--- /dev/null
+template <class TImageType>
+ /* SupInf limits :
+ - top of aortic arch
+ - ends at the upper lobe bronchus or where the right pulmonary artery crosses the midline of the mediastinum
+ */
+ // Local variables
+ double m_TopOfAorticArchInMM;
+ double m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM;
+ double m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM;
+ // Get Inputs
+ m_TopOfAorticArchInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("topOfAorticArch", 2);
+ DD(m_TopOfAorticArchInMM);
+ m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("rightUpperLobeBronchus", 2);
+ DD(m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM);
+ m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("rightPulmoArteryCrossesMidMediastinum", 2);
+ DD(m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM);
+ /* Crop support */
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup mediastinum limits with aortic arch/upperLBronchus");
+ double inf = std::max(m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM, m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM);
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_Support, 2,
+ inf,
+ m_TopOfAorticArchInMM, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ m_Station4RL = m_Working_Support;
+template <class TImageType>
+ // 4R first
+ // Left : midline of the trachea
+ // Right : "- upper part : contained within the pleural envelope
+ //- intermediate section : medial to the superior vena cava and the arch of the azygos vein
+ // - very caudal part : right upper lobe pulmonary vein"
+ // AAV ??
+ // Constraint at right from the SVC
+ MaskImagePointer svc = GetAFDB()->template GetImage<MaskImageType>("SVC");
+ typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter<MaskImageType> RelPosFilterType;
+ typename RelPosFilterType::Pointer relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New();
+ relPosFilter->SetCurrentStepBaseId(this->GetCurrentStepId());
+ relPosFilter->VerboseStepOff();
+ relPosFilter->WriteStepOff();
+ relPosFilter->SetInput(m_Working_Support);
+ relPosFilter->SetInputObject(svc);
+ relPosFilter->SetOrientationType(RelPosFilterType::RightTo);
+ relPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2);
+ relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.3);
+ relPosFilter->Update();
+ m_Working_Support = relPosFilter->GetOutput();
+ m_Station4RL = m_Working_Support;
+ // Left -> midline of the trachea
+ // slice by slice, find X coord of 2D centroid (?)
+ // check with previous line in order to not move too fast
+ // skeleton ? -> need path description ? follow from slice to slice
+ // OR CENTROID at each slice ?
+ // Crop trachea
+ // Extract list of slice from trachea
+ // Loop slice -> Get centroid crop along line (BB limit) -> two supports
+ // Crop the trachea like the current support
+ MaskImagePointer crop_trachea =
+ clitk::ResizeImageLike<MaskImageType>(m_Trachea, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue());
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(crop_trachea, "croptrachea.mhd");
+ // Extract all the slices
+ typedef clitk::ExtractSliceFilter<MaskImageType> ExtractSliceFilterType;
+ typedef typename ExtractSliceFilterType::SliceType SliceType;
+ typename ExtractSliceFilterType::Pointer
+ extractSliceFilter = ExtractSliceFilterType::New();
+ extractSliceFilter->SetInput(crop_trachea);
+ extractSliceFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ extractSliceFilter->Update();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::Pointer> trachea_slices;
+ extractSliceFilter->GetOutputSlices(trachea_slices);
--- /dev/null
+template <class TImageType>
+ // Local variables
+ double m_CarinaZPositionInMM;
+ double m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM;
+ // Get Inputs
+ m_Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage <MaskImageType>("trachea");
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("carina", 2);
+ DD(m_CarinaZPositionInMM);
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("rightMiddleLobeBronchus", 2);
+ DD(m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM);
+ /* Crop support :
+ Superior limit = carina
+ Inferior limit = origin right middle lobe bronchus */
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup mediastinum limits with carina/bronchus");
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_Support, 2,
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM,
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support);
+ /* Crop trachea
+ Superior limit = carina
+ Inferior limit = origin right middle lobe bronchus*/
+ StartNewStep("Inf/Sup trachea limits with carina/bronchus");
+ m_working_trachea =
+ clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis<MaskImageType>(m_Trachea, 2,
+ m_MiddleLobeBronchusZPositionInMM,
+ m_CarinaZPositionInMM, true,
+ GetBackgroundValue());
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea);
