+2005-01-08 Jean-Pierre Roux <jpr@creatis.univ-lyon1.fr>
+ * According to Benoit's suggestion, and without any objection from anybody
+ - methods SetxxxByNumber and GetxxxByNumber renamed as Setxxx and Getxxx
+ - methods Dict::Print() and Dict::PrintByKey() merged into Dict::Print()
+ - method gdcmDicomDirObject::GetEntry() renamed as
+ gdcmDicomDirObject::GetEntryHT() to avoid confusion (and compile error)
2005-01-07 Mathieu Malaterre <Mathieu.Malaterre@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
* Now gdcm::Debug is clearly a copy/paste of VTK approach. You can manipulate
you debug/warning message just as c++ streams which make them very convinient