- <description> Sets the search directories in the build tree </description>
- <url> </url>
<bbs_path> @BBTK_BBS_BUILD_PATH@ </bbs_path>
<package_path> @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@ </package_path>
# For windows
- <package_path> @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@\Debug </package_path>
- <package_path> @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@\Release </package_path>
- <data_path> </data_path>
- <default_temp_dir> @PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@ </default_temp_dir>
+ <package_path> @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@/Debug </package_path>
+ <package_path> @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@/Release </package_path>
% ==========================================
+\bbtkGuide[Package Developers' Guide]
+% ==========================================
-{\Large \BBTK}
-{\Huge User's Guide}
-\bbtk version \bbtkVersion
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
-Last modified on : October 12, 2008 \\
-Generated on : \today
-Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
-CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale \\ CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620\\
-INSA Lyon\\
-Universit\'e Claude-Bernard Lyon 1
+This guide describes how to
+create new \bbtk packages and black boxes.
+How to use them is described in \bbtk Users's guide.
+Any black box must be included in a \bbtk package,
+that is in a particular shared library which can be loaded
+dynamically by \bbtk, either in \CPP code or in \bbs scripts
+with the commands \texttt{include} or \texttt{load}.
+The steps to create new boxes are thus to :
+\item \textbf{Create a new package. }
+This is described in section \ref{CreatePackage}.
-% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
+\item \textbf{Describe your new box.}
+You can do it either :
+\item In \CPP code. You will have to write the class for
+your box, mostly using \bbtk macros.
+\item In \xml code.
+When configuring your project with \cmake,
+the utility \bbfy will then generate the corresponding \CPP code.
+This is described in section \ref{CreateBlackBox}.
% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-%\section{Creating your own black boxes}
+\section{Creating a new package}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\section{Steps in the creation of new black boxes}
+\subsection{Creating the file tree}
% ==========================================
-Any black box must be included in a \bbtk package,
-that is in a particular shared library which can be loaded
-dynamically by \bbtk (hence applications which use \bbtkns,
-such as the development environment,
-\item \textbf{Create a new package. }
Before defining any black box you
have to create a package, or more precisely
the source files which will allow you to generate the package
(compile and link the shared library) and may be install it.
- \texttt{bbStudio} does it for you.
+The \bbtk command line application \bbCreatePackage
+allows to create the basic file architecture
+to start the development of a new black box package.
+Type \bbCreatePackage in a console to get its usage :
+bbCreatePackage <package-path> <package-name> [author] [description]
+\bbStudio also offers a graphical interface to the \bbCreatePackage
+You can run it with the menu \texttt{Tools $>$ Create Package}.
+In both cases (using the command line tool or \bbStudio interface),
+you have to choose :
+\item The {\bf directory} of your new package.
Two cases occur :
\item The black boxes you want to create are based on
is in an existing project handled by \cmake
and you want the new package to be part of your existing project.
You will have to create your new package into the source tree of your
+project and add a \texttt{SUBDIRS} command in the \texttt{CMakeLists.txt}
+file of the parent directory of your package.
\item You do not have an already existing project (you want
to create the new boxes from scratch) or you want/are imposed
that the existing project remain external to the package project.
You will have to create your new package in a new location and
may be include/link against existing libraries.
-You'll have to run the standalone application \bbCreatePackagens, that allows
-to create the basic file architecture
-to start the development of a new black box package.
-\item \textbf{Describe your new box. }
-You can do it either :
-\item In \CPP code. You will have to write the class for
-your box, mostly using \bbtk macros.
-\item In \xml code.
-When configuring your project with \cmake,
-the utility \bbfy will then generate the corresponding \CPP code.
+\item The {\bf name} of your new package.
+This name will be used to load the package in \CPP and \bbs scripts.
+You must also provide the \texttt{author} list
+and a \texttt{description} which will be used for your package documentation.
-You'll have to run the standalone application \bbCreateBlackBox allows to create the basic file architecture
- to start the development of a new black box, that will be included in an already existing package.
-% ==========================================
-\section{Creating a new black box package}
-% ==========================================
-Run \texttt{bbStudio}.
-You'll get something like in fig. \ref{bb-Studio}
-\caption{\label{bb-Studio} bbStudio}
-Use the option \texttt{Create package} of the menu \texttt{Tools}.
-You will be asked to choose the directory where you want to create the package,
-then you'll get something like in fig. \ref{bbCreatePackage}.
-\caption{\label{bbCreatePackage} Create Package}
-That will creates the directory structure and the \texttt{cmake}
-files necessary to build the project.
-You must then decide the name of your new package.
-This name will be used to load the package by \texttt{bbStudio}.
-Fill up the form like in fig. \ref{bbFillUpPackageForm}.
-\caption{\label{bbFillUpPackageForm} Fill up the form}
-Edit the file \texttt{MyPackage/CMakeLists.txt} to customize your package
-the file tree obtained is :
+After running \bbCreatePackage or clicking 'Run' in \bbStudio interface
+you should get file structure like this (Linux users can verify it with the \texttt{tree} command):
->tree myPackageFolder
-`-- MyPackage
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Configure.cmake
|-- PackageConfig.cmake.in
| `-- Doxyfile.txt.in
`-- src
`-- CMakeLists.txt
-9 directories, 16 files
-The directory \texttt{MyPackage} is the directory of your new package,
-in which you will create the files describing your black boxes.
-But first, you have to customize your new package, by editing the file
-\texttt{CMakeLists.txt} in the \texttt{MyPackage} directory.
+You can then :
+\item Edit the root CMakeLists.txt file to customize your package build settings (see \ref{RootCMakeLists} below)
+\item Put your c++/xml boxes sources in 'src'.
+ Please use the convention : If the name of your package is Pack and the name of your box is Box then name the source files bbPackBox.\{h;cxx;xml\}.
+\item Put your script-defined boxes in 'bbs/boxes'.
+ Plase use the convention : If the name of your box is 'Box' then call the file 'bbBox.bbs' to let other know that the script defines a black box type.
+\item Put your script-defined applications in 'bbs/appli'.
+ Please use the convention : Do not prepend 'bb' to the files.
+\item Put your data in 'data'.
+Any data put there will be installed and accessible in scripts as the package data path is known
+(see the box \texttt{std::PrependPackageDataPath})
+\item You can customize the header of your package html doc by editing the file 'doc/bbdoc/header.html.in'. You must put html code in this file (or edit it with an html editor). You can include images or links to other html pages. The images and pages must be put in the folder 'doc/bbdoc' and will be properly installed. The same way, you can link to these images or pages in your boxes descriptions without giving any path. If you create subdirs for your material then you have to install the materials yourself by editing the CMakeLists.txt and links must use paths relative to 'doc/bbdoc'.
+\item You can customize the main page of your doxygen doc by editing the file 'doc/doxygen/DoxyMainPage.txt.in'.
+\subsection{Configuring the root \texttt{CMakeLists.txt}}
+First you must configure your new package build settings, by editing the file
+\texttt{CMakeLists.txt} in the package root directory.
This file contains :
The comments in the file should be easily understandable !
-You have to customize the lines which are enclosed
-between dashed comment lines.
-In these sections, you can see some of the informations you supplied in previous step:
+In this file,
+you can see some of the informations you supplied in previous step:
\item The \textbf{name} of your package. This will be the name used to load it in \bbi. The shared library however will be called \texttt{bb}name hence on
\lin the object file will be called \texttt{libbb}name\texttt{.so}
and on \win it will be called \texttt{bb}name\texttt{.dll}.
\item The \textbf{author(s)} of the package. Preferably provide e-mail adresses.
- \item A \textbf{description} of the package, which will appear in the help of your package or in its html documentation automatically generated by \bbdoc.
+ \item A \textbf{description} of the package, which will appear in the help of your package or in its html documentation automatically generated by \bbtk.
-In these sections, you can set :
+You can additionaly set :
+\item The \textbf{version} of the package.
\item The \textbf{libraries used} by the package : \vtk, \itk, \gdcm, \gsmis, \wx. The mecanisms to find these libraries, their sources and to link against them are automatically handled by the \cmake files installed by \bbCreatePackage. You just have to uncomment a line to use one of these libraries.
+\item The \textbf{core \bbtk packages used} by the package as \CPP libraries
+(if you need to use the black boxes of these packages in your \CPP code,
+i.e. include some header and link with the library).
+The mecanisms to find these libraries,
+their sources and to link against them are automatically handled
+by the \cmake files installed by \bbCreatePackage.
+You just have to uncomment a line to use one of these libraries.
+\item The \textbf{\CPP sources} of the package : you can list each input \CPP
+file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project all the \CPP files
+of the 'src' directory (default).
+\item The \textbf{\xml sources} of the package : you can list each input \xml
+file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project all the \xml files
+of the 'src' directory (default).
+\item The \textbf{boxes \bbs sources} of the package : you can list each
+input \bbs
+file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project \emph{all}
+the \bbs files of the 'bbs/boxes' directory (default, recommanded).
+\item The \textbf{appli \bbs sources} of the package :
+you can list each input \bbs
+file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project \emph{all}
+the \bbs files of the 'bbs/appli' directory (default, recommanded).
+\item \textbf{Additional include directories}. Set it if your package needs to include source files which are not in the package directory, typically if it depends on another library which is not one the libraries automatically handled (\vtk, \itk...) and which you did not find with the
+\texttt{FIND\_PACKAGE} mechanism of \cmake.
+\item \textbf{Additional libraries} to link against. Set it if your package needs to link against another library which is not one the libraries automatically handled (\vtk, \itk...) and which you did not find with the
+\texttt{FIND\_PACKAGE} mechanism of \cmake.
+\item \textbf{Additional link directories} in which to find libraries not
+automatically handled and which you did not find with the
+\texttt{FIND\_PACKAGE} mechanism of \cmake.
-\item A \textbf{description} of the package, which will appear in the help of your package or in its html documentation automatically generated by \bbdoc.
-\item The \textbf{version} of the package.
-\item The \textbf{\xml sources} of the package : you can list each input \xml file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project \emph{all} the \xml files of the directory.
-\item The \textbf{\CPP sources} of the package : you can list each input \CPP file explicitly or tell \cmake to include in the project all the \CPP files of the directory.
-\item \textbf{Additional include directories}. Set it if your package needs to include source files which are not in the package directory, typically if it depends on another library which is not one the libraries automatically handled (\vtk, \itk...).
-\item \textbf{Additional libraries} to link against. Set it if your package needs to link against another library which is not one the libraries automatically handled (\vtk, \itk...).
Of course, this is only a framework and you can add any other \cmake commands
% ==========================================
\section{Creating a new box}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
\subsubsection{\texttt{C++} or \texttt{XML} ?}
+% ==========================================
There are two ways to create a new black box in an existing package :
\item Write an \xml description file which will be automatically
-translated in \CPP by the \bbfy application (recommanded).
+translated in \CPP by the \bbfy application during build (recommanded).
\item Write the \CPP code of the box using \bbtk macros.
+% ==========================================
\subsubsection{From which \bbtk class inherit ?}
+% ==========================================
Apart from this choice of the description langage to use,
there is an important choice to do concerning the implementation of the box.
In \CPP, a black box is nothing but a class which has the standard
interface of all black boxes : what's its name ? inputs ? outputs ? and so on.
The abstract description of this interface is done in the class
-\texttt{bbtk::BlackBox} and is implemented in its child classes :
+\texttt{bbtk::BlackBox} of the \bbtk library
+and is implemented in its child classes :
\texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox} and \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}
\footnote{all the classes of the \bbtk library are in a \emph{namespace}
called \texttt{bbtk}
and the \CPP header of a class called \texttt{NameOfAClass} is
in the file called \texttt{bbtkNameOfAClass.h}}.
To create a new black box, you have to inherit one of these two
concrete classes in order to inherit the black box interface and a
particular implementation of this interface.
If your black box is a \emph{Widget} black box,
that is a black box which has (or is)
a piece of a graphical interface based on the \wx library,
then it must inherit the class \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}.
-Concretely, a \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox} is associated to
+Concretely, a \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox} is associated
a \texttt{wxWindow} and must be able to return a pointer to it.
If your black box is not a widget black box
-(that is : doesn't returns a pointer to a \emph{Widget}),
- it must inherit from \texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox}.\\
- It returns a \texttt{wxWidget} which can be embedded into the \texttt{wxWindow}.\\
- In particular, modal dialogs which are created and destroyed at the end of the process method of the box
- are NOT \texttt{WxBlackBoxes}/
+(that is : doesn't returns a pointer to a \texttt{wxWindow}),
+ it must inherit from \texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox}.
+NOTE : \emph{modal dialogs}
+which are created and destroyed at the end of the process
+method of the box are NOT \texttt{WxBlackBoxes} :
+they do not return a \texttt{wxWindow},
+see the code of \texttt{wx::FileSelector} for example.
+% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Inherit or encapsulate ?}
+% ==========================================
Now, your black box will do something (hopefully !).
When you decide to write a new black box,
you should be in one of these three cases :
\item You already have a \texttt{C}-like function which
-does the processing that you wish to 'blackboxify'
+does the processing that you wish to 'blackboxify' (bbfy in short).
\item You already have a \CPP class which
does the processing that you wish to 'blackboxify'
\item You start from scratch without any existing code
the interface class (e.g. \texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox}).
In this case you have to :
-\item declare it as a member of the black box,
+\item declare an instance of the processing class
+as a member of the black box,
\item instantiate it at the right time
(either in the constructor or in the processing method of the black box)
\item in the processing method of the black box :
-\item set the inputs of the member procesing class with the inputs of the black box,
+\item set the inputs of the member processing class with the inputs of the black box,
\item call the processing method of the encapsulated class
\item set the ouputs of the black box with the outputs of the encapsulated
as well as the procesing method of the black box
to the processing method of the inherited processing class,
very much like a callback mechanism.
+%\itk and \vtk classes
-\subsubsection{How to generate a Black Box skeleton}
-Run \texttt{bbStudio}, choose \texttt{Tools} in the menu bar, option
-\texttt{Create Black Box}.
-You will be shown something like in fig. \ref{bbCreateBlackbox} :
-\caption{\label{bbCreateBlackbox}Create Black Box}
-\subsubsection{Informations to provide}
-Finally, to create a new black box, you will have to give :
- \item The {\bf name} of the box
- \item The {\bf package} to which the box belongs (can we do it automatically ? LG : think about it)
- \item The {\bf author}(s) of the box
- \item A {\bf description} of the box
- \item Its {\bf type}, either
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item AtomicBlackBox : a basic one, with no special I/O (\texttt{std-template})
- \item WxBackBox : ouputs a \texttt{wxWindow},
- \item a VTK Polydata Algorithm Box descendant,
- \item a VTK Image Algorithm Box descendant
- \end{enumerate}
- \item The output format of the file, either a C++ file or an XML file.
