# install packaged dependencies as root
if [ `checkVal $command all 3rd 3rd-base` == true ] ; then
- if [ "`whoami`" == root ] ; then
- echo ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff
- bash scripts/ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff.sh
- else
- # must log as root
- echo "Please enter the root passwd to add necessary packages:";
- su -c "bash scripts/ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff.sh"
- fi
+ source scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+ cd scripts
+ source ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff.sh $OperatingSystem
+ cd ..
bash scripts/ThirdParty-install.sh
+source thirdparty_install/share/creatools/ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff.sh $OperatingSystem
source thirdparty_install/share/creatools/ThirdParty-bashrc.sh
source creatools_install/share/creatools/CreaTools-bashrc.sh
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image
- if [ ! -f $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh ]
- then
- echo
- echo "..ERROR.."
- echo "==================================================="
- echo "REMEMBER !"
- echo ""
- echo "YOU NEED TO RUN 'Configure' (0) First !"
- echo "==================================================="
- echo
- echo
- exit 0
-source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
-if [ ! -e $generationdir ]
- mkdir -p $generationdir
- chown -R $loginUserName $generationdir
- chgrp -R $loginGroupName $generationdir
-if [ ! -e $sourcesDir ]
- mkdir -p $sourcesDir
- #was : (pb on MacOS?)
- #chown -R $loginUserName:$loginGroupName $sourcesDir
- chown -R $loginUserName $sourcesDir
- chgrp -R $loginGroupName $sourcesDir
-if [ ! -e $binDir ]
- mkdir -p $binDir
- chown -R $loginUserName $binDir
- chgrp -R $loginGroupName $binDir
-# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
-if [ true = true ]
-#if [ true = false ]
- # ///\TODO what about SuSE? Debian? Mandriva? Gentoo?
- case "$OperatingSystem" in
- Mandriva)
- urpmi cmake
- urpmi cmake-qtgui
- urpmi doxygen
- urpmi graphviz
- urpmi texlive
- urpmi latex2html
- urpmi libwxgtk2.8
- urpmi lib64wxgtk2.8
- urpmi boost-devel
- urpmi sqlite-devel
- urpmi qt4-common
- urpmi libqt4-devel
- urpmi lib64qt4-devel
- #urpmi mesa-libOSMesa-devel
- urpmi lib64mesagl1-devel
- urpmi libmesagl1-devel
- urpmi lib64xt-devel
- urpmi libxt-devel
- urpmi lib64wxgtk2.8-devel
- urpmi libwxgtk2.8-devel
- urpmi gcc-c++
- urpmi git
- urpmi rpm-build
- urpmi patch ### EED It's working ???
+echo "OperatingSystem = $OperatingSystem"
- ;;
- Fedora)
- yum install wget -y
- yum install unzip -y
- yum install cmake -y
- yum install cmake-gui -y
- yum install doxygen -y
- yum install graphviz -y
- yum install texlive -y
- yum install latex2html -y
- yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
- yum install boost-devel -y
- yum install sqlite-devel -y
- yum install qt-devel -y
- yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
- yum install gcc -y
- yum install gcc-c++ -y
- yum install xerces-c-devel -y
- yum install git -y
- yum install qtwebkit-devel -y
- yum install patch -y
+ if [ "`whoami`" == root ] ; then
+ echo "ThirdParty-install-Base-rpm.sh $OperatingSystem"
+ bash ThirdParty-install-Base-rpm.sh $OperatingSystem
+ else
+ # must log as root
+ echo "Please enter the root passwd to add necessary packages:";
+ su -c "bash ThirdParty-install-Base-rpm.sh $OperatingSystem"
+ fi
- ;;
- Ubuntu)
- apt-get --yes install build-essential # esta linea instala las librerias necesarias para compilar en ubuntu, g++ gcc etc etc etc.
- apt-get --yes install git
- apt-get --yes install cmake
- apt-get --yes install cmake-gui
- apt-get --yes install cmake-curses-gui
- apt-get --yes install doxygen
- apt-get --yes install graphviz
- apt-get --yes install texlive
- apt-get --yes install latex2html
- apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-dev #GTK
- apt-get --yes install libwxgtk2.8-dev #Wx GTK
- apt-get --yes install libwxbase2.8-dev #Wx solito
- apt-get --yes install wx-common #wxrc
- apt-get --yes install libboost-dev #Boost
- apt-get --yes install libboost-all-dev #Boost
- apt-get --yes install libqt4-dev #QT4
- apt-get --yes install libxerces-c-dev
- apt-get --yes install patch
- apt-get --yes install qt4-qmake #QT4 qmake
- apt-get --yes install libsqlite0-dev
- apt-get --yes install libsqlite3-dev
- apt-get --yes install libosmesa6-dev #Mesa6
- apt-get --yes install uuid-dev # uuid para la instalacion de itk
- apt-get --yes install libxaw7-dev # X11
- ;;
- MacOS)
- port selfupdate
- port install cmake -y
- port install doxygen -y
- port install graphviz -y
- # port install tetex -y (replaced by texlive) # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/CreatoolsInstallInstructionsv2.0.1MacOsv10.5.6-Developpers
- port install texlive -y
- port install latex2html -y
- port install wxGTK -y
- port install boost -y
- ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site
- ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED
- ln -s libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_filesystem.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
- ln -s libboost_system-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_system.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
- port install sqlite3 -y
- port install qt4-mac -y
- ln -s qmake-mac qmake /opt/local/bin # cf EED
- port install mesa -y
- ;;
- *)
- echo " '$OperatingSystem' : Unknown (for us...) Operating Sytem "
- echo " Allowed values are (right now) Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS "
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
--- /dev/null
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image
+# pour la Santé)
+# Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
+# or in the file LICENSE.txt.
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+# liability.
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo "OperatingSystem = $OperatingSystem"
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+if [ true = true ]
+#if [ true = false ]
+ # ///\TODO what about SuSE? Debian? Mandriva? Gentoo?
+ case "$OperatingSystem" in
+ Mandriva)
+ urpmi cmake
+ urpmi cmake-qtgui
+ urpmi doxygen
+ urpmi graphviz
+ urpmi texlive
+ urpmi latex2html
+ urpmi libwxgtk2.8
+ urpmi lib64wxgtk2.8
+ urpmi boost-devel
+ urpmi sqlite-devel
+ urpmi qt4-common
+ urpmi libqt4-devel
+ urpmi lib64qt4-devel
+ #urpmi mesa-libOSMesa-devel
+ urpmi lib64mesagl1-devel
+ urpmi libmesagl1-devel
+ urpmi lib64xt-devel
+ urpmi libxt-devel
+ urpmi lib64wxgtk2.8-devel
+ urpmi libwxgtk2.8-devel
+ urpmi gcc-c++
+ urpmi git
+ urpmi rpm-build
+ urpmi patch ### EED It's working ???
+ ;;
+ Fedora)
+ yum install wget -y
+ yum install unzip -y
+ yum install cmake -y
+ yum install cmake-gui -y
+ yum install doxygen -y
+ yum install graphviz -y
+ yum install texlive -y
+ yum install latex2html -y
+ yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
+ yum install boost-devel -y
+ yum install sqlite-devel -y
+ yum install qt-devel -y
+ yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ yum install gcc -y
+ yum install gcc-c++ -y
+ yum install xerces-c-devel -y
+ yum install git -y
+ yum install qtwebkit-devel -y
+ yum install patch -y
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu)
+ apt-get --yes install build-essential # esta linea instala las librerias necesarias para compilar en ubuntu, g++ gcc etc etc etc.
+ apt-get --yes install git
+ apt-get --yes install cmake
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-gui
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-curses-gui
+ apt-get --yes install doxygen
+ apt-get --yes install graphviz
+ apt-get --yes install texlive
+ apt-get --yes install latex2html
+ apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-dev #GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxgtk2.8-dev #Wx GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxbase2.8-dev #Wx solito
+ apt-get --yes install wx-common #wxrc
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-all-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libqt4-dev #QT4
+ apt-get --yes install libxerces-c-dev
+ apt-get --yes install patch
+ apt-get --yes install qt4-qmake #QT4 qmake
+ apt-get --yes install libsqlite0-dev
+ apt-get --yes install libsqlite3-dev
+ apt-get --yes install libosmesa6-dev #Mesa6
+ apt-get --yes install uuid-dev # uuid para la instalacion de itk
+ apt-get --yes install libxaw7-dev # X11
+ ;;
+ MacOS)
+ port selfupdate
+ port install cmake -y
+ port install doxygen -y
+ port install graphviz -y
+ # port install tetex -y (replaced by texlive) # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/CreatoolsInstallInstructionsv2.0.1MacOsv10.5.6-Developpers
+ port install texlive -y
+ port install latex2html -y
+ port install wxGTK -y
+ port install boost -y
+ ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site
+ ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED
+ ln -s libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_filesystem.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
+ ln -s libboost_system-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_system.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
+ port install sqlite3 -y
+ port install qt4-mac -y
+ ln -s qmake-mac qmake /opt/local/bin # cf EED
+ port install mesa -y
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo " '$OperatingSystem' : Unknown (for us...) Operating Sytem "
+ echo " Allowed values are (right now) Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS "
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
chown -R $loginUserName $generationdir
chgrp -R $loginGroupName $generationdir
source $ETC_BASHRC
-cd $PWD/scripts
+## copping files to prepare the package Intall-Creatools-Bin.sh
cp ThirdParty-bashrc.sh $baseLibraryThirdPartyDir/.
+cp ThirdParty-install-Base-Stuff.sh $baseLibraryThirdPartyDir/.
+cp ThirdParty-install-Base-rpm.sh $baseLibraryThirdPartyDir/.