* Output modifications are now caught through an observer mechanism (using boost signal/slot)
+\bbtkGuide[Developer's Guide]
-{\Large \BBTK}
-{\Huge Developers' Guide}
-\bbtk version \bbtkVersion
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
-Last modified on : September 16, 2008 \\
-Generated on : \today
-Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
-CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale \\ CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620\\
-INSA Lyon\\
-Universit\'e Claude-Bernard Lyon 1
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
% ==========================================
+\section{Pipeline processing algorithm}
% ==========================================
+Each input of a black box instance has a Status,
+of type IOStatus (defined in bbtkConnection.h)
+which can take one of the three values:
+\item UPTODATE (==0): The input did not change since last processing
+\item MODIFIED (==1): [Initial value on construction] The input changed since last processing but is up-to-date with the amont box to which it is connected, if any.
+\item OUTOFDATE (==2): The input changed since last processing and is out-of-date with the amont box to which it is connected.
+The status of an input is stored by the class BlackBoxInputConnector.
+Each output of a black box instance also has a Status,
+of type IOStatus but which can only take the two values:
+\item UPTODATE (==0): The output is up-to-date (the box need not be reprocessed).
+\item OUTOFDATE (==2): [Initial value on construction] The output is out-of-date (the box need to be reprocessed).
+The status of an output is stored by the class BlackBoxOutputConnector.
+The main execution method of a black box is bbExecute.
+bbExecute checks werther the box is not already executing (bbGetExecuting())
+to prevent reentrance and
+checks werther the execution is not frozen (bbGlobalGetFreezeExecution()).
+If it is not the case then it calls bbBackwardUpdate which is
+the main recursive pipeline processing method of a box, giving it a
+NULL Connection::Pointer.
+bbBackwardUpdate is defined in AtomicBlackBox:
+void AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate ( Connection::Pointer caller )
+ // Updates the box inputs. Returns the max input IOStatus after update
+ IOStatus s = bbUpdateInputs();
+ // If at least one input is modified or BoxProcessMode=='Always'
+ if ( (s != UPTODATE) || bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() )
+ {
+ // User process
+ bbProcess();
+ // Displays the window (overloaded in widget Blackboxes, WxBlackBox, KWBlackBox, etc.)
+ bbShowWindow(caller);
+ // Compute the final status of inputs and outputs
+ bbComputePostProcessStatus();
+ }
+bbUpdateInputs iterates over the InputConnector of the box and
+calls BackwardUpdate on each one. It returns the max of the final
+status of the input connectors:
+IOStatus BlackBox::bbUpdateInputs()
+ IOStatus s = UPTODATE;
+ InputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
+ for ( i = bbGetInputConnectorMap().begin();
+ i!= bbGetInputConnectorMap().end(); ++i)
+ {
+ i->second->BackwardUpdate();
+ IOStatus t = i->second->GetStatus();
+ if (t > s) s = t;
+ }
+ return s;
+void BlackBoxInputConnector::BackwardUpdate()
+ // If connected and OUTOFDATE : recursive update
+ // Post-update status is updated by the connection
+ // (either MODIFIED or OUTOFDATE)
+ if ( mConnection && (mStatus == OUTOFDATE) )
+ {
+ mConnection->BackwardUpdate();
+ }
+void Connection::BackwardUpdate()
+ // Calls bbBackwardUpdate on the initial box
+ mFrom->bbBackwardUpdate(GetThisPointer<Connection>());
+ // Transfers the data from the initial box output to the
+ // final box input adapting it if necessary
+ TransferData();
+ // Updates the status of the final box input
+ IOStatus s = MODIFIED;
+ if ( mFrom->bbGetOutputConnector(mOutput).GetStatus() == OUTOFDATE)
+ mTo->bbGetInputConnector(mInput).SetStatus(s);
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
-\section{Displaying messages}
+\subsection{Displaying messages}
bbtkMessage("Kind",level,"message "<<"to "<<" display : i="<<i<<std::endl);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkAtomicBlackBox.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/25 11:17:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:35 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Main processing method of the box.
- IOStatus AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller )
+ void AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller )
"=> AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
if (bbGetExecuting())
- " -> already executing : bailing out"<<std::endl);
- return bbGetStatus();
+ " -> already executing : returning"<<std::endl);
+ return;
bool wasExecuting = bbGlobalGetSomeBoxExecuting();
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,"Initial Status = "<<bbGetStatus()
- <<std::endl);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,"BoxProcessMode = "
- <<bbGetInputBoxProcessMode()<<std::endl);
- if ( ( bbGetStatus() == MODIFIED ) ||
- ( bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() ) )
- {
- // bbSetStatus(UPDATING);
- // Updates its inputs
- IOStatus s = bbUpdateInputs();
+ // Updates its inputs
+ IOStatus s = bbUpdateInputs();
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",6,"=> AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"] : Inputs post-update status = "<<s<<std::endl);
- // If all inputs are in UPTODATE post-update status
- // and mProcessMode is not "Always"
- // then the box is now UPTODATE
- IOStatus new_status;
- if ( ( s == UPTODATE ) &&
- ( ! bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() ) )
- {
- new_status = UPTODATE;
- }
- else
- {
- // else it remains MODIFIED
- new_status = MODIFIED;
- }
- bbSetStatus(new_status);
- // User process
- bbProcess();
- // Displays the window (WxBlackbox)
- bbShowWindow(caller);
+ if ( (s != UPTODATE) ||
+ bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() )
+ {
+ // User process
+ bbProcess();
+ // Displays the window (WxBlackbox)
+ bbShowWindow(caller);
+ // Update the I/O statuses
+ bbComputePostProcessStatus();
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,"Up-to-date : nothing to do"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkDebugMessage("process",5," -> Up-to-date : nothing to do"
+ <<std::endl);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,"=> AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"] : Final Status = "
- <<bbGetStatus()<<std::endl);
"<= AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate() ["
- return bbGetStatus();
+ return; // bbGetStatus();
/// Sets the data of the input called <name>
- void AtomicBlackBox::bbSetInput(
- const std::string &name,
- Data data,
- bool setModified )
+ void AtomicBlackBox::bbSetInput(const std::string &name,
+ Data data,
+ bool setModified )
"AtomicBlackBox::bbSetInput(\""<<name<<"\",data) ["
if (setModified)
- {
- bbSetModifiedStatus();
- }
+ {
+ bbSetStatusAndPropagate(bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(name)->second,
+ }
- //=========================================================================
+ //=========================================================================
/// Sets the data of the input called <name>
- void AtomicBlackBox::bbBruteForceSetInputPointer
- (
- const std::string &name,
- void* data,
- bool setModified
- )
+ void AtomicBlackBox::bbBruteForceSetInputPointer(const std::string &name,
+ void* data,
+ bool setModified
+ )
if (setModified)
- bbSetModifiedStatus();
+ bbSetStatusAndPropagate(bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(name)->second,
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/25 11:17:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:39 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Recursive pipeline processing in backward direction
/// (recursion is in backward direction however execution always goes forward).
- ///
- /// \returns The final status of the box (UPTODATE or MODIFIED)
- ///
- /// First checks that re-processing is needed (either Status==MODIFIED or InputProcessMode==Always)
- /// then :
- /// - updates its inputs by calling bbUpdateInputs (which recursively calls bbBackwardUpdate on upstream boxes)
- /// - calls bbProcess which here simply calls the user callback bbUserProcess which does the actual processing.
