Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDocument.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/06/23 09:20:23 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.250 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/06/24 10:53:46 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.251 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
// We should clean out anything that already exists.
// Check IsDocumentAlreadyLoaded to be sure.
- if( IsDocumentAlreadyLoaded )
+ if ( IsDocumentAlreadyLoaded )
gdcmWarningMacro( "A file was already parsed inside this "
<< "gdcm::Document (previous name was: "
// Load 'non string' values
std::string PhotometricInterpretation = GetEntryValue(0x0028,0x0004);
- if( PhotometricInterpretation == "PALETTE COLOR " )
+ if ( PhotometricInterpretation == "PALETTE COLOR " )
// Probabely this line should be outside the 'if'
bool Document::IsReadable()
- if( Filetype == Unknown)
+ if ( Filetype == Unknown )
gdcmWarningMacro( "Wrong filetype");
return false;
return 0;
- if(Fp)
+ if ( Fp )
gdcmWarningMacro( "File already open: " << Filename.c_str());
Fp = new std::ifstream(Filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
- if( ! *Fp )
+ if ( ! *Fp )
// Don't user gdcmErrorMacro :
// a spurious message will appear when you use, for instance
uint16_t zero = 0;
Fp->read((char*)&zero, (size_t)2);
- if( Fp->eof() )
+ if ( Fp->eof() )
return 0;
//-- ACR or DICOM with no Preamble; may start with a Shadow Group --
- if(
+ if (
zero == 0x0001 || zero == 0x0100 || zero == 0x0002 || zero == 0x0200 ||
zero == 0x0003 || zero == 0x0300 || zero == 0x0004 || zero == 0x0400 ||
zero == 0x0005 || zero == 0x0500 || zero == 0x0006 || zero == 0x0600 ||
Fp->seekg(126L, std::ios::cur);
char dicm[4] = {' ',' ',' ',' '};
Fp->read(dicm, (size_t)4);
- if( Fp->eof() )
+ if ( Fp->eof() )
return 0;
- if( memcmp(dicm, "DICM", 4) == 0 )
+ if ( memcmp(dicm, "DICM", 4) == 0 )
HasDCMPreamble = true;
return Fp;
bool Document::CloseFile()
- if( Fp )
+ if ( Fp )
delete Fp;
BinEntry *binElement = dynamic_cast<BinEntry *>(docElement);
- if( !binElement )
+ if ( !binElement )
void Document::LoadEntryBinArea(BinEntry *elem)
- if(elem->GetBinArea())
+ if (elem->GetBinArea() )
bool openFile = !Fp;
- if(openFile)
+ if ( openFile )
size_t o =(size_t)elem->GetOffset();
size_t l = elem->GetLength();
uint8_t *a = new uint8_t[l];
- if( !a )
+ if ( !a )
gdcmWarningMacro( "Cannot allocate BinEntry content");
Fp->read((char*)a, l);
- if( Fp->fail() || Fp->eof())
+ if ( Fp->fail() || Fp->eof() )
delete[] a;
- if(openFile)
+ if ( openFile )
void Document::LoadDocEntrySafe(DocEntry *entry)
- if(Fp)
+ if ( Fp )
long PositionOnEntry = Fp->tellg();
// Patient Name
std::string s1 = GetEntryValue(0x0010,0x0010);
std::string s2 = document.GetEntryValue(0x0010,0x0010);
- if(s1 < s2)
+ if (s1 < s2)
return true;
- else if( s1 > s2 )
+ else if ( s1 > s2 )
return false;
return true;
- else if( s1 > s2 )
+ else if ( s1 > s2 )
return false;
return true;
- else if( s1 > s2 )
+ else if ( s1 > s2 )
return false;
throw FormatError( "Document::ReadInt16()", " file error." );
- if( Fp->eof() )
+ if ( Fp->eof() )
throw FormatError( "Document::ReadInt16()", "EOF." );
throw FormatError( "Document::ReadInt32()", " file error." );
- if( Fp->eof() )
+ if ( Fp->eof() )
throw FormatError( "Document::ReadInt32()", "EOF." );
gr = entry->GetGroup();
- if( gr == 0x0002 )
+ if ( gr == 0x0002 )
found0002 = true;
- if( entry->GetElement() != 0x0000 )
+ if ( entry->GetElement() != 0x0000 )
vr = entry->GetVR();
- if( filetype == ExplicitVR )
+ if ( filetype == ExplicitVR )
if ( (vr == "OB") || (vr == "OW") || (vr == "SQ") || (vr == "UT") )
LoadDocEntry( newBinEntry );
- if( !set->AddEntry( newBinEntry ) )
+ if ( !set->AddEntry( newBinEntry ) )
//Expect big troubles if here
//delete newBinEntry;
- if( !set->AddEntry( newValEntry ) )
+ if ( !set->AddEntry( newValEntry ) )
// If here expect big troubles
// delete newValEntry; //otherwise mem leak
if (delimitor)
- if(!used)
+ if ( !used )
delete newDocEntry;
- if ( !delim_mode && ((long)(Fp->tellg())-offset) >= l_max)
+ if ( !delim_mode && ((long)(Fp->tellg())-offset) >= l_max )
- if(!used)
+ if ( !used )
delete newDocEntry;
l, delim_mode);
- if( !set->AddEntry( newSeqEntry ) )
+ if ( !set->AddEntry( newSeqEntry ) )
used = false;
if ( !delim_mode && ((long)(Fp->tellg())-offset) >= l_max)
- if( !used )
+ if ( !used )
delete newDocEntry;
- if( !used )
+ if ( !used )
delete newDocEntry;
// FIXME Should warn user
- if( delim_mode )
+ if ( delim_mode )
if ( newDocEntry->IsSequenceDelimitor() )
// (fffe e000) tells us an Element is beginning
// (fffe e00d) tells us an Element just ended
// (fffe e0dd) tells us the current SeQuence just ended
- if( group == 0xfffe )
+ if ( group == 0xfffe )
// NO more value field for SQ !
str[length] = '\0'; //this is only useful when length is odd
// Special DicomString call to properly handle \0 and even length
std::string newValue;
- if( length % 2 )
+ if ( length % 2 )
newValue = Util::DicomString(str, length+1);
gdcmWarningMacro("Warning: bad length: " << length <<
- if( vr == "UI" )
+ if ( vr == "UI" )
// Because of correspondance with the VR dic
Fp->read (vr, (size_t)2);
vr[2] = 0;
- if( !CheckDocEntryVR(vr) )
+ if ( !CheckDocEntryVR(vr) )
Fp->seekg(positionOnEntry, std::ios::beg);
// Elements with Value Multiplicity > 1
// contain a set of short integers (not a single one)
- if( vr == "US" || vr == "SS" )
+ if ( vr == "US" || vr == "SS" )
uint16_t newInt16;
nbInt = length / 2;
for (int i=0; i < nbInt; i++)
- if( i != 0 )
+ if ( i != 0 )
s << '\\';
// as usual for standard multivaluated filels
// Elements with Value Multiplicity > 1
// contain a set of integers (not a single one)
- else if( vr == "UL" || vr == "SL" )
+ else if ( vr == "UL" || vr == "SL" )
uint32_t newInt32;
nbInt = length / 4;
for (int i=0; i < nbInt; i++)
- if( i != 0)
+ if ( i != 0)
s << '\\';
//////// We encountered a 'delimiter' element i.e. a tag of the form
// "fffe|xxxx" which is just a marker. Delimiters length should not be
// taken into account.
- else if( gr == 0xfffe )
+ else if ( gr == 0xfffe )
// According to the norm, fffe|0000 shouldn't exist. BUT the Philips
// image gdcmData/gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm happens to
// causes extra troubles...
- if( entry->GetElement() != 0x0000 )
+ if ( entry->GetElement() != 0x0000 )
foundLength = 0;
* true when we hope ours assuptions are OK
bool Document::CheckSwap()
- // The only guaranted way of finding the swap code is to find a
- // group tag since we know it's length has to be of four bytes i.e.
- // 0x00000004. Finding the swap code in then straigthforward. Trouble
- // occurs when we can't find such group...
uint32_t s32;
uint16_t s16;
Fp->read(deb, 256);
char *entCur = deb + 128;
- if( memcmp(entCur, "DICM", (size_t)4) == 0 )
+ if ( memcmp(entCur, "DICM", (size_t)4) == 0 )
gdcmWarningMacro( "Looks like DICOM Version3 (preamble + DCM)" );
// even if elem 0002,0010 (Transfer Syntax) tells us the file is
// *Implicit* VR (see former 'gdcmData/icone.dcm')
- if( memcmp(entCur, "UL", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "UI", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "CS", (size_t)2) == 0 ) // CS, to remove later
- // when Write DCM *adds*
+ if ( memcmp(entCur, "UL", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "UI", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "CS", (size_t)2) == 0 ) // CS, to remove later
+ // when Write DCM *adds*
// Use Document::dicom_vr to test all the possibilities
// instead of just checking for UL, OB and UI !? group 0000
if ( SwapCode != 0 )
- if( memcmp(entCur, "UL", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "UI", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "SH", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "AE", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
- memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 )
+ if ( memcmp(entCur, "UL", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "UI", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "SH", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "AE", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
+ memcmp(entCur, "OB", (size_t)2) == 0 )
Filetype = ExplicitVR;
gdcmWarningMacro( "Group 0002 : Explicit Value Representation");
std::string vr = FindDocEntryVR();
std::string realVR = vr;
- if( vr == GDCM_UNKNOWN)
+ if ( vr == GDCM_UNKNOWN )
if ( elem == 0x0000 ) // Group Length
realVR = "UL"; // must be UL
DictEntry *dictEntry = GetDictEntry(group,elem);
- if( dictEntry )
+ if ( dictEntry )
realVR = dictEntry->GetVR();
DocEntry *newEntry;
- if( Global::GetVR()->IsVROfSequence(realVR) )
+ if ( Global::GetVR()->IsVROfSequence(realVR) )
newEntry = NewSeqEntry(group, elem);
- else if( Global::GetVR()->IsVROfStringRepresentable(realVR) )
+ else if ( Global::GetVR()->IsVROfStringRepresentable(realVR) )
newEntry = NewValEntry(group, elem,vr);
newEntry = NewBinEntry(group, elem,vr);
- if( vr == GDCM_UNKNOWN )
+ if ( vr == GDCM_UNKNOWN )
- if( Filetype == ExplicitVR )
+ if ( Filetype == ExplicitVR )
// We thought this was explicit VR, but we end up with an
// implicit VR tag. Let's backtrack.
if ( newEntry->GetGroup() != 0xfffe )
std::string msg;
- msg = Util::Format("Entry (%04x,%04x) should be Explicit VR\n",
- newEntry->GetGroup(), newEntry->GetElement());
+ int offset = Fp->tellg();
+ msg = Util::Format("Entry (%04x,%04x) at %x should be Explicit VR\n",
+ newEntry->GetGroup(), newEntry->GetElement(), offset );
gdcmWarningMacro( msg.c_str() );