void ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points()
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Not Implemented !!!!");
+ printf("PG ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Entered patch 3 points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+ WidgetShowNPoints* wsp = bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints();
+ wsp->StopAutoAddPoints();
+ wsp->StopTrackPoint();
+ if ( (wsp->GetLstModelShowNPointsSize()==1) &&
+ (wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsSize()==3) &&
+ (bbGetInputMesh()!=NULL ) )
+ {
+ std::vector<int> lstX = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsX();
+ std::vector<int> lstY = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsY();
+ std::vector<int> lstZ = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsZ();
+ double pA[3] = {lstX[0],lstY[0],lstZ[0]};
+ double pB[3] = {lstX[1],lstY[1],lstZ[1]};
+ double pC[3] = {lstX[2],lstY[2],lstZ[2]};
+ double v[3];
+ double u[3];
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pC,pA,v);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pB,pA,u);
+ /**point in AC closest to B.
+ *formula t=(V)dot(U)/(V)dot(V)
+ */
+ double t = vtkMath::Dot(v,u)/vtkMath::Dot(v,v);
+ /**nP found point
+ *formula A+t(C-A) -> A+tV
+ */
+ vtkMath::MultiplyScalar(v, t);
+ double nP[3];
+ vtkMath::Add(pA, v, nP);
+ //calculate direction vector from found point to B
+ double dirVector[3];
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pB, nP, dirVector);
+ double pointAdd[3];
+ double pointSub[3];
+ //Add and subtract direction vector to A and C to find the 4 points to create the patch,
+ std::vector<int> resListX;
+ std::vector<int> resListY;
+ std::vector<int> resListZ;
+ vtkMath::Add(pA, dirVector, pointAdd);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pA, dirVector, pointSub);
+ resListX.push_back(pointSub[0]);
+ resListY.push_back(pointSub[1]);
+ resListZ.push_back(pointSub[2]);
+ resListX.push_back(pointAdd[0]);
+ resListY.push_back(pointAdd[1]);
+ resListZ.push_back(pointAdd[2]);
+ vtkMath::Add(pC, dirVector, pointAdd);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pC, dirVector, pointSub);
+ resListX.push_back(pointAdd[0]);
+ resListY.push_back(pointAdd[1]);
+ resListZ.push_back(pointAdd[2]);
+ resListX.push_back(pointSub[0]);
+ resListY.push_back(pointSub[1]);
+ resListZ.push_back(pointSub[2]);
+ printf("PG ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Calls CreatePatch_Points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+ //Create patch given the previously calculated points (4 points)
+ CreatePatch_Points(resListX, resListY, resListZ);
+ }else{
+ printf("PG ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_3points Warning patch not apply. Need only one group of 3 points\n");
+ }
void ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_4points()
- WidgetShowNPoints* wsp = bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints();
- wsp->StopAutoAddPoints();
+ WidgetShowNPoints* wsp = bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints();
+ wsp->StopAutoAddPoints();
- if ( (wsp->GetLstModelShowNPointsSize()==1) &&
+ if ( (wsp->GetLstModelShowNPointsSize()==1) &&
(wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsSize()==4) &&
(bbGetInputMesh()!=NULL ) )
- {
- std::vector<long int> lstIdNormalSurface;
- double spc[3];
- spc[0] = bbGetInputSpacing()[0];
- spc[1] = bbGetInputSpacing()[1];
- spc[2] = bbGetInputSpacing()[2];
- vtkPoints *points = bbGetInputMesh()->GetPoints();
- vtkStaticPointLocator *pointLocator = vtkStaticPointLocator::New();
- pointLocator->SetDataSet( bbGetInputMesh() );
- pointLocator->BuildLocator();
- wsp->StopTrackPoint();
- double p[3],pM[3];
- double dx,dy,dz,s;
- std::vector<int> lstX = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsX();