- /// bbProcess is overloaded in WxBlackBox to handle widget creation and show
- virtual IOStatus bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller);
+ /// - updates its inputs by calling bbUpdateInputs (which recursively calls bbBackwardUpdate on amont boxes if needed)
+ /// - if the return value of bbUpdateInputs is not UPTODATE
+ /// - calls bbProcess
+ /// - calls bbComputePostProcessStatus
+ virtual void bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBox.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 13:35:22 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.31 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:45 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.32 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bbtkPackage.h"
#include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
#include "bbtkFactory.h"
+#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
#include "bbtkConfigurationFile.h"
#include "bbtkWxBlackBox.h"
BlackBox::BlackBox(const std::string &name)
- bbmStatus(MODIFIED),
+ // bbmStatus(MODIFIED),
BlackBox::BlackBox(BlackBox& from, const std::string &name)
- bbmStatus(from.bbmStatus),
+ // bbmStatus(from.bbmStatus),
// If force is true then update is triggered even if the box is UPTODATE
- if (force) bbSetModifiedStatus();
+ // if (force) bbSetModifiedStatus();
// Calls the main recursive update method
+ //=========================================================================
+ void BlackBox::AddChangeObserver(const std::string& output_name,
+ OutputChangeCallbackType f)
+ {
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //=========================================================================
+ void BlackBox::RemoveChangeObserver(const std::string& output_name,
+ OutputChangeCallbackType f)
+ {
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ /*
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Sets the ChangeTime of input
+ void BlackBox::bbSetInputChangeTime(BlackBoxInputConnector* c,
+ const ChangeTime& t)
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",1,
+ "==> BlackBox::bbSetInputChangeTime("<<c<<","<<t<<") ["
+ <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
+ // If new time is greater than old one
+ if ( c->SetChangeTime(t) )
+ {
+ bool was_up_to_date = bbIsUpToDate();
+ // If new time is greater than the old max time of inputs
+ if ( mMaxInputChangeTime.Set(t) )
+ {
+ // If the box turned out-of-date
+ if ( was_up_to_date && bbIsOutOfDate() )
+ {
+ //
+ if ( ( bbBoxProcessModeIsReactive() ||
+ (c==bbGetInputConnectorMap().find("BoxExecute")->second))
+ && (bbCanReact() ) )
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "an input of "
+ <<bbGetFullName()
+ <<" changed and box is in Reactive mode or BoxExecute input changed : adding it to the global execution list"
+ <<std::endl);
+ bbGlobalAddToExecutionList( GetThisPointer<BlackBox>() );
+ }
+ // Have to propagate the modification to aval boxes
+ OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
+ for (i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().begin();
+ i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ i->second->SetChangeTime(t);
+ }
+ // update the MinOutputChangeTime
+ mMinOutputChangeTime.Set(t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Sets the ChangeTime of output
+ void BlackBox::bbSetOutputChangeTime(BlackBoxOutputConnector* c,
+ const ChangeTime& t)
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",1,
+ "==> BlackBox::bbSetOutputChangeTime("<<c<<","<<t<<") ["
+ <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
+ //ChangeTime old =
+ c->SetChangeTime(t);
+ // c->GetChangeTime() = t;
+ // bbUpdateMinOutputChangeTime(t);
+ // propagate
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ //=========================================================================
+ void BlackBox::bbUpdateMaxInputChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t)
+ {
+ if ( t > mMaxInputChangeTime )
+ {
+ mMaxInputChangeTime = t;
+ if ( mMinOutputChangeTime > mMaxInputChangeTime )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //=========================================================================
+ void bbUpdateMinOutputChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t)
+ {
+ ChangeTime old = mMinOutputChangeTime;
+ mMinOutputChangeTime = MAXLONG;
+ OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
+ for (i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap.begin();
+ i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap.end();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->second->GetChangeTime() < mMinOutputChangeTime)
+ mMinOutputChangeTime = i->second->GetChangeTime();
+ }
+ if ( mMinOutputChangeTime < old )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ */
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Signals that the BlackBox has been modified through
+ /// the input connector c
+ /// and propagates it downward
+ void BlackBox::bbSetStatusAndPropagate(BlackBoxInputConnector* c,
+ IOStatus s)
+ {
+ if (s==UPTODATE) bbtkError("bbSetStatusAndPropagate with status UPTODATE!");
+ c->SetStatus(s);
+ OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator o;
+ for ( o = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().begin();
+ o != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end(); ++o )
+ {
+ // bbSetStatusAndPropagate(o->second, OUTOFDATE);
+ if (o->second->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
+ {
+ o->second->SetStatus(OUTOFDATE);
+ o->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),o->first);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( bbBoxProcessModeIsReactive() ||
+ (c==bbGetInputConnectorMap().find("BoxExecute")->second))
+ && (bbCanReact() ) )
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,
+ "-> Execution triggered by Reactive mode or BoxExecute input change"<<std::endl);
+ bbGlobalAddToExecutionList( GetThisPointer<BlackBox>() );
+ }
+ }
- /// Signals that the BlackBox has been modified
+ //=========================================================================
+ void BlackBox::bbSetStatusAndPropagate(BlackBoxOutputConnector* c,
+ IOStatus s)
+ {
+ bbtkError("bbSetStatusAndPropagate(BlackBoxOutputConnector* c,IOStatus s)");
+ /*
+ if (i->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
+ {
+ i->second->SetStatus(s);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Signals that the BlackBox has been modified
+ /*
void BlackBox::bbSetModifiedStatus(BlackBoxInputConnector* c)
bbGlobalAddToExecutionList( GetThisPointer<BlackBox>() );
- /*
- else if ( bbGetStatus() == MODIFIED ) //! this->bbIsUptodate())
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,"-> Already modified"<<std::endl);
- return;
- }
- */
+ //else if ( bbGetStatus() == MODIFIED ) //! this->bbIsUptodate())
+ // {
+// bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,"-> Already modified"<<std::endl);
+// return;
+ // }
bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,"-> Status set to modified"<<std::endl);
- /*
"<= BlackBox::bbSetModifiedStatus("<<c<<") ["
- */
<<reaction<<") ["
- OutputConnectorMapType::iterator change = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end();
OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
for ( i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().begin();
- i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end(); ++i) {
- /* if ( i->first == "BoxChange" )
- {
- change = i;
- continue;
- }
- */
- i->second->SetModifiedStatus();
- }
- // if (change != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end())
- // change->second->SetModifiedStatus();
+ i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->second->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
+ {
+ // i->second->SetStatus(MODIFIED);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ }
+ }
if (reaction) bbGlobalProcessExecutionList();
<<output<<","<<reaction<<") ["
- OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find(output);
+ OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i =
+ bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find(output);
if ( i == bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end() )
bbtkError("BlackBox["<<bbGetFullName()<<"]::bbSignalOutputModification("<<output<<") : unknown output");
- i->second->SetModifiedStatus();
- // Has to notify the output "BoxChange" also
- if (output != "BoxChange")
+ if (i->second->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
- i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("BoxChange");
- if ( i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end() )
+ // i->second->SetStatus(MODIFIED);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ // Has to notify the output "BoxChange" also
+ if (output != "BoxChange")
- i->second->SetModifiedStatus();
+ i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("BoxChange");
+ if ( i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end() )
+ {
+ // i->second->SetStatus(MODIFIED);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ }
+ if (reaction) bbGlobalProcessExecutionList();
- if (reaction) bbGlobalProcessExecutionList();
- bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",5,
- "<= BlackBox::bbSignalOutputModification("
- <<output<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",5,
+ "<= BlackBox::bbSignalOutputModification("
+ <<output<<") ["
+ <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
OutputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator o;
+ bool changed = false;
for (o=output.begin();o!=output.end();++o)
// the output "BoxChange" must be signaled **AFTER** all others
bbtkError("BlackBox["<<bbGetFullName()<<"]::bbSignalOutputModification("<<*o<<") : unknown output");
- i->second->SetModifiedStatus();
+ // Already OUTOFDATE : noting to do
+ if (i->second->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
+ {
+ // i->second->SetStatus(MODIFIED);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ changed = true;
+ }
// Has to notify the output "BoxChange" also
i = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("BoxChange");
- if ( i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end() )
+ if ( changed && (i != bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end()))
- i->second->SetModifiedStatus();
+ // Already OUTOFDATE : noting to do
+ if (i->second->GetStatus()==UPTODATE)
+ {
+ // i->second->SetStatus(MODIFIED);
