## == Project definition ==
## ========================
-set(prj_MAJ_VERSION 0)
-set(prj_MIN_VERSION 1)
-set(prj_REL_VERSION 0)
-set(prj_VERSION "${prj_MAJ_VERSION}.${prj_MIN_VERSION}.${prj_REL_VERSION}")
-set(prj_SHORT_VERSION "${prj_MAJ_VERSION}")
-project(fpa VERSION ${prj_VERSION})
+set(prj_MAJ_VER 0)
+set(prj_MIN_VER 1)
+set(prj_REL_VER 0)
+set(prj_VER "${prj_MAJ_VER}.${prj_MIN_VER}.${prj_REL_VER}")
+set(prj_SHORT_VER "${prj_MAJ_VER}")
+project(fpa VERSION ${prj_VER})
## ==========================
## == Some useful policies ==
endif(POLICY ${_p})
-## ===============================
-## == Some basic configurations ==
-## ===============================
+## =========================================================
+## == If working on a MacOSX, activate the use of RPATH's ==
+## == Furthermore: prepare the type of executables ==
+## =========================================================
+set(EXECUTABLE_TYPE "" CACHE STRING "Executable linking." FORCE)
+ mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH)
+ set(EXECUTABLE_TYPE "WIN32" CACHE STRING "Executable linking." FORCE)
-## ==========================
-## == Find needed packages ==
-## ==========================
+## =======================================================================
+## == Force c++11 language version ==
+## == NOTE: It seems that by default on Visual Studio Compiler supports ==
+## == c++11, so it only need to be tested on other OS. ==
+## =======================================================================
+ include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag)
+ check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++11" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
+ check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++0x" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX0X)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x")
+ message(
+ "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support."
+ )
+endif(NOT MSVC)
+## ===================================================
+## == Prepare header generator to build shared libs ==
+## ===================================================
+## ==================================================
+## == Do not allow to build inside the source tree ==
+## ==================================================
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Building in the source tree is not allowed.")
+## =================================================
+## == Where to put targets (executables and libs) ==
+## =================================================
+ )
+## ===========================================
+## == Find needed packages and dependencies ==
+## ===========================================
find_package(ivq CONFIG QUIET)
if(NOT ivq_FOUND)
INSTALL_DESTINATION "${config_install_dir}"
- "${project_config}"
- "${version_config}"
- "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}BaseConfig.cmake"
+ EXPORT "${targets_export_name}"
+ NAMESPACE "${namespace}"
DESTINATION "${config_install_dir}"
- EXPORT "${targets_export_name}"
- NAMESPACE "${namespace}"
+ FILES "${project_config}"
DESTINATION "${config_install_dir}"
## eof - $RCSfile$
+++ /dev/null
-## =========================================================
-## == If working on a MacOSX, activate the use of RPATH's ==
-## =========================================================
-set(EXECUTABLE_TYPE "" CACHE STRING "Executable linking." FORCE)
- set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH true CACHE BOOL "Use RPATH's on MacOSX systems." FORCE)
- mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH)
- set(EXECUTABLE_TYPE "WIN32" CACHE STRING "Executable linking." FORCE)
-## =======================================================================
-## == Force c++11 language version ==
-## == NOTE: It seems that by default on Visual Studio Compiler supports ==
-## == c++11, so it only need to be tested on other OS. ==
-## =======================================================================
- include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag)
- check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++11" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11)
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
- check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++0x" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX0X)
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x")
- message(
- "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support."
- )
-endif(NOT MSVC)
-## ===================================================
-## == Prepare header generator to build shared libs ==
-## ===================================================
-## ==================================================
-## == Do not allow to build inside the source tree ==
-## ==================================================
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Building in the source tree is not allowed.")
-## =================================================
-## == Where to put targets (executables and libs) ==
-## =================================================
- )
-## eof - $RCSfile$
-## ==============
-## == Find ITK ==
-## ==============
+## ===========================================
+## == Find needed packages and dependencies ==
+## ===========================================
--- /dev/null
+// =========================================================================
+// @author Leonardo Florez Valencia
+// @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co
+// =========================================================================
+#ifndef __fpa__Base__Mori__h__
+#define __fpa__Base__Mori__h__
+#include <deque>
+#include <set>
+#include <itkConceptChecking.h>
+#include <itkFunctionBase.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/Functors/RegionGrow/BinaryThreshold.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Base
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class _TAlgorithm >
+ class Mori
+ : public _TAlgorithm
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef Mori Self;
+ typedef _TAlgorithm Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TNode TNode;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TNodes TNodes;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TInputValue TInputValue;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TOutputValue TOutputValue;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TFrontId TFrontId;
+ typedef typename _TAlgorithm::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef std::deque< TNode > TQueue;
+ typedef std::set< TInputValue > TThresholds;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::RegionGrow::BinaryThreshold< TInputValue > TPredicate;
+ public:
+ itkConceptMacro(
+ Check_TOutputValue,
+ ( itk::Concept::IsUnsignedInteger< TOutputValue > )
+ );
+ itkGetConstMacro( InsideValue, TOutputValue );
+ itkSetMacro( InsideValue, TOutputValue );
+ public:
+ virtual itk::ModifiedTimeType GetMTime( ) const override;
+ TOutputValue GetOutsideValue( ) const;
+ void SetOutsideValue( const TOutputValue& v );
+ void ClearThresholds( );
+ void AddThreshold( const TInputValue& thr );
+ void SetThresholds(
+ const TInputValue& init,
+ const TInputValue& end,
+ unsigned long number_of_thresholds
+ );
+ protected:
+ Mori( );
+ virtual ~Mori( );
+ virtual TOutputValue _ComputeOutputValue( const TNode& n ) override;
+ virtual void _QueueClear( ) override;
+ virtual TNode _QueuePop( ) override;
+ virtual void _QueuePush( const TNode& node ) override;
+ virtual unsigned long _QueueSize( ) const override;
+ virtual void _PrepareSeeds( TNodes& nodes ) override;
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented.
+ Mori( const Self& other );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ protected:
+ typename TPredicate::Pointer m_Predicate;
+ TThresholds m_Thresholds;
+ TQueue m_Queues[ 2 ];
+ unsigned int m_CurrentQueue;
+ TOutputValue m_InsideValue;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+/* TODO
+ # include <fpa/Base/Mori.hxx>
+#endif // __fpa__Base__Mori__h__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// =========================================================================
+// @author Leonardo Florez Valencia
+// @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co
+// =========================================================================
+#ifndef __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__h__
+#define __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__h__
+#include <functional>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkConceptChecking.h>
+#include <itkProcessObject.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Base
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare = std::greater< _TVertex > >
+ class SingleSeedInterface
+ {
+ public:
+ itkConceptMacro(
+ Check_TFrontId,
+ ( itk::Concept::IsUnsignedInteger< _TFrontId > )
+ );
+ public:
+ typedef _TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef _TPoint TPoint;
+ typedef _TInputValue TInputValue;
+ typedef _TOutputValue TOutputValue;
+ typedef _TFrontId TFrontId;
+ typedef _TCompare TCompare;
+ typedef SingleSeedInterface Self;
+ struct TSeed
+ {
+ TVertex Vertex;
+ TPoint Point;
+ bool IsPoint;
+ bool IsUnified;
+ TFrontId FrontId;
+ TSeed( )
+ : IsUnified( false ),
+ FrontId( TFrontId( 0 ) )
+ { }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector< TSeed > TSeeds;
+ struct TNode
+ {
+ TVertex Vertex;
+ TVertex Parent;
+ TFrontId FrontId;
+ // Hack to hide the fact that seed values need to be initialized
+ mutable TOutputValue Value;
+ };
+ struct TNodeCompare
+ {
+ bool operator()( const TNode& a, const TNode& b ) const
+ {
+ TCompare cmp;
+ return( cmp( a.Vertex, b.Vertex ) );
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::set< TNode, TNodeCompare > TNodes;
+ public:
+ const TSeeds& GetSeeds( ) const;
+ virtual void SetSeed( const TVertex& seed );
+ virtual void SetSeed( const TPoint& seed );
+ protected:
+ SingleSeedInterface( itk::ProcessObject* filter );
+ virtual ~SingleSeedInterface( );
+ virtual TNodes _UnifySeeds( ) = 0;
+ virtual void _PrepareSeeds( TNodes& nodes ) = 0;
+ protected:
+ TSeeds m_Seeds;
+ itk::ProcessObject* m_Filter;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+# include <fpa/Base/SingleSeedInterface.hxx>
+#endif // __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__h__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// =========================================================================
+// @author Leonardo Florez Valencia
+// @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co
+// =========================================================================
+#ifndef __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__hxx__
+#define __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__hxx__
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare >
+const typename
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+GetSeeds( ) const
+ return( this->m_Seeds );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare >
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+SetSeed( const TVertex& seed )
+ TSeed s;
+ s.Vertex = seed;
+ s.IsPoint = false;
+ this->m_Seeds[ 0 ] = s;
+ if( this->m_Filter != NULL )
+ this->m_Filter->Modified( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare >
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+SetSeed( const TPoint& seed )
+ TSeed s;
+ s.Point = seed;
+ s.IsPoint = true;
+ this->m_Seeds[ 0 ] = s;
+ if( this->m_Filter != NULL )
+ this->m_Filter->Modified( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare >
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+SingleSeedInterface( itk::ProcessObject* filter )
+ : m_Filter( filter )
+ this->m_Seeds = TSeeds( 1 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TVertex, class _TPoint, class _TInputValue, class _TOutputValue, class _TFrontId, class _TCompare >
+fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< _TVertex, _TPoint, _TInputValue, _TOutputValue, _TFrontId, _TCompare >::
+~SingleSeedInterface( )
+ this->m_Seeds.clear( );
+#endif // __fpa__Base__SingleSeedInterface__hxx__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// =========================================================================
+// @author Leonardo Florez Valencia
+// @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co
+// =========================================================================
+#ifndef __fpa__Image__Mori__h__
+#define __fpa__Image__Mori__h__
+#include <fpa/Base/Mori.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/MarksInterface.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/SingleSeedInterface.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Algorithm.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Image
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class _TInputImage, class _TOutputImage, class _TFrontId = unsigned char >
+ class Mori
+ : public fpa::Base::Mori< fpa::Image::Algorithm< _TInputImage, _TOutputImage, fpa::Base::MarksInterface< typename _TInputImage::IndexType >, fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< typename _TInputImage::IndexType, typename _TInputImage::PointType, typename _TInputImage::PixelType, typename _TOutputImage::PixelType, _TFrontId, typename _TInputImage::IndexType::LexicographicCompare > > >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef _TInputImage TInputImage;
+ typedef _TOutputImage TOutputImage;
+ typedef _TFrontId TFrontId;
+ typedef typename TInputImage::IndexType TVertex;
+ typedef typename TInputImage::PointType TPoint;
+ typedef typename TVertex::LexicographicCompare TVertexCompare;
+ typedef typename TInputImage::PixelType TInputValue;
+ typedef typename TOutputImage::PixelType TOutputValue;
+ typedef fpa::Base::MarksInterface< TVertex > TMarksInterface;
+ typedef fpa::Base::SingleSeedInterface< TVertex, TPoint, TInputValue, TOutputValue, TFrontId, TVertexCompare > TSeedsInterface;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Algorithm< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TMarksInterface, TSeedsInterface > TAlgorithm;
+ typedef Mori Self;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Mori< TAlgorithm > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename TSeedsInterface::TNode TNode;
+ typedef typename TSeedsInterface::TNodes TNodes;
+ typedef typename TAlgorithm::TMarks TMarks;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( fpa::Image::Mori, fpa::Base::Mori );
+ public:
+ TMarks* GetOutputLevels( )
+ {
+ return( this->GetMarks( ) );
+ }
+ const TMarks* GetOutputLevels( ) const
+ {
+ return( this->GetMarks( ) );
+ }
+ protected:
+ Mori( )
+ : Superclass( )
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~Mori( )
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented.
+ Mori( const Self& other );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#endif // __fpa__Image__Mori__h__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <fpa/fpa_export.h>
#include <string>
-std::string FPA_EXPORT version( ) { return( "@prj_VERSION@" ); }
+std::string FPA_EXPORT version( ) { return( "@prj_VER@" ); }
// eof - $RCSfile$
-option(BUILD_TESTS "Build command line tests." OFF)
+option(fpa_BUILD_TESTS "Build command line tests." OFF)
## eof - $RCSfile$
#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
#include <fpa/Config.h>
-#ifdef USE_ivq
-# include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
-# include <itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h>
-# include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
-# include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
-# include <ivq/VTK/ImageViewer.h>
-# include <ivq/VTK/BrushWidget.h>
-# include <ivq/VTK/SeedWidgetOverImageActor.h>
-# include <fpa/Image/VisualDebugger2D.h>
-#endif // USE_ivq
+/* TODO
+ #ifdef USE_ivq
+ # include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+ # include <itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h>
+ # include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+ # include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+ # include <ivq/VTK/ImageViewer.h>
+ # include <ivq/VTK/BrushWidget.h>
+ # include <ivq/VTK/SeedWidgetOverImageActor.h>
+ # include <fpa/Image/VisualDebugger2D.h>
+ #endif // USE_ivq
namespace fpa
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< class _TFilter >
- class Viewer
- {
- public:
- typedef _TFilter TFilter;
- typedef typename _TFilter::TInputImage TInputImage;
- public:
- Viewer( const TInputImage* image )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- this->m_VTKInputImage = TVTKInputImage::New( );
- this->m_VTKInputImage->SetInput( image );
- this->m_VTKInputImage->Update( );
- this->m_Viewer = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer >::New( );
- this->m_Viewer->SetInputData( this->m_VTKInputImage->GetOutput( ) );
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- virtual ~Viewer( )
- {
- }
- void ActivateSeedWidget( )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- this->m_SeedWidget =
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor >::New( );
- this->m_SeedWidget->SetActor( this->m_Viewer->GetImageActor( ) );
- this->m_SeedWidget->SetInteractor(
- this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
- );
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- void ActivateBrushWidget( )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- this->m_BrushWidget =
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::BrushWidget >::New( );
- this->m_BrushWidget->SetImageActor( this->m_Viewer->GetImageActor( ) );
- this->m_BrushWidget->SetInteractor(
- this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
- );
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- void Show( )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- this->m_Viewer->Render( );
- this->m_Viewer->ResetCamera( );
- this->m_Viewer->Initialize( );
- this->m_Viewer->Render( );
- if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- this->m_SeedWidget->EnabledOn( );
- if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- this->m_BrushWidget->EnabledOn( );
- this->m_Viewer->Start( );
- if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- this->m_SeedWidget->EnabledOff( );
- if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- this->m_BrushWidget->EnabledOff( );
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- void AssociateSeedsTo( TFilter* filter )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- {
- const ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds& wdg_seeds =
- this->m_SeedWidget->GetSeeds( );
- ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds::const_iterator wsIt;
- for( wsIt = wdg_seeds.begin( ); wsIt != wdg_seeds.end( ); ++wsIt )
- {
- typename TInputImage::PointType pnt;
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < wsIt->second.size( ); i += 3 )
- {
- pnt[ 0 ] = wsIt->second[ i ];
- pnt[ 1 ] = wsIt->second[ i + 1 ];
- typename TInputImage::IndexType idx;
- filter->GetInput( )->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
- filter->AddSeed( idx );
- } // rof
- } // rof
- } // fi
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- void AssociateLabelsTo( TFilter* filter )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- {
- typedef typename TFilter::TLabelImage _TLabelImage;
- typedef itk::VTKImageToImageFilter< _TLabelImage > TITKImage;
- typename TITKImage::Pointer itk_image = TITKImage::New( );
- itk_image->SetInput( this->m_BrushWidget->GetCanvas( ) );
- itk_image->Update( );
- filter->SetLabels( itk_image->GetOutput( ) );
- } // fi
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- void ObserveFilter( TFilter* filter )
- {
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- typedef fpa::Image::VisualDebugger2D< TFilter > _TDeb;
- typedef typename TFilter::TEvent _TEvent;
- typename _TDeb::Pointer deb = _TDeb::New( );
- deb->SetVisualization(
- this->m_Viewer->GetRenderer( ),
- this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
- );
- this->m_Observer1 = filter->AddObserver( itk::StartEvent( ), deb );
- this->m_Observer2 = filter->AddObserver( itk::EndEvent( ), deb );
- this->m_Observer3 = filter->AddObserver( _TEvent( ), deb );
- filter->VisualDebugOn( );
-#endif // USE_ivq
- }
- protected:
-#ifdef USE_ivq
- typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TInputImage > TVTKInputImage;
- typename TVTKInputImage::Pointer m_VTKInputImage;
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer > m_Viewer;
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor > m_SeedWidget;
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::BrushWidget > m_BrushWidget;
- unsigned long m_Observer1;
- unsigned long m_Observer2;
- unsigned long m_Observer3;
-#endif // USE_ivq
- /* TODO
- #ifdef USE_ivq
- // VTK image
- typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage > TVTKImage;
- TVTKImage::Pointer vtk_input;
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer > view;
- vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor > widget;
- if( visual_debug )
- {
- vtk_input = TVTKImage::New( );
- vtk_input->SetInput( input );
- vtk_input->Update( );
- // Viewer
- view = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer >::New( );
- view->SetInputData( vtk_input->GetOutput( ) );
- view->SetSlice( 0 );
- // Widget
- widget = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor >::New( );
- widget->SetActor( view->GetImageActor( ) );
- widget->SetInteractor( view->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( ) );
- // Visualize
- view->Render( );
- view->ResetCamera( );
- view->Initialize( );
- view->Render( );
- widget->EnabledOn( );
- view->Start( );
- widget->EnabledOff( );
- const ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds& wdg_seeds =
- widget->GetSeeds( );
- ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds::const_iterator wsIt;
- for( wsIt = wdg_seeds.begin( ); wsIt != wdg_seeds.end( ); ++wsIt )
- {
- TImage::PointType pnt;
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < wsIt->second.size( ); i += 3 )
- {
- pnt[ 0 ] = wsIt->second[ i ];
- pnt[ 1 ] = wsIt->second[ i + 1 ];
- TImage::IndexType idx;
- input->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
- seeds.push_back( idx );
- } // rof
- } // rof
- } // fi
- #endif // USE_ivq
- */
- };
+ /* TODO
+ #ifdef USE_ivq
+ template< class _TFilter >
+ class Viewer
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef _TFilter TFilter;
+ typedef typename _TFilter::TInputImage TInputImage;
+ public:
+ Viewer( const TInputImage* image )
+ {
+ this->m_VTKInputImage = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ this->m_VTKInputImage->SetInput( image );
+ this->m_VTKInputImage->Update( );
+ this->m_Viewer = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer >::New( );
+ this->m_Viewer->SetInputData( this->m_VTKInputImage->GetOutput( ) );
+ }
+ virtual ~Viewer( )
+ {
+ }
+ void ActivateSeedWidget( )
+ {
+ this->m_SeedWidget =
+ vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor >::New( );
+ this->m_SeedWidget->SetActor( this->m_Viewer->GetImageActor( ) );
+ this->m_SeedWidget->SetInteractor(
+ this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
+ );
+ }
+ void ActivateBrushWidget( )
+ {
+ this->m_BrushWidget =
+ vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::BrushWidget >::New( );
+ this->m_BrushWidget->SetImageActor( this->m_Viewer->GetImageActor( ) );
+ this->m_BrushWidget->SetInteractor(
+ this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
+ );
+ }
+ void Show( )
+ {
+ this->m_Viewer->Render( );
+ this->m_Viewer->ResetCamera( );
+ this->m_Viewer->Initialize( );
+ this->m_Viewer->Render( );
+ if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ this->m_SeedWidget->EnabledOn( );
+ if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ this->m_BrushWidget->EnabledOn( );
+ this->m_Viewer->Start( );
+ if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ this->m_SeedWidget->EnabledOff( );
+ if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ this->m_BrushWidget->EnabledOff( );
+ }
+ void AssociateSeedsTo( TFilter* filter )
+ {
+ if( this->m_SeedWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ {
+ const ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds& wdg_seeds =
+ this->m_SeedWidget->GetSeeds( );
+ ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds::const_iterator wsIt;
+ for( wsIt = wdg_seeds.begin( ); wsIt != wdg_seeds.end( ); ++wsIt )
+ {
+ typename TInputImage::PointType pnt;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < wsIt->second.size( ); i += 3 )
+ {
+ pnt[ 0 ] = wsIt->second[ i ];
+ pnt[ 1 ] = wsIt->second[ i + 1 ];
+ typename TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ filter->GetInput( )->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
+ filter->AddSeed( idx );
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ } // fi
+ }
+ void AssociateLabelsTo( TFilter* filter )
+ {
+ if( this->m_BrushWidget.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ {
+ typedef typename TFilter::TLabelImage _TLabelImage;
+ typedef itk::VTKImageToImageFilter< _TLabelImage > TITKImage;
+ typename TITKImage::Pointer itk_image = TITKImage::New( );
+ itk_image->SetInput( this->m_BrushWidget->GetCanvas( ) );
+ itk_image->Update( );
+ filter->SetLabels( itk_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ } // fi
+ }
+ void ObserveFilter( TFilter* filter )
+ {
+ typedef fpa::Image::VisualDebugger2D< TFilter > _TDeb;
+ typedef typename TFilter::TEvent _TEvent;
+ typename _TDeb::Pointer deb = _TDeb::New( );
+ deb->SetVisualization(
+ this->m_Viewer->GetRenderer( ),
+ this->m_Viewer->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( )
+ );
+ this->m_Observer1 = filter->AddObserver( itk::StartEvent( ), deb );
+ this->m_Observer2 = filter->AddObserver( itk::EndEvent( ), deb );
+ this->m_Observer3 = filter->AddObserver( _TEvent( ), deb );
+ filter->VisualDebugOn( );
+ }
+ protected:
+ typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TInputImage > TVTKInputImage;
+ typename TVTKInputImage::Pointer m_VTKInputImage;
+ vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::ImageViewer > m_Viewer;
+ vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor > m_SeedWidget;
+ vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::BrushWidget > m_BrushWidget;
+ unsigned long m_Observer1;
+ unsigned long m_Observer2;
+ unsigned long m_Observer3;
+ };
+ #endif // USE_ivq
+ */
} // ecapseman
- Dijkstra_Identity
- Dijkstra_Gaussian
- RandomWalker
- SkeletonFilter
- SkeletonToPolyData
+ MoriSegmentation
+ # Dijkstra_Identity
+ # Dijkstra_Gaussian
+ # RandomWalker
+ # SkeletonFilter
+ # SkeletonToPolyData
foreach(_e ${_examples})
add_executable(${_pfx}${_e} ${_e}.cxx)
- if(ivq_FOUND)
- target_link_libraries(${_pfx}${_e} fpa ivq::ivq)
- else(ivq_FOUND)
- target_link_libraries(${_pfx}${_e} fpa)
- endif(ivq_FOUND)
+ target_link_libraries(${_pfx}${_e} fpa)
## eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include "BaseFunctions.h"
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Mori.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 2;
+typedef unsigned char TPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
+typedef fpa::Image::Mori< TImage, TImage > TFilter;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ // Get arguments
+ if( argc < 9 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image output_image output_levels"
+ << " init_threshold end_threshold number_of_threshold seed_x seed_y"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_filename = argv[ 1 ];
+ std::string output_image_filename = argv[ 2 ];
+ std::string output_levels_filename = argv[ 3 ];
+ unsigned char init_threshold = std::atoi( argv[ 4 ] );
+ unsigned char end_threshold = std::atoi( argv[ 5 ] );
+ unsigned char number_of_thresholds = std::atoi( argv[ 6 ] );
+ TImage::IndexType seed;
+ seed[ 0 ] = std::atoi( argv[ 7 ] );
+ seed[ 1 ] = std::atoi( argv[ 8 ] );
+ // Create image
+ TImage::Pointer input_image;
+ std::string err0 =
+ fpa::tests::image::Read( input_image, input_image_filename );
+ if( err0 != "" ) std::cerr << err0 << std::endl;
+ // Prepare filter
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetSeed( seed );
+ filter->SetThresholds( init_threshold, end_threshold, number_of_thresholds );
+ filter->SetInsideValue( 255 );
+ filter->SetOutsideValue( 0 );
+ // Execute filter
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Save results
+ std::string err1 =
+ fpa::tests::image::Write( filter->GetOutput( ), output_image_filename );
+ std::string err2 =
+ fpa::tests::image::Write( filter->GetOutputLevels( ), output_levels_filename );
+ if( err1 != "" ) std::cerr << err1 << std::endl;
+ if( err2 != "" ) std::cerr << err2 << std::endl;
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// Get arguments
- if( argc < 6 )
+ if( argc < 5 )
<< "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
- << " output_image output_marks width height visual_debug ..."
+ << " output_image output_marks width height ..."
<< std::endl;
return( 1 );
std::string output_marks_filename = argv[ 2 ];
int width = std::atoi( argv[ 3 ] );
int height = std::atoi( argv[ 4 ] );
- bool visual_debug = ( argv[ 5 ][ 0 ] == '1' );
// Create image
TImage::Pointer image;
fpa::tests::image::CreateImage( image, 0, width, height, 1.0, 1.0 );
- // Interact with image
- fpa::tests::image::Viewer< TFilter > viewer( image );
- if( visual_debug )
- {
- viewer.ActivateSeedWidget( );
- viewer.Show( );
- } // fi
// Prepare predicate
TPredicate::Pointer predicate = TPredicate::New( );
} // fi
} // rof
- viewer.AssociateSeedsTo( filter );
- // Prepare visual debug and update
- if( visual_debug )
- viewer.ObserveFilter( filter );
+ // Execute filter
filter->Update( );
// Save results