- std::vector<int> lstY = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsY();
- std::vector<int> lstZ = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsZ();
- wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
- wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
- wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
- wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
- // --- Group 0 ---
- dx = lstX[1]-lstX[0];
- dy = lstY[1]-lstY[0];
- dz = lstZ[1]-lstZ[0];
- s = 0;
- p[0] = lstX[0] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[0] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[0] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(pM) );
- s = 0.33333;
- p[0] = lstX[0] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[0] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[0] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- s = 0.6666666;
- p[0] = lstX[0] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[0] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[0] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0],pM[1], pM[2],"");
- s = 1;
- p[0] = lstX[0] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[0] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[0] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0],pM[1], pM[2],"");
- lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(pM) );
+ {
+ std::vector<int> lstX = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsX();
+ std::vector<int> lstY = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsY();
+ std::vector<int> lstZ = wsp->GetModelShowNPoints()->GetLstPointsZ();
+ CreatePatch_Points(lstX, lstY, lstZ);
+ }else{
+ printf("PG ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_4points Warning patch not apply. Need only one group of 4 points\n");
+ }
- // --- Group 1 ---
- wsp->InsertCollectionAfter_();
- p[0] = (lstX[0]+lstX[3])/2;
- p[1] = (lstY[0]+lstY[3])/2;
- p[2] = (lstZ[0]+lstZ[3])/2;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- p[0] = (lstX[1]+lstX[2])/2;
- p[1] = (lstY[1]+lstY[2])/2;
- p[2] = (lstZ[1]+lstZ[2])/2;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- p[0] = (lstX[0]+lstX[1]+lstX[2]+lstX[3])/4; p[1] = (lstY[0]+lstY[1]+lstY[2]+lstY[3])/4; p[2] = (lstZ[0]+lstZ[1]+lstZ[2]+lstZ[3])/4;
- wsp->InsertPoint(p[0] ,p[1], p[2],"");
+void ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_Points(std::vector<int> lstX, std::vector<int> lstY, std::vector<int> lstZ)
+ WidgetShowNPoints* wsp = bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints();
+ std::vector<long int> lstIdNormalSurface;
+ double spc[3];
+ spc[0] = bbGetInputSpacing()[0];
+ spc[1] = bbGetInputSpacing()[1];
+ spc[2] = bbGetInputSpacing()[2];
+ vtkPoints *points = bbGetInputMesh()->GetPoints();
+ vtkStaticPointLocator *pointLocator = vtkStaticPointLocator::New();
+ pointLocator->SetDataSet( bbGetInputMesh() );
+ pointLocator->BuildLocator();
+ wsp->StopTrackPoint();
+ double p[3],pM[3];
+ double dx,dy,dz;
+ wsp->DeleteAllPoints_();
+ //wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
+ //wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
+ //wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
+ //wsp->ErasePoint( 0 );
+ // --- Group 0 ---
+ dx = lstX[1]-lstX[0];
+ dy = lstY[1]-lstY[0];
+ dz = lstZ[1]-lstZ[0];
+ //
+ //
+ double part = 0.25;
+ for(int sect = 0; sect < 5; sect++)
+ {
+ p[0] = lstX[0] + dx*(sect*part);
+ p[1] = lstY[0] + dy*(sect*part);
+ p[2] = lstZ[0] + dz*(sect*part);
+ if(sect == 4){
+ p[0] = p[0] + 0.5*(((lstX[1]+lstX[2])/2)-p[0]);
+ p[1] = p[1] + 0.5*(((lstY[1]+lstY[2])/2)-p[1]);
+ p[2] = p[2] + 0.5*(((lstZ[1]+lstZ[2])/2)-p[2]);
+ }
+ if(sect == 0){
+ p[0] = p[0] + 0.5*(((lstX[0]+lstX[3])/2)-p[0]);
+ p[1] = p[1] + 0.5*(((lstY[0]+lstY[3])/2)-p[1]);
+ p[2] = p[2] + 0.5*(((lstZ[0]+lstZ[3])/2)-p[2]);