+ i->second->SignalChange(GetThisPointer<BlackBox>(),i->first);
+ if (reaction) bbGlobalProcessExecutionList();
+ }
- if (reaction) bbGlobalProcessExecutionList();
- bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",5,
- "<= BlackBox::bbSignalOutputModification(vector of outputs) ["
+ bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",5,
+ "<= BlackBox::bbSignalOutputModification(vector of outputs) ["
/// Updates the BlackBox inputs
- /// \returns UPTODATE if all inputs are in UPTODATE status after update
- /// else MODIFIED
- IOStatus BlackBox::bbUpdateInputs(bool excludeParent)
+ /// Calls BackwardUpdate on all BlackBoxInputConnector
+ /// \returns The maximum of final IOStatus after each input update
+ IOStatus BlackBox::bbUpdateInputs()
"=> BlackBox::bbUpdateInputs() ["
for ( i = bbGetInputConnectorMap().begin();
i!= bbGetInputConnectorMap().end(); ++i)
- if (excludeParent && (i->first=="WinParent")) continue;
- if (i->first=="WinHide") continue;
+ // if (i->first=="WinHide") continue;
// If input type is Void : no recurse
//if ( bbGetDescriptor()->GetInputDescriptor(i->first)->GetTypeInfo()
// == typeid(Void) )
// continue;
- IOStatus t = i->second->BackwardUpdate();
- if (t==MODIFIED) s = MODIFIED;
+ i->second->BackwardUpdate();
+ IOStatus t = i->second->GetStatus();
+ if (t > s) s = t;
- bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",4,
+ bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",4,
"<= BlackBox::bbUpdateInputs() ["
return s;
+ //==================================================================
+ /// Computes the final IOStatus of inputs and outputs after processing
+ void BlackBox::bbComputePostProcessStatus()
+ {
+ IOStatus new_output_status = UPTODATE;
+ if (bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways()) new_output_status = OUTOFDATE;
+ // Update the input statuses
+ InputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
+ for ( i = bbGetInputConnectorMap().begin();
+ i!= bbGetInputConnectorMap().end(); ++i)
+ {
+ IOStatus t = i->second->GetStatus();
+ if (t == OUTOFDATE) new_output_status = OUTOFDATE;
+ // A previously MODIFIED status turns to UPTODATE
+ if (t==MODIFIED) i->second->SetStatus(UPTODATE);
+ }
+ // Update the output statuses
+ OutputConnectorMapType::iterator o;
+ for ( o = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().begin();
+ o!= bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end(); ++o)
+ {
+ o->second->SetStatus(new_output_status);
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
/// Connects the input <name> to the connection c
void BlackBox::bbConnectInput( const std::string& name, Connection* c)
bbtkError("no input called '"<<name<<"'");
+ // Check the status of the from.output of c
+ // to set the new status of the input
+ IOStatus s = MODIFIED;
+ if ( c->GetBlackBoxFrom()->bbGetOutputConnector(c->GetBlackBoxFromOutput()).GetStatus() == OUTOFDATE )
+ bbSetStatusAndPropagate(i->second,s);
"<== BlackBox::bbConnectInput(\""
<<name<<"\","<<c->GetFullName()<<") ["
- // bbSetModifiedStatus();
std::string ss("<");
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
pos = s.find(ss,0);
- char* cr = "[";
+ std::string cr("[");
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
// std::cout << "*** find one "<<std::endl;
- s.replace(pos,1,cr,1);
+ s.replace(pos,1,cr.c_str(),1);
pos = s.find(ss, pos);
ss = ">";
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
// std::cout << "*** find one "<<std::endl;
- s.replace(pos,1,cr,1);
+ s.replace(pos,1,cr.c_str(),1);
pos = s.find(ss, pos);
ss = ",";
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
// std::cout << "*** find one "<<std::endl;
- s.replace(pos,1,cr,1);
+ s.replace(pos,1,cr.c_str(),1);
pos = s.find(ss, pos);
} // std::cout << "AFTER=["<<s<<"]"<<std::endl;
bbtkMessage("Help",1,"Black Box <::"<<this->bbGetDescriptor()->GetTypeName()<<">"<<std::endl);
+ /*
+ if (bbIsUpToDate())
+ {
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1,"Up-to-date ["<<mMaxInputChangeTime<<","
+ <<mMinOutputChangeTime<<"]"<<std::endl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1,"Out-of-date ["<<mMaxInputChangeTime<<","
+ <<mMinOutputChangeTime<<"]"<<std::endl);
+ }
+ */
// bbtkMessage("Help",1," "<<GetDescription()<<std::endl);
// bbtkMessage("Help",1," By : "<<GetAuthor()<<std::endl);
std::vector<std::string> iname;
std::vector<std::string> ivalue;
std::vector<std::string> iconn;
+ std::vector<std::string> istatus;
InputConnectorMapType::iterator i;
unsigned int namelmax = 0;
s += con->GetOriginalBlackBoxFromOutput();
} // if con
+ istatus.push_back(GetIOStatusString(i->second->GetStatus()));
OutputConnectorMapType::iterator o;
std::vector<std::string> oname;
std::vector<std::string> ovalue;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > oconn;
+ std::vector<std::string> ostatus;
for ( o = mOutputConnectorMap.begin(); o != mOutputConnectorMap.end(); ++o )
} // if con
+ ostatus.push_back(GetIOStatusString(o->second->GetStatus()));
if (iname.size())
bbtkMessage("Help",1," * No inputs"<<std::endl);
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator i1,i2,i3;
- for (i1=iname.begin(),i2=ivalue.begin(),i3=iconn.begin();
- i1!=iname.end(),i2!=ivalue.end(),i3!=iconn.end();
- ++i1,++i2,++i3)
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator i1,i2,i3,i4;
+ for (i1=iname.begin(),i2=ivalue.begin(),i3=iconn.begin(),i4=istatus.begin();
+ i1!=iname.end(),i2!=ivalue.end(),i3!=iconn.end(),i4!=istatus.end();
+ ++i1,++i2,++i3,++i4)
std::string name(*i1);
name += "'";
value += "'";
value.append(1+valuelmax-value.size(),' ');
if (i3->size())
- bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value<<" <-- '"<<*i3<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value<<" <-- '"
+ <<*i3<<"'");
- bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value);
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1," ["<<*i4<<"]"<<std::endl);
if (oname.size())
bbtkMessage("Help",1," * No outputs"<<std::endl);
- std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >::iterator i4;
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >::iterator i5;
- for (i1=oname.begin(),i2=ovalue.begin(),i4=oconn.begin();
- i1!=oname.end(),i2!=ovalue.end(),i4!=oconn.end();
- ++i1,++i2,++i4)
+ for (i1=oname.begin(),i2=ovalue.begin(),i5=oconn.begin(),i4=ostatus.begin();
+ i1!=oname.end(),i2!=ovalue.end(),i5!=oconn.end(),i4!=ostatus.end();
+ ++i1,++i2,++i4,++i5)
std::string name(*i1);
name += "'";
std::string value(*i2);
value += "'";
value.append(1+valuelmax-value.size(),' ');
- if (!(*i4).size())
- bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value<<std::endl);
+ if (!(*i5).size())
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1," '"<<name<<" = '"<<value);
std::string pref = " '"+name+" = '"+value;
- for (i3=i4->begin();i3!=i4->end();++i3)
+ for (i3=i5->begin();i3!=i5->end();++i3)
- bbtkMessage("Help",1,pref<<" --> '"<<*i3<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1,pref<<" --> '"<<*i3<<"'");
pref.replace(0,pref.size(),pref.size(),' ');
+ bbtkMessage("Help",1," ["<<*i4<<"]"<<std::endl);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBox.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 13:35:22 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.16 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:47 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.17 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bbtkSystem.h"
#include "bbtkBlackBoxDescriptor.h"
#include "bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector.h"
-#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
+//#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
#include <set>
+// Signal/slot mechanism for output change events
+#include <boost/signal.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
namespace bbtk
class Factory;
class Connection;
+ class BlackBoxOutputConnector;
class BBTK_EXPORT BlackBox : public Object
+ typedef boost::signals::trackable OutputChangeObserverType;
+ typedef boost::signal<void (bbtk::BlackBox::Pointer,
+ const std::string&,
+ IOStatus)> OutputChangeSignalType;
+ typedef OutputChangeSignalType::slot_function_type
+ OutputChangeCallbackType;
/// The type of map of output connector pointers
typedef std::map<std::string, BlackBoxOutputConnector*>
/// Main processing method of the box.
virtual void bbExecute(bool force = false);
- /// Signals that the BlackBox has been modified through the input connector c
- /// and propagates it downward
- virtual void bbSetModifiedStatus(BlackBoxInputConnector* c = 0);
+ /// The type of callback function when an output changes
+ // typedef BlackBoxOutputConnector::ChangeCallbackType OutputChangeCallbackType;
+ /// Adds the function f to the list of functions to call when
+ /// the output changes.
+ /// f is of type ChangeCallbackType which is basically:
+ /// void (*ChangeCallbackType)(BlackBoxOutputConnector*)
+ /// To pass a member function 'f' of an instance 'c' of a class 'C'
+ /// as callback you have to 'bind' it, i.e. call:
+ /// AddChangeObserver ( "Out", boost::bind( &C::f , c, _1 ) );
+ void AddChangeObserver(const std::string& output_name,
+ OutputChangeCallbackType f);
+ /// Removes the function f from the list of functions to call when
+ /// the output changes (TO WRITE)
+ void RemoveChangeObserver(const std::string& output_name,
+ OutputChangeCallbackType f);
/// Signals that the BlackBox outputs have been modified
/// (without marking the box as MODIFIED because its output state is ok : don't care if you understand : use it !).
virtual void bbSignalOutputModification( const std::string& output_name,
-bool reaction = true);
+ bool reaction = true);
/// Signals that the BlackBox vector of outputs "output_name"
/// have been modified.
/// Should be used when more than ONE output is modified but not ALL
/// (after the outputs have been updated of course!)
- virtual void bbSignalOutputModification( const std::vector<std::string>& output_name,
-bool reaction = true);
+ virtual void bbSignalOutputModification( const std::vector<std::string>&
+ output_name,
+ bool reaction = true);
/// Gets the status of the box
- virtual const IOStatus& bbGetStatus() const { return bbmStatus; }
+ // virtual const IOStatus& bbGetStatus() const { return bbmStatus; }
/// Returns true iff the BlackBox has an input of name label
virtual Data bbGetOutput( const std::string &name ) = 0;
/// Sets the data of the input called <name>.