- %\item $[$Optional$]$ The additional {\bf include files} which are necessary for the code to compile (classes or functions declarations ...)
- %\item $[$Optional$]$ The other {\bf parent(s)} of the box (which must be known hence their header included)
- %\item $[$Optional$]$ The {\bf namespace} to which the box belongs
- %\item The box {\bf inputs} and {\bf outputs}, and for each one :
- %\begin{enumerate}
- %\item Its {\bf name} : the string which will identify the input or output
- %\item Its {\bf type} : any \CPP type, either a basic type or a user defined type (class ...) but which must be known, hence the necessary files must be included.
- %\item Its {\bf help} : a string describing the input / output
- %\end{enumerate}
-%\item Its {\bf processing} code, which can be a simple callback or an arbitrary complex code
-Under Linux, for reasons we shall not discuss here, you'll get an error message :
- \texttt{No such file or directory}
-Have a look at the console, you'll see a shell command (whose syntax is OK although there is is a lot of
-quotes),something like :
- \texttt{ "/usr/local/bin/bbCreateBlackBox" "/home/jpr/Desktop/essai" MyPackage
- myVtkPolydataBlackBox VTK-PolyDataAlgorithm C++ 'author1, author2' 'myVtkPolydataBlackBox description'}
- Just copy the command, and run it manually.
+% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Input and output accessors}
+% ==========================================
When you encapsulate a processing class or a C function
or when you write down a black box from scratch,
would generate the two accessors \texttt{bbSetInputImage} and
-Note that
+Note that:
\item All \bbtk methods are prefixed by \texttt{bb}
to avoid conflicts with potential inherited methods.
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{Generate the black box skeleton}
+% ==========================================
+The command line application \bbCreateBlackBox
+allows to create a skeleton \CPP or \xml files for a new black box.
+It has a rather complex usage,
+we recommand you use the graphical interface to it
+which is accessible with \bbStudio menu \texttt{Tools $>$ Create black box}.
+The interface looks like in fig. \ref{bbCreateBlackBox}.
+\caption{\label{bbCreateBlackBox}Create Black Box}
+You will have to give :
+ \item The {\bf name} of the box
+ \item The {\bf package} to which the box belongs (can we do it automatically ? LG : think about it)
+ \item The {\bf author}(s) of the box
+ \item A {\bf description} of the box
+ \item Its {\bf type}, either
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Basic (inherits \texttt{AtomicBlackBox}, no particular Input/Output)
+ \item Widget (inherits \texttt{WxBlackBox}, has output 'Widget' of type 'wxWindow*')
+ \item VTK PolyDataAlgorithm (inherits \texttt{AtomicBlackBox} and a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)
+ \item VTK ImageAlgorithm (inherits \texttt{AtomicBlackBox} and a vtkImageAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item The output format of the file, either a C++ file or an XML file.
% ==========================================
\subsection{\texttt{XML} description of a box}
% ==========================================
The tags and their role are easily understandable.
As the box is not a widget, we inherit implicitely from
+\texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox} (the default).
The only part of the file which needs a bit of explaination is
the body of the \texttt{process} tag, which describes the
and sets the output \texttt{Out} with the resulting value.
To describe your own black boxes in \xml code,
-you must modify the xml file generated in previous step :
+you must modify the xml file generated by \bbCreateBlackBox :
\item Complete the description and author tags if you feel like.
- \item add the \texttt{\#include} directives to be put in the generated \texttt{.h} file
+ \item Add the \texttt{\#include} directives to be put in the generated \texttt{.h} file
\item Create your inputs and outputs
\item Fill in the process tag
\item Fill in the constructor tag
\item Fill in the copyconstructor tag
\item Fill in the destructor tag
- \item Pray
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Specific \texttt{xml} tags for \texttt{itk::ImageToImageFilter} classes bbfication}
+\subsubsection{Writting new widget boxes in \xml}
% ==========================================
+See the example \texttt{packages/wx/src/bbwxOutputText.xml}
+<blackbox name="OutputText" widget>
+ <author>laurent.guigues at creatis.insa-lyon.fr</author>
+ <description>Text zone to be inserted into a window (wxStaticText)</description>
+ <category></category>
+ <input name="Title" type="std::string" description="Title prepended to the text"/>
+ <input name="In" type="std::string" description="Text"/>
+ <createwidget><PRE>
+ bbSetOutputWidget( new wxStaticText ( bbGetWxParent() , -1 , _T("") ) );
+ Process();
+ </PRE></createwidget>
+ <process><PRE>
+ std::string msg;
+ if (bbGetInputTitle()!="")
+ {
+ msg = bbGetInputTitle()+": " + bbGetInputIn();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg = bbGetInputIn();
+ }
+ ((wxStaticText*)bbGetOutputWidget())->SetLabel( bbtk::std2wx( msg ) );
+ </PRE></process>
+ <constructor><PRE>
+ bbSetInputIn("");
+ bbSetInputTitle("");
+ </PRE></constructor>
+\item The attribute \texttt{widget} of the \texttt{blackbox} tag instructs
+\bbfy that the box inherits from \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}.
+\item An output called \texttt{'Widget'} of type \texttt{wxWindow*} is
+automatically declared (you do not have to do it).
+\item The tag \texttt{createwidget} provides the body of the method which creates the widget. At the end of this method the output \texttt{'Widget'} must
+have been set with the newly created \texttt{wxWindow}.
+Here we create a new \texttt{wxStaticText}.
+The parent of the widget to create MUST BE the one provided by the method
+\texttt{bbGetWxParent()} which returns a \texttt{wxWindow*}.
+To update the static text after creation we simply call the \texttt{Process}
+\item The body of the \texttt{process} method simply concatenates the
+input \texttt{'Title'} (if non empty) and the input \texttt{'In'} and
+updates the \texttt{wxStaticText}.
+Remark that to get it, we use the \texttt{bbGetOutputWidget()} method
+which returns a \texttt{wxWindow*} which we cast into a
+\texttt{wxStaticText*} to use its specific method \texttt{SetLabel}.
+More complex examples can be found in the \texttt{package/wx/src} folder.
% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Specific \texttt{xml} tags for \texttt{vtkImageAlgorithm} classes bbfication by inheritance}
% ==========================================
+If you wish to bbfy a \vtk object which is a \texttt{vtkImageAlgorithm}
+(such as \texttt{vtkImageGaussianSmooth}, \texttt{ImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D},
+...) we recommand you do it in \xml (you can have a look at the examples
+in the \vtk core package 'src' folder).
+The bbfication mechanism is inheritance.
+You have to add the attribute \texttt{type} to the \texttt{blackbox} tag :
<blackbox name="..." type="VTK_ImageAlgorithm">
+You have to had an include tag which includes the vtk parent header, such as :
+<include> vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D.h </include>
-<vtkparent>the vtk ImageAlgorithm class it inherits from</vtkparent>
-<input name="..." type="double" special="vtk parameter" description="..."/>
-<input name="..." type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk input" description="..."/>
+You have to add the tag \texttt{vtkparent} which gives the \vtk parent of the box, e.g.:
+<vtkparent> vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D </vtkparent>
-<output name="..." type="double" special="vtk parameter" description="..."/>
-<output name="..." type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk output" description="..."/>
+The \vtk algorithm input/ouput are wrapped directly using the
+\texttt{special} attributes of the input and output tags.
+A typical example is :
+<input name="In" type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk input"
+ description="Input image"/>
+<output name="Out" type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk output"
+ description="Output image"/>
+The attribute \texttt{special="vtk input"} of the input 'In' definition
+directly connects it to the input of the vtk object the box inherits.
+No additional code is needed, the vtk object will directly receive
+the value of this input.
+The same mechanism hold for the output.
+The parameters of the vtk object which are declared using
+\texttt{vtkSetMacro} and \texttt{vtkGetMacro} can also be directly
+wrapped using the attribute \texttt{special="vtk parameter"} of the input tag,
+e.g. :
+<input name="DiffusionThreshold" type="double" special="vtk parameter"
+ description="Difference threshold that stops diffusion"/>
+The attribute \texttt{special="vtk parameter"}
+of the input called \texttt{DiffusionThreshold} instructs \bbfy to
+directly call the \texttt{SetDiffusionThreshold} and
+methods of the vtk parent when needed.
+NOTE : For this mechanism to work,
+the name of the \bbtk input MUST be the same than the name
+of the \vtk parent parameter.
+No \texttt{process} method has to be given,
+\bbfy generates a process body for you, which simply calls the
+\texttt{Update()} method of the vtk parent.
+you can write your own \texttt{process} code which will overload
+the default. Don't forget to call Update().
+See \texttt{packages/vtk/src/bbvtkConeSource.xml} for an example.
% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Specific \texttt{xml} tags for \texttt{vtkPolyDataAlgorithm} classes bbfication by inheritance}
% ==========================================
+If you wish to bbfy a \vtk object which is a \texttt{vtkPolyDataAlgorithm}
+(such as \texttt{vtkConeSource}, ...)
+we recommand you do it in \xml (you can have a look at the examples
+in the \vtk core package 'src' folder).
+The bbfication mechanism is inheritance.
+You must use the same \xml tags and attributes than for wrapping a
+\texttt{vtkImageAlgorithm} (see above) :
<blackbox name="..." type="VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm">
<vtkparent>the vtk Polydata class it inherits from</vtkparent>
-<input name="..." type="double" special="vtk parameter" description="..."/>
-<input name="..." type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk input" description="..."/>
-<output name="..." type="double" special="vtk parameter" description="..."/>
-<output name="..." type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk output" description="..."/>
+<input name="..." type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk input"
+ description="..."/>
+<output name="..." type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk output"
+ description="..."/>
+<input name="..." type="double" special="vtk parameter"
+ description="..."/>
+% ==========================================
+\subsubsection{Specific \texttt{xml} tags for \texttt{itk::ImageToImageFilter} classes bbfication by inheritance}
+% ==========================================
+to be written...
% ==========================================
\texttt{VTK\_PolyDataAlgorithm}\} \\\hline
-& \texttt{generic} & a) & 0-1 &
+& \texttt{generic} & a) & 0-1 &
Generate the generic filter (see text)\\ \hline
+& \texttt{widget} & - & 1 &
+If present then the box inherits from \texttt{WxBlackBox}
+(\texttt{AtomicBlackBox} if absent)
+\\ \hline
\texttt{<description>} & - & - & 0-n & The description of the box. Multiple occurrence are concatenated \\\hline
\texttt{<author>} & - & - & 0-n & The author of the box. Multiple occurrence are concatenated \\\hline
\texttt{<category>} & - & - & 0-1 & The box category (if more than one, they are separated with commas) see Tab \ref{categories}\\\hline
-\texttt{<parentblackbox>} & - & - & 1 & The parent black box of the box.
-In: \{\texttt{bbtk::BlackBox, bbtk::WxBlackBox, bbtk::WxContainerBlackBox}\}\\\hline
-\texttt{<package>} & - & - & 1 & The package of the box \\\hline
\texttt{<namespace>} & - & - & 0-1 & The namespace of the box.
Use \texttt{bbPACKAGE}, where \texttt{PACKAGE} is the name of the package\\\hline
\texttt{<include>} & - & - & 0-n & Additionnal file to include
\texttt{<input>} & \texttt{name} & - & 1 & The name of the input \\\hline
& \texttt{type} & - & 1 & The type of the input \\\hline
- & \texttt{special} & - & 0-1 & In: \{\texttt{``itk input'',
-``vtk input'', ``itk parameter'', ``vtk parameter''}\} (see below).\\\hline
+ & \texttt{special} & - & 0-1 & In: \{\texttt{'itk input',
+'vtk input', 'itk parameter', 'vtk parameter'}\} (see below).\\\hline
& \texttt{generic\_type} & c) & 0-1 & The ``generic'' type of the input (see text). \\\hline
\\ \hline
\texttt{<output>} & \texttt{name} & - & 1 & The name of the output \\\hline
& \texttt{type} & - & 1 & The type of the output \\\hline
- & \texttt{special} & - & 0-1 & In: \{\texttt{``itk output'',
-``vtk output''}\} (see below).\\\hline
+ & \texttt{special} & - & 0-1 & In: \{\texttt{'itk output',
+'vtk output'}\} (see below).\\\hline
& \texttt{generic\_type} & c) & 0-1 & The ``generic'' type of the output (see text).\\\hline
& \texttt{nature} & c) & 0-1 & The ``nature'' of the output (used for automatic GUI generation).\\\hline
\texttt{<process>} & - & - & 0-1 & The code of the processing method of the box. Must be put between clear tags : \texttt{<PRE></PRE>} \\\hline
+\texttt{<createwidget>} & - & d) & 0-1 & The code of the widget creation
+method of the box. Must be put between clear tags : \texttt{<PRE></PRE>}
\texttt{<constructor>} & - & - & 0-1 & The code of the user Constructor of the box (may contains default initialisations). Must be put between clear tags : \texttt{<PRE></PRE>} \\\hline
\texttt{<copyconstructor>} & - & - & 0-1 & The code of the user Copy Constructor of the box . Must be put between clear tags : \texttt{<PRE></PRE>} \\\hline
\texttt{<destructor>} & - & - & 0-1 & The code of the user Destructor of the box. Must be put between clear tags : \texttt{<PRE></PRE>} \\\hline
-a) & \texttt{<blackbox type == ''ITK\_ImageToImageFilter''>} \\ \hline
-b) & \texttt{<blackbox type == ''VTK\_ImageAlgorithm'' or ''VTK\_PolyDataAlgorithm''>} \\ \hline
-c) & \texttt{<blackbox type == ''ITK\_ImageToImageFilter''>} and
+a) & \texttt{<blackbox type == 'ITK\_ImageToImageFilter'>} \\ \hline
+b) & \texttt{<blackbox type == 'VTK\_ImageAlgorithm' or 'VTK\_PolyDataAlgorithm'>} \\ \hline
+c) & \texttt{<blackbox type == 'ITK\_ImageToImageFilter'>} and
\texttt{<blackbox generic>} is present. \\ \hline
+d) & \texttt{<blackbox widget>} is present \\ \hline
-\bbfy \texttt{Basic box parent}
-\texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}b) & If the blackbox associated to
-a \texttt{wxWindow} and is be able to return a pointer to it.... \\ \hline
-\texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox} & Any other blackbox that doesn't return a pointer to a \texttt{wxWindow}
+%\bbfy \texttt{Basic box parent}
+%\texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}b) & If the blackbox associated to
+%a \texttt{wxWindow} and is be able to return a pointer to it.... \\ \hline
+%\texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox} & Any other blackbox that doesn't return a pointer to a \texttt{wxWindow}%
% ==========================================
-\caption{\label{categories} \texttt{bbfy} \texttt{Black Box} categories}
+\caption{\label{categories} \texttt{Black Box} categories}
- \texttt{Categ name} & : Meaning \\ \hline \\ \hline
+ \texttt{Category name} & : Meaning \\ \hline
+& \\ \hline
\texttt{adaptor} & : Adaptor box \\ \hline
\texttt{application} & : Final application, end user intended \\ \hline
\texttt{atomic box} & : System category.