+ }
+ NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
+ wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
+ if(sect == 0 || sect == 4) lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(pM) );
+ }
+ // --- Group 1 ---
+ wsp->InsertCollectionAfter_();
+ p[0] = (lstX[0]+lstX[3])/2;
+ p[1] = (lstY[0]+lstY[3])/2;
+ p[2] = (lstZ[0]+lstZ[3])/2;
+ NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
+ wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
+ p[0] = (lstX[1]+lstX[2])/2;
+ p[1] = (lstY[1]+lstY[2])/2;
+ p[2] = (lstZ[1]+lstZ[2])/2;
+ NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
+ wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
+ p[0] = (lstX[0]+lstX[1]+lstX[2]+lstX[3])/4; p[1] = (lstY[0]+lstY[1]+lstY[2]+lstY[3])/4; p[2] = (lstZ[0]+lstZ[1]+lstZ[2]+lstZ[3])/4;
+ wsp->InsertPoint(p[0] ,p[1], p[2],"");
+ // --- Group 2 ---
+ wsp->InsertCollectionAfter_();
- // --- Group 2 ---
- wsp->InsertCollectionAfter_();
- p[0] = lstX[3];
- p[1] = lstY[3];
- p[2] = lstZ[3];
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(p) );
- p[0] = lstX[2];
- p[1] = lstY[2];
- p[2] = lstZ[2];
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(p) );
- dx = lstX[2]-lstX[3];
- dy = lstY[2]-lstY[3];
- dz = lstZ[2]-lstZ[3];
- s=0.33333;
- p[0] = lstX[3] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[3] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[3] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
- s=s*2;
- p[0] = lstX[3] + dx*s;
- p[1] = lstY[3] + dy*s;
- p[2] = lstZ[3] + dz*s;
- NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
- wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
+ dx = lstX[2]-lstX[3];
+ dy = lstY[2]-lstY[3];
+ dz = lstZ[2]-lstZ[3];
+ for(int sect = 0; sect < 5; sect++)
+ {
+ p[0] = lstX[3] + dx*(sect*part);
+ p[1] = lstY[3] + dy*(sect*part);
+ p[2] = lstZ[3] + dz*(sect*part);
+ if(sect == 4){
+ p[0] = p[0] + 0.5*(((lstX[1]+lstX[2])/2)-p[0]);
+ p[1] = p[1] + 0.5*(((lstY[1]+lstY[2])/2)-p[1]);
+ p[2] = p[2] + 0.5*(((lstZ[1]+lstZ[2])/2)-p[2]);
+ }
+ if(sect == 0){
+ p[0] = p[0] + 0.5*(((lstX[0]+lstX[3])/2)-p[0]);
+ p[1] = p[1] + 0.5*(((lstY[0]+lstY[3])/2)-p[1]);
+ p[2] = p[2] + 0.5*(((lstZ[0]+lstZ[3])/2)-p[2]);
+ }
+ NearestPointToMesh(points, pointLocator, spc, p,pM);
+ wsp->InsertPoint(pM[0] ,pM[1], pM[2],"");
+ if(sect == 0 || sect == 4) lstIdNormalSurface.push_back( pointLocator->FindClosestPoint(pM) );
+ }
- pointLocator->Delete();
- // Check normals
+ pointLocator->Delete();
+ // Check normals
// 1. Recorrer las normales de lstIdNormals y calcular el promedio -> V1
- double *nValue;
- double n1[3];
- vtkPointData *pointdata = bbGetInputMesh()->GetPointData();
- vtkDataArray *dataarray = pointdata->GetNormals();
- int i,size = lstIdNormalSurface.size();
- n1[0]=0;
- n1[1]=0;
- n1[2]=0;
- for (i=0; i<size; i++)
- {
- nValue = dataarray->GetTuple3( lstIdNormalSurface[i] );
- n1[0] = n1[0] + nValue[0];
- n1[1] = n1[1] + nValue[1];
- n1[2] = n1[2] + nValue[2];
- } // for i
- n1[0] = n1[0]/size;
- n1[1] = n1[1]/size;
- n1[2] = n1[2]/size;
+ double *nValue;
+ double n1[3];
+ vtkPointData *pointdata = bbGetInputMesh()->GetPointData();
+ vtkDataArray *dataarray = pointdata->GetNormals();
+ int i,size = lstIdNormalSurface.size();
+ n1[0]=0;
+ n1[1]=0;
+ n1[2]=0;
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ nValue = dataarray->GetTuple3( lstIdNormalSurface[i] );
+ n1[0] = n1[0] + nValue[0];
+ n1[1] = n1[1] + nValue[1];
+ n1[2] = n1[2] + nValue[2];
+ } // for i
+ n1[0] = n1[0]/size;
+ n1[1] = n1[1]/size;
+ n1[2] = n1[2]/size;
// 2. Calcular el promedio de 4 normales de la nueva superficie -> V2
- double pC[3];
- double pM1[3];
- double pM2[3];
- double n2[3];
- n2[0] = 0;
- n2[1] = 0;
- n2[2] = 0;
- // Collection 0 with 4 points
- // Collection 1 with 3 points