+ m_Station7 = m_Working_Support;
+template <class TImageType>
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Separate trachea in two CCL
+ StartNewStep("Separate trachea under carina");
+ // Labelize and consider two main labels
+ m_working_trachea = Labelize<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, 0, true, 1);
+ // Carina position must at the first slice that separate the two main bronchus (not superiorly)
+ // Check that upper slice is composed of at least two labels
+ typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex<MaskImageType> SliceIteratorType;
+ SliceIteratorType iter(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ iter.SetFirstDirection(0);
+ iter.SetSecondDirection(1);
+ iter.GoToReverseBegin(); // Start from the end (because image is IS not SI)
+ int maxLabel=0;
+ while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfSlice()) {
+ while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfLine()) {
+ // DD(iter.GetIndex());
+ if (iter.Get() > maxLabel) maxLabel = iter.Get();
+ --iter;
+ }
+ iter.PreviousLine();
+ }
+ if (maxLabel < 2) {
+ clitkExceptionMacro("First slice form Carina does not seems to seperate the two main bronchus. Abort");
+ }
+ // Compute centroid of both parts to identify the left from the right bronchus
+ typedef long LabelType;
+ static const unsigned int Dim = ImageType::ImageDimension;
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject< LabelType, Dim > LabelObjectType;
+ typedef itk::LabelMap< LabelObjectType > LabelMapType;
+ typedef itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter<MaskImageType, LabelMapType> ImageToMapFilterType;
+ typename ImageToMapFilterType::Pointer imageToLabelFilter = ImageToMapFilterType::New();
+ typedef itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter<LabelMapType, MaskImageType> ShapeFilterType;
+ typename ShapeFilterType::Pointer statFilter = ShapeFilterType::New();
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetBackgroundValue(GetBackgroundValue());
+ imageToLabelFilter->SetInput(m_working_trachea);
+ statFilter->SetInput(imageToLabelFilter->GetOutput());
+ statFilter->Update();
+ typename LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap = statFilter->GetOutput();
+ ImagePointType C1 = labelMap->GetLabelObject(1)->GetCentroid();
+ ImagePointType C2 = labelMap->GetLabelObject(2)->GetCentroid();
+ ImagePixelType leftLabel;
+ ImagePixelType rightLabel;
+ if (C1[0] < C2[0]) { leftLabel = 1; rightLabel = 2; }
+ else { leftLabel = 2; rightLabel = 1; }
+ DD(leftLabel);
+ DD(rightLabel);
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ StartNewStep("Left limits with bronchus (slice by slice)");
+ // Select LeftLabel (set one label to Backgroundvalue)
+ m_LeftBronchus =
+ SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea,
+ rightLabel, GetBackgroundValue());
+ m_RightBronchus =
+ SetBackground<MaskImageType, MaskImageType>(m_working_trachea, m_working_trachea,
+ leftLabel, GetBackgroundValue());
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_LeftBronchus, "left.mhd");
+ writeImage<MaskImageType>(m_RightBronchus, "right.mhd");
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_LeftBronchus, 2,
+ GetFuzzyThreshold(), "RightTo",
+ true, 4);
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_RightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "LeftTo",
+ true, 4);
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_LeftBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "AntTo",
+ true, 4, true); // NOT
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_RightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "AntTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_LeftBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "PostTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_Working_Support =
+ clitk::SliceBySliceRelativePosition<MaskImageType>(m_Working_Support,
+ m_RightBronchus,
+ 2, GetFuzzyThreshold(), "PostTo",
+ true, 4, true);
+ m_Station7 = m_Working_Support;
+ StopCurrentStep<MaskImageType>(m_Station7);
+template <class TImageType>
+ StartNewStep("Posterior limits");
+ // Left Bronchus slices
+ typedef clitk::ExtractSliceFilter<MaskImageType> ExtractSliceFilterType;
+ typedef typename ExtractSliceFilterType::SliceType SliceType;
+ typename ExtractSliceFilterType::Pointer
+ extractSliceFilter = ExtractSliceFilterType::New();
+ extractSliceFilter->SetInput(m_LeftBronchus);
+ extractSliceFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ extractSliceFilter->Update();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::Pointer> leftBronchusSlices;
+ extractSliceFilter->GetOutputSlices(leftBronchusSlices);
+ // Right Bronchus slices
+ extractSliceFilter = ExtractSliceFilterType::New();
+ extractSliceFilter->SetInput(m_RightBronchus);
+ extractSliceFilter->SetDirection(2);
+ extractSliceFilter->Update();