Automatically assigned to Complex Black Boxes (script defined) \\ \hline
\texttt{command line} & : Script which defines a command line application (no embedded GUI, but command line imput parameters) \\ \hline
\texttt{demo} & : Demonstration \\ \hline
- \texttt{devel} & : Developer tool (bbCreatePackage.bbs, ...) \\ \hline
+ %\texttt{devel} & : Developer tool (bbCreatePackage.bbs, ...) \\ \hline
\texttt{dicom} & : DICOM aware box \\ \hline
\texttt{example} & : Example script showing a box use-case \\ \hline
- \texttt{filter} & : Image processing box \\ \hline
+ \texttt{filter} & : Filtering box \\ \hline
\texttt{image} & : Image processing related box \\ \hline
- \texttt{interaction} & : \\ \hline
+% \texttt{interaction} & : \\ \hline
\texttt{math} & : Mathematical operations\\ \hline
\texttt{mesh} & : Mesh processing related box \\ \hline
\texttt{misc} & : A box that cannot be put in other category ! \\ \hline
\texttt{widget} & : Piece of graphical interface \\ \hline
\texttt{3D object creator} & : Sophisticated 3D widget \\ \hline
- \texttt{toolsbbtk} & : Component of bbStudio \\ \hline
+ \texttt{toolsbbtk} & : \bbtk development tools (GUICreatePackage, GUICreateBlackBox,...) \\ \hline
% ==========================================
-\bbfy \texttt{Black Box} kinds}
+\caption{\label{kinds}\texttt{Black box} kinds}
- \texttt{Kind} & Use as : \\ \hline \\ \hline
+ \texttt{Kind} & Use as : \\ \hline & \\ \hline
\texttt{ADAPTOR} & \\ \hline
\texttt{DEFAULT\_ADAPTOR} & \\ \hline
\texttt{WIDGET\_ADAPTOR} & \\ \hline
% ==========================================
-\bbfy \texttt{nature}}
+\caption{\label{nature}Input/output \texttt{natures}}
- \texttt{Nature} & : used for \\ \hline \\ \hline
- \texttt{file name} & Poping up a File Selector\\ \hline
- \texttt{directory name} & Poping up a Directory Selector\\ \hline
- \texttt{file extension} & \\ \hline
- \texttt{colour} & Poping up a Colour Selector\\ \hline
- \texttt{pixel type} & \\ \hline
- \texttt{image dimension} & \\ \hline
- \texttt{image index} & \\ \hline
- \texttt{image size} & \\ \hline
- \texttt{voxel size} & \\ \hline
+ \texttt{Nature} & : Associated \texttt{DEFAULT\_GUI} box \\ \hline
+& \\ \hline
+ \texttt{'file name'} & \texttt{wx::FileSelector}\\ \hline
+ \texttt{'directory name'} & \texttt{wx::DirectorySelector}\\ \hline
+% \texttt{'file extension'} & \\ \hline
+ \texttt{'colour'} & \texttt{wx::ColourSelector}\\ \hline
+% \texttt{pixel type} & \\ \hline
+% \texttt{image dimension} & \\ \hline
+% \texttt{image index} & \\ \hline
+% \texttt{image size} & \\ \hline
+% \texttt{voxel size} & \\ \hline
\subsection{\CPP description of a box}
% ==========================================
-Almost everything is performed usig macros.
+Almost everything is performed using macros.
For a quick start, the best you have to do is to run \texttt{bbStudio}, then in the menu \texttt{Tools}, choose the item
- \texttt{Create blackbox}, click on \texttt{C++}, and have a look to the generated files.
+ \texttt{Create black box}, click on \texttt{C++}, and have a look to the generated files, or have a look at the source files of \bbtk core packages.
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{\texttt{.h} description of a box}
+\subsubsection{Black box basic header file (.h)}
% ==========================================
+Let's have a look at the file \texttt{packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.h}
+#ifndef __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+namespace bbstd
+ class MakeFileName : public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
+ {
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(MakeFileName,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Directory, std::string);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(File, std::string);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Extent, std::string);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out, std::string);
+ BBTK_PROCESS(DoProcess);
+ void DoProcess();
+ protected:
+ virtual void bbUserConstructor();
+ };
+ BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX(MakeFileName,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+ BBTK_NAME("MakeFileName");
+ BBTK_AUTHOR("jpr@creatis.insa-lyon.fr");
+ BBTK_CATEGORY("misc");
+ BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Makes a kosher file name");
+ BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,Directory,"Directory Name",std::string,"directory name");
+ BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,File, "File Name", std::string,"file name");
+ BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,Extent, "Extention", std::string,"file extension");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(MakeFileName,Out,"Full File Name",std::string,"file name");
+// EO namespace bbstd
+#endif // __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__
+It includes \texttt{bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h}.
+The box class is \texttt{MakeFileName}.
+It inherits \texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox}.
+It is in the \texttt{bbstd} namespace :
+each box of a given package, say PACK, must be inserted into
+the namespace \texttt{bbPACK}.
+The macro \texttt{BBTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_INTERFACE}
+declares the interface of the class : constructor, destructor,
+standard methods (e.g. New), etc.
+The following macros then declare inputs and outputs of the box,
+with their types.
+The macro \texttt{BBTK\_PROCESS} then declares which method to call
+when processing the box (the process callback).
+The callback itself is declared just below.
+The line \texttt{virtual void bbUserConstructor();} then
+overloads the virtual method \texttt{bbUserConstructor}
+which is used to perform specific things at construction time.
+You can also overload \texttt{bbUserCopyConstructor}
+and \texttt{bbUserDestructor} with the same signature.
+The black box interface macros are summarized in table
+% ==========================================
+\caption{\label{CPPInterfaceBasicMacros}Black box interface \CPP macros}
+ Yes, we know the \bbtk parent is redundant with the inheritance list... That's why we allow you to describe your class in \xml format!
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_VTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_INTERFACE(CLASS,BBTK\_PARENT,VTK\_PARENT) } Black box interface for \vtk object inherited boxes
+ \dots
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_ITK\_BLACK\_BOX\_INTERFACE(CLASS,BBTK\_PARENT,ITK\_PARENT) } Black box interface for \itk object inherited boxes
+ \dots
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_INPUT (NAME,TYPE) } Declares an input of the box
+\item \texttt{NAME} : the input name (as it will appear to the users of your black box)
+\item \texttt{TYPE} : \CPP type of the input (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)).
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_INHERITED\_INPUT(NAME,TYPE,GETMETHOD,SETMETHOD)} Declares an input of the box which wraps the \texttt{GETMETHOD / SETMETHOD} accessors
+ Declares a vtk object-inherited input
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_IMAGE\_ALGORITHM\_INPUT(NAME,TYPE)} Declares a vtkImageAlgorithm-inherited input
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_POLY\_DATA\_ALGORITHM\_INPUT(NAME,TYPE)} Declares a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm-inherited input
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_ITK\_INPUT (NAME,TYPE)}
+ Declares a itk object-inherited input
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_OUTPUT (NAME,TYPE) }
+ Declares an output of the box
+ Declares an output of the box which wraps the \texttt{GETMETHOD / SETMETHOD} accessors
+ Declares a vtk object-inherited output
+ Declares a itk object-inherited output
+ Declares an input corresponding to an inherited vtk parameter
+ (you know, the ones that are declared by vtkSetMacro/vtkGetMacro). Its name must be the same than the vtk parameter name.
+ Declares an input corresponding to an inherited itk parameter
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_PROCESS(METHOD\_NAME)}
+ Defines the method to call when the box is processed.
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_VTK\_PROCESS} Defines AND implements the default processing method for vtk
+ inherited black boxes (calls \texttt{vtkParent::Update})
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_ITK\_PROCESS} Defines AND implements the default processing method for itk
+ inherited black boxes (calls \texttt{itkParent::Update})
+After the black box class declaration
+then comes a zone in which you describe your black box,
+between the macros \texttt{BBTK\_BEGIN\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX}
+and \texttt{BBTK\_END\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX}.
+The macro \texttt{BBTK\_BEGIN\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX}
+actually starts the declaration of another class,
+called \texttt{\textless BOXNAME \textgreater Descriptor}
+(in our case \texttt{MakeFileNameDescriptor}).
+The descriptor of a black box :
+\item has only one instance, which is stored in the package
+\item provides information about the box type (author, description, ...)
+which is used for documentation.
+\item provides information about the box I/Os, mainly their types
+(uses RTTI : \texttt{std::type\_info} ).
+\item is responsible for creating new instances of the box it describes.
+As you can see,
+the macros which are between \texttt{BBTK\_BEGIN\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX}
+provide the box name (the string),
+its authors, description, category,
+the descriptions of its inputs and outputs.
+Black box descriptor related
+are described in table \ref{CPPDescriptorBasicMacros}.
+% ==========================================
+\caption{\label{CPPDescriptorBasicMacros}Black box descriptor \CPP macros}
- \item \texttt{namespace} : your package name.
- \item \texttt{class} : the name of your box
- \item \texttt{public inheritance} :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{bbtk::WxBlackBox}
- Your Black Box is intended to return a wxWidget, able to be included into an other one (you choosed
- \texttt{widget-template} for \texttt{Type of the blackbox} )
- \item{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox}
- Your Black box is any processig box (std, ITK or VTK based)
- \item{any processing class} (ITK, VTK, ...) your box inherits.
- \end{itemize}
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_INTERFACE} : (yourBoxName, the list of the classes it inherits from, VTK Parent -if any-).
- Yes, we know it's redundant with previous point... That's why we allow you to describe your class in xml format!
- \item \texttt{bbUserConstructor} declaration of your own callback function, that will be called in the box constructor method
- \item \texttt{bbUserCopyConstructor} declaration of your own callback function, that will be called in the box copy constructor method
- \item \texttt{bbUserDestructor} declaration of your own callback function, that will be called in the box destructor method
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_INPUT} : input parameter name (as it will appear to the users of your black box),
- C++ type of the parameter (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_OUTPUT} : output parameter name (as it will appear to the users of your black box),
- C++ type of the parameter (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_INPUT} Declares a vtkAlgorithm-inherited AtomicBlackBox input
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_OUTPUT} Declares a vtkAlgorithm-inherited AtomicBlackBox output
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_PARAM} Declares an AtomicBlackBox input corresponding to an inherited vtk parameter
- (you know, the ones that are declared by vtkSetMacro/vtkGetMacro). Its name must be the same than the vtk parameter name
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_IMAGE\_ALGORITHM\_INPUT} Declares a vtkImageAlgorithm-inherited AtomicBlackBox input
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_DECLARE\_VTK\_POLY\_DATA\_ALGORITHM\_INPUT} Declares a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm-inherited AtomicBlackBox input
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_PROCESS} Defines the default bbUserProcess method for vtk inherited black boxes (actually : calls vtkParent::Update)
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_BEGIN\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX} :
- (yourBoxName, \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox} or \texttt{bbtk::AtomicBlackBox} depending on what you
- black box inherits from).
Yes, we know it's redundant with public inheritance ... That's why we allow you to describe your class in xml format!
All the following items will be used in the Help interface; describe them carefully (i.e. in a Human understandable way!).
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_NAME} : the name of your box
+ \item \texttt{ BBTK\_ADAPTOR } : Declares that the box is an adaptor
+ \item \texttt{ BBTK\_DEFAULT\_ADAPTOR } : Declares that the box is the default adaptor for its I/O types
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_NAME} : the name of your box
\item \texttt{BBTK\_AUTHOR} : author name (better you put e-mail adress)
\item \texttt{BBTK\_DESCRIPTION} : brief description of what does the box
\item \texttt{BBTK\_CATEGORY} : box category (see table \ref{categories})
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_INPUT} for each one of the input parameters, you have to supply :
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_INPUT(BOX\_NAME,INPUT\_NAME,DESCRIPTION,CPP\_TYPE,INPUT\_NATURE)} for each one of the input parameters, you have to supply :
- \item The current Blackbox name.
- \item The parameter name
- \item A brief description of what the parameter is used for.
- \item The C++ type of the parameter (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)
- \item The nature of the parameter (see table \ref{nature}) if you wish your box may be used by automatic GUI generator.
+ \item \texttt{BOX\_NAME} : The current black box name.
+ \item \texttt{INPUT\_NAME} : The input name
+ \item \texttt{DESCRIPTION} (string) : A brief description of what the parameter is used for.
+ \item \texttt{CPP\_TYPE} : The \CPP type of the input (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)
+ \item \texttt{INPUT\_NATURE} : The 'nature' of the parameter (see table \ref{nature}) if you wish your box may be used by automatic GUI generator.
Supply an empty string ("") if you don't care.
- \item \texttt{ BBTK\_OUTPUT} for each one of the output parameters, you have to supply :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The current Blackbox name.
- \item The parameter name
- \item A brief description of what the parameter is used for.
- \item The C++ type of the parameter (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)
- \end{itemize}
- \item \texttt{BBTK\_END\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX} : means the torture is (almost) over.
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_END\_DESCRIBE\_BLACK\_BOX(BOX\_NAME)} : means the torture is (almost) over.
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{\texttt{.cxx} description of a box}
+\subsubsection{Black box basic implementation file (.cxx)}
% ==========================================
+Now let's have a look at the file \texttt{packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.cxx}
+#include "bbstdMakeFileName.h"
+#include "bbstdPackage.h"
+namespace bbstd
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION(MakeFileName,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+ void MakeFileName::bbUserConstructor()
+ {
+ bbSetInputDirectory("");
+ bbSetInputFile("");
+ bbSetInputExtent("");
+ }
+ void MakeFileName::DoProcess()
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+// EO namespace bbstd
+The first line includes the header file.
+The second one includes the \texttt{std} package header file.
+This file is automatically generated during cmake configuration :
+for a package named \texttt{\textless PACK \textgreater}, \cmake
+creates the files \texttt{bb\textless PACK \textgreater Package.h}
+and \texttt{bb\textless PACK \textgreater Package.cxx}.
+The header is to be included in any box implementation file and
+the second one is compiled in the package library.
+The macro \texttt{BBTK\_ADD\_BLACK\_BOX\_TO\_PACKAGE}
+then registers the box \texttt{MakeFileName} into the package \texttt{std}.