- /// If setModified is false then does not call bbSetModifiedStatus()
+ /// If update_time is false then does not update ChangeTime of input
virtual void bbSetInput( const std::string &name, Data data,
- bool setModified = true ) = 0;
+ bool update_time = true ) = 0;
virtual void bbBruteForceSetInputPointer( const std::string &name,
void* data,
- bool setModified = true) =0;
+ bool update_time = true) =0;
/// Sets the data of the output called <name>
virtual void bbSetOutput( const std::string &name, Data data) = 0;
/// Returns the output connectors map (const)
const OutputConnectorMapType& bbGetOutputConnectorMap() const
{ return mOutputConnectorMap; }
+ /// Returns the input connector
+ BlackBoxInputConnector& bbGetInputConnector(const std::string& n)
+ { return *(mInputConnectorMap.find(n)->second); }
+ /// Returns the output connector
+ BlackBoxOutputConnector& bbGetOutputConnector(const std::string& n)
+ { return *(mOutputConnectorMap.find(n)->second); }
+ /// Returns the input connector (const)
+ const BlackBoxInputConnector& bbGetInputConnector(const std::string& n) const
+ { return *(mInputConnectorMap.find(n)->second); }
+ /// Returns the output connector (const)
+ const BlackBoxOutputConnector& bbGetOutputConnector(const std::string& n) const
+ { return *(mOutputConnectorMap.find(n)->second); }
/// Prints the Help on the BlackBox type
virtual void bbGetHelp(bool full=true) const;
- //==================================================================
+ // Returns true iff the box is up-to-date
+ // (ChangeTime of inputs are all lower strictly to ChangeTime of outputs -
+ // i.e. max(inputs)<=min(outputs) )
+ // bool bbIsUpToDate() { return mMaxInputChangeTime < mMinOutputChangeTime; }
+ // Returns true iff the box is out-of-date
+ // (At least one ChangeTime of an input is greater than one ChangeTime
+ // of an output - i.e. max(inputs)>min(outputs))
+ // == !IsUpToDate()
+ // bool bbIsOutOfDate() { return mMaxInputChangeTime >= mMinOutputChangeTime; }
+ //==================================================================
// Common inputs / outputs to all boxes
/// Returns the value of the input "BoxProcessMode"
std::string bbGetInputBoxProcessMode() { return bbmBoxProcessMode; }
/// Returns the value of the output "Change"
Void bbGetOutputBoxChange() { return Void(); }
/// Sets the value of the output "Change" : signal a modification
- void bbSetOutputBoxChange(Void = 0) { bbSetModifiedStatus(); }
+ void bbSetOutputBoxChange(Void = 0) { } //bbSetModifiedStatus(); }
- /// Sets the status of the box
- void bbSetStatus( IOStatus t) { bbmStatus = t; }
+ /// Signals that the input whose connector is c has changed
+ /// and propagates the info downward
+ virtual void bbSetStatusAndPropagate(BlackBoxInputConnector* c,
+ IOStatus s);
+ /// Signals that the output whose connector is c has changed
+ /// and propagates the info downward
+ virtual void bbSetStatusAndPropagate(BlackBoxOutputConnector* c,
+ IOStatus s);
+ //==================================================================
friend class Connection;
friend class ComplexBlackBox;
virtual void bbDisconnectOutput( const std::string& name,
Connection* c);
+ //==================================================================
+ protected:
/// @name Pipeline processing methods
- /// Methods which participate to (forward or backward) pipeline processing.
- /// Some are pure virtual and prepare particular update mechanism which are implemented by descendents (e.g. ForwardUpdate and UpdateChildren are made for WxContainerBlackBox particular update mechanism which must recurse a piece of the pipeline top-down).
+ /// Methods which participate to pipeline processing.
+ /// Some are pure virtual and prepare particular update mechanism which are implemented by descendents
/// The main method is bbBackwardUpdate which is called by bbExecute and implemented in UserBlackBox and ComplexBlackBox.
/// Recursive pipeline processing in backward direction
- /// (recursion is in backward direction however execution always goes forward).
- /// Pure virtual; defined in UserBlackBox and ComplexBlackBox
+ /// (recursion is in backward direction however execution always
+ /// goes forward).
+ /// Pure virtual; defined in AtomicBlackBox and ComplexBlackBox
- /// \returns The final status of the box (UPTODATE or MODIFIED)
/// \param caller : The connection which invoked the method; null if called by bbExecute
- ///
- /// First checks that re-processing is needed (either Status==MODIFIED or InputProcessMode==Always)
- /// then :
- /// - updates its inputs by calling bbUpdateInputs (which recursively calls bbBackwardUpdate on upstream boxes)
- /// - calls bbCreateWidget
- /// - calls bbProcess which is the user callback which does the actual processing
- /// - calls bbUpdateChildren
- /// - calls bbShowWidget which shows the widget associated to the box (if any)
- protected:
- virtual IOStatus bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller) = 0;
+ virtual void bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller) = 0;
- //==================================================================
- /// Recursive pipeline processing in forward direction along "Child"-"Parent" connections
- /// Pure virtual; defined in UserBlackBox and ComplexBlackBox
- ///
- /// \param caller : The connection which invoked the method
- ///
- /// First checks that re-processing is needed (either Status==MODIFIED or InputProcessMode==Always)
- /// then :
- /// - calls bbCreateWidget
- /// - calls bbProcess which is the user callback which does the actual processing
- /// - calls bbUpdateChildren which recursively calls bbForwardUpdate on connections attached the "Child" output
- // virtual void bbForwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller) = 0;
- //==================================================================
- protected:
- /// Updates the BlackBox inputs and returns the final status of the inputs
- /// (==UPTODATE iff all inputs are UPTODATE)
- // If excludeParent == true then excludes the upstream box connected to input 'Parent' from recursive update
- IOStatus bbUpdateInputs(bool excludeParent=false);
+ /// Updates the BlackBox inputs
+ /// Calls BackwardUpdate on all BlackBoxInputConnector
+ /// \returns The maximum of final IOStatus after each input update
+ IOStatus bbUpdateInputs();
- /// Updates the pipeline in upstream-downstream direction along the "Child"-"Parent" connections only.
- /// Does nothing here. Overloaded in WxContainerBlackbox
- //virtual void bbUpdateChildren( Connection::Pointer caller ) { }
+ /// Computes the final IOStatus of inputs and outputs after processing
+ void bbComputePostProcessStatus();
/// Specific methods for window creation during pipeline execution
/// Creates the window associated to the box (called after bbUpdateInputs)
virtual void bbCopyIOValues(BlackBox& from);
+ //==================================================================
// Black box objects have a special deleter
// which must take care of releasing the descriptor
// **AFTER** the box is deleted
void Delete(Object* p);
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
template <class U>
static boost::shared_ptr<U> MakeBlackBoxPointer(U* s, bool lock = false)
return MakePointer(s,BlackBox::Deleter(),lock);
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
virtual void bbDelete() { delete this; }
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
/// The status of the box
- IOStatus bbmStatus;
+ // IOStatus bbmStatus;
/// Is the box executing ?
bool bbmExecuting;
/// The name of the black-box
std::string bbmName;
/// The name of the package to which it belongs
std::string bbmPackageName;
- /// 0 : "Pipeline" mode : bbBackwardUpdate() only calls Process if Status == MODIFIED (normal pipeline processing)
- /// 1 : "Always" mode : bbUpdate() always calls Process
- /// 2 : "Reactive" mode : bbSetModifiedStatus() calls bbUpdate()
+ /// The box processing mode
+ /// 0 : "Pipeline" mode
+ /// 1 : "Always" mode
+ /// 2 : "Reactive" mode
std::string bbmBoxProcessMode;
/// The parent of the black box in the ComplexBlackBox hierarchy
BlackBox::WeakPointer bbmParent;
InputConnectorMapType mInputConnectorMap;
+ /// The maximum ChangeTime of the inputs
+ // ChangeTime mMaxInputChangeTime;
+ /// The minimum ChangeTime of the outputs
+ // ChangeTime mMinOutputChangeTime;
+ protected:
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Sets the ChangeTime of input
+ /*
+ void bbSetInputChangeTime(BlackBoxInputConnector* c,
+ const ChangeTime& t);
+ /// Sets the ChangeTime of output
+ void bbSetOutputChangeTime(BlackBoxOutputConnector* c,
+ const ChangeTime& t);
+ */
+ // void bbUpdateMaxInputChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t);
+ // void bbUpdateMinOutputChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t);
+ /// Set the change time of the input
+ // void bbSetInputChangeTime(const std::string& n, ChangeTime);
+ /// Set the change time of the output
+ // void bbSetOutputChangeTime(const std::string& n, ChangeTime);
// Class BlackBox
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:50 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace bbtk
+ //========================================================================
BlackBoxInputConnector::BlackBoxInputConnector(BlackBox::Pointer b)
: mBox(b), mConnection(0), mStatus(MODIFIED)
+ //========================================================================
+ //========================================================================
+ //========================================================================
+ //========================================================================
void BlackBoxInputConnector::SetConnection(Connection* c)
mConnection = c;
+ //========================================================================
+ //========================================================================
void BlackBoxInputConnector::UnsetConnection(Connection* c)
- mConnection = 0; //.reset();
+ mConnection = 0;
+ //========================================================================
- IOStatus BlackBoxInputConnector::BackwardUpdate()
+ //========================================================================
+ void BlackBoxInputConnector::BackwardUpdate()
bbtkDebugMessage("process",9,"==> BlackBoxInputConnector::BackwardUpdate()"
- if (mConnection) //.lock())
- {
- IOStatus s = mConnection->BackwardUpdate();
- mStatus = s;
- }
- else
+ // If UPTODATE or MODIFIED : nothing to do
+ // if (mStatus != OUTOFDATE) return;
+ // If connected and OUTOFDATE : recursive update
+ // Post-update status is updated by the connection
+ // (either MODIFIED or OUTOFDATE)
+ if ( mConnection && (mStatus == OUTOFDATE) )
- mStatus = UPTODATE;
+ mConnection->BackwardUpdate();
- return mStatus;
+ // If not connected : it was set to OUTOFDATE on creation
+ // Becomes MODIFIED
+ // LGTODO : Initialize to MODIFIED and set to OUTOFDATE on connection ?
