--- /dev/null
+ Program: wxMaracas
+ Module: $RCSfile: CutModel2MainPanel.cxx,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2009/11/19 16:34:43 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
+ License:
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+// EOF - wxMaracasMPR.cxx
+#include "CutModel2MainPanel.h"
+#include "HistogramDialog.h"
+#include "creaSystem.h"
+#include <wx/colordlg.h>
+#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
+#include <Add.xpm>
+#include <Undo.xpm>
+#include <Redo.xpm>
+#include <OkAll.xpm>
+CutModel2MainPanel* CutModel2MainPanel::instance=NULL;
+CutModel2MainPanel::CutModel2MainPanel( wxWindow* parent, std::string path)
+: wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize){
+ cutmanager=NULL;
+ initialize(path);
+CutModel2MainPanel::~CutModel2MainPanel( ){
+ delete cutmanager;
+void CutModel2MainPanel::initialize(std::string path){
+ cutmanager = new CutModelManager(path);
+ _panelid = 0;
+ _wxauimanager = new wxAuiManager(this);
+ wxAuiPaneInfo paneinfo;
+ _wxauimanager->AddPane(new ToolBarCutModel2(this),paneinfo.ToolbarPane().Top());
+ _wxauimanager->Update();
+CutModel2MainPanel* CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance(wxWindow* parent, std::string path){
+ if(instance==NULL){
+ if(parent == NULL){
+ parent = new wxFrame();
+ }
+ instance = new CutModel2MainPanel(parent, path);
+ }
+ return instance;
+/*CutModel2MainPanel* CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance(){
+ return instance;
+void CutModel2MainPanel::setImageData(vtkImageData* img){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->setImageData(img);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->setInteractor(interactor);
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::setRenderer(vtkRenderer* renderer){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->setRenderer(renderer);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::checkInvariant()throw (CutModelException){
+ if(cutmanager==NULL){
+ throw CutModelException("The manager is not initialize");
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::showErrorDialog(std::string str){
+ wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str.c_str(),wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str.c_str(),wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
+ diag->ShowModal();
+void CutModel2MainPanel::RemoveActor(int id){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ for(int i = 0; i < viewpanels.size()-1;i++){
+ if(viewpanels[i]->getId()==id){
+ for(int j = i; j < viewpanels.size()-1;j++){
+ viewpanels[j]=viewpanels[j+1];
+ }
+ i = viewpanels.size();
+ }
+ }
+ viewpanels.pop_back();
+ cutmanager->RemoveActor(id);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::onAddCutModel2(){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ int id = addNewViewPanel();
+ cutmanager->onAddCutModel(id, getModelView(id));
+ _panelid++;
+ ShowCurrentPanel(id);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ShowCurrentPanel(int id){
+ for(int i = 0; i < viewpanels.size();i++){
+ if(viewpanels[i]->getId()==id){
+ _wxauimanager->GetPane(viewpanels[i]).Show(true);
+ cutmanager->RefreshActor(id);
+ }else{
+ _wxauimanager->GetPane(viewpanels[i]).Show(false);
+ }
+ }
+ _wxauimanager->Update();
+int CutModel2MainPanel::addNewViewPanel()throw( CutModelException){
+ CutModelView* viewpanel = new CutModelView(this,cutmanager->getImageRange());
+ wxAuiPaneInfo paneinfo0;
+ _wxauimanager->AddPane(viewpanel, paneinfo0.DefaultPane().DestroyOnClose().Centre());
+ _wxauimanager->Update();
+ viewpanel->setId(_panelid);
+ viewpanels.push_back(viewpanel);
+ return viewpanel->getId();
+CutModel2View* CutModel2MainPanel::getModelView(int id)throw( CutModel2Exception){
+ CutModelView* current = NULL;
+ for(int i = 0; i < viewpanels.size();i++){
+ if(viewpanels[i]->getId()==id){
+ current = viewpanels[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if(current == NULL){
+ std::string s = "Id not found";
+ throw CutModel2Exception(s);
+ }
+ return current;
+void CutModel2MainPanel::onUndo(){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ int result = cutmanager->Undo();
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::onRedo(){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ int result = cutmanager->Redo();
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::changeOpacity(int id,int opacity){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->changeOpacity(id, opacity);
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ShowViewBox(int id,bool check){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->ShowViewBox(id, check);
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ShowPopUpMenu(int id){
+ showErrorDialog("test");
+void CutModel2MainPanel::changeColor(int id,double r,double g,double b){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->changeColor(id, r, g, b);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ChangeShape(int id,int selection){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->ChangeShape(id, selection);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::updateActorDirection(int id){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->updateActorDirection(id);
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ExecuteCut(int id, double* range, bool isinside){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ cutmanager->ExecuteCut(id, range, isinside);