+The macro \texttt{BBTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_IMPLEMENTATION} is the
+mirror macro of the macro \texttt{BBTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_INTERFACE} that
+was used in the header : it implements the methods declared in the header.
+We then need to write the body of \texttt{bbUserConstrutor}
+and of the processing callback (here \texttt{DoProcess}).
+That's all we need for a 'basic' black box.
+The implementation related macros are summarized in table \ref{CPPImplementationBasicMacros}.
+% ==========================================
+\caption{\label{CPPImplementationBasicMacros}Black box implementation \CPP macros}
\item \texttt{BBTK\_ADD\_BLACK\_BOX\_TO\_PACKAGE} : (Package name, Blackbox name)
\item \texttt{BBTK\_BLACK\_BOX\_IMPLEMENTATION} : (Blackbox name, Blackbox basic parent \\ (bbtk::AtomicBlackBox/ bbtk::WxBlackBox)see :\label{basic_parent}
\item \texttt{Process} :definition of your own callback function, that will be called in the box method. \\ At least, you'll write here the default initialisation of the outputs
- \item \texttt{UserConstructor} : definition of your own callback function, that will be called in the box constructor method. \\
- At least, you'll write here the default initialisation of the inputs (to avoid unpredictable behaviour if user forgets to
- Set/Connect any Input).
- \item \texttt{UserCopyConstructor} : definition of your own callback function, that will be called in the box copy constructor method
- \item \texttt{UserDestructor} : definition of your own callback function, that will be called in the box destructor method
+% ==========================================
+\subsubsection{Widget black boxes \CPP macros}
+See the example of \texttt{package/wx/src/bbwxLayoutLine.h\textbar cxx}.
+The only differences with a non-widget black box are :
+\item The header must include \texttt{bbtkWxBlackBox.h} and the class must
+inherit \texttt{bbtk::WxBlackBox}.
+\item The black box interface must declare the widget creation callback
+with the macro \texttt{BBTK\_CREATE\_WIDGET(CALLBACK)}.
+The callback must be declared in the interface and implemented.
+\item You can overload the method \texttt{void bbUserOnShow()} which
+is called just after the \texttt{wxWindow} has been shown, e.g.
+to refresh its content. Note that \texttt{Layout} widget \emph{MUST}
+overload this method and call \texttt{bbUserOnShowWidget(INPUT\_NAME)}
+for all inputs which correspond to an 'embedded' window
+(the 'Widget1'..'WidgetN' inputs,
+see \texttt{package/wx/src/bbwxLayoutLine.cxx})
+% ==========================================
+\subsubsection{VTK black boxes \CPP macros}
+See the example of \texttt{package/wx/src/bbvtkMarchingCubes.h\textbar cxx}.
+The macros are summarized in table \ref{CPPInterfaceBasicMacros}.
+% ==========================================
+\subsubsection{Template black boxes \CPP macros}
+You can write down black box classes \emph{templates}.
+However, only \emph{actual} classes, that is instanciated templates,
+can be inserted into a package.
+The files \texttt{package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.h\textbar cxx}
+provide an example of a class template with one template parameter.
+The files \texttt{package/std/src/bbstdCast.h\textbar cxx}
+provide an example of a class template with two template parameters.
+Class templates related macros are summarized in table \ref{CPPTemplateMacros}.
+% ==========================================
+\caption{\label{CPPTemplateMacros}Black box templates-related \CPP macros}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ In the descriptor, the template parameter name is \texttt{T}
+ In the descriptor, the template parameters names are \texttt{T1} and \texttt{T2}
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_TEMPLATE\_INPUT(BOX\_NAME,INPUT\_NAME,DESCRIPTION,CPP\_TYPE,INPUT\_NATURE)} Same than for non-templates, except that the \texttt{CPP\_TYPE} can be the template parameter.
+ \item \texttt{BBTK\_ADD\_TEMPLATE\_BLACK\_BOX\_TO\_PACKAGE(PACKAGE\_NAME,BOX\_NAME,TEMPLATE\_PARAMETER\_VALUE)} : Adds the black box template instanciated on a certain value of its template parameter to the package. You can put as many such lines with different template parameter values as you want (see e.g. \texttt{package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.cxx})
+The same for two template parameters (see e.g. \texttt{package/std/src/bbstdCast.cxx})
- %\bibliography{all}
+Two different boxes registered in a package must have two different names.
+Hence when using black box classes templates,
+one must give different names to two instanciations of the template on
+two different types.
+This is typically done with inserting the template parameter type name in the
+black box class name.
+An example is provided in \texttt{package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.h} :
+ BBTK_NAME(bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>()+"ToString");
+ ...
+To get the string corresponding to the name of a \CPP type
+(here the template parameter \texttt{T})
+one must use the template \bbtk function \texttt{bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>()}
+\footnote{\texttt{HumanTypeName} returns a human readable type name,
+without special chars such as \texttt{::} or \textless. For example the
+human readable type name of \texttt{std::vector\textless std::string \textgreater} is \texttt{VectorOfString}. The 'inhuman' type name is given
+by the function \texttt{bbtk::TypeName<T>()}.}.
+It is then concatenated to the name \texttt{ToString}.
+This thus gives the name \texttt{IntToString} to the black box \texttt{ToString\textless int \textgreater},
+\texttt{DoubleToString} to the black box \texttt{ToString\textless double \textgreater}, etc.
+You can also use \texttt{bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>()}
+in the macro \texttt{BBTK\_DESCRIPTION}, like for example:
+ BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Converts a "+bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>()+" ("
+ +bbtk::TypeName<T>()+") into a string");
+% ==========================================
+\subsubsection{ITK black boxes \CPP macros}
+It is a special cas of black box templates with also
+special macros for itk object inherited black boxes.
+See the example of \texttt{package/wx/src/bbitkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h\textbar cxx},
+the tables \ref{CPPInterfaceBasicMacros} and \ref{CPPTemplateMacros}.
+Note that
+there is also a mechanism for making
+``generic'' untemplatized itk black boxes.
+See the example in the file above.
% ==========================================
-{\Large \BBTK}
-{\Huge User's Guide}
-\bbtk version \bbtkVersion
-Last modified on : October 16, 2008 \\
-Generated on : \today
-Eduardo D\'avila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
-CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale \\ CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620\\
-INSA Lyon\\
-Universit\'e Claude-Bernard Lyon 1\\
+\bbtkGuide[User's Guide]
% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-\section{What is bbtk ?}
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{What is bbtk ?}
% ==========================================
\BBTK(\bbtkns) is a set of tools
(\CPP libraries and executables)
% ==========================================
-\subsection{The black box philosophy}
+\subsubsection{The black box philosophy}
% ==========================================
\href{http://www.answers.com/topic/black-box-theater}{The Answers Dictionary} defines a {\bf black box} as
% ==========================================
-\subsection{\bbtk components}
+\subsubsection{\bbtk components}
% ==========================================
\BBTK includes :
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{Content of this guide}
+% ==========================================
% ==========================================
\section{Getting started with bbStudio}
% ==========================================
Just run it, typing in a console \bbStudio
or clicking on its icon or its menu entry.
You'll get something like in figure
-(the exact appearance of \bbStudio is Operating System and \bbtk version dependent)
-At start, \bbStudio opens with a very minimal 'How to use' in the middle. \\
-Don't forget to read it : it will vanish at the first mouse click. \
+(the exact appearance of \bbStudio is Operating System and \bbtk version dependent).
+At start, \bbStudio opens with a very minimal 'How to use' in the middle.
+Don't forget to read it : it will vanish at the first mouse click.
+%Let's have a look at the resized window :
+%\caption{\label{bbi-fig-bbStudio-gui}The bbStudio Development environment interface}
-Feel free to resize any part you want.
-Your preferences will be kept next time you run again \bbStudio. \\
-Let's have a look at the resized window :
-\caption{\label{bbi-fig-bbStudio-gui}The bbStudio Development environment interface}
-You can see four parts : \texttt{Files}, \texttt{Messages},
- \texttt{Command}, \texttt{Help}.\\
-The stuff is written using the Advanced User Interface library of wxWidgets
+The interface is divided into four parts : \texttt{Files}, \texttt{Messages},
+ \texttt{Command}, \texttt{Help}.
+It is written using the Advanced User Interface library of wxWidgets
(a.k.a. AUI),
whose 'docking manager' allows windows and toolbars to be floated/docked
-onto a frame.\\
-Please don't use this feature at learning time (the snapshots of this document
- wouldn't match with your screen ...)
+onto a frame.
+Feel free to resize/reposition any part you want.
+Your preferences will be kept next time you run again \bbStudions.
+%Please don't use this feature at learning time
+%(the snapshots of this document wouldn't match with your screen ...)
\subsubsection{'Files' part}
-It's the .bbs script editor.\\
+It's the \bbs script editor.
If you load a file holding a script, it will be displayed here, and you'll be
able to modify it, to save it, to save-as it, to run it, using the
-lower toolbar (see figure : \ref{lowertoolbar})
+lower toolbar (see figure \ref{lowertoolbar})
-\caption{\label{lowertoolbar}The lower tool bar}
+\caption{\label{lowertoolbar}The 'Files' lower tool bar}
Two kinds of messages will be output here:\\
System messages : produced by the kernel, in case of a user mistyping, or an execution error\\
Script messages : produced by the \bbtk equivalent of \texttt{printf}
-or \texttt{std::cout} in user programs
+or \texttt{std::cout} in user programs.
\subsubsection{'Command' part}
-This is where user will type \bbs commands which are executed on the fly..
+You can type here \bbs commands which are executed on the fly.
+The buttons are shortcuts to usual commands.
\subsubsection{'Help' part}
-The 'Help' part of \bbStudio is used to browse the html help of \BBTK.
-All the entries of the starting page are self-explanatory :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{Help Contents}}
- \begin{itemize}
- %\item {\bf\emph{Wiki}} : Direct link to the bbtk Wiki (intranet only, right now, www
- %later).
- \item {\bf\emph{Demo}} : Link to some 'sophisticated' demonstrations.
- \item {\bf\emph{Examples}} : Link to some detailed 'How to use' examples
- \end{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{Guides}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{User's Guide}} : This Guide.
- \item {\bf\emph{Package Developper's Guide}} : Step to step How-to for user who wants to create his own
- black boxes.
- % \item {\bf\emph{Developper's Guide}} : For bbtk kernel developpers. .
- %\item {\bf\emph{Reference Manual}} :
- % \item {\bf\emph{Booklet}} : Vade mecum.
- \item {\bf\emph{Doxygen Documentation}} : Doxygen source browser.
- \end{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{Boxes}} : Lists of currently available Boxes :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{ Alphabetical list}},
- \item {\bf\emph{ List by package}},
- \item {\bf\emph{ List by category}} : Each box is indexed by a list of keywords, called 'categrories', such as 'read/write',
- 'filter' 'viewer', ...
- \item {\bf\emph{ List of adaptors}} : A special hidden Box category, called \texttt{{Adaptors}} exists. \\
- They are used internaly to perform type conversions. Thought there are not end user intended, you may see them.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
+The 'Help' part of \bbStudio is used to browse the html help of \BBTKns.
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==============================================
-\subsection{Running Demo and Examples}
+\subsection{Running Demos and Examples}
% ==============================================
-In the part 'Help' (See figure \ref{HelpContents}), select \texttt{Examples} link.
+In the 'Help' part (See figure \ref{HelpContents}), select \texttt{Examples} link.
+\caption{\label{HelpContents}\bbStudio 'Help' panel}
You will get a list of examples (See figure \ref{example}).
-Due to an unfixed bug in Linux, you will have to click on 'reload' to get it. \\
+Note : due to an unfixed bug in Linux, you have to click on 'reload' to get it. \\
-\caption{\label{example}example list}
+\caption{\label{example}Examples list}
-Select \texttt{wx::exampleSlider} (See figure \ref{exampleSlider});
+Select \texttt{wx::exampleSlider}.
-\caption{\label{exampleSlider}example 'exampleSlider'}
+\caption{\label{exampleSlider}Html documentation of example 'exampleSlider'}
-You can see the graphical summary representation of the current script (the elementary boxes that compose it, and their
-connections) \\
-Click on \texttt{source}, it will be loaded
+You can see information on the example and
+the graphical representation of the workflow defined by the script
+(the elementary boxes that compose it, and their connections, see figure \ref{exampleSlider}).
+Click on \texttt{[source]}, it will be loaded
in the 'Files' part, within the script editor (See figure \ref{exampleSliderSource});
-\caption{\label{exampleSliderSource}source code of 'exampleSlider'}
+\caption{\label{exampleSliderSource}Source code of 'exampleSlider'}
-Run it, using the lower toolbar (see figure : \ref{lowertoolbar})
+Run it, using the 'Files' toolbar (see figure \ref{lowertoolbar})
You'll get something like in figure \ref{execSliderSource}.
-\caption{\label{execSliderSource}execution of 'exampleSlider'}
+\caption{\label{execSliderSource}Execution of 'exampleSlider'}
Feel free to move the slider, to check it actually works...
Just a few words on what you saw :
-\item{in the File part} \\
-The source code of the script
+\item{In the source code of the script} : \\
load std
load wx
-We load the packages std and wx
+These \bbs commands load the packages std and wx
new Slider slider
- set slider.ReactiveOnTrack 1
+ set slider.ReactiveOnTrack 1
-We create a \texttt{Slider} called \emph{slider}\\
-We tell it to inform anybody that's interested in, that the cursor moved, each time it moved. \\
-The default behaviour is to inform, only when cursor is released.
+We create a \texttt{Slider} box called \emph{slider}.
+We tell it to inform anybody that's interested in, that the cursor moved, each time it moved.
+The default behaviour is to inform only when cursor is released.
new OutputText text
-We create an \texttt{OutputText} called \emph{text}
+We create an \texttt{OutputText} box called \emph{text}
(in which slider value will be displayed)
new LayoutLine layout
-We create a \texttt{LayoutLine} called \emph{layout},
-a widget designed to embed other wigets (say, a main window)
+We create a \texttt{LayoutLine} box called \emph{layout},
+a widget box designed to embed other widgets (say, a main window)
connect slider.Widget layout.Widget1
connect text.Widget layout.Widget2
connect slider.BoxChange text.BoxExecute
connect slider.Out text.In
-We tell \emph{slider} to inform \emph{text} every time it's modified.\\
-We tell \emph{slider} to pass its output value (\texttt{Out}) to \emph{text} input value (\texttt{In})
+We tell \emph{slider} to inform \emph{text} every time it's modified.
+We tell \emph{slider} to pass its output value (\texttt{Out})
+to \emph{text} input value (\texttt{In})
exec layout
-We tell \emph{layout} to process itself (it will do it only if it's warned
-that one of its entries was modified since its (own) last processing).
+We tell \emph{layout} to process itself.
