(index);
+ region.SetSize(size);
+ // typedef itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter<MaskImageType, MaskImageType> CropFilterType;
+ // typename CropFilterType::Pointer
+ cropFilter = CropFilterType::New();
+ // m_trachea.Print(std::cout);
+ cropFilter->SetInput(m_trachea);
+ cropFilter->SetRegionOfInterest(region);
+ cropFilter->Update();
+ m_working_trachea = cropFilter->GetOutput();
+ // Labelize and consider two main labels
+ m_working_trachea = Labelize<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, 0, true, 1);
+ // Detect wich label is at Left
+ typedef itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex<MaskImageType> SliceIteratorType;
+ SliceIteratorType iter(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ iter.SetFirstDirection(0);
+ iter.SetSecondDirection(1);
+ iter.GoToBegin();
+ bool stop = false;
+ ImagePixelType leftLabel;
+ ImagePixelType rightLabel;
+ while (!stop) {
+ if (iter.Get() != GetBackgroundValue()) {
+ // DD(iter.GetIndex());
+ // DD((int)iter.Get());
+ leftLabel = iter.Get();
+ stop = true;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ if (leftLabel == 1) rightLabel = 2;
+ else rightLabel = 1;
+ DD((int)leftLabel);
+ DD((int)rightLabel);
+ // End step
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ /* DD("TEST Skeleton");
+ typedef itk::BinaryThinningImageFilter<MaskImageType, MaskImageType> SkeletonFilterType;
+ typename SkeletonFilterType::Pointer skeletonFilter = SkeletonFilterType::New();
+ skeletonFilter->SetInput(m_working_trachea);
+ skeletonFilter->Update();
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(skeletonFilter->GetOutput(), "skel.mhd");
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(skeletonFilter->GetThinning(), "skel2.mhd");
+ */
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Left limits with bronchus (slice by slice)");
+ // Select LeftLabel (set right label to 0)
+ MaskImagePointer temp = SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea, rightLabel, 0);
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(temp, "temp1.mhd");
+ m_working_image =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_working_image,
+ temp,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "RightTo");
+ /*
+ typedef clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter<MaskImageType> SliceRelPosFilterType;
+ typename SliceRelPosFilterType::Pointer sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCurrentStepBaseId(this->GetCurrentStepId());
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_working_image);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(temp);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold());
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetOrientationTypeString("RightTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_working_image = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();*/
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_working_image, "afterslicebyslice.mhd");
+ typedef clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter<MaskImageType> SliceRelPosFilterType;
+ typename SliceRelPosFilterType::Pointer sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Right limits with bronchus (slice by slice)");
+ // Select LeftLabel (set right label to 0)
+ temp = SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea, leftLabel, 0);
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(temp, "temp2.mhd");
+ sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCurrentStepBaseId(this->GetCurrentStepId());
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepOff();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_working_image);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(temp);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold());
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetOrientationTypeString("LeftTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_working_image = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_working_image, "afterslicebyslice.mhd");
+ DD("end");
+ m_output = m_working_image;
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_output);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Trial Post position according to trachea");
+ // Post: do not extend past the post wall of the 2 main bronchi
+ sliceRelPosFilter = SliceRelPosFilterType::New();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetCurrentStepBaseId(this->GetCurrentStepId());
+ sliceRelPosFilter->VerboseStepOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->WriteStepOn();
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInput(m_output);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetInputObject(m_trachea);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(GetFuzzyThreshold());
+ // It means "not PostTo" (different from AntTo)
+ sliceRelPosFilter->NotFlagOn();
+ //sliceRelPosFilter->SetOrientationType(SliceRelPosFilterType::RelPosFilterType::PostTo);
+ sliceRelPosFilter->SetOrientationTypeString("PostTo");
+ sliceRelPosFilter->Update();
+ m_output = sliceRelPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_output, "postrelpos.mhd");
+ // Set output image information (required)
