Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: RawToDicom.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2007/05/23 14:18:04 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
+ Date: $Date: 2007/07/05 13:17:26 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
" fileout=outputFileName ",
" rows=nb of Rows ",
" lines=nb of Lines, ",
+ " [frames = nb of Frames] //defaulted to 1 ",
" pixeltype={8U|8S|16U|16S|32U|32S} ",
" [{b|l}] b:BigEndian,l:LittleEndian default : l ",
- " [frames = nb of Frames] //defaulted to 1 ",
- " [samples = {1|3}} //defaulted to 1(1:Gray,3:RGB) ",
- " [patientname = Patient's name] ",
+ " [samples = {1|3}} //(1:Gray,3:RGB) defaulted to 1",
+ " [monochrome1] ",
+ " [studyid = ] [patientname = Patient's name] ",
" [debug] ",
" ",
- " debug : developper wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
+ " monochrome1 = user wants MONOCHROME1 photom. interp. (0=white) ",
+ " studyUID : *aware* user wants to add the serie ",
+ " to an already existing study ",
+ " debug : developper wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
- // Initialize Arguments Manager
+ // ------------ Initialize Arguments Manager ----------------
GDCM_NAME_SPACE::ArgMgr *am= new GDCM_NAME_SPACE::ArgMgr(argc, argv);
if (argc == 1 || am->ArgMgrDefined("usage") )
int l = am->ArgMgrDefined("l");
char *pixelType = am->ArgMgrWantString("pixeltype", usage);
+ bool monochrome1 = ( 0 != am->ArgMgrDefined("monochrome1") );
if (am->ArgMgrDefined("debug"))
+ bool userDefinedStudy = am->ArgMgrDefined("studyUID");
+ const char *studyUID;
+ if (userDefinedStudy)
+ studyUID = am->ArgMgrGetString("studyUID");
+ // not described *on purpose* in the Usage !
+ bool userDefinedSerie = am->ArgMgrDefined("serieUID");
+ const char *serieUID;
+ if(userDefinedSerie)
+ serieUID = am->ArgMgrGetString("serieUID");
/* if unused Param we give up */
if ( am->ArgMgrPrintUnusedLabels() )
// ----------- End Arguments Manager ---------
+ /// \TODO Deal with all the images of a directory
// Read the Raw file
std::ifstream *Fp = new std::ifstream(inputFileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
std::cout << "Wrong 'pixeltype' (" << strPixelType << ")" << std::endl;
return 1;
+ std::string strStudyUID;
+ std::string strSerieUID;
+ if (userDefinedStudy)
+ strSerieUID = studyUID;
+ else
+ strStudyUID = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::CreateUniqueUID();
+ if (userDefinedStudy)
+ strSerieUID = serieUID;
+ else
+ strStudyUID = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::CreateUniqueUID();
int dataSize = nX*nY*nZ*pixelSize*samplesPerPixel;
uint8_t *pixels = new uint8_t[dataSize];
if ( pixelSize !=1 && ( (l && bigEndian) || (b && ! bigEndian) ) )
ConvertSwapZone(pixelSize, pixels, dataSize);
- }
+ }
// Create an empty FileHelper
GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *fileToBuild = fileH->GetFile();
- // If you want to use this program as a template to create
- // a 'Single Study UID - Single Serie UID' file set
- // keep the following lines out of the loop
// 'Study Instance UID'
// The user is allowed to create his own Study,
// keeping the same 'Study Instance UID' for various images
// The user may add images to a 'Manufacturer Study',
// adding new Series to an already existing Study
- std::string studyUID = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::CreateUniqueUID();
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(studyUID, 0x0020,0x000d,"UI");
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(strStudyUID,0x0020,0x000d,"UI"); // Study UID
// 'Serie Instance UID'
// The user is allowed to create his own Series,
// keeping the same 'Serie Instance UID' for various images
// The user shouldn't add any image to a 'Manufacturer Serie'
// but there is no way no to prevent him for doing that
- std::string serieUID = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::CreateUniqueUID();
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(serieUID, 0x0020,0x000e,"UI");
- // end of 'keep out of loop lines
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(strSerieUID,0x0020,0x000e,"UI"); // Serie UID
std::ostringstream str;
str << samplesPerPixel;
-// If you deal with a Serie of images, it up to you to tell gdcm,
-// for each image, what are the values of :
+// If you deal with a Serie of images, as slices of a volume,
+// it up to you to tell gdcm, for each image, what are the values of :
// 0020 0032 DS 3 Image Position (Patient)
// 0020 0037 DS 6 Image Orientation (Patient)
if (strlen(patientName) != 0)
fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(patientName,0x0010,0x0010, "PN"); // Patient's Name
+ // 0=white
+ if(monochrome1)
+ fileH->SetPhotometricInterpretationToMonochrome1();
// Set the image Pixel Data