- // Collection 2 with 4 points
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(1,1, pC);
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,0, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,3, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
- vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
- n2[0] = pM[0];
- n2[1] = pM[1];
- n2[2] = pM[2];
+ double pC[3];
+ double pM1[3];
+ double pM2[3];
+ double n2[3];
+ n2[0] = 0;
+ n2[1] = 0;
+ n2[2] = 0;
+ // Collection 0 with 4 points
+ // Collection 1 with 3 points
+ // Collection 2 with 4 points
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(1,1, pC);
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,0, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,3, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
+ vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
+ n2[0] = pM[0];
+ n2[1] = pM[1];
+ n2[2] = pM[2];
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,3, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,3, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
- vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
- n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
- n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
- n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,3, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,3, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
+ vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
+ n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
+ n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
+ n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,3, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,0, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
- vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
- n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
- n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
- n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,0, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
- wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,0, pM);
- vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
- vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
- n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
- n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
- n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
- n2[0] = n2[0] / 4;
- n2[1] = n2[1] / 4;
- n2[2] = n2[2] / 4;
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,3, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,0, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
+ vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
+ n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
+ n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
+ n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(2,0, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM1);
+ wsp->GetCollectionPoint(0,0, pM);
+ vtkMath::Subtract(pM,pC,pM2);
+ vtkMath::Cross(pM1,pM2,pM);
+ n2[0] = n2[0] + pM[0];
+ n2[1] = n2[1] + pM[1];
+ n2[2] = n2[2] + pM[2];
+ n2[0] = n2[0] / 4;
+ n2[1] = n2[1] / 4;
+ n2[2] = n2[2] / 4;
// 3. Calcular el angulo entre V1 y V2
- double angle = vtkMath::AngleBetweenVectors(n1,n2) * 180 / vtkMath::Pi();
+ double angle = vtkMath::AngleBetweenVectors(n1,n2) * 180 / vtkMath::Pi();
// 4. Si el angulo es major de 90 Invertir las normales de la superficie actual
- if (angle<90)
- {
- wsp->InvertLstPoints_();
- } // if angle
- // --- Finish ---
- wsp->SetOutputBox();
- wsp->UndoRedo_SaveCollection();
- } else {
- printf("EED ShowNPoints_Tools::CreatePatch_4points Warning patch not apply. Need juste one group with four points\n");
- } // if
+ if (angle<90)
+ {
+ wsp->InvertLstPoints_();
+ } // if angle
+ // --- Finish ---
+ wsp->SetOutputBox();
+ wsp->UndoRedo_SaveCollection();