+ MaskImagePointer outputImage = this->GetOutput(0);
+ outputImage->SetRegions(m_working_image->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ outputImage->SetOrigin(m_working_image->GetOrigin());
+ outputImage->SetRequestedRegion(m_working_image->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ DD("end2");
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateInputRequestedRegion() {
+ DD("GenerateInputRequestedRegion");
+ // Call default
+ // Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+ // Following needed because output region can be greater than input (trachea)
+ //ImagePointer mediastinum = dynamic_cast<TImageType*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+ //ImagePointer trachea = dynamic_cast<TImageType*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+ DD("set reg");
+ m_mediastinum->SetRequestedRegion(m_mediastinum->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ m_trachea->SetRequestedRegion(m_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ DD("end");
+template <class TImageType>
+GenerateData() {
+ DD("GenerateData");
+ // Final Step -> graft output (if SetNthOutput => redo)
+ this->GraftOutput(m_output);
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+ // Station 8
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS8(mArgsInfo.fuzzyThresholdForS8_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("8", "Esophagus", mArgsInfo.tS8_Esophagus_arg);
// Check multiple options for radius dilatation
// Station 7
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("Bronchi", mArgsInfo.tS7_Bronchi_arg);
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein", mArgsInfo.tS7_LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein_arg);
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein", mArgsInfo.tS7_RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein_arg);
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("RightPulmonaryArtery", mArgsInfo.tS7_RightPulmonaryArtery_arg);
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("LeftPulmonaryArtery", mArgsInfo.tS7_LeftPulmonaryArtery_arg);
- f->SetFuzzyThresholdForS7("SVC", mArgsInfo.tS7_SVC_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "Bronchi", mArgsInfo.tS7_Bronchi_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein", mArgsInfo.tS7_LeftSuperiorPulmonaryVein_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein", mArgsInfo.tS7_RightSuperiorPulmonaryVein_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "RightPulmonaryArtery", mArgsInfo.tS7_RightPulmonaryArtery_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "LeftPulmonaryArtery", mArgsInfo.tS7_LeftPulmonaryArtery_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("7", "SVC", mArgsInfo.tS7_SVC_arg);
+ // Station 3A
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "Sternum", mArgsInfo.tS3A_Sternum_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("3A", "SubclavianArtery", mArgsInfo.tS3A_SubclavianArtery_arg);
+ // Station 2RL
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "CommonCarotidArtery", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_CommonCarotidArtery_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicTrunk", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_BrachioCephalicTrunk_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "BrachioCephalicVein", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_BrachioCephalicVein_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "Aorta", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_Aorta_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryLeft", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_SubclavianArteryLeft_arg);
+ f->SetFuzzyThreshold("2RL", "SubclavianArteryRight", mArgsInfo.tS2RL_SubclavianArteryRight_arg);
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
- ===========================================================================**/
+ ======================================================================-====*/
#include "clitkFilterBase.h"
#include "clitkFilterWithAnatomicalFeatureDatabaseManagement.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
namespace clitk {
Authors belong to:
- University of LYON
- - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
- CREATIS CNRS laboratory
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
#ifndef clitkReconstructThroughDilationImageFilter_txx
#define clitkReconstructThroughDilationImageFilter_txx
-/* =================================================
- * @file clitkReconstructThroughDilationImageFilter.txx
- * @author
- * @date
- *
- * @brief
- *
- ===================================================*/
namespace clitk
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+// clitk
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+ // Typedef
+ typedef uchar MaskImagePixelType;
+ typedef short ImagePixelType;
+ typedef itk::Image<ImagePixelType, 3> ImageType;
+ typedef itk::Image<MaskImagePixelType, 3> MaskImageType;
+ // Input
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // This is the end, my friend
--- /dev/null
+ Program: vv
+ Authors belong to:
+ - University of LYON
+ - Léon Bérard cancer center
+ - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information.