+ }catch(CutModelException e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ExecuteAll(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < viewpanels.size();i++){
+ viewpanels[i]->ExecuteCut();
+ }
+vtkImageData* CutModel2MainPanel::GetResultImage(){
+ try{
+ checkInvariant();
+ return cutmanager->GetResultImage();
+ }catch(CutModel2Exception e){
+ showErrorDialog(e.getCause());
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void CutModel2MainPanel::ShowStatistics(int id){
+ checkInvariant();
+ HistogramDialog *histo = new HistogramDialog(this, _T("Statistics"));
+ histo->initializeHistogram(cutmanager->GetResultImage());
+ histo->ShowModal();
+ delete histo;
+void CutModel2MainPanel::SaveCutModel2Data(std::string filename){
+ cutmanager->SaveCutModelData(filename);
+void CutModel2MainPanel::LoadCutModel2Data(std::string filename){
+ cutmanager->LoadCutModelData(filename);
+ToolBarCutModel2::ToolBarCutModel2(wxWindow * parent)
+: wxToolBar(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize)
+ wxBitmap bitmap10(Add_xpm);
+ this->AddTool(10, wxString(_T("Add")),bitmap10);
+ this->AddSeparator();
+ wxBitmap bitmap20(Undo_xpm);
+ this->AddTool(20, wxString(_T("Undo")),bitmap20);
+ wxBitmap bitmap30(Redo_xpm);
+ this->AddTool(30, wxString(_T("Redo")),bitmap30);
+ this->AddSeparator();
+ wxBitmap bitmap40(OkAll_xpm);
+ this->AddTool(40, wxString(_T("Ok All")),bitmap40);
+ this->Realize();
+ _evthand = new ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2();
+ this->SetEventHandler(_evthand);
+: wxEvtHandler(){
+void ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onAdd(wxCommandEvent& event){
+ CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance()->onAddCutModel2();
+void ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onUndo(wxCommandEvent& event){
+ CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance()->onUndo();
+void ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onRedo(wxCommandEvent& event){
+ CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance()->onRedo();
+void ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onExecuteAll(wxCommandEvent& event){
+ CutModel2MainPanel::getInstance()->ExecuteAll();
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2, wxEvtHandler)
+ EVT_MENU(10, ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onAdd)
+ EVT_MENU(20, ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onUndo)
+ EVT_MENU(30, ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onRedo)
+ EVT_MENU(40, ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2::onExecuteAll)
--- /dev/null
+ Program: wxMaracas
+ Module: $RCSfile: CutModel2MainPanel.h,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2009/11/19 16:34:43 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
+ License:
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+#ifndef __CutModel2MainPanelPanelH__
+#define __CutModel2MainPanelPanelH__
+#include <vector>
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <wx/treebook.h>
+#include "wx/aui/aui.h"
+#include <wx/toolbar.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "marTypes.h"
+#include "CutModel2Manager.h"
+#include "CutModel2Exception.h"
+#include "CutModel2View.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT CutModel2MainPanel : public wxPanel
+ ~CutModel2MainPanel( );
+ static CutModel2MainPanel* getInstance(wxWindow* parent=NULL, std::string path ="");
+ //static CutModel2MainPanel* getInstance();
+ void setImageData(vtkImageData* img);
+ void setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor);
+ void setRenderer(vtkRenderer* renderer);
+ void initialize(std::string path);
+ void onAddCutModel2();
+ void onUndo();
+ void onRedo();
+ void changeOpacity(int id,int opacity);
+ void ShowViewBox(int id,bool check);
+ void ChangeShape(int id,int selection);
+ void changeColor(int id,double r,double g,double b);
+ void updateActorDirection(int id);
+ void RemoveActor(int id);
+ void ExecuteCut(int id, double* range, bool isinside);
+ void ExecuteAll();
+ vtkImageData* GetResultImage();
+ void ShowCurrentPanel(int id);
+ void ShowPopUpMenu(int id);
+ void ShowStatistics(int id);
+ CutModel2MainPanel( wxWindow* parent, std::string path);
+ static CutModel2MainPanel* instance;
+ CutModelManager* cutmanager;
+ void checkInvariant() throw( CutModelException);
+ void showErrorDialog(std::string str);
+ void SaveCutModel2Data(std::string filename);
+ void LoadCutModel2Data(std::string filename);
+ std::vector<CutModel2View*> viewpanels;
+ wxAuiManager* _wxauimanager;
+ int addNewViewPanel()throw( CutModel2Exception);
+ CutModelView* getModelView(int id)throw( CutModelException);
+ int _panelid;
+class ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2 : public wxEvtHandler{
+ public:
+ ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2();
+ ~ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2();
+ void onAdd(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void onUndo(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void onRedo(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void onExecuteAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ private:
+ };
+class ToolBarCutModel2 : public wxToolBar{
+ ToolBarCutModel2(wxWindow * parent);
+ ~ToolBarCutModel2(void);
+ ToolBarEventHandlerCutModel2* _evthand;