--- /dev/null
+load vtk
+# --- Box Description ---
+define IsoSurfaceExtractor vtk
+ description "Extracts an iso-surface of a 3D image and creates a vtkProp3D object to insert into a 3D scene (e.g. a Viewer3D)"
+ author "j p r at creatis.univ-lyon1.fr"
+ category "3D object creator"
+# --- ---
+ new PolyDataReader reader
+ new PolyDataToActor eedTrans
+ connect reader.Out eedTrans.In
+# --- ---
+ input Isovalue eedTrans.Isovalue "Isovalue"
+ input Opacity eedTrans.Opacity "Opacity"
+ input Colour eedTrans.Colour "R G B"
+ input Renderer eedTrans.Renderer "3D scene in which to insert the surface"
+ input Transform eedTrans.Transform "Linear Transform (4x4 homogeneous)"
+ output Out eedTrans.Out "Extracted iso-surface (as a vtkProp3D *)"
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<blackbox name="PolyDataReader" type="VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm">
+<author>j p r at creatis.insa-lyon.fr</author>
+<description><PRE>Reads .vtk mesh formats (bbfication of vtkPolyDataReader)</PRE></description>
+<input name="In" type="std::string" nature="file name" description="Name of the file to read"/>
+<output name="Out" type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk output" description="Output mesh" />
+ <process><PRE>
+ bbGetVtkObject()->SetFileName(bbGetInputIn().c_str());
+ bbGetVtkObject()->Update();
+ </PRE></process>