+ It is distributed under dual licence
+ - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file
+ - CeCILL-B
+ ======================================================================-====*/
+// clitk
+#include "clitkTestFilter_ggo.h"
+#include "clitkImageCommon.h"
+#include "clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkAutoCropFilter.h"
+//#include "clitkRelativePositionConstraintLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkResampleImageWithOptionsFilter.h"
+#include "clitkAddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkExtractLungFilter.h"
+#include "clitkExtractPatientFilter.h"
+#include "clitkExtractMediastinumFilter.h"
+//#include "clitkTestStation7.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+#include "clitkMorphoMathFilter.h"
+#include "RelativePositionPropImageFilter.h"
+// VTK
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkPolyDataWriter.h>
+#include <vtkImageData.h>
+#include <vtkMetaImageWriter.h>
+#include <vtkPolyDataToImageStencil.h>
+#include <vtkLinearExtrusionFilter.h>
+#include <vtkImageStencil.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+template<class PointType>
+class comparePointsX {
+ bool operator() (PointType i, PointType j) { return (i[0]<j[0]); }
+template<int Dim>
+void HypercubeCorners(std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim> > & out) {
+ std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim-1> > previous;
+ HypercubeCorners<Dim-1>(previous);
+ out.resize(previous.size()*2);
+ for(uint i=0; i<out.size(); i++) {
+ itk::Point<double, Dim> p;
+ if (i<previous.size()) p[0] = 0;
+ else p[0] = 1;
+ for(int j=0; j<Dim; j++) p[j+1] = previous[i%previous.size()][j]; //NON i p
+ out[i] = p;
+ }
+void HypercubeCorners<1>(std::vector<itk::Point<double, 1> > & out) {
+ out.resize(2);
+ out[0][0] = 0;
+ out[1][0] = 1;
+int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
+ // Init command line
+ GGO(clitkTestFilter, args_info);
+ // Image types
+ //typedef unsigned char PixelType;
+ typedef short PixelType;
+ static const int Dim=3;
+ typedef itk::Image<PixelType, Dim> InputImageType;
+ // Read inputs
+ InputImageType::Pointer input1;
+ InputImageType::Pointer input2;
+ InputImageType::Pointer input3;
+ if (args_info.input1_given) input1 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input1_arg, true);
+ if (args_info.input2_given) input2 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input2_arg, true);
+ if (args_info.input3_given) input3 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input3_arg, true);
+ // Declare output
+ InputImageType::Pointer output;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter
+ if (0) {
+ typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput1(input1);
+ filter->SetInput2(input2);
+ output = clitk::NewImageLike<InputImageType>(input1);
+ filter->GraftOutput(output); /// TO VERIFY !!!
+ filter->Update();
+ filter->SetInput2(input3);
+ filter->Update();
+ output = filter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test AutoCropLabelImageFilter
+ if (0) {
+ typedef clitk::AutoCropFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput(input1);
+ filter->Update();
+ output = filter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test RelativePositionPropImageFilter
+ if (0) {
+ typedef itk::Image<float, Dim> OutputImageType;
+ OutputImageType::Pointer outputf;
+ typedef itk::RelativePositionPropImageFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput(input1);
+ filter->SetAlpha1(clitk::deg2rad(args_info.angle1_arg)); // xy plane
+ filter->SetAlpha2(clitk::deg2rad(args_info.angle2_arg));
+ filter->SetK1(M_PI/2.0); // Opening parameter, default = pi/2
+ filter->SetFast(true);
+ filter->SetRadius(2);
+ filter->SetVerboseProgress(true);
+ /* A1 A2
+ Left 0 0
+ Right 180 0
+ Ant 90 0
+ Post -90 0
+ Inf 0 90
+ Sup 0 -90
+ */
+ filter->Update();
+ clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test
+ if (0) {
+ typedef itk::Image<short, Dim> OutputImageType;
+ typedef clitk::ResampleImageWithOptionsFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput(input1);
+ filter->SetOutputIsoSpacing(1);
+ //filter->SetNumberOfThreads(4); // auto
+ filter->SetGaussianFilteringEnabled(false);
+ filter->Update();
+ clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter test
+ if (0) {
+ /*
+ typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput(input1);
+ filter->SetInputObject(input2);
+ filter->SetOrientationType(FilterType::LeftTo);
+ filter->SetIntermediateSpacing(5);
+ filter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.5);
+ filter->VerboseStepOn();
+ filter->WriteStepOff();
+ filter->Update();
+ filter->SetInput(filter->GetOutput());
+ filter->SetInputObject(input2);
+ filter->SetOrientationType(FilterType::RightTo);
+ filter->SetIntermediateSpacing(5);
+ filter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.5);
+ filter->Update();
+ clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
+ */
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test ExtractPatientFilter
+ if (0) {
+ /*
+ typedef itk::Image<char, Dim> OutputImageType;
+ typedef clitk::ExtractPatientFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInput(input1);
+ filter->VerboseStepOn();
+ filter->WriteStepOn();
+ // options (default)
+ filter->SetUpperThreshold(-300);
+ filter->FinalOpenCloseOff(); // default=on (not rezally needed ?)