+This also produces the execution of the boxes connected to it (the slider, the text).
-\item{in the Help part}
+\item{In the Help part}
-You can see the graphical representation of the workflow (pipeline) of the script, as in figure \ref{SmallGraph}.
+You can see the graphical representation of the workflow (pipeline) created by the script,
+as in figure \ref{SmallGraph}.
-Both graphical interface pipeline (\emph{slider} and \emph{text} are embedded into \emph{layout})
- and processing pipeline (\emph{slider} warns \emph{text} immedialtely when it's modified, \emph{slider} passed \emph{text} its new value).\\
- Yes, we know : all the arrows (graphical interface pipeline arrows and processing arrows) are blue; we are sorry about that...\\
+The representation includes
+both the graphical interface-related pipeline
+(\emph{slider} and \emph{text} are embedded into \emph{layout})
+ and the data processing-related pipeline
+(\emph{slider} warns \emph{text} immediately when it's modified,
+\emph{slider} passes \emph{text} its output value)\footnote{Yes, we know : all the arrows (graphical interface pipeline arrows and data processing arrows)
+are blue; using different colors is planned for next release...}.
- You can get a much more detailled graph, just clicking on the button \\ \texttt{graph (detailled)} in the toolbar of the \texttt{Command} part, like in
- figure \ref{LargeGraph}.
+You can get a much more detailled graph,
+like in figure \ref{LargeGraph},
+just clicking on the button
+'\texttt{graph (detailled)}' in the toolbar of the \texttt{Command} part.
\caption{\label{LargeGraph}Detailled graphical representation of a pipeline}
% ==============================================
\subsection{Online Help}
The 'working' area (the left one, as opposed to the 'help' area, on the right side) is composed of :
one single line area (\texttt{Command}), at the bottom, in which you can enter your commands and
a multiple line zone in which the Command interpreter prints out the result of your commands.
-The upper part contains the script editor; we shall not use it right now, you may reduce it
-Try typing in the \texttt{Command} area (in this manual,
-the commands entered by the user will be preceded by a prompt \textgreater) :
-> help
-you get the list of the commands of the interpreter :
-Available commands :
- author
- category
- config
- connect
- debug
- define
- delete
- description
- endefine
- endpackage
- exec
- graph
- help
- include
- index
- input
- kind
- load
- message
- new
- newgui
- output
- package
- print
- quit
- reset
- set
- unload
-To get help on a particular command type \texttt{help <command-name>},
-for example:
-> help author
-gives :
- usage : author <string>
- Adds the string <string> to the author information of the black box being defined
-The \texttt{help} command has multiple usages.
-It is used to get help about almost anything in the interpreter!
-Type \texttt{'help help'} to get help on the \texttt{help} command itself :
-> help help
- usage :
- (1) help
- (2) help <command name>
- (3) help packages [all]
- (4) help <package name> [all]
- (5) help <black box type>
- (6) help <black box name>
- Effect :
- (1) Lists all available commands;
- (2) Prints help on a particular command;
- (3) Lists the packages loaded and their black boxes.
- Add 'all' to list adaptors;
- (4) Prints short help on the black boxes of a package.
- Add 'all' to include adaptors;
- (5) Prints full help on a black box type;
- (6) Prints information on the inputs, outputs and connectionns
- of a black box instance.
-More information about what is a 'box' will be given in the 'Scripting' part of this manual.
+%The upper part contains the script editor; we shall not use it right now, you may reduce it.
+Command line help for the black box scripting language (\bbsns) can be obtained
+in this zone (see \ref{Scripting}).
% ==========================================
An html version of all the guides is browsable in the \texttt{Help} part of \bbStudions.
- \item {\bf\emph{User's Guide}} : Step to step How-to for user who wants to create his own
- application, just using already existing boxes.
+ \item {\bf\emph{User's Guide}} : This guide !
\item {\bf\emph{Package Developper's Guide}} : Step to step How-to for programmer who wants to create his own
black boxes/packages.
% \item {\bf\emph{Developper's Guide}} : For bbtk kernel developpers only. (This one is probably not very much
% up-to-date, since we spend more time in developping than writing documentation that's not of user concern).
% \item {\bf\emph{Reference Manual}} : Contains a exaustive description of all the features for all the commands.
%\item {\bf\emph{Booklet}} : Vade mecum.
- \item {\bf\emph{Doxygen Documentation}} : Doxygen source browser.\\ Automatically generated from source file
- headers. Should concern only the kernel developpers (i.e. : us).
+ \item {\bf\emph{Doxygen Documentation}} : Doxygen source browser.\\ Automatically generated from source files. Should only concern the kernel developpers.
% ==========================================
\subsubsection{Boxes Help}
% ==========================================
- Box retrieving on various criteria :
+ Lists of currently available boxes from installed packages
- \item {\bf\emph{Alphabetical list}} \\ This is the 'zero-level' of retrieving.
- \item {\bf\emph{List by package}} \\ Several packages are supplied with bbtk :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{std}} : the 'standard' package including basic useful boxes.
- \item {\bf\emph{wx}} : basic graphical interface elements (widgets : sliders, buttons, etc. based on the \texttt{wxWidgets} library).
- \item {\bf\emph{itk}} : the basic image processing package, based on the \itk library.
- \item {\bf\emph{vtk}} : the basic images and surfaces processing and vizualization package, based on the \vtk library.
- \item {\bf\emph{wxvtk}} : widget boxes based on the \vtk library (2D and 3D vizualization and
- interaction).
- %\item {\bf\emph{creaImageIO}} : Provides hight level widgets to read images, including DICOM.
- \item {\bf\emph{toolsbbtk}} : Tools for bbtk administration and package development:
- % \begin{itemize}
- % \item{\texttt{GUICreateBlackBox}} For creating the XML or C++ code for a new black box
- % \item{\texttt{GUICreatePackage}} For creating a new bbtk package file structure on disk (Graphical user interface for the shell script bbCreatePackage)
- % \item{\texttt{MakePackageDoc}} For creating the html documentation of a package. The doc is generated at the 'canonical' location. Works both for a build tree or an installed toolkit.
- % \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \item {\bf\emph{List by category}}.
- A given box may belong to more than one \texttt{category}.\\
- You have to consider categories like keywords to index black boxes.\\
- Some of them are mutually exclusive.
- A black box may be :
+ \item {\bf\emph{Alphabetical list}} : %This is the 'zero-level' of retrieving.
+ \item {\bf\emph{List by package}} Boxes indexed by package
+ \item {\bf\emph{List by category}} :
+ Each box is indexed by a list of keywords, called 'categories', such as '\texttt{read/write}',
+ '\texttt{filter}' '\texttt{viewer}', ...
+ A given box may belong to more than one \texttt{category}, however some categories are mutually exclusive.
+ Standard categories are :
\begin {itemize}
- \item{atomic box / complex box}\\
- Whether it's written is C++ or it's an assembly of several black boxes (atomic or complex).\\
- Any box is either atomic ou complex.
- \item{example / demo / application}\\
- These ones are always complex black boxes.
+ \item\texttt{atomic box}/\texttt{complex box}\\
+ Whether it's a 'atomic' unit written is C++ and available in binary form in a package or it's an assembly of several black boxes (atomic or complex) which is described in \bbs script language.\\
+ Any box is either atomic ou complex.\\
+ Any pipeline described in a \bbs script is itself viewed as a complex black box hence is tagged as belonging to this category.
+ \item\texttt{example} / \texttt{demo} / \texttt{application}\\
+ These ones are scripts which produce a result when executed (i.e. they execute a pipeline like \texttt{exampleSlider} above), contrarily to the scripts which only define complex boxes but do not instanciate and execute boxes.
\begin {itemize}
- \item{example}\\
- It's just a (simple) example, for programmers, on how to use a given feature.
- \item{demo}\\
- It can be a 'good looking' (a.k.a 'sexy') example on some sophisticated work, done only by using \texttt{bbtk}
- boxes.
- \item{application}\\
- It's a Final application, end user intended (e.g. Subscale a huge volume witout loading it in memory, Crop a DICOM image, etc)
+ \item\texttt{example} : It's just a (simple) example, for programmers, on how to use a given feature. The \texttt{Examples} link on the starting page links to the list of the boxes of this category.
+ \item\texttt{demo} : It can be a 'good looking' (a.k.a 'sexy') example on some sophisticated work, done only by using \texttt{bbtk}. The \texttt{Demos} link on the starting page links to the list of the boxes of this category.
+ \item\texttt{application} : It's a final application, end user intended (e.g. Subscale a huge volume witout loading it in memory, Crop a DICOM image, etc.)
\end {itemize}
- \item{widget}\\
- Piece of graphical interface (based on \texttt{wxWidgets})
- \item{Dicom}\\
- Dicom medical image related box.
- \item{viewer}
- \item{read/write}
- \item{mesh}
- \item{3D Object creator}
- \item{math}
- \item{misc}
+ \item\texttt{widget} : A piece of graphical interface (based on \texttt{wxWidgets})
+ \item\texttt{dicom} : Dicom medical image-related box.
+ \item\texttt{viewer} : A box allowing to view something (e.g. an image).
+ \item\texttt{read/write} : An I/O-related box
+ \item\texttt{mesh} : A mesh-related box
+ \item\texttt{filter} : A filter, mainly image filters.
+ \item\texttt{image} : An image-related box
+ \item\texttt{3D object creator} : A box which creates a 3D object to be injected into a 3D view (e.g. a plane, a surface).
+ \item\texttt{math} : Math
+ \item\texttt{misc} : Miscellaneous...
\end {itemize}
+ Remark that the list of categories is 'auto-extensible' : each time a new box is created which belongs to a new category and the boxes list is regenerated, then the new category appears in the list, holding the new box. The above list only contains the categories used in the packages provided with current \bbtk release.
+ \item {\bf\emph{ List of adaptors}} : The adaptors are a special type of black box which are used internaly to perform type conversions. Thought there are not end user intended, you may see their list. Adaptors belong to the \texttt{adaptor} category.
\end {itemize}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-You can run it using the tool bar of the 'Command' part. See figure \ref{imPackage_Browser}.
+The package browser is a standalone application which
+dynamically loads and queries the available packages.
+It is thus a smarter tool than the static html documentation.
+You can run it with the command \texttt{bbPackageBrowser}
+or in \bbStudio using either the button of the 'Command' part
+or the menu entry 'Windows$>$Start Package Browser'.
+Remark that it may take some time to start because it loads all available
+packages at start.
+Its appearance is reproduced in figure \ref{imPackage_Browser}.
\caption{\label{imPackage_Browser}The Package Browser}
-It allows you to query informations about what you can find in the packages (boxes and applications), using several criterions
-(warning : it's case sensitive, i.e '\texttt{Button}' will give different results than '\texttt{button}' ...)
+It allows you to find boxes using a multi-criteria filtering principle :
+The boxes listed are the one whose attributes match \emph{all} the
+words entered in the 'Filter' part.
+You can get the whole description of a given box clicking on its name.
+Warnings :
+\item It's case sensitive, i.e '\texttt{Button}'
+will give different results than '\texttt{button}'
+\item You have to press enter in the filter zone to update the boxes list
+\item A filtering string only has to match a subpart of the related attribute of a box.
+For example, entering 'utt' in the 'Name' attribute will match a box called 'Button'.
+Attributes :
\begin {itemize}
-\item Packages :\\
-All the boxes and applications held in a given package (e.g. \texttt{wxvtk}, \texttt{std}, ...)
-\item Name :\\
-You can query on a subpart of the name of a box or an application (e.g. \texttt{DICOM})
-\item Description :\\
-You can query on a substring of the description of a box or an application (e.g. \texttt{utton} : user wants to get all
-the\texttt{Button} as well as the \texttt{button} )
-\item Category :\\
-You can query on a sub part of the category name of a box or an application (e.g. \texttt{3D})
-\item Input Type :\\
-You can query all the boxes or applications that have at least one Input entry of the given type (e.g. \texttt{int})
-\item Output Type :\\
-You can query all the boxes or applications that have at least one Output entry of the given type (e.g. \texttt{int})
-\item Input Nature :\\
-You can query all the boxes or applications that have at least one Input entry of the given nature (e.g. \texttt{signal})
-\item Output Nature :\\
-You can query all the boxes or applications that have at least one Output entry of the given nature (e.g.
-\texttt{signal},\texttt{file name})
+\item Package : The name of the package to which the box belongs (e.g. \texttt{wxvtk}, \texttt{std})
+\item Name : The name of a box or an application (e.g. \texttt{Reader}, \texttt{example})
+\item Description : A part of the description of a box (e.g. \texttt{3D}, \texttt{image})
+\item Category : The categories of the box (e.g. \texttt{demo})
+\item Input/Output Type : The \CPP type of an input or output (e.g. \texttt{int}, \texttt{vtkImageData*}, \texttt{std::string})
+\item Input/Output Nature : The \texttt{nature} of an input or output (e.g. \texttt{file name}, \texttt{signal})
\end {itemize}
+%If 'Show widgets' is selected then
-All these criterions are \emph{AND}ed while the query process.\\
-You can get the whole description of a given box or application clicking on its name.
% ==============================================
\subsection{The Menu}
\begin {itemize}
\item{\texttt{Create package}} :
- Provides a graphical interface to help Package developper to create a new empty package.
+ Provides a graphical interface to help package developpers to create a new empty package.
\item{\texttt{Create black box}}
- Provides a graphical interface to help Package developper to create a new empty black box, and add it to an already existing package.
+ Provides a graphical interface to help package developpers to create a new empty black box, and add it to an already existing package.
\item{\texttt{Plug Package}}
Incorporates a package into the list of known packages. Updates the html documentation.
\item{\texttt{Regenerate package doc}} :
- if user was supplied new black boxes, and added them to an already existing package, he can update the package documentation, in order to benefit all the features of the Help mechanisms.
+ If a package has changed (e.g. new boxes) this updates the package html documentation.
\item{\texttt{Regenerate boxes list}} :
- if user wants to update only boxes list (quicker)
+ Updates the boxes lists (alphabetical, by package, ...)
\item{\texttt{Regenerate all}}
- \item{\texttt{Show last image graph}}
- User wants to rebuild the whole documentation.
+ Regenerates all the packages documentations and the boxes lists (may be long...).
+ \item{\texttt{Show last graph}}
+ Shows the last pipeline graph that was generated
\end {itemize}
\begin {itemize}
all the already loaded packages are unloaded (this is the recomended option).
\end {itemize}
- User may decide, for any reason of his own, to hide one or more pannels:
+ User may decide, for any reason of his own, to hide one or more panels:
\begin {itemize}
\item{\texttt{Show 'Files' panel}}
\item{\texttt{Show 'Help' panel}}
\item{\texttt{Show 'Command' panel}}
\item{\texttt{Show 'Messages' panel}}
- \item{\texttt{Launch Package browser}} The package browser is a stand alone application. This can be achieved, too,
- using the lower tool bar : button \texttt{Start Package Browser}.
