# Here loads 'hola.mhd'
# ---------------------
-# Don't forget to comment out the following 2 lines
-# If you want to check someting else.
include vtk/boxes/bbLoadHola
new LoadHola reader
-# uncomment next lines to have a file selector
-# --------------------------------------------
-new FileSelector openFileDialog
-new ImageReader reader
- connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
-# uncomment next lines to use a vtkgdcmReader
-# -------------------------------------
-new FileSelector openFileDialog
-new GetInfoGdcmReader reader
- connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
-# uncomment next lines to use Gimmick
-# -----------------------------------
-load creaImageIO
-new Gimmick reader
-# uncomment next lines to Read a MHD file (and nothing else !)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-new FileSelector openFileDialog
- set openFileDialog.Wildcard "(*.mhd)|*.mhd"
-new MetaImageReader reader
- connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
-# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
-# (only if file name order is meaningfull)
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-// To choose the directory
-new DirectorySelector ds
-// To get the image names into a vector
-new FilesFromDirectory fd
-// To read all the files, as a bbitk::ImagePointer
-new ImageSeriesReader reader
-// user choosen directory as input
-connect ds.Out fd.In
-set fd.Recursive false
-// list of files as input
-#print "Files found in $ds.Out$\n
-connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
-# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
-# (if the directory contains a 'XCoherent" Serie)
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-// To choose the directory
-new DirectorySelector ds
-// To get the image names into a vector
-new FilesFromDirectory fd
-// user choosen directory as input
-connect ds.Out fd.In
-// order the files, computes an accurate ZSpacing
-new GetXCoherentInfoGdcmReader reader
-connect fd.Out reader.In
-# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
-# (with DICOMDirReader)
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-include itk/boxes/bbDICOMDirReader
-// To choose the directory
-new DirectorySelector ds
-new DICOMDirReader reader
- connect ds.Out reader.In
+# Have a look at exampleViewing1.1.bbs
+# If you want to know how to read different images.
// We need that to set Sliders sizes
set main.WinTitle "demoViewing1"
exec main
exec viewerTD