+ filter->Update();
+ OutputImageType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
+ */
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test ExtractLungsFilter
+ if (0) {
+ /*
+ typedef itk::Image<PixelType, Dim> OutputImageType; // to change into char
+ typedef clitk::ExtractLungFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ // DD(filter->GetNumberOfSteps());
+ filter->SetInput(input1); // CT
+ filter->SetInputPatientMask(input2, 0); // Patient mask and BG value
+ filter->VerboseStepOn();
+ filter->WriteStepOn();
+ // options (default)
+ //filter->SetBackgroundValue(0);
+ filter->SetUpperThreshold(-300);
+ // filter->SetMinimumComponentSize(100);
+ filter->Update();
+ OutputImageType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
+ */
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Filter test ExtractMediastinumFilter
+ if (0) {
+ /*
+ typedef clitk::ExtractMediastinumFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
+ FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
+ filter->SetInputPatientLabelImage(input1);
+ filter->SetInputLungLabelImage(input2, 0, 1, 2); // BG, FG Left Lung, FG Right Lung
+ filter->SetInputBonesLabelImage(input3);
+ filter->VerboseStepOn();
+ filter->WriteStepOn();
+ filter->Update();
+ output = filter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
+ */
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test for auto register sub-task in a segmentation process
+ if (0) {
+ // ExtractLymphStation_7 * s7 = new ExtractLymphStation_7;
+ // s7->SetArgsInfo<args_info_clitkTestFilter>(args_info);
+ // GetParent->SetArgsInfo<>
+ //s7->StartSegmentation();
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test for biinary image from a contour set
+ if (0) {
+ DD("here");
+ // Type of a slice
+ typedef itk::Image<InputImageType::PixelType, InputImageType::ImageDimension-1> SliceType;
+ // Build the list of slices
+ std::vector<SliceType::Pointer> slices;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<InputImageType>(input1, 2, slices);
+ DD(slices.size());
+ // HOW TO DO SEVERAL BY SLICE !!! not a map ?
+ // Compute centroids 3D centroids by slices
+ int BG = 0;
+ std::map<int, std::vector<InputImageType::PointType> > centroids3D;
+ for(uint i=0; i<slices.size(); i++) {
+ // Labelize
+ slices[i] = clitk::Labelize<SliceType>(slices[i], BG, true, 1);
+ // ComputeCentroids
+ std::vector<SliceType::PointType> temp;
+ clitk::ComputeCentroids<SliceType>(slices[i], BG, temp);
+ for(uint j=1; j<temp.size(); j++) {
+ InputImageType::PointType a;
+ clitk::PointsUtils<InputImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(temp[j], input1, i, a);
+ centroids3D[i].push_back(a);
+ }
+ }
+ // Take a given slice i=29
+ int index=29;
+ SliceType::Pointer slice = slices[index];
+ std::vector<InputImageType::PointType> points = centroids3D[index];
+ // Sort points from R to L
+ std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(),
+ comparePointsX<InputImageType::PointType>());
+ // Slice corners (quel sens ?)
