#ifndef __fpa__Image__SkeletonFilter__h__
#define __fpa__Image__SkeletonFilter__h__
-#include <itkProcessObject.h>
-#include <itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h>
-#include <fpa/Image/MinimumSpanningTree.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Dijkstra.h>
#include <cpExtensions/DataStructures/Skeleton.h>
+#include <itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
#include <set>
+/* TODO
+ #include <itkProcessObject.h>
+ #include <fpa/Image/MinimumSpanningTree.h>
namespace fpa
namespace Image
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
+ template< class _TImage >
class SkeletonFilter
- : public itk::ProcessObject
+ : public Dijkstra< _TImage, _TImage >
typedef SkeletonFilter Self;
- typedef itk::ProcessObject Superclass;
+ typedef Dijkstra< _TImage, _TImage > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- itkConceptMacro(
- SameDimension,
- ( itk::Concept::SameDimension< _TDistanceMap::ImageDimension, _TCostMap::ImageDimension > )
+ typedef _TImage TImage;
+ itkStaticConstMacro(
+ Dimension, unsigned int, TImage::ImageDimension
- typedef _TDistanceMap TDistanceMap;
- typedef _TCostMap TCostMap;
- typedef typename TCostMap::IndexType TIndex;
- typedef MinimumSpanningTree< TCostMap::ImageDimension > TMST;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TMST TMST;
+ typedef typename TImage::IndexType TIndex;
- cpExtensions::DataStructures::Skeleton< TCostMap::ImageDimension >
- TSkeleton;
- typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, _TCostMap::ImageDimension > TMarks;
+ itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< Self::Dimension > TIndexCmp;
+ typedef std::set< TIndex, TIndexCmp > TIndicesData;
+ typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< TIndicesData > TIndices;
+ typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, Self::Dimension > TMarks;
+ typedef
+ cpExtensions::DataStructures::Skeleton< Self::Dimension > TSkeleton;
+ protected:
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TQueueNode _TQueueNode;
- itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< _TCostMap::ImageDimension >
- TIndexCompare;
- typedef std::set< TIndex, TIndexCompare > TIndicesData;
- typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< TIndicesData > TIndices;
+ std::multimap< double, TIndex, std::greater< double > >
+ _TSkeletonQueue;
itkNewMacro( Self );
itkTypeMacro( fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter, itk::Object );
- _TDistanceMap* GetDistanceMap( );
- const _TDistanceMap* GetDistanceMap( ) const;
- void SetDistanceMap( _TDistanceMap* dmap );
- _TCostMap* GetCostMap( );
- const _TCostMap* GetCostMap( ) const;
- void SetCostMap( _TCostMap* cmap );
- TMST* GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
- const TMST* GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const;
- void SetMinimumSpanningTree( TMST* mst );
TIndices* GetEndPoints( );
- const TIndices* GetEndPoints( ) const;
TIndices* GetBifurcations( );
- const TIndices* GetBifurcations( ) const;
TSkeleton* GetSkeleton( );
- const TSkeleton* GetSkeleton( ) const;
TMarks* GetMarks( );
- const TMarks* GetMarks( ) const;
SkeletonFilter( );
virtual ~SkeletonFilter( );
- virtual void GenerateData( ) fpa_OVERRIDE;
- void _EndPoints(
- const TDistanceMap* dmap,
- const TCostMap* cmap,
- const TMST* mst,
- TIndicesData& end_points
- );
- void _Skeleton(
- const TDistanceMap* dmap,
- const TCostMap* cmap,
- const TMST* mst,
- const TIndicesData& end_points,
- TIndicesData& bifurcations,
- TSkeleton* skeleton
- );
+ virtual void _BeforeGenerateData( ) fpa_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void _UpdateResult( const _TQueueNode& n ) fpa_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void _AfterGenerateData( ) fpa_OVERRIDE;
+ void _EndPoints( );
+ void _Skeleton( );
+ /* TODO
+ virtual void GenerateData( ) fpa_OVERRIDE;
+ const TDistanceMap* dmap,
+ const TCostMap* cmap,
+ const TMST* mst,
+ TIndicesData& end_points
+ );
+ const TDistanceMap* dmap,
+ const TCostMap* cmap,
+ const TMST* mst,
+ const TIndicesData& end_points,
+ TIndicesData& bifurcations,
+ TSkeleton* skeleton
+ );
+ */
// Purposely not defined
SkeletonFilter( const Self& other );
Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ protected:
+ _TSkeletonQueue m_SkeletonQueue;
+ unsigned long m_EndPointsIdx;
+ unsigned long m_BifurcationsIdx;
+ unsigned long m_SkeletonIdx;
+ unsigned long m_MarksIdx;
} // ecapseman
#ifndef __fpa__Image__SkeletonFilter__hxx__
#define __fpa__Image__SkeletonFilter__hxx__
-#include <queue>
-#include <itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
+/* TODO
+ #include <queue>
+ #include <itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/Functors/Inverse.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/SimpleNeighborhood.h>
#include <itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_InputMacro( i_n, i_t, i_i ) \
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap > \
- typename fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- i_t* fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- Get##i_n( ) \
- { \
- return( \
- dynamic_cast< i_t* >( this->Superclass::GetInput( i_i ) ) \
- ); \
- } \
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap > \
- const \
- typename fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- i_t* fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- Get##i_n( ) const \
- { \
- return( \
- dynamic_cast< const i_t* >( this->Superclass::GetInput( i_i ) ) \
- ); \
- } \
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap > \
- void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- Set##i_n( i_t* input ) \
- { \
- this->Superclass::SetNthInput( i_i, input ); \
- }
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_InputMacro( DistanceMap, TDistanceMap, 0 );
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_InputMacro( CostMap, TCostMap, 1 );
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_InputMacro( MinimumSpanningTree, TMST, 2 );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( o_n, o_t, o_i ) \
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap > \
- typename fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- o_t* fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
+#define fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( o_n, o_t ) \
+ template< class _TImage > \
+ typename fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >:: \
+ o_t* fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >:: \
Get##o_n( ) \
{ \
return( \
- dynamic_cast< o_t* >( this->Superclass::GetOutput( o_i ) ) \
- ); \
- } \
- template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap > \
- const typename \
- fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- o_t* fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >:: \
- Get##o_n( ) const \
- { \
- return( \
- dynamic_cast< const o_t* >( this->Superclass::GetOutput( o_i ) ) \
+ dynamic_cast< o_t* >( \
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( this->m_##o_n##Idx ) \
+ ) \
); \
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Skeleton, TSkeleton, 0 );
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( EndPoints, TIndices, 1 );
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Bifurcations, TIndices, 2 );
-fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Marks, TMarks, 3 );
+fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Skeleton, TSkeleton );
+fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( EndPoints, TIndices );
+fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Bifurcations, TIndices );
+fpa_Image_SkeletonFilter_OutputMacro( Marks, TMarks );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
-fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >::
+template< class _TImage >
+fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
SkeletonFilter( )
: Superclass( )
- this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( 3 );
- this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( 3 );
+ typedef typename _TImage::PixelType _TPixel;
+ typedef typename _TImage::Superclass _TImageBase;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::SimpleNeighborhood< _TImageBase > _TNeighFunc;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::Inverse< _TPixel, _TPixel > _TInvFunc;
+ unsigned int nOutputs = this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( );
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( nOutputs + 4 );
+ this->m_EndPointsIdx = nOutputs;
+ this->m_BifurcationsIdx = nOutputs + 1;
+ this->m_SkeletonIdx = nOutputs + 2;
+ this->m_MarksIdx = nOutputs + 3;
typename TIndices::Pointer end_points = TIndices::New( );
typename TIndices::Pointer bifurcations = TIndices::New( );
typename TSkeleton::Pointer skeleton = TSkeleton::New( );
typename TMarks::Pointer marks = TMarks::New( );
- this->SetNthOutput( 0, skeleton.GetPointer( ) );
- this->SetNthOutput( 1, end_points.GetPointer( ) );
- this->SetNthOutput( 2, bifurcations.GetPointer( ) );
- this->SetNthOutput( 3, marks.GetPointer( ) );
+ this->SetNthOutput( this->m_EndPointsIdx, end_points.GetPointer( ) );
+ this->SetNthOutput( this->m_BifurcationsIdx, bifurcations.GetPointer( ) );
+ this->SetNthOutput( this->m_SkeletonIdx, skeleton.GetPointer( ) );
+ this->SetNthOutput( this->m_MarksIdx, marks.GetPointer( ) );
+ typename _TNeighFunc::Pointer nfunc = _TNeighFunc::New( );
+ nfunc->SetOrder( 2 );
+ this->SetNeighborhoodFunction( nfunc );
+ typename _TInvFunc::Pointer ifunc = _TInvFunc::New( );
+ this->SetCostConversionFunction( ifunc );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
-fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >::
+template< class _TImage >
+fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
~SkeletonFilter( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
-void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >::
-GenerateData( )
+template< class _TImage >
+void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+_BeforeGenerateData( )
- // 0. I/O objects
- const TDistanceMap* dmap = this->GetDistanceMap( );
- const TCostMap* cmap = this->GetCostMap( );
- const TMST* mst = this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
- TIndices* ep = this->GetEndPoints( );
- TIndices* bi = this->GetBifurcations( );
- TSkeleton* sk = this->GetSkeleton( );
- // 1. Check input correspondance
- // TODO
- // 2. Detect end-points
- this->_EndPoints( dmap, cmap, mst, ep->Get( ) );
- // 3. Build skeleton and keep track of bifurcations
- this->_Skeleton( dmap, cmap, mst, ep->Get( ), bi->Get( ), sk );
+ this->Superclass::_BeforeGenerateData( );
+ this->m_SkeletonQueue.clear( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
-void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >::
- const TDistanceMap* dmap,
- const TCostMap* cmap,
- const TMST* mst,
- TIndicesData& end_points
- )
+template< class _TImage >
+void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+_UpdateResult( const _TQueueNode& n )
+ typedef typename _TSkeletonQueue::value_type _TSkeletonQueueValue;
+ this->Superclass::_UpdateResult( n );
+ // Update skeleton candidates
+ double d = double( this->GetInput( )->GetPixel( n.Vertex ) );
+ if( d >= double( 0 ) )
+ {
+ d += double( 1e-5 );
+ double v = double( n.Result ) / ( d * d );
+ this->m_SkeletonQueue.insert( _TSkeletonQueueValue( v, n.Vertex ) );
+ } // fi
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TImage >
+void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+_AfterGenerateData( )
+ this->Superclass::_AfterGenerateData( );
+ this->_EndPoints( );
+ this->_Skeleton( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TImage >
+void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+_EndPoints( )
- typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< _TDistanceMap > _TDistMapIt;
- typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< _TCostMap > _TCostMapIt;
- typedef std::multimap< double, TIndex, std::greater< double > > _TQueue;
- typedef typename _TQueue::value_type _TQueueValue;
typedef itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TMarks > _TMarksIt;
- static const double _eps = std::sqrt( double( TMarks::ImageDimension + 1 ) );
+ /* TODO
+ typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< _TImage > _TDistMapIt;
+ typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< _TOutput > _TOutputIt;
+ typedef std::multimap< double, TIndex, std::greater< double > > _TQueue;
+ typedef typename _TQueue::value_type _TQueueValue;
+ */
- // Some values
+ static const double _eps = std::sqrt( double( Self::Dimension + 1 ) );
+ auto input = this->GetInput( );
+ auto mst = this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
auto marks = this->GetMarks( );
- marks->SetLargestPossibleRegion( dmap->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ) );
- marks->SetRequestedRegion( dmap->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
- marks->SetBufferedRegion( dmap->GetBufferedRegion( ) );
- marks->SetSpacing( dmap->GetSpacing( ) );
- marks->SetOrigin( dmap->GetOrigin( ) );
- marks->SetDirection( dmap->GetDirection( ) );
+ auto& end_points = this->GetEndPoints( )->Get( );
+ // Some values
+ marks->SetLargestPossibleRegion( input->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ) );
+ marks->SetRequestedRegion( input->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
+ marks->SetBufferedRegion( input->GetBufferedRegion( ) );
+ marks->SetSpacing( input->GetSpacing( ) );
+ marks->SetOrigin( input->GetOrigin( ) );
+ marks->SetDirection( input->GetDirection( ) );
marks->Allocate( );
marks->FillBuffer( 0 );
- // Create queue
- _TQueue queue;
- _TDistMapIt dIt( dmap, dmap->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
- _TCostMapIt cIt( cmap, cmap->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
- dIt.GoToBegin( );
- cIt.GoToBegin( );
- for( ; !dIt.IsAtEnd( ) && !cIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++dIt, ++cIt )
- {
- double d = double( dIt.Get( ) );
- if( d >= double( 0 ) )
- {
- d += double( 1e-5 );
- double v = double( cIt.Get( ) ) / ( d * d );
- queue.insert( _TQueueValue( v, dIt.GetIndex( ) ) );
- } // fi
- } // rof
// BFS from maximum queue
- auto region = dmap->GetRequestedRegion( );
- while( queue.size( ) > 0 )
+ auto region = input->GetRequestedRegion( );
+ while( this->m_SkeletonQueue.size( ) > 0 )
// Get node
- auto nIt = queue.begin( );
+ auto nIt = this->m_SkeletonQueue.begin( );
auto n = *nIt;
- queue.erase( nIt );
+ this->m_SkeletonQueue.erase( nIt );
// Mark it and update end-points
unsigned char m = marks->GetPixel( n.second );
for( unsigned long i = 0; i < path->GetSize( ); ++i )
TIndex idx = path->GetVertex( i );
- typename _TCostMap::PointType cnt;
- cmap->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( idx, cnt );
- double r = double( dmap->GetPixel( idx ) ) * _eps;
+ typename _TImage::PointType cnt;
+ input->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( idx, cnt );
+ double r = double( input->GetPixel( idx ) ) * _eps;
TIndex i0, i1;
- for( unsigned int d = 0; d < TMarks::ImageDimension; ++d )
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d < Self::Dimension; ++d )
long off = long( std::ceil( r / double( spac[ d ] ) ) );
if( off < 3 )
} // rof
- typename TMarks::SizeType size;
- for( unsigned int d = 0; d < TMarks::ImageDimension; ++d )
+ typename _TImage::SizeType size;
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d < Self::Dimension; ++d )
size[ d ] = i1[ d ] - i0[ d ] + 1;
- typename TMarks::RegionType neighRegion;
+ typename _TImage::RegionType neighRegion;
neighRegion.SetIndex( i0 );
neighRegion.SetSize( size );
for( mIt.GoToBegin( ); !mIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++mIt )
TIndex w = mIt.GetIndex( );
- typename _TCostMap::PointType p;
+ typename _TImage::PointType p;
marks->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( w, p );
mIt.Set( 1 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap, class _TCostMap >
-void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap >::
- const TDistanceMap* dmap,
- const TCostMap* cmap,
- const TMST* mst,
- const TIndicesData& end_points,
- TIndicesData& bifurcations,
- TSkeleton* skeleton
- )
+template< class _TImage >
+void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+_Skeleton( )
- typedef typename TMST::TPath _TPath;
+ auto mst = this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
+ auto skeleton = this->GetSkeleton( );
+ auto& end_points = this->GetEndPoints( )->Get( );
+ typedef typename TMST::TPath _TPath;
for( auto eIt = end_points.begin( ); eIt != end_points.end( ); ++eIt )
typename _TPath::Pointer path;
} // rof
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* TODO
+ template< class _TImage >
+ void fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage >::
+ _Skeleton(
+ const TDistanceMap* dmap,
+ const TCostMap* cmap,
+ const TMST* mst,
+ const TIndicesData& end_points,
+ TIndicesData& bifurcations,
+ TSkeleton* skeleton
+ )
+ {
+ }
#endif // __fpa__Image__SkeletonFilter__hxx__
// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <fpa/Image/SkeletonFilter.h>
#include <itkImage.h>
-/* TODO
- #include <fpa/Image/SkeletonFilter.hxx>
- #include <itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.hxx>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef cpPlugins::DataObjects::Image _TImage;
typedef cpPlugins::DataObjects::Skeleton _TSkeleton;
+ typedef cpPlugins::BaseObjects::DataObject _TData;
- this->_ConfigureInput< _TImage >( "DistanceMap", true, false );
- this->_ConfigureInput< _TImage >( "CostMap", true, false );
- this->_ConfigureInput< _TImage >( "MST", true, false );
+ this->_ConfigureInput< _TImage >( "Input", true, false );
+ this->_ConfigureInput< _TData >( "Seeds", true, false );
this->_ConfigureOutput< _TSkeleton >( "Skeleton" );
this->_ConfigureOutput< _TImage >( "Marks" );
- /* TODO
- this->_ConfigureOutput< _TMesh >( "EndPoints" );
- this->_ConfigureOutput< _TMesh >( "Bifurcations" );
- */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void fpaPlugins::SkeletonFilter::
_GenerateData( )
- auto o = this->GetInputData( "DistanceMap" );
+ auto o = this->GetInputData( "Input" );
cpPlugins_Demangle_Image_RealPixels_AllDims_1( o, _GD0 )
this->_Error( "Invalid input image." );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TDistanceMap >
+template< class _TImage >
void fpaPlugins::SkeletonFilter::
-_GD0( _TDistanceMap* dmap )
+_GD0( _TImage* image )
- auto o = this->GetInputData( "CostMap" );
- cpPlugins_Demangle_Image_RealPixels_2( o, _GD1, _TDistanceMap::ImageDimension, dmap )
- this->_Error( "Invalid input image." );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TCostMap, class _TDistanceMap >
-void fpaPlugins::SkeletonFilter::
-_GD1( _TCostMap* cmap, _TDistanceMap* dmap )
- typedef fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TDistanceMap, _TCostMap > _TFilter;
- typedef typename _TFilter::TMST _TMST;
- auto mst = this->GetInputData< _TMST >( "MST" );
- if( mst == NULL )
- this->_Error( "Invalid MST." );
+ typedef fpa::Image::SkeletonFilter< _TImage > _TFilter;
auto filter = this->_CreateITK< _TFilter >( );
- filter->SetDistanceMap( dmap );
- filter->SetCostMap( cmap );
- filter->SetMinimumSpanningTree( mst );
- filter->Update( );
- this->GetOutput( "Skeleton" )->SetITK( filter->GetSkeleton( ) );
- this->GetOutput( "Marks" )->SetITK( filter->GetMarks( ) );
- /* TODO
- auto ep = filter->GetEndPoints( );
- auto bi = filter->GetBifurcations( );
+ filter->SetInput( image );
- auto ep_pd = this->GetOutputData< vtkPolyData >( "EndPoints" );
- if( ep_pd == NULL )
- {
- auto points = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- auto verts = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- auto lines = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- auto polys = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- auto strips = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- auto pd = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- pd->SetPoints( points );
- pd->SetVerts( verts );
- pd->SetLines( lines );
- pd->SetPolys( polys );
- pd->SetStrips( strips );
+ auto seeds = this->GetInputData< vtkPolyData >( "Seeds" );
+ if( seeds != NULL )
+ {
+ typename _TImage::PointType pnt;
+ typename _TImage::IndexType idx;
+ unsigned int dim =
+ ( _TImage::ImageDimension < 3 )? _TImage::ImageDimension: 3;
- this->GetOutput( "EndPoints" )->SetVTK( pd );
- ep_pd = this->GetOutputData< vtkPolyData >( "EndPoints" );
+ for( int i = 0; i < seeds->GetNumberOfPoints( ); ++i )
+ {
+ double buf[ 3 ];
+ seeds->GetPoint( i, buf );
+ pnt.Fill( 0 );
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d )
+ pnt[ d ] = buf[ d ];
- } // fi
+ if( image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
+ filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
- for( auto iIt = ep.begin( ); iIt != ep.end( ); ++iIt )
- {
- typename _TCostMap::PointType p;
- cmap->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *iIt, p );
+ } // rof
- if( _TCostMap::ImageDimension == 1 )
- ep_pd->GetPoints( )->InsertNextPoint( p[ 0 ], 0, 0 );
- else if( _TCostMap::ImageDimension == 2 )
- ep_pd->GetPoints( )->InsertNextPoint( p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ], 0 );
- else if( _TCostMap::ImageDimension > 2 )
- ep_pd->GetPoints( )->InsertNextPoint( p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ], p[ 2 ] );
+ } // fi
- ep_pd->GetVerts( )->InsertNextCell( 1 );
- ep_pd->GetVerts( )->InsertCellPoint( ep_pd->GetNumberOfPoints( ) - 1 );
- } // rof
- */
+ filter->Update( );
+ this->GetOutput( "Skeleton" )->SetITK( filter->GetSkeleton( ) );
+ this->GetOutput( "Marks" )->SetITK( filter->GetMarks( ) );
// eof - $RCSfile$