+ // else
+ // {
+ // mStatus = MODIFIED;
+ // }
+ //========================================================================
- // void Modified();
// namespace bbtk
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:53:56 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#define __bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector_h__
#include "bbtkConnection.h"
+#include "bbtkChangeTime.h"
#include <vector>
namespace bbtk
/// The parameter is USELESS today but would be useful if we allow multiple connections on inputs
void UnsetConnection(Connection* c);
- IOStatus BackwardUpdate();
+ // IOStatus
+ void BackwardUpdate();
+ /// Returns the ChangeTime of the output (const)
+ // const ChangeTime& GetChangeTime() const { return mChangeTime; }
+ /// Returns the ChangeTime of the output
+ // ChangeTime& GetChangeTime() { return mChangeTime; }
+ // bool SetChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t) { return mChangeTime.Set(t); }
/// Returns the connection plugged into this input (const)
Connection* GetConnection() const { return mConnection; }
/// Returns true iff a connection is connected to it
bool IsConnected() const { return (mConnection != 0); }
- /// Returns the status of the input (UPTODATE | MODIFIED)
- const IOStatus& GetStatus() const { return mStatus; }
- ///
+ /// Returns the status of the input
+ IOStatus GetStatus() const { return mStatus; }
+ /// Sets the status of the input
+ void SetStatus(IOStatus s) { mStatus = s; }
+ /// Returns the black box which owns the connector
BlackBoxPointer GetBlackBox() const { return mBox.lock(); }
BlackBoxWeakPointer mBox;
/// The connection plugged into the input
Connection* mConnection;
- /// The status of the input (UPTODATE | MODIFIED)
+ /// The status of the input (UPTODATE | MODIFIED | OUTOFDATE)
IOStatus mStatus;
+ // The change time
+ // ChangeTime mChangeTime;
+ /*
+ /// Returns the TimeStamp
+ const TimeStamp& GetTimeStamp() const { return mTimeStamp;}
+ TimeStamp& GetTimeStamp() { return mTimeStamp;}
+ /// Set the connector to MODIFIED status and increments the time stamp
+ void SetModified()
+ { mStatus = MODIFIED; mTimeStamp.Modified(); }
+ /// The TimeStamp
+ TimeStamp mTimeStamp;
+ */
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.8 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:00 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace bbtk
+ //======================================================================
- // : mStatus(MODIFIED)
+ : mStatus(OUTOFDATE)
+ //======================================================================
+ //======================================================================
"<== BlackBoxOutputConnector::~BlackBoxOutputConnector()"
+ //======================================================================
+ //======================================================================
void BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetConnection(Connection* c)
+ // AddChangeObserver(boost::bind(&Connection::SignalChange,c));
+ //======================================================================
- ///
+ //======================================================================
void BlackBoxOutputConnector::UnsetConnection(Connection* c)
bbtkInternalError("BlackBoxOutputConnector::UnsetConnection("<<c<<") : connection is absent from connections list");
+ // RemoveChangeObserver(boost::bind(&Connection::SignalChange,c));
+ //======================================================================
+ //======================================================================
+ void BlackBoxOutputConnector::SignalChange( BlackBox::Pointer box,
+ const std::string& output )
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "==> BlackBoxOutputConnector::SignalChange("
+ <<box->bbGetFullName()<<",'"
+ <<output<<"','"<<GetIOStatusString(mStatus)<<"') ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ mChangeSignal(box,output,mStatus);
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "<== BlackBoxOutputConnector::SignalChange("
+ <<box->bbGetFullName()<<",'"
+ <<output<<"','"<<GetIOStatusString(mStatus)<<"') ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ }
+ //======================================================================
+ /*
void BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetModifiedStatus()
+ */
+ /*
+ //======================================================================
+ void BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTime(const ChangeTime& t)
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "==> BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTime("<<t<<") ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ if (mChangeTime.Set(t))
+ {
+ mChangeSignal(this);
+ }
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "<== BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTime("<<t<<") ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ }
+ //======================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ //======================================================================
+ void BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTimeToCurrentTime()
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "==> BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTimetoCurrentTime() ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ mChangeTime.Set(ChangeTime::GetCurrentTime());
+ mChangeSignal(this);
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "<==> BlackBoxOutputConnector::SetChangeTimetoCurrentTime() ["
+ <<this<<"]"
+ <<std::endl);
+ }
+ //======================================================================
+ */
+ //======================================================================
+ void BlackBoxOutputConnector::AddChangeObserver(OutputChangeCallbackType f)
+ {
+ mChangeSignal.connect(f);
+ }
+ //======================================================================
+ //======================================================================
+ /// Removes the function f from the list of functions to call when
+ /// the output changes (TO WRITE)
+ void BlackBoxOutputConnector::RemoveChangeObserver(OutputChangeCallbackType f)
+ {
+ bbtkError("BlackBoxOutputConnector::RemoveChangeObserver not implemented");
+ //mChangeSignal.disconnect(f);
+ }
+ //======================================================================
// namespace bbtk
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:06 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#define __bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector_h__
#include "bbtkConnection.h"
+#include "bbtkBlackBox.h"
#include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
#include <vector>
+// Change time management
+//#include <bbtkChangeTime.h>
+// Signal/slot mechanism for output change events
+//#include <boost/signal.hpp>
+//#include <boost/bind.hpp>
namespace bbtk
+ // class BlackBox;
+ // void operator (void*)(ChangeCallbackType t) { return (void*)t; };
+ typedef void (*ChangeSignalFunctionType)(BlackBoxOutputConnector*);
+ bool operator==(void (*sg1)(BlackBoxOutputConnector*),
+ void (*sg2)(BlackBoxOutputConnector*))
+ { return sg1==sg2;}
+ bool operator==(boost::function1<void, bbtk::BlackBoxOutputConnector*, std::allocator<void> >,boost::function1<void, bbtk::BlackBoxOutputConnector*, std::allocator<void> >)
+ {
+ }
+ //boost::function<void ()(bbtk::BlackBoxOutputConnector*), std::allocator<void> >]
class BBTK_EXPORT BlackBoxOutputConnector
+ // typedef boost::signals::trackable ChangeObserverType;
+ // typedef boost::signal<void (bbtk::BlackBox::Pointer*,const std::string&,IOStatus)> ChangeSignalType;
+ // typedef ChangeSignalType::slot_function_type ChangeCallbackType;
+ typedef BlackBox::OutputChangeCallbackType OutputChangeCallbackType;
void SetConnection(Connection* c);
void UnsetConnection(Connection* c);
- //IOStatus Update();
- void SetModifiedStatus();
typedef std::vector<Connection*> ConnectionVector;
const ConnectionVector& GetConnectionVector() const { return mConnection; }
+ IOStatus GetStatus() const { return mStatus; }
+ void SetStatus( IOStatus s ) { mStatus = s; }
+ void SignalChange( BlackBox::Pointer box, const std::string& output );
+ // void SetModifiedStatus();
+ /// Returns the ChangeTime of the output (const)
+ // const ChangeTime& GetChangeTime() const { return mChangeTime; }
+ /// Returns the ChangeTime of the output
+ // ChangeTime& GetChangeTime() { return mChangeTime; }
+ /// To be called when the output has changed
+ /// (sets the ChangeTime to current time and
+ /// signals the change to observers)
+ // void SetChangeTime(const ChangeTime&);
+ /// To be called when the output has changed
+ /// (sets the ChangeTime to current time and
+ /// signals the change to observers)
+ // void SetChangeTimeToCurrentTime();
+ /// Adds the function f to the list of functions to call when
+ /// the output changes.
+ /// f is of type ChangeCallbackType which is basically:
+ /// void (*ChangeCallbackType)(BlackBoxOutputConnector*)
+ /// To pass a member function 'f' of an instance 'c' of a class 'C'
+ /// as callback you have to 'bind' it, i.e. call:
+ /// AddChangeObserver ( boost::bind( &C::f , c, _1 ) );
+ void AddChangeObserver(OutputChangeCallbackType f);
+ /// Removes the function f from the list of functions to call when
+ /// the output changes (TO WRITE)
+ void RemoveChangeObserver(OutputChangeCallbackType f);
/// The vector of output connections
ConnectionVector mConnection;
/// The status of the output
- //IOStatus mStatus;
+ IOStatus mStatus;
+ BlackBox::OutputChangeSignalType mChangeSignal;
+ // The change time
+ ChangeTime mChangeTime;
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkComplexBlackBox.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.21 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:09 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.22 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*
void ComplexBlackBox::bbSetModifiedStatus(BlackBoxInputConnector* c)
- /*
- bbtkDebugMessage("modified",1,
- "<== ComplexBlackBox::bbSetModifiedStatus("
- <<c<<") ["<<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- */
void ComplexBlackBox::bbAddToExecutionList( const std::string& name )
- IOStatus ComplexBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller)
+ void ComplexBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller)
"==> ComplexBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- IOStatus s = UPTODATE;
+ // IOStatus s = UPTODATE;
const BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType& omap
= bbGetDescriptor()->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator i
//Connection newcaller(*caller);
//IOStatus s1 = b->bbBackwardUpdate(&newcaller);
- IOStatus s1 = b->bbBackwardUpdate(caller);
+ //IOStatus s1 =
+ b->bbBackwardUpdate(caller);
// restore old output
// caller->SetBlackBoxFromOutput(oldout);
// ??? STATUS OF CBBs ???