+ // Compute min and max coordinates
+ const uint dim=3;
+ typedef InputImageType::PointType PointType;
+ typedef InputImageType::IndexType IndexType;
+ PointType min_c, max_c;
+ IndexType min_i, max_i;
+ min_i = input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex();
+ for(uint i=0; i<dim; i++) max_i[i] = input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i] + min_i[i];
+ input1->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(min_i, min_c);
+ input1->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(max_i, max_c);
+ // Compute the corners coordinates
+ std::vector<itk::Point<double, dim> > l;
+ HypercubeCorners<dim>(l);
+ for(uint i=0; i<l.size(); i++) {
+ for(uint j=0; j<dim; j++) {
+ if (l[i][j] == 0) l[i][j] = min_c[j];
+ if (l[i][j] == 1) l[i][j] = max_c[j];
+ }
+ }
+ DDV(l, 8);
+ // Add first/last point, horizontally to the image boundaries
+ double sz = points[0][2]; // slice Z
+ double margin = 2; // needed (if not forget to remove the first line)
+ // Corners 1
+ InputImageType::PointType p = min_c;
+ p[0] -= margin; // margins
+ p[1] -= margin; // margins
+ p[2] = sz;
+ points.insert(points.begin(), p);
+ // vertical p
+ p = points[0];
+ p[0] = min_c[0] - margin; //margin
+ points.insert(points.begin(), p);
+ // last H point
+ p = points.back();
+ p[0] = max_c[0];
+ points.push_back(p);
+ // last corners
+ p[0] = max_c[0];
+ p[1] = min_c[1]-margin;
+ p[2] = sz;
+ points.push_back(p);
+ // Same first point
+ p = points[0];
+ points.push_back(p);
+ DDV(points, points.size());
+ // create a contour, polydata.
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
+ mesh->Allocate(); //for cell structures
+ mesh->SetPoints(vtkPoints::New());
+ vtkIdType ids[2];
+ int point_number = points.size();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
+ mesh->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(points[i][0],points[i][1],points[i][2]);
+ ids[0]=i;
+ ids[1]=(ids[0]+1)%point_number; //0-1,1-2,...,n-1-0
+ mesh->GetLines()->InsertNextCell(2,ids);
+ }
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter> w = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter>::New();
+ w->SetInput(mesh);
+ w->SetFileName("bidon.vtk");
+ w->Write();
+ // binarize
+ DD("binarize");
+ double *bounds=mesh->GetBounds();
+ DDV(bounds, 6);
+ DD("create image");
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> binary_image=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData>::New();
+ binary_image->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
+ ///Use the smallest mask in which the mesh fits
+ // Add two voxels on each side to make sure the mesh fits
+ // double * samp_origin=
+ InputImageType::PointType samp_origin = input1->GetOrigin();
+ // double *
+ InputImageType::SpacingType spacing=input1->GetSpacing();
+ double * spacing2 = new double[3];
+ spacing2[0] = spacing[0];
+ spacing2[1] = spacing[1];
+ spacing2[2] = spacing[2];
+ DD(spacing2[0]);
+ binary_image->SetSpacing(spacing2);
+ /// Put the origin on a voxel to avoid small skips
+ DD(floor((bounds[0]-samp_origin[0])/spacing[0]-2)*spacing[0]);
+ DD(bounds[0]);
+ DD(samp_origin[0]);
+ DD(spacing[0]);
+ binary_image->SetOrigin(//samp_origin[0], samp_origin[1], samp_origin[2]);
+ floor((bounds[0]-samp_origin[0])/spacing[0]-2)*spacing[0]+samp_origin[0],
+ floor((bounds[2]-samp_origin[1])/spacing[1]-2)*spacing[1]+samp_origin[1],
+ floor((bounds[4]-samp_origin[2])/spacing[2]-2)*spacing[2]+samp_origin[2]);
+ double * origin=binary_image->GetOrigin();
+ binary_image->SetExtent(0,ceil((bounds[1]-origin[0])/spacing[0]+4), // Joel used +4 here (?)
+ 0,ceil((bounds[3]-origin[1])/spacing[1]+4),
+ 0,ceil((bounds[5]-origin[2])/spacing[2]+4));
+ binary_image->AllocateScalars();
+ memset(binary_image->GetScalarPointer(),0,
+ binary_image->GetDimensions()[0]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[1]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[2]*sizeof(unsigned char));
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil> sts=vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil>::New();
+ //The following line is extremely important
+ //
+ sts->SetTolerance(0);
+ sts->SetInformationInput(binary_image);
+ bool extrude=true;
+ if (extrude) {
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter> extrude=vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter>::New();
+ extrude->SetInput(mesh);
+ /// NO ????We extrude in the -slice_spacing direction to respect the FOCAL convention ???