- \item{}
+ \item{\texttt{Start Package browser}} : starts the package browser (see \ref{Package_Browser}).
\end {itemize}
\begin {itemize}
\item{\texttt{About}} : Info about \texttt{bbStudio}.
\end {itemize}
\end {itemize}
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+\section{Writing black box scripts (\bbsns)}
+% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\section{bbs scripting}
% ==========================================
+This section introduces how to write down black box scripts (\bbsns)
+to create and execute pipelines.
% ==========================================
-\subsection{Using an already existing script}
+\subsection{The commands}
% ==========================================
+In \bbStudio, try typing in the \texttt{Command} area (in what follows,
+the commands entered by the user will be preceded by a prompt \textgreater) :
+> help
+you get the list of the commands of the interpreter :
+Available commands :
+ author
+ category
+ config
+ connect
+ debug
+ define
+ delete
+ description
+ endefine
+ endpackage
+ exec
+ graph
+ help
+ include
+ index
+ input
+ kind
+ load
+ message
+ new
+ newgui
+ output
+ package
+ print
+ quit
+ reset
+ set
+ unload
-Using the lower toolbar (see figure : \ref{lowertoolbar}), open the file
-holding the script.
+To get help on a particular command type \texttt{help <command-name>},
+for example:
+> help author
+gives :
+ usage : author <string>
+ Adds the string <string> to the author information of the black box being defined
+The \texttt{help} command has multiple usages.
+It is used to get help about almost anything in the interpreter!
+Type \texttt{'help help'} to get help on the \texttt{help} command itself :
+> help help
+ usage :
+ (1) help
+ (2) help <command name>
+ (3) help packages [all]
+ (4) help <package name> [all]
+ (5) help <black box type>
+ (6) help <black box name>
+ Effect :
+ (1) Lists all available commands;
+ (2) Prints help on a particular command;
+ (3) Lists the packages loaded and their black boxes.
+ Add 'all' to list adaptors;
+ (4) Prints short help on the black boxes of a package.
+ Add 'all' to include adaptors;
+ (5) Prints full help on a black box type;
+ (6) Prints information on the inputs, outputs and connectionns
+ of a black box instance.
+%More information about what is a 'box' will be given in the 'Scripting' part of this manual.
- You'll see it, in the '\texttt{Files}' part.\\ \\
- You may run it, using the lower toolbar. \\
- %\texttt{WARNING :} if the script contains one or more \texttt{LayoutSplit}
-% object, you will have to resize the sub windows. \\ \\
- You may modify, save or save-as the current script, using the lower toolbar.\\ \\
- You may have a look at the graphical representation of the pipeline (sorry,
- right now, to modify the pipeline, you have to modify the script;
- you cannot modify grapically the pipeline; Work in progress...)
% ==========================================
-\subsection{Inside black boxes}
+\subsection{Creating and executing black boxes}
% ==========================================
At start the interpreter does not know any black box.
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Connecting black boxes}
+\subsection{Connecting black boxes}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Creating complex black boxes}
+\subsection{Creating complex black boxes}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Writing scripts}
+\subsection{Writing scripts files}
% ==========================================
Once you have defined a new type of complex box, you
may like to reuse it. To do this, you can simply
-write the \bbi commands defining the new box
+write the \bbs commands defining the new box
into a text file and afterwards include that file in \bbins.
-Doing this, you start writing \bbi scripts.
-The conventionnal (and mandatory) extension for such scripts is \texttt{bbs}
+Doing this, you start writing \bbs scripts.
+The conventional (and mandatory) extension for such scripts is \texttt{bbs}
(black box script).
For consistency reasons, you are requested to prepend \texttt{bb} to the name.
> include Add3
-\subsubsection{Creating complex black boxes that use complex black boxes}
+\subsection{Creating complex black boxes that use complex black boxes}
-\subsubsection{Naming Conventions}
+\subsection{Naming Conventions}
\label{bbi-Naming Conventions}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Creating command line applications}
+\subsection{Creating command line applications}
% ==========================================
-\bbStudio is always compiled in graphical mode (with \wx), therefore
-you can also use the \texttt{-g} commutator.
+You can also use the \texttt{-g} commutator.
\bbi then prompts the user in graphical mode,
displaying a dialog box for each input,
like in fig. \ref{bb-input-dialog-box}.
+Note that for both \texttt{-t} and \texttt{-g} options,
+the input from the user is a \texttt{string} and
+\bbi converts it to the right input type using
+an \texttt{adaptor}, hence the right adaptors must be loaded.
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Using graphical interface boxes (widget boxes)}
+\subsection{Using graphical interface boxes (widget boxes)}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
Basic graphical interface components are provided in the package \texttt{wx},
such as buttons, sliders, file open/save dialogs, etc.
%The \texttt{InputText}, \texttt{FileDialog} or \texttt{Slider} widgets
%are ``terminal'' widgets.
%``container'' widgets are of another kind : they are
+% ==========================================
+%\subsubsection{Layout widgets}
+% ==========================================
There is a special kind of widget, called '\texttt{Layout}', designed to
contain other widgets in order to build larger dialog boxes.
For example, the \texttt{LayoutSplit} widget is a container which
-``splits'' horizontally a window into two parts,
+``splits'' a window into two parts, either horizontally or vertically,
each part including another widget.
-The size of the two parts can be adjusted by the user thanks
-to a ``handle''.
+The initial size of the two parts can be fixed by the input 'Proportion'
+and be adjusted by the user thanks to a ``handle''.
The example \texttt{exampleLayoutSplit} demonstrates its use.
Run it : it displays a window with two sliders.
-load std
load wx
new Slider s1
Right now, there are only \emph{three} layout widgets in the \texttt{wx} package :
-\item {the \texttt{LayoutSplit} widget} we just described, the \texttt{LayoutLine} , and the \texttt{LayoutTab}
+\item {the \texttt{LayoutSplit} widget} we just described
-\item {the \texttt{LayoutLine} widget} can have multiple children (Widgeti inputs) and
+\item {the \texttt{LayoutLine} widget} can have multiple children
+(\texttt{Widget1}, \texttt{Widget2},\dots \texttt{Widget9} inputs) and
divides its window into as much parts as children,
each part of equal size.
The orientation of the \texttt{LayoutSplit} or of the \texttt{LayoutLine} can be changed by the input \texttt{Orientation}.
-%See the example \texttt{example}.
With only those two layout widgets you can already create
-complex dialog boxes (of course layouts can be nested, which leads to tree-like structures of widgets). \\
+complex dialog boxes
+(of course layouts can be nested, which leads to tree-like
+structures of widgets). \\
See the script \texttt{exampleComplexLayoutSplit\_In\_LayoutSplit} for an example.
-\item {The \texttt{LayoutTab} widget} is based on the \texttt{wxNotebook.}\\
-The label of each 'note book' is the name of the object it contains.
+\item {The \texttt{LayoutTab} widget} arranges its children
+in different pages or 'tabs' (\texttt{wxNotebook}-based).
+The label of each page is the name of the widget it contains.
%the \texttt{Button}... to be continued.
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Deeper in the boxes}
+\subsection{Deeper in the boxes}
% ==========================================
-Any box has three mandatory Inputs :
+\subsubsection{Default and mandatory inputs and outputs}
+\item Any \texttt{atomic} black box has two default Inputs, which are created by the system :
\item {\bf\emph{BoxExecute}} : Any signal received by this input executes the box
- \item {\bf\emph{Boxchange}} : Signals any modification of the box. This output may be connected if necessary to the \emph{BoxExecute}
- input of an other box, further within the execution pipeline.
\item {\bf\emph{BoxProcessMode}} : Sets the processing mode of the box :
\item {\bf\emph{Pipeline}} :% bbBackwardUpdate() calls Process() only if Status == MODIFIED \\
The box executes itself only when an input was changed (normal pipeline processing).
\item {\bf\emph{Reactive}} : %bbSetModifiedStatus() calls bbUpdate() \\
Re-processes immediately when \emph{any input} changes.\\
- To be more selective, better use \texttt{connect A.BoxChange \emph{currentBox}.BoxExecute}.
+ To be more selective, better use
+ '\texttt{connect A.BoxChange B.BoxExecute}'.
\item {\bf\emph{Always}} :% bbUpdate() always calls Process. \\
Usefull for 'sources', that must be processed, even when no input changed (e.g. : FileSelector, ColorSelector)\\
This one is not end user intended (for Package developer only)
-Any widget box has five Inputs, that will be dealt with only if the box is not connected to the \emph{Widget}i of any \emph{Layout box} :
+\item And one default output :
- \item {\bf\emph{WinHeight}} : Height of the window
+ \item {\bf\emph{BoxChange}} : Signals any modification of the box. This output may be connected if necessary to the \emph{BoxExecute}
+ input of an other box : each time the boxes changes (e.g. a Slider is moved) the box it is connected to will be forced to update.
+If you create complex boxes, it is a good idea to define those inputs and outputs to be able
+to force the execution of your complex box or be aware of its changes...
+\item Any {\bf widget} box has five Inputs, that will be dealt with only if the box is not connected to the \emph{Widget}i of any \emph{Layout} box :
+ \item {\bf\emph{WinHeight}} : Height of the window
\item {\bf\emph{WinWidth}} : Width of the window
\item {\bf\emph{WinTitle}} : Title of the window
\item {\bf\emph{WinClose}} : Any received signal closes the window
\item {\bf\emph{WinDialog}} : When set to 'true', creates a \emph{dialog window}, that blocks the pipeline until it is closed (\emph{modal})
+If you define a complex widget box, it is a good idea to define these inputs to be able
+to customize your window settings.
+\item Any {\bf widget} box has one mandatory Output :
+ \item {\bf\emph{Widget}} : that is the \texttt{wxWindow} itself. If it's not connected to the \texttt{Widget}\emph{i} of any \emph{Layout box}, then the box will create its own window (frame or dialog) on execution. If it's connected to the \texttt{Widget}\texttt{\emph{i}} of a \texttt{Layout box},
+ it will be embedded in its parent window.
+If you define a complex widget box, it is a good idea to use this standard name for your window output
-Any \emph{Layout box} (i.e. \emph{LayoutLine}, \emph{LayoutSplit} or \emph{LayoutTab}) has one or more mandatory Inputs :
+\item Any {\bf Layout} box (i.e. \emph{LayoutLine}, \emph{LayoutSplit} or \emph{LayoutTab}) has one or more mandatory Inputs :
\item {\bf\emph{Widget}}\texttt{i} : e.g. a \emph{LayoutSplit} box (Widget which splits a window in two resizeable parts)
has two Input parameters \emph{Widget1} and \emph{Widget2}, used to embed the child windows.\\
e.g. a \emph{LayoutLine} divides the window in up to 9 (depending on the number of inputs \emph{Widget}i) fixed size parts.
+If you define a complex layout box, it is a good idea to use these standard names for your
+sub-windows inputs.
-Any widget box has one mandatory Output :
- \item {\bf\emph{Widget}} : that is the \texttt{wxWindow} itself. If it's not connected to the \texttt{Widget}\emph{i} of any \emph{Layout box}, it
- will popup. If it's connected to the \texttt{Widget}\texttt{\emph{i}} of any \texttt{Layout box},
- it will be embedded in its parent window.
% ==========================================
-\subsection{More on ...}
+%\subsection{More on ...}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
%\item{...} \\
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Pipeline processing}
+%\subsubsection{Pipeline processing}
% ==========================================
-\item the ``control'' mechanism in bbi.
+%\item the ``control'' mechanism in bbi.
-When a box is requested to update itself, it asks (recursively) each one of its inputs if it was modified.\\
-In normal pipe-line mode, it will be re-processed if at least one of its imputs was actually modified, as the output of a previous box.
+%When a box is requested to update itself, it asks (recursively) each one of its inputs if it was modified.\\
+%In normal pipe-line mode, it will be re-processed if at least one of its imputs was actually modified, as the output of a previous box.
%(switch exec commands, e.g. Button)
-\item the role of ProcessMode to update widgets.
+%\item the role of ProcessMode to update widgets.
%\subsubsection{Advanced issues}
%\paragraph{Reducing the number of inputs of a box}
% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{Creating and using your own uninstalled version of bbStudio}
-Suppose you want to run your own uninstalled version (say : you downloaded and compiled the
-cvs version in order to use a recently commited patch, but you want to be able
-to still use the standard version).
-You have to :
-\item cvs checkout the sources :
-cvs checkout bbtk
-create a build directory
-mkdir buildBBTK
-\item cd in the build directory:
-cd buildBBTK
-\item run ccmake.
-ccmake ../bbtk
-Don't forget to switch ON the flag \texttt{BBTK\_COMPILE\_DEBUG\_MESSAGE} \\
-(see figure : \ref{bb-ccmake})
-\caption{\label{bb-ccmake}Running ccmake}
-\item As usual, type \texttt{c} until there is no longer any area quoted with a * (or highlighted in red)\\
-Ask for generation (type \texttt{g} -once is always enough-)
-\item Ask for compilation and link.
-The dynamic libraries (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so} and the executable programs will be created in the \texttt{bin}
-directory of the built tree.
-\item choose to install or not your own version.
-make install
-Linux users : Don't forget to \texttt{sudo} before.
% ==========================================
-% ==========================================
-%\vspace{0.5cm}\hrule \\
\section{Using third party Package}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
\bbStudio makes it easy for you : in the menu \texttt{Tools} just click on the
-option \texttt{Plug Package}. You will be asked to to '\texttt{Select
-package directory}'. Browse untill you find the the install tree, or the the build tree,
-depending whether you installed the package or not.\\
+option \texttt{Plug Package}. You will be asked to '\texttt{Select
+package directory}'. Browse untill you find the install or the build directory,
+depending whether you installed the package or not.
+\bbStudio will update the configuration file, generate the 'Package
+documentation', and update the 'Boxes Lists'.
-\bbStudio will update the Configuration file, generate the 'Package
-documentaion', and update the 'Box List'.\\
You will be able to use the new package just as you did for any other \bbtk
canonical Package.
% ==========================================
If the Package you want to use is supplied in a non standard way (e.g. : you
-where given one ore more dynamic libraries (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so}), and
-one or more directories containing \bbtk scripts (\texttt{.bbs}), you will have
-to proceed to some (simple) manual operations.\\
-\texttt{Nota bene} : This way is hightly discouraged !
-% ==========================================
-\subsubsection{More on the configuration file}
-% ==========================================
-First, have a glance at the Configuration, just clicking on \texttt{Config} button of the \texttt{Command} part toolbar.
-You'll get something like :
- Configuration
- =============
- bbtk_config.xml : [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin/bbtk_config.xml]
- Documentation Path : [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin/../share/bbtk/doc]
- Data Path : [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin/../share/bbtk/data]
- Temp Directory : [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN]
- File Separator : [/]
- BBS Paths
- --- [.]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin/../share/bbtk/bbs]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/share/bbtk/bbs]
- PACKAGE Paths :
- --- [.]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin/../lib]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin\Debug]
- --- [/home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin\Release]
-(depending on who you are, and whether \texttt{bbStudio} is installed or not.)\\
-Note the two main parts : \texttt{BBS Paths} and \texttt{PACKAGE Paths}
-\subsubsection{How bbStudio uses the Configuration file}
-At start, \bbi tries to open an \texttt{xml}
-configuration file named \texttt{bbtk\_config.xml}.
-The search order is
-\item The current directory
-\item The subdir \texttt{.bbtk} of the user's home directory.
-\item On \texttt{Unix}, the home directory is the
-one stored by the environnement variable \texttt{HOME},
-typically \texttt{/home/username}.
-\item On \texttt{Windows}, the home directory is
-the user's profile directory stored by the environnement
-variable \texttt{USERPROFILE},
-typically \texttt{C:\\...}.
-\item If none of these two paths contains the file then it creates
-a new one in the \texttt{.bbtk} directory.
-To use a third party Package, you will have to update it.\\
-\subsubsection{Modifying the Configuration file}
-Just use the \texttt{Open bbtk Config file} option of the \texttt{Files} of the \bbStudio menu.
-You will get something like :
- <description> Sets the search directories in the build tree </description>
- <url> </url>
- <bbs_path> /home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/share/bbtk/bbs </bbs_path>
- <package_path> /home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin </package_path>
-# For windows
- <package_path> /home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin\Debug </package_path>
- <package_path> /home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN/bin\Release </package_path>
- <data_path> </data_path>
- <default_temp_dir> /home/jpr/Creatis/bbtk/binLIN </default_temp_dir>
-To use a new Package :
-\item {}
-After the already existing \texttt{xml} tags
- (i.e. the lines begining by
- \texttt{<bbs\_path>}
- %bbs_path
-and ending by
-you can add paths to :
-\item A custom folder in which to search for \texttt{.bbs} scripts (\texttt{include} command of \bbins) by adding
- an \texttt{xml} tag:\\
- \texttt{<bbs\_path>}
-\item {}
-After the already existing tags
- (i.e. the lines begining by
- \texttt{package\_path}
- %bbs_path
-and ending by
-you can add paths to :
-\item A custom folder in which to search for packages (the dynamic libraries
- (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so}, called with the \texttt{load} command of \bbins) by adding an \texttt{xml} tag :\\
+where given one ore more dynamic libraries (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so}), and/or
+one or more directories containing \bbtk scripts (\texttt{.bbs})
+you can edit your \bbtk configuration and add the appropriate
+paths, see \ref{The_configuration_file}.
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
You may add your own boxes (simple boxes, if you are aware enough in \CPP
-language), or complex boxes if you are aware enough in bbtk scripting).
-To be able to use the Help tools as well as the features provided by this package,
- you must use the
-option \texttt{Regenerate package doc} in the menu \texttt{Tools} of \texttt{bbStudio}.\\
-You'll be prompted for the Package name. Avoid using the \texttt{-a} option (Regenerate all), since it's time consumming.
+language, or complex boxes if you are aware enough in bbtk scripting).
-To benefit the features of Box indexing you must use the
-option \texttt{Regenerate Boxes Lists} in the menu \texttt{Tools} of \texttt{bbStudio}.\\
+To update the html help of this package,
+use the option \texttt{Regenerate package doc}
+in the menu \texttt{Tools} of \texttt{bbStudio}.
+You'll be prompted for the Package name.
+Avoid using the \texttt{-a} option (Regenerate all), since it's time consumming.
+To update html boxes lists with the new boxes,
+use the option \texttt{Regenerate Boxes Lists}
+in the menu \texttt{Tools} of \texttt{bbStudio}.
% ==========================================
\subsection{Using the package}
% ==========================================
-The only thing you have to do is to \texttt{load} the package, within the script, or from the
-\texttt{Command} part, and enjoy the black boxes it contains.
+The only thing you have to do is to \texttt{include} or \texttt{load} the package,
+within a script, or from the \texttt{Command} part,
+and enjoy the black boxes it contains.
% ==========================================
-\subsection{Packages you'll probably want to use }
+%\subsection{Packages you'll probably want to use }
% ==========================================
-\begin {itemize}
-\item{\texttt{creaLib}} \\
-a.k.a \texttt{crea}. It's a set of 'low level' utilities, needed by other
-packages (an, sure, useful as well for people that doesn't use bbtkns.
-\item{\texttt{creaContours}} \\
-Provides sophisticated widgets for managing 3D R.O.I. (Regions of interest)
-\item{\texttt{creaImageIO}} \\
-Allows browsing, selectionning, ordering directories containing images of almost any type
-(including DICOM)
-\end {itemize}
+%\begin {itemize}
+%\item{\texttt{creaLib}} \\
+%a.k.a \texttt{crea}. It's a set of 'low level' utilities, needed by other
+%packages (an, sure, useful as well for people that doesn't use bbtkns.
+%\item{\texttt{creaContours}} \\
+%Provides sophisticated widgets for managing 3D R.O.I. (Regions of interest)
+%\item{\texttt{creaImageIO}} \\
+%Allows browsing, selectionning, ordering directories containing images of almost any type
+%(including DICOM)
+%\end {itemize}
% ==========================================
-%\vspace{0.5cm}\hrule \\
\section{Using black boxes in \CPP programs}
% ==========================================
-A very useful feature is that you may use any black box within a \CPP program without worrying about \texttt{wxWigets} main window.\\
+A very useful feature is that you may use any widget
+black box within a \CPP program
+without worrying about writing a \wx main application.\\
Let's look a the following bbs script :
exec layout
-User wants to create a slider and an output text, within a LayoutLine, and display the slider value in the output text.\\
-Think about the (little!) nightmare to code the same, in 'raw C++', using wxWidgets.\\
+User wants to create a slider and an output text, within a LayoutLine,
+and display the slider value in the output text.
+Think about the (little!) nightmare to code the same, in 'raw C++', using wxWidgets.
-Using the standalone application \texttt{bbc} you just 'convert' the script.
+The following \CPP code does the same :
+#include <bbtkFactory.h>
#include <bbwxSlider.h>
#include <bbwxOutputText.h>
-#include <bbtkFactory.h>
#include <bbwxLayoutLine.h>
int main(int argv, char* argc[])
+ try
+ {
// we need to intanciate a bbtk::Factory to be aware of the adaptors
bbtk::Factory::Pointer factory = bbtk::Factory::New();
// Graphical pipeline
bbtk::Connection::Pointer c1 = bbtk::Connection::New(slider,"Widget",
- layout,"Widget1");
+ layout,"Widget1");
bbtk::Connection::Pointer c2 = bbtk::Connection::New(text,"Widget",
- layout,"Widget2");
+ layout,"Widget2");
// Execution pipeline
// ------------------
// We have to pass the 'factory', in order to call automatically an adaptor,
// if necessary.
bbtk::Connection::Pointer s2t = bbtk::Connection::New(slider,"Out",
- text,"In",
- factory);
- bbtk::Connection::Pointer c3 = bbtk::Connection::New(slider,"BoxChange",
- text,"BoxExecute");
+ text,"In",
+ factory);
+ bbtk::Connection::Pointer c3 = bbtk::Connection::New(slider,"BoxChange",
+ text,"BoxExecute");
// Go!
+In this code, we use the headers of the \texttt{bbwx} \CPP library,
+which define the black boxes of the \texttt{wx} package.
+to be continued ...
% ==========================================
-\section{Language reference}
+\section{\bbs language reference}
% ==========================================
% ==========================================
\subsection{Pipeline creation and execution related commands}
% ==========================================
- See table \ref{bbi-reference-box}
+% See table \ref{bbi-reference-box}
% ==========================================
-\caption{\label{bbi-reference-box} \bbi pipeline creation and execution related commands.}
+\caption{\label{bbi-reference-box} \bbs pipeline creation and execution related commands.}
Command & Parameters & Effect \\ \hline
-\texttt{new} & \texttt{<boxtype>} \texttt{<box-name>}&
-Creates a box of type \texttt{boxtype} and name
+\texttt{new} & \texttt{<box-type>} \texttt{<box-name>}&
+Creates a box of type \texttt{box-type} and name
\texttt{box-name}.\\ \hline
+\texttt{newgui} & \texttt{<box-name>} \texttt{<gui-box-name>} &
+Automatically creates a graphical user interface with name \texttt{gui-box-name}
+for the black box \texttt{box-name} and connects it to the box inputs\\ \hline
\texttt{delete} & \texttt{<box-name>} &
-Destroys the box named \texttt{box-name}.\\ \hline
+Destroys the box named \texttt{box-name}\\ \hline
\texttt{connect} & \texttt{<box1.output>} \texttt{<box2.input>} &
Connects the output
in the packages loaded which converts a \texttt{std::string}
to the type of the input \texttt{input}. \\ \hline
-\texttt{print} & \texttt{<string>} &
-Prints the string after substituting each token of the form \texttt{\$box.output\$} by the adaptation to string of the value of the
-output \texttt{output} of the box named \texttt{box}.
-An \texttt{adaptor} must exist
-in the packages loaded which converts
-the type of the output \texttt{output}
-to a \texttt{std::string}.
-\\ \hline
\texttt{exec} & \texttt{<box-name>} &
Executes the box named \texttt{box-name}.
If needed the boxes
connected to its inputs
are also processed recursively (pipeline processing).\\ \hline
-\texttt{exec} & \texttt{freeze} &
- Allows to block execution commands while keeping definition commands active.(This one is not for end user)\\ \hline
-\texttt{exec} & \texttt{unfreeze} &
- Turns back to 'normal' mode (This one is not for end user).\\ \hline
+& \texttt{freeze} &
+ Allows to block execution commands while keeping definition commands active (this one is not for end user)\\ \hline
+& \texttt{unfreeze} &
+ Turns back to 'normal' mode (this one is not for end user).\\ \hline
% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{Package related commands}
+\caption{\label{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_1}\bbs package related commands. }% (part 1).}
+Command & Parameters & Effect \\ \hline
+\texttt{include} & \texttt{<package-name>} &
+Loads the package \texttt{package-name} and includes all its complex box definition scripts. \\ \hline
+\texttt{load} & \texttt{<package-name>} &
+Loads the atomic black boxes of package \texttt{package-name}.
+Loads the dynamic library but not the complex boxes defined in the scripts shipped with the package.
+Use it only if you know that you won't work with its complex black boxes \\ \hline
+\texttt{unload} & \texttt{<package-name>}&
+Unloads the package \texttt{package-name}.
+The package must have been previously loaded.
+No box of a type defined in this package must still exist.\\ \hline
+\texttt{reset} & - & Deletes all boxes and unloads all packages so
+that the interpreter gets back to its initial state \\ \hline
+\texttt{package} & \texttt{<package-name>} &
+All complex black boxes definitions until the next \texttt{endpackage}
+will be stored into the package \texttt{package-name} \\ \hline
+\texttt{endpackage} & - &
+Closes a \texttt{package} command \\ \hline
% ==========================================
\subsection{Interpreter related commands}
% ==========================================
-See table \ref{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_1} and \ref{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_2}
+%See table \ref{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_1} and \ref{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_2}
% ==========================================
-\caption{\label{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_1}\bbi intepreter related commands (part 1).}
+\caption{\label{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_1}\bbs intepreter related commands. }% (part 1).}
Command & Parameters & Effect \\ \hline
-\texttt{author} & \texttt{<author-name>} &
-Adds the string \texttt{<author-name>} to the author information of the black box being defined \\ \hline
-\texttt{category} & \texttt{<category-name>} &
- Adds the string \texttt{<category-name>} to the category information of the black box being defined \\ \hline
\texttt{help} & - &
Prints help on available commands \\ \hline
The box type must belong to a package which has been previously loaded \\ \hline
-& \texttt{<debug-directive>} &
- Prints debug info on living bbtk objects containing the string \texttt{expr} (default expr='').
- \texttt{-C} checks the factory integrity.
- \texttt{-D} turns on objects debug info after main ends\\ \hline
+& - &
+Prints information on available kinds of messages and their current level\\ \hline
+ & \texttt{<kind>} \texttt{<level>} &
+Sets the level of verbosity of the interpreter for the kind of messages
+\texttt{kind} to \texttt{level}.\\ \hline
\texttt{include} & \texttt{<file-name>} &
Includes and executes the content of the file named \texttt{file-name}
exactly like if you were typing its content at the place were the
\texttt{include} command is. \\ \hline
-\texttt{load} & \texttt{<package-name>} &
-Loads the package \texttt{package-name} (use it only if you know that you won't work with complex black boxes) \\ \hline
-\texttt{include} & \texttt{<package-name>} &
-Loads the package \texttt{package-name} and includes all the complex black boxes that comes with it \\ \hline
-\texttt{kind} & \texttt{<box kind>} &
-Specifies the \texttt{kind} of the complex black boxes you are describing \\ \hline
+\texttt{print} & \texttt{<string>} &
+Prints the string after substituting each token of the form \texttt{\$box.output\$} by the adaptation to string of the value of the
+output \texttt{output} of the box named \texttt{box}.
+An \texttt{adaptor} must exist
+in the packages loaded which converts
+the type of the output \texttt{output}
+to a \texttt{std::string}.
+\\ \hline
-% This arbitrary part1/part2 is to avoid to have all the tables at the end of the docoment ...
+\texttt{graph} & ... &
+Generates the html doc including the pipeline graph for a given complex box \\ \hline
-\caption{\label{tabbbi-reference-interpreter_2}\bbi intepreter related commands (part 2).}
-Command & Parameters & Effect \\ \hline
-\texttt{unload} & \texttt{<package-name>}&
-Unloads the package \texttt{package-name}.
-The package must have been previously loaded.
-No box of a type defined in this package must still exist.\\ \hline
+\texttt{index} & ... &
+Generates the html index of currently loaded boxes types \\ \hline
-\texttt{message} & \texttt{<category>} \texttt{<level>} &
-Sets the level of verbosity of \bbi for the category of messages
-\texttt{category} to \texttt{level}.\\ \hline
-%See \ref{verbosity}.
+\texttt{config} & - & Displays the configuration parameters\\ \hline
-\texttt{config} & - & Displays the Configuration parameters\\ \hline
-\texttt{reset} & - & Deletes all boxes and unloads all packages so
-that \bbi gets back to its initial state \\ \hline
+\texttt{debug} & \texttt{<debug-directive>} &
+ Prints debug info on living bbtk objects containing the string \texttt{expr} (default expr='').
