section "Step 2 : find trachea"
-option "skipslices" - "Number of slices to skip before searching seed" int no default="0"
-option "upperThresholdForTrachea" - "Initial upper threshold for trachea" double no default="-900"
-option "multiplierForTrachea" - "Multiplier for the region growing" double no default="5"
-option "thresholdStepSizeForTrachea" - "Threshold step size" int no default="64"
-option "seed" - "Index of the trachea seed point (in pixel, not in mm)" int no multiple
-option "doNotCheckTracheaVolume" - "If set, do not check the trachea volume" flag off
-option "verboseRG" - "Verbose RegionGrowing" flag off
+option "type" - "trachea finding algorithm (0: original; 1: LOLA11)" int no default="0"
+option "skipslices" - "0: Number of slices to skip before searching seed" int no default="0"
+option "upperThresholdForTrachea" - "0: Initial upper threshold for trachea" double no default="-900"
+option "multiplierForTrachea" - "0: Multiplier for the region growing" double no default="5"
+option "thresholdStepSizeForTrachea" - "0: Threshold step size" int no default="64"
+option "seed" - "0,1: Index of the trachea seed point (in pixel, not in mm)" int no multiple
+option "doNotCheckTracheaVolume" - "0,1: If set, do not check the trachea volume" flag off
+option "verboseRG" - "0,1: Verbose RegionGrowing" flag off
+option "maxElongation" - "1: Maximum allowed elongation of candidate regions for the trachea" float no default="0.5"
+option "numSlices" - "1: Number of slices to search for trachea" int no default="50"
+option "seedPreProcessingThreshold" - "1: Threshold for the pre-processing step of the algorithm" int no default="-400"
section "Step 3 : auto extract lung"
void SetLabelizeParameters1(LabelParamType * a) { m_LabelizeParameters1 = a; }
itkGetConstMacro(LabelizeParameters1, LabelParamType*);
+ itkSetMacro(TracheaSeedAlgorithm, int);
+ itkGetConstMacro(TracheaSeedAlgorithm, int);
// Step 2 options FindTrachea
itkSetMacro(UpperThresholdForTrachea, InputImagePixelType);
itkSetMacro(ThresholdStepSizeForTrachea, InputImagePixelType);
itkGetConstMacro(ThresholdStepSizeForTrachea, InputImagePixelType);
+ // options FindTrachea2
+ itkSetMacro(NumSlices, int);
+ itkGetConstMacro(NumSlices, int);
+ itkSetMacro(MaxElongation, double);
+ itkGetConstMacro(MaxElongation, double);
+ itkSetMacro(SeedPreProcessingThreshold, int);
+ itkGetConstMacro(SeedPreProcessingThreshold, int);
void AddSeed(InternalIndexType s);
std::vector<InternalIndexType> & GetSeeds() { return m_Seeds; }
itkSetMacro(AutoCrop, bool);
itkGetConstMacro(AutoCrop, bool);
virtual ~ExtractLungFilter() {}
LabelParamType* m_LabelizeParameters1;
// Step 2
+ int m_TracheaSeedAlgorithm;
InputImagePixelType m_UpperThresholdForTrachea;
InputImagePixelType m_ThresholdStepSizeForTrachea;
double m_MultiplierForTrachea;
int m_NumberOfSlicesToSkipBeforeSearchingSeed;
bool m_TracheaVolumeMustBeCheckedFlag;
bool m_VerboseRegionGrowingFlag;
+ int m_NumSlices;
+ double m_MaxElongation;
+ int m_SeedPreProcessingThreshold;
// Step 3
int m_NumberOfHistogramBins;
// Step 2 default values
- SetUpperThresholdForTrachea(-900);
+ SetTracheaSeedAlgorithm(0);
+ SetUpperThresholdForTrachea(-700);
+ SetNumSlices(50);
+ SetMaxElongation(0.5);
+ SetSeedPreProcessingThreshold(-400);
// Step 3 default values
SearchForTracheaSeed2(int numberOfSlices)
if (m_Seeds.size() == 0) { // try to find seed (if not zero, it is given by user)
+ if (GetVerboseFlag())
+ std::cout << "SearchForTracheaSeed2(" << numberOfSlices << ", " << GetMaxElongation() << ")" << std::endl;
typedef unsigned char MaskPixelType;
typedef itk::Image<MaskPixelType, ImageType::ImageDimension> MaskImageType;
typedef itk::Image<typename MaskImageType::PixelType, 2> MaskImageType2D;
// threshold to isolate airawys and lungs
typename ThresholdFilterType::Pointer threshold = ThresholdFilterType::New();
- threshold->SetUpperThreshold(-400);
+ threshold->SetUpperThreshold(GetSeedPreProcessingThreshold());
typename LabelImageType::LabelObjectContainerType shapes_map = label_map->GetLabelObjectContainer();
typename LabelImageType::LabelObjectContainerType::const_iterator s;
typename ShapeLabelType::Pointer shape, max_e_shape;
- double max_elongation = 0.5;
+ double max_elongation = GetMaxElongation();
double max_size = size[0]*size[1]/128;
double max_e = 0;
int nshapes = 0;
p2[2] = prev_e_centre[2];
double mag = (p2 - p1).GetNorm();
- if (GetVerboseStepFlag()) {
+ if (GetVerboseFlag()) {
cout << index[2] << ": ";
cout << "region(" << max_e_centre[0] << ", " << max_e_centre[1] << ", " << max_e_centre[2] << "); ";
- if (GetVerboseStepFlag())
+ if (GetVerboseFlag())
std::cout << "seed at: " << trachea_centre << std::endl;
// compute trachea volume
// if volume not plausible -> skip more slices and restart
+ bool has_seed;
bool stop = false;
double volume = 0.0;
int skip = GetNumberOfSlicesToSkipBeforeSearchingSeed();
while (!stop) {
stop = true;
- if (SearchForTracheaSeed2(50)) {
+ if (GetTracheaSeedAlgorithm() == 0)
+ has_seed = SearchForTracheaSeed(skip);
+ else
+ has_seed = SearchForTracheaSeed2(GetNumSlices());
+ if (has_seed) {
volume = ComputeTracheaVolume()/1000; // assume mm3, so divide by 1000 to get cc
if (GetWriteStepFlag()) {
+ f->SetTracheaSeedAlgorithm(mArgsInfo.type_arg);
+ f->SetNumSlices(mArgsInfo.numSlices_arg);
+ f->SetMaxElongation(mArgsInfo.maxElongation_arg);
+ f->SetSeedPreProcessingThreshold(mArgsInfo.seedPreProcessingThreshold_arg);
typename FilterType::InputImageIndexType s;
if (mArgsInfo.seed_given) {