+ extrude->SetVector(0, 0, input1->GetSpacing()[2]);//slice_spacing); // 2* ? yes use a single one
+ sts->SetInput(extrude->GetOutput());
+ } else
+ sts->SetInput(mesh);
+ DD("stencil");
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil> stencil=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil>::New();
+ stencil->SetStencil(sts->GetOutput());
+ stencil->SetInput(binary_image);
+ stencil->Update();
+ DD("write");
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkMetaImageWriter> ww = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMetaImageWriter>::New();
+ ww->SetInput(stencil->GetOutput());
+ ww->SetFileName("binary.mhd");
+ ww->Write();
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test for vessels ReconstructionByDilatation
+ if (1) {
+ // Read input CT (already croped)
+ // treshold 3D
+ // erode n times (or in 2D ?)
+ // slices extract
+ // SBS
+ // - CCL (keep mask)
+ // - for all CCL, ReconstructionByDilatation in initial mask
+ // joint for output
+ // input1
+ DD("binarize")
+ int BG = 0;
+ int FG = 1;
+ typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, InputImageType::ImageDimension> MaskImageType;
+ typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter<InputImageType, MaskImageType> BinarizeFilterType;
+ BinarizeFilterType::Pointer binarizeFilter = BinarizeFilterType::New();
+ binarizeFilter->SetInput(input1);
+ binarizeFilter->SetLowerThreshold(150);
+ binarizeFilter->SetInsideValue(FG);
+ binarizeFilter->SetOutsideValue(BG);
+ binarizeFilter->Update();
+ MaskImageType::Pointer mask = binarizeFilter->GetOutput();
+ clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(mask, "m.mhd");
+ // Extract slices
+ typedef itk::Image<MaskImageType::PixelType, MaskImageType::ImageDimension-1> SliceType;
+ std::vector<SliceType> slices_mask;
+ clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(mask, 2, slices_mask);
+ DD(slices_mask.size());
+ std::vector<SliceType> debug_eroded;
+ std::vector<SliceType> debug_labeled;
+ // Loop
+ for(uint i=0; i<slices_mask.size(); i++) {
+ DD(i);
+ // erode
+ DD("erosion");
+ clitk::MorphoMathFilter<SliceType>::Pointer f = clitk::MorphoMathFilter<SliceType>::New();
+ f->SetInput(slices_mask[i]);
+ f->SetBackgroundValue(BG);
+ f->SetForegroundValue(FG);
+ f->SetRadius(1);
+ f->SetOperationType(0); // Erode
+ f->Update();
+ SliceType::Pointer eroded = f->GetOutput();
+ debug_eroded.push_back(eroded);
+ // CCL
+ DD("CCL");
+ SliceType::Pointer labeled = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_mask[i], 0, false, 10);
+ debug_labeled.push_back(labeled);
+ // ReconstructionByDilatation
+ } // end loop
+ MaskImageType::Pointer eroded = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_eroded, mask, 2);
+ clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(eroded, "eroded.mhd");
+ MaskImageType::Pointer labeled = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_labeled, mask, 2);
+ clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(labeled, "labeled.mhd");
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This is the end my friend
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+}// end main
--- /dev/null
+#File clitkTestFilter.ggo
+package "clitkTestFilter"
+version "1.0"
+purpose "Test a filter"
+option "config" - "Config file" string no
+option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off
+option "input1" i "Input 1 image filename" string no
+option "input2" j "Input 2 image filename" string no
+option "input3" k "Input 3 image filename" string no
+option "output" o "Output image filename" string no
+option "angle1" a "First angle (degree)" float default = "0" no
+option "angle2" b "Second angle (degree)" float default = "0" no
option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes
section "Used determined crop"
-option "boundingBox" b "Bounding box of the crop region" int no multiple
-option "lower" l "Size of the lower crop region" int no multiple
-option "upper" u "Size of the upper crop region" int no multiple
+option "boundingBox" b "Bounding box of the crop region (in 2D: =x1,y2, x2,y2)" int no multiple
+option "lower" l "Size of the lower crop region (multiple values)" int no multiple
+option "upper" u "Size of the upper crop region (multiple values)" int no multiple
option "origin" - "Set new origin to zero" flag off
section "AutoCrop with BG value"