// ??? Here it is only the final status of the boxes connected to the output
+ // if (s1==MODIFIED) s=MODIFIED;
bbtkError("Connection '"<<caller->GetFullName()<<"' does not point to a valid output of the complex box !");
- return s;
+ return; // s;
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkComplexBlackBox.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:12 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:13 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ComplexBlackBox(ComplexBlackBox& from, const std::string &name);
- IOStatus bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller);
+ //IOStatus
+ void bbBackwardUpdate(Connection::Pointer caller);
// void bbForwardUpdate(Connection* caller);
- void bbSetModifiedStatus(BlackBoxInputConnector* c);
+ // void bbSetModifiedStatus(BlackBoxInputConnector* c);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkConnection.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.15 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:19 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.16 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bbtkFactory.h"
#include "bbtkBlackBox.h"
#include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
+#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
namespace bbtk
+ const std::string IOSTATUS_STRING[3] =
+ {"Up-to-date","Modified","Out-of-date"};
+ const std::string& GetIOStatusString(IOStatus s)
+ { return IOSTATUS_STRING[s]; }
Connection::Pointer Connection::New(BlackBox::Pointer from,
const std::string& output,
//Pointer p = MakePointer(this,true);
+ from->bbGetOutputConnector(output).AddChangeObserver(boost::bind(&bbtk::Connection::OnOutputChange,this, _1, _2, _3));
bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"<== Connection::Connection(\""
+ from->bbGetOutputConnector(output).AddChangeObserver(boost::bind(&bbtk::Connection::OnOutputChange,this, _1, _2, _3));
bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"<== Connection::Connection(\""
/// Backward Update
- IOStatus Connection::BackwardUpdate()
+ void Connection::BackwardUpdate()
"===> Connection::BackwardUpdate() ["
- IOStatus s = UPTODATE;
- s = mFrom->bbBackwardUpdate(GetThisPointer<Connection>());
+ mFrom->bbBackwardUpdate(GetThisPointer<Connection>());
- if (mAdaptor && (s==MODIFIED)) mAdaptor->bbSetModifiedStatus();
+ // Transfer status
+ IOStatus s = MODIFIED;
+ if ( mFrom->bbGetOutputConnector(mOutput).GetStatus() == OUTOFDATE)
+ mTo->bbGetInputConnector(mInput).SetStatus(s);
"<=== Connection::BackwardUpdate() ["
- return s;
+ return; // s;
+ /*
/// Modified
void Connection::SetModifiedStatus()
mTo->bbSetModifiedStatus( mTo->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(mInput)->second );
- /*
- bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,
- "==> Connection::SetModifiedStatus() ["
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ */
+ //==================================================================
+ /// From.Output change propagation
+ void Connection::OnOutputChange(bbtk::BlackBox::Pointer, const std::string&,
+ IOStatus status)
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("change",2,
+ "==> Connection::OnOutputChange("<<status<<") ["
- */
+ if (mAdaptor)
+ {
+ BlackBoxInputConnector* ac = mAdaptor->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find("In")->second;
+ mAdaptor->bbSetStatusAndPropagate(ac,status);
+ }
+ mTo->bbSetStatusAndPropagate( mTo->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(mInput)->second, status);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkConnection.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/13 14:46:43 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:23 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class BlackBoxInputConnector;
class BlackBoxOutputConnector;
- ///
- typedef int IOStatus;
- ///
- const int MODIFIED = 0;
- ///
- const int UPTODATE = 1;
- /// const int UPDATING = 2;
+ /// The type of input / output status
+ typedef unsigned char IOStatus;
+ /// Up-to-date status value
+ const IOStatus UPTODATE = 0;
+ /// Modified status value
+ const IOStatus MODIFIED = 1;
+ /// Out-of-date status value
+ const IOStatus OUTOFDATE = 2;
+ const std::string& GetIOStatusString( IOStatus );
class BBTK_EXPORT Connection : public Object
// void Delete();
- /// Amont direction pipeline processing
- /// 1) call bbBackwardUpdate(this) on the upstream box
- /// 2) copies the upstream box output to the downstream box input adapting it if needed
- virtual IOStatus BackwardUpdate();
- /// Aval direction pipeline processing :
- /// 1) copies the upstream box output to the downstream box input adapting it if needed
- /// 2) call bbForwardUpdate(this) on the downstream box
- // virtual void ForwardUpdate();
+ /// Pipeline processing method
+ /// 1) call bbBackwardUpdate(this) on the from box
+ /// 2) copies the from box output to the to box input
+ /// adapting it if needed
+ /// 3) sets the new IOStatus of the to box input to the
+ /// status of the from box output
+ void BackwardUpdate();
+ /// Change callback
+ void OnOutputChange(BlackBoxPointer, const std::string&,
+ IOStatus);
- virtual void SetModifiedStatus();
std::string GetFullName() const;
/// Returns the original initial black box of the connection
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkKWBlackBox.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 09:38:02 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:26 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bbtkKWBlackBox.h"
+#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
#include "vtkKWBlackBoxDialog.h"
namespace bbtk
- /*
- //=========================================================================
- // KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::
- KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler( KWBlackBox::Pointer box,
- vtkKWWidget *widget )
- :
- mBox(box),
- mWindow(widget)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",9,"KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler("<<mBox.lock()->bbGetFullName()<<")"<<std::endl);
- mBox.lock()->bbSetWidgetEventHandler(this);
- Connect ( mWindow->GetId(),
- (kwObjectEventFunction)
- (void (kwEvtHandler::*)(kwWindowDestroyEvent& c))
- &KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::OnWindowDestroy );
- mWindow->PushEventHandler(this);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::~KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler()
- {
- if (mBox.expired()) return;
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",9,
- "KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::~KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler() ["
- <<mBox.lock()->bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- mBox.lock()->bbSetWidgetEventHandler(0);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- void KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::OnWindowDestroy(kwWindowDestroyEvent&)
- {
- if (mBox.expired()) return;
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",9,"KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::OnWindowDestroy() ["
- <<mBox.lock()->bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- mBox.lock()->bbSetOutputWidget(0);
- mBox.lock()->bbSetModifiedStatus();
- }
- //=========================================================================
- */
// KWBlackBox
// bbSetWidgetEventHandler(0);
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
+ // bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
"=> KWBlackBox::bbExecute("<<(int)force<<") ["
- /*
// If the output 'Widget' is connected then
// we must execute the parent box
BlackBox::OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i
= bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget");
if ( i->second->GetConnectionVector().size() != 0 )
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected : transfering execution to parent"
- <<std::endl);
- i->second->GetConnectionVector().front() //.lock()
- ->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbExecute(force);
- }
- */
- if (false)
- {
+ bbtkWarning("Execution called on '"<<bbGetFullName()
+ <<"' although its Output 'Widget' is connected: "
+ <<"if the widget is not created yet then it will not be! "
+ <<"Execute the top level Layout widget to create and "
+ <<"display the widget.");
- // else call 'standard' BlackBox execution method
- else
- {
- AtomicBlackBox::bbExecute(force);
- }
- //
+ AtomicBlackBox::bbExecute(force);
"<= KWBlackBox::bbExecute() ["
- //=========================================================================
- /// Main processing method of the box.
- IOStatus KWBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller )
- {
- /*
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "=> KWBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- if ( ! (( bbGetStatus() == MODIFIED ) ||
- ( bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() )) )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,"Up-to-date : nothing to do"<<std::endl);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "<= KWBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- return bbGetStatus();
- }
- */
- // If the caller's box to is not the box to connected to the
- // output 'Widget'
- /*
- BlackBox::OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i
- = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget") ;
- if ( i->second->GetConnectionVector().size() != 0 )
- {
- BlackBox::Pointer to =
- i->second->GetConnectionVector()[0]->GetBlackBoxTo();
- if (caller)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected to '"
- <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"' - caller->to = '"
- <<caller->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbGetFullName()
- <<"'"
- <<std::endl);
- }
- else
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected to '"
- <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"'"
- <<std::endl);
- }
- if ((caller==0) ||
- ( (caller!=0) &&
- (caller->GetBlackBoxTo() != to)&&
- (!bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent())&&
- (!to->bbGetExecuting())
- )
- )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- " ... Transfering update order to parent"
- <<std::endl);
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(true);
- i->second->GetConnectionVector().front() //.lock()
- ->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbExecute(false);
- }
- else
- {
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- " ... No need to transfer to parent"
- <<std::endl);
- }
- }
- */
- /*
- // If the caller is not the connection to the output widget
- // and the output 'Widget' is connected then
- // we must execute the parent box
- // but only one time
- // (this is the role of the flag UpdateTransferedToParent)
- if ( (caller==0) ||
- ((caller!=0)&&(caller->GetBlackBoxFromOutput()!="Widget"))
- )
- {
- }
- */
- // call 'standard' BlackBox execution method
- //if (!bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent())
- {
- return AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate(caller);
- }
- /*
- bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",3,
- "<= KWBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate() ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- */
- return bbGetStatus();
- }
void KWBlackBox::bbProcess()
- /*
- //=========================================================================
- void KWBlackBox::bbPlaceWidget()
- {
- vtkKWFrame* parent = (vtkKWFrame*)(bbGetOutputWidget()->GetParent());
- bbGetOutputWidget->GetApplication()->Script("place %s -x 0 -y 0 -width %s -height %s",
- bbGetOutputWidget()->GetWidgetName(),
- parent->GetWidth(),
- parent->GetHeight());
- }
- //=========================================================================
- */
- /*
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- void KWBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(vtkKWWidget* parent)
- {
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()==0)
- {
- this->bbUserCreateWidget(parent);
- }
- // If Event Handler for the widget does not exist or is obsolete : create it
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()!=0)
- {
- if (bbGetWidgetEventHandler()==0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",3,
- "-> No widget event handler : creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- new KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- else if ( ! bbGetWidgetEventHandler()->IsHandlerOf
- ( bbGetOutputWidget() ) )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",3,
- "-> Obsolete widget event handler : re-creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- delete bbGetWidgetEventHandler();
- new KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- // Sets the name of the vtkKWWidget to the input WinTitle
- bbGetOutputWidget()->SetName(bbtk::std2kw(bbGetInputWinTitle()));
- }
- }
- */
+ //==================================================================
vtkKWWidget* KWBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetOfInput(const std::string& in, vtkKWFrame* parent)
vtkKWWidget* w = 0;
return w;
- //==================================================================
- /// Specific methods for window creation during pipeline execution
- /// Shows the window associated to the box
- /// (called after bbProcess during bbExecute)
- void KWBlackBox::bbShowWindow()
- {
- bbtkDebugMessageInc("kw",1,"=> KWBlackBox::bbShowWindow() ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- // If Event Handler for the widget does not exist or is obsolete : create it
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()!=0)
- {
- if (bbGetWidgetEventHandler()==0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",3,
- "-> No widget event handler : creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- new KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- else if ( ! bbGetWidgetEventHandler()->IsHandlerOf
- ( bbGetOutputWidget() ) )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",3,
- "-> Obsolete widget event handler : re-creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- delete bbGetWidgetEventHandler();
- new KWBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- // Sets the name of the vtkKWWidget to the input WinTitle
- bbGetOutputWidget()->SetName(bbtk::std2kw(bbGetInputWinTitle()));
- }
- // If the output 'Widget' is connected then it's gonna
- // be captured by its parent window : nothing to do
- if ( (*bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget")).second
- ->GetConnectionVector().size() != 0 )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected : nothing to do"
- <<std::endl);
- return;
- }
- Window* show = 0;
- // If the window already exists : no need creating it
- if (bbGetWindow()!=0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,
- "-> Window already exists"
- <<std::endl);
- show = bbGetWindow();
- }
- // Else if the widget exists : create window
- else if (bbGetOutputWidget()!=0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,
- "-> Widget exists : creating the window"
- <<std::endl);
- // Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog
- if (bbGetInputWinDialog())
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,
- " Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog"
- <<std::endl);
- show = (Window*) new KWBlackBoxDialog( GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- // bbGetKWParent(),
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- KW::GetTopWindow(),
- std2kw( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
- kwSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
- }
- // Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame
- else
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",2,
- " Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame"
- <<std::endl);
- show = (Window*) new KWBlackBoxFrame( GetThisPointer<KWBlackBox>(),
- // bbGetKWParent(),
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- KW::GetTopWindow(),
- std2kw( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
- kwSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
- }
- }
- // No window nor widget : error
- else
- {
- bbtkError("KWBlackBox::bbShowWindow() ["
- <<bbGetFullName()
- <<"] : No widget. Did you set the box output 'Widget' in the processing method of the box ?");
- }
- // Show the window
- if (true) //!show->IsShown())
- {
- show->bbShow();
- }
- else
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,"-> Already shown : nothing to do"<<std::endl);
- }
- bbtkDebugMessage("kw",2,"<= KWBlackBox::bbShowWindow() ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- }
- //==================================================================
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- // vtkKWWidget* KWBlackBox::bbGetKWParent() { return KW::GetTopWindow(); }
- //==================================================================
bool KWBlackBox::bbIsShown()
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkKWBlackBox.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/02 13:37:54 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:26 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
/// Main processing method of the box.
- virtual IOStatus bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller );
+ // virtual void bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller );
protected :
+ /*
/// For Forward update mechanism when execution is called
/// on a contained window
/// Is set to true before transfering update to parent
bool bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent() const { return bbmUpdateTransferedToParent; }
void bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(bool b)
{ bbmUpdateTransferedToParent = b; }
+ */
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkMessageManager.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/29 21:41:34 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.14 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
mMessageLevel[key] = 0;
mMessageHelp[key] = "Connections related messages";
if (mMaxMessageLength<key.length()) mMaxMessageLength = key.length();
- key = "modified";
+ key = "change";
mMessageLevel[key] = 0;
- mMessageHelp[key] = "Modified related messages";
+ mMessageHelp[key] = "Box i/o changes related messages";
if (mMaxMessageLength<key.length()) mMaxMessageLength = key.length();
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkWxBlackBox.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 09:38:02 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.32 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.33 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bbtkWxBlackBox.h"
+#include "bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h"
//#include "bbtkWxContainerBlackBox.h"
#include <wx/dialog.h>
bbtkDebugMessage("wx",9,"WxBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler::OnWindowDestroy() ["
- mBox.lock()->bbSetModifiedStatus();
+ // mBox.lock()->bbSetModifiedStatus();
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
+ // bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
/// Main processing method of the box.
void WxBlackBox::bbExecute(bool force)
- /*
"=> WxBlackBox::bbExecute("<<(int)force<<") ["
- */
- /*
// If the output 'Widget' is connected then
// we must execute the parent box
BlackBox::OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i
= bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget");
if ( i->second->GetConnectionVector().size() != 0 )
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected : transfering execution to parent"
- <<std::endl);
- i->second->GetConnectionVector().front() //.lock()
- ->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbExecute(force);
- }
- */
- /*
- if (false)
- {
- }
- // else call 'standard' BlackBox execution method
- else
- {
- */
- return AtomicBlackBox::bbExecute(force);
- /*
+ bbtkWarning("Execution called on '"<<bbGetFullName()
+ <<"' although its Output 'Widget' is connected: "
+ <<"if the widget is not created yet then it will not be! "
+ <<"Execute the top level Layout widget to create and "
+ <<"display the widget.");
- //
+ AtomicBlackBox::bbExecute(force);
"<= WxBlackBox::bbExecute() ["
- */
- /// Main processing method of the box.
- IOStatus WxBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "=> WxBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- if ( ! (( bbGetStatus() == MODIFIED ) ||
- ( bbBoxProcessModeIsAlways() )) )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,"Up-to-date : nothing to do"<<std::endl);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "<= WxBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate("
- <<(caller?caller->GetFullName():"0")<<") ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- return bbGetStatus();
- }
- // If the caller's box to is not the box to connected to the
- // output 'Widget'
- /*
- BlackBox::OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i
- = bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget") ;
- if ( i->second->GetConnectionVector().size() != 0 )
+ void WxBlackBox::bbProcess()
+ {
+ if (bbGetOutputWidget()==0) this->bbUserCreateWidget();
+ this->bbUserProcess();
+ bbShowWindow();
+ // this->bbUserOnShow();
+ */
+ // LG 22/11/08 : new widget pipeline
+ // If output widget not connected :
+ if ( (*bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget")).second
+ ->GetConnectionVector().size() == 0 )
- BlackBox::Pointer to =
- i->second->GetConnectionVector()[0]->GetBlackBoxTo();
- if (caller)
+ Window* show = 0;
+ // If the window already exists : no need creating it
+ if (bbGetWindow()!=0)
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected to '"
- <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"' - caller->to = '"
- <<caller->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbGetFullName()
- <<"'"
+ bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
+ "-> Window already exists"
+ show = bbGetWindow();
- else
+ // Else create window
+ else
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- "-> Output 'Widget' connected to '"
- <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"'"
+ bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
+ "-> Creating the window"
+ // Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog
+ if (bbGetInputWinDialog())
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
+ " Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog"
+ <<std::endl);
+ show = (Window*) new WxBlackBoxDialog( GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
+ // bbGetWxParent(),
+ // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
+ Wx::GetTopWindow(),
+ std2wx( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
+ wxSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
+ }
+ // Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame
+ else
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessage("process",2,
+ " Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame"
+ <<std::endl);
+ show = (Window*) new WxBlackBoxFrame( GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
+ // bbGetWxParent(),
+ // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
+ Wx::GetTopWindow(),
+ std2wx( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
+ wxSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
+ }
- if ((caller==0) ||
- ( (caller!=0) &&
- (caller->GetBlackBoxTo() != to)&&
- (!bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent())&&
- (!to->bbGetExecuting())
- )
- )
+ // Show the window
+ show->bbShow();
+ }
+ this->bbUserProcess();
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
+ void WxBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(wxWindow* parent)
+ {
+ if (bbGetOutputWidget()==0)
+ {
+ this->bbUserCreateWidget(parent);
+ }
+ // If Event Handler for the widget does not exist or is obsolete : create it
+ if (bbGetOutputWidget()!=0)
+ {
+ if (bbGetWidgetEventHandler()==0)
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- " ... Transfering update order to parent"
+ bbtkDebugMessage("wx",3,
+ "-> No widget event handler : creating one"
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(true);
- i->second->GetConnectionVector().front() //.lock()
- ->GetBlackBoxTo()->bbExecute(false);
+ new WxBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
+ bbGetOutputWidget());
- else
+ else if ( ! bbGetWidgetEventHandler()->IsHandlerOf
+ ( bbGetOutputWidget() ) )
- bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(false);
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",3,
- " ... No need to transfer to parent"
+ bbtkDebugMessage("wx",3,
+ "-> Obsolete widget event handler : re-creating one"
+ delete bbGetWidgetEventHandler();
+ new WxBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
+ bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- */
- /*
- // If the caller is not the connection to the output widget
- // and the output 'Widget' is connected then
- // we must execute the parent box
- // but only one time
- // (this is the role of the flag UpdateTransferedToParent)
- if ( (caller==0) ||
- ((caller!=0)&&(caller->GetBlackBoxFromOutput()!="Widget"))
- )
- {
- }
- */
- // call 'standard' BlackBox execution method
- if (!bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent())
- {
- AtomicBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate(caller);
+ // Sets the name of the wxWindow to the input WinTitle
+ bbGetOutputWidget()->SetName(bbtk::std2wx(bbGetInputWinTitle()));
- bbtkDebugMessageDec("process",3,
- "<= WxBlackBox::bbBackwardUpdate() ["
- <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
- return bbGetStatus();
- //=========================================================================
- void WxBlackBox::bbProcess()
- {
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()==0) this->bbUserCreateWidget();
- this->bbUserProcess();
- bbShowWindow();
- // this->bbUserOnShow();
- // LG 22/11/08 : new widget pipeline
- // If output widget not connected :
- if ( (*bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find("Widget")).second
- ->GetConnectionVector().size() == 0 )
+ wxWindow* WxBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetOfInput(const std::string& in, wxWindow* parent)
+ {
+ wxWindow* w = 0;
+ // If input is connected
+ BlackBoxInputConnector* c = bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(in)->second ;
+ if ( c->IsConnected() )
- Window* show = 0;
- // If the window already exists : no need creating it
- if (bbGetWindow()!=0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
- "-> Window already exists"
- <<std::endl);
- show = bbGetWindow();
- }
- // Else create window
- else
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
- "-> Creating the window"
- <<std::endl);
- // Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog
- if (bbGetInputWinDialog())
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,
- " Input WinDialog set to true : creating a Dialog"
- <<std::endl);
- show = (Window*) new WxBlackBoxDialog( GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
- // bbGetWxParent(),
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- Wx::GetTopWindow(),
- std2wx( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
- wxSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
- }
- // Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame
- else
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("process",2,
- " Input WinDialog set to false : creating a Frame"
- <<std::endl);
- show = (Window*) new WxBlackBoxFrame( GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
- // bbGetWxParent(),
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- Wx::GetTopWindow(),
- std2wx( bbGetInputWinTitle() + " - bbtk (c) CREATIS LRMN"),
- wxSize( bbGetInputWinWidth() , bbGetInputWinHeight() ) );
- }
- }
- // Show the window
- show->bbShow();
- }
- this->bbUserProcess();
+ // Get black box from
+ BlackBox::Pointer from =
+ c->GetConnection()->GetBlackBoxFrom();
+ // Cast it into a WxBlackBox
+ WxBlackBox::Pointer wfrom = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<WxBlackBox>(from);
+ // Call bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler
+ wfrom->bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(parent);
+ // Get the widget created
+ w = wfrom->bbGetOutputWidget();
+ }
+ return w;
- //=========================================================================
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- void WxBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(wxWindow* parent)
- {
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()==0)
- {
- this->bbUserCreateWidget(parent);
- }
- // If Event Handler for the widget does not exist or is obsolete : create it
- if (bbGetOutputWidget()!=0)
- {
- if (bbGetWidgetEventHandler()==0)
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("wx",3,
- "-> No widget event handler : creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- new WxBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- else if ( ! bbGetWidgetEventHandler()->IsHandlerOf
- ( bbGetOutputWidget() ) )
- {
- bbtkDebugMessage("wx",3,
- "-> Obsolete widget event handler : re-creating one"
- <<std::endl);
- delete bbGetWidgetEventHandler();
- new WxBlackBoxWidgetEventHandler(GetThisPointer<WxBlackBox>(),
- bbGetOutputWidget());
- }
- // Sets the name of the wxWindow to the input WinTitle
- bbGetOutputWidget()->SetName(bbtk::std2wx(bbGetInputWinTitle()));
- }
- }
- wxWindow* WxBlackBox::bbCreateWidgetOfInput(const std::string& in, wxWindow* parent)
- {
- wxWindow* w = 0;
- // If input is connected
- BlackBoxInputConnector* c = bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(in)->second ;
- if ( c->IsConnected() )
- {
- // Get black box from
- BlackBox::Pointer from =
- c->GetConnection()->GetBlackBoxFrom();
- // Cast it into a WxBlackBox
- WxBlackBox::Pointer wfrom = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<WxBlackBox>(from);
- // Call bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler
- wfrom->bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(parent);
- // Get the widget created
- w = wfrom->bbGetOutputWidget();
- }
- return w;
- }
- /*
+ /*
/// Specific methods for window creation during pipeline execution
/// Shows the window associated to the box
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkWxBlackBox.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/11/25 11:17:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.21 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:54:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.22 $
virtual void bbUserOnHide() {}
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- void bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(wxWindow* parent);
+ // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
+ void bbCreateWidgetAndEventHandler(wxWindow* parent);
/// User callback for creating the widget associated to the box
/// ** Must be defined **
- // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
- virtual void bbUserCreateWidget(wxWindow* parent)
+ // LG 24/11/08 : New widget pipeline
+ virtual void bbUserCreateWidget(wxWindow* parent)
bbtkError(bbGetTypeName()<<" is a WxBlackBox whose bbUserCreateWidget methods is not overloaded : is it a feature or a bug ?!?");
- wxWindow* bbCreateWidgetOfInput(const std::string& in, wxWindow* parent);
+ //==================================================================
+ // For layout widgets : creates and returns the widget
+ // of the box connected to input in
+ wxWindow* bbCreateWidgetOfInput(const std::string& in, wxWindow* parent);
+ //==================================================================
/// Main processing method of the box.
- virtual IOStatus bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller );
+ // No more overloaded
+ // virtual void bbBackwardUpdate( Connection::Pointer caller );
- /// Overloaded processing method for WxBlackBoxes :
- /// 1) if the widget is null then
- /// calls the user defined widget creation method : bbUserCreateWidget()
- /// 2) calls the user defined processing method : bbUserProcess()
- /// 3) displays the window : bbShowWindow();
+ /// Overloaded processing method for WxBlackBoxes which handles
+ /// the window creation if needed
virtual void bbProcess();
/// on a contained window
/// Is set to true before transfering update to parent
/// in order to not re-transfer a second time...
+ /*
bool bbmUpdateTransferedToParent;
bool bbGetUpdateTransferedToParent() const { return bbmUpdateTransferedToParent; }
void bbSetUpdateTransferedToParent(bool b)
{ bbmUpdateTransferedToParent = b; }
+ */
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbwxvtkViewer2D.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 13:35:35 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.27 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:56:03 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.28 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor = new wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor(panel,-1);
- imageViewer = vtkImageViewer2::New();
+ imageViewer = wxvtkImageViewer2::New();
imageViewer->SetSlice( 1 );
imageViewer->SetupInteractor ( wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor );
// std::cout << "Viewer2DWidget::UpdateView() "<<mBox->bbGetFullName() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "slice="<<mBox->bbGetInputSlice()<<std::endl;
+ std::cout << "--- Testing status of input connection 'In'" << std::endl;
+ bbtk::BlackBoxInputConnector* c = mBox->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find("In")->second ;
+ if (c->GetStatus()==bbtk::MODIFIED)
+ {
+ std::cout << "===> MODIFIED"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (c->GetStatus()==bbtk::UPTODATE)
+ {
+ std::cout << "===> UPTODATE"<<std::endl;
+ }
if ( ( mBox->bbGetInputIn() == NULL ) &&
( backImageData != mDefaultImage ) )
+ //
+ std::cout << "** Viewer2DWidget::UpdateView() : NULL Input (reset)"
+ <<std::endl;
backImageData = mDefaultImage;
mUpdateCamera = true;
else if ( ( mBox->bbGetInputIn() != NULL ) &&
// (true) ) //
(backImageData != mBox->bbGetInputIn()) )
+ std::cout << "** Viewer2DWidget::UpdateView() : Input changed"
+ <<std::endl;
backImageData = mBox->bbGetInputIn();
imageViewer->SetInput( backImageData );
if (mUpdateCamera)
+ std::cout << "** Viewer2DWidget::UpdateView() : Update Camera"
+ <<std::endl;
int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
double spx,spy,spz;
bbtkMessage("Output", 2, "Viewer2D : Orientation was not 0< <2 (shouldn't arrive here!"<<std::endl);
z = ext[5]; // Why not?
+ wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor->Refresh();
+ wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor->Render();
bbtkDebugMessage("Output",3,"Viewer2D : slice = "<<z<<std::endl);
imageViewer->SetSliceOrientation (orientation);
- wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor->Render();
imageViewer->SetSlice( z );
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbwxvtkViewer2D.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/12/03 13:35:35 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/12/08 12:56:17 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.12 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#define __bbwxvtkViewer2D_h__
#include "vtkImageData.h"
-#include "vtkImageViewer2.h"
+#include "wxvtkImageViewer2.h"
#include "vtkImplicitPlaneWidget.h"
#include "bbtkWxBlackBox.h"
vtkRenderer *GetRenderer();
Viewer2D *mBox;
- vtkImageViewer2 *imageViewer;
+ wxvtkImageViewer2 *imageViewer;
vtkImageData *backImageData;
vtkImageData *mDefaultImage;
wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxvtkrenderwindowinteractor;