Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: PhilipsToBrucker2.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/01/31 14:09:26 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.12 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/01/31 15:28:54 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
" dirout=outputDirectoryName ",
" { [keep= list of seriesNumber to process] ",
" | [drop= list of seriesNumber to ignore] } ",
- " [taggrid] ",
+ " [taggrid] [skel] ",
" [input = {ACR|DCM}] ",
" [extent=image suffix (.IMA, .NEMA, .DCM, ...)] ",
" [listonly] [split] ",
" e.g : 1030,1035,1043 ",
" taggrid : user knows all the images are 'grid' -ie : not 'col', not 'raw'",
" extent : DO NOT forget the leading '.' ! ",
+ " skel: name skeleton eg : patName_1.nema -> skel=patName_ ",
" split: creates a tree-like structure of directories as : ",
" - Patient ",
" -- Serie ",
int taggrid = am->ArgMgrDefined("taggrid");
+ int hasSkel = am->ArgMgrDefined("skel");
+ const char *skel;
+ if (hasSkel)
+ skel = am->ArgMgrGetString("skel");
const char *extent = am->ArgMgrGetString("extent",".DCM");
gdcm::File *f;
gdcm::FileHelper *fh;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
+ std::vector<std::string> tokensForFileName;
std::cout << "---------------Print Unique Series identifiers---------"
<< std::endl;
- // userFileIdentifier += token;
- //userFileIdentifier += *it;
- std::cout << "userFileIdentifier1: "<< userFileIdentifier << std::endl;
gdcm::Util::Tokenize (userFileIdentifier, tokens, token);
+ int imageNum; // Within FileName
+ char newName[1024];
if ( tokens[3] == "gdcmUnfound") // sometimes Trigger Time is not found. CreateUserDefinedFileIdentifier is not aware of the pb.
- tokens[3] = gdcm::Util::GetName( *it );
+ ///this is a trick to build up a lexicographical compliant name :
+ /// eg : fich001.ima vs fich100.ima as opposed to fich1.ima vs fich100.ima
+ std::string name = gdcm::Util::GetName( *it );
+ if (hasSkel)
+ {
+ gdcm::Util::Tokenize (name, tokensForFileName, skel);
+ imageNum = atoi ( tokensForFileName[0].c_str() );
+ // probabely we could write something much more complicated using C++ !
+ sprintf (newName, "%s%06d%s", skel, imageNum, extent);
+ tokens[3] = newName;
+ tokensForFileName.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ tokens[3] = name;
userFileIdentifier = tokens[0] + token + tokens[1] + token + tokens[2] + token
+ tokens[3] + token + tokens[4] + token;
- std::cout << "userFileIdentifier2: "<< userFileIdentifier << std::endl;
std::cout << " [" <<