BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,WxVtkBaseView,"creaMaracasVisuViewer viewer",wxVtkBaseView*,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,In,"Input Image",vtkImageData*,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,lstBaseColor,"List of Base Colors in RGB format to define the color map. Requirement: must be of a size being a multiple of 3, with values between 0 and 1. For example, for 2 colors: \"1 0 0 0 0 1\". If not provided as required, the histogram is equally split into three areas, blue, yellow and red.",std::vector<double>,"");
-BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,lstGreyLevelBoundaries,"List of the Grey Level Boundaries to define the color map. Requirement: Must have one more element than the number of colours. For example, for 2 colors: \"50 150 250\". If not provided as required, the histogram is equally split into areas, which number corresponds to the number of colors provided (3 by default).",std::vector<double>,"");
+BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,lstGreyLevelBoundaries,"List of the Grey Level Boundaries to define the color map (grey level outside the color boundaries will not be disayed). Requirement: Must have one more element than the number of colours. For example, for 2 colors: \"50 150 250\". If not provided as required, the histogram is equally split into areas, which number corresponds to the number of colors provided (3 by default).",std::vector<double>,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,PlainOrGradientColor,"Choose between Plain (true) or Gradient (false) colors. Default is false.",bool,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ColorLayerImageView,FittingMode,"Choose the fitting mode between the images, the transformation can be either by Dimension (1), by Spacing (2) or by Pixel (3). If you want to make the choice through a dialog box, choose (-1). Default is by Pixel (3).",int,"");
_base_color = base_color;
// Otherwise, an exception should be thrown.
else if (base_color.size() != 0)
- std::cout << "CM ColorLayerImageView::SetBaseColors : ERROR!!! The base color vector has an inconsistent size. It must be of a size multiple of 3, different from 0, but its size is: "<< base_color.size() << "." << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "CM ColorLayerImageView::SetBaseColors : ERROR!!! The base color vector has an inconsistent size. It must be of a size multiple of 3, different from 0, but its size is: "<< base_color.size() << ". Therefore, the default values will be used as base colors." << std::endl;
// Otherwise, an exception should be thrown.
else if (grey_level_boundary.size() != 0)
- std::cout << "CM ColorLayerImageView::SetGreyLevelBoundaries : ERROR!!! The grey level boundaries vector has an inconsistent size. It must be of a size greater than or equal to 2 (at least min and max must exist), but its size is: " << grey_level_boundary.size() << "." << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "CM ColorLayerImageView::SetGreyLevelBoundaries : ERROR!!! The grey level boundaries vector has an inconsistent size. It must be of a size greater than or equal to 2 (at least min and max must exist), but its size is: " << grey_level_boundary.size() << ". Therefore, the histogram will be equally split." << std::endl;