+ \texttt{-C} checks the factory integrity.
+ \texttt{-D} turns on objects debug info after main ends\\ \hline
-\texttt{quit} & - & Exits the interpreter (Don't use it under \bbStudions)\\ \hline
+\texttt{quit} & - & Exits the interpreter\\ \hline
% ==========================================
-See table \ref{bbi-reference-complex-box}
+%See table \ref{bbi-reference-complex-box}
% ==========================================
-\caption{\label{bbi-reference-complex-box} \bbi complex black box definition related commands.}
+\caption{\label{bbi-reference-complex-box} \bbs complex black box definition related commands.}
Command & Parameters & Effect \\ \hline
-\texttt{define} & \texttt{<box-type>} &
-Starts the definition of a complex black box of type
-\texttt{box-type}\\ \hline
+\texttt{define} & \texttt{<box-type>} [\texttt{<package-name>}] &
+Starts the definition of a complex black box of type
+\texttt{box-type}. If \texttt{<package-name>} is provided then includes the
+box in the given package (otherwise it is defined in the current package,
+i.e. \texttt{user} if outside a \texttt{package/endpackage} block). \\ \hline
\texttt{endefine} & - &
Ends the definition of a complex black box type\\ \hline
\texttt{author} & \texttt{<string>} &
-Sets the author(s) of the complex black box currently being defined \\ \hline
+Concatenate the string to the author string
+of the current complex black box.\\ \hline
\texttt{description} & \texttt{<string>} &
-Sets the description of the complex black box currently being defined \\ \hline
+Concatenate the string to the description of the current complex black box.
+\\ \hline
+\texttt{category} & \texttt{<string>} &
+Specifies the \texttt{categories} of the current complex black box.
+The categories must be separated by semicolons, e.g. "\texttt{widget;image}"\\ \hline
+\texttt{kind} & \texttt{<box kind>} &
+Specifies the \texttt{kind} of the current complex black box
\texttt{input} & \texttt{<name>} \texttt{<box.input>} \texttt{<help>} &
Defines a new input for the current complex black box,
\texttt{<help>} is the help string for the new output.
The box \texttt{box} must already have been created in the complex box and of course have an output named \texttt{output}. \\ \hline
-% ==========================================
+Note : if outside a \texttt{define/endefine} block then the current complex black box
+is '\texttt{user::workspace}', that is the main program equivalent
+(this is how applications are documented).
+This remark holds for all complex black box related commands.
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
+% ==========================================
\section{Install and run time issues}
+% ==========================================
+\subsection{\bbtk configuration file}
+At start, \bbtk applications (\bbStudio, \bbi) try
+to open an \texttt{xml}
+configuration file named \texttt{bbtk\_config.xml}.
+The search order is
+\item The current directory
+\item The subdir \texttt{.bbtk} of the user's home directory.
+\item On \texttt{Unix}, the home directory is the
+one stored by the environnement variable \texttt{HOME},
+typically \texttt{/home/username}.
+\item On \texttt{Windows}, the home directory is
+the user's profile directory stored by the environnement
+variable \texttt{USERPROFILE},
+typically \texttt{C:$\backslash$ Documents and Settings$\backslash$ username}.
+\item If none of these two paths contains the file then it creates
+a new one in the \texttt{.bbtk} directory.
+Information on \bbtk configuration is
+obtained in \bbStudio by clicking on the
+\texttt{Config} button of the \texttt{Command} part toolbar.
+If you did not installed other packages than the ones
+provided by \bbtk, you get something like :
+ =============
+ Configuration
+ =============
+ bbtk_config.xml : [/home/guigues/.bbtk/bbtk_config.xml]
+ Documentation Path : [/usr/local/bin/../share/bbtk/doc]
+ Data Path : [/usr/local/bin/../share/bbtk/data]
+ Temp Directory : []
+ File Separator : [/]
+ BBS Paths
+ --- [.]
+ --- [/usr/local/bin/../share/bbtk/bbs]
+ PACKAGE Paths :
+ --- [.]
+ --- [/usr/local/bin/../lib]
+The first line let you know which configuration file is currently used.
+You can open this file using \bbStudio menu \texttt{Files$>$Open bbtk Config file}.
+You will get something like :
+<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>
+ <bbs_path> </bbs_path>
+ <package_path> </package_path>
+The \texttt{xml} tags \texttt{bbs\_path} and \texttt{package\_path}
+allow to set additionnal directories in which to search
+for \bbs files and packages dynamic libraries.
+For example, if you add the line :
+ <bbs_path> /home/guigues/bbs </bbs_path>
+Then the interpreter will search for \bbs in the folder \texttt{/home/guigues/bbs},
+which allows a command like \texttt{'include bbMyBox.bbs'} to work if
+the folder \texttt{/home/guigues/bbs} contains the file \texttt{bbMyBox.bbs}.
+The same, the \texttt{xml} tag \texttt{<package\_path>} let you
+set additional path in which to find a package dynamic library,
+hence allowing to load additionnal packages with the \texttt{'load'} command.
+All \bbs and package paths are summmarized in the
+information output when pressing 'Config' in \bbStudio.
+You can see that two \bbs paths are always set :
+\item The current directory (\texttt{.})
+\item The \bbs folder of \bbtk
+Also, two package paths are always set :
+\item The current directory (\texttt{.})
+\item The libraries folder of \bbtk
+Additional paths set in your \texttt{bbtk\_config.xml} are added after those standard paths.
+Note that the order displayed is the one in which the folders are searched when
+\texttt{include} or \texttt{load} commands are issued.
\begin {itemize}
-\item{make} \\
-For some strange reasons (?!?), at \texttt{cmake} time, you may be warned that an error occured while documentation generation.\\
-Take it easy, \texttt{make} again!\\
+%\item{make} \\
+%For some strange reasons (?!?), at \texttt{cmake} time,
+%you may be warned that an error occured while documentation generation.\\
+%Take it easy, \texttt{make} again!\\
\item{\bbStudio} is written using the Advanced User Interface library of wxWidgets.
If, after some hazardous floating/docking operations onto the frame, you feel
\end {itemize}
%%------------- Doc Info ---------------------------------
- pdftitle={bbtk Users' Guide},%
- pdfauthor={Laurent Guigues},%
+ pdftitle={The Black Box Toolkit},%
+ pdfauthor={},%
%%------------ Doc View ----------------------------------}
% ==========================================
\def\todo{\scriptsize\fbox{\bf TODO !!}\normalsize}
\def\BBTK{{\xspace}The {\bf Black Box Toolkit} }
+\def\bbtkGuide [#1]{
+{\Large \BBTK}
+{\Huge #1}
+\bbtk version \bbtkVersion \hspace{2mm}(\bbtkVersionDate)
+Generated on : \today
+Eduardo D\'avila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
+CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie M\'edicale \\
+CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620, INSA Lyon, Universit\'e Claude-Bernard Lyon 1
% ==========================================
%%% mode: latex
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<H1>Help Contents - bbtk @BBTK_VERSION@ </H1>
+<H1>Help Contents</H1>
<a href="bbdoc/index-category.html#demo">Demos</a><br>
<a href="bbdoc/index-category.html#example">Examples</a>
<a href="bbtkUsersGuide/bbtkUsersGuide.html" target="information">User's Guide</a><br>
<a href="bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide/bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide.html" target="information">Package Developer's Guide</a><br>
-<a href="bbtkDevelopersGuide/bbtkDevelopersGuide.html" target="information">Developer's Guide</a><br>
-<a href="bbtkReferenceManual/bbtkReferenceManual.html" target="information">Reference Manual</a> (to be written)<br>
<a href="doxygen/bbtk/main.html" target="information">bbtk library doxygen doc</a><br>
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkConfigurationFile.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:13 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.18 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/10/21 08:37:04 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.19 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
FILE *fp;
char configXml[250];
sprintf (configXml , "%s/bbtk_config.xml", rootDirectory);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1, "in CreateConfigXML[" << configXml << "]" << std::endl);
+ bbtkDebugMessage("Config",1, "in CreateConfigXML[" << configXml << "]" << std::endl);
fp = fopen (configXml, "w");
fprintf(fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, "<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM \"/mnt/windows/bbtk/bbtk_config.xml>\n");
fprintf(fp, "<config>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <description> </description>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <url> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/bbtk </url>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <install_path> </install_path>\n");
fprintf(fp, " <bbs_path> </bbs_path>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <ext_dll_path> </ext_dll_path>\n");
fprintf(fp, " <package_path> </package_path>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <data_path> </data_path>\n");//, BBTK_DATA_PATH);
- /// \todo find a decent default value !
- ///fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir> %s </default_temp_dir>\n", " ");
- // when $ will be found, default_temp_dir value will be replaced
- fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir>$</default_temp_dir>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "</config>\n");
- fclose(fp);
+ fprintf(fp, "</config>\n");
+ fclose(fp);
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:15 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.29 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/10/21 08:37:04 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.30 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_RegenerateBoxesLists,_T("Regenerate boxes &lists") );
menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_RegenerateAll,_T("Regenerate &all") );
- menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, _T("&Show last image graph") );
+ menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, _T("&Show last graph") );
wxMenu *menuWindows = new wxMenu;
_T("Show 'command' panel") )->Check();
- menuWindows->Append( ID_Menu_Windows_PackageBrowser, _T("Launch Package &Browser") );
+ menuWindows->Append( ID_Menu_Windows_PackageBrowser, _T("Start Package &Browser") );
// menuWindows->AppendSeparator();
// menuWindows->Append ( ID_Menu_Windows_Save, _T("Save interface configuration"));
-description "Creates the XML or C++ code for a new black box"
-author "eduardo.davila at creatis.insa-lyon.fr"
+description "Creates the XML or C++ code for a new black box (interface for bbCreateBlackBox)"
+author "eduardo.davila@creatis.insa-lyon.fr"
category "toolsbbtk"
load std
load wx
new OutputText windowTitle
- set windowTitle.In "Black box informations"
+ set windowTitle.In "Create new black box in folder :"
new DirectorySelector dir
set dir.Message "Select the location of your new black box"
new InputText nameBlackbox
- set nameBlackbox.Title "Blackbox name (1 word)"
+ set nameBlackbox.Title "Black box name (1 word)"
set nameBlackbox.In "BLACKBOX_NAME"
new InputText namePackage
new RadioButton typeBlackbox
- set typeBlackbox.Title "Type of the blackbox :"
- set typeBlackbox.In0 "std-template"
- set typeBlackbox.In1 "VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm-template"
- set typeBlackbox.In2 "VTK_ImageAlgorithm-template"
- set typeBlackbox.In3 "widget-template "
+ set typeBlackbox.Title "Type of the black box :"
+ set typeBlackbox.In0 "Basic (inherits AtomicBlackBox, no particular Input/Output)"
+ set typeBlackbox.In1 "Widget (inherits WxBlackBox, has output 'Widget' of type 'wxWindow*')"
+ set typeBlackbox.In2 "VTK PolyDataAlgorithm (inherits AtomicBlackBox and a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)"
+ set typeBlackbox.In3 "VTK ImageAlgorithm (inherits AtomicBlackBox and a vtkImageAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)"
new StringSelect stringselectorType
set stringselectorType.In0 "std"
- set stringselectorType.In1 "VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm"
- set stringselectorType.In2 "VTK_ImageAlgorithm"
- set stringselectorType.In3 "widget"
+ set stringselectorType.In1 "widget"
+ set stringselectorType.In2 "VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm"
+ set stringselectorType.In3 "VTK_ImageAlgorithm"
connect typeBlackbox.Out stringselectorType.In
new OutputText dirOutput
connect dir.Out dirOutput.In
-new LayoutLine layoutHor
- set layoutHor.Orientation H
- connect typeBlackbox.Widget layoutHor.Widget1
- connect formatBlackbox.Widget layoutHor.Widget2
+new LayoutLine layoutTop
+ connect windowTitle.Widget layoutTop.Widget1
+ connect dirOutput.Widget layoutTop.Widget2
+ connect nameBlackbox.Widget layoutTop.Widget3
+ connect namePackage.Widget layoutTop.Widget4
+ connect author.Widget layoutTop.Widget5
+ connect description.Widget layoutTop.Widget6
-#new CommandButton cancelButton
-# set cancelButton.In "quit"
-# set cancelButton.Label "Cancel"
+new LayoutSplit layoutTypeFormat
+ connect typeBlackbox.Widget layoutTypeFormat.Widget1
+ connect formatBlackbox.Widget layoutTypeFormat.Widget2
+ set layoutTypeFormat.Proportion 60
new CommandButton createButton
set createButton.In "print $concatStr.Out$; exec command; "
set createButton.Label "Run"
-new LayoutLine buttons
- set buttons.Orientation Horizontal
+new LayoutLine layoutButtons
+ set layoutButtons.Orientation Horizontal
# connect cancelButton.Widget buttons.Widget1
- connect createButton.Widget buttons.Widget2
-new LayoutLine main
- connect windowTitle.Widget main.Widget1
- connect dirOutput.Widget main.Widget2
- connect nameBlackbox.Widget main.Widget3
- connect namePackage.Widget main.Widget4
- connect author.Widget main.Widget5
- connect description.Widget main.Widget6
- connect layoutHor.Widget main.Widget7
- connect buttons.Widget main.Widget8
+ connect createButton.Widget layoutButtons.Widget2
+new LayoutSplit layoutBot
+ connect layoutTypeFormat.Widget layoutBot.Widget1
+ connect layoutButtons.Widget layoutBot.Widget2
+ set layoutBot.Proportion 70
+new LayoutSplit main
+ connect layoutTop.Widget main.Widget1
+ connect layoutBot.Widget main.Widget2
+ set main.Proportion 50
set main.WinTitle "Create new black box"
- set main.WinDialog true
- set main.WinWidth 350
- set main.WinHeight 520
+# set main.WinDialog true
+ set main.WinWidth 700
+ set main.WinHeight 600
connect dir.Out dirOutput.In
new OutputText windowTitle
- set windowTitle.In "Package informations"
+ set windowTitle.In "Create new package folder in :"
new InputText name
set name.Title "Name (1 word)"
connect description.Widget main.Widget5
connect buttons.Widget main.Widget6
set main.WinTitle "Create new black box package"
- set main.WinDialog true
+# set main.WinDialog true
set main.WinWidth 400
- set main.WinHeight 250
+ set main.WinHeight 400
new MultipleInputs close
connect close.Out main.WinClose
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbwxLayoutSplit.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:32 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/10/21 08:37:09 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pos = (int)(h * bbGetInputProportion() * 0.01);
+ // std::cout << "pos = "<<pos<<std::endl;