// a SeQuence Element is beginning
- // Let's forget it's length
- // (we want to 'go inside')
- // Pb : *normaly* fffe|e000 is just a marker, its length *should be* zero
- // in gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm we find lengthes as big as 28800
- // if we set the length to zero IsHeaderEntryAnInteger() breaks...
- // if we don't, we lost 28800 characters from the Header :-(
+ // fffe|e000 is just a marker, its length *should be* zero
else if(Entry->GetGroup() == 0xfffe)
- // cout << "ReadLength " <<Entry->GetReadLength() << " UsableLength " << FoundLength << endl;
- // Entry->Print();
- // sometimes, length seems to be wrong
- FoundLength =0; // some more clever checking to be done !
- // I give up!
- // only gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm
- // causes troubles :-(
- }
+ // *normally, fffe|0000 doesn't exist !
+ if( Entry->GetElement() != 0x0000 ) // gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm
+ // causes extra troubles :-(
+ FoundLength =0;
+ }