+ std::vector<typename SliceType::Pointer> rightBronchusSlices ;
+ extractSliceFilter->GetOutputSlices(rightBronchusSlices);
+ assert(leftBronchusSlices.size() == rightBronchusSlices.size());
+ std::vector<MaskImageType::PointType> leftPoints;
+ std::vector<MaskImageType::PointType> rightPoints;
+ for(uint i=0; i<leftBronchusSlices.size(); i++) {
+ // Keep main CCL
+ leftBronchusSlices[i] = Labelize<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i], 0, true, 10);
+ leftBronchusSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ GetForegroundValue(), 1, 1, true);
+ rightBronchusSlices[i] = Labelize<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i], 0, true, 10);
+ rightBronchusSlices[i] = KeepLabels<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ GetForegroundValue(), 1, 1, true);
+ double distance_max_from_center_point = 15;
+ // ------- Find point in left Bronchus -------
+ // find right most point in left = rightMost
+ SliceType::PointType a;
+ SliceType::PointType rightMost =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 0, false, a, 0);
+ // find post most point in left, not far away from rightMost
+ SliceType::PointType p =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(leftBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 1, false, rightMost,
+ distance_max_from_center_point);
+ MaskImageType::PointType pp;
+ pp[0] = p[0]; pp[1] = p[1];
+ pp[2] = i*m_LeftBronchus->GetSpacing()[2] + m_LeftBronchus->GetOrigin()[2];
+ leftPoints.push_back(pp);
+ // ------- Find point in right Bronchus -------
+ // find left most point in right = leftMost
+ SliceType::PointType leftMost =
+ clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 0, true, a, 0);
+ // find post most point in left, not far away from leftMost
+ p = clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection<SliceType>(rightBronchusSlices[i],
+ GetBackgroundValue(),
+ 1, false, leftMost,
+ distance_max_from_center_point);
+ pp[0] = p[0]; pp[1] = p[1];
+ pp[2] = i*m_RightBronchus->GetSpacing()[2] + m_RightBronchus->GetOrigin()[2];
+ rightPoints.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ // DEBUG
+ std::ofstream osl;
+ openFileForWriting(osl, "left.txt");
+ osl << "LANDMARKS1" << std::endl;
+ std::ofstream osr;
+ openFileForWriting(osr, "right.txt");
+ osr << "LANDMARKS1" << std::endl;
+ for(uint i=0; i<leftBronchusSlices.size(); i++) {
+ osl << i << " " << leftPoints[i][0] << " " << leftPoints[i][1]
+ << " " << leftPoints[i][2] << " 0 0 " << std::endl;
+ osr << i << " " << rightPoints[i][0] << " " << rightPoints[i][1]
+ << " " << rightPoints[i][2] << " 0 0 " << std::endl;
+ }
+ osl.close();
+ osr.close();
+ // Now uses these points to limit, slice by slice
+ // http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=542870
+ /*
+ Assuming the points are (Ax,Ay) (Bx,By) and (Cx,Cy), you need to compute:
+ (Bx - Ax) * (Cy - Ay) - (By - Ay) * (Cx - Ax)
+ This will equal zero if the point C is on the line formed by
+ points A and B, and will have a different sign depending on the
+ side. Which side this is depends on the orientation of your (x,y)
+ coordinates, but you can plug test values for A,B and C into this
+ formula to determine whether negative values are to the left or to
+ the right.
+ => to accelerate, start with formula, when change sign -> stop and fill
+ */
+ typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex<MaskImageType> SliceIteratorType;
+ SliceIteratorType iter = SliceIteratorType(m_Working_Support,
+ m_Working_Support->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+ iter.SetFirstDirection(0);
+ iter.SetSecondDirection(1);
+ iter.GoToBegin();
+ int i=0;
+ MaskImageType::PointType A;
+ MaskImageType::PointType B;
+ MaskImageType::PointType C;
+ while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) {
+ A = leftPoints[i];
+ B = rightPoints[i];
+ C = A;
+ C[1] -= 10; // I know I must keep this point
+ double s = (B[0] - A[0]) * (C[1] - A[1]) - (B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]);
+ bool isPositive = s<0;
+ while (!iter.IsAtEndOfSlice()) {
+ while (!iter.IsAtEndOfLine()) {
+ // Very slow, I know ... but image should be very small
+ m_Working_Support->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(iter.GetIndex(), C);
+ double s = (B[0] - A[0]) * (C[1] - A[1]) - (B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]);
+ if (s == 0) iter.Set(2);
+ if (isPositive) {
+ if (s > 0) iter.Set(GetBackgroundValue());
+ }
+ else {
+ if (s < 0) iter.Set(GetBackgroundValue());
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ iter.NextLine();
+ }
+ iter.NextSlice();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ // StartNewStep("Anterior limits");
+ // Station 4R, Station 4L, the right pulmonary artery, and/or the
+ // left superior pulmonary vein
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ // ALSO SUBSTRACT ARTERY/VEIN (initially in the support)
+ // Set output
+ m_Station7